Do you think they plan on bringing Clem into the comic after season 4?
Do you think they will bring Clementine into the comic after season 4 or do you think TellTale and Skybound will close out her story completely? It really could go either way. Season 4 will likely take place in the same general time period the comics currently are at so they easily could find a way to write her in (Kirkman has also said that it is something they have discussed). While at the same time they very easily could just bring her back to Richmond and she could live out the rest of her days with Javier and family.
Which scenario do you think they are planning on doing. Bringing her into the comics or sending her back to Richmond?
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Sending her back to Richmond will be determinant, and I personally wouldn't send her back there. I'm sure there'll be a choice between that or staying with new people she's met along her journey in the final season.
As for the comics, I really hope they do but the only problem is which Clementine will be considered 'canon'. Most likely the Alone ending Clementine since Telltale uses that ending for most of their promotional material.
I would imagine if there are plans on bringing her into the comic there will only be one standard ending so everyone could get that. I guess they could give a 'canon' ending but they have gone this far without designating anything as official 'canon' that I wouldn't think they would start now.
I hope so. If my math is right, they'll be nearing the end of Compendium Four (assuming each issue is published the same way it is today, one issue released on the first Wednesday of each month, that would put them on Issue 188 in May of 2019), when the game wraps up (assuming they do five episodes, two months apart, starting late 2018, ending mid 2019), so Clem could possibly (hopefully) be the focus of a new arc!
After thinking it over... would it be the wisest choice to send clem to the comics? I mean the comics are soooo most up. There's rape, cutting dicks off, carl losing his virginity at 13, babies being crushed (Judith and Lori) the governor removes the teeth of his dead daughter to make out with her. The list goes on. Imagine what they'll do to poor clem and we don't have choices anymore so we can't stop it ;_;
The comics have toned down a bit recently. And I'm sure if RK adds her to the comics, he'll understand how much we love her, and that he can't do a whole lot of fucked up stuff to her.
Didn't carl lose his virginity recently to a fucked up girl who thought it was normal to rape? ._. Well, recent in the timeline anyway. And she licked his eye socket... licked it!
Just stop already with this.
Yeah, but my point was that nothing even close to what happened to the Governor has happened recently, and I don't think we need to worry about Clem too much if she joins the comics.
She needs her own comic series based on telltale games. The game series was kinda innocent enough so we should be safe there.
I'm torn. The rational and logical side of me feels that, by introducing her in the comics, it could result in either Kirkman being purposely vague about her backstory in order to prevent conflict due to the choices that have affected her and her personality, or establishing a set of canon choices, rendering what people have done in their games redundant. It would be difficult to try and incorporate her, especially when you don't even know what her role would be.
However, the Clem fanatic side of me would be overjoyed to see her in the comics as that could mean her story wouldn't stop with this final season.
One way they can agree on one Clementine is getting every choice that affected her from S1-S4 and add them up so whichever choice was in the majority they'd write it in the comics.
while i wish it was possible its not gonna happen because of Clem s scars in a new frontier she got from the flashbacks and since ´´Choices matter´´ then there s no way Clem s entering the comic.
You have dead decaying humans rising up again to eat the flesh and guts of living humans. Guys beating the brains out of other guys with barbed wire bats, but eye socket licking and rape events is now going too far?
That is the type of world Clementine lives in. So why would she be "safe" anymore than the others?
I dont think she will ever appear on panel, but maybe we can get a name drop if Richmond does join Ricks group of communities.
I hope not. Clementine's canon personality shouldn't happen.
I don't think it would matter what the choices people made were because I don't think she would ever become a main character. When I talk about the prospect of her being brought into the comics I'm not referring to her becoming as regular character as say Carl, or Maggie, and people like them. I know that would never happen. I'm more or less talking about her being one of those background characters that we just occasionally see being brought up on panel every once in awhile and may have a line or two every ten issues or so. There are a lot of characters like that in the comic and that was more or less what I was talking about. In that situation choices wouldn't matter because she likely wouldn't ever get enough development to contradict any choices people made,
This is a character similar to what I am saying they could make Clementine like.
Annie has been around for about 45 issues now and hasn't been on panel more than a dozen times or so (and most of those times have been recently during the Whisperer conflict). She's more or less a character created just to fill up the population of the new Alexandria after the timeskip.
For a start having a missing eye should be listed in that list of heads being bashed in, it's another thing to lick it and being 16 year old doing it to a 13 year old at that.
The whole eye licking thing was really put in there because it was about as close as the comic could go to showing an underage sex act. The comic has implied a couple oral sex scenes in the past but nothing with underage kids. In my mind that eye socket licking scene was meant to be about the same thing as having Michonne or Carol go down on Tyreese.
Then perhaps Walking Dead universe is not for you. Which is fine.. I heard
Sesame Street has really gotten interesting with over 47 seasons to date so ya know they must be doing everything right. No eye ball licking at all, oh but probably eye ball counting though.. oh well.. Maybe Telltale games can do their take on Sesame Street.
I don't think so to be honest, I think since this is the final season the choices will be more impactful than before since it will be the end of the story we've had tailored since the start of the series. Also doesn't hurt to mention Clem's appearance changes from our player choices so it'd be a bit annoying if she showed up in the comic series since it'll have to give her a "Canon" appearance instead of us choosing our own.
I actually think there's a very good chance some other game characters COULD show up in the comics, characters that survive regardless of player choice such as Javi or Eleanor who survive regardless of player choice.
Oh, I love stuff like that. I don't want it happening to clementine though
Can you stop editing the same post? You've seen that I want more violence and weird shit so what's the point is sending the same thing over and over?
Typos and perfection. And I may be a Clem fan but I'm not against whatever the writers feel the need to throw at her. Including the comic if she ever gets there as well.
There is some messed up stuff in comics. That's what I wanted to say. O__O
All the more reason to give clementine her own comic series and not put her in that one.
That's not going to happen though.
I'm not the one asking for one, I don't read the comics.
Toned down?
Eh, the last volume I read, Volume 27, had one death disturb me greatly for how gruesome it was. But I suppose in general as a trend, it has been a lot less gorey.
While I would enjoy being able to see Clementine more, the fact is that if it happens, then a set of canon choices must be set. Think about it. Some Clementines has lost a bit of a finger, others have a noticeable bullet graze on their face, etc.
How could they fix that? Probably clever use of angles, clothing, etc. I think a mention of her but not appearance would allow our choices to stay, but she be known to exist in there.
No she already has determinant features and I dont trust Kirkman to do anything worthwhile with Clem so just KEEP HER OUT OF THE OTHER MEDIUMS THX
I think it would still work if they kept her as a background character. We know where she currently is and what she is up to but we don't necessarily see her on screen a lot.