The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • Why is Adam Jensen narrating this?

  • enter image description here

    I've somehow gone over a year without using Carlos in a meme. Well, he's been added to the meme helper album now if you need him.

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    Gabe makes Clem fly. LOL

  • Yeah, I noticed Carlos was somewhat popular when it came to memes.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    I've somehow gone over a year without using Carlos in a meme. Well, he's been added to the meme helper album now if you need him.

  • :joy:
    "That'll teach you to lift the football on me!"

    derpy_herp posted: »

    Gabe makes Clem fly. LOL

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    Thats a Cristiano Ronaldo kick right there

    derpy_herp posted: »

    Gabe makes Clem fly. LOL

  • Stop.

    derpy_herp posted: »

    Gabe makes Clem fly. LOL

  • Is that... italian? latin?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh come on, Carlos! She has to get her jollies somehow. ...On second thought, maybe you're onto something there....

  • edited July 2017

    I think it's Latin, hence the dark joke.

    Is that... italian? latin?

  • go away commie


  • How exactly is he a Commie, Connie?

    go away commie

  • I understood the joke (headcanon: Sarah is secretly a witch. the cutest witch ever), but I wasn't sure what lenguage that was.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I think it's Latin, hence the dark joke.

  • Got any problem with "commies"?

    go away commie

  • Well, it has words like quin and delorem in it, so Latin is the first assumption. It'd be some shit if that's actually comprehensible though.

    I understood the joke (headcanon: Sarah is secretly a witch. the cutest witch ever), but I wasn't sure what lenguage that was.

  • what's good about commies?

    Got any problem with "commies"?

  • edited July 2017

    Clem: "When I grow up, I wanna go to the moon."

    Gabe: "Why wait?"

    derpy_herp posted: »

    Gabe makes Clem fly. LOL

  • Equality!

    what's good about commies?

  • Communism (assuming "Commie" means "Communist") is a more extreme way of socialism. The philosopher Karl Marx, in short and among other things, believed that the money a worker recieved for their work should be equal to the difference of the worth between the raw material and the final product (let's say some wood is worth $5 and a table is worth $20. The one that made that table deserves $15). Basically, the worker gets the same if not more than the boss. This, of course, doesn't happen in a capitalist society. The worker gets little money and the fat white boss gets everything. In short, Socialism = Justice, Capitalism = Evil (Not "Freedom". You don't have free will if you're constantly bombarded with aids branwashing you into consuming and buying things that, deep down, are not truly nessesary, or when it pushes you to feel empty and worthless so you will buy to fill that gap with material things). Communism, as I said before, is a more extreme way of Socialism. Of course, many people with power are not happy with the idea of Justice (saying that it takes away their false Freedom), so for a socialist society to work, sometimes it evolves into Communism, a mix between Socialism and Fascism. I think that's when Stanlin fucked everything up and created a monster and called it "Socialism" when real Socialism is totally different. This is one of the reasons why Communism is seen in such a bad light (which, honestly, pretty much deserves it). The other one is that the United States AKA the most powerful country in the world is Capitalist and doesn't want people to believe a world where equality exists is possible, or better than Capitalism. And example of this is Cuba. Fidel Castro is aparently a mad dictator now, which I call bullshit. Thanks for making poeple beieve this bullshit, America!

    Communism is not exacly good, since it's pretty much a dictatorship, with little space to Freedom. But it keeps something the Capitalist system doesn't have, which is Justice. The Capitalist System doesn't have neither Justice nor Freedom. And even if it did give you freedom, it's incredibly selfish to keep your freedom at the exchange of starving children.

    So, yeah. Even with all its shit, Socialism > Communism > Capitalism. "What's good about commies?" While many of them are assholes, the real roots of communism and socialism are based in justice. I hope that answers your question.

    god please let me be right i hope i wasn't misinformed and didn't mess anything up oh fuck this is so gonna end up either deleted or in a fight and ill probably be banned fuck fuck i regret nothing

    what's good about commies?

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned


    what's good about commies?

  • edited July 2017

    enter image description here

    Ayy, where the comics memes at tho?

  • i dont really know what i just put myself through

    Communism (assuming "Commie" means "Communist") is a more extreme way of socialism. The philosopher Karl Marx, in short and among other thin

  • There's a very good reason.

    enter image description here

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, I noticed Carlos was somewhat popular when it came to memes.

  • It should be vice-versa, i.e. Clem kicks Gabe ;)

    derpy_herp posted: »

    Gabe makes Clem fly. LOL

  • Me neither. Man, I'm so glad I'm not banned yet!

    i dont really know what i just put myself through


    DabigRG posted: »


  • so do you think any form of communism or socialism would be an ideal option for america?


  • edited July 2017

    It's more complex than that. Communism is basically a dictatorship, and America has seen enought of those in its history to support another one... my country only already went through six dictatorships in less than 200 years. Socialism, in the other hand, doesn't have such autoritarian ways, but do you think people will like it with all the bad propaganda it has? I mean, smart people with realize that it's the right thing, but surprise, it's the XXI century and smart people are a minority. With (real) socialism, no one had too much or too little money, but with no money, things like technological advances will be slowed down. Play Station? Gone! Big companies will dissapear and we will live a life with less luxury. Is losing this worthy? Yes, totally. I even think people will be happier and healthier with less computers, less coke and less shit in general. But what about medicine? Or things that are as important as medical advances? That will be slowed down too. Socialism isn't bad, but going from Capitalism to Socialism so fast will cause problems. Marx believed that a society needed to evolve (you can see, the idea of evolution was strong in that era, with Marx, Darwin and Freud investigating different kinds of evolution in different topics) in a slow pace, and that Capitalism would destroy itself in time. Actually, Marx traveled to Egland, because it was there where the Indurstrial Revolution started, meaning factories and companies stated there. Egland is the country that has been dominated by capitalism for the longest time, and Marx believed that it was going to be there where the first Socialist Revolution would originate. Surprisingly, it was in Russia, a country with little indursty. As we know, the revolution started with Vladimir Lenin (the good guy) and the revolutionarians fighting agains the Tsarist autocracy. Then, Stanlin fucked everything up. As you can see, Socialism doesn't always work. In Cuba, when they got rid of the prescence of the United States, that treated them as a colony after they "helped" them is the war of independence against Spain, the United States decided to villainize the country, and forbid other countries from entablishing comercial relationships with Cuba. Being Cuba an island, it has little natural resources and it fell in a crisis. As you can see, a socialist society doesn't always work. Specially if the changes are not gradual.

    But something that stuck with me that can only bring good by changing is the fact that you have to "Earn" things. Of course you have to earn things, it's not fair if you don't work hard for your right to eat, drink, have a house, medical help, and anything that keeps you alive, right? No. Humans are humans and we're priceless. It's not fair that we have to earn our right to live. I don't mean all luxuries should be free but what about a certain quantity of food per person? A house? Water? Basic things that you deserve and need for the simple fact of being human. It's not a right if you have to earn it. It's literally a "Work and waste your life to have a life in the first place or die!" But wait, people won't do anything if they don't recieve something, society will collapse! Nope. Teach them from the begining how important it is to maintain a working society, because if we don't then we fall into capitalism again. That's a good place to start revolution.

    Is Socialism an ideal option for the world? I don't know, because, after all, money will always be a problem. Will it be better than Capitalism? Sure, but ideal? Maybe not. Socialism is not an utopia, it's not perfect because people in the society are not perfect.

    so do you think any form of communism or socialism would be an ideal option for america?

  • economics. also, sweden, a socialist country, is projected to be a third world country in 2030. capitalism is crucial.

    It's more complex than that. Communism is basically a dictatorship, and America has seen enought of those in its history to support another

  • I love how I spend half an hour writing my comments and you give me a one line answer. Just look:

    economics. also, sweden, a socialist country, is projected to be a third world country in 2030. capitalism is crucial.

    Ok. What's up with economics?

    economics. also, sweden, a socialist country, is projected to be a third world country in 2030. capitalism is crucial.


    economics. also, sweden, a socialist country, is projected to be a third world country in 2030. capitalism is crucial.

    Why? How exactly is Capitalism crucial? In what context capitalism is crucial? In a society corrupted by consumism, emotional numbness and frivolity that focuses on making money at the expense of innocent people? In a society of cultured intelectuals and philosophers with an extense education in philosophy, history and sociology, with an idealistic set of values that puts the wellbeing of the citizens above everything else? In a society of well educated revolutionarian that have seen the horrors of the world and wish only to create a fair world? Honestly, I don't belong to neither of those categories, I'm not sayign that capitalist or socialist leaders are remotely like this, but I can see what kind of leader I would trust more to rule a country.

    economics. also, sweden, a socialist country, is projected to be a third world country in 2030. capitalism is crucial.

  • enter image description here


  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    I was like "Are you blind cant you see the width of the wound? Does that look like a human size bite ? Fuck you and your certification"

    There's a very good reason.

  • edited July 2017

    Communism is a more extreme way of socialism.


    i dont really know what i just put myself through

  • here are some problems with socialism:

    • high taxes on the rich: you can only strip them of so much until they run out. if you have so many free services, how high do you think taxes will be? this could even cause people to leave the country due to these costs, which lowers their chance of providing better quality public services.
    • incentives to work diligently and pursue certain ideals are diminished: people would be paid pretty much equally in a socialist society. in capitalism, people feel the urge to work hard and pursue certain career paths that may benefit them.for instance, students in america take rigorous courses in school and devote so much time in order to perfect their grades and keep high expectations of themselves because they desire to go to a certain school in the future. knowing that there could be an ideal sum in the end is what drives them. however, a socialist society encourages half-assed work because workers will all be paid the same salary in the end. an ideal workplace would pay based on work ethic as well, and these workers that don't strive to work well and provide beneficial services would be fired. but in a socialist society, these people would be praised and would make the same amount as any driven and motivated worker.
    • benefits are provided by the government: i believe that the economy works best when the free market runs its own course and there is a smaller government. for example, with a republican president, america's stock markets have risen. successful people are sometimes punished in some instances pertaining to socialist societies. these people don't really recieve any benefits from the government, as opposed to others, who are praised for certain disadvantages.
    • providing unsatisfying products: businesses that make profit show that consumers are buying their products, whereas companies that aren't making a profit show dissatisfaction within consumers. in socialism, the government is in charge of production, so there is no free market, which could cause there to be more amounts of unwanted goods.
    • too much power is given to the government: in my opinion, a smaller government is always ideal, especially when it doesn't interfere with the free market. socialism can lead to tyranny and abuse of power.

    I love how I spend half an hour writing my comments and you give me a one line answer. Just look: economics. also, sweden, a socialist

  • FUCK

    Communism is a more extreme way of socialism.

  • edited July 2017

    it is also so ironic that you're speaking about the ideals of having less technology and business in a society, considering that you're on a forum for video games.

    I love how I spend half an hour writing my comments and you give me a one line answer. Just look: economics. also, sweden, a socialist

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    Communism is a lighter version of Anarchism but still it doesnt likely happen. Cause communism is also against democracy as well. It doesnt have any certain shape due to its relation with Anarchism so I dont think Communism is a permanent solution to make civilization more better.This word became more popular since the French Revolution in 1789. Everyone cannot be equal its not likely cause of human nature. Some has to be strong than the others. Some has to be more rich. Humans are not robotic creatures. Every human being is independent and you cant make them equal in all ways. It is also forcing people to be equal with everyone so it doesnt have any freedom actually. Communism is a limit to everybody. Its not a freedom.

    On the other hand, socialism is just what people need. People can be rich and can grow their financial status but they are equal on the judgements of law. So rich people and even government people can go to court and can be punished for their crimes. It has a system that prefers equality for everyone. More way better than communism. You can earn more money and you can do whatever you want only if it doesnt count as a crime.

    It's more complex than that. Communism is basically a dictatorship, and America has seen enought of those in its history to support another

  • enter image description here

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Ayy, where the comics memes at tho?

    • High taxes for the rich? WHERE DO I SIGN?
    • Equal possibilities for everyone? That's exactly what I'm talking about!
    • Uh, isn't the market the same thing that we need to destroy?
    • They're not "Unsatisfying products"... you're just able to see that you don't need them.
    • That's... exactly what I said before. Socialism can turn out bad at the end, that's why we shouldn't go all extremist socialists. Anyways, you're saying that Socialism takes away your freedom... and yeah, it kinda does. But from a more moralistic point of view, I think it's worth it. I would give up my freedom so that other people can be happy, or at least have a decent life! How selfish do you have to do to put your wants over other people's needs? Socialism takes away your freedom and gives you justice, Capitalism takes both, makes money with them, keeps it all and make you live in the cold frivolity of society and consumism, making you believe you're happy.

    here are some problems with socialism: * high taxes on the rich: you can only strip them of so much until they run out. if you have so

  • That's because I have nothing else. Do you think I'm happy just playing games and writing fanfiction? Do you think I feel alive? Do YOU feel alive, or would you? It's not enterily Capitalism's fault, I fell here by myself, and I'm working on getting out, and it's actually really working. But that doesn't make it right.

    it is also so ironic that you're speaking about the ideals of having less technology and business in a society, considering that you're on a forum for video games.

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