The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • damn that's edgy

    That's because I have nothing else. Do you think I'm happy just playing games and writing fanfiction? Do you think I feel alive? Do YOU feel

  • I disagree. You say that some people being superior, or at lest in better conditions than others, is natural. But what is nature? You're saying that nature defines us, instead of nurture, and I don't believe that's how it works. That way, identical twins should be identical in personality, but that's not the case. You also say that some people has to be rich, but how is that fair?

    Ok, let me take a step back. You say Communism takes away your freedom. But what is freedom? Moral freedom? Phisical freedom? Emotional freedom? Using "Freedom" as an excuse is something that the United States has been romantizing and abusing forever. If you had total freedom, you would be able to steal, murder, put bombs and rape and abuse everything you want with no restrictions. You wouldn't fall in love, because it would mean tying your heart to someone. If you truly love them, you wouldn't hurt them. You're chaining yourself and taking away your freedom of raping them, if you want. That's freedom, too. Even if you use your freedom to do good, you still are in a moral prison, because you wouldn't hurt innocent people would you? With no moral freedom, what keeps you from hurting them, anyways? Freedom doesn't mean evil, but it condones evil behaviors.

    Guess what? What I said before about what you can do with your beloved freedom? This rich people you defend do it. All the time.

    They don't give a rat ass about us.

    You say communism makes people equal. Wrong. It gives them equal worth. You don't have to give up your dream of being an artist, a football player, a policeman, whatever you want. Your identity is still yours, you're just not better than anyone else to the system. You can be a better person, more selfless, noble and generous, but you don't have more rights to anyone. And you don't deserve them. You don't deserve reward for doing the right thing, it's what is expected. You get rewards for doing more than is expected. It's like clapping at the pilot when the plane arrives.

    On the other hand, socialism is just what people need. People can be rich and can grow their financial status but they are equal on the judgements of law. So rich people and even government people can go to court and can be punished for their crimes. It has a system that prefers equality for everyone. More way better than communism. You can earn more money and you can do whatever you want only if it doesnt count as a crime.

    Dear, exept for the last sentence, you're just describing capitalism.

    And yes, Communism does take away your freedom at some extent, but what kind of cold-hearted, selfish and insensitive fuxk do you have to be to put your selfish wants before other people's basic needs? For a person to be rich, many have to be poor. That money doesn't come out of nowhere. And it's not fair. Everyone should be equaly worthy, with equal life conditions.

    And who the hell wouldn't give up their freedom for equality? I would. It's worth it. If it makes the world a better place, I would do it, and I wish everyone would have the heart and the balls to do it, too.

    Oh, and that thing about communism being "unnatural" and all? Guess what else is unnatural?

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    That's right-- your beloved Capitalist companies. I don't see anyone complaining about this, though. Exept, you know, not selfish people.

    MrJava posted: »

    Communism is a lighter version of Anarchism but still it doesnt likely happen. Cause communism is also against democracy as well. It doesnt

  • Yes, it is. And it's real. At least I don't lie to myself. I don't tell myself I'm happy, I recognize I'm not and try to achieve real happiness. But I guess that, since happy people don't buy things they don't need, it's not convenient for Capitalism.

    damn that's edgy

  • that edge

    Yes, it is. And it's real. At least I don't lie to myself. I don't tell myself I'm happy, I recognize I'm not and try to achieve real happin

  • okay, this is pretty fitting for a meme thread

    I disagree. You say that some people being superior, or at lest in better conditions than others, is natural. But what is nature? You're say

  • Oh come on.

    that edge

  • Communism is a lighter version of Anarchism


    MrJava posted: »

    Communism is a lighter version of Anarchism but still it doesnt likely happen. Cause communism is also against democracy as well. It doesnt

  • Are they serious?

    Man, just this page is a fucking meme.

  • I don't even know anymore

    Tony112 posted: »

    Are they serious?

  • Nope. Clementine is the money maker and they said Clementine needed to die for more story but they don’t understand Clementine is the only story fans care about we already saw how fans reacted when they trjed to do something that’s not Clens story with ANF.

    Man, just this page is a fucking meme.

  • Yep... you're right
    enter image description here

    Man, just this page is a fucking meme.

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    I am not saying that people can be powerful and constantly fuck the others. Of course, not. I am living in a country that superiors are actually make fun with poor places and make a fun with their religions. Always they are cheating on elections and when they won, they are defraduating and rob people using Islam. So dont expect me to defend capitalism. We are getting constantly fucked by horrible taxes even government doesnt need to take.

    Communism is about make everyone equal in every way. You are equal in judgement of law but you are equal in life terms as well. So if you are living in a poor place, you have to get along with them in a financial way. Maybe I want to have more better life terms but I wont be allowed since system put your word already. I mean this is what happens in countries which is running by communism (China,North Korea vs...). You can search it on internet to look the examples. These countries have more dictatorship then the others. Governments promising communist system but dictatorship is the only thing that exist in system. My opinion is, communism is just a fairy-tale that governments use it to earn more sympathy for elections and nothing else. China and North Korea are the best example of it.

    I am against the capitalism and today, we are actually getting robbed in every second thats been going on now. I am against the horrible taxes that blocking our life. I am saying that people has to be rich in legal, a decent way. Not putting horrible taxes that leave us in danger with banks and credit cards. Not robbing people using their sympathy. I hope I made my point clear.

    I disagree. You say that some people being superior, or at lest in better conditions than others, is natural. But what is nature? You're say

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    Getting laid without a condom LOL

    Communism is a lighter version of Anarchism

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

    Oh shit.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Yep... you're right

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

  • To be fair, Sam was thrashing around quite a bit and Luke and Pete found her with a walker right on top of her, so it's vaguely possible that the bite could've been distorted and/or walker bacteria could've gotten in the wound.

    That's not really how they sell it, but it's a realistic possibility nonetheless.

    MrJava posted: »

    I was like "Are you blind cant you see the width of the wound? Does that look like a human size bite ? Fuck you and your certification"

  • It's far funnier this way though, given Clementine supposed to be a Jane-clone(ai. super serious and badass).
    Even moreso if you feel Gabe himself isn't very threatening.

    max_pain943 posted: »

    It should be vice-versa, i.e. Clem kicks Gabe

  • How do you get that line? Cause it's so fitting. :grin:

  • Cuba is a communist dictatorship, not a socialism society

    It's more complex than that. Communism is basically a dictatorship, and America has seen enought of those in its history to support another

  • edited July 2017

    Tell Gabe he's not coming with you

    DabigRG posted: »

    How do you get that line? Cause it's so fitting.

  • Oh. Well that screenshot makes perfect sense then.

    Really wish I could say the same about how his outburst is implemented.

    NorthStars posted: »

    Tell Gabe he's not coming with you

  • I agree with your view on Capitalism, but Communism and Socialism, while are fucked up today, are not, at the core, bad things. Marx talked about Socialism in a very different way. China is capitalism, not communism. It's even worse than capitalism, and even if they call it communism, it's not real communism. North Korea is a fascist dictatorship, not true Socialism. I think you're right in critizicing what you see as communism and socialism, but you're giving them the wrong name-- which isn't your fault at all.

    MrJava posted: »

    I am not saying that people can be powerful and constantly fuck the others. Of course, not. I am living in a country that superiors are actu

  • Oh, come on, read a book!

    Cuba is a communist dictatorship, not a socialism society

  • forced meme

    (?) Dont_Look_Back will remember that...

  • enter image description here

    Melton23 posted: »

    Yep... you're right

  • oh, come on, please learn how the economy works!

    Oh, come on, read a book!

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned
    edited July 2017

    Yeah, my bad about names. I am glad we find somethings in common at the end.

    EDIT = Yeah actually Marx has a point but in today, the examples we have, are not related with that point which is unfortunate.

    I agree with your view on Capitalism, but Communism and Socialism, while are fucked up today, are not, at the core, bad things. Marx talked

  • Who knew our dudes were into dancing. :joy:
    tripp mah man
    badger got moves, I'll give him that
    heck yeah

    Credit to @TevinterMage

  • Lol Tripp be outta synch.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Who knew our dudes were into dancing. Credit to @TevinterMage

  • enter image description here

    Dang, I missed out on posting this for LGBT pride month. You win again linear progression of time!

  • People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Dang, I missed out on posting this for LGBT pride month. You win again linear progression of time!

  • edited July 2017

    Holy shit this gave me an hilarious idea for season 4 XD

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Who knew our dudes were into dancing. Credit to @TevinterMage

  • The memes of this page are dank-level.

  • I spent 20 minutes making this in MS Paint only to realize three things.

    1. I am a man of few talents
    2. I can't think of a good caption
    3. I made this three years too late. If I did this back when Season 2 first ended, my "Kenny Krusade" jokes would've had just a bit more flair to them.

    enter image description here

  • edited July 2017

    4 - There is a better way to make photoshopped images for free. An application called
    "" You can also use downloadable fonts and get additional plugin tools for the program.

    The last thing I made with this was this piece of shit right here.

    Of course with the help of a few youtube videos and a few plugin packs downloaded.

    I spent 20 minutes making this in MS Paint only to realize three things. * I am a man of few talents * I can't think of a good caption

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