I think learning when to give up is important and shouldn't be seen as failure but im probably older then you and I dont worry as much about pride as I used to.
It is very satisfying to walk away from these people and the look on their face when they realise they lost that control over you is priceless and empowering.
In the past I wasted so much time trying to soldier on through a situation I hated now i wish I walked away but I saw it as weak at time, its not weak it actually takes strength to say "no more, im leaving" but I didn't understand that until my mid twenties. Hindsight is a bitch and there are other jobs with other discounts and new friends.
...how old is Betty? Work? She's over 18? What the fuck is wrong with the adult world?
You know, if you want to hurt her and get revenge, you can use all the bad things that she and other people try to ignore againt her, and break this image she has of herself. You say you think she's insecure? Use that. Try to make her feel the way she makes you feel.
Everybody will hate you tho dont do that
Another Anti-Bulling technique I've been usig is being extremedly friendly with her. Say things like "I love your hair!" or shit like that. If deep down she has a heart or something like that, she will feel guilty and try to avoid you. Or she could bolly you even more.
Or repeat every word she says to you. Literally. Every. Single. Word. It's annoying as fuck and after a while she may start to ignore you. When people ask you about it, you tell them you think it's funny. After a while, only repeat when it's not something nice.
Be passive agressive. All. The. Time. Or only after she insults you.
When she tries to humilliate you, laugh at it and pretend YOU ACTUALLY THINK IT'S HILARIOUS. Laugh at her jokes, but only when it's directed to you. Smile at her, and when she says something bad to you, anwser "I love you too, darling" (in sarcastic tone) or "Yeah, yeah, whatever, bitch".
Or anything she says, answer "Grow the fuck up Betty we're trying to take over the world here i dont have time for your bullshit"
Or my favourite one: ignore her. At all. Pretend she's a ghost. Or laugh, or something. Pretend you don't care. Only when it's important, like asking for help (psssss don't ask her for help) or something. But ignore her as much as you can.
When people try to justify, tell them it's just an inside joke or that she had it coming. Or that it's part of you plan to take over the world. Make a joke out of everything you can. And look for someone to cry on their shoulder when you can't take it anymore. It's not about you fiding it funny, it's about they thinking you find it funny. Make clear that you're above their insults and that you're better than them. Evenif you're not. You can be sensitive and vulnerable when you're safe in home or with a friend.
I know I'm terrible giving advice but hope this helps.
Idk if anyone would be willing to help me or offer me some advice but here goes...
So there's this girl at my work - let's call her Betty… more. Since I started working about a year ago, Betty has constantly been a thorn in my side, teasing me mercilessly, making fun of me and laughing about me behind my back, yelling at me and just generally making my social anxiety about 100x worse. I've actually considered quitting about 4 times, and no that's not even an exaggeration.
Her favorite thing to do is belittle me. The (not so) hilarious thing is that everyone absolutely adores Betty and passes off every mean thing she says to me as "Oh, that's just Betty! She's a tough one! she doesn't take any shit, what you see is what you get!" Which i think is absolute bull because I have known strong women and none of them have ever used that as an excuse to be a bitch. What she is is arrogant and shes possibly using her "take no shit" attitude as a coping… [view original content]
I get you. Trying to learn violin, sounds like a giant bird killing a baby cat. I know what I'm talking about. Seen too make baby cats being killed by giant birds. Nice. Hope your ukulele sounds better.
...how old is Betty? Work? She's over 18? What the fuck is wrong with the adult world?
You know, if you want to hurt her and get revenge,… more you can use all the bad things that she and other people try to ignore againt her, and break this image she has of herself. You say you think she's insecure? Use that. Try to make her feel the way she makes you feel.
Everybody will hate you tho dont do that
Another Anti-Bulling technique I've been usig is being extremedly friendly with her. Say things like "I love your hair!" or shit like that. If deep down she has a heart or something like that, she will feel guilty and try to avoid you. Or she could bolly you even more.
Or repeat every word she says to you. Literally. Every. Single. Word. It's annoying as fuck and after a while she may start to ignore you. When people ask you about it, you tell them you think it's funny. After a while, only repeat when it's not something nice.
Be passive ag… [view original content]
Well from what I get my great grand mother had it,and after that my granny after granny my Mother but none of the. Had it as bad going to the doc tommorw
I have eczema on my feet, it gets so bad sometimes that I can't sleep, it feels like someone is sticking my feet with a billion pins and nee… moredles.
A lot of people who have psoriasis and eczema get it passed down from family members. so it helps to ask them what they do to help it. I know that there is some kind of laser treatment that you can get, just ask your doc to refer you to a dermatologist. I tried lots of different kinds of creams too and none of them helped, so my mom had me go to a derma for laser treatment. since then I have a lot of dry skin and calluses on my feet but with regular pedicures and extra hydrating lotions I keep it under control.
So yeah, definitely try laser treatment. it can be a little pricey but the effects are worth it.
Well from what I get my great grand mother had it,and after that my granny after granny my Mother but none of the. Had it as bad going to the doc tommorw
We get a lot of shitty tourists where I live, but the current batch might just take the cake. It's "Truck Week" or something, so every rich, ex-frat boy with more money than brain cells has come down with their $50,000+ custom trucks and shitty attitudes.
They drive like they own the road, harass pedestrians, set off fireworks and blast music at 2am and toss their garbage wherever they want. The vacant lot next to my house (which I look after) is full of trash, including some real disgusting stuff. I work outside on Main Street part of the day and got all kinds of shit from these people. I'm not alone in hating them, but the city isn't about to do anything about it, for fear of driving away tourists.
Fuck these pricks and fuck having an economy that's dependent on their goodwill. They can't leave soon enough.
Shit man. People over here talk about hoon drivers being a problem but I rarely hear about stuff like that happening over here. I'm guessing the wrong people are scared of cops over there.
Honestly I've heard cases of teenagers driving like morons over here and I've never had sympathy for them when they crash and end up killing themselves or their mates.
We get a lot of shitty tourists where I live, but the current batch might just take the cake. It's "Truck Week" or something, so every rich… more, ex-frat boy with more money than brain cells has come down with their $50,000+ custom trucks and shitty attitudes.
They drive like they own the road, harass pedestrians, set off fireworks and blast music at 2am and toss their garbage wherever they want. The vacant lot next to my house (which I look after) is full of trash, including some real disgusting stuff. I work outside on Main Street part of the day and got all kinds of shit from these people. I'm not alone in hating them, but the city isn't about to do anything about it, for fear of driving away tourists.
Fuck these pricks and fuck having an economy that's dependent on their goodwill. They can't leave soon enough.
Middle school as well I was really excited for history we don't study at allllllll everyone is either sitting on their phones or fighting with the teacher while talking there skip classes
Good advice. I got hyped by physics, thinking that we were going to study quantum mechanics, but nope. Same with history. Apparently, we don't see WWII until fifth year. fuck it
The only subject I really liked was psychology because my teacher was actually cool. We would learn about serial killers and watch movies like a beautiful mind and silence of the lambs.
I would have liked history but my teacher was a dick.
It's been nuts. It's Florida, so I'm used to bad drivers, but these guys actively drive like assholes and/or driving drunk. The cops are probably leaving them alone because they can afford good lawyers, lol. They'll pull a local over for any old thing, but not these guys.
They deserve slashed tires and they might just get them if the event is held again next year. As I said, a lot of us are furious. I found underwear in my yard. UNDERWEAR!
Honestly I've heard cases of teenagers driving like morons over here and I've never had sympathy for them when they crash and end up killing themselves or their mates.
Sad thing is most of these turds are in big ol' pick ups, so it will probably be another driver that gets the worst of it.
Shit man. People over here talk about hoon drivers being a problem but I rarely hear about stuff like that happening over here. I'm guessing… more the wrong people are scared of cops over there.
Honestly I've heard cases of teenagers driving like morons over here and I've never had sympathy for them when they crash and end up killing themselves or their mates.
Sometimes, and this is a rare occurrence, my left arm goes completely numb, I lose all feeling in it and it feels like I have no arm there but I can touch it with my other and steel feel things. It's frickin' like there's no bones in it and really freaks me the hell out. I've only noticed it happens when I wake up and it happened this morning a few hours ago. It feels numb now so I get that bad feeling it'll happen again tonight, it feels like pins and needles but in my arm and hand, like my bones aren't there but an invisible structure is, and the muscles are present but don't feel like it.
We just focus on the major events but it feels so shallow because we never look at the culture of the time period we're studying. I started the history thread because the class is so dull.
Good advice. I got hyped by physics, thinking that we were going to study quantum mechanics, but nope. Same with history. Apparently, we don't see WWII until fifth year. fuck it
I get you. Sometimes, I wake up in the morning with my arms behind my head (probably due to how hot it gets in my room). I go to move my arms, my right arm moves no problem, but my other arm doesn't respond. I have to use my working arm to move the other from over my head before I feel the nerves come back to life. And within two minutes I can move my arm and the pins and needles has faded with a lingering feeling that my skin is ice cold. I can say it happens on average about twice a week. But now I'm just used to it happening and it's just more of an annoyance than frightening.
Sometimes, and this is a rare occurrence, my left arm goes completely numb, I lose all feeling in it and it feels like I have no arm there … morebut I can touch it with my other and steel feel things. It's frickin' like there's no bones in it and really freaks me the hell out. I've only noticed it happens when I wake up and it happened this morning a few hours ago. It feels numb now so I get that bad feeling it'll happen again tonight, it feels like pins and needles but in my arm and hand, like my bones aren't there but an invisible structure is, and the muscles are present but don't feel like it.
Let's hope they crash on an empty road instead of in heavy traffic. It's actually not uncommon for hoons over here to crash into a pole or tree with nobody around l. As horrible as it is, better them than responsible drivers.
It's been nuts. It's Florida, so I'm used to bad drivers, but these guys actively drive like assholes and/or driving drunk. The cops are p… morerobably leaving them alone because they can afford good lawyers, lol. They'll pull a local over for any old thing, but not these guys.
They deserve slashed tires and they might just get them if the event is held again next year. As I said, a lot of us are furious. I found underwear in my yard. UNDERWEAR!
Honestly I've heard cases of teenagers driving like morons over here and I've never had sympathy for them when they crash and end up killing themselves or their mates.
Sad thing is most of these turds are in big ol' pick ups, so it will probably be another driver that gets the worst of it.
Sometimes, and this is a rare occurrence, my left arm goes completely numb, I lose all feeling in it and it feels like I have no arm there … morebut I can touch it with my other and steel feel things. It's frickin' like there's no bones in it and really freaks me the hell out. I've only noticed it happens when I wake up and it happened this morning a few hours ago. It feels numb now so I get that bad feeling it'll happen again tonight, it feels like pins and needles but in my arm and hand, like my bones aren't there but an invisible structure is, and the muscles are present but don't feel like it.
It's been nuts. It's Florida, so I'm used to bad drivers, but these guys actively drive like assholes and/or driving drunk. The cops are p… morerobably leaving them alone because they can afford good lawyers, lol. They'll pull a local over for any old thing, but not these guys.
They deserve slashed tires and they might just get them if the event is held again next year. As I said, a lot of us are furious. I found underwear in my yard. UNDERWEAR!
Honestly I've heard cases of teenagers driving like morons over here and I've never had sympathy for them when they crash and end up killing themselves or their mates.
Sad thing is most of these turds are in big ol' pick ups, so it will probably be another driver that gets the worst of it.
Sometimes, and this is a rare occurrence, my left arm goes completely numb, I lose all feeling in it and it feels like I have no arm there … morebut I can touch it with my other and steel feel things. It's frickin' like there's no bones in it and really freaks me the hell out. I've only noticed it happens when I wake up and it happened this morning a few hours ago. It feels numb now so I get that bad feeling it'll happen again tonight, it feels like pins and needles but in my arm and hand, like my bones aren't there but an invisible structure is, and the muscles are present but don't feel like it.
If you're lying on a nerve and it gets pinched all night, that's what causes the numbness. You can try changing your sleep position. Your doctor can recommend other possibilities.
If it goes numb in the middle of the day for no reason, get to the emergency room immediately.
Sometimes, and this is a rare occurrence, my left arm goes completely numb, I lose all feeling in it and it feels like I have no arm there … morebut I can touch it with my other and steel feel things. It's frickin' like there's no bones in it and really freaks me the hell out. I've only noticed it happens when I wake up and it happened this morning a few hours ago. It feels numb now so I get that bad feeling it'll happen again tonight, it feels like pins and needles but in my arm and hand, like my bones aren't there but an invisible structure is, and the muscles are present but don't feel like it.
Do they have coal rollers? Ive never seen one myself but I hate the concept so much. Ive seen a video of someone driving a hybrid, a coal roller takes them over then slows down and blocks the road almost blinds them with smoke and nearly caused a accident because "climate change is a lie"
We get a lot of shitty tourists where I live, but the current batch might just take the cake. It's "Truck Week" or something, so every rich… more, ex-frat boy with more money than brain cells has come down with their $50,000+ custom trucks and shitty attitudes.
They drive like they own the road, harass pedestrians, set off fireworks and blast music at 2am and toss their garbage wherever they want. The vacant lot next to my house (which I look after) is full of trash, including some real disgusting stuff. I work outside on Main Street part of the day and got all kinds of shit from these people. I'm not alone in hating them, but the city isn't about to do anything about it, for fear of driving away tourists.
Fuck these pricks and fuck having an economy that's dependent on their goodwill. They can't leave soon enough.
Im concerned because its your left arm, if it was the right one it would be weird but the left can be a sign of heart problems.
No offence but are you a healthy weight and eating a healthy diet? Maybe you should get your heart checked out. My mum used to complain of something similar for years, she actually died of a heart attack but she was very unhealthy.
Sometimes, and this is a rare occurrence, my left arm goes completely numb, I lose all feeling in it and it feels like I have no arm there … morebut I can touch it with my other and steel feel things. It's frickin' like there's no bones in it and really freaks me the hell out. I've only noticed it happens when I wake up and it happened this morning a few hours ago. It feels numb now so I get that bad feeling it'll happen again tonight, it feels like pins and needles but in my arm and hand, like my bones aren't there but an invisible structure is, and the muscles are present but don't feel like it.
I'm quite skinny and I eat a salad pretty much almost every day. I must be sleeping on it. One time I accidentally he'll asleep and woke up touching a boiling hot radiator. That numbed it pretty good.
Im concerned because its your left arm, if it was the right one it would be weird but the left can be a sign of heart problems.
No offenc… moree but are you a healthy weight and eating a healthy diet? Maybe you should get your heart checked out. My mum used to complain of something similar for years, she actually died of a heart attack but she was very unhealthy.
Or you might just be sleeping on it
I'm quite skinny and I eat a salad pretty much almost every day. I must be sleeping on it. One time I accidentally he'll asleep and woke up touching a boiling hot radiator. That numbed it pretty good.
I wanted to play the sims 3 but the speakers on my pc stopped working while I was in the middle of playing. Now I'm super pissed great advice to fix speakers would be welcome ty.
Yah. Your skin feels almost like nothing is there and the muscles feel like it has been replaced with a foam, like from a yoga mat. And at that point I'm not even worried about if my bones are still there or not. Just thinking about it now makes me get phantom feelings of the sensation in my bicep. You never really forget it.
Yah. Your skin feels almost like nothing is there and the muscles feel like it has been replaced with a foam, like from a yoga mat. And at t… morehat point I'm not even worried about if my bones are still there or not. Just thinking about it now makes me get phantom feelings of the sensation in my bicep. You never really forget it.
Let's hope they crash on an empty road instead of in heavy traffic. It's actually not uncommon for hoons over here to crash into a pole or tree with nobody around l. As horrible as it is, better them than responsible drivers.
Do they have coal rollers? Ive never seen one myself but I hate the concept so much. Ive seen a video of someone driving a hybrid, a coal ro… moreller takes them over then slows down and blocks the road almost blinds them with smoke and nearly caused a accident because "climate change is a lie"
We just focus on the major events but it feels so shallow because we never look at the culture of the time period we're studying. I started the history thread because the class is so dull.
I can't believe my parents over complicate things more than me, I didn't even know that was possible. Its like the worst trait to have ever ugh. I'm trying to save their skins with something and they just love making things more difficult for me. I wouldn't even mind helping them if they didn't treat me like crap for it afterwards like always.
The only subject I really liked was psychology because my teacher was actually cool. We would learn about serial killers and watch movies like a beautiful mind and silence of the lambs.
I would have liked history but my teacher was a dick.
A woman's charming dream come true I guess
I think learning when to give up is important and shouldn't be seen as failure but im probably older then you and I dont worry as much about pride as I used to.
It is very satisfying to walk away from these people and the look on their face when they realise they lost that control over you is priceless and empowering.
In the past I wasted so much time trying to soldier on through a situation I hated now i wish I walked away but I saw it as weak at time, its not weak it actually takes strength to say "no more, im leaving" but I didn't understand that until my mid twenties. Hindsight is a bitch and there are other jobs with other discounts and new friends.
not a woman, a khaleesi
...how old is Betty? Work? She's over 18? What the fuck is wrong with the adult world?
You know, if you want to hurt her and get revenge, you can use all the bad things that she and other people try to ignore againt her, and break this image she has of herself. You say you think she's insecure? Use that. Try to make her feel the way she makes you feel.
Everybody will hate you tho dont do that
Another Anti-Bulling technique I've been usig is being extremedly friendly with her. Say things like "I love your hair!" or shit like that. If deep down she has a heart or something like that, she will feel guilty and try to avoid you. Or she could bolly you even more.
Or repeat every word she says to you. Literally. Every. Single. Word. It's annoying as fuck and after a while she may start to ignore you. When people ask you about it, you tell them you think it's funny. After a while, only repeat when it's not something nice.
Be passive agressive. All. The. Time. Or only after she insults you.
When she tries to humilliate you, laugh at it and pretend YOU ACTUALLY THINK IT'S HILARIOUS. Laugh at her jokes, but only when it's directed to you. Smile at her, and when she says something bad to you, anwser "I love you too, darling" (in sarcastic tone) or "Yeah, yeah, whatever, bitch".
Or anything she says, answer "Grow the fuck up Betty we're trying to take over the world here i dont have time for your bullshit"
Or my favourite one: ignore her. At all. Pretend she's a ghost. Or laugh, or something. Pretend you don't care. Only when it's important, like asking for help (psssss don't ask her for help) or something. But ignore her as much as you can.
When people try to justify, tell them it's just an inside joke or that she had it coming. Or that it's part of you plan to take over the world. Make a joke out of everything you can. And look for someone to cry on their shoulder when you can't take it anymore. It's not about you fiding it funny, it's about they thinking you find it funny. Make clear that you're above their insults and that you're better than them. Evenif you're not. You can be sensitive and vulnerable when you're safe in home or with a friend.
I know I'm terrible giving advice but hope this helps.
I get you. Trying to learn violin, sounds like a giant bird killing a baby cat. I know what I'm talking about. Seen too make baby cats being killed by giant birds. Nice. Hope your ukulele sounds better.
She's 28, lol. 8 years older than me but I'm the youngest one at my work.
Dude tell her to grow up. This is insane. I wish you the best
Well from what I get my great grand mother had it,and after that my granny after granny my Mother but none of the. Had it as bad going to the doc tommorw
alrighty, good.
We get a lot of shitty tourists where I live, but the current batch might just take the cake. It's "Truck Week" or something, so every rich, ex-frat boy with more money than brain cells has come down with their $50,000+ custom trucks and shitty attitudes.
They drive like they own the road, harass pedestrians, set off fireworks and blast music at 2am and toss their garbage wherever they want. The vacant lot next to my house (which I look after) is full of trash, including some real disgusting stuff. I work outside on Main Street part of the day and got all kinds of shit from these people. I'm not alone in hating them, but the city isn't about to do anything about it, for fear of driving away tourists.
Fuck these pricks and fuck having an economy that's dependent on their goodwill. They can't leave soon enough.
Shit man. People over here talk about hoon drivers being a problem but I rarely hear about stuff like that happening over here. I'm guessing the wrong people are scared of cops over there.
Honestly I've heard cases of teenagers driving like morons over here and I've never had sympathy for them when they crash and end up killing themselves or their mates.
Here's my #1 tip for getting through high school; never get hyped for a subject because chances are it's gonna be the most boring shit ever.
Middle school as well I was really excited for history we don't study at allllllll everyone is either sitting on their phones or fighting with the teacher while talking there skip classes
Good advice. I got hyped by physics, thinking that we were going to study quantum mechanics, but nope. Same with history. Apparently, we don't see WWII until fifth year. fuck it
The only subject I really liked was psychology because my teacher was actually cool. We would learn about serial killers and watch movies like a beautiful mind and silence of the lambs.
I would have liked history but my teacher was a dick.
It's been nuts. It's Florida, so I'm used to bad drivers, but these guys actively drive like assholes and/or driving drunk. The cops are probably leaving them alone because they can afford good lawyers, lol. They'll pull a local over for any old thing, but not these guys.
They deserve slashed tires and they might just get them if the event is held again next year. As I said, a lot of us are furious. I found underwear in my yard. UNDERWEAR!
Sad thing is most of these turds are in big ol' pick ups, so it will probably be another driver that gets the worst of it.
Sometimes, and this is a rare occurrence, my left arm goes completely numb, I lose all feeling in it and it feels like I have no arm there but I can touch it with my other and steel feel things. It's frickin' like there's no bones in it and really freaks me the hell out. I've only noticed it happens when I wake up and it happened this morning a few hours ago. It feels numb now so I get that bad feeling it'll happen again tonight, it feels like pins and needles but in my arm and hand, like my bones aren't there but an invisible structure is, and the muscles are present but don't feel like it.
We just focus on the major events but it feels so shallow because we never look at the culture of the time period we're studying. I started the history thread because the class is so dull.
I get you. Sometimes, I wake up in the morning with my arms behind my head (probably due to how hot it gets in my room). I go to move my arms, my right arm moves no problem, but my other arm doesn't respond. I have to use my working arm to move the other from over my head before I feel the nerves come back to life. And within two minutes I can move my arm and the pins and needles has faded with a lingering feeling that my skin is ice cold. I can say it happens on average about twice a week. But now I'm just used to it happening and it's just more of an annoyance than frightening.
Let's hope they crash on an empty road instead of in heavy traffic. It's actually not uncommon for hoons over here to crash into a pole or tree with nobody around l. As horrible as it is, better them than responsible drivers.
Do you usually have problems with anxiety?
Get a boat
Isn't like sleep paralysis?
No, I don't think so.
Isn't that where your whole body can't move? I can move my left arm, I just can't feel most of it and it acts like it's paralysed
If you're lying on a nerve and it gets pinched all night, that's what causes the numbness. You can try changing your sleep position. Your doctor can recommend other possibilities.
If it goes numb in the middle of the day for no reason, get to the emergency room immediately.
Do they have coal rollers? Ive never seen one myself but I hate the concept so much. Ive seen a video of someone driving a hybrid, a coal roller takes them over then slows down and blocks the road almost blinds them with smoke and nearly caused a accident because "climate change is a lie"
Im concerned because its your left arm, if it was the right one it would be weird but the left can be a sign of heart problems.
No offence but are you a healthy weight and eating a healthy diet? Maybe you should get your heart checked out. My mum used to complain of something similar for years, she actually died of a heart attack but she was very unhealthy.
Or you might just be sleeping on it
Lol! no, this is nothing like sleep paralysis.
I'm quite skinny and I eat a salad pretty much almost every day. I must be sleeping on it. One time I accidentally he'll asleep and woke up touching a boiling hot radiator. That numbed it pretty good.
It's funny the way you can't feel the cold or heat in your sleep, right. It didn't hurt but oooh my god was it strange when I woke up.
I wanted to play the sims 3 but the speakers on my pc stopped working while I was in the middle of playing. Now I'm super pissed
great advice to fix speakers would be welcome ty.
Yah. Your skin feels almost like nothing is there and the muscles feel like it has been replaced with a foam, like from a yoga mat. And at that point I'm not even worried about if my bones are still there or not. Just thinking about it now makes me get phantom feelings of the sensation in my bicep. You never really forget it.
Yeah, you sure as shit don't
Here's hoping.
Thankfully, I haven't seen any, that's insane.
I know... sigh Percy Jackson books help me to learn about other cultures better than school does
I can't believe my parents over complicate things more than me, I didn't even know that was possible. Its like the worst trait to have ever ugh. I'm trying to save their skins with something and they just love making things more difficult for me. I wouldn't even mind helping them if they didn't treat me like crap for it afterwards like always.
What?... I really envy you.