"Happiness", Emerson answered Lord Terren's question quietly. "To honor my father, I will take Godsgrace and rule it as I was bor… moren to do, but even more importantly I want to be happy when I'm there. I want to be a caring husband and father for a family I love, and a good lord for the people of Godsgrace."
Terren smiled softly to Emerson, and it looked to be genuine. "You have a good heart, boy", he finally replied with a small sigh. "And I wish with all my heart that your dreams will come true, that you will do your duty and find happiness along the way. However, you are still young, and might come to learn in the coming years that those with the most power are rarely happy men, least of all those who deserve it. They carry on their shoulders not only the sorrows and concerns of their own, but also their families and their people. The men of power feel pain but keep it inside, standing strong and taking to their toll the pains o… [view original content]
Yeah, there certainly is a bit of catching up to do, but I'd like to think that if you enjoy the story then it should still be doable. And there is no rush with catching up either, it will certainly take me many more months to finish Book 1, and after that there are still three more to come I do wish I had recaps to link you to, it's definitely something I need to work on now that the story is starting to get intimidatingly long for newcomers. Anyway, I'm glad you're interested in this story at least, and welcome onboard if you indeed decide to catch up
Well, Lord Magnum P.I. is surely a chill dude I like him and actually really root for him, even if his alliance with Yorick Yronwood is unlikely to bring any good for his house in the long run. And he does not seem to be willing to break with these ties anytime soon. But it's small details about him I really enjoy. I bet I'm the only one who thinks his portrait resembles Tom Selleck though, but that does not stop me from loving him for it And the more I think about it, the more I realize that Morgan actually did a decent thing by getting Vita away from Godsgrace and his own disgusting presence. What is this, is he actually capable of doing something nice? It seems she's even somewhat recovering from her years at Godsgrace, even if I doubt there is much hope for her to ever recover what she has lost.
Terren is a reasonable and calm personality, but there are also some hints of him being quite resourceful, cunning even, when it comes to political games. It's also pretty clear that he is firmly loyal to King Yorick, for now at least. I'm glad to hear you're liking his character though, he's a pleasure to write. And oh, I can definitely see the resemblance, even if Selleck wasn't really an inspiration for Terren's looks And you're right, it was definitely for her own good to take Vita away from Godsgrace. Part of this was just Morgan being pragmatic and trying to win the favor of the Jordayne's by safely returning Vita to the Tor, but he also does have some genuine love for his wife. That said, Vita most likely will never fully recover, but at least in the Tor she is safe and at peace (even if she does have some traumatic memories from there as well, mainly related to the late Lord Jorrel).
Well, Lord Magnum P.I. is surely a chill dude I like him and actually really root for him, even if his alliance with Yorick Yronwood is unl… moreikely to bring any good for his house in the long run. And he does not seem to be willing to break with these ties anytime soon. But it's small details about him I really enjoy. I bet I'm the only one who thinks his portrait resembles Tom Selleck though, but that does not stop me from loving him for it And the more I think about it, the more I realize that Morgan actually did a decent thing by getting Vita away from Godsgrace and his own disgusting presence. What is this, is he actually capable of doing something nice? It seems she's even somewhat recovering from her years at Godsgrace, even if I doubt there is much hope for her to ever recover what she has lost.
[Stay in the Tor]
Just like how I believe that House Jordayne's alliance with Yorick cannot bring any good, I do not think Emerson can ga… [view original content]
Yep, all of those houses will be introduced in time. With the Gargalen's we know Lord Jorvian is marching towards Vaith with King Lucifer, so we'll surely meet him soon enough. We don't really know much about the Wyl's yet, aside from them being sworn to King Yorick, and Queen Wenda being originally a Wyl. However, now that we are starting to get more of the Yronwood's, the Wyl's are bound to show up at some point as well. The Drinkwater's on the other hand are a bit of a mystery. We have met Kegan and Dustran, but they aren't actually from the main branch of Oasis Castle, but rather from a side branch that has settled to Vulture's Roost. The main branch of Drinkwater's are sworn to House Fowler, and will certainly have their role to play in the wars to come. We might also meet the rest of House Wells soon.
[Stay in the Tor]
There's no doubt Yorick could offer him helping him retake Godsgrace on the condition he becomes his vassal, but as Julia… more mentioned, he's a warmonger who doesn't try to improve the lives of his subjects very much.
Julia is actually right about pointing out that this vicious cycle of small conquests and reconquests between petty kingdoms seems rather meaningless. We all know it will take a powerful external force to unite them, forcing them to abandon their quarrels for the sake of the continent as a whole.
With this the only major Dornish families that haven't been introduced are the Wyls of Wyl, the Gargalens of Salt Shore and the Drinkwaters, although its only a matter of time.
"Happiness", Emerson answered Lord Terren's question quietly. "To honor my father, I will take Godsgrace and rule it as I was bor… moren to do, but even more importantly I want to be happy when I'm there. I want to be a caring husband and father for a family I love, and a good lord for the people of Godsgrace."
Terren smiled softly to Emerson, and it looked to be genuine. "You have a good heart, boy", he finally replied with a small sigh. "And I wish with all my heart that your dreams will come true, that you will do your duty and find happiness along the way. However, you are still young, and might come to learn in the coming years that those with the most power are rarely happy men, least of all those who deserve it. They carry on their shoulders not only the sorrows and concerns of their own, but also their families and their people. The men of power feel pain but keep it inside, standing strong and taking to their toll the pains o… [view original content]
I feel like this choice will be a lot better for the sake of the story. Of course I see reasons behind all this votes to stay in Castle, we have to remember - stagnation is greatest enemy of building up the plot - here, for example, it pretty much kills Emerson's storyline all way to Nymeria's attack. I can imagine some circumstances that'd make this "stay" choice more interesting, but I'm almost certain that undertaking this task is more natural and ergo right choice here.
"Happiness", Emerson answered Lord Terren's question quietly. "To honor my father, I will take Godsgrace and rule it as I was bor… moren to do, but even more importantly I want to be happy when I'm there. I want to be a caring husband and father for a family I love, and a good lord for the people of Godsgrace."
Terren smiled softly to Emerson, and it looked to be genuine. "You have a good heart, boy", he finally replied with a small sigh. "And I wish with all my heart that your dreams will come true, that you will do your duty and find happiness along the way. However, you are still young, and might come to learn in the coming years that those with the most power are rarely happy men, least of all those who deserve it. They carry on their shoulders not only the sorrows and concerns of their own, but also their families and their people. The men of power feel pain but keep it inside, standing strong and taking to their toll the pains o… [view original content]
"Happiness", Emerson answered Lord Terren's question quietly. "To honor my father, I will take Godsgrace and rule it as I was bor… moren to do, but even more importantly I want to be happy when I'm there. I want to be a caring husband and father for a family I love, and a good lord for the people of Godsgrace."
Terren smiled softly to Emerson, and it looked to be genuine. "You have a good heart, boy", he finally replied with a small sigh. "And I wish with all my heart that your dreams will come true, that you will do your duty and find happiness along the way. However, you are still young, and might come to learn in the coming years that those with the most power are rarely happy men, least of all those who deserve it. They carry on their shoulders not only the sorrows and concerns of their own, but also their families and their people. The men of power feel pain but keep it inside, standing strong and taking to their toll the pains o… [view original content]
Well, you are at least partially correct here. Going to Yronwood would indeed result in a faster pace when it comes to building the plot of Emerson's storyline, as it would keep him moving and make him interact with many new characters, most importantly King Yorick. That said, staying in the Tor will bring its own (even if a tad slower) storyline, which I at least hope will be interesting to read. And the real pay off to Emerson's storyline won't be coming any faster with either choice.
[Go to Yronwood]
I feel like this choice will be a lot better for the sake of the story. Of course I see reasons behind all this votes to… more stay in Castle, we have to remember - stagnation is greatest enemy of building up the plot - here, for example, it pretty much kills Emerson's storyline all way to Nymeria's attack. I can imagine some circumstances that'd make this "stay" choice more interesting, but I'm almost certain that undertaking this task is more natural and ergo right choice here.
I doubt this choice will win, but I feel like, as far as Emerson knows, this is his best chance of getting support to help him become the new Lord of Godsgrace. I'm sure Terren would be disappointed if he decides to stay, in the Tor. He might not try as hard to get Yorick to help him, if he doesn't go with him. Also, even tho we know Nymeria wins, I'm not sure how Emerson just staying in the Tor and not trying to get allies will help him, in the long run.
"Happiness", Emerson answered Lord Terren's question quietly. "To honor my father, I will take Godsgrace and rule it as I was bor… moren to do, but even more importantly I want to be happy when I'm there. I want to be a caring husband and father for a family I love, and a good lord for the people of Godsgrace."
Terren smiled softly to Emerson, and it looked to be genuine. "You have a good heart, boy", he finally replied with a small sigh. "And I wish with all my heart that your dreams will come true, that you will do your duty and find happiness along the way. However, you are still young, and might come to learn in the coming years that those with the most power are rarely happy men, least of all those who deserve it. They carry on their shoulders not only the sorrows and concerns of their own, but also their families and their people. The men of power feel pain but keep it inside, standing strong and taking to their toll the pains o… [view original content]
[Go to Yronwood] Like some of the others have said, I also believe this would be an interesting way for Emerson's storyline to go. Also as far as Nymeria goes, I don't think Emerson meeting with Yorick will affect him if he ever crosses paths with her which alot of that depends on how closely Emerson allies with the Yronwood's too.
"Happiness", Emerson answered Lord Terren's question quietly. "To honor my father, I will take Godsgrace and rule it as I was bor… moren to do, but even more importantly I want to be happy when I'm there. I want to be a caring husband and father for a family I love, and a good lord for the people of Godsgrace."
Terren smiled softly to Emerson, and it looked to be genuine. "You have a good heart, boy", he finally replied with a small sigh. "And I wish with all my heart that your dreams will come true, that you will do your duty and find happiness along the way. However, you are still young, and might come to learn in the coming years that those with the most power are rarely happy men, least of all those who deserve it. They carry on their shoulders not only the sorrows and concerns of their own, but also their families and their people. The men of power feel pain but keep it inside, standing strong and taking to their toll the pains o… [view original content]
And you're right, it was definitely for her own good to take Vita away from Godsgrace. Part of this was just Morgan being pragmatic and trying to win the favor of the Jordayne's by safely returning Vita to the Tor, but he also does have some genuine love for his wife. That said, Vita most likely will never fully recover, but at least in the Tor she is safe and at peace (even if she does have some traumatic memories from there as well, mainly related to the late Lord Jorrel).
Gee, is there any moment in Vita's life that did not suck completely? That poor woman seems to have by far the most horrible backstory out of the entire cast so far, beating characters such as Kortney, Elise and Kris, on account of me not being able to remember a single mention of anything that was actually wholeheartedly positive in her life. I mean, Kortney had it good before leaving Nightsong, Elise has it good right now and the same applies to Kris, but Vita's life just sucks from start to finish. To say I pity her would be an understatement.
On another note, I would kindly like to change my vote to [Go to Yronwood]. I still consider it a huge risk, but the arguments coming from MicroAce, Tales and CM3434 have managed to convince me, on top of me having been rather fond of this choice from the very beginning. As much as I want Emerson to succeed, this is one of the storylines where I am willing to take some risks to get more excitement out of it and Emerson meeting Yorick alongside Magnum Jordayne is just too tempting to disregard it. Especially CM3434 brought up a good argument, that simply meeting with Yorick is not necessarily deciding on Emerson's allegiance and his relationship to Nymeria.
Well, Lord Magnum P.I. is surely a chill dude I like him and actually really root for him, even if his alliance with Yorick Yronwood is unl… moreikely to bring any good for his house in the long run. And he does not seem to be willing to break with these ties anytime soon. But it's small details about him I really enjoy. I bet I'm the only one who thinks his portrait resembles Tom Selleck though, but that does not stop me from loving him for it And the more I think about it, the more I realize that Morgan actually did a decent thing by getting Vita away from Godsgrace and his own disgusting presence. What is this, is he actually capable of doing something nice? It seems she's even somewhat recovering from her years at Godsgrace, even if I doubt there is much hope for her to ever recover what she has lost.
Terren is a reasonable and calm personality, but there are also some hints of him being quite resourceful, cunning even, when it comes … [view original content]
And with Liquid's changed voted tipping the scale, Emerson will go to Yronwood. At first I kind of expected you to choose this, but when the votes for staying kept coming I certainly didn't expect it to turn around - this voting was a rollercoaster Anyway, I am kinda glad this option won, as it arguably gives Emerson a more exciting storyline in this chapter, and allows me to introduce many interesting characters. I would've enjoyed giving more screentime for characters like Julia and Artos had Emerson chose to stay in the Tor, but having him interact with Yorick should make up for it
And the next part, which will be a Tomas PoV, is basically ready, needs just some finishing touches. It's a fairly short part, but will have quite an interesting choice in the end. Anyway, the last time we were on Ghost Hill, Tomas received a letter from Lord Terren, inviting him to the Tor to discuss the coming wars. However, the bulk of the part took place in the dungeons, where Forovos Norvhoshi helped Tomas getting some information out of Argim Taler. After some defiance, Argim revealed that Yorick Yronwood's plan was to make Lord Terren lure the Toland's into an alliance, and that way under the influence of the Bloodroyal. And if that would not work, they would take over Ghost Hill with force. After Argim revealed this, Forovos advised Tomas to kill the Yronwood spy, suggesting he had no more valuable information to give. Tomas chose to do just that, and left Forovos to take care of the body, so that Levor would never find out what happened to his treasonous advisor.
I also have another new portrait for you, this time Julia Jordayne:
Tomas sat silently in the empty council chamber, in his hands the letter he had received from Lord Terren Jordayne, inviting him to the Tor. Last night he had cut the throat of Argim Taler, and left the traitor's body for Forovos Norvoshi to take care of. He had no regret for that, but what the weasel had said before his death still bothered him. Yorick Yronwood had laid his eyes on Ghost Hill, and Terren Jordayne had been tasked to make the Toland's bend their knee to the Bloodroyal.
The door of the chamber was opened and in walked two men – Ser Manfrey Rowman and Maester Galladon. Galladon was an old and frail man, having to resort to a cane to be able to walk. He was on his nineties, and had been the Maester of Ghost Hill ever since Tomas and Donovar had been just little boys.
With the help of Manfrey, the maester took his seat opposed to Tomas, mumbling his greeting as he sat down, the links on his collar rattling softly. "Good morning," Tomas replied sternly, putting the letter back to his pocket. "Are there any more coming?"
"Well, Lord Levor himself, of course," Galladon answered with his weak and hoarse voice. "However, I'm afraid your brother's war has shrunk the council considerably. We are the only ones left, now that Argim has gone missing as well."
"We have no need for rats like him in the council," Tomas hissed, and Galladon nodded. "As you say, mylord. Still, sometimes unpleasant men such as Argim have the best advice to give for a ruler."
"So, you agree with the advice Argim gave to Levor?" Tomas asked strictly, which made the old maester sigh. "Argim was perhaps a bit too eager to throw us at the mercy of the Yronwood's, but he was correct about something – House Toland will not survive alone. A great war is coming, and who can we trust to have our side? Santagar's have had no interest for an alliance with us in decades, they'd rather align themselves with the Martell's. The Ladybright's of Dawnspire are weak, and only care for their small corner of land by the sea. The Jordayne's are sworn to King Yorick, and will do nothing the Bloodroyal doesn't consent."
"I say we support Princess Nymeria," Tomas said directly, seeing the maester arch his eyebrow. "Supporting a foreign invader is not something I expected from you, mylord," he stated, and Tomas chuckled dryly.
"Oh, trust me maester, I would've much preferred that we had won our war against her, but the fact is that we didn't," he pointed out grimly. "She has guaranteed me that the Martell's serve the same gods as we do, and whatever heirs she will have will be as much Andal as they are Rhoynar. But most importantly, under the Martell's we'd be directly linked to the throne, perhaps the most important vassal they would have. What would we be for King Yorick?"
"You have a point, Tomas," Ser Manfrey spoke up now. "However, in the end it will come down to Lord Levor's decision." Tomas nodded, knowing only too well how true his friend's statement was. He may have managed to speak his nephew out of trying to avenge Donovar and keeping his crown, but he couldn't assume he was in full control of the boy's decisions. And just then, the doors of the council chamber opened and Levor walked in, escorted by two young knights, the other one of them being Ser Garibald of Sevengrace.
In silence Levor Toland walked to his seat at the end of the table, and sat down with a slightly nervous but still determined look on his eyes. He glanced at Tomas, and gave him a small nod. Seeing Levor sitting proudly at the end of the table, perhaps for the first time Tomas could truly see the Donovar in that boy.
"My lords, I believe we have some things to discuss, so let's begin," Levor declared professionaly. "Lord Tomas, I believe you mentioned earlier some kind of message." Tomas nodded to his nephew's words.
"Indeed, my lord, a message from the Tor," he clarified with a sigh, which looked to interest Levor greatly. "The Jordayne's," the boy said quietly. "What do they want?"
Tomas took in a deep breath, considering his words. He couldn't be too secretive with Levor, but he had to try and present these news in a way that would make his nephew agree with him. "Lord Terren Jordayne has invited me to his halls," he answered begrudgingly, which made Levor narrow his eyes.
"They invited you, not me?" He asked strictly, and Tomas nodded. "Terren claims in his letter he trusts my judgement over yours," he said with a slight chuckle. He could see the irritation on Levor's face now. "What he offers in his letter is an alliance, a common cause in a war against Princess Nymeria. What he doesn't mention is that King Yorick merely tries to use us to weaken his enemy, and make us bend the knee when we are weakened by the war."
"And how do you know this is what he plans?" Levor asked with a frown. Tomas gulped subtly, he couldn't reveal where he had actually learnt of these plans, but he had to be convincing enough to make Levor understand. "It is obvious, my lord," he stated calmly. "King Yorick, nor his vassals, give anything away without demanding something in return."
"That may well be true, but I have also heard King Yorick is the last man in Dorne you want to make your enemy," Levor responded, and Tomas nodded. "Perhaps, but same could be said of Princess Nymeria. She might not be as powerful as Yorick, not yet at least, but she is closer to us, and she has already shown she is capable of defeating us."
Levor considered his uncle's words for a moment, a pondering gaze in his eyes. "You may be right, uncle, but we should thread carefully here," the young lord stated with a calm voice. "My father made the mistake of underestimating his enemies, and paid the price for it. I don't want to underestimate Princess Nymeria like he did, but neither do I want to underestimate King Yorick or Lord Jordayne."
"A wise conclusion, mylord," Maester Galladon complimented Levor. "So, what would you suggest is our next move?"
"Lord Tomas, you will travel to the Tor, as invited, and meet with Lord Terren," Levor commanded decisively, and Tomas had to protest. "But, my lord..." He begun, but was immediately cut off.
"You will do as I command, Tomas," he said strictly. "I am the Lord of Ghost Hill, not you." Tomas nodded humbly to his nephew, who continued before Tomas could speak up again. "As I said, you will meet with Lord Terren, listen to what he has to say, and return here to inform me of what you've learned. Then, we will be wiser to decide where our loyalties should lie in the wars to come."
"You must understand, this could be a trap," Tomas insisted, but Levor shook his head. "If it was a trap, they would've invited me, not you," he replied calmly. Tomas sighed in frustration. He understood Levor's decision, and with the context the boy had it was even a smart choice. However, Tomas already knew the true intentions of the Jordayne's. If only Levor knew what Argim told me.
There is one particular argument that convinced me to pick this. The thing is, Lord Magnum won't be at the Tor if Tomas travels there. He and Emerson are preparing to meet Yorick at Yronwood. Meaning, if Tomas goes there now, he won't be able to discuss anything with him. And obviously, as we know from Argim's confession, this is a good thing, as the Jordayne's won't form a genuine alliance with the Toland's, but instead are meant to prepare the Yronwood takeover. However, if Tomas is to travel to the Tor, now would be the best possible time, I believe. Among the Jordayne's left is the recently introduced Julia, who seems to hold a rather negative opinion on Yorick. With a bit of luck, she can give Tomas every argument he needs to convince Levor that pursuing this route is foolish. Though I doubt the Jordayne's can be convinced to break with the Yronwood's, despite Julia's doubts about Yorick's competence, maybe she can at least be convinced to help Tomas in his desire not to submit House Toland to Yronwood rule. As such, I would actually like for Tomas to travel to the Tor. Revealing the truth about Argim would put this at risk, or worse than that, it would put Tomas at risk, due to Levor potentially being very pissed at the death of his advisor and Tomas going behind his back there. This sounds like an unnecessary risk.
Tomas sat silently in the empty council chamber, in his hands the letter he had received from Lord Terren Jordayne, inviting him to… more the Tor. Last night he had cut the throat of Argim Taler, and left the traitor's body for Forovos Norvoshi to take care of. He had no regret for that, but what the weasel had said before his death still bothered him. Yorick Yronwood had laid his eyes on Ghost Hill, and Terren Jordayne had been tasked to make the Toland's bend their knee to the Bloodroyal.
The door of the chamber was opened and in walked two men – Ser Manfrey Rowman and Maester Galladon. Galladon was an old and frail man, having to resort to a cane to be able to walk. He was on his nineties, and had been the Maester of Ghost Hill ever since Tomas and Donovar had been just little boys.
With the help of Manfrey, the maester took his seat opposed to Tomas, mumbling his greeting as he sat down, the links on his collar rattling softly. "… [view original content]
That looks like a very good picture. Speaking of Julia, wouldn't she be going to go with Lord Terren and Emerson? Since, she is acting, somewhat, as Lord Terren's scribe and recording his conversations with other diploments. Does King Yorick not want his conversations with Lord Terren recorded or something?
Voting is closed!
And with Liquid's changed voted tipping the scale, Emerson will go to Yronwood. At first I kind of expected you to choo… morese this, but when the votes for staying kept coming I certainly didn't expect it to turn around - this voting was a rollercoaster Anyway, I am kinda glad this option won, as it arguably gives Emerson a more exciting storyline in this chapter, and allows me to introduce many interesting characters. I would've enjoyed giving more screentime for characters like Julia and Artos had Emerson chose to stay in the Tor, but having him interact with Yorick should make up for it
And the next part, which will be a Tomas PoV, is basically ready, needs just some finishing touches. It's a fairly short part, but will have quite an interesting choice in the end. Anyway, the last time we were on Ghost Hill, Tomas received a letter from Lord Terren, inviting him to the Tor to discuss the coming wars. However, the bulk … [view original content]
Julia is a scribe, and she records Terren's "official" conversations and council meetings in the Tor, but bringing her to do that in Yorick's court wouldn't really be seen as appropriate - Terren is a guest there after all. That said, he will actually bring his younger son Yoren with him, as a sort of squire.
That looks like a very good picture. Speaking of Julia, wouldn't she be going to go with Lord Terren and Emerson? Since, she is acting, some… morewhat, as Lord Terren's scribe and recording his conversations with other diploments. Does King Yorick not want his conversations with Lord Terren recorded or something?
Tomas sat silently in the empty council chamber, in his hands the letter he had received from Lord Terren Jordayne, inviting him to… more the Tor. Last night he had cut the throat of Argim Taler, and left the traitor's body for Forovos Norvoshi to take care of. He had no regret for that, but what the weasel had said before his death still bothered him. Yorick Yronwood had laid his eyes on Ghost Hill, and Terren Jordayne had been tasked to make the Toland's bend their knee to the Bloodroyal.
The door of the chamber was opened and in walked two men – Ser Manfrey Rowman and Maester Galladon. Galladon was an old and frail man, having to resort to a cane to be able to walk. He was on his nineties, and had been the Maester of Ghost Hill ever since Tomas and Donovar had been just little boys.
With the help of Manfrey, the maester took his seat opposed to Tomas, mumbling his greeting as he sat down, the links on his collar rattling softly. "… [view original content]
Tomas sat silently in the empty council chamber, in his hands the letter he had received from Lord Terren Jordayne, inviting him to… more the Tor. Last night he had cut the throat of Argim Taler, and left the traitor's body for Forovos Norvoshi to take care of. He had no regret for that, but what the weasel had said before his death still bothered him. Yorick Yronwood had laid his eyes on Ghost Hill, and Terren Jordayne had been tasked to make the Toland's bend their knee to the Bloodroyal.
The door of the chamber was opened and in walked two men – Ser Manfrey Rowman and Maester Galladon. Galladon was an old and frail man, having to resort to a cane to be able to walk. He was on his nineties, and had been the Maester of Ghost Hill ever since Tomas and Donovar had been just little boys.
With the help of Manfrey, the maester took his seat opposed to Tomas, mumbling his greeting as he sat down, the links on his collar rattling softly. "… [view original content]
Huh? No, certainly not intentional because I don't get it If it's wonky somehow, or it doesn't make sense to use those words together, then that's just on English not being my first language
[Keep the secret] While telling him would probably save him from being imprisoned (again), it would harm the trust Levor has for his uncle, which will difficult an alliance between Ghost Hill and Sandship. But now that we know Lord Terren is traveling to Yronwood, that could actually help him reject the offer and walk away, since we now Julia doesn't have much fondness for King Yorick, and Artos seemed more reasonable.
Small thing: Julia is still listed on the to-be introduced characters list, and Corren hasn't been put on the deceased characters list.
Tomas sat silently in the empty council chamber, in his hands the letter he had received from Lord Terren Jordayne, inviting him to… more the Tor. Last night he had cut the throat of Argim Taler, and left the traitor's body for Forovos Norvoshi to take care of. He had no regret for that, but what the weasel had said before his death still bothered him. Yorick Yronwood had laid his eyes on Ghost Hill, and Terren Jordayne had been tasked to make the Toland's bend their knee to the Bloodroyal.
The door of the chamber was opened and in walked two men – Ser Manfrey Rowman and Maester Galladon. Galladon was an old and frail man, having to resort to a cane to be able to walk. He was on his nineties, and had been the Maester of Ghost Hill ever since Tomas and Donovar had been just little boys.
With the help of Manfrey, the maester took his seat opposed to Tomas, mumbling his greeting as he sat down, the links on his collar rattling softly. "… [view original content]
[Keep the secret] While telling him would probably save him from being imprisoned (again), it would harm the trust Levor has for his uncle, … morewhich will difficult an alliance between Ghost Hill and Sandship. But now that we know Lord Terren is traveling to Yronwood, that could actually help him reject the offer and walk away, since we now Julia doesn't have much fondness for King Yorick, and Artos seemed more reasonable.
Small thing: Julia is still listed on the to-be introduced characters list, and Corren hasn't been put on the deceased characters list.
Tomas sat silently in the empty council chamber, in his hands the letter he had received from Lord Terren Jordayne, inviting him to… more the Tor. Last night he had cut the throat of Argim Taler, and left the traitor's body for Forovos Norvoshi to take care of. He had no regret for that, but what the weasel had said before his death still bothered him. Yorick Yronwood had laid his eyes on Ghost Hill, and Terren Jordayne had been tasked to make the Toland's bend their knee to the Bloodroyal.
The door of the chamber was opened and in walked two men – Ser Manfrey Rowman and Maester Galladon. Galladon was an old and frail man, having to resort to a cane to be able to walk. He was on his nineties, and had been the Maester of Ghost Hill ever since Tomas and Donovar had been just little boys.
With the help of Manfrey, the maester took his seat opposed to Tomas, mumbling his greeting as he sat down, the links on his collar rattling softly. "… [view original content]
[Keep the secret] I pretty much agree with everyone else here, though I don't think it's going to be that easy. Julia said she didn't like the Yronwoods, but she also implied that she had to be loyal to them because of her family. I kinda doubt Julia would do anything that could backfire and end up hurting the Jordaynes.
Tomas sat silently in the empty council chamber, in his hands the letter he had received from Lord Terren Jordayne, inviting him to… more the Tor. Last night he had cut the throat of Argim Taler, and left the traitor's body for Forovos Norvoshi to take care of. He had no regret for that, but what the weasel had said before his death still bothered him. Yorick Yronwood had laid his eyes on Ghost Hill, and Terren Jordayne had been tasked to make the Toland's bend their knee to the Bloodroyal.
The door of the chamber was opened and in walked two men – Ser Manfrey Rowman and Maester Galladon. Galladon was an old and frail man, having to resort to a cane to be able to walk. He was on his nineties, and had been the Maester of Ghost Hill ever since Tomas and Donovar had been just little boys.
With the help of Manfrey, the maester took his seat opposed to Tomas, mumbling his greeting as he sat down, the links on his collar rattling softly. "… [view original content]
Tomas sat silently in the empty council chamber, in his hands the letter he had received from Lord Terren Jordayne, inviting him to… more the Tor. Last night he had cut the throat of Argim Taler, and left the traitor's body for Forovos Norvoshi to take care of. He had no regret for that, but what the weasel had said before his death still bothered him. Yorick Yronwood had laid his eyes on Ghost Hill, and Terren Jordayne had been tasked to make the Toland's bend their knee to the Bloodroyal.
The door of the chamber was opened and in walked two men – Ser Manfrey Rowman and Maester Galladon. Galladon was an old and frail man, having to resort to a cane to be able to walk. He was on his nineties, and had been the Maester of Ghost Hill ever since Tomas and Donovar had been just little boys.
With the help of Manfrey, the maester took his seat opposed to Tomas, mumbling his greeting as he sat down, the links on his collar rattling softly. "… [view original content]
Huh? No, certainly not intentional because I don't get it If it's wonky somehow, or it doesn't make sense to use those words together, then that's just on English not being my first language
I've caught up though it took a good amount of effort. One question is that are the Martells going to win eventually or will the victors be decided on choices...
Yeah, there certainly is a bit of catching up to do, but I'd like to think that if you enjoy the story then it should still be doable. And t… morehere is no rush with catching up either, it will certainly take me many more months to finish Book 1, and after that there are still three more to come I do wish I had recaps to link you to, it's definitely something I need to work on now that the story is starting to get intimidatingly long for newcomers. Anyway, I'm glad you're interested in this story at least, and welcome onboard if you indeed decide to catch up
Well, that was quickly done! Nice Anyway, to your question, yes I plan to follow the canon in the major things, such as the outcome of the war. That said, choices still change many things, and can for example determine which characters survive, how they develop, etc.
I've caught up though it took a good amount of effort. One question is that are the Martells going to win eventually or will the victors be decided on choices...
And Tomas will keep the secret from Levor, which means he'll have a trip to the Tor ahead of him. Telling Levor about Argim certainly would've been a risky move for Tomas, but we'll have to see if going to the Jordayne's is any better...
Next we'll have one fairly short part in Vaith, Kirs being the PoV, and we'll be seeing his ceremony. Earlier this chapter Kris had a moment with his ex-wife Lady Myra, whom he had spared earlier, realizing she wasn't the Witch of Vaith. Myra pleaded that Kris wouldn't leave her and their son Nickon again, that he'd stay and rule as the Lord of Vaith instead of following his mother to chase after Valerie. Kris made no promises though. Later he met briefly with Dalia, and expressed his struggle with the choice of staying or going, but Dalia chose to just say that it's a decision Kris must make himself. That's where we'll continue, and the part should be ready very soon.
I have a couple more of these full body illustrations made, to show off the gear of these characters. This time they are Kris Vaith and Bjorn Harlaw:
"It is a hard decision, I understand, but it is one you must make yourself, Kris," Dalia said with an earnest tone on her calm voice. "I can't ask you to abandon your family and duty as a lord, but neither can I tell you to abandon the Lord of Light."
"I understand," Kris replied with a sigh, keeping his gaze down. Dalia put her hand on his shoulder. "You'll find the answer, just... don't be too hard on yourself," she spoke quietly, and Kris flashed her a forced smirk. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied with a joyless chuckle, and Dalia smiled. The Wild Sun didn't smile often, but Kris had to admit that it was a beautiful sight whenever it happened.
"Anyway, I should get my armor on," Kris said, which made Dalia furrow her eyebrows. "For the ceremony," Kris explained, and she nodded. "I'll see you there," Dalia said, giving him one more seductive gaze before she walked away. With a sigh Kris made his way to the armory.
Kris rode towards the platform in the middle of the town square on his white horse, the crowd making way for him, all eyes fixed on him. That was to be expected, as it was a ceremony held for his return, but Kris did feel slightly uncomfortable. He had a lot on his mind, and it didn't feel right to celebrate. More than half of the crowd were from the Wild Suns, but the rest were people who Kris had been fighting against just a few days ago. And now they are here to celebrate my return.
He dismounted his horse next to the wooden platform, his shining steel armor clanking as he stepped down. He hadn't been wearing this armor for years, and it felt heavier than he remembered. He also had the orange-and-yellow tabard of House Vaith over his armor.
Kris walked the steps up to the platform, where his mother was waiting for him, dressed in a bright red silk dress. The crowd in the town square was quiet, as Kris kneeled down in front of Mother Minesa. The Red Priestess placed an olive wreath on his head, a crown for the savior of the city.
"We have come here, to celebrate the return of Lord Kris Vaith!" Minesa announced ceremonially, and mild cheers went through the crowd. "He is the Lord of Vaith and the Red Dunes, the savior of the city. He is the White Flame, the End of Night, who banished darkness from this city, drove away the enemies of R'hllor, and brought it back to the light of our lord!" This time the cheers were even tamer, and Kris couldn't blame them. These people didn't care for R'hllor or his enemies, they cared for having a safe place to live in, and Kris understood them. "Rise now, Warrior of Light!" Minesa yelled, and Kris stood up.
His eyes traveled through the crowd, and they looked right back at him. My people, Kris acknowledged with some pride, and sense of responsibility. He took in a deep breath, as the people waited for him to speak. He had thought carefully what to say here.
"People of Vaith," he addressed the crowd, even knowing many of them were sellswords of the Wild Suns. "My mother said we are here to celebrate my return, but that is not the full truth. We are also here to remember and mourn those who fell in the battle. They were lives that shouldn't have been lost, not like this. Me, my wife, the people of this city, we were all tricked into fighting each other, by one evil individual." Kris took in a breath, seeing in his mind again Valerie Sand, and how her eyes had glowed blue in that dark alley. "However, we are also here to move forward, towards a better tomorrow. I am the Lord of Vaith, and it is my duty to protect the people of this city. Now, a war glooms in the horizon, a war between a Dornish king and an invader from the east. This city stands between these two forces, which means our involvement is inevitable. We have to choose a side." Kris gazed the crowd, seeing nodding and hearing agreeing murmur. "The Vaith's have had their conflicts with the Dryland's in the past, but I will choose to support King Lucifer over a warmongering princess who is trying to force us into submission!" This got by far the loudest cheers out of the people. Kris was glad he had managed to convince these people with his words, even if he was a bit unsure of them himself. Princess Nymeria was perhaps a conqueror trying to force Vaith into submission, but in truth Kris didn't have much trust for King Lucifer either. He did trust Dalia though, and she would soon be made the heir to the Kingdom of Brimstone.
Kris continued his speech for a while, talking about how what had been destroyed would need to be rebuilt, and how the defenses of the city would need to be strengthened for the battles to come. After a few minutes he ended his speech, receiving generous applauds from the crowd on the town square. He walked down from the platform, and the first person to approach him was Lady Myra. She looked at him with an uncertain smile on her face.
"You did good, Kris," she said with a small sigh. "I don't like working with the Dryland's, but... I see where you are coming from." Kris nodded calmly. "I'm glad we have an understanding," he said stiffly, nodding politely and moving forward. Next he was approached by Khazor the Sarnori, one of Dalia's commanders.
"A fine speech, Lord Vaith," he complimented with his usual dry and stern tone. "It will be a pleasure fighting by your side against the Rhoynar."
"I'm looking forward to it," Kris replied with a forced smile, before moving forward. Now Dalia stood in front of him. For a moment they just looked at each other, until Dalia tapped him on his left pauldron. "A fine armor, mylord," she complimented playfully, which made Kris chuckle softly.
"See you at the feast, Dalia," he replied with friendly tone, and continued walking. People kept bowing to him, complimenting him and blessing him as he walked past them, but as he got closer to the end of the square, he noticed something different. A stern young man with dark hair and purple eyes, a nasty scar running through his otherwise handsome face. It was the dark warrior from the alley, the Dayne prince, now free of Valerie's control. As their eyes met, Kris could see from the young man's gaze that he knew exactly who had made that scar on his face. Awkwardly Kris turned his eyes away, wondering if he should approach the young Dayne. He didn't feel like he owed an apology, but perhaps it would be good to say at least something to him.
"It is a hard decision, I understand, but it is one you must make yourself, Kris," Dalia said with an earnest tone on her calm voice… more. "I can't ask you to abandon your family and duty as a lord, but neither can I tell you to abandon the Lord of Light."
"I understand," Kris replied with a sigh, keeping his gaze down. Dalia put her hand on his shoulder. "You'll find the answer, just... don't be too hard on yourself," she spoke quietly, and Kris flashed her a forced smirk. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied with a joyless chuckle, and Dalia smiled. The Wild Sun didn't smile often, but Kris had to admit that it was a beautiful sight whenever it happened.
"Anyway, I should get my armor on," Kris said, which made Dalia furrow her eyebrows. "For the ceremony," Kris explained, and she nodded. "I'll see you there," Dalia said, giving him one more seductive gaze before she walked away. With a sigh Kris made his way to the armory.
… [view original content]
"It is a hard decision, I understand, but it is one you must make yourself, Kris," Dalia said with an earnest tone on her calm voice… more. "I can't ask you to abandon your family and duty as a lord, but neither can I tell you to abandon the Lord of Light."
"I understand," Kris replied with a sigh, keeping his gaze down. Dalia put her hand on his shoulder. "You'll find the answer, just... don't be too hard on yourself," she spoke quietly, and Kris flashed her a forced smirk. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied with a joyless chuckle, and Dalia smiled. The Wild Sun didn't smile often, but Kris had to admit that it was a beautiful sight whenever it happened.
"Anyway, I should get my armor on," Kris said, which made Dalia furrow her eyebrows. "For the ceremony," Kris explained, and she nodded. "I'll see you there," Dalia said, giving him one more seductive gaze before she walked away. With a sigh Kris made his way to the armory.
… [view original content]
[Approach Jamison] Well, is better if they approach now, we don't want any resentment, after all it was beyond their control.
Besides it was Jamison's decision to go to the ceremony.
"It is a hard decision, I understand, but it is one you must make yourself, Kris," Dalia said with an earnest tone on her calm voice… more. "I can't ask you to abandon your family and duty as a lord, but neither can I tell you to abandon the Lord of Light."
"I understand," Kris replied with a sigh, keeping his gaze down. Dalia put her hand on his shoulder. "You'll find the answer, just... don't be too hard on yourself," she spoke quietly, and Kris flashed her a forced smirk. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied with a joyless chuckle, and Dalia smiled. The Wild Sun didn't smile often, but Kris had to admit that it was a beautiful sight whenever it happened.
"Anyway, I should get my armor on," Kris said, which made Dalia furrow her eyebrows. "For the ceremony," Kris explained, and she nodded. "I'll see you there," Dalia said, giving him one more seductive gaze before she walked away. With a sigh Kris made his way to the armory.
… [view original content]
"It is a hard decision, I understand, but it is one you must make yourself, Kris," Dalia said with an earnest tone on her calm voice… more. "I can't ask you to abandon your family and duty as a lord, but neither can I tell you to abandon the Lord of Light."
"I understand," Kris replied with a sigh, keeping his gaze down. Dalia put her hand on his shoulder. "You'll find the answer, just... don't be too hard on yourself," she spoke quietly, and Kris flashed her a forced smirk. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied with a joyless chuckle, and Dalia smiled. The Wild Sun didn't smile often, but Kris had to admit that it was a beautiful sight whenever it happened.
"Anyway, I should get my armor on," Kris said, which made Dalia furrow her eyebrows. "For the ceremony," Kris explained, and she nodded. "I'll see you there," Dalia said, giving him one more seductive gaze before she walked away. With a sigh Kris made his way to the armory.
… [view original content]
"It is a hard decision, I understand, but it is one you must make yourself, Kris," Dalia said with an earnest tone on her calm voice… more. "I can't ask you to abandon your family and duty as a lord, but neither can I tell you to abandon the Lord of Light."
"I understand," Kris replied with a sigh, keeping his gaze down. Dalia put her hand on his shoulder. "You'll find the answer, just... don't be too hard on yourself," she spoke quietly, and Kris flashed her a forced smirk. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied with a joyless chuckle, and Dalia smiled. The Wild Sun didn't smile often, but Kris had to admit that it was a beautiful sight whenever it happened.
"Anyway, I should get my armor on," Kris said, which made Dalia furrow her eyebrows. "For the ceremony," Kris explained, and she nodded. "I'll see you there," Dalia said, giving him one more seductive gaze before she walked away. With a sigh Kris made his way to the armory.
… [view original content]
Ah why not Admittedly this is a confrontation that I really wanted to see and it really could go either way here. Jamison obviously still has what happened on his mind amd while he might respect Kris more for confronting him like a man, that doesn't mean at all that Jamison will exactly be kind to him either It will be interesting to see how this goes since it so can go either way so safe to say I look forward to this!
On a side note, I missed the voting on the last Tomas part and even thought I probably would have voted to tell Levor about Argim, it was a pretty decisive vote so I won't beat myself up too bad Great parts!
"It is a hard decision, I understand, but it is one you must make yourself, Kris," Dalia said with an earnest tone on her calm voice… more. "I can't ask you to abandon your family and duty as a lord, but neither can I tell you to abandon the Lord of Light."
"I understand," Kris replied with a sigh, keeping his gaze down. Dalia put her hand on his shoulder. "You'll find the answer, just... don't be too hard on yourself," she spoke quietly, and Kris flashed her a forced smirk. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied with a joyless chuckle, and Dalia smiled. The Wild Sun didn't smile often, but Kris had to admit that it was a beautiful sight whenever it happened.
"Anyway, I should get my armor on," Kris said, which made Dalia furrow her eyebrows. "For the ceremony," Kris explained, and she nodded. "I'll see you there," Dalia said, giving him one more seductive gaze before she walked away. With a sigh Kris made his way to the armory.
… [view original content]
"It is a hard decision, I understand, but it is one you must make yourself, Kris," Dalia said with an earnest tone on her calm voice… more. "I can't ask you to abandon your family and duty as a lord, but neither can I tell you to abandon the Lord of Light."
"I understand," Kris replied with a sigh, keeping his gaze down. Dalia put her hand on his shoulder. "You'll find the answer, just... don't be too hard on yourself," she spoke quietly, and Kris flashed her a forced smirk. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied with a joyless chuckle, and Dalia smiled. The Wild Sun didn't smile often, but Kris had to admit that it was a beautiful sight whenever it happened.
"Anyway, I should get my armor on," Kris said, which made Dalia furrow her eyebrows. "For the ceremony," Kris explained, and she nodded. "I'll see you there," Dalia said, giving him one more seductive gaze before she walked away. With a sigh Kris made his way to the armory.
… [view original content]
Ah, this is a bit of a risk. We all know Jamison's current state of mind and Kris is the one that beat him, humiliated and scarred him. However, I also think that now would be a great way to avoid making things even worse. If Kris and Jamison have a confrontation now, especially since Jamison is not yet recovered enough to get into a phyisical fight, maybe they can put their differences aside, to avoid Jamison becoming bitter about all this. Just like I was very convinced that it is a good thing for Jamison to leave his room, I think a confrontation now will be for the best in the long run, as it might help him coping with this all a bit better. And then comes the fact that, on top of the physical pain, nobody understands him better than Kris. He has been Valerie's thrall for even longer and if there is anyone that can emphasize with him, it's our Lord of Vaith. It is also a confrontation between two strong and interesting characters, so that is the icing on the cake right there
"It is a hard decision, I understand, but it is one you must make yourself, Kris," Dalia said with an earnest tone on her calm voice… more. "I can't ask you to abandon your family and duty as a lord, but neither can I tell you to abandon the Lord of Light."
"I understand," Kris replied with a sigh, keeping his gaze down. Dalia put her hand on his shoulder. "You'll find the answer, just... don't be too hard on yourself," she spoke quietly, and Kris flashed her a forced smirk. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied with a joyless chuckle, and Dalia smiled. The Wild Sun didn't smile often, but Kris had to admit that it was a beautiful sight whenever it happened.
"Anyway, I should get my armor on," Kris said, which made Dalia furrow her eyebrows. "For the ceremony," Kris explained, and she nodded. "I'll see you there," Dalia said, giving him one more seductive gaze before she walked away. With a sigh Kris made his way to the armory.
… [view original content]
[Stay in the Tor]
Yeah, there certainly is a bit of catching up to do, but I'd like to think that if you enjoy the story then it should still be doable. And there is no rush with catching up either, it will certainly take me many more months to finish Book 1, and after that there are still three more to come
I do wish I had recaps to link you to, it's definitely something I need to work on now that the story is starting to get intimidatingly long for newcomers. Anyway, I'm glad you're interested in this story at least, and welcome onboard if you indeed decide to catch up 
Terren is a reasonable and calm personality, but there are also some hints of him being quite resourceful, cunning even, when it comes to political games. It's also pretty clear that he is firmly loyal to King Yorick, for now at least. I'm glad to hear you're liking his character though, he's a pleasure to write. And oh, I can definitely see the resemblance, even if Selleck wasn't really an inspiration for Terren's looks
And you're right, it was definitely for her own good to take Vita away from Godsgrace. Part of this was just Morgan being pragmatic and trying to win the favor of the Jordayne's by safely returning Vita to the Tor, but he also does have some genuine love for his wife. That said, Vita most likely will never fully recover, but at least in the Tor she is safe and at peace (even if she does have some traumatic memories from there as well, mainly related to the late Lord Jorrel).
Yep, all of those houses will be introduced in time. With the Gargalen's we know Lord Jorvian is marching towards Vaith with King Lucifer, so we'll surely meet him soon enough. We don't really know much about the Wyl's yet, aside from them being sworn to King Yorick, and Queen Wenda being originally a Wyl. However, now that we are starting to get more of the Yronwood's, the Wyl's are bound to show up at some point as well. The Drinkwater's on the other hand are a bit of a mystery. We have met Kegan and Dustran, but they aren't actually from the main branch of Oasis Castle, but rather from a side branch that has settled to Vulture's Roost. The main branch of Drinkwater's are sworn to House Fowler, and will certainly have their role to play in the wars to come. We might also meet the rest of House Wells soon.
[Go to Yronwood]
[Go to Yronwood]
I feel like this choice will be a lot better for the sake of the story. Of course I see reasons behind all this votes to stay in Castle, we have to remember - stagnation is greatest enemy of building up the plot - here, for example, it pretty much kills Emerson's storyline all way to Nymeria's attack. I can imagine some circumstances that'd make this "stay" choice more interesting, but I'm almost certain that undertaking this task is more natural and ergo right choice here.
[Stay in the Tor]
Well, you are at least partially correct here. Going to Yronwood would indeed result in a faster pace when it comes to building the plot of Emerson's storyline, as it would keep him moving and make him interact with many new characters, most importantly King Yorick. That said, staying in the Tor will bring its own (even if a tad slower) storyline, which I at least hope will be interesting to read. And the real pay off to Emerson's storyline won't be coming any faster with either choice.
[Go to Yronwood]
I doubt this choice will win, but I feel like, as far as Emerson knows, this is his best chance of getting support to help him become the new Lord of Godsgrace. I'm sure Terren would be disappointed if he decides to stay, in the Tor. He might not try as hard to get Yorick to help him, if he doesn't go with him. Also, even tho we know Nymeria wins, I'm not sure how Emerson just staying in the Tor and not trying to get allies will help him, in the long run.
[Go to Yronwood] Like some of the others have said, I also believe this would be an interesting way for Emerson's storyline to go. Also as far as Nymeria goes, I don't think Emerson meeting with Yorick will affect him if he ever crosses paths with her which alot of that depends on how closely Emerson allies with the Yronwood's too.
Gee, is there any moment in Vita's life that did not suck completely? That poor woman seems to have by far the most horrible backstory out of the entire cast so far, beating characters such as Kortney, Elise and Kris, on account of me not being able to remember a single mention of anything that was actually wholeheartedly positive in her life. I mean, Kortney had it good before leaving Nightsong, Elise has it good right now and the same applies to Kris, but Vita's life just sucks from start to finish. To say I pity her would be an understatement.
On another note, I would kindly like to change my vote to [Go to Yronwood]. I still consider it a huge risk, but the arguments coming from MicroAce, Tales and CM3434 have managed to convince me, on top of me having been rather fond of this choice from the very beginning. As much as I want Emerson to succeed, this is one of the storylines where I am willing to take some risks to get more excitement out of it and Emerson meeting Yorick alongside Magnum Jordayne is just too tempting to disregard it. Especially CM3434 brought up a good argument, that simply meeting with Yorick is not necessarily deciding on Emerson's allegiance and his relationship to Nymeria.
Voting is closed!
And with Liquid's changed voted tipping the scale, Emerson will go to Yronwood. At first I kind of expected you to choose this, but when the votes for staying kept coming I certainly didn't expect it to turn around - this voting was a rollercoaster
Anyway, I am kinda glad this option won, as it arguably gives Emerson a more exciting storyline in this chapter, and allows me to introduce many interesting characters. I would've enjoyed giving more screentime for characters like Julia and Artos had Emerson chose to stay in the Tor, but having him interact with Yorick should make up for it 
And the next part, which will be a Tomas PoV, is basically ready, needs just some finishing touches. It's a fairly short part, but will have quite an interesting choice in the end. Anyway, the last time we were on Ghost Hill, Tomas received a letter from Lord Terren, inviting him to the Tor to discuss the coming wars. However, the bulk of the part took place in the dungeons, where Forovos Norvhoshi helped Tomas getting some information out of Argim Taler. After some defiance, Argim revealed that Yorick Yronwood's plan was to make Lord Terren lure the Toland's into an alliance, and that way under the influence of the Bloodroyal. And if that would not work, they would take over Ghost Hill with force. After Argim revealed this, Forovos advised Tomas to kill the Yronwood spy, suggesting he had no more valuable information to give. Tomas chose to do just that, and left Forovos to take care of the body, so that Levor would never find out what happened to his treasonous advisor.
I also have another new portrait for you, this time Julia Jordayne:
Tomas sat silently in the empty council chamber, in his hands the letter he had received from Lord Terren Jordayne, inviting him to the Tor. Last night he had cut the throat of Argim Taler, and left the traitor's body for Forovos Norvoshi to take care of. He had no regret for that, but what the weasel had said before his death still bothered him. Yorick Yronwood had laid his eyes on Ghost Hill, and Terren Jordayne had been tasked to make the Toland's bend their knee to the Bloodroyal.
The door of the chamber was opened and in walked two men – Ser Manfrey Rowman and Maester Galladon. Galladon was an old and frail man, having to resort to a cane to be able to walk. He was on his nineties, and had been the Maester of Ghost Hill ever since Tomas and Donovar had been just little boys.
With the help of Manfrey, the maester took his seat opposed to Tomas, mumbling his greeting as he sat down, the links on his collar rattling softly. "Good morning," Tomas replied sternly, putting the letter back to his pocket. "Are there any more coming?"
"Well, Lord Levor himself, of course," Galladon answered with his weak and hoarse voice. "However, I'm afraid your brother's war has shrunk the council considerably. We are the only ones left, now that Argim has gone missing as well."
"We have no need for rats like him in the council," Tomas hissed, and Galladon nodded. "As you say, mylord. Still, sometimes unpleasant men such as Argim have the best advice to give for a ruler."
"So, you agree with the advice Argim gave to Levor?" Tomas asked strictly, which made the old maester sigh. "Argim was perhaps a bit too eager to throw us at the mercy of the Yronwood's, but he was correct about something – House Toland will not survive alone. A great war is coming, and who can we trust to have our side? Santagar's have had no interest for an alliance with us in decades, they'd rather align themselves with the Martell's. The Ladybright's of Dawnspire are weak, and only care for their small corner of land by the sea. The Jordayne's are sworn to King Yorick, and will do nothing the Bloodroyal doesn't consent."
"I say we support Princess Nymeria," Tomas said directly, seeing the maester arch his eyebrow. "Supporting a foreign invader is not something I expected from you, mylord," he stated, and Tomas chuckled dryly.
"Oh, trust me maester, I would've much preferred that we had won our war against her, but the fact is that we didn't," he pointed out grimly. "She has guaranteed me that the Martell's serve the same gods as we do, and whatever heirs she will have will be as much Andal as they are Rhoynar. But most importantly, under the Martell's we'd be directly linked to the throne, perhaps the most important vassal they would have. What would we be for King Yorick?"
"You have a point, Tomas," Ser Manfrey spoke up now. "However, in the end it will come down to Lord Levor's decision." Tomas nodded, knowing only too well how true his friend's statement was. He may have managed to speak his nephew out of trying to avenge Donovar and keeping his crown, but he couldn't assume he was in full control of the boy's decisions. And just then, the doors of the council chamber opened and Levor walked in, escorted by two young knights, the other one of them being Ser Garibald of Sevengrace.
In silence Levor Toland walked to his seat at the end of the table, and sat down with a slightly nervous but still determined look on his eyes. He glanced at Tomas, and gave him a small nod. Seeing Levor sitting proudly at the end of the table, perhaps for the first time Tomas could truly see the Donovar in that boy.
"My lords, I believe we have some things to discuss, so let's begin," Levor declared professionaly. "Lord Tomas, I believe you mentioned earlier some kind of message." Tomas nodded to his nephew's words.
"Indeed, my lord, a message from the Tor," he clarified with a sigh, which looked to interest Levor greatly. "The Jordayne's," the boy said quietly. "What do they want?"
Tomas took in a deep breath, considering his words. He couldn't be too secretive with Levor, but he had to try and present these news in a way that would make his nephew agree with him. "Lord Terren Jordayne has invited me to his halls," he answered begrudgingly, which made Levor narrow his eyes.
"They invited you, not me?" He asked strictly, and Tomas nodded. "Terren claims in his letter he trusts my judgement over yours," he said with a slight chuckle. He could see the irritation on Levor's face now. "What he offers in his letter is an alliance, a common cause in a war against Princess Nymeria. What he doesn't mention is that King Yorick merely tries to use us to weaken his enemy, and make us bend the knee when we are weakened by the war."
"And how do you know this is what he plans?" Levor asked with a frown. Tomas gulped subtly, he couldn't reveal where he had actually learnt of these plans, but he had to be convincing enough to make Levor understand. "It is obvious, my lord," he stated calmly. "King Yorick, nor his vassals, give anything away without demanding something in return."
"That may well be true, but I have also heard King Yorick is the last man in Dorne you want to make your enemy," Levor responded, and Tomas nodded. "Perhaps, but same could be said of Princess Nymeria. She might not be as powerful as Yorick, not yet at least, but she is closer to us, and she has already shown she is capable of defeating us."
Levor considered his uncle's words for a moment, a pondering gaze in his eyes. "You may be right, uncle, but we should thread carefully here," the young lord stated with a calm voice. "My father made the mistake of underestimating his enemies, and paid the price for it. I don't want to underestimate Princess Nymeria like he did, but neither do I want to underestimate King Yorick or Lord Jordayne."
"A wise conclusion, mylord," Maester Galladon complimented Levor. "So, what would you suggest is our next move?"
"Lord Tomas, you will travel to the Tor, as invited, and meet with Lord Terren," Levor commanded decisively, and Tomas had to protest. "But, my lord..." He begun, but was immediately cut off.
"You will do as I command, Tomas," he said strictly. "I am the Lord of Ghost Hill, not you." Tomas nodded humbly to his nephew, who continued before Tomas could speak up again. "As I said, you will meet with Lord Terren, listen to what he has to say, and return here to inform me of what you've learned. Then, we will be wiser to decide where our loyalties should lie in the wars to come."
"You must understand, this could be a trap," Tomas insisted, but Levor shook his head. "If it was a trap, they would've invited me, not you," he replied calmly. Tomas sighed in frustration. He understood Levor's decision, and with the context the boy had it was even a smart choice. However, Tomas already knew the true intentions of the Jordayne's. If only Levor knew what Argim told me.
[Tell Levor about Argim] [Keep the secret]
[Keep the secret]
There is one particular argument that convinced me to pick this. The thing is, Lord Magnum won't be at the Tor if Tomas travels there. He and Emerson are preparing to meet Yorick at Yronwood. Meaning, if Tomas goes there now, he won't be able to discuss anything with him. And obviously, as we know from Argim's confession, this is a good thing, as the Jordayne's won't form a genuine alliance with the Toland's, but instead are meant to prepare the Yronwood takeover. However, if Tomas is to travel to the Tor, now would be the best possible time, I believe. Among the Jordayne's left is the recently introduced Julia, who seems to hold a rather negative opinion on Yorick. With a bit of luck, she can give Tomas every argument he needs to convince Levor that pursuing this route is foolish. Though I doubt the Jordayne's can be convinced to break with the Yronwood's, despite Julia's doubts about Yorick's competence, maybe she can at least be convinced to help Tomas in his desire not to submit House Toland to Yronwood rule. As such, I would actually like for Tomas to travel to the Tor. Revealing the truth about Argim would put this at risk, or worse than that, it would put Tomas at risk, due to Levor potentially being very pissed at the death of his advisor and Tomas going behind his back there. This sounds like an unnecessary risk.
That looks like a very good picture. Speaking of Julia, wouldn't she be going to go with Lord Terren and Emerson? Since, she is acting, somewhat, as Lord Terren's scribe and recording his conversations with other diploments. Does King Yorick not want his conversations with Lord Terren recorded or something?
Julia is a scribe, and she records Terren's "official" conversations and council meetings in the Tor, but bringing her to do that in Yorick's court wouldn't really be seen as appropriate - Terren is a guest there after all. That said, he will actually bring his younger son Yoren with him, as a sort of squire.
And I'm glad you like the drawing!
[Keep the secret]
Like Liquid said, this might be the best time for Tomas to go to the Tor. Plus, telling Levor about Argim would be an unnecessary risk for Tomas.
Intentional pun?
[Tell Levor about Argim]
Huh? No, certainly not intentional because I don't get it
If it's wonky somehow, or it doesn't make sense to use those words together, then that's just on English not being my first language 
[Keep the secret] While telling him would probably save him from being imprisoned (again), it would harm the trust Levor has for his uncle, which will difficult an alliance between Ghost Hill and Sandship. But now that we know Lord Terren is traveling to Yronwood, that could actually help him reject the offer and walk away, since we now Julia doesn't have much fondness for King Yorick, and Artos seemed more reasonable.
Small thing: Julia is still listed on the to-be introduced characters list, and Corren hasn't been put on the deceased characters list.
Alright, thanks for the heads up, the lists should be up-to-date now
[Keep the secret]
[Keep the secret] I pretty much agree with everyone else here, though I don't think it's going to be that easy. Julia said she didn't like the Yronwoods, but she also implied that she had to be loyal to them because of her family. I kinda doubt Julia would do anything that could backfire and end up hurting the Jordaynes.
[Tell Levor about Argim]
Nevermind, I just connected it with the last episode of GoT, where it is a funny line.
Aah, gotcha
Yeah, I know the scene you're talking about 
I've caught up though it took a good amount of effort. One question is that are the Martells going to win eventually or will the victors be decided on choices...
[Keep the secret] Tomas would put himself at risk by revealing the secret and his nephew might not take it well.
Well, that was quickly done! Nice
Anyway, to your question, yes I plan to follow the canon in the major things, such as the outcome of the war. That said, choices still change many things, and can for example determine which characters survive, how they develop, etc.
Voting is closed!
And Tomas will keep the secret from Levor, which means he'll have a trip to the Tor ahead of him. Telling Levor about Argim certainly would've been a risky move for Tomas, but we'll have to see if going to the Jordayne's is any better...
Next we'll have one fairly short part in Vaith, Kirs being the PoV, and we'll be seeing his ceremony. Earlier this chapter Kris had a moment with his ex-wife Lady Myra, whom he had spared earlier, realizing she wasn't the Witch of Vaith. Myra pleaded that Kris wouldn't leave her and their son Nickon again, that he'd stay and rule as the Lord of Vaith instead of following his mother to chase after Valerie. Kris made no promises though. Later he met briefly with Dalia, and expressed his struggle with the choice of staying or going, but Dalia chose to just say that it's a decision Kris must make himself. That's where we'll continue, and the part should be ready very soon.
I have a couple more of these full body illustrations made, to show off the gear of these characters. This time they are Kris Vaith and Bjorn Harlaw:
"It is a hard decision, I understand, but it is one you must make yourself, Kris," Dalia said with an earnest tone on her calm voice. "I can't ask you to abandon your family and duty as a lord, but neither can I tell you to abandon the Lord of Light."
"I understand," Kris replied with a sigh, keeping his gaze down. Dalia put her hand on his shoulder. "You'll find the answer, just... don't be too hard on yourself," she spoke quietly, and Kris flashed her a forced smirk. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied with a joyless chuckle, and Dalia smiled. The Wild Sun didn't smile often, but Kris had to admit that it was a beautiful sight whenever it happened.
"Anyway, I should get my armor on," Kris said, which made Dalia furrow her eyebrows. "For the ceremony," Kris explained, and she nodded. "I'll see you there," Dalia said, giving him one more seductive gaze before she walked away. With a sigh Kris made his way to the armory.
Kris rode towards the platform in the middle of the town square on his white horse, the crowd making way for him, all eyes fixed on him. That was to be expected, as it was a ceremony held for his return, but Kris did feel slightly uncomfortable. He had a lot on his mind, and it didn't feel right to celebrate. More than half of the crowd were from the Wild Suns, but the rest were people who Kris had been fighting against just a few days ago. And now they are here to celebrate my return.
He dismounted his horse next to the wooden platform, his shining steel armor clanking as he stepped down. He hadn't been wearing this armor for years, and it felt heavier than he remembered. He also had the orange-and-yellow tabard of House Vaith over his armor.
Kris walked the steps up to the platform, where his mother was waiting for him, dressed in a bright red silk dress. The crowd in the town square was quiet, as Kris kneeled down in front of Mother Minesa. The Red Priestess placed an olive wreath on his head, a crown for the savior of the city.
"We have come here, to celebrate the return of Lord Kris Vaith!" Minesa announced ceremonially, and mild cheers went through the crowd. "He is the Lord of Vaith and the Red Dunes, the savior of the city. He is the White Flame, the End of Night, who banished darkness from this city, drove away the enemies of R'hllor, and brought it back to the light of our lord!" This time the cheers were even tamer, and Kris couldn't blame them. These people didn't care for R'hllor or his enemies, they cared for having a safe place to live in, and Kris understood them. "Rise now, Warrior of Light!" Minesa yelled, and Kris stood up.
His eyes traveled through the crowd, and they looked right back at him. My people, Kris acknowledged with some pride, and sense of responsibility. He took in a deep breath, as the people waited for him to speak. He had thought carefully what to say here.
"People of Vaith," he addressed the crowd, even knowing many of them were sellswords of the Wild Suns. "My mother said we are here to celebrate my return, but that is not the full truth. We are also here to remember and mourn those who fell in the battle. They were lives that shouldn't have been lost, not like this. Me, my wife, the people of this city, we were all tricked into fighting each other, by one evil individual." Kris took in a breath, seeing in his mind again Valerie Sand, and how her eyes had glowed blue in that dark alley. "However, we are also here to move forward, towards a better tomorrow. I am the Lord of Vaith, and it is my duty to protect the people of this city. Now, a war glooms in the horizon, a war between a Dornish king and an invader from the east. This city stands between these two forces, which means our involvement is inevitable. We have to choose a side." Kris gazed the crowd, seeing nodding and hearing agreeing murmur. "The Vaith's have had their conflicts with the Dryland's in the past, but I will choose to support King Lucifer over a warmongering princess who is trying to force us into submission!" This got by far the loudest cheers out of the people. Kris was glad he had managed to convince these people with his words, even if he was a bit unsure of them himself. Princess Nymeria was perhaps a conqueror trying to force Vaith into submission, but in truth Kris didn't have much trust for King Lucifer either. He did trust Dalia though, and she would soon be made the heir to the Kingdom of Brimstone.
Kris continued his speech for a while, talking about how what had been destroyed would need to be rebuilt, and how the defenses of the city would need to be strengthened for the battles to come. After a few minutes he ended his speech, receiving generous applauds from the crowd on the town square. He walked down from the platform, and the first person to approach him was Lady Myra. She looked at him with an uncertain smile on her face.
"You did good, Kris," she said with a small sigh. "I don't like working with the Dryland's, but... I see where you are coming from." Kris nodded calmly. "I'm glad we have an understanding," he said stiffly, nodding politely and moving forward. Next he was approached by Khazor the Sarnori, one of Dalia's commanders.
"A fine speech, Lord Vaith," he complimented with his usual dry and stern tone. "It will be a pleasure fighting by your side against the Rhoynar."
"I'm looking forward to it," Kris replied with a forced smile, before moving forward. Now Dalia stood in front of him. For a moment they just looked at each other, until Dalia tapped him on his left pauldron. "A fine armor, mylord," she complimented playfully, which made Kris chuckle softly.
"See you at the feast, Dalia," he replied with friendly tone, and continued walking. People kept bowing to him, complimenting him and blessing him as he walked past them, but as he got closer to the end of the square, he noticed something different. A stern young man with dark hair and purple eyes, a nasty scar running through his otherwise handsome face. It was the dark warrior from the alley, the Dayne prince, now free of Valerie's control. As their eyes met, Kris could see from the young man's gaze that he knew exactly who had made that scar on his face. Awkwardly Kris turned his eyes away, wondering if he should approach the young Dayne. He didn't feel like he owed an apology, but perhaps it would be good to say at least something to him.
[Approach Jamison] [Avoid Jamison]
[Approach Jamison]
[Approach Jamison]
[Approach Jamison] Why not I suppose.
[Approach Jamison] Well, is better if they approach now, we don't want any resentment, after all it was beyond their control.
Besides it was Jamison's decision to go to the ceremony.
[Approach Jamison]
[Approach Jamison] I really want to see how Jamison is going to handle this awkward meeting
[Approach Jamison]
Ah why not
Admittedly this is a confrontation that I really wanted to see and it really could go either way here. Jamison obviously still has what happened on his mind amd while he might respect Kris more for confronting him like a man, that doesn't mean at all that Jamison will exactly be kind to him either
It will be interesting to see how this goes since it so can go either way so safe to say I look forward to this!
On a side note, I missed the voting on the last Tomas part and even thought I probably would have voted to tell Levor about Argim, it was a pretty decisive vote so I won't beat myself up too bad
Great parts!
[Avoid Jamison]
I just feel that it would be better if these two stayed away from each other.
[Approach Jamison]
Ah, this is a bit of a risk. We all know Jamison's current state of mind and Kris is the one that beat him, humiliated and scarred him. However, I also think that now would be a great way to avoid making things even worse. If Kris and Jamison have a confrontation now, especially since Jamison is not yet recovered enough to get into a phyisical fight, maybe they can put their differences aside, to avoid Jamison becoming bitter about all this. Just like I was very convinced that it is a good thing for Jamison to leave his room, I think a confrontation now will be for the best in the long run, as it might help him coping with this all a bit better. And then comes the fact that, on top of the physical pain, nobody understands him better than Kris. He has been Valerie's thrall for even longer and if there is anyone that can emphasize with him, it's our Lord of Vaith. It is also a confrontation between two strong and interesting characters, so that is the icing on the cake right there