God damn it, Laken! She really screwed up this time, badly. And I have to agree with Rossi, this one is her fault. If they hadn't split up, maybe they could have managed to fight back against those fuckers. Now Josh is dead, which surprised me, though he went out like a hero. At least Evan, Rebecca and Sammy are still alive and I'm especially glad about that, because there's no telling what these people would do to a baby. Saving Miller and the others will be extremely dangerous though and it got me royally scared.
[Keep going on foot]
Not only is the ambush itself rather risky, that way the rest will also learn far too quickly of their escape. Aside from that, a truck can be easily spotted and followed, while two people on foot can stay hidden for longer. At least that's what I hope. All in all, this escape attempt went far too well and I'm afraid things are going to get more difficult soon.
[Stay silent]
Usually, I'd support this idea. It makes it more likely that they'll be able to find that Dragonfly cockwomble. However, with Miller and the others captured, more guards will make it way harder for Evan, Rebecca and Sammy to save them. And more trigger-happy guards will be very bad for our remaining trio.
By the way, your new profile picture is glorious! I'm going to miss Murphy, but I, for one, welcome our new Nic Cage overlord.
onto the table, each depicting the brutal murder of an innocent family.
“Last night a family was murdered, they were of Asian descent whi… morech made them targets from the beginning. Each one was killed in the same fashion, a knife was used to slit their throats, presumably while they slept.” She said. “Once again, all evidence points to the Dragonfly Killer. The man we executed yesterday wasn’t the real killer, he was just a racist bastard.” A heavy weight settled across the room. Dragonfly really was still out there.
“What are we going to do about it?” A man asked. Kelly cleared her throat.
“I suggest that we cordon off anyone that isn’t white, isn’t American, and isn’t heterosexual and keep them under close guard.” Kelly said.
“Keep them all in the same place?” Ryan asked. “That’ll just make it easier. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel.” He said.
“Kelly.” Chase said.
“Yes?” She asked.
“Why haven’t you caught this m… [view original content]
Usually, I'd support this idea. It makes it more likely that they'll be able to find that Dragonfly cockwomble. However, with Miller and the others captured, more guards will make it way harder for Evan, Rebecca and Sammy to save them. And more trigger-happy guards will be very bad for our remaining trio.
Pros and cons. Pros and Cons...
By the way, your new profile picture is glorious! I'm going to miss Murphy, but I, for one, welcome our new Nic Cage overlord
XD I thought it was about time for a change, Nic Cage seemed like a good choice.
God damn it, Laken! She really screwed up this time, badly. And I have to agree with Rossi, this one is her fault. If they hadn't split up, … moremaybe they could have managed to fight back against those fuckers. Now Josh is dead, which surprised me, though he went out like a hero. At least Evan, Rebecca and Sammy are still alive and I'm especially glad about that, because there's no telling what these people would do to a baby. Saving Miller and the others will be extremely dangerous though and it got me royally scared.
[Keep going on foot]
Not only is the ambush itself rather risky, that way the rest will also learn far too quickly of their escape. Aside from that, a truck can be easily spotted and followed, while two people on foot can stay hidden for longer. At least that's what I hope. All in all, this escape attempt went far too well and I'm afraid things are going to get more difficult soon.
[Stay silent]
Usually, I'd support thi… [view original content]
They hid in the woods, watching the headlights appear, bobbing in the distance. In the early morning light she could tell it was a military rig, or at least was as one point.
For a moment she was concerned that the driver would spot them when the headlights fell on them, illuminating the thicket around them. The truck sailed right by, blowing an icy breeze through the bushes. Tegan breathed a sigh of relief.
Just as the truck passed, Tegan caught a glimpse of those unlucky enough to be in the back. Two armed guards sat across from each other at the end, many unarmed and malnourished looking people stuck behind them, chained together in the back of the truck, braving the cold together. She was able to see one of them look up, seemingly right at her. For a moment their eyes were locked, she was afraid he was going to give her away.
“Run.” He mouthed as the truck disappeared around the bend.
“I’m sorry.” Tegan murmured.
“Let’s keep going.” Tyler said. “We’ll be safer if we stay away from the road, we’ll just cut through these woods.” He said. Tegan nodded in agreement.
“So…” Tyler pondered. “How old were you when you got your first piercing?” He asked, Tegan looked at him and shook her head.
“You don’t understand the meaning of the word silence do you?” she asked.
“You don’t seem to mind.” He retorted. She shrugged.
“I was about… Twelve maybe. Pierced my ears, hid it from my parents for months.” She said.
“How’d that end?” He asked.
“Three piercings later they told me they knew the entire time.” She said. “That was just before they shipped me off to a mental hospital.”
“What about the lip ring? When’d you get that one?” He asked.
“After I moved to the US.” She said, looking over at him. “You ever got any piercings?” She asked. He shook his head.
“Not my style.” He said. She shrugged.
“To each their own.” She said.
“What about tattoos?” He asked.
“I’ve got a few.” She said.
“I thought about it, never got around to it.” He said.
“What was that?” Tegan heard, she assumed it’d been Tyler.
“I don’t know. What are you talking about?” She asked, as she looked over. Her eyes widened as she saw a group of men standing around a campfire, each one looked like they’d spent quite a while on the road. Their weaponry was a mess, only one man had an actual pistol, the rest carried various blunt objects.
But it wasn’t their stature, it wasn’t their road-weary appearance, maybe it wasn’t even the smell that got Tegan worried. What worried her was the body of a dead man lying on the ground next to the fire, he was ripped open, gutted. The corners of the mouths of the men still standing were painted with the blood of the fallen. Cannibals.
“Over there!” One yelled, not caring who heard him.
“Run!” Tyler yelled. Just as Tegan took off she heard two gunshots ring out, seeing the second imbed itself deep into a nearby tree. She moved as fast as she could, weaving through the trees. She felt a sharp sting in her neck, like a bee sting but a hundred times worse. Within moments she began to feel like there was a growing fog within her mind.
Not able to pay attention to her footing, she mis-stepped. She felt a sharp pain through her ankle and foot and went down hard, the added weight of the bag on her back took her down faster. She could feel something warm begin soaking its way through her hoodie. Her numb hands reached upwards, clinging to her neck, she brought one hand away to look and to her fear, it was soaked in her own blood.
She saw Tyler, standing nearby. A frantic look in his eye. She was done for, she knew that. But he still had a chance. She didn’t want to die alone, that’d always been one of her biggest fears that gnawed at her sleep. But she knew she couldn’t let her selfishness become the end of another’s life.
“Get out of here!” She told him, her voice forced and slurred. She watched as he looked at her, looked up at something and his eyes widened, then just like that, he was gone.
She felt rough hands grab her, she turned to face her doom. The scarred, scraggly man with blood dripping from his mouth. His buddies were soon to join him. The stood around her as she lay on the ground unable to move.
“You’re not going to cry for help?” One asked, a length of pipe in his hand. She opened her mouth, but couldn’t say anything. She didn’t know if she couldn’t talk or just didn’t want to.
“Jesus Jim, you shot her in the neck.” One said.
“It doesn’t matter, she’ll be dead soon anyways.” A gruff voice muttered. It was about then that she learned what it was like to feel the impact of an adjustable wrench against her ribs. The air was sucked out of her, a fire was lit in her chest. There was no time to recover. It was a hailstorm of violent blows, coming from each side, all at the same time.
“Infected!” A sudden cry rang out. The attacks stopped. The cannibals looked up, out from the trees burst the ugly, decomposing, rotted remains of what was once a human. She remembered them back at the beginning of the outbreak, they look human. Their eyes glowed softly. Now, there’s nothing left of them. They’ve wasted away to nothing more than a pile of bones and flesh that would chase you to the ends of the earth to kill you.
She’d nearly forgotten about them, it’d been so long since she’d seen one. Now being here, and watching one emerge from the woods, it was terrible. The cannibals rushed it, beating it with their pipes and wrenches. The dead fought the dying. It was like watching a bunch of apes beat a corpse, the showed no mercy.
Neither did the friends of the infected that lurked in the woods. They came out of nowhere, at least thirty. Maybe more. The swarmed the cannibals, surrounding them. Tegan could hear muffled cry for help and then she sound of death. More victims claimed by the infected.
A hand grabbed her, she was pulled to her feet. She turned and saw Tyler, his face full of fear and terror.
“It’s time to go.” He shouted, he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her through the trees. Tegan could barely keep up. One hand was pressed against her throat as she ran, the other one tightly gripped by Tyler.
“Where are we going?” She asked.
“Somewhere safe.” He responded. Tegan didn’t have to look back once she heard the sounds. She knew the infected were following them. She thought it was strange, she thought she’d feel more pain. Though instead she felt more numbness than anything.
She swore she could feel the hands of the infected reaching out and brushing the edges of her hood. She was afraid her end was soon to come and that she was about to drag Tyler into the fray with her.
Then, there was a road that snaked its way through the woods, on the other side of the road was a white structure, two big wooden doors and a belfry on the roof with a cross on top.
She saw multiple vehicles parked around the place, not being used as barricades. But it seemed to be that they were working cars. Her eyes singled out one vehicle over all the others. A pickup truck, silver. Two doors, the front windshield busted out. In the trunk was a gun, a big gun. Belt fed, by the looks of it.
Tyler rushed to the front door, quickly pulling it open. Tegan rushed in, Tyler came after her. They pulled the door shut and seconds later the infected were on them. Tegan pushed against the door with all she had left, Tyler doing just the same. She saw him reaching for something, moments passed and she felt the door coming open slowly. The infected were getting in.
She saw Tyler wedge something between the handles of the door. He stepped back from the door.
“That’ll hold for a while.” He said. Tegan collapsed, sinking to the ground, she turned around and leaned back against the door. She lazily looked up around the room, the first thing she noticed was the multiple people sitting around, frozen in place, staring at her. She saw one man, he had a thick black mustache and a baseball cap, eating something from a tin can.
Moments passed as they stared at each other. The mustache man was the first to act, he dropped the can to the floor, pulling out a revolver and aiming it at her. Tegan reached down and brought up her SMG with her one free hand as her other hand was still pressed against her neck. Then everyone in the entire building had a gun aimed on her.
They stared each other down for a while, nobody daring to move. Her arms felt numb, her gun clattered to the ground. Her hand slid always from her neck, falling to her lap as her vision faded to black.
“What are we going to do? We’re trapped in here.” A far off voice mumbled.
“I don’t know what we’re going to do.” Another voice responded.
“This all happened because of her. She’s the one that brought them here. Where did she even come from anyways?”
“Judging by the crap she had in her bag, she probably came from somewhere around St. Paul.”
“Then what’s she doing all the way out here bringing a hoard down on us?”
“She’s trying to stay alive is all she’s doing, Paul.”
“Now everyone, including us, is going to die because of her.”
Tegan coughed, her throat was sore. She felt like she was trying to swallow sandpaper. There was a throbbing at the right side of her neck. Her head was throbbing, she felt like she’d just been hit by a semi. Her entire body was stiff.
“She’s awake.” Someone said. Her eyes opened slowly, she first saw the wooden roof high above her. She looked around slowly, she was laying on a pew, a white linen sheet covering her. Despite the sheet, she still felt cold. She saw her hoodie hung over the edge of another nearby pew, the collar soaked in blood. Her leather jacket was nearby, meaning the only thing she was wearing was her black tank top.
She slowly pushed herself up, her entire body stiff. She looked up and saw multiple people, five she would come to count, looking at her. A man in a white shirt with blue eyes slowly approached her, she shrank back a little as he towered over her.
“How are you feeling?” He asked after a long silence. She looked at him, unsure of what to say.
“What?” She asked. He shook his head.
“You had me worried for a while, I wasn’t sure you’d pull through. It seems like the swelling in your throat went down, which is good.” He said. “What happened to you out there?”
“We ran into a group, they tried to kill me.” She said. “Then those infected came out of nowhere and swarmed the place.”
“And you got away from all those infected?” He asked. She nodded. “You are definitely a blessed person to get shot in the neck and escape a pack of infected.”
“Sure.” She mumbled.
“My name’s Peter.” He said.
“Tegan.” She mumbled.
“You a runaway?” He asked. She nodded. “Where are you headed?”
“South. Back to Georgia.” She said.
“You got family down there?” He asked.
“I might.” She said. “I hope.” He nodded.
“Hope is a good thing to have.” He said. “Especially in a time like this.”
“Yeah, right about now I’d like to quit hoping and start doing.” A tall man mumbled from far off.
“Like what?” Peter asked. “If we set foot outside, we’re dead.”
“Not exactly.” Tyler said, appearing next to Tegan. Peter walked over to talk to the tall man as if Tyler hadn’t said anything.
“What do you think?” She asked.
“I found something pretty interesting while you were out.” He said. “One of those truck out there, it belonged to a member of the bomb squad. So I did some digging, and I found a blast suit hidden away in a closet. Put that thing on, no infected will be able to touch you.”
“But that still doesn’t help anything.” Tegan said. “The infected will still be there even if they can’t kill us. And we can’t outrun those infected in a bomb suit.” She went on. She saw Peter looked back at her, narrowing his eyes.
“That’s another thing. Just out there, a few yards from the door is a nice looking machine gun. Belt-fed. Fully loaded. You’ll have no problem mowing those things down with something like that.” He said.
“But what’s to say they won’t just catch me before I can get to the gun?” She asked.
“You go out the window, everyone in here starts making a bunch of noise to keep their attention. Fool-proof.” He said.
“It could work.” She said. “I’ll do it.”
“Do what?” Peter asked, she looked up at him.
“You had a member of the bomb squad here at one point?” She asked.
“Yeah, but how’d you know that?” He asked.
“I’m going to need his suit.” She said, brushing past his question.
Aspen Diaz
She didn’t know what to feel, she trusted Raven. She knew that. But she didn’t know who Raven was anymore, and she didn’t know if she could trust who Raven is right now.
She knew less about whether or not she could trust the people she was back here with, nobody’d spoken a word. The most communication between all of them had been a simple glance here and there.
She heard a squealing, the sound of the well-worn brakes biting into the wheel. The truck slowed to a crawl and puttered for a moment before the engine was cut.
“Why are we stopping?” The father asked.
“I don’t know.” Aspen said, standing up. She walked towards the door and lifted it upwards, where to her surprise Raven stood with the girl by her side. Aspen jumped down from the truck and walked over to Raven. “What’s goin-“
“Get out of my truck.” Raven demanded before Aspen could even finish her thought. Aspen looked to her left, then to her right. They’d stopped in the middle of some small town, apartment buildings lined the street on all sides.
“But why?” Asked the father.
“My truck. My rules. Now get out.” Raven growled.
“Raven, come on. What’s-“ Again Aspen was cut off by Raven.
“Now.” Raven interjected, her hand bringing up a pistol, leveling it at those inside. Aspen took a step back, frightened by her friend’s sudden violence. The family inside seemed scared, but obviously knew better than to deny someone aiming a gun at them. They lowered themselves from the truck with their hands raised. Raven looked to the girl.
“Which one?” She asked. The girl lowered her head.
“All of them.” She whimpered.
“Which one do you want?” Raven asked. The girl looked up, Aspen could see hidden within her light brown eyes. A way the light reflected off them, it exposed the levels of pain only achievable through time. Mixed with a fear and anger that came with the act of revenge. Her hand slowly lifted, her shaking finger singling out the man who had been the father. Raven nodded, looking at the girl.
“Are you sure?” She asked. The girl nodded. “You don’t have to watch the part.” She said, her hand firm on the girl’s shoulder. She shook her head, her lip quivering. Aspen still didn’t know what was happening, but already didn’t like it.
“I- I.” The girl stuttered.
“You don’t have to watch this.” Raven said, looking around. She saw Raven looking around, her eyes settling on something just beyond the truck. “Just go look at the flowers.” She said, giving the girl a slight nudge. The girl staggered away, tears filling her eyes as she walked. For a moment Raven watched her, Aspen saw something in her friend’s eyes she hadn’t seen in a long time. Sorrow, guilt, pain. All the emotions she’d been suppressing for so long, only for a moment breaching the surface. But it went as quickly as it came. She turned towards the family, her gaze turning to solid daggers.
Aspen had been on the receiving end of one of Raven’s glares when she’d gotten angry. And she knew one thing. Raven’s glare is so deadly, that hell freezes over every time she lets one out. She pointed at the man.
“You.” She said, stepping forwards, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and dragging him away from the rest. They tried to protest, but Raven lifted her gun at them. “Don’t even think about it.” She said, turning her attention to the man she held. “You’ve got ten seconds.” She simply said. He looked confused.
“What’s this about? I’m sure we can find a way to work through this. Is it something she said? That girl’s got quite the mouth on her.” He stammered. Raven narrowed her eyes at him.
“It wasn’t something she said. It was something you did.” She growled.
“What?” He asked.
“Four.” She responded. His eyes widened, full of fear and recollection.
“God save me.” He stammered. Raven slightly pushed him back away from her, he stumbled. Just as soon as he’d regained his footing, he looked up. The barrel of her pistol rested between his eyes. The shot rang out, gunpowder filled the air. His body hit the ground moments before Aspen heard the shell casing clattering along the pavement. The remaining family let loose in screams, but quickly shut up when the gun was turned on them.
“Go.” Raven said. “Go and never come back. She chose to spare you, You should fell lucky.” Lingering for a moment, the remaining quickly fled. Their eyes locked on Raven’s gun and the body of the man in the street. Aspen blinked, long and hard. There was a ringing in her ears that wouldn’t go away. Her mind slowly registered what had happened.
“What the fuck did you just do?” Aspen yelled. Raven looked at her, her eyes void of feeling.
“That man was a child abuser and a drunk. He got what was coming to him.” She said. Aspen shook her head in disbelief. “And it wasn’t my choice. I gave Amber the choice and she took it.” Raven said, Aspen could see her looking around the truck at the girl sobbing in the flower bed.
“You made her chose to kill her father?” Aspen asked. “What kind of demented fucker are you?” Raven shook her head.
“You’ve never been given the choice. You wouldn’t understand.” She muttered.
“A-Are we going to bury him?” A small voice asked. Aspen turned to see Amber standing behind her, a bouquet of flowers in her hand. Raven looked at her.
“Do you want me to?” She asked. She shook her head.
“I don’t know.” She said, with a brief pause. “No. No, I don’t want you to.” She said. Aspen could see Raven searching her face, analyzing her like an experiment. Calculating.
“We’re stopping here for a while.” Raven said. “We’ll stay up in one of those apartments.” She continued as she walked up the steps, trying the door knob, it easily swung open and she walked in. Amber quickly followed behind her, leaving Aspen to gaze at the body of a man in the street before she turned and walked in, shutting the door behind her.
It felt like a couple of second between the time she sat down on the couch and the time she opened her eyes. But judging by the changing in the light outside, it’d been hours.
She sat up, pushing herself off the couch. She saw Amber curled up on the other side of the couch, seemingly in the middle of a nightmare. The only one missing was Raven, and the sounds of shoveling dirt coming from outside gave that away.
Aspen walked outside, instantly seeing Raven in the front yard. She was shoveling dirt out of a deep hole in the ground.
“What’s in the hole?” Aspen asked.
“No one yet.” Raven responded. “It’s going to be that dead guy over there, though.”
“She said she didn’t want him buried.” Aspen said.
“She was lying.” Raven said. “She has a kind of twitch when she lies.” She said, she had a little laugh. Like the kind of remembrance. A good time from long ago, the kind that still makes you happy even though that time’s long gone. “She reminds me of Jaleesa.”
“Who’s Jaleesa?” Aspen asked. Raven instantly froze and looked up at Aspen, the looked on her face was the kind that said she’d said to much. She was afraid to say anymore.
“Someone I used to know.” Raven said, putting a pin in that conversation.
“I know you better than that, Raven.” She said. “Who was Jaleesa? You’re mom? A friend?”
“Just drop it.” Raven suggested, her voice was strained. Drained of any fight.
Just tell me.” She said. “Who’s Jaleesa?” Raven plunged the shovel deep into the dirt and looked up at Aspen. Dirt covered her from head to toe.
“Lisa was my daughter, alright? Are you happy now?” She asked. Aspen narrowed her eyes.
“I didn’t know you ever had a kid.” Aspen said.
“Yeah, bet you didn’t know that I was married too. There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Aspen. So you better just quit assuming.” She snapped. “Are we done yet?”
“I’m sorry… I didn’t know.” Aspen said. Raven sat down at the edge of the pit.
“She was adopted. I couldn’t get pregnant so me and my husband decided it was the only way. She was an orphan from Syria. Everything had already been taken from her and she wasn’t even two yet. But… The very first time I saw her, I just wanted to give her everything.” She said. “I tried so hard to do everything right… I tried to keep her safe. I failed as a mother, I failed as a wife. I failed as a human fucking being.”
“How did she die?” Aspen asked. She shook her head.
“She was only six… She was out in the neighborhood playing with one of her friends. I… I looked away just for a moment, and then she was gone.” Raven said. “They found her body in the back of a guy’s van. He was some sort of sick fucker that got his kicks by killing people that weren’t like him. Some Dragonfly cuntwad or something like that. She was the last one he got before they caught him… My little girl.”
“I’m so sorry Raven.” Aspen said, wrapping her arms around Raven. Raven was tense for a moment before melting into her arms.
“Just because you’re tired doesn’t mean you get to quit.” She said. “She told me that once. We were playing one of her games in the backyard after I’d gotten home from work. I told her I was done and that’s what she told me. I never thought I’d be more in debt to the words of a six year old.” She mumbled.
“Sometimes it’s hard to remember who’s teaching who.” Aspen said.
“Sometimes I think I’ve changed so much that if I met her again, she wouldn’t recognize me.” She said.
“We’ve all changed, Raven.” Aspen said. “That’s what this world does to us. It’s all we can do to decide how much it changes us though.”
“It’s changed me too much.” She said. “I don’t know if there’s any going back for me.”
“Nobody’s beyond saving.” Aspen said.
“I trust you Aspen.” Raven said, letting it linger for a moment. “And I don’t trust anyone at all. You mean a lot to me, and you’ve always been a good friend.”
“Why are you talking to me like you’re about to die?” Aspen asked.
“All I’ve ever done all my life is hurt people.” Raven said. “I don’t want to hurt you anymore Aspen.”
“Rave, what are you talking about?” Aspen asked. Raven took a breath before looking Aspen deep in the eyes.
“You need to go. Take Amber and just go.” She said, Aspen opened her mouth to protest but was to slow. “I’m a loose cannon just waiting to go off and we both know that. Sooner or later, I’m going to hurt you or her and I don’t want that to happen.”
“You’re not going to hurt us Raven.” She said. “Y-“
“Aspen. Remember earlier, when I said you were never given the choice so you wouldn’t understand?” Raven asked.
“Yeah.” Aspen said.
“This is kind of like that.” She said. “This is your choice that I’m giving you. And you need to make it for me because I can’t.”
Just tell me.” She said. “Who’s Jaleesa?” Raven plunged the shovel deep into the dirt and looked up at Aspen. Dirt covered her from head to … moretoe.
“Lisa was my daughter, alright? Are you happy now?” She asked. Aspen narrowed her eyes.
“I didn’t know you ever had a kid.” Aspen said.
“Yeah, bet you didn’t know that I was married too. There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Aspen. So you better just quit assuming.” She snapped. “Are we done yet?”
“I’m sorry… I didn’t know.” Aspen said. Raven sat down at the edge of the pit.
“She was adopted. I couldn’t get pregnant so me and my husband decided it was the only way. She was an orphan from Syria. Everything had already been taken from her and she wasn’t even two yet. But… The very first time I saw her, I just wanted to give her everything.” She said. “I tried so hard to do everything right… I tried to keep her safe. I failed as a mother, I failed as a wife. I failed as a human fucking b… [view original content]
Leaving Raven? No, this is not going to happen! Perhaps she sees herself as a danger for Aspen and Amber, but nothing she did led me to believe that this is true. She's in a dangerous mental state and she needs the help of her best friend to get over it. If they leave her now, she's done for. And well, I noticed that the dragonfly piss tulip ruined her live as well. Raven is asian, isn't she? I just realized I am not quite sure how she looks, but at least judging by her last name that's probably true. Man, fuck that guy, now I'm really hating him.
And Tegan... well that was brutal. I knew things wouldn't remain that smooth forever, but I did not expect them to go to hell so soon. Cannibals and hordes of infected, damn it
Just tell me.” She said. “Who’s Jaleesa?” Raven plunged the shovel deep into the dirt and looked up at Aspen. Dirt covered her from head to … moretoe.
“Lisa was my daughter, alright? Are you happy now?” She asked. Aspen narrowed her eyes.
“I didn’t know you ever had a kid.” Aspen said.
“Yeah, bet you didn’t know that I was married too. There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Aspen. So you better just quit assuming.” She snapped. “Are we done yet?”
“I’m sorry… I didn’t know.” Aspen said. Raven sat down at the edge of the pit.
“She was adopted. I couldn’t get pregnant so me and my husband decided it was the only way. She was an orphan from Syria. Everything had already been taken from her and she wasn’t even two yet. But… The very first time I saw her, I just wanted to give her everything.” She said. “I tried so hard to do everything right… I tried to keep her safe. I failed as a mother, I failed as a wife. I failed as a human fucking b… [view original content]
[Refuse to leave her]
Leaving Raven? No, this is not going to happen! Perhaps she sees herself as a danger for Aspen and Amber, but nothi… moreng she did led me to believe that this is true. She's in a dangerous mental state and she needs the help of her best friend to get over it. If they leave her now, she's done for. And well, I noticed that the dragonfly piss tulip ruined her live as well. Raven is asian, isn't she? I just realized I am not quite sure how she looks, but at least judging by her last name that's probably true. Man, fuck that guy, now I'm really hating him.
And Tegan... well that was brutal. I knew things wouldn't remain that smooth forever, but I did not expect them to go to hell so soon. Cannibals and hordes of infected, damn it
Just tell me.” She said. “Who’s Jaleesa?” Raven plunged the shovel deep into the dirt and looked up at Aspen. Dirt covered her from head to … moretoe.
“Lisa was my daughter, alright? Are you happy now?” She asked. Aspen narrowed her eyes.
“I didn’t know you ever had a kid.” Aspen said.
“Yeah, bet you didn’t know that I was married too. There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Aspen. So you better just quit assuming.” She snapped. “Are we done yet?”
“I’m sorry… I didn’t know.” Aspen said. Raven sat down at the edge of the pit.
“She was adopted. I couldn’t get pregnant so me and my husband decided it was the only way. She was an orphan from Syria. Everything had already been taken from her and she wasn’t even two yet. But… The very first time I saw her, I just wanted to give her everything.” She said. “I tried so hard to do everything right… I tried to keep her safe. I failed as a mother, I failed as a wife. I failed as a human fucking b… [view original content]
Raven is asian, isn't she? I just realized I am not quite sure how she looks, but at least judging by her last name that's probably true.
She might be? I'm not all together sure, as she was a character submitted to me by a friend off-forum and they gave me a very brief description without much detail, so I've been doing the best I can. So, If you're wondering what she looks like, rest assured that I am also. XD
[Refuse to leave her]
Leaving Raven? No, this is not going to happen! Perhaps she sees herself as a danger for Aspen and Amber, but nothi… moreng she did led me to believe that this is true. She's in a dangerous mental state and she needs the help of her best friend to get over it. If they leave her now, she's done for. And well, I noticed that the dragonfly piss tulip ruined her live as well. Raven is asian, isn't she? I just realized I am not quite sure how she looks, but at least judging by her last name that's probably true. Man, fuck that guy, now I'm really hating him.
And Tegan... well that was brutal. I knew things wouldn't remain that smooth forever, but I did not expect them to go to hell so soon. Cannibals and hordes of infected, damn it
Just tell me.” She said. “Who’s Jaleesa?” Raven plunged the shovel deep into the dirt and looked up at Aspen. Dirt covered her from head to … moretoe.
“Lisa was my daughter, alright? Are you happy now?” She asked. Aspen narrowed her eyes.
“I didn’t know you ever had a kid.” Aspen said.
“Yeah, bet you didn’t know that I was married too. There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Aspen. So you better just quit assuming.” She snapped. “Are we done yet?”
“I’m sorry… I didn’t know.” Aspen said. Raven sat down at the edge of the pit.
“She was adopted. I couldn’t get pregnant so me and my husband decided it was the only way. She was an orphan from Syria. Everything had already been taken from her and she wasn’t even two yet. But… The very first time I saw her, I just wanted to give her everything.” She said. “I tried so hard to do everything right… I tried to keep her safe. I failed as a mother, I failed as a wife. I failed as a human fucking b… [view original content]
Patience, my friend. If I'm not mistaken, the new school year has started in many parts of the world, so I'm sure quality is just busy at the moment. I have no doubt this story will return in time and it will be glorious
I know school has started but in the past quality always posted an update when he cannot write for a while. This is the first time since I follow his stories where we hear no news for almost a month. And now his avatar has changed to something that looks generic and this makes me afraid he could have left the forum
Patience, my friend. If I'm not mistaken, the new school year has started in many parts of the world, so I'm sure quality is just busy at the moment. I have no doubt this story will return in time and it will be glorious
Since I have returned to the forum, I had to think a lot about this story. Does anyone know more when or if quality returns? It would be such a shame if he never comes back.
Since I have returned to the forum, I had to think a lot about this story. Does anyone know more when or if quality returns? It would be such a shame if he never comes back.
God damn it, Laken! She really screwed up this time, badly. And I have to agree with Rossi, this one is her fault. If they hadn't split up, maybe they could have managed to fight back against those fuckers. Now Josh is dead, which surprised me, though he went out like a hero. At least Evan, Rebecca and Sammy are still alive and I'm especially glad about that, because there's no telling what these people would do to a baby. Saving Miller and the others will be extremely dangerous though and it got me royally scared.
[Keep going on foot]
Not only is the ambush itself rather risky, that way the rest will also learn far too quickly of their escape. Aside from that, a truck can be easily spotted and followed, while two people on foot can stay hidden for longer. At least that's what I hope. All in all, this escape attempt went far too well and I'm afraid things are going to get more difficult soon.
[Stay silent]
Usually, I'd support this idea. It makes it more likely that they'll be able to find that Dragonfly cockwomble. However, with Miller and the others captured, more guards will make it way harder for Evan, Rebecca and Sammy to save them. And more trigger-happy guards will be very bad for our remaining trio.
By the way, your new profile picture is glorious! I'm going to miss Murphy, but I, for one, welcome our new Nic Cage overlord.
Pros and cons. Pros and Cons...
XD I thought it was about time for a change, Nic Cage seemed like a good choice.
Tegan Marsh
They hid in the woods, watching the headlights appear, bobbing in the distance. In the early morning light she could tell it was a military rig, or at least was as one point.
For a moment she was concerned that the driver would spot them when the headlights fell on them, illuminating the thicket around them. The truck sailed right by, blowing an icy breeze through the bushes. Tegan breathed a sigh of relief.
Just as the truck passed, Tegan caught a glimpse of those unlucky enough to be in the back. Two armed guards sat across from each other at the end, many unarmed and malnourished looking people stuck behind them, chained together in the back of the truck, braving the cold together. She was able to see one of them look up, seemingly right at her. For a moment their eyes were locked, she was afraid he was going to give her away.
“Run.” He mouthed as the truck disappeared around the bend.
“I’m sorry.” Tegan murmured.
“Let’s keep going.” Tyler said. “We’ll be safer if we stay away from the road, we’ll just cut through these woods.” He said. Tegan nodded in agreement.
“So…” Tyler pondered. “How old were you when you got your first piercing?” He asked, Tegan looked at him and shook her head.
“You don’t understand the meaning of the word silence do you?” she asked.
“You don’t seem to mind.” He retorted. She shrugged.
“I was about… Twelve maybe. Pierced my ears, hid it from my parents for months.” She said.
“How’d that end?” He asked.
“Three piercings later they told me they knew the entire time.” She said. “That was just before they shipped me off to a mental hospital.”
“What about the lip ring? When’d you get that one?” He asked.
“After I moved to the US.” She said, looking over at him. “You ever got any piercings?” She asked. He shook his head.
“Not my style.” He said. She shrugged.
“To each their own.” She said.
“What about tattoos?” He asked.
“I’ve got a few.” She said.
“I thought about it, never got around to it.” He said.
“What was that?” Tegan heard, she assumed it’d been Tyler.
“I don’t know. What are you talking about?” She asked, as she looked over. Her eyes widened as she saw a group of men standing around a campfire, each one looked like they’d spent quite a while on the road. Their weaponry was a mess, only one man had an actual pistol, the rest carried various blunt objects.
But it wasn’t their stature, it wasn’t their road-weary appearance, maybe it wasn’t even the smell that got Tegan worried. What worried her was the body of a dead man lying on the ground next to the fire, he was ripped open, gutted. The corners of the mouths of the men still standing were painted with the blood of the fallen. Cannibals.
“Over there!” One yelled, not caring who heard him.
“Run!” Tyler yelled. Just as Tegan took off she heard two gunshots ring out, seeing the second imbed itself deep into a nearby tree. She moved as fast as she could, weaving through the trees. She felt a sharp sting in her neck, like a bee sting but a hundred times worse. Within moments she began to feel like there was a growing fog within her mind.
Not able to pay attention to her footing, she mis-stepped. She felt a sharp pain through her ankle and foot and went down hard, the added weight of the bag on her back took her down faster. She could feel something warm begin soaking its way through her hoodie. Her numb hands reached upwards, clinging to her neck, she brought one hand away to look and to her fear, it was soaked in her own blood.
She saw Tyler, standing nearby. A frantic look in his eye. She was done for, she knew that. But he still had a chance. She didn’t want to die alone, that’d always been one of her biggest fears that gnawed at her sleep. But she knew she couldn’t let her selfishness become the end of another’s life.
“Get out of here!” She told him, her voice forced and slurred. She watched as he looked at her, looked up at something and his eyes widened, then just like that, he was gone.
She felt rough hands grab her, she turned to face her doom. The scarred, scraggly man with blood dripping from his mouth. His buddies were soon to join him. The stood around her as she lay on the ground unable to move.
“You’re not going to cry for help?” One asked, a length of pipe in his hand. She opened her mouth, but couldn’t say anything. She didn’t know if she couldn’t talk or just didn’t want to.
“Jesus Jim, you shot her in the neck.” One said.
“It doesn’t matter, she’ll be dead soon anyways.” A gruff voice muttered. It was about then that she learned what it was like to feel the impact of an adjustable wrench against her ribs. The air was sucked out of her, a fire was lit in her chest. There was no time to recover. It was a hailstorm of violent blows, coming from each side, all at the same time.
“Infected!” A sudden cry rang out. The attacks stopped. The cannibals looked up, out from the trees burst the ugly, decomposing, rotted remains of what was once a human. She remembered them back at the beginning of the outbreak, they look human. Their eyes glowed softly. Now, there’s nothing left of them. They’ve wasted away to nothing more than a pile of bones and flesh that would chase you to the ends of the earth to kill you.
She’d nearly forgotten about them, it’d been so long since she’d seen one. Now being here, and watching one emerge from the woods, it was terrible. The cannibals rushed it, beating it with their pipes and wrenches. The dead fought the dying. It was like watching a bunch of apes beat a corpse, the showed no mercy.
Neither did the friends of the infected that lurked in the woods. They came out of nowhere, at least thirty. Maybe more. The swarmed the cannibals, surrounding them. Tegan could hear muffled cry for help and then she sound of death. More victims claimed by the infected.
A hand grabbed her, she was pulled to her feet. She turned and saw Tyler, his face full of fear and terror.
“It’s time to go.” He shouted, he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her through the trees. Tegan could barely keep up. One hand was pressed against her throat as she ran, the other one tightly gripped by Tyler.
“Where are we going?” She asked.
“Somewhere safe.” He responded. Tegan didn’t have to look back once she heard the sounds. She knew the infected were following them. She thought it was strange, she thought she’d feel more pain. Though instead she felt more numbness than anything.
She swore she could feel the hands of the infected reaching out and brushing the edges of her hood. She was afraid her end was soon to come and that she was about to drag Tyler into the fray with her.
Then, there was a road that snaked its way through the woods, on the other side of the road was a white structure, two big wooden doors and a belfry on the roof with a cross on top.
She saw multiple vehicles parked around the place, not being used as barricades. But it seemed to be that they were working cars. Her eyes singled out one vehicle over all the others. A pickup truck, silver. Two doors, the front windshield busted out. In the trunk was a gun, a big gun. Belt fed, by the looks of it.
Tyler rushed to the front door, quickly pulling it open. Tegan rushed in, Tyler came after her. They pulled the door shut and seconds later the infected were on them. Tegan pushed against the door with all she had left, Tyler doing just the same. She saw him reaching for something, moments passed and she felt the door coming open slowly. The infected were getting in.
She saw Tyler wedge something between the handles of the door. He stepped back from the door.
“That’ll hold for a while.” He said. Tegan collapsed, sinking to the ground, she turned around and leaned back against the door. She lazily looked up around the room, the first thing she noticed was the multiple people sitting around, frozen in place, staring at her. She saw one man, he had a thick black mustache and a baseball cap, eating something from a tin can.
Moments passed as they stared at each other. The mustache man was the first to act, he dropped the can to the floor, pulling out a revolver and aiming it at her. Tegan reached down and brought up her SMG with her one free hand as her other hand was still pressed against her neck. Then everyone in the entire building had a gun aimed on her.
They stared each other down for a while, nobody daring to move. Her arms felt numb, her gun clattered to the ground. Her hand slid always from her neck, falling to her lap as her vision faded to black.
“What are we going to do? We’re trapped in here.” A far off voice mumbled.
“I don’t know what we’re going to do.” Another voice responded.
“This all happened because of her. She’s the one that brought them here. Where did she even come from anyways?”
“Judging by the crap she had in her bag, she probably came from somewhere around St. Paul.”
“Then what’s she doing all the way out here bringing a hoard down on us?”
“She’s trying to stay alive is all she’s doing, Paul.”
“Now everyone, including us, is going to die because of her.”
Tegan coughed, her throat was sore. She felt like she was trying to swallow sandpaper. There was a throbbing at the right side of her neck. Her head was throbbing, she felt like she’d just been hit by a semi. Her entire body was stiff.
“She’s awake.” Someone said. Her eyes opened slowly, she first saw the wooden roof high above her. She looked around slowly, she was laying on a pew, a white linen sheet covering her. Despite the sheet, she still felt cold. She saw her hoodie hung over the edge of another nearby pew, the collar soaked in blood. Her leather jacket was nearby, meaning the only thing she was wearing was her black tank top.
She slowly pushed herself up, her entire body stiff. She looked up and saw multiple people, five she would come to count, looking at her. A man in a white shirt with blue eyes slowly approached her, she shrank back a little as he towered over her.
“How are you feeling?” He asked after a long silence. She looked at him, unsure of what to say.
“What?” She asked. He shook his head.
“You had me worried for a while, I wasn’t sure you’d pull through. It seems like the swelling in your throat went down, which is good.” He said. “What happened to you out there?”
“We ran into a group, they tried to kill me.” She said. “Then those infected came out of nowhere and swarmed the place.”
“And you got away from all those infected?” He asked. She nodded. “You are definitely a blessed person to get shot in the neck and escape a pack of infected.”
“Sure.” She mumbled.
“My name’s Peter.” He said.
“Tegan.” She mumbled.
“You a runaway?” He asked. She nodded. “Where are you headed?”
“South. Back to Georgia.” She said.
“You got family down there?” He asked.
“I might.” She said. “I hope.” He nodded.
“Hope is a good thing to have.” He said. “Especially in a time like this.”
“Yeah, right about now I’d like to quit hoping and start doing.” A tall man mumbled from far off.
“Like what?” Peter asked. “If we set foot outside, we’re dead.”
“Not exactly.” Tyler said, appearing next to Tegan. Peter walked over to talk to the tall man as if Tyler hadn’t said anything.
“What do you think?” She asked.
“I found something pretty interesting while you were out.” He said. “One of those truck out there, it belonged to a member of the bomb squad. So I did some digging, and I found a blast suit hidden away in a closet. Put that thing on, no infected will be able to touch you.”
“But that still doesn’t help anything.” Tegan said. “The infected will still be there even if they can’t kill us. And we can’t outrun those infected in a bomb suit.” She went on. She saw Peter looked back at her, narrowing his eyes.
“That’s another thing. Just out there, a few yards from the door is a nice looking machine gun. Belt-fed. Fully loaded. You’ll have no problem mowing those things down with something like that.” He said.
“But what’s to say they won’t just catch me before I can get to the gun?” She asked.
“You go out the window, everyone in here starts making a bunch of noise to keep their attention. Fool-proof.” He said.
“It could work.” She said. “I’ll do it.”
“Do what?” Peter asked, she looked up at him.
“You had a member of the bomb squad here at one point?” She asked.
“Yeah, but how’d you know that?” He asked.
“I’m going to need his suit.” She said, brushing past his question.
Aspen Diaz
She didn’t know what to feel, she trusted Raven. She knew that. But she didn’t know who Raven was anymore, and she didn’t know if she could trust who Raven is right now.
She knew less about whether or not she could trust the people she was back here with, nobody’d spoken a word. The most communication between all of them had been a simple glance here and there.
She heard a squealing, the sound of the well-worn brakes biting into the wheel. The truck slowed to a crawl and puttered for a moment before the engine was cut.
“Why are we stopping?” The father asked.
“I don’t know.” Aspen said, standing up. She walked towards the door and lifted it upwards, where to her surprise Raven stood with the girl by her side. Aspen jumped down from the truck and walked over to Raven. “What’s goin-“
“Get out of my truck.” Raven demanded before Aspen could even finish her thought. Aspen looked to her left, then to her right. They’d stopped in the middle of some small town, apartment buildings lined the street on all sides.
“But why?” Asked the father.
“My truck. My rules. Now get out.” Raven growled.
“Raven, come on. What’s-“ Again Aspen was cut off by Raven.
“Now.” Raven interjected, her hand bringing up a pistol, leveling it at those inside. Aspen took a step back, frightened by her friend’s sudden violence. The family inside seemed scared, but obviously knew better than to deny someone aiming a gun at them. They lowered themselves from the truck with their hands raised. Raven looked to the girl.
“Which one?” She asked. The girl lowered her head.
“All of them.” She whimpered.
“Which one do you want?” Raven asked. The girl looked up, Aspen could see hidden within her light brown eyes. A way the light reflected off them, it exposed the levels of pain only achievable through time. Mixed with a fear and anger that came with the act of revenge. Her hand slowly lifted, her shaking finger singling out the man who had been the father. Raven nodded, looking at the girl.
“Are you sure?” She asked. The girl nodded. “You don’t have to watch the part.” She said, her hand firm on the girl’s shoulder. She shook her head, her lip quivering. Aspen still didn’t know what was happening, but already didn’t like it.
“I- I.” The girl stuttered.
“You don’t have to watch this.” Raven said, looking around. She saw Raven looking around, her eyes settling on something just beyond the truck. “Just go look at the flowers.” She said, giving the girl a slight nudge. The girl staggered away, tears filling her eyes as she walked. For a moment Raven watched her, Aspen saw something in her friend’s eyes she hadn’t seen in a long time. Sorrow, guilt, pain. All the emotions she’d been suppressing for so long, only for a moment breaching the surface. But it went as quickly as it came. She turned towards the family, her gaze turning to solid daggers.
Aspen had been on the receiving end of one of Raven’s glares when she’d gotten angry. And she knew one thing. Raven’s glare is so deadly, that hell freezes over every time she lets one out. She pointed at the man.
“You.” She said, stepping forwards, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and dragging him away from the rest. They tried to protest, but Raven lifted her gun at them. “Don’t even think about it.” She said, turning her attention to the man she held. “You’ve got ten seconds.” She simply said. He looked confused.
“What’s this about? I’m sure we can find a way to work through this. Is it something she said? That girl’s got quite the mouth on her.” He stammered. Raven narrowed her eyes at him.
“It wasn’t something she said. It was something you did.” She growled.
“What?” He asked.
“Four.” She responded. His eyes widened, full of fear and recollection.
“God save me.” He stammered. Raven slightly pushed him back away from her, he stumbled. Just as soon as he’d regained his footing, he looked up. The barrel of her pistol rested between his eyes. The shot rang out, gunpowder filled the air. His body hit the ground moments before Aspen heard the shell casing clattering along the pavement. The remaining family let loose in screams, but quickly shut up when the gun was turned on them.
“Go.” Raven said. “Go and never come back. She chose to spare you, You should fell lucky.” Lingering for a moment, the remaining quickly fled. Their eyes locked on Raven’s gun and the body of the man in the street. Aspen blinked, long and hard. There was a ringing in her ears that wouldn’t go away. Her mind slowly registered what had happened.
“What the fuck did you just do?” Aspen yelled. Raven looked at her, her eyes void of feeling.
“That man was a child abuser and a drunk. He got what was coming to him.” She said. Aspen shook her head in disbelief. “And it wasn’t my choice. I gave Amber the choice and she took it.” Raven said, Aspen could see her looking around the truck at the girl sobbing in the flower bed.
“You made her chose to kill her father?” Aspen asked. “What kind of demented fucker are you?” Raven shook her head.
“You’ve never been given the choice. You wouldn’t understand.” She muttered.
“A-Are we going to bury him?” A small voice asked. Aspen turned to see Amber standing behind her, a bouquet of flowers in her hand. Raven looked at her.
“Do you want me to?” She asked. She shook her head.
“I don’t know.” She said, with a brief pause. “No. No, I don’t want you to.” She said. Aspen could see Raven searching her face, analyzing her like an experiment. Calculating.
“We’re stopping here for a while.” Raven said. “We’ll stay up in one of those apartments.” She continued as she walked up the steps, trying the door knob, it easily swung open and she walked in. Amber quickly followed behind her, leaving Aspen to gaze at the body of a man in the street before she turned and walked in, shutting the door behind her.
It felt like a couple of second between the time she sat down on the couch and the time she opened her eyes. But judging by the changing in the light outside, it’d been hours.
She sat up, pushing herself off the couch. She saw Amber curled up on the other side of the couch, seemingly in the middle of a nightmare. The only one missing was Raven, and the sounds of shoveling dirt coming from outside gave that away.
Aspen walked outside, instantly seeing Raven in the front yard. She was shoveling dirt out of a deep hole in the ground.
“What’s in the hole?” Aspen asked.
“No one yet.” Raven responded. “It’s going to be that dead guy over there, though.”
“She said she didn’t want him buried.” Aspen said.
“She was lying.” Raven said. “She has a kind of twitch when she lies.” She said, she had a little laugh. Like the kind of remembrance. A good time from long ago, the kind that still makes you happy even though that time’s long gone. “She reminds me of Jaleesa.”
“Who’s Jaleesa?” Aspen asked. Raven instantly froze and looked up at Aspen, the looked on her face was the kind that said she’d said to much. She was afraid to say anymore.
“Someone I used to know.” Raven said, putting a pin in that conversation.
“I know you better than that, Raven.” She said. “Who was Jaleesa? You’re mom? A friend?”
“Just drop it.” Raven suggested, her voice was strained. Drained of any fight.
“I want to know, Raven
Just tell me.” She said. “Who’s Jaleesa?” Raven plunged the shovel deep into the dirt and looked up at Aspen. Dirt covered her from head to toe.
“Lisa was my daughter, alright? Are you happy now?” She asked. Aspen narrowed her eyes.
“I didn’t know you ever had a kid.” Aspen said.
“Yeah, bet you didn’t know that I was married too. There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Aspen. So you better just quit assuming.” She snapped. “Are we done yet?”
“I’m sorry… I didn’t know.” Aspen said. Raven sat down at the edge of the pit.
“She was adopted. I couldn’t get pregnant so me and my husband decided it was the only way. She was an orphan from Syria. Everything had already been taken from her and she wasn’t even two yet. But… The very first time I saw her, I just wanted to give her everything.” She said. “I tried so hard to do everything right… I tried to keep her safe. I failed as a mother, I failed as a wife. I failed as a human fucking being.”
“How did she die?” Aspen asked. She shook her head.
“She was only six… She was out in the neighborhood playing with one of her friends. I… I looked away just for a moment, and then she was gone.” Raven said. “They found her body in the back of a guy’s van. He was some sort of sick fucker that got his kicks by killing people that weren’t like him. Some Dragonfly cuntwad or something like that. She was the last one he got before they caught him… My little girl.”
“I’m so sorry Raven.” Aspen said, wrapping her arms around Raven. Raven was tense for a moment before melting into her arms.
“Just because you’re tired doesn’t mean you get to quit.” She said. “She told me that once. We were playing one of her games in the backyard after I’d gotten home from work. I told her I was done and that’s what she told me. I never thought I’d be more in debt to the words of a six year old.” She mumbled.
“Sometimes it’s hard to remember who’s teaching who.” Aspen said.
“Sometimes I think I’ve changed so much that if I met her again, she wouldn’t recognize me.” She said.
“We’ve all changed, Raven.” Aspen said. “That’s what this world does to us. It’s all we can do to decide how much it changes us though.”
“It’s changed me too much.” She said. “I don’t know if there’s any going back for me.”
“Nobody’s beyond saving.” Aspen said.
“I trust you Aspen.” Raven said, letting it linger for a moment. “And I don’t trust anyone at all. You mean a lot to me, and you’ve always been a good friend.”
“Why are you talking to me like you’re about to die?” Aspen asked.
“All I’ve ever done all my life is hurt people.” Raven said. “I don’t want to hurt you anymore Aspen.”
“Rave, what are you talking about?” Aspen asked. Raven took a breath before looking Aspen deep in the eyes.
“You need to go. Take Amber and just go.” She said, Aspen opened her mouth to protest but was to slow. “I’m a loose cannon just waiting to go off and we both know that. Sooner or later, I’m going to hurt you or her and I don’t want that to happen.”
“You’re not going to hurt us Raven.” She said. “Y-“
“Aspen. Remember earlier, when I said you were never given the choice so you wouldn’t understand?” Raven asked.
“Yeah.” Aspen said.
“This is kind of like that.” She said. “This is your choice that I’m giving you. And you need to make it for me because I can’t.”
“Rave…” Aspen trailed.
“I need to know.” Raven said.
[Leave Raven]
[Refuse to leave her]
[Refuse to leave her]
[Refuse to leave her]
Leaving Raven? No, this is not going to happen! Perhaps she sees herself as a danger for Aspen and Amber, but nothing she did led me to believe that this is true. She's in a dangerous mental state and she needs the help of her best friend to get over it. If they leave her now, she's done for. And well, I noticed that the dragonfly piss tulip ruined her live as well. Raven is asian, isn't she? I just realized I am not quite sure how she looks, but at least judging by her last name that's probably true. Man, fuck that guy, now I'm really hating him.
And Tegan... well that was brutal. I knew things wouldn't remain that smooth forever, but I did not expect them to go to hell so soon. Cannibals and hordes of infected, damn it
replies plz
[Refuse to leave her]
She might be? I'm not all together sure, as she was a character submitted to me by a friend off-forum and they gave me a very brief description without much detail, so I've been doing the best I can. So, If you're wondering what she looks like, rest assured that I am also. XD
[Refuse to leave her]
I agree with the others. We are not going to leave Raven like this!
It has been a while without any new parts for this story and for the dark before the dawn. How are things going? I hope everything is alright
Patience, my friend. If I'm not mistaken, the new school year has started in many parts of the world, so I'm sure quality is just busy at the moment. I have no doubt this story will return in time and it will be glorious
I know school has started but in the past quality always posted an update when he cannot write for a while. This is the first time since I follow his stories where we hear no news for almost a month. And now his avatar has changed to something that looks generic and this makes me afraid he could have left the forum
Since I have returned to the forum, I had to think a lot about this story. Does anyone know more when or if quality returns? It would be such a shame if he never comes back.
Honestly i have no idea. I haven't seen him in a long time