Season 4 ideas and what it should be
I know there have been threads somewhat similar to this before but while going through pages of them, they only focused on one topic; so I've decided to create this one so everybody can share their ideas for what they would like season 4 to have in hopes telltale will see them and create a game that everybody will like this time.
My ideas:
- Another Lee/Clem relationship but this time, javier should leave Richmond, be a side character, and help come save AJ. Instead of being a father/daughter relationship like season 1 it should be a brother/daughter relationship. Javier should teach clementine on how to be charming and a smart ass so she isn't as depressing and sad anymore, and hopefully we can catch a glimpse of season 1 clementine in the process.
- Longer episodes is a no brainier, it took me long enough to finish season 3 because I wait for all of the dialogue to be spoken before letting the timer run out, and I also check out everything in every hub, but I get the feeling that some people don't do that so we need episodes that are at least 2 hours
- Every existing character apart from javier and come should be determinant and should be able to live to the end of the season. I am not saying they should the remove the whole choose one character or the other thing or something similar to this but every character should get the chance to either determinantly live to the end or survive to the end anyway.
- A clementine that makes sense. In season 3, clementine didn't make much sense (such as the fact she somehow knew how to ride a motorcycle without being taught or that she thought it was a good idea to start shooting bullets at Eli despite only 1 bullet was a dud) showing us she doesn't think before acting and didn't realise that just because 1 is a fake doesn't mean that the rest are. This scene just screamed dumbass imo, and I don't want clementine acting like that next season (I'm glad we're playing as her for this reason)
- the season 1 score remastered. Every song from season 1 should be made a new aside from alive inside. This would bring back a lot of feels and would show us that the walking dead is getting back on its feet.
- Javier is my 3rd favourite character, maybe tied 2nd with Lee so I just need to play as him and that satisfying sounding baseball bat. This is why he should be playable like clem was in season 3 to some extent but only in special scenes (maybe human fight scenes) because we can all admit that javier is a good fighter, and when clementine gets into a fight with people she always pulls out her gun, showing that she isn't good at hand to hand combat, but I loved the way you could fight humans in season 1 and season 3. The fight between Andy St. John and David were emotional as hell. Just leave the clementine action sequences with walkers.
- More to javier and clementine's personality and likes/dislikes. We need laid back moments we're javier and clementine can discuss whether they like something or not (like they had a favourite food, a favourite tv show, their hobbies, as well as javier talking about his baseball career. Season 1 had moments like this and, aside from the emotion, this is how I think it stood out.
- more hubs with a lot of detail and character interactions. Hubs in season 3 didn't have the "talk to characters then be presented with multiple options" thing. It just had talk to the guy, engage in a conversation, choose 1 thing or you can't choose anything. season 4 should not be like that.
- javier's baseball bat ;3 I'm thinking javier can return by appearing out of no where while clean is being surrounded by walkers and cracking their skulls in 1 hit. I think this can be a throwback to clementine appearing out of nowhere in season 3 and helping javier by killing the zombie's with his bat, showing the strength difference between the two.
- A returning character from season 1 and/or season 2. I want to see the return or confirmed fate of Christa. I either want to see her alive or as a walker or corpse. If not Christa, I want to see Arvo and clementine should decide on how to deal with him. Seeing as we play as clem, this would be the right time for a return for that asshole.
- mentions of lee and whoever clem ended season 2 with. If she left with kenny, she would mention kenny and duck, if she ended with Jane she would mention Jane and Luke and how they looked to be a thing, if she was at Wellington she would mention Edith and how Wellington was attack and she just about escaped with AJ, and if she was alone she would mention how she couldn't take being in groups anymore so she just left. This would be the perfect opportunity for clementine to show javier how she got her wounds/tattoo.
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You put up a very good effort for a game should be released in 2019. I am impressed.
I want season 4 to be season 1 standard. I think the only way is to make our voices heard. Remember: it normally takes a year for a game to be made, so it is best for us to start before development if we really want our way. I think we'll get far if we start early, get the developers' attention, present our ideas without insulting them and I think we will get far and get most of what we want if we treat them with respect and talk about our ideas before development even begins. Remember they do listen to our feedback.
But they werent listen about s3. Remember that, too.
I don't really remember anybody giving ideas out for season 3 until above the law came out (I remember everyone thinking it was going to be perfect so maybe that's why) that's when ideas about episode length and choices mattering started to happen. I do remember people asking for an older clementine, however, we got clementine but then people complained about her not fitting
what do you want in season 4?
Maybe, Molly could return with Arvo and Mike and she's like: "woah... a kid like you had the same hat that I knew..."
then Clem like "that me Molly."
She like: "oh damn."
Then mike like: "woah it's Clem and she know Molly. Oh shit Clem."
Then Clem like: "ima fucking kill you for stealing my shit, bitch."
Then Molly like: " woah you know Mike?"
Clem like: "yeah, he stole all my stuff and left me for dead. You remember the guy with the stache who liked boats? He with us so they steal our stuff n run."
She like: "k fam."
Then Arvo like: -stares intently at Clem- "I will not sorry for shoot"
then Clem like: "I shoot you bitch" then she grabs a shotgun and shoots him in the stomach.
I think it's golden writing than telltale.
I'd pay for this to happen.
Wait, I already am paying.
I dont think javi could come back without Kate and Gabe because my ending was javi and Kate getting together and wanting to start a family so I think it would be best to leave them be but perhaps gabe could come into it to help Clem find aj
I also think that there is a slim chance Lee could return just because if he had his arm chopped off then that could of stopped it and the wound could of just got infected. When Clem went to shoot him she missed because she didn't have it in her to kill Lee and Jesus and his people could of cleared out Savannah and helped Lee gain strength and give him the much needed medical requirements which could result in him trying to find Clem
But personally I think Gabe is the best bet for a return or maybe Christa
I've got an idea on what the ranch where aj could be I think that the ranch could be apart of the new frontier just because of the connections and this would result Clem to be in a sticky situation because of her being a former member just a few ideas I'm throwing in the mixer
I shit you not I would pay $100 just to have javier in the whole season as a side character and playable in certain areas such as human fight scenes.
Javier might not have meant start a family RIGHT away, seeing as they were in the middle of rebuilding Richmond, so there is enough time for javier to return and help clem find aj in just a matter of days. And it would add more to their relationship with each other. Furthermore, one of the ttg employees, I think it was Alyssa said that she predicts the Garcia's will return, and another employee said that whatever ending we got in season 3 will likely effect season 4 (my memory is foggy of this moment but I THINK they said in a big way) so perhaps any member of the Garcia family still alive will go into season 4 for all of the episodes again.
I'll hold on to your statement cause Telltale is not good at keeping determinant characters alive throughout the season
It makes sense that they learn from season 3 and listen to fans from the start. But people such as javier, and maybe some other characters from the previous games should return. This is the perfect opportunity for a new lee/clem relationship and this could possibly be the first step for having a game like season 1. People liked season 1 because of the lee and clementine relationship, as well as the emotion and laid back moments, so if this season has all of those, and characters who can survive the end then telltale could get back on the right track.
I think Clementine was more edgy than depressed in season 3 lol. And personally, I don't want to see anymore Lee/Clem relationships in the game cause that's already been done. Just come up with a new storyline
Hopefully in s4, TT won't half-ass Clem's character like they did in s3. She didn't have any significant role to the plot at all and it was obvious that she was only put in as a magnet for the OG's.
I only said depressed because of the AJ scene in episode 3, clem's response to David in episode 5 near the helicopter, clementine's flashbacks in episode 4, when she determinantly mentions lee in episode 4, when she tells javier that everyone she knows is dead in episode 1 and a few more.
yeah theres no doubt she was depressed but she was realllllllllllly edgy
We just need javier to come back to lighten the tone and to keep clementine happy, seeing as she hasn't been happy since Wellington/kenny/Jane/when she had AJ. But in season 3 javier managed to get her to smile a few times. I don't know about you but I don't really like it when clementine is sad all of the time, and I do like it when javier just unleashes his charm on everyone.
Don't worry bud, Javier the charmer is likely to return in season 4
If he does, it better be episode 2 at most. We also didn't get much info on Mariana and Gabe's mother, so I think it would be great if javier returned and mentioned it to clementine so we could know who she was and what happened to her. (Perhaps she might have been Grace before being replaced with Kate, instead of Kate being grace and having a model change)
Leave Javi behind in "A New Frontier." FAR behind.
I somehow can't shake the feeling that ANF was released purely to buy them some more time to make season 4 great. Or at the very least that became it's purpose after the first two episodes. And after ANF they're going to need a damn fine story if they want to keep their reputation up. I also feel like this season was put in place of a time skip, building up to a quality season 4. Maybe they already have something good in store?
We should have new Boy Character who is both a Selfless Group Oriented Guy like Luke, but also a Teenage Survivor/Badass like Clementine. Clem COULD have a relationship with him, but ONLY if it's determinant and NOT forced.
If the Garcias are still around, we should have a choice between helping THEM and helping the NEW guy, even if he survives regardless.
Sounds interesting.
I don't really think that would make sense because javier saved clementine's life when she was hiding down in the subway in episode 4 and was the main reason how she found out that AJ was alive in the first place, so I doubt she will fall over some new guy and not help the family that helped her in a huge way in just a week.
I want Clem to be so many years through how many years will the season 4 come out if she's 13 now.
Well, it would likely happen at a later point. What makes it a difficult choice is that the New Guy would've been the one who looked after AJ most of the time since Lingard Dropped him off at the Mc. Carroll Ranch among other things. Javi would survive regardless, but if Gabe is still alive, he'd become Double-Determinant.