[Stay at the table]
I think it might be better for Nealia to understand what the White Elephant's crew are going to do. Also, I'm not so … moresure that Ying is as ok with the relationship as she claims to be. On an unrelated note, I'm very curious to see where Verro's storyline is going to go now that the battle is over.
Ps: I'm just wondering, but have you read the latest pm I sent you?
Yeah Efran is not making himself any favors with the whole killing your family thing, and indeed, Nym won't be pleased at all when she finds out her vassal was killed and replaced by his bastard nephew. She probably will be forced to send troops to reinforce the Granit and Bravespear lords, and that could mean she will need Santagar and Toland troops to compensate.
[Stay in the table] This is a good way to understand her future co-workers and indeed this could help Naelia talk with Ying.
Nealia watched quietly as Illor and the four other warriors of Rose Company that had died during the battle were lowered to their … moregraves on the beach. Tryden spoke a few words for each of them, and lastly for Illor.
"Illor of Braavos was a great warrior", he begun with a somber tone. "He was loyal, and he had more honor than most of the anointed knights I have met during my years. Losing him is a major loss for the Rose Company, as there are few men as great as he was. May the gods welcome him to their care, he has deserved his rest." Tryden raised his eyes from the graves, shifting his gaze to Nealia. The look on those green eyes was now calm, almost serene. However, Nealia couldn't get out of her head the image of Tryden smashing Corren's head in with his axe, a bloodthirsty grin on his face. It had been at the same time a satisfying and terrifying sight. "Does anyone else want to say something?" He asked, still looking at Neal… [view original content]
Nealia watched quietly as Illor and the four other warriors of Rose Company that had died during the battle were lowered to their … moregraves on the beach. Tryden spoke a few words for each of them, and lastly for Illor.
"Illor of Braavos was a great warrior", he begun with a somber tone. "He was loyal, and he had more honor than most of the anointed knights I have met during my years. Losing him is a major loss for the Rose Company, as there are few men as great as he was. May the gods welcome him to their care, he has deserved his rest." Tryden raised his eyes from the graves, shifting his gaze to Nealia. The look on those green eyes was now calm, almost serene. However, Nealia couldn't get out of her head the image of Tryden smashing Corren's head in with his axe, a bloodthirsty grin on his face. It had been at the same time a satisfying and terrifying sight. "Does anyone else want to say something?" He asked, still looking at Neal… [view original content]
Oh man, Efran is fucking nuts. He is already losing support, with Tryden abandoning him, the White Elephant doing the same and I am sure Bjo… morern and his raiders will realize this and will seek new places to raid. This really leaves him with few men only and given that he is about to alienate any vassal the Dalt's had, I really doubt he has any chance at keeping lordship over Lemonwood for long. I'd be impressed if he manages to remain lord for longer than a month. Might be a good thing for Elise that she has left temporarily, if she gets really lucky, Efran is already overthrown by the time she returns, so that she won't be caught in the fray. I do wonder though who is going to take him down. Verro might leave, if he's smart. Dianna is definitely doing the same when Bjorn gets the hell out of there, but it remains to be seen if she leaves with him or on her own, if she gets the chance. Nealia will travel to Godsgrace now. So... Nym herself? Som… [view original content]
Nealia watched quietly as Illor and the four other warriors of Rose Company that had died during the battle were lowered to their … moregraves on the beach. Tryden spoke a few words for each of them, and lastly for Illor.
"Illor of Braavos was a great warrior", he begun with a somber tone. "He was loyal, and he had more honor than most of the anointed knights I have met during my years. Losing him is a major loss for the Rose Company, as there are few men as great as he was. May the gods welcome him to their care, he has deserved his rest." Tryden raised his eyes from the graves, shifting his gaze to Nealia. The look on those green eyes was now calm, almost serene. However, Nealia couldn't get out of her head the image of Tryden smashing Corren's head in with his axe, a bloodthirsty grin on his face. It had been at the same time a satisfying and terrifying sight. "Does anyone else want to say something?" He asked, still looking at Neal… [view original content]
Nealia watched quietly as Illor and the four other warriors of Rose Company that had died during the battle were lowered to their … moregraves on the beach. Tryden spoke a few words for each of them, and lastly for Illor.
"Illor of Braavos was a great warrior", he begun with a somber tone. "He was loyal, and he had more honor than most of the anointed knights I have met during my years. Losing him is a major loss for the Rose Company, as there are few men as great as he was. May the gods welcome him to their care, he has deserved his rest." Tryden raised his eyes from the graves, shifting his gaze to Nealia. The look on those green eyes was now calm, almost serene. However, Nealia couldn't get out of her head the image of Tryden smashing Corren's head in with his axe, a bloodthirsty grin on his face. It had been at the same time a satisfying and terrifying sight. "Does anyone else want to say something?" He asked, still looking at Neal… [view original content]
Nealia watched quietly as Illor and the four other warriors of Rose Company that had died during the battle were lowered to their … moregraves on the beach. Tryden spoke a few words for each of them, and lastly for Illor.
"Illor of Braavos was a great warrior", he begun with a somber tone. "He was loyal, and he had more honor than most of the anointed knights I have met during my years. Losing him is a major loss for the Rose Company, as there are few men as great as he was. May the gods welcome him to their care, he has deserved his rest." Tryden raised his eyes from the graves, shifting his gaze to Nealia. The look on those green eyes was now calm, almost serene. However, Nealia couldn't get out of her head the image of Tryden smashing Corren's head in with his axe, a bloodthirsty grin on his face. It had been at the same time a satisfying and terrifying sight. "Does anyone else want to say something?" He asked, still looking at Neal… [view original content]
And Nealia will go with Lien. Wow, this voting was a close one, but luckily not quite a tie! Anyway, this choice basically confirms that Lien and Nealia are going to go further with their relationship than just occasional flirting We'll see where that leads. Oh, and don't worry, Nealia will get chances to get to know the White Elephant's crew better in the future
Anyway, the next part is going to be Ortheg PoV, his second one in the story. As a reminder, Ortheg Sand is a fifteen-year-old bastard son of Prince Andrey Yronwood, the deceased brother of King Yorick Yronwood. In his first part Ortheg arrived to Yronwood for the first time, having spent his childhood with his mother, and working in the silver mines. However, he still had the message Andrey had written years ago, where he was basically invited to the court of Yronwood once he'd come of age. Showing this message, Ortheg indeed got inside Yronwood castle, and met with Maester Symon, who gave him new chambers and told he'd soon meet with the King. After getting new clothes that are more fitting for a nobleman, Ortheg's half-sister Tanya Yronwood came to meet him. She asked if Ortheg would rather begin his training or visit the crypt of Andrey, and you chose training. That is where this next part will begin, but it will also include the long awaited introdcution of King Yorick I'll try to get the part done by tomorrow.
However, before that we should be getting a new Histories & Lore -part!
It had been several days since Elise and her retinue of Efran’s men had left Lemonwood, and now finally they were nearing their objective.
“Lady Elise, are we getting close?” Jabar inquired with his deep voice. Elise chuckled subtly for the Summer Islander’s words. “Lady Elise... it’s still hard to grasp that I am now the Lady of Lemonwood,” she said with a sigh. “It’ll take some time for me to get used to this new title. Anyway, yes, we are getting very close to the village.”
Zhobho turned his gaze to Elise now, and spoke up. “Perhaps we should rest and put up camp for the day,” he suggested calmly, and Elise gave him a questioning look. “It would be better if we go to the house at night, my lady,” Zhobho explained, and Elise nodded. “You are probably right,” she agreed begrudgingly, and they then set up camp for the afternoon and prepared for what was to happen that night.
While Elise was eating dinner, Commander Markas sat next to her. The others mostly ate in their tents or by the fire outside, so Elise hadn’t expected company. However, she and Commander Markas had known each other for a while and became good friends, so she welcomed him next to her.
“How are you feeling, knowing that after all this time, you are so close to having him back?” Markas asked with a subdued smile on his face. Elise pondered for a moment before answering. “I am both excited and anxious,” she spoke quietly, “but more than anything I am just determined, to get this over with.”
“I can only imagine,” Markas replied with an empathetic voice. “I imagine I’d be the same in your situation. How old would he be now anyways?”
Elise gulped subtly at Markas’ question, a sting of guilt and regret going through her. “My son Athen is eight years old now,” she responded quietly, which made Markas raise his eyebrows.
“Eight, huh?” He spoke with a surprised tone. “That means you had to be on your early twenties when you had him,” he proclaimed with astonished expression on his face. Markas looked at her carefully, clearly thinking about something. “What is it?” Elise asked, a touch of impatience in her words.
“I was just thinking… If you don’t mind me asking, who was the boy’s father?” Markas asked with a polite tone. Elise looked at him for a moment, sighed, and finally spoke up. “There is a reason I don’t like to talk about my past. It is not pretty.” They were both quiet for a moment, until Elise decided to ask Markas something. “Did you ever notice that I was a bit.. nervous around Bjorn Harlaw and his raiders?”
Markas nodded quietly in response, and Elise then continued. “There is a reason for that,” she stated coldly, bitter and painful memories surfacing in her head. “My son’s father was an Ironborn Lord, and I was his salt wife,” she clarified, and an expression that was a mixture of pity and realization formed on Markas’ face. Perhaps he had heard enough to understand, but Elise decided to continue anyway, just to get it out of her chest. “My son’s father was a cruel man named Halrik Sharp, the Lord of House Sharp,” there wasn’t an ounce of warmth in her voice as she spoke. “He and his crew murdered my brother, my parents, my whole family in the Reach.” Elise’s voice began to shake, and she could feel tears coming to her eyes. Nonetheless, she continued. “I was forced to perform the duties of a salt wife, and thus my son was born. Despite the pain I had to go through, I still loved my son very much. I was forced to endure the abuses of Halrik and his rock wife for over a year.”
Now Markas spoke up, interrupting Elise. “I’m so sorry this happened to you,” he said with genuine tone, and Elise subtly wiped her tears away.
“Thank you, but don’t worry about it too much,” she responded calmly. “I got my revenge on him. One day Harlik’s crew was off the coast of the Dornish village we are near now; they were preparing to sack it. Halrik was forcing himself on me as usual, when he suddenly insinuated that he could kill me and our son and replace me whenever he wanted,” Elise clenched her fists as she spoke, and her voice turned slightly more angered. “I could not take it anymore. There was a lantern nearby us. I took it and smashed it into his face. I then stole his dagger and jabbed it in his neck, while he was in pain. After I had killed him, I realized that the lantern had caught the ship on fire. I quickly took my baby, jumped off the ship, and swam to shore with him in my arms. The rest of the ironborn crew went down with their ship.”
“Wow, that is quite a story, Elise!” Markas proclaimed in awe. “I know,” Elise proudly stated, allowing a tiny smirk to form on her face. “However, I soon realized that I could not take care of my baby alone, living on the streets. After a few days of trying, I regretfully left him at the doorstep of a nice couple I had been observing. I watched them from afar for a while, to make sure they took care of him. After I was satisfied, I left and travelled around Dorne, on my own. I learned how to survive, on the streets, on the desert - wherever I had to. And as you know, I eventually heard of Efran’s cause and joined him.” Markas nodded to her words, a wide grin on his face now. “You’re probably glad that you did”, he said casually, and Elise nodded.
“Not only was he successful, but I’m now his wife, Lady Elise Dalt,” she said, still hardly believing her own words. “Now that I have risen to this position, it is time for my son to come live with me and Efran. He deserves to live in luxury, with his true mother.”
“I can’t argue with you there”, Markas proclaimed.
Later that night, Elise and her men packed up camp. “Tonight, our mission comes to an end! Tonight, we retrieve my son!” Elise declared with determination in her words, raising her lantern up high to illuminate everyone. Everyone cheered for her words. Of course Elise knew those cheers were not just for her, but because they were all eager to return to Lemonwood.
They traveled a relative short distance, and made it into the village without much attention, due to the late hour. Elise pointed to a little plain run down wooden house. “That is the one,” she said sternly. “The house where I had to leave my baby.”
As soon as she was sure everyone knew which house was their objective, Elise spoke up again. “I’ll approach the house and see if I can get my son without having to resort to bloodshed. If I can’t, on my signal, you will storm the house and give him to me.” She spoke in a hushed tone, and the men nodded in agreement.
Elise approached the door quietly, and knocked while the men stayed out of sight. A tired looking middle-aged woman opened the door. “Who are you? What do you want?” She asked in a lethargic voice, and Elise quickly gave her an answer. “I am Lady Elise Dalt, and I’ve come here to retrieve my son.”
The woman looked confused, being in a loss of words for a few seconds. “What are you talking about?” She finally asked, and Elise let out a frustrated sigh.
“I am the mother of the baby boy that was left on your doorstep eight years ago,” she explained calmly. “At the time, circumstances would not have allowed me to take care of him. However, now things have changed and I can take care of him. Not just that, I can give him a better life than you and your husband are now giving him. I’m sure you did your best raising him and I truly appreciate that, but now it is time he lives with me, his true mother.”
The woman’s face changed from confusion to anger. “Even if you are who you say you are, you have no rights to our son Evin!” She yelled strictly. “You gave up any rights to be his mother when you left him at our doorstep, for us to take care of him, to feed him and love him.”
Elise shook her head in frustration. “My son’s name is Athen, not Evin,” she clarified sternly, “And I as his mother will have him back! I have come too far to let you and your husband stand in my way!”
The woman just stared at her, crossing her arms and blocking her way to the house. “Leave,” she said with a bold and harsh tone. “Leave this property and never return, or I’ll have my husband chase you away.” Elise just stared at the woman for a moment that felt painfully long, weighing her options. Regretfully, she finally raised up her hand and gave the signal. The men came out of hiding and charged towards the house.
“Denzin!” The woman screamed, terrified look on her eyes. “Get Evin, we have to go!”
However, Elise was blocking the exit, trapping the woman and her husband inside. The men made it inside and pushed the woman aside, Jabar and Zhobho going in first. They spotted the husband of the woman holding his arm around the boy, shakily pointing a knife at them. The boy looked very confused and scared, as Efran’s men surrounded the old man. Jabar knocked the knife out of the man’s hand, after the man had sliced his arm. With a swift move Jabar opened the man’s throat, and he fell down dead.
The woman screamed a terrifying scream. The boy began to weep- “Papa! Papa!” he cried, shaking the body of the dead man. The woman got up and attempted to get to her son but Elise blocked her path again. The woman attempted to punch her, but Elise dodged it, and now Efran’s men grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. As the woman struggled to get free, Elise pulled her sword out of the scabbard. She walked to the woman, and looked her to the eyes.
Without a word, Elise plunged her sword through the woman. As she died, her blood spilt on Elise’s hands. The young boy witnessing it all cried now even louder.
“Mama! No, mama!” He screamed desperately. Markas grabbed the boy from his arm, and though he struggled to free himself, Markas managed to bring him to Elise.
“Don’t worry Athen,” she whispered with a soothing tone. “You are going to live a better life, a happier life, with your true mother.”
After this, Zhobho asked what they should do about the house. “Burn it,” Elise answered coldly. Zhobho followed her order, throwing his lantern down. Elise, Athen, and Efran’s men made it out of the village without harm, and began their trek back to Lemonwood.
This was a great part, introducing some backstory and character traits of Elise that I haven't really had the opportunity to bring up in the story itself. It's also great how it brings up the big tragedy of Elise's life and makes us sympathize... and then reminds us that by now she has of become the monster herself Good job!
Here is my second H&L. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Elise - True Mother
It had been several days since Elise and her retinue of Efran… more’s men had left Lemonwood, and now finally they were nearing their objective.
“Lady Elise, are we getting close?” Jabar inquired with his deep voice. Elise chuckled subtly for the Summer Islander’s words. “Lady Elise... it’s still hard to grasp that I am now the Lady of Lemonwood,” she said with a sigh. “It’ll take some time for me to get used to this new title. Anyway, yes, we are getting very close to the village.”
Zhobho turned his gaze to Elise now, and spoke up. “Perhaps we should rest and put up camp for the day,” he suggested calmly, and Elise gave him a questioning look. “It would be better if we go to the house at night, my lady,” Zhobho explained, and Elise nodded. “You are probably right,” she agreed begrudgingly, and they then set up camp for the afternoon and prepared for what was to ha… [view original content]
This was a great part, introducing some backstory and character traits of Elise that I haven't really had the opportunity to bring up in the… more story itself. It's also great how it brings up the big tragedy of Elise's life and makes us sympathize... and then reminds us that by now she has of become the monster herself Good job!
Well, Elise is not exactly a monster, but she's ruthless and can be heartless in her endeavors, but considering what she's been through, its now wonder she's so harsh now.
I didn't even noticed she was uneasy around the Ironborn, but considering that's their way of life, is hard not to understand why she snapped, after all Harlik isn't the first Ironborn killed by the people they once tormented and he definitely won't be the last.
Will Athon be referred as Athon Pyke, or Evin Pyke, or Dalt I wonder.
Here is my second H&L. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Elise - True Mother
It had been several days since Elise and her retinue of Efran… more’s men had left Lemonwood, and now finally they were nearing their objective.
“Lady Elise, are we getting close?” Jabar inquired with his deep voice. Elise chuckled subtly for the Summer Islander’s words. “Lady Elise... it’s still hard to grasp that I am now the Lady of Lemonwood,” she said with a sigh. “It’ll take some time for me to get used to this new title. Anyway, yes, we are getting very close to the village.”
Zhobho turned his gaze to Elise now, and spoke up. “Perhaps we should rest and put up camp for the day,” he suggested calmly, and Elise gave him a questioning look. “It would be better if we go to the house at night, my lady,” Zhobho explained, and Elise nodded. “You are probably right,” she agreed begrudgingly, and they then set up camp for the afternoon and prepared for what was to ha… [view original content]
Well, Elise is not exactly a monster, but she's ruthless and can be heartless in her endeavors, but considering what she's been through, its… more now wonder she's so harsh now.
I didn't even noticed she was uneasy around the Ironborn, but considering that's their way of life, is hard not to understand why she snapped, after all Harlik isn't the first Ironborn killed by the people they once tormented and he definitely won't be the last.
Will Athon be referred as Athon Pyke, or Evin Pyke, or Dalt I wonder.
Well... that is one way to make a bad first impression I mean, there could have been many ways she could have handled this, yet she took the worst possible cause of action when it comes to introduce herself to her son. No doubt this is not going according to how she thinks it is going to work, because this boy is definitely not going to love her anytime soon. I'd even say he likely hates her and will grow up to hate her only more. Damn it, I could truly see this backfiring spectacularly and I am not sure how to feel about it. On the one hand, Elise has a sympathetic backstory. On the other hand, this was terrible. One thing I am pretty sure of is, though, that she will not leave Efran if things don't go his way, at least not until it might be too late. I thought she might have more of a hidden agenda, but now it seems that she is mostly just an opportunist, taking things as they fit her the best, but without much of a grander agenda behind it. I still kinda like her, despite being utterly ruthless and cold, so I am feeling quite conflicted about how many potential problems I can see for her along the way.
In any way, a wonderful H&L! I did not think we'd get a glimpse into Elise's mind, but you surprised and certainly made me quite interested in her character
Here is my second H&L. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Elise - True Mother
It had been several days since Elise and her retinue of Efran… more’s men had left Lemonwood, and now finally they were nearing their objective.
“Lady Elise, are we getting close?” Jabar inquired with his deep voice. Elise chuckled subtly for the Summer Islander’s words. “Lady Elise... it’s still hard to grasp that I am now the Lady of Lemonwood,” she said with a sigh. “It’ll take some time for me to get used to this new title. Anyway, yes, we are getting very close to the village.”
Zhobho turned his gaze to Elise now, and spoke up. “Perhaps we should rest and put up camp for the day,” he suggested calmly, and Elise gave him a questioning look. “It would be better if we go to the house at night, my lady,” Zhobho explained, and Elise nodded. “You are probably right,” she agreed begrudgingly, and they then set up camp for the afternoon and prepared for what was to ha… [view original content]
Ortheg twiddled the dull-edged training sword on his hand, trying to find a comfortable yet strong grip. The sword was lighter than he had expected. In truth, he had no problem whatsoever holding it up, and he believed with some training he'd be able to wield it as gracefully as any knight.
"You're standing wrong", the mildly amused voice of Tanya interrupted Ortheg's thoughts, and he shifted his attention to his half-sister. "Put your right leg in the front, and lean slightly forward, keeping the sword between yourself and your enemy." Ortheg followed Tanya's instructions as best as he could, and she gave him an approving nod. "Not bad", she commented casually. "Just remember, you must be ready to move all the time, so don't lock yourself into that position."
"Shouldn't I use a shield?" Ortheg suddenly asked, and Tanya nodded subtly. "We'll bring in the shield after you've got comfortable with the sword", she said calmly. "You should loosen your grip a bit, you're clenching."
"Shouldn't I be?" Ortheg asked with some confusion, and Tanya shook her head. "If your grip is too tight you'll end up hacking with your sword like some butcher hacks with his cleaver. The grip must be delicate, the sword has to be able to move on your hand."
"What if I drop it?" Ortheg asked, and a mischievous little smirk appeared on Tanya's face. "Then you get your ass kicked", she quipped, and Ortheg sighed quietly. "Now, try to strike me", Tanya encouraged. Ortheg nodded with a subtle gulp, moving closer to her, keeping his sword in front of him. Then he raised his sword to strike, but before he could bring it down, Tanya smacked him on his ribs, making him stagger backwards.
"Ouch", he muttered, and Tanya let out a little chuckle. "You shouldn't leave yourself open like that when you attack", she advised with a friendly tone. "Start with quick strikes, test your enemy, make them move, find their weakness."
"Easier said than done", Ortheg said quietly, and Tanya nodded. "Aye", she agreed with a smirk. "Don't worry though, you'll learn this stuff in no time. Now, try again."
Ortheg nodded, and approached Tanya again. This time he started with a quick strike, a mere poke towards his half-sister. Tanya of course parried it with ease. Ortheg continued striking, sending cuts and thrusts against Tanya, putting more and more strength to his swings. Tanya still didn't look to have any problem blocking each attack.
Ortheg tried to aim for her legs, but Tanya managed to deflect his blade away, leaving him completely defenseless. Tanya punished him mercilessly, her strike sending Ortheg down on the ground. As he was getting up, he heard laughter close by. Turning his gaze to left, Ortheg saw three young boys standing a dozen feet away from them, staring at him. Feeling embarrassed, Ortheg got back up on his feet, wondering who exactly were these boys.
"Laugh away, boys", Tanya said dryly. "I could do the same for each of you."
"Are you sure about that, Tanya?" Asked the boy who looked to be the oldest of the three. He towered the other two by a foot, and he already had a bit of muscle on him. Still, judging by his boyish facial features he had to be at least a couple years younger than Ortheg. He had the bright blue eyes of the Yronwood's, but his hair was black as coal.
"Yes, I am quite sure, Olyvar", Tanya answered strictly, before turning towards Ortheg again. "I suppose introductions are in place", she said with a sigh.
"No need, we already know he is Andrey's bastard", the youngest of the boys said. He had a curly blonde hair and a round face. "That means he is your older brother, Artos", he pointed out to the boy in the middle, apparently Artos Sand. He had the blue eyes and blonde hair as well, though he had cut his hair very short.
"But Ortheg doesn't know you yet", Tanya pointed out, now gesturing towards the oldest boy. "This one here is Prince Olyvar Yronwood, the second son of King Yorick."
"Welcome to the family", Olyvar said dryly, a cocky smirk on his face, and Ortheg nodded subtly. "In the middle is Artos Sand, our half-brother", Tanya continued, and Artos settled to just giving them a small nod. "And finally, the little one on the left is Prince Addam Yronwood, the thirdborn son of King Yorick." Addam grinned cheerfully as he was being introduced.
"Nice to meet you all", Ortheg said with a slightly nervous tone, and the boys mumbled something in response. Addam was the first to approach him. "What is it like to work in the mines?" The young boy asked with a intrigued tone on his voice. Ortheg was slightly taken aback by the question, considering his answer for a moment.
"It's... it can be quite rough sometimes, most of the time actually", he answered quietly, and Addam kept staring at him, clearly expecting more. However, Ortheg was saved from the awkward situation by Maester Symon, who walked through the courtyard for them.
"Ortheg Sand", the maester said with his deep and booming voice, and they all shifted their attention to him. "The King has summoned you to his office." Ortheg glanced at Tanya, who gave him a small encouraging nod.
"And boys, since you seem to have a lot of energy today, I suggest you train with Tanya", Symon suggested to the princes. "With her?" Olyvar asked with a bored and arrogant tone.
"Yes, with me", Tanya answered strictly before the maester managed to speak up. "Now, fetch your training swords." Addam and Artos immediately sprinted towards the armory, and lazily Olyvar followed after them.
"Ortheg, let's go", Maester Symon urged him, and so they started walking towards the main keep. In a couple of minutes they made it to the door of the office, which was guarded by a knight in a shining armor and tabard of House Yronwood. He was a tall and fairly handsome man, looking to be on his early twenties, with a short dirty blonde hair and amber eyes.
"Is the King ready, Ser Theodore?" Symon asked calmly, but the knight shook his head. "The earlier guest is still inside", the young man explained with a small chuckle. "Has been there for an hour now... the old hag certainly has a lot to say."
"Careful, Wells", Symon said strictly. "You do not want to insult someone who might be an extremely valuable ally for this kingdom."
"I doubt it, what does she really have to offer?" Ser Theodore asked cynically. "She already promised the King she would get the Fowler princess to marry Prince Trevyr, but that never happened, did it? Obara Fowler is about as useful for this kingdom as nipples on a breastplate."
"She is still our eyes and ears to the Kingdom of Stone and Sky", Symon pointed out. Then the maester's gaze shifted to Ortheg again. "But we've talked about this enough already." Ortheg had no idea what these two just talked about, but it certainly sounded interesting. This was his first day in the court, and he was already getting a peek to the intrigue and politics of these high men. And soon I will meet the King himself.
"Remember to always address him as your grace", Symon reminded quietly, and Ortheg nodded. "And remember to kneel when you approach him", Ser Theodore Wells added with a slight smirk. "How long will I kneel?" Ortheg asked nervously, which made the Wells knight chuckle. "Until King Yorick tells you to rise", he answered with a casual and carefree tone. More questions popped into Ortheg's mind, but just then the door was opened.
Out of the office walked an older woman, dressed in a flamboyant purple dress, decorated with golden jewelry. Her greying brown hair was tied to a bun, and in her green eyes was a proud and haughty look.
"Lady Obara", Maester Symon greeted the woman with a bow, and she responded with an elegant little nod. Behind the old lady walked a single lightly armored knight, probably her personal guard. "It has been a pleasure visiting Yronwood and meeting His Grace again, Maester Symon, but now I must make haste."
"I understand, my lady", Symon replied politely, and so the old lady took her leave, the knight following after her. Symon turned to Ortheg again. "It is time", he said calmly, and Ortheg nodded with a subtle gulp. Together they walked into King Yorick's office.
The room was spacious, with high ceiling and tall windows on the wall behind the King's desk. On one side of the room was a large bookcase, and in it were dozens of books. The King's personal library, Ortheg figured. On the other end of the room were the King's weaponry and armors, polished and decorating the wall. In the middle was the King's desk, and behind it the man himself.
King Yorick Yronwood was a tall man on his late forties, with a well-structured and masculine face that was completely clean-shaven. In his bright blue eyes was a sharp and stern look, and his thin lips formed subdued smirk. His blonde hair was combed back, and his golden crown sat on the desk in front of him. The King was dressed in dark green velvets, with a black silk cape over them.
After just looking at him for a couple of seconds, Ortheg finally remembered to kneel. He turned his gaze to the floor, feeling more nervous than he had ever been. Then Maester Symon spoke up. "Ortheg Sand, bastard son of Prince Andrey Yronwood, you are in the presence of King Yorick Yronwood, Fifth of His Name, the Bloodroyal, Warden of the Stone Way, Knight of the Wells, King of Redmarch and the Greenbelt, Lord of Yronwood, and the High King of Dorne", the maester announced the titles with proud and professional tone, an just the sheer amount of them made Ortheg feel weak under the eyes of this man.
"Ortheg Sand", he heard the King's deep and calm voice say. "My brother certainly knew how to father bastards, if nothing else." It was hard to judge from Yorick's tone if he expected an answer, but Ortheg remained silent. "Stand up", the King finally commanded, and Ortheg obeyed.
Standing up, he could now see that the King was holding in his hands the old parchment Ortheg's father had left him. "I have no reason to doubt the legitimacy of this message", Yorick stated, placing the parchment down. "I recognize my brother's handwriting, but more importantly, I recognize my own flesh and blood when I see it."
"Thank you, Your Grace", Ortheg replied nervously. A smirk was formed on the King's face. "For what?" He asked bluntly, and before Ortheg could answer, the King continued. "I have merely said I recognize the legitimacy of this message, nothing more." Ortheg gulped now, struggling to find words.
"Your Grace, I... I promise you, I will be worthy of your name, if you give me a chance", he spoke nervously, and Yorick raised his hand to quiet him down. "You will be given a chance, bastard", he said smoothly, standing up from his seat now, and walking next to Ortheg. Not many men had made Ortheg feel as small and weak as King Yorick did right now, just by standing next to him. "You may be worthless, but you are still my kin", he said quietly, almost whispering, as he stared down Ortheg. "Then again, perhaps you will prove yourself more valuable than I could ever imagine", he said, a sly smirk forming on his face. "It wouldn't be the first time a bastard rises high in this world." With these words the King walked back behind his desk.
"What do I need to do to prove my worth, Your Grace?" Ortheg asked humbly, and Yorick chuckled quietly. "I see you are eager to serve, that is good", he observed, tapping his fingers on the surface of the desk. "For now, you will train, every day. With sword, and with books", the King pointed at the two walls of the office as he spoke. "And once you are ready, I will have a task for you."
Ortheg bowed deeply. "Thank you, Your Grace", he said once again. Yorick studied him with his eyes for a moment, before speaking up once more. "Before you leave, I have one more question for you, Ortheg Sand." The King spoke quietly, a sharp look on his eyes. "What would you say is the single most important quality for a knight in service of the King? Is it skill, or bravery? Perhaps wisdom, or loyalty?"
The King leaned back on his chair, waiting for Ortheg's answer, but he had a hard time deciding what to say.
[Loyalty] In my opinion loyalty is the most important thing for a knight in service of a king, since that makes them dependable and trustworthy, then there's skill, bravery and wisdom. All things considered, the king also must be worthy of the loyalty too, not just have it for their title. After all, we all know what harm has blind loyalty towards unworthy kings brought to the people.
So Obara is making deals behind her brother's back...if history doesn't fail me, House Fowler supported Nymeria against the Yronwood, and for a 1000 years the enmity between Yronwood and Skyreach was nearly as great as that between Martell and Yronwood.
Nipples on a breastplate, funny reference to the main works.
Ortheg twiddled the dull-edged training sword on his hand, trying to find a comfortable yet strong grip. The sword was lighter tha… moren he had expected. In truth, he had no problem whatsoever holding it up, and he believed with some training he'd be able to wield it as gracefully as any knight.
"You're standing wrong", the mildly amused voice of Tanya interrupted Ortheg's thoughts, and he shifted his attention to his half-sister. "Put your right leg in the front, and lean slightly forward, keeping the sword between yourself and your enemy." Ortheg followed Tanya's instructions as best as he could, and she gave him an approving nod. "Not bad", she commented casually. "Just remember, you must be ready to move all the time, so don't lock yourself into that position."
"Shouldn't I use a shield?" Ortheg suddenly asked, and Tanya nodded subtly. "We'll bring in the shield after you've got comfortable with the sword", she said calmly. "Yo… [view original content]
Obara Fowler is about as useful for this kingdom as nipples on a breastplate."
Hah! I was wondering if you'd get a chance to use that for a gag, and I have to say it was nicely put xD
I'm going with [Loyalty] since I feel like King Yorick would like this answer the best. A knight could be highly skilled, brave as a lion and with the wisdom of a maester, but if he's not loyal then he could very easily be swayed to turn on the very King he was sworn to protect.
Ortheg twiddled the dull-edged training sword on his hand, trying to find a comfortable yet strong grip. The sword was lighter tha… moren he had expected. In truth, he had no problem whatsoever holding it up, and he believed with some training he'd be able to wield it as gracefully as any knight.
"You're standing wrong", the mildly amused voice of Tanya interrupted Ortheg's thoughts, and he shifted his attention to his half-sister. "Put your right leg in the front, and lean slightly forward, keeping the sword between yourself and your enemy." Ortheg followed Tanya's instructions as best as he could, and she gave him an approving nod. "Not bad", she commented casually. "Just remember, you must be ready to move all the time, so don't lock yourself into that position."
"Shouldn't I use a shield?" Ortheg suddenly asked, and Tanya nodded subtly. "We'll bring in the shield after you've got comfortable with the sword", she said calmly. "Yo… [view original content]
Ortheg twiddled the dull-edged training sword on his hand, trying to find a comfortable yet strong grip. The sword was lighter tha… moren he had expected. In truth, he had no problem whatsoever holding it up, and he believed with some training he'd be able to wield it as gracefully as any knight.
"You're standing wrong", the mildly amused voice of Tanya interrupted Ortheg's thoughts, and he shifted his attention to his half-sister. "Put your right leg in the front, and lean slightly forward, keeping the sword between yourself and your enemy." Ortheg followed Tanya's instructions as best as he could, and she gave him an approving nod. "Not bad", she commented casually. "Just remember, you must be ready to move all the time, so don't lock yourself into that position."
"Shouldn't I use a shield?" Ortheg suddenly asked, and Tanya nodded subtly. "We'll bring in the shield after you've got comfortable with the sword", she said calmly. "Yo… [view original content]
Yorick, hell yeah I was looking forward for that guy and sure as hell, you delivered an amazing character, from what I can tell. It's always a great thing when there is a character whom I find intriguing, yet at the same time cannot really say if I'm going to love or hate him. His interaction with Ortheg has offered possibilities for this to develop into both directions. I only know, I find him cool as hell and I cannot wait for you to show more about him and House Yronwood, even if we may have to wait for Book 2 to get to the really meaty stuff about them. For now, it appears the foundations have been laid out. I wonder, with Isabella having taken a stand against Obara's manipulations, if she is going to turn her eyes on Desmor instead. Since it is unlikely a betrothal between Desmor and Gwendis is ever going to come through, he is the only unwed Fowler who might still be open to marry into House Yronwood. Then again, it remains to be seen if Yorick wishes to send any daughter or niece to Skyreach. The other way 'round, with Isabella being at Yronwood and possibly used as a hostage, it would have been more valuable, but this? We'll see. Though given that she has clearly not given up on her ambitions to forge an Yronwood-Fowler alliance, I fear things might go less peaceful now. At worst, she could try to overthrow Garry by force.
Eh, this is all a nice, surely, but I think Yorick gives me this impression of valuing loyalty above all other traits, to the point of blind obedience. Wisdom is a useful thing to have as well for a knight, so that he can give counsel to his king and tell him when he picks a wrong path, so I consider this a possibly viable answer as well, but as I said, Yorick is probably the person who does not want counsel if he thinks he knows something better than anyone else. With his list of titles and general attitude, he strikes me as a wee bit arrogant and such prideful men always love loyalty. We cannot pick wrong with that, can we?
Ortheg twiddled the dull-edged training sword on his hand, trying to find a comfortable yet strong grip. The sword was lighter tha… moren he had expected. In truth, he had no problem whatsoever holding it up, and he believed with some training he'd be able to wield it as gracefully as any knight.
"You're standing wrong", the mildly amused voice of Tanya interrupted Ortheg's thoughts, and he shifted his attention to his half-sister. "Put your right leg in the front, and lean slightly forward, keeping the sword between yourself and your enemy." Ortheg followed Tanya's instructions as best as he could, and she gave him an approving nod. "Not bad", she commented casually. "Just remember, you must be ready to move all the time, so don't lock yourself into that position."
"Shouldn't I use a shield?" Ortheg suddenly asked, and Tanya nodded subtly. "We'll bring in the shield after you've got comfortable with the sword", she said calmly. "Yo… [view original content]
Ortheg twiddled the dull-edged training sword on his hand, trying to find a comfortable yet strong grip. The sword was lighter tha… moren he had expected. In truth, he had no problem whatsoever holding it up, and he believed with some training he'd be able to wield it as gracefully as any knight.
"You're standing wrong", the mildly amused voice of Tanya interrupted Ortheg's thoughts, and he shifted his attention to his half-sister. "Put your right leg in the front, and lean slightly forward, keeping the sword between yourself and your enemy." Ortheg followed Tanya's instructions as best as he could, and she gave him an approving nod. "Not bad", she commented casually. "Just remember, you must be ready to move all the time, so don't lock yourself into that position."
"Shouldn't I use a shield?" Ortheg suddenly asked, and Tanya nodded subtly. "We'll bring in the shield after you've got comfortable with the sword", she said calmly. "Yo… [view original content]
So Obara is making deals behind her brother's back...if history doesn't fail me, House Fowler supported Nymeria against the Yronwood, and for a 1000 years the enmity between Yronwood and Skyreach was nearly as great as that between Martell and Yronwood.
So it seems, at least she had a very lenghty chat with King Yorick, and I suppose we can assume they weren't merely catching up. We'll have to wait and see where this leads. You are right though, there was famously a bitter rivalry between Yronwood's and Fowler's after the Rhoynar invasion and Nymeria's rise to power. Perhaps we'll get to see the origin of this rivalry as the story progresses.
Nipples on a breastplate, funny reference to the main works.
Hehe, I try to avoid too many obvious references, but I just had to work that in
[Loyalty] In my opinion loyalty is the most important thing for a knight in service of a king, since that makes them dependable and trustwor… morethy, then there's skill, bravery and wisdom. All things considered, the king also must be worthy of the loyalty too, not just have it for their title. After all, we all know what harm has blind loyalty towards unworthy kings brought to the people.
So Obara is making deals behind her brother's back...if history doesn't fail me, House Fowler supported Nymeria against the Yronwood, and for a 1000 years the enmity between Yronwood and Skyreach was nearly as great as that between Martell and Yronwood.
Nipples on a breastplate, funny reference to the main works.
Yorick, hell yeah I was looking forward for that guy and sure as hell, you delivered an amazing character, from what I can tell. It's always a great thing when there is a character whom I find intriguing, yet at the same time cannot really say if I'm going to love or hate him. His interaction with Ortheg has offered possibilities for this to develop into both directions. I only know, I find him cool as hell and I cannot wait for you to show more about him and House Yronwood, even if we may have to wait for Book 2 to get to the really meaty stuff about them. For now, it appears the foundations have been laid out.
Oh man, how I've waited to finally get to introduce him The positive to that is that I've had plenty of time to consider what kind of personality I want to give him exactly, and I have a pretty clear and strong vision of him now. And yeah, I can see what you mean with having a hard time guessing if you'll love him or hate him. That will probably continue to be the case with him for very long. And he has the kind of role that will keep getting bigger with every book, but there will certainly be awesome stuff coming for him in Book 2. Perhaps already in this book, we'll have to see
I wonder, with Isabella having taken a stand against Obara's manipulations, if she is going to turn her eyes on Desmor instead. Since it is unlikely a betrothal between Desmor and Gwendis is ever going to come through, he is the only unwed Fowler who might still be open to marry into House Yronwood. Then again, it remains to be seen if Yorick wishes to send any daughter or niece to Skyreach. The other way 'round, with Isabella being at Yronwood and possibly used as a hostage, it would have been more valuable, but this? We'll see. Though given that she has clearly not given up on her ambitions to forge an Yronwood-Fowler alliance, I fear things might go less peaceful now. At worst, she could try to overthrow Garry by force.
Yep, certainly looks like Obara isn't the most loyal sister out there, going to Yorick behind Garrison's back. And well, Yorick has one daughter, so he'll certainly be quite picky with whom he'll marry her to, and there needs to be a real advantage to it. There could possibly be advantage in marrying her to Desmor, but like you said, it's not nearly as good as having Isabella in Yronwood.
Yorick, hell yeah I was looking forward for that guy and sure as hell, you delivered an amazing character, from what I can tell. It's alway… mores a great thing when there is a character whom I find intriguing, yet at the same time cannot really say if I'm going to love or hate him. His interaction with Ortheg has offered possibilities for this to develop into both directions. I only know, I find him cool as hell and I cannot wait for you to show more about him and House Yronwood, even if we may have to wait for Book 2 to get to the really meaty stuff about them. For now, it appears the foundations have been laid out. I wonder, with Isabella having taken a stand against Obara's manipulations, if she is going to turn her eyes on Desmor instead. Since it is unlikely a betrothal between Desmor and Gwendis is ever going to come through, he is the only unwed Fowler who might still be open to marry into House Yronwood. Then again, it remains to be seen … [view original content]
Ortheg twiddled the dull-edged training sword on his hand, trying to find a comfortable yet strong grip. The sword was lighter tha… moren he had expected. In truth, he had no problem whatsoever holding it up, and he believed with some training he'd be able to wield it as gracefully as any knight.
"You're standing wrong", the mildly amused voice of Tanya interrupted Ortheg's thoughts, and he shifted his attention to his half-sister. "Put your right leg in the front, and lean slightly forward, keeping the sword between yourself and your enemy." Ortheg followed Tanya's instructions as best as he could, and she gave him an approving nod. "Not bad", she commented casually. "Just remember, you must be ready to move all the time, so don't lock yourself into that position."
"Shouldn't I use a shield?" Ortheg suddenly asked, and Tanya nodded subtly. "We'll bring in the shield after you've got comfortable with the sword", she said calmly. "Yo… [view original content]
Ortheg twiddled the dull-edged training sword on his hand, trying to find a comfortable yet strong grip. The sword was lighter tha… moren he had expected. In truth, he had no problem whatsoever holding it up, and he believed with some training he'd be able to wield it as gracefully as any knight.
"You're standing wrong", the mildly amused voice of Tanya interrupted Ortheg's thoughts, and he shifted his attention to his half-sister. "Put your right leg in the front, and lean slightly forward, keeping the sword between yourself and your enemy." Ortheg followed Tanya's instructions as best as he could, and she gave him an approving nod. "Not bad", she commented casually. "Just remember, you must be ready to move all the time, so don't lock yourself into that position."
"Shouldn't I use a shield?" Ortheg suddenly asked, and Tanya nodded subtly. "We'll bring in the shield after you've got comfortable with the sword", she said calmly. "Yo… [view original content]
Well hello there again! I doubt that someone here remembers me, as it was quite a long time since my last visit here, but i'm genuinely happy to come back! It's gonna be hard to catch up since this absence, but I'll try to get up with this. There goes my question, to you WildlingKing - have you any synopsis on what have been happening for this, hmm, it's gonna be over a year (and I'm amazed that you are still doing this great job!) - I'd appreciate even a small rundown of most important events (and what's up with my beloved Nealia Sand ^^).
Again - sorry for such a long absence, but personal responsibilities won and I had to give up some things. Nevertheless - I believe I'll manage to be quite more active from now. Cheers!
Ortheg twiddled the dull-edged training sword on his hand, trying to find a comfortable yet strong grip. The sword was lighter tha… moren he had expected. In truth, he had no problem whatsoever holding it up, and he believed with some training he'd be able to wield it as gracefully as any knight.
"You're standing wrong", the mildly amused voice of Tanya interrupted Ortheg's thoughts, and he shifted his attention to his half-sister. "Put your right leg in the front, and lean slightly forward, keeping the sword between yourself and your enemy." Ortheg followed Tanya's instructions as best as he could, and she gave him an approving nod. "Not bad", she commented casually. "Just remember, you must be ready to move all the time, so don't lock yourself into that position."
"Shouldn't I use a shield?" Ortheg suddenly asked, and Tanya nodded subtly. "We'll bring in the shield after you've got comfortable with the sword", she said calmly. "Yo… [view original content]
Well first of all, welcome back! I certainly do remember you, considering you were the first to submit a character to this story, and there are still few other readers here from the early days. To your question, oh man, how I wish I had some kind of recaps I could just link you to Well, something to work on in the future. Anyway, I'll try to go through the most important things.
Let's start with your character, Nealia. I'm not sure when exactly did you leave, but I think you missed the whole Chapter 2 at least. Anyway, since joining the Rose Company and getting a mission from King Lucifer to support the Bandit Lord, Nealia (and the company) has traveled first to Salt Shore, where they met with a bandit leader named Corren, who was there to introduce these newcomers to Efran Sand's forces. Corren was an absolute asshole, harassing Nealia at their first meeting, which almost lead to a fight breaking out as Nealia punched him on the face. Tryden was disappointed at Nealia acting recklessly, but the situation was solved without any more violence. In Salt Shore Nealia also spent the night with the YiTish girl Lien Yu (which started a bit of drama between Nealia and Lien's twin sister Ying). She also briefly met with Ser Rolan Nightfall, who was there to convince Lord Jorvian Gargalen to join Lucifer in the war against Nymeria. Ser Rolan told Nealia that Jamison was also in the Central Dorne, and Nealia asked him to give his regards ("tell him to stay out of trouble"). After this they traveled to east, and by the end of Chapter 2 they reached Lemonwood, as the Bandit Lord attacked it to take it over, and he succeeded in it. However, there were some losses, as Illor the Braavosi (who had developed a friendly bond with Nealia) died. After this Corren once again harassed Nealia, but this time he was killed by Tryden for it. And just a few days ago Nealia's Chapter 3 storyline begun with the funeral of Illor.
I won't go as detailed with other storylines, but I'll try to go over the most important things. So, as said, Efran Sand has now taken over Lemonwood, killing Lord Darin Dalt in the process (or actually it was Ser Byrron Granit who killed him). Verro the ex-pirate was part of this battle as well, injuring his leg. He is now wondering where should he head from here, and his new friend Nesila has said to be heading towards Stormlands to look for her brother. Dianna was also part of the assault on Lemonwood. This was because her forces earlier face an Ironborn crew on the lands of House Granit, and they got destroyed and Dianna (and Lysera) was captured by Bjorn Harlaw, Ironborn captain allied with Efran. The Ironborn took part in the assault on Lemonwood, and Dianna was with them.
In Central Dorne, Jamison traveled to Godsgrace to convince Lord Morgan Allyrion to side with King Lucifer, and he was more or less successful with this. However, in Godsrgace we were also introduced to a new PoV, Emerson Allyrion. He is the only son of Lord Mason Allyrion, who died long ago. That said, for the first 15 years of his life Emerson was brought up as the bastard son of Morgan (Mason's brother) who had taken the lordship to himself. However, about a year ago he learnt the truth about his heritage from Lord Jorvian Gargalen (whose sister was the mother of Emerson). Anyway, Emerson's storyline in Chapter 2 revolved around his troubles deciding who to side with - his uncle Morgan, who had taken his rightful place as the lord, or his scheming cousin Esperence Allyrion, who worked behind Morgan's back to side with the Martell's. In the end Emerson ended up siding with Morgan, who officialy made him his heir, and sent him to the Tor to gain the support of the Jordayne's (the family of Morgan's wife Lady Vita). Emerson has now arrived there and met with Lord Terren Jordayne and his family.
Back to Jamison, after his visit to Godsgrace he traveled to Vaith (where he was supposed to meet with Ser Rolan). However, there he was tricked and taken under the control of a servant of the Great Other named Valerie Sand (the bastard daughter of Lady Myra Xho Vaith). However, by the end of the chapter he was freed from her control (more about that soon). In Chapter 2 we were also introduced to Dalia Sand (bastard daughter of King Lucifer and a leader of sellsword company Wild Suns) and her daughter Desirea (13 yo Red Priestess with a mission to purge Dorne from servants of the Great Other). Basically, King Lucifer sent her to take over Vaith (promising to legitimize her if she succeeds), and that's exactly what she did. On her way she met with Kris Vaith, self-exiled Lord of Vaith, who was also with a Red Priestess (who also happens to be his mother), Mother Minesa. Together Kris and Dalia faced off with the mind-controlled Jamison on the streets of Vaith, and thanks to Kris' Valyrian steel sword they won (resulting in a nasty scar on Jamison's face, but also freeing him from the mind-control of Valerie, who herself escaped). Kris had expected his ex-wife Lady Myra to be the servant of Great Other corrupting the city, but after realizing it had been Valerie all along, he decided to show mercy to her once the battle was over.
In the western storylines, Gwendis ran away from Blackmont with Aisha, the priestess of Great Other, who had convinced her that going to Skyreach (King Benedict had made a marriage pact with King Garrison, Gwen was to marry Prince Desmor Fowler) would lead to her death. However, quite quickly Gwendis begun to regret her choice of going with Aisha, who has been very mysterious about her mission. Gwendis herself has received several visions from the Great Other, which has made Aisha see her as an important part of the mission. This was proved when Lyla Sand tracked them down and tried to bring Gwendis back to Blackmont, but Aisha found them with her new ally Ser Mordekhai Crusher (cousin of King Albin and another servant of the GO). Mordekhai defeated Lyla in a duel, even if he lost his left eye in the process. Now Gwendis (and the young thief Trentan) are forced to continue their travels with Aisha and Mordekhai.
Naemon on the other hand traveled to Stafall and back, Lord Alester Upton (and 300 of his troops), Prince Malcolm Dayne, and Davos Dayne (Naemon's new squire) coming with him. As he returned he learned of the disappearance of his sister, and had a heated confrontation with his father, whome he obviously blamed for this. Nonetheless, he was tasked with defeating the rebel Karsan Taller and bringing peace back to the lands of Kingdom of Blackmont, and he took the mission. He has now traveled to Gravesend where Karsan was last seen. However, Karsan and his thugs have already left the town, leaving it deserted and empty. Now Naemon's mission is to find these rebels.
In Kingsgrave Missy regained some of her long lost pride, along with her true identity - Kortney Caron, daughter of Lord Trevas Caron. She has been surviving so far, even with several dangers around her. She was even offered a chance to escape with Willem Pyke, an Ironborn bastard on a mission to avenge his sister. However, Kortney refused, staying in Kingsgrave. Well, soon the combined army of Blackmont's and Fowler's laid siege on Kingsgrave, trapping Korntey and the Manwoody's inside. However, not long after the siege had begun, Ser Myke of the Marches arrived to Kingsgrave (due to hearing a rumor of a noble girl being enslaved by King Albin) with his companions Ser Joran Storm and Raina Serviene. Kortney's younger brother Prestan had also arrived there with a small entourage of Caron men. They are now thinking on their startegy of saving Kortney, if she indeed is in Kingsgrave (and we of course know that she is).
Finally, Nymeria's storyline in Chapter 2 consisted mainly of her marching to Redclif (a seat of House Bloodspill) after hearing rumors of Lord Ormond Bloodspill possibly being connected to a conspiracy against her. However, this all was resolved with diplomacy, Ormond becoming part of Nymeria's council, and his youngest son becoming the squire of Prince Mors. In return, Ormond revealed to Nymeria everything he knew of the conspiracy. Now, Nymeria is marching towards Godsgrace, having received a message from Esperence Allyrion. At the same time the Fallen Dragons (a sellsword company hired by Nym) is sailing towards the Salt Shore. In other words, the conflict between the Martell's and Dryland's is about to truly begin.
All this written, I hope you'll find time to properly catch up, because this was less than bare bones of everything that's happened And I'm sure I've forgotten some important things as well. Of course, you can always ask if you're confused about something in the coming parts! Hopefully this was at least somewhat helpful
Well hello there again! I doubt that someone here remembers me, as it was quite a long time since my last visit here, but i'm gen… moreuinely happy to come back! It's gonna be hard to catch up since this absence, but I'll try to get up with this. There goes my question, to you WildlingKing - have you any synopsis on what have been happening for this, hmm, it's gonna be over a year (and I'm amazed that you are still doing this great job!) - I'd appreciate even a small rundown of most important events (and what's up with my beloved Nealia Sand ^^).
Again - sorry for such a long absence, but personal responsibilities won and I had to give up some things. Nevertheless - I believe I'll manage to be quite more active from now. Cheers!
Wow, wasn't expecting such a fine rundown of what've been happening, thank you! As I see the story has already developed pretty nicely, so I will try to use my best efforts to catch up and get on with your story, because that's "less than bare bones of it" left me quite interested and motivated to do so ^^ Once again - thanks for this recap, certainly it will help me to understand the story as whole, waiting for more of the story ^^
Well first of all, welcome back! I certainly do remember you, considering you were the first to submit a character to this story, and there… more are still few other readers here from the early days. To your question, oh man, how I wish I had some kind of recaps I could just link you to Well, something to work on in the future. Anyway, I'll try to go through the most important things.
Let's start with your character, Nealia. I'm not sure when exactly did you leave, but I think you missed the whole Chapter 2 at least. Anyway, since joining the Rose Company and getting a mission from King Lucifer to support the Bandit Lord, Nealia (and the company) has traveled first to Salt Shore, where they met with a bandit leader named Corren, who was there to introduce these newcomers to Efran Sand's forces. Corren was an absolute asshole, harassing Nealia at their first meeting, which almost lead to a fight breaking out as Nealia punched him on the face. T… [view original content]
Ortheg will answer loyalty to King Yorick's question. This choice is mainly about Yorick measuring Ortheg's character, but there is indeed one answer he will appreciate over the other options. We'll see in Ortheg's next part if loyalty is indeed this answer.
However, next we will return to Emerson's storyline in the Tor. In his last part Emerson arrived to the ancestral home of House Jordayne with Lady Vita and Ser Niclas Wyne. There they met Lord Terren Jordayne and his family. Terren was shocked to see the state his sister was in, saying Morgan should've informed him about it. However, he did not blame Emerson, and invited him and Vita to a dinner with his family. There they continued their conversation, and Terren and his heir Artos confirmed that they indeed supported Emerson's claim to the lordship of Godsgrace. Soon Terren asked from Emerson what he valued more, power or happiness. You voted for Emerson to answer happiness, and in this part we will see Terren's reaction to this.
I've made a lot of progress, and I'd say the part will be ready tomorrow
Oh, one more thing, here is a portrait of King Yorick Yronwood:
"Happiness", Emerson answered Lord Terren's question quietly. "To honor my father, I will take Godsgrace and rule it as I was born to do, but even more importantly I want to be happy when I'm there. I want to be a caring husband and father for a family I love, and a good lord for the people of Godsgrace."
Terren smiled softly to Emerson, and it looked to be genuine. "You have a good heart, boy", he finally replied with a small sigh. "And I wish with all my heart that your dreams will come true, that you will do your duty and find happiness along the way. However, you are still young, and might come to learn in the coming years that those with the most power are rarely happy men, least of all those who deserve it. They carry on their shoulders not only the sorrows and concerns of their own, but also their families and their people. The men of power feel pain but keep it inside, standing strong and taking to their toll the pains of others – those that they protect and those that they are forced to hurt. Still they do what must be done, and that is what makes them powerful." Terren stopped his little speech to take a gulp from his goblet, his intense gaze lingering on Emerson. "As you grow older you may find that happiness and power have a habit of eating out the other."
"And... are you not happy, my lord?" Emerson asked, trying to sound as respectful as he could. Terren narrowed his eyes now, his lips forming a thin smirk. "I won't complain", he said smoothly, his gaze traveling from his wife to his sons. "I have a family I love, and the gods have blessed me in many ways. However, I fear harder times are coming."
"A war?" Emerson asked, almost whispering now. Terren nodded, and his heir spoke up again. "Nymeria Martell in her lust for power seeks to destroy every kingdom in Dorne", Artos Jordayne said grimly. "It will be our duty to stop her."
Emerson nodded to Artos' words decisively. He hadn't liked Esperence's idea of siding with the Rhoynar princess, which had been perhaps the biggest reason he had decided to side against her. Looks like the Jordayne's are on the same page with me. "And what if King Lucifer defeats Nymeria?" Emerson asked curiously, now looking at Lord Terren again.
"Even then Dorne will be left in a chaotic state, and many wars will follow", Terren answered calmly, while the servants began to bring the main dishes to the table. "Central Dorne especially would be left vulnerable, with many powers trying to grasp their hold on it."
Emerson gulped, knowing exactly what that meant. No matter who would win the war, he would be having a hard time ruling Godsgrace. Before that though, he would have equally hard time taking his rightful place as the Lord of Godsgrace.
"And what about your king?" Emerson asked carefully, and Terren raised an eyebrow. "What about him?" He asked calmly. Emerson took in a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "Does King Yorick desire to rule over Godsgrace?" He finally asked. A tense silence took over the room for a moment, until Lord Terren flashed Emerson a forced smile, and spoke up. "If you become the Lord of Godsgrace, Yorick will most likely want to form an alliance with you", he answered softly, taking another gulp from his goblet. "He is a powerful man, and one you do not want as your enemy. So, if a day ever comes when King Yorick asks you to bend the knee for him... my advice is that you do it."
Emerson stayed silent, troubled by Lord Terren's words. He didn't know Yorick, but he did know that the Yronwood's were powerful – the most powerful house in Dorne. For centuries now the lords of House Allyrion had prided themselves with their independence from the kings of Dorne. Will that change when I become the Lord of Godsgrace?
"Emerson", the fragile voice of Lady Vita woke Emerson from his thoughts. He turned towards his uncle's wife, who looked at him with the usual shaken gaze on her amber eyes. "What is it, mylady?" Emerson asked gently, and Vita gulped.
"Wh-where is father?" She asked with genuine fear in her words, glancing at Terren as she spoke. "Father is dead, sister", Terren answered calmly, but Vita looked unconvinced.
"W-will he p-punish me?" She stuttered, her hands shaking now. Emerson turned to Lord Terren. "I should take her somewhere to calm down", he whispered, and the Lord of the Tor gave him an understanding nod.
"Ynys, my dear, would you show Lady Vita and Emerson to their chambers", Terren said to his wife, who nodded calmly, before standing up from her seat. "Follow me, please", she said politely, and so they did.
They walked out of the dining room, Lady Ynys leading the way in her dark blue silk dress and flowing blonde hair. Emerson held Lady Vita's hand, leading her through the high corridors of the Tor. They made their way to the northern tower, which stood proudly above the sea.
"I have been told Lady Vita resided in this tower during her childhood", Ynys explained softly, and Emerson nodded, turning his eyes to Vita again. Vita's gaze wandered around the walls and ceilings, and Emerson could guess memories were flooding her mind right now.
After walking a couple stories up, Lady Ynys gestured at the two doors on the opposite sides of the corridor. "I'll leave you to get comfortable with your new quarters", she said with a small smile on her face. "Everything should be ready, but the servants will come in a moment to ask if there is something more you need." With these words Lady Ynys took her leave, and Emerson was left alone with Vita.
He escorted her into the chambers Ynys had chosen for her, a finely decorated and spacy room with a beautiful view towards the sea. Vita sat down to catch her breath, clearly tired from the stairs. "Are you alright, mylady?" Emerson asked with a subtle sigh, and Vita nodded hastily.
"Yes, I'm fine", she answered with a hollow tone, glancing around her new room, a surprisingly calm look on her eyes. "I'll leave you to it then", Emerson said gently, starting to slowly walk towards the door. Vita gave him a small nod, and he took it as a sign that Vita wouldn't mind him leaving.
Emerson opened the door to his own chambers. It was an equally well decorated room, if a bit smaller and without a window. The servants soon brought Emerson's luggage, and he changed into more comfortable clothing. Not long after that the door was knocked again. With a sigh Emerson stood up and walked to the door. He was surprised as he opened it, seeing a beautiful young woman standing by the doorframe. She was a slender and fair skinned woman, probably in her early twenties, dressed in an elegant green dress and having her long dark brown hair tied to a braid. Her wide green eyes studied Emerson's face, a calm expression on her's.
"You are Emerson Allyrion, right?" She asked, and Emerson nodded. "I am", he answered with a slightly confused tone, and the young woman offered her hand for shaking. As Emerson grabbed it, the young woman introduced herself. "My name is Julia Jordayne, I'm the daughter of Quentyn Jordayne, and niece of Terren Jordayne. And speaking of Lord Terren, he has invited you to his office, for a private conversation."
"A private conversation?" Emerson asked, a bit baffled at the presence of this beautiful woman. "Yes", Julia replied, looking at Emerson like he was dimwitted. "You came here to gain his support for your claim, didn't you?"
"Yes, I did", Emerson answered with a nod. "Good, come then", Julia said, turning around and gesturing for Emerson to follow her, and he did.
"You said you're the daughter of Quentyn Jordayne", Emerson said as he stepped next to Julia, and she nodded. "Yes, why?"
"So, Quentyn is Terren's younger brother, right?" Emerson asked, and Julia nodded again. "Indeed, though he does not reside here in the Tor", she explained nonchalantly. "My father is actually part of King Yorick's royal council."
"That must be a great honor", Emerson complimented politely, which made Julia chuckle. "If you see it honorable to be a sycophant for an egotistical man with more titles than the damn Storm King, despite having only half the power. Then sure, a great honor."
"You don't seem to have much respect for the Yronwood's", Emerson observed quietly with a slight frown on his face, and Julia responded with a little shrug. "King Yorick is a powerful and ambitious man, I doubt anyone would deny that", she responded calmly, and Emerson narrowed his eyes. "But?" He knew that wasn't Julia's full opinion on Yorick.
"But it doesn't make him a good king, not in my opinion", she stated coldly. "Instead of trying to improve the lives of those he rules over, he is dedicating his reign to conquering and warmongering."
"He is not exactly the first king to do that", Emerson pointed out, and Julia nodded in agreement. "No, he is not", she replied with a sigh. "And sadly, he won't be the last either. He'll no doubt win more lands for his kingdom in the wars to come, and then one day one of his heirs will lose those lands again, and on and on it goes. Still, I am a Jordayne, sworn to King Yorick like the rest of my family, and I will do my part to serve him."
Emerson didn't really know what to answer to that, and before he could come up with anything to say they reached the door of Lord Terren's office. Giving first a light knock on the door, Julia opened it and led them into the room. Terren was already sitting behind his desk, currently reading a letter. As he raised his gaze and welcomed them, Julia walked to the smaller table on the side of the room. On that table were several scrolls of parchment, as well as quill and ink. "Is Vita fine?" Terren asked, and Emerson nodded quietly.
"I thought this was supposed to be a private conversation", he remarked with a meaningful glance at Julia, and Terren nodded subtly. "Yes, Julia is my scribe, she takes part in all my meetings", Terren explained softly. Emerson sat down, seeing Julia write down something on the parchment.
"So, our conversation is recorded?" Emerson asked with some confusion, and Terren nodded affirmatively. "Indeed," he answered quietly. "Just for my own use, of course. I have come to notice over the years that words are much less wind when they are written down."
"I see", Emerson replied, watching Julia press her quill against the parchment again, writing everything down. With a subtle gulp he turned his gaze towards Terren. "I believe you summoned me here to talk about the future of Godsgrace. Is that correct?"
Terren nodded, a small smile forming on his face now. "You are the future of Godsgrace, Lord Emerson", he said strongly. "That is our common goal, I believe."
"So, you will help me take over Godsgrace?" He asked, failing to subdue his smile. Terren let out a small sigh, turning his gaze down now. "You must be very eager to claim your birthright, I understand that", he begun, and Emerson's smile faded. "But what?" He asked quietly.
"I believe we should wait out for now, see the end of this conflict between King Lucifer and Princess Nymeria, before we take any action." Terren's tone was serious and authoritative, but Emerson couldn't resist the urge to protest. "But that war could last for years", he said desperately. "If we let Nymeria take over she will only strengthen her grip on the city."
"Nymeria Martell doesn't intend to stop her invasion to Godsgrace", Lord Terren said sternly. "She doesn’t intend to stop it to Hellgate Hall either. She plans to roll over every single lord and king in Dorne. Right now she is facing only the might of the Dryland's, but soon enough she will have too many enemies to fight off, and that will be her doom. That is also when you should take Godsgrace. And if it happens so that King Lucifer will be the one to defeat Nymeria, he will surely want to replace the traitors who surrendered Godsgrace to his enemy."
Emerson thought about Lord Terren's words for a moment, and they seemed to make sense. "So, if I should wait for a better time to strike, what should I do in the mean time?" He asked with a hint of frustration in his words. "Just sit and wait here in the Tor?"
"No, I believe there is something else you could do", Terren responded calmly. "In a few days, I will travel to Yronwood to meet my king. The amount of support I can offer you when the time to take Godsgrace comes is... limited. However, with the support of King Yorick you could have the whole might of Yronwood backing you, ensuring your victory. But to earn that backing, I believe you should meet His Grace yourself, to make an impression and convince him that you are worth his support."
Emerson remained silent, feeling unsure. He knew Terren was right, getting King Yorick's backing would be helpful, but he also knew Yorick wouldn't offer his help without demanding something in return. "The choice is yours, of course", Terren added calmly. "Come meet the King, or stay here in the Tor."
But not even a quarter of the story is written so far Likely less than a fifth even, considering that later chapters are quite possible to be even longer than the two we had so far. Give it a chance, I wouldn't say it is too late. It never is, especially not for quality work, such as this. Though it might be a bit of a read to catch up, I don't think it you're going to regret the time invested
I've made a lot of progress, and I'd say the part will be ready tomorrow
Your definition of tomorrow and mine do not quite match, given that the part is already out. I do love this though
Oh, one more thing, here is a portrait of King Yorick Yronwood:
It didn't quite strike me back when I read his description in Ortheg's part, but he looks nothing like I expected him to look before we first saw him in the story. No, he looks better. Truly amazing and definitely among my favourite portraits. I do not know which one to remove from my Top 10 though to make room for this one. Nah, this is an incredibly well-done portrait. That look in his eyes is so freaking intense, it's scary
Voting is closed!
Ortheg will answer loyalty to King Yorick's question. This choice is mainly about Yorick measuring Ortheg's character, … morebut there is indeed one answer he will appreciate over the other options. We'll see in Ortheg's next part if loyalty is indeed this answer.
However, next we will return to Emerson's storyline in the Tor. In his last part Emerson arrived to the ancestral home of House Jordayne with Lady Vita and Ser Niclas Wyne. There they met Lord Terren Jordayne and his family. Terren was shocked to see the state his sister was in, saying Morgan should've informed him about it. However, he did not blame Emerson, and invited him and Vita to a dinner with his family. There they continued their conversation, and Terren and his heir Artos confirmed that they indeed supported Emerson's claim to the lordship of Godsgrace. Soon Terren asked from Emerson what he valued more, power or happiness. You voted for Emerson to answer… [view original content]
But not even a quarter of the story is written so far Likely less than a fifth even, considering that later chapters are quite possible to … morebe even longer than the two we had so far. Give it a chance, I wouldn't say it is too late. It never is, especially not for quality work, such as this. Though it might be a bit of a read to catch up, I don't think it you're going to regret the time invested
But not even a quarter of the story is written so far Likely less than a fifth even, considering that later chapters are quite possible to … morebe even longer than the two we had so far. Give it a chance, I wouldn't say it is too late. It never is, especially not for quality work, such as this. Though it might be a bit of a read to catch up, I don't think it you're going to regret the time invested
Great! Trust me, it's a brilliant story, my favourite on here for a reason. If it's getting a new reader, then I'm surely up to help you getting into this, if you have a question or anything. Though I am not speaking for Wildling, the author, I have no doubt it's the same with him if there is anything you would like to know more about.
Well, Lord Magnum P.I. is surely a chill dude I like him and actually really root for him, even if his alliance with Yorick Yronwood is unlikely to bring any good for his house in the long run. And he does not seem to be willing to break with these ties anytime soon. But it's small details about him I really enjoy. I bet I'm the only one who thinks his portrait resembles Tom Selleck though, but that does not stop me from loving him for it And the more I think about it, the more I realize that Morgan actually did a decent thing by getting Vita away from Godsgrace and his own disgusting presence. What is this, is he actually capable of doing something nice? It seems she's even somewhat recovering from her years at Godsgrace, even if I doubt there is much hope for her to ever recover what she has lost.
[Stay in the Tor]
Just like how I believe that House Jordayne's alliance with Yorick cannot bring any good, I do not think Emerson can gain a lasting benefit from this either. He needs to retake Godsgrace somehow, but Yorick is not the way. It pains me to choose this though, because it would be such an interesting choice, so, once more, I am quite tempted to change my vote later on and quite a bit conflicted Maybe I am wrong an the Yronwood's are actually the way to go for Emerson, especially given that Esperence is already very far in her plans to make herself a comfortable home in Nymeria's backside. But I simply do not trust Yorick enough to choose this. Emerson must prove that he is a better ally to Nym than Esperence could ever be, which, to be fair, is not going to be easy in any way, but then again, when it comes to the current events in the story, what exactly is easy anyways?
"Happiness", Emerson answered Lord Terren's question quietly. "To honor my father, I will take Godsgrace and rule it as I was bor… moren to do, but even more importantly I want to be happy when I'm there. I want to be a caring husband and father for a family I love, and a good lord for the people of Godsgrace."
Terren smiled softly to Emerson, and it looked to be genuine. "You have a good heart, boy", he finally replied with a small sigh. "And I wish with all my heart that your dreams will come true, that you will do your duty and find happiness along the way. However, you are still young, and might come to learn in the coming years that those with the most power are rarely happy men, least of all those who deserve it. They carry on their shoulders not only the sorrows and concerns of their own, but also their families and their people. The men of power feel pain but keep it inside, standing strong and taking to their toll the pains o… [view original content]
[Stay in the Tor] Even though I like Yorick from what we've seen so far, I just don't trust him enough. I feel like the price he'll ask for his help will be too much to pay, and I feel like he could betray Emerson at any time if he saw a benefit to it.
"Happiness", Emerson answered Lord Terren's question quietly. "To honor my father, I will take Godsgrace and rule it as I was bor… moren to do, but even more importantly I want to be happy when I'm there. I want to be a caring husband and father for a family I love, and a good lord for the people of Godsgrace."
Terren smiled softly to Emerson, and it looked to be genuine. "You have a good heart, boy", he finally replied with a small sigh. "And I wish with all my heart that your dreams will come true, that you will do your duty and find happiness along the way. However, you are still young, and might come to learn in the coming years that those with the most power are rarely happy men, least of all those who deserve it. They carry on their shoulders not only the sorrows and concerns of their own, but also their families and their people. The men of power feel pain but keep it inside, standing strong and taking to their toll the pains o… [view original content]
[Stay in the Tor]
There's no doubt Yorick could offer him helping him retake Godsgrace on the condition he becomes his vassal, but as Julia mentioned, he's a warmonger who doesn't try to improve the lives of his subjects very much.
Julia is actually right about pointing out that this vicious cycle of small conquests and reconquests between petty kingdoms seems rather meaningless. We all know it will take a powerful external force to unite them, forcing them to abandon their quarrels for the sake of the continent as a whole.
With this the only major Dornish families that haven't been introduced are the Wyls of Wyl, the Gargalens of Salt Shore and the Drinkwaters, although its only a matter of time.
"Happiness", Emerson answered Lord Terren's question quietly. "To honor my father, I will take Godsgrace and rule it as I was bor… moren to do, but even more importantly I want to be happy when I'm there. I want to be a caring husband and father for a family I love, and a good lord for the people of Godsgrace."
Terren smiled softly to Emerson, and it looked to be genuine. "You have a good heart, boy", he finally replied with a small sigh. "And I wish with all my heart that your dreams will come true, that you will do your duty and find happiness along the way. However, you are still young, and might come to learn in the coming years that those with the most power are rarely happy men, least of all those who deserve it. They carry on their shoulders not only the sorrows and concerns of their own, but also their families and their people. The men of power feel pain but keep it inside, standing strong and taking to their toll the pains o… [view original content]
Oh yes, I've read the pm, I'll answer in a few hours once I get back to my laptop
Ok, just checking
Yeah Efran is not making himself any favors with the whole killing your family thing, and indeed, Nym won't be pleased at all when she finds out her vassal was killed and replaced by his bastard nephew. She probably will be forced to send troops to reinforce the Granit and Bravespear lords, and that could mean she will need Santagar and Toland troops to compensate.
[Stay in the table] This is a good way to understand her future co-workers and indeed this could help Naelia talk with Ying.
[Stay in the table] Like the others have stated, I feel like it would be more productive to get to know the White Elephant's crew a little bit better.
[Go with Lien]
Edit: lol accidentaly answered to the wrong post XD
[Go with Lien]
I don't know if you saw, but I sent you another pm.
[Go with Lien]
Voting is closed!
And Nealia will go with Lien. Wow, this voting was a close one, but luckily not quite a tie! Anyway, this choice basically confirms that Lien and Nealia are going to go further with their relationship than just occasional flirting
We'll see where that leads. Oh, and don't worry, Nealia will get chances to get to know the White Elephant's crew better in the future 
Anyway, the next part is going to be Ortheg PoV, his second one in the story. As a reminder, Ortheg Sand is a fifteen-year-old bastard son of Prince Andrey Yronwood, the deceased brother of King Yorick Yronwood. In his first part Ortheg arrived to Yronwood for the first time, having spent his childhood with his mother, and working in the silver mines. However, he still had the message Andrey had written years ago, where he was basically invited to the court of Yronwood once he'd come of age. Showing this message, Ortheg indeed got inside Yronwood castle, and met with Maester Symon, who gave him new chambers and told he'd soon meet with the King. After getting new clothes that are more fitting for a nobleman, Ortheg's half-sister Tanya Yronwood came to meet him. She asked if Ortheg would rather begin his training or visit the crypt of Andrey, and you chose training. That is where this next part will begin, but it will also include the long awaited introdcution of King Yorick
I'll try to get the part done by tomorrow.
However, before that we should be getting a new Histories & Lore -part!
Here is my second H&L. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Elise - True Mother
It had been several days since Elise and her retinue of Efran’s men had left Lemonwood, and now finally they were nearing their objective.
“Lady Elise, are we getting close?” Jabar inquired with his deep voice. Elise chuckled subtly for the Summer Islander’s words. “Lady Elise... it’s still hard to grasp that I am now the Lady of Lemonwood,” she said with a sigh. “It’ll take some time for me to get used to this new title. Anyway, yes, we are getting very close to the village.”
Zhobho turned his gaze to Elise now, and spoke up. “Perhaps we should rest and put up camp for the day,” he suggested calmly, and Elise gave him a questioning look. “It would be better if we go to the house at night, my lady,” Zhobho explained, and Elise nodded. “You are probably right,” she agreed begrudgingly, and they then set up camp for the afternoon and prepared for what was to happen that night.
While Elise was eating dinner, Commander Markas sat next to her. The others mostly ate in their tents or by the fire outside, so Elise hadn’t expected company. However, she and Commander Markas had known each other for a while and became good friends, so she welcomed him next to her.
“How are you feeling, knowing that after all this time, you are so close to having him back?” Markas asked with a subdued smile on his face. Elise pondered for a moment before answering. “I am both excited and anxious,” she spoke quietly, “but more than anything I am just determined, to get this over with.”
“I can only imagine,” Markas replied with an empathetic voice. “I imagine I’d be the same in your situation. How old would he be now anyways?”
Elise gulped subtly at Markas’ question, a sting of guilt and regret going through her. “My son Athen is eight years old now,” she responded quietly, which made Markas raise his eyebrows.
“Eight, huh?” He spoke with a surprised tone. “That means you had to be on your early twenties when you had him,” he proclaimed with astonished expression on his face. Markas looked at her carefully, clearly thinking about something. “What is it?” Elise asked, a touch of impatience in her words.
“I was just thinking… If you don’t mind me asking, who was the boy’s father?” Markas asked with a polite tone. Elise looked at him for a moment, sighed, and finally spoke up. “There is a reason I don’t like to talk about my past. It is not pretty.” They were both quiet for a moment, until Elise decided to ask Markas something. “Did you ever notice that I was a bit.. nervous around Bjorn Harlaw and his raiders?”
Markas nodded quietly in response, and Elise then continued. “There is a reason for that,” she stated coldly, bitter and painful memories surfacing in her head. “My son’s father was an Ironborn Lord, and I was his salt wife,” she clarified, and an expression that was a mixture of pity and realization formed on Markas’ face. Perhaps he had heard enough to understand, but Elise decided to continue anyway, just to get it out of her chest. “My son’s father was a cruel man named Halrik Sharp, the Lord of House Sharp,” there wasn’t an ounce of warmth in her voice as she spoke. “He and his crew murdered my brother, my parents, my whole family in the Reach.” Elise’s voice began to shake, and she could feel tears coming to her eyes. Nonetheless, she continued. “I was forced to perform the duties of a salt wife, and thus my son was born. Despite the pain I had to go through, I still loved my son very much. I was forced to endure the abuses of Halrik and his rock wife for over a year.”
Now Markas spoke up, interrupting Elise. “I’m so sorry this happened to you,” he said with genuine tone, and Elise subtly wiped her tears away.
“Thank you, but don’t worry about it too much,” she responded calmly. “I got my revenge on him. One day Harlik’s crew was off the coast of the Dornish village we are near now; they were preparing to sack it. Halrik was forcing himself on me as usual, when he suddenly insinuated that he could kill me and our son and replace me whenever he wanted,” Elise clenched her fists as she spoke, and her voice turned slightly more angered. “I could not take it anymore. There was a lantern nearby us. I took it and smashed it into his face. I then stole his dagger and jabbed it in his neck, while he was in pain. After I had killed him, I realized that the lantern had caught the ship on fire. I quickly took my baby, jumped off the ship, and swam to shore with him in my arms. The rest of the ironborn crew went down with their ship.”
“Wow, that is quite a story, Elise!” Markas proclaimed in awe. “I know,” Elise proudly stated, allowing a tiny smirk to form on her face. “However, I soon realized that I could not take care of my baby alone, living on the streets. After a few days of trying, I regretfully left him at the doorstep of a nice couple I had been observing. I watched them from afar for a while, to make sure they took care of him. After I was satisfied, I left and travelled around Dorne, on my own. I learned how to survive, on the streets, on the desert - wherever I had to. And as you know, I eventually heard of Efran’s cause and joined him.” Markas nodded to her words, a wide grin on his face now. “You’re probably glad that you did”, he said casually, and Elise nodded.
“Not only was he successful, but I’m now his wife, Lady Elise Dalt,” she said, still hardly believing her own words. “Now that I have risen to this position, it is time for my son to come live with me and Efran. He deserves to live in luxury, with his true mother.”
“I can’t argue with you there”, Markas proclaimed.
Later that night, Elise and her men packed up camp. “Tonight, our mission comes to an end! Tonight, we retrieve my son!” Elise declared with determination in her words, raising her lantern up high to illuminate everyone. Everyone cheered for her words. Of course Elise knew those cheers were not just for her, but because they were all eager to return to Lemonwood.
They traveled a relative short distance, and made it into the village without much attention, due to the late hour. Elise pointed to a little plain run down wooden house. “That is the one,” she said sternly. “The house where I had to leave my baby.”
As soon as she was sure everyone knew which house was their objective, Elise spoke up again. “I’ll approach the house and see if I can get my son without having to resort to bloodshed. If I can’t, on my signal, you will storm the house and give him to me.” She spoke in a hushed tone, and the men nodded in agreement.
Elise approached the door quietly, and knocked while the men stayed out of sight. A tired looking middle-aged woman opened the door. “Who are you? What do you want?” She asked in a lethargic voice, and Elise quickly gave her an answer. “I am Lady Elise Dalt, and I’ve come here to retrieve my son.”
The woman looked confused, being in a loss of words for a few seconds. “What are you talking about?” She finally asked, and Elise let out a frustrated sigh.
“I am the mother of the baby boy that was left on your doorstep eight years ago,” she explained calmly. “At the time, circumstances would not have allowed me to take care of him. However, now things have changed and I can take care of him. Not just that, I can give him a better life than you and your husband are now giving him. I’m sure you did your best raising him and I truly appreciate that, but now it is time he lives with me, his true mother.”
The woman’s face changed from confusion to anger. “Even if you are who you say you are, you have no rights to our son Evin!” She yelled strictly. “You gave up any rights to be his mother when you left him at our doorstep, for us to take care of him, to feed him and love him.”
Elise shook her head in frustration. “My son’s name is Athen, not Evin,” she clarified sternly, “And I as his mother will have him back! I have come too far to let you and your husband stand in my way!”
The woman just stared at her, crossing her arms and blocking her way to the house. “Leave,” she said with a bold and harsh tone. “Leave this property and never return, or I’ll have my husband chase you away.” Elise just stared at the woman for a moment that felt painfully long, weighing her options. Regretfully, she finally raised up her hand and gave the signal. The men came out of hiding and charged towards the house.
“Denzin!” The woman screamed, terrified look on her eyes. “Get Evin, we have to go!”
However, Elise was blocking the exit, trapping the woman and her husband inside. The men made it inside and pushed the woman aside, Jabar and Zhobho going in first. They spotted the husband of the woman holding his arm around the boy, shakily pointing a knife at them. The boy looked very confused and scared, as Efran’s men surrounded the old man. Jabar knocked the knife out of the man’s hand, after the man had sliced his arm. With a swift move Jabar opened the man’s throat, and he fell down dead.
The woman screamed a terrifying scream. The boy began to weep- “Papa! Papa!” he cried, shaking the body of the dead man. The woman got up and attempted to get to her son but Elise blocked her path again. The woman attempted to punch her, but Elise dodged it, and now Efran’s men grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. As the woman struggled to get free, Elise pulled her sword out of the scabbard. She walked to the woman, and looked her to the eyes.
Without a word, Elise plunged her sword through the woman. As she died, her blood spilt on Elise’s hands. The young boy witnessing it all cried now even louder.
“Mama! No, mama!” He screamed desperately. Markas grabbed the boy from his arm, and though he struggled to free himself, Markas managed to bring him to Elise.
“Don’t worry Athen,” she whispered with a soothing tone. “You are going to live a better life, a happier life, with your true mother.”
After this, Zhobho asked what they should do about the house. “Burn it,” Elise answered coldly. Zhobho followed her order, throwing his lantern down. Elise, Athen, and Efran’s men made it out of the village without harm, and began their trek back to Lemonwood.
This was a great part, introducing some backstory and character traits of Elise that I haven't really had the opportunity to bring up in the story itself. It's also great how it brings up the big tragedy of Elise's life and makes us sympathize... and then reminds us that by now she has of become the monster herself
Good job! 
Thanks! I try.
Well, Elise is not exactly a monster, but she's ruthless and can be heartless in her endeavors, but considering what she's been through, its now wonder she's so harsh now.
I didn't even noticed she was uneasy around the Ironborn, but considering that's their way of life, is hard not to understand why she snapped, after all Harlik isn't the first Ironborn killed by the people they once tormented and he definitely won't be the last.
Will Athon be referred as Athon Pyke, or Evin Pyke, or Dalt I wonder.
Yeah, there wasn't really an opportunity for me to properly show her being uneasy around the Ironborn, but now you know
Well... that is one way to make a bad first impression
I mean, there could have been many ways she could have handled this, yet she took the worst possible cause of action when it comes to introduce herself to her son. No doubt this is not going according to how she thinks it is going to work, because this boy is definitely not going to love her anytime soon. I'd even say he likely hates her and will grow up to hate her only more. Damn it, I could truly see this backfiring spectacularly and I am not sure how to feel about it. On the one hand, Elise has a sympathetic backstory. On the other hand, this was terrible. One thing I am pretty sure of is, though, that she will not leave Efran if things don't go his way, at least not until it might be too late. I thought she might have more of a hidden agenda, but now it seems that she is mostly just an opportunist, taking things as they fit her the best, but without much of a grander agenda behind it. I still kinda like her, despite being utterly ruthless and cold, so I am feeling quite conflicted about how many potential problems I can see for her along the way.
In any way, a wonderful H&L! I did not think we'd get a glimpse into Elise's mind, but you surprised and certainly made me quite interested in her character
Ortheg twiddled the dull-edged training sword on his hand, trying to find a comfortable yet strong grip. The sword was lighter than he had expected. In truth, he had no problem whatsoever holding it up, and he believed with some training he'd be able to wield it as gracefully as any knight.
"You're standing wrong", the mildly amused voice of Tanya interrupted Ortheg's thoughts, and he shifted his attention to his half-sister. "Put your right leg in the front, and lean slightly forward, keeping the sword between yourself and your enemy." Ortheg followed Tanya's instructions as best as he could, and she gave him an approving nod. "Not bad", she commented casually. "Just remember, you must be ready to move all the time, so don't lock yourself into that position."
"Shouldn't I use a shield?" Ortheg suddenly asked, and Tanya nodded subtly. "We'll bring in the shield after you've got comfortable with the sword", she said calmly. "You should loosen your grip a bit, you're clenching."
"Shouldn't I be?" Ortheg asked with some confusion, and Tanya shook her head. "If your grip is too tight you'll end up hacking with your sword like some butcher hacks with his cleaver. The grip must be delicate, the sword has to be able to move on your hand."
"What if I drop it?" Ortheg asked, and a mischievous little smirk appeared on Tanya's face. "Then you get your ass kicked", she quipped, and Ortheg sighed quietly. "Now, try to strike me", Tanya encouraged. Ortheg nodded with a subtle gulp, moving closer to her, keeping his sword in front of him. Then he raised his sword to strike, but before he could bring it down, Tanya smacked him on his ribs, making him stagger backwards.
"Ouch", he muttered, and Tanya let out a little chuckle. "You shouldn't leave yourself open like that when you attack", she advised with a friendly tone. "Start with quick strikes, test your enemy, make them move, find their weakness."
"Easier said than done", Ortheg said quietly, and Tanya nodded. "Aye", she agreed with a smirk. "Don't worry though, you'll learn this stuff in no time. Now, try again."
Ortheg nodded, and approached Tanya again. This time he started with a quick strike, a mere poke towards his half-sister. Tanya of course parried it with ease. Ortheg continued striking, sending cuts and thrusts against Tanya, putting more and more strength to his swings. Tanya still didn't look to have any problem blocking each attack.
Ortheg tried to aim for her legs, but Tanya managed to deflect his blade away, leaving him completely defenseless. Tanya punished him mercilessly, her strike sending Ortheg down on the ground. As he was getting up, he heard laughter close by. Turning his gaze to left, Ortheg saw three young boys standing a dozen feet away from them, staring at him. Feeling embarrassed, Ortheg got back up on his feet, wondering who exactly were these boys.
"Laugh away, boys", Tanya said dryly. "I could do the same for each of you."
"Are you sure about that, Tanya?" Asked the boy who looked to be the oldest of the three. He towered the other two by a foot, and he already had a bit of muscle on him. Still, judging by his boyish facial features he had to be at least a couple years younger than Ortheg. He had the bright blue eyes of the Yronwood's, but his hair was black as coal.
"Yes, I am quite sure, Olyvar", Tanya answered strictly, before turning towards Ortheg again. "I suppose introductions are in place", she said with a sigh.
"No need, we already know he is Andrey's bastard", the youngest of the boys said. He had a curly blonde hair and a round face. "That means he is your older brother, Artos", he pointed out to the boy in the middle, apparently Artos Sand. He had the blue eyes and blonde hair as well, though he had cut his hair very short.
"But Ortheg doesn't know you yet", Tanya pointed out, now gesturing towards the oldest boy. "This one here is Prince Olyvar Yronwood, the second son of King Yorick."
"Welcome to the family", Olyvar said dryly, a cocky smirk on his face, and Ortheg nodded subtly. "In the middle is Artos Sand, our half-brother", Tanya continued, and Artos settled to just giving them a small nod. "And finally, the little one on the left is Prince Addam Yronwood, the thirdborn son of King Yorick." Addam grinned cheerfully as he was being introduced.
"Nice to meet you all", Ortheg said with a slightly nervous tone, and the boys mumbled something in response. Addam was the first to approach him. "What is it like to work in the mines?" The young boy asked with a intrigued tone on his voice. Ortheg was slightly taken aback by the question, considering his answer for a moment.
"It's... it can be quite rough sometimes, most of the time actually", he answered quietly, and Addam kept staring at him, clearly expecting more. However, Ortheg was saved from the awkward situation by Maester Symon, who walked through the courtyard for them.
"Ortheg Sand", the maester said with his deep and booming voice, and they all shifted their attention to him. "The King has summoned you to his office." Ortheg glanced at Tanya, who gave him a small encouraging nod.
"And boys, since you seem to have a lot of energy today, I suggest you train with Tanya", Symon suggested to the princes. "With her?" Olyvar asked with a bored and arrogant tone.
"Yes, with me", Tanya answered strictly before the maester managed to speak up. "Now, fetch your training swords." Addam and Artos immediately sprinted towards the armory, and lazily Olyvar followed after them.
"Ortheg, let's go", Maester Symon urged him, and so they started walking towards the main keep. In a couple of minutes they made it to the door of the office, which was guarded by a knight in a shining armor and tabard of House Yronwood. He was a tall and fairly handsome man, looking to be on his early twenties, with a short dirty blonde hair and amber eyes.
"Is the King ready, Ser Theodore?" Symon asked calmly, but the knight shook his head. "The earlier guest is still inside", the young man explained with a small chuckle. "Has been there for an hour now... the old hag certainly has a lot to say."
"Careful, Wells", Symon said strictly. "You do not want to insult someone who might be an extremely valuable ally for this kingdom."
"I doubt it, what does she really have to offer?" Ser Theodore asked cynically. "She already promised the King she would get the Fowler princess to marry Prince Trevyr, but that never happened, did it? Obara Fowler is about as useful for this kingdom as nipples on a breastplate."
"She is still our eyes and ears to the Kingdom of Stone and Sky", Symon pointed out. Then the maester's gaze shifted to Ortheg again. "But we've talked about this enough already." Ortheg had no idea what these two just talked about, but it certainly sounded interesting. This was his first day in the court, and he was already getting a peek to the intrigue and politics of these high men. And soon I will meet the King himself.
"Remember to always address him as your grace", Symon reminded quietly, and Ortheg nodded. "And remember to kneel when you approach him", Ser Theodore Wells added with a slight smirk. "How long will I kneel?" Ortheg asked nervously, which made the Wells knight chuckle. "Until King Yorick tells you to rise", he answered with a casual and carefree tone. More questions popped into Ortheg's mind, but just then the door was opened.
Out of the office walked an older woman, dressed in a flamboyant purple dress, decorated with golden jewelry. Her greying brown hair was tied to a bun, and in her green eyes was a proud and haughty look.
"Lady Obara", Maester Symon greeted the woman with a bow, and she responded with an elegant little nod. Behind the old lady walked a single lightly armored knight, probably her personal guard. "It has been a pleasure visiting Yronwood and meeting His Grace again, Maester Symon, but now I must make haste."
"I understand, my lady", Symon replied politely, and so the old lady took her leave, the knight following after her. Symon turned to Ortheg again. "It is time", he said calmly, and Ortheg nodded with a subtle gulp. Together they walked into King Yorick's office.
The room was spacious, with high ceiling and tall windows on the wall behind the King's desk. On one side of the room was a large bookcase, and in it were dozens of books. The King's personal library, Ortheg figured. On the other end of the room were the King's weaponry and armors, polished and decorating the wall. In the middle was the King's desk, and behind it the man himself.
King Yorick Yronwood was a tall man on his late forties, with a well-structured and masculine face that was completely clean-shaven. In his bright blue eyes was a sharp and stern look, and his thin lips formed subdued smirk. His blonde hair was combed back, and his golden crown sat on the desk in front of him. The King was dressed in dark green velvets, with a black silk cape over them.
After just looking at him for a couple of seconds, Ortheg finally remembered to kneel. He turned his gaze to the floor, feeling more nervous than he had ever been. Then Maester Symon spoke up. "Ortheg Sand, bastard son of Prince Andrey Yronwood, you are in the presence of King Yorick Yronwood, Fifth of His Name, the Bloodroyal, Warden of the Stone Way, Knight of the Wells, King of Redmarch and the Greenbelt, Lord of Yronwood, and the High King of Dorne", the maester announced the titles with proud and professional tone, an just the sheer amount of them made Ortheg feel weak under the eyes of this man.
"Ortheg Sand", he heard the King's deep and calm voice say. "My brother certainly knew how to father bastards, if nothing else." It was hard to judge from Yorick's tone if he expected an answer, but Ortheg remained silent. "Stand up", the King finally commanded, and Ortheg obeyed.
Standing up, he could now see that the King was holding in his hands the old parchment Ortheg's father had left him. "I have no reason to doubt the legitimacy of this message", Yorick stated, placing the parchment down. "I recognize my brother's handwriting, but more importantly, I recognize my own flesh and blood when I see it."
"Thank you, Your Grace", Ortheg replied nervously. A smirk was formed on the King's face. "For what?" He asked bluntly, and before Ortheg could answer, the King continued. "I have merely said I recognize the legitimacy of this message, nothing more." Ortheg gulped now, struggling to find words.
"Your Grace, I... I promise you, I will be worthy of your name, if you give me a chance", he spoke nervously, and Yorick raised his hand to quiet him down. "You will be given a chance, bastard", he said smoothly, standing up from his seat now, and walking next to Ortheg. Not many men had made Ortheg feel as small and weak as King Yorick did right now, just by standing next to him. "You may be worthless, but you are still my kin", he said quietly, almost whispering, as he stared down Ortheg. "Then again, perhaps you will prove yourself more valuable than I could ever imagine", he said, a sly smirk forming on his face. "It wouldn't be the first time a bastard rises high in this world." With these words the King walked back behind his desk.
"What do I need to do to prove my worth, Your Grace?" Ortheg asked humbly, and Yorick chuckled quietly. "I see you are eager to serve, that is good", he observed, tapping his fingers on the surface of the desk. "For now, you will train, every day. With sword, and with books", the King pointed at the two walls of the office as he spoke. "And once you are ready, I will have a task for you."
Ortheg bowed deeply. "Thank you, Your Grace", he said once again. Yorick studied him with his eyes for a moment, before speaking up once more. "Before you leave, I have one more question for you, Ortheg Sand." The King spoke quietly, a sharp look on his eyes. "What would you say is the single most important quality for a knight in service of the King? Is it skill, or bravery? Perhaps wisdom, or loyalty?"
The King leaned back on his chair, waiting for Ortheg's answer, but he had a hard time deciding what to say.
[Skill] [Bravery] [Wisdom] [Loyalty]
[Loyalty] In my opinion loyalty is the most important thing for a knight in service of a king, since that makes them dependable and trustworthy, then there's skill, bravery and wisdom. All things considered, the king also must be worthy of the loyalty too, not just have it for their title. After all, we all know what harm has blind loyalty towards unworthy kings brought to the people.
So Obara is making deals behind her brother's back...if history doesn't fail me, House Fowler supported Nymeria against the Yronwood, and for a 1000 years the enmity between Yronwood and Skyreach was nearly as great as that between Martell and Yronwood.
Nipples on a breastplate, funny reference to the main works.
Hah! I was wondering if you'd get a chance to use that for a gag, and I have to say it was nicely put xD
I'm going with [Loyalty] since I feel like King Yorick would like this answer the best. A knight could be highly skilled, brave as a lion and with the wisdom of a maester, but if he's not loyal then he could very easily be swayed to turn on the very King he was sworn to protect.
Yorick, hell yeah
I was looking forward for that guy and sure as hell, you delivered an amazing character, from what I can tell. It's always a great thing when there is a character whom I find intriguing, yet at the same time cannot really say if I'm going to love or hate him. His interaction with Ortheg has offered possibilities for this to develop into both directions. I only know, I find him cool as hell and I cannot wait for you to show more about him and House Yronwood, even if we may have to wait for Book 2 to get to the really meaty stuff about them. For now, it appears the foundations have been laid out. I wonder, with Isabella having taken a stand against Obara's manipulations, if she is going to turn her eyes on Desmor instead. Since it is unlikely a betrothal between Desmor and Gwendis is ever going to come through, he is the only unwed Fowler who might still be open to marry into House Yronwood. Then again, it remains to be seen if Yorick wishes to send any daughter or niece to Skyreach. The other way 'round, with Isabella being at Yronwood and possibly used as a hostage, it would have been more valuable, but this? We'll see. Though given that she has clearly not given up on her ambitions to forge an Yronwood-Fowler alliance, I fear things might go less peaceful now. At worst, she could try to overthrow Garry by force.
Eh, this is all a nice, surely, but I think Yorick gives me this impression of valuing loyalty above all other traits, to the point of blind obedience. Wisdom is a useful thing to have as well for a knight, so that he can give counsel to his king and tell him when he picks a wrong path, so I consider this a possibly viable answer as well, but as I said, Yorick is probably the person who does not want counsel if he thinks he knows something better than anyone else. With his list of titles and general attitude, he strikes me as a wee bit arrogant and such prideful men always love loyalty. We cannot pick wrong with that, can we?
I agree with everyone else's opinion on this one. I wonder what Obara is planning with Yorick.
So it seems, at least she had a very lenghty chat with King Yorick, and I suppose we can assume they weren't merely catching up. We'll have to wait and see where this leads. You are right though, there was famously a bitter rivalry between Yronwood's and Fowler's after the Rhoynar invasion and Nymeria's rise to power. Perhaps we'll get to see the origin of this rivalry as the story progresses.
Hehe, I try to avoid too many obvious references, but I just had to work that in
Oh man, how I've waited to finally get to introduce him
The positive to that is that I've had plenty of time to consider what kind of personality I want to give him exactly, and I have a pretty clear and strong vision of him now. And yeah, I can see what you mean with having a hard time guessing if you'll love him or hate him. That will probably continue to be the case with him for very long. And he has the kind of role that will keep getting bigger with every book, but there will certainly be awesome stuff coming for him in Book 2. Perhaps already in this book, we'll have to see 
Yep, certainly looks like Obara isn't the most loyal sister out there, going to Yorick behind Garrison's back. And well, Yorick has one daughter, so he'll certainly be quite picky with whom he'll marry her to, and there needs to be a real advantage to it. There could possibly be advantage in marrying her to Desmor, but like you said, it's not nearly as good as having Isabella in Yronwood.
Ah, finally caught up after 12 days on my holiday in Greece, some interesting build ups are happening right now.
Don't know what he wants to hear, but this seems likemthe best guess.
Well hello there again! I doubt that someone here remembers me, as it was quite a long time since my last visit here, but i'm genuinely happy to come back! It's gonna be hard to catch up since this absence, but I'll try to get up with this. There goes my question, to you WildlingKing - have you any synopsis on what have been happening for this, hmm, it's gonna be over a year (and I'm amazed that you are still doing this great job!) - I'd appreciate even a small rundown of most important events (and what's up with my beloved Nealia Sand ^^).
Again - sorry for such a long absence, but personal responsibilities won and I had to give up some things. Nevertheless - I believe I'll manage to be quite more active from now. Cheers!
Well first of all, welcome back!
I certainly do remember you, considering you were the first to submit a character to this story, and there are still few other readers here from the early days. To your question, oh man, how I wish I had some kind of recaps I could just link you to
Well, something to work on in the future. Anyway, I'll try to go through the most important things.
Let's start with your character, Nealia. I'm not sure when exactly did you leave, but I think you missed the whole Chapter 2 at least. Anyway, since joining the Rose Company and getting a mission from King Lucifer to support the Bandit Lord, Nealia (and the company) has traveled first to Salt Shore, where they met with a bandit leader named Corren, who was there to introduce these newcomers to Efran Sand's forces. Corren was an absolute asshole, harassing Nealia at their first meeting, which almost lead to a fight breaking out as Nealia punched him on the face. Tryden was disappointed at Nealia acting recklessly, but the situation was solved without any more violence. In Salt Shore Nealia also spent the night with the YiTish girl Lien Yu (which started a bit of drama between Nealia and Lien's twin sister Ying). She also briefly met with Ser Rolan Nightfall, who was there to convince Lord Jorvian Gargalen to join Lucifer in the war against Nymeria. Ser Rolan told Nealia that Jamison was also in the Central Dorne, and Nealia asked him to give his regards ("tell him to stay out of trouble"). After this they traveled to east, and by the end of Chapter 2 they reached Lemonwood, as the Bandit Lord attacked it to take it over, and he succeeded in it. However, there were some losses, as Illor the Braavosi (who had developed a friendly bond with Nealia) died. After this Corren once again harassed Nealia, but this time he was killed by Tryden for it. And just a few days ago Nealia's Chapter 3 storyline begun with the funeral of Illor.
I won't go as detailed with other storylines, but I'll try to go over the most important things. So, as said, Efran Sand has now taken over Lemonwood, killing Lord Darin Dalt in the process (or actually it was Ser Byrron Granit who killed him). Verro the ex-pirate was part of this battle as well, injuring his leg. He is now wondering where should he head from here, and his new friend Nesila has said to be heading towards Stormlands to look for her brother. Dianna was also part of the assault on Lemonwood. This was because her forces earlier face an Ironborn crew on the lands of House Granit, and they got destroyed and Dianna (and Lysera) was captured by Bjorn Harlaw, Ironborn captain allied with Efran. The Ironborn took part in the assault on Lemonwood, and Dianna was with them.
In Central Dorne, Jamison traveled to Godsgrace to convince Lord Morgan Allyrion to side with King Lucifer, and he was more or less successful with this. However, in Godsrgace we were also introduced to a new PoV, Emerson Allyrion. He is the only son of Lord Mason Allyrion, who died long ago. That said, for the first 15 years of his life Emerson was brought up as the bastard son of Morgan (Mason's brother) who had taken the lordship to himself. However, about a year ago he learnt the truth about his heritage from Lord Jorvian Gargalen (whose sister was the mother of Emerson). Anyway, Emerson's storyline in Chapter 2 revolved around his troubles deciding who to side with - his uncle Morgan, who had taken his rightful place as the lord, or his scheming cousin Esperence Allyrion, who worked behind Morgan's back to side with the Martell's. In the end Emerson ended up siding with Morgan, who officialy made him his heir, and sent him to the Tor to gain the support of the Jordayne's (the family of Morgan's wife Lady Vita). Emerson has now arrived there and met with Lord Terren Jordayne and his family.
Back to Jamison, after his visit to Godsgrace he traveled to Vaith (where he was supposed to meet with Ser Rolan). However, there he was tricked and taken under the control of a servant of the Great Other named Valerie Sand (the bastard daughter of Lady Myra Xho Vaith). However, by the end of the chapter he was freed from her control (more about that soon). In Chapter 2 we were also introduced to Dalia Sand (bastard daughter of King Lucifer and a leader of sellsword company Wild Suns) and her daughter Desirea (13 yo Red Priestess with a mission to purge Dorne from servants of the Great Other). Basically, King Lucifer sent her to take over Vaith (promising to legitimize her if she succeeds), and that's exactly what she did. On her way she met with Kris Vaith, self-exiled Lord of Vaith, who was also with a Red Priestess (who also happens to be his mother), Mother Minesa. Together Kris and Dalia faced off with the mind-controlled Jamison on the streets of Vaith, and thanks to Kris' Valyrian steel sword they won (resulting in a nasty scar on Jamison's face, but also freeing him from the mind-control of Valerie, who herself escaped). Kris had expected his ex-wife Lady Myra to be the servant of Great Other corrupting the city, but after realizing it had been Valerie all along, he decided to show mercy to her once the battle was over.
In the western storylines, Gwendis ran away from Blackmont with Aisha, the priestess of Great Other, who had convinced her that going to Skyreach (King Benedict had made a marriage pact with King Garrison, Gwen was to marry Prince Desmor Fowler) would lead to her death. However, quite quickly Gwendis begun to regret her choice of going with Aisha, who has been very mysterious about her mission. Gwendis herself has received several visions from the Great Other, which has made Aisha see her as an important part of the mission. This was proved when Lyla Sand tracked them down and tried to bring Gwendis back to Blackmont, but Aisha found them with her new ally Ser Mordekhai Crusher (cousin of King Albin and another servant of the GO). Mordekhai defeated Lyla in a duel, even if he lost his left eye in the process. Now Gwendis (and the young thief Trentan) are forced to continue their travels with Aisha and Mordekhai.
Naemon on the other hand traveled to Stafall and back, Lord Alester Upton (and 300 of his troops), Prince Malcolm Dayne, and Davos Dayne (Naemon's new squire) coming with him. As he returned he learned of the disappearance of his sister, and had a heated confrontation with his father, whome he obviously blamed for this. Nonetheless, he was tasked with defeating the rebel Karsan Taller and bringing peace back to the lands of Kingdom of Blackmont, and he took the mission. He has now traveled to Gravesend where Karsan was last seen. However, Karsan and his thugs have already left the town, leaving it deserted and empty. Now Naemon's mission is to find these rebels.
In Kingsgrave Missy regained some of her long lost pride, along with her true identity - Kortney Caron, daughter of Lord Trevas Caron. She has been surviving so far, even with several dangers around her. She was even offered a chance to escape with Willem Pyke, an Ironborn bastard on a mission to avenge his sister. However, Kortney refused, staying in Kingsgrave. Well, soon the combined army of Blackmont's and Fowler's laid siege on Kingsgrave, trapping Korntey and the Manwoody's inside. However, not long after the siege had begun, Ser Myke of the Marches arrived to Kingsgrave (due to hearing a rumor of a noble girl being enslaved by King Albin) with his companions Ser Joran Storm and Raina Serviene. Kortney's younger brother Prestan had also arrived there with a small entourage of Caron men. They are now thinking on their startegy of saving Kortney, if she indeed is in Kingsgrave (and we of course know that she is).
Finally, Nymeria's storyline in Chapter 2 consisted mainly of her marching to Redclif (a seat of House Bloodspill) after hearing rumors of Lord Ormond Bloodspill possibly being connected to a conspiracy against her. However, this all was resolved with diplomacy, Ormond becoming part of Nymeria's council, and his youngest son becoming the squire of Prince Mors. In return, Ormond revealed to Nymeria everything he knew of the conspiracy. Now, Nymeria is marching towards Godsgrace, having received a message from Esperence Allyrion. At the same time the Fallen Dragons (a sellsword company hired by Nym) is sailing towards the Salt Shore. In other words, the conflict between the Martell's and Dryland's is about to truly begin.
All this written, I hope you'll find time to properly catch up, because this was less than bare bones of everything that's happened
And I'm sure I've forgotten some important things as well. Of course, you can always ask if you're confused about something in the coming parts! Hopefully this was at least somewhat helpful 
Wow, wasn't expecting such a fine rundown of what've been happening, thank you! As I see the story has already developed pretty nicely, so I will try to use my best efforts to catch up and get on with your story, because that's "less than bare bones of it" left me quite interested and motivated to do so ^^ Once again - thanks for this recap, certainly it will help me to understand the story as whole, waiting for more of the story ^^
Voting is closed!
Ortheg will answer loyalty to King Yorick's question. This choice is mainly about Yorick measuring Ortheg's character, but there is indeed one answer he will appreciate over the other options. We'll see in Ortheg's next part if loyalty is indeed this answer.
However, next we will return to Emerson's storyline in the Tor. In his last part Emerson arrived to the ancestral home of House Jordayne with Lady Vita and Ser Niclas Wyne. There they met Lord Terren Jordayne and his family. Terren was shocked to see the state his sister was in, saying Morgan should've informed him about it. However, he did not blame Emerson, and invited him and Vita to a dinner with his family. There they continued their conversation, and Terren and his heir Artos confirmed that they indeed supported Emerson's claim to the lordship of Godsgrace. Soon Terren asked from Emerson what he valued more, power or happiness. You voted for Emerson to answer happiness, and in this part we will see Terren's reaction to this.
I've made a lot of progress, and I'd say the part will be ready tomorrow
Oh, one more thing, here is a portrait of King Yorick Yronwood:
"Happiness", Emerson answered Lord Terren's question quietly. "To honor my father, I will take Godsgrace and rule it as I was born to do, but even more importantly I want to be happy when I'm there. I want to be a caring husband and father for a family I love, and a good lord for the people of Godsgrace."
Terren smiled softly to Emerson, and it looked to be genuine. "You have a good heart, boy", he finally replied with a small sigh. "And I wish with all my heart that your dreams will come true, that you will do your duty and find happiness along the way. However, you are still young, and might come to learn in the coming years that those with the most power are rarely happy men, least of all those who deserve it. They carry on their shoulders not only the sorrows and concerns of their own, but also their families and their people. The men of power feel pain but keep it inside, standing strong and taking to their toll the pains of others – those that they protect and those that they are forced to hurt. Still they do what must be done, and that is what makes them powerful." Terren stopped his little speech to take a gulp from his goblet, his intense gaze lingering on Emerson. "As you grow older you may find that happiness and power have a habit of eating out the other."
"And... are you not happy, my lord?" Emerson asked, trying to sound as respectful as he could. Terren narrowed his eyes now, his lips forming a thin smirk. "I won't complain", he said smoothly, his gaze traveling from his wife to his sons. "I have a family I love, and the gods have blessed me in many ways. However, I fear harder times are coming."
"A war?" Emerson asked, almost whispering now. Terren nodded, and his heir spoke up again. "Nymeria Martell in her lust for power seeks to destroy every kingdom in Dorne", Artos Jordayne said grimly. "It will be our duty to stop her."
Emerson nodded to Artos' words decisively. He hadn't liked Esperence's idea of siding with the Rhoynar princess, which had been perhaps the biggest reason he had decided to side against her. Looks like the Jordayne's are on the same page with me. "And what if King Lucifer defeats Nymeria?" Emerson asked curiously, now looking at Lord Terren again.
"Even then Dorne will be left in a chaotic state, and many wars will follow", Terren answered calmly, while the servants began to bring the main dishes to the table. "Central Dorne especially would be left vulnerable, with many powers trying to grasp their hold on it."
Emerson gulped, knowing exactly what that meant. No matter who would win the war, he would be having a hard time ruling Godsgrace. Before that though, he would have equally hard time taking his rightful place as the Lord of Godsgrace.
"And what about your king?" Emerson asked carefully, and Terren raised an eyebrow. "What about him?" He asked calmly. Emerson took in a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "Does King Yorick desire to rule over Godsgrace?" He finally asked. A tense silence took over the room for a moment, until Lord Terren flashed Emerson a forced smile, and spoke up. "If you become the Lord of Godsgrace, Yorick will most likely want to form an alliance with you", he answered softly, taking another gulp from his goblet. "He is a powerful man, and one you do not want as your enemy. So, if a day ever comes when King Yorick asks you to bend the knee for him... my advice is that you do it."
Emerson stayed silent, troubled by Lord Terren's words. He didn't know Yorick, but he did know that the Yronwood's were powerful – the most powerful house in Dorne. For centuries now the lords of House Allyrion had prided themselves with their independence from the kings of Dorne. Will that change when I become the Lord of Godsgrace?
"Emerson", the fragile voice of Lady Vita woke Emerson from his thoughts. He turned towards his uncle's wife, who looked at him with the usual shaken gaze on her amber eyes. "What is it, mylady?" Emerson asked gently, and Vita gulped.
"Wh-where is father?" She asked with genuine fear in her words, glancing at Terren as she spoke. "Father is dead, sister", Terren answered calmly, but Vita looked unconvinced.
"W-will he p-punish me?" She stuttered, her hands shaking now. Emerson turned to Lord Terren. "I should take her somewhere to calm down", he whispered, and the Lord of the Tor gave him an understanding nod.
"Ynys, my dear, would you show Lady Vita and Emerson to their chambers", Terren said to his wife, who nodded calmly, before standing up from her seat. "Follow me, please", she said politely, and so they did.
They walked out of the dining room, Lady Ynys leading the way in her dark blue silk dress and flowing blonde hair. Emerson held Lady Vita's hand, leading her through the high corridors of the Tor. They made their way to the northern tower, which stood proudly above the sea.
"I have been told Lady Vita resided in this tower during her childhood", Ynys explained softly, and Emerson nodded, turning his eyes to Vita again. Vita's gaze wandered around the walls and ceilings, and Emerson could guess memories were flooding her mind right now.
After walking a couple stories up, Lady Ynys gestured at the two doors on the opposite sides of the corridor. "I'll leave you to get comfortable with your new quarters", she said with a small smile on her face. "Everything should be ready, but the servants will come in a moment to ask if there is something more you need." With these words Lady Ynys took her leave, and Emerson was left alone with Vita.
He escorted her into the chambers Ynys had chosen for her, a finely decorated and spacy room with a beautiful view towards the sea. Vita sat down to catch her breath, clearly tired from the stairs. "Are you alright, mylady?" Emerson asked with a subtle sigh, and Vita nodded hastily.
"Yes, I'm fine", she answered with a hollow tone, glancing around her new room, a surprisingly calm look on her eyes. "I'll leave you to it then", Emerson said gently, starting to slowly walk towards the door. Vita gave him a small nod, and he took it as a sign that Vita wouldn't mind him leaving.
Emerson opened the door to his own chambers. It was an equally well decorated room, if a bit smaller and without a window. The servants soon brought Emerson's luggage, and he changed into more comfortable clothing. Not long after that the door was knocked again. With a sigh Emerson stood up and walked to the door. He was surprised as he opened it, seeing a beautiful young woman standing by the doorframe. She was a slender and fair skinned woman, probably in her early twenties, dressed in an elegant green dress and having her long dark brown hair tied to a braid. Her wide green eyes studied Emerson's face, a calm expression on her's.
"You are Emerson Allyrion, right?" She asked, and Emerson nodded. "I am", he answered with a slightly confused tone, and the young woman offered her hand for shaking. As Emerson grabbed it, the young woman introduced herself. "My name is Julia Jordayne, I'm the daughter of Quentyn Jordayne, and niece of Terren Jordayne. And speaking of Lord Terren, he has invited you to his office, for a private conversation."
"A private conversation?" Emerson asked, a bit baffled at the presence of this beautiful woman. "Yes", Julia replied, looking at Emerson like he was dimwitted. "You came here to gain his support for your claim, didn't you?"
"Yes, I did", Emerson answered with a nod. "Good, come then", Julia said, turning around and gesturing for Emerson to follow her, and he did.
"You said you're the daughter of Quentyn Jordayne", Emerson said as he stepped next to Julia, and she nodded. "Yes, why?"
"So, Quentyn is Terren's younger brother, right?" Emerson asked, and Julia nodded again. "Indeed, though he does not reside here in the Tor", she explained nonchalantly. "My father is actually part of King Yorick's royal council."
"That must be a great honor", Emerson complimented politely, which made Julia chuckle. "If you see it honorable to be a sycophant for an egotistical man with more titles than the damn Storm King, despite having only half the power. Then sure, a great honor."
"You don't seem to have much respect for the Yronwood's", Emerson observed quietly with a slight frown on his face, and Julia responded with a little shrug. "King Yorick is a powerful and ambitious man, I doubt anyone would deny that", she responded calmly, and Emerson narrowed his eyes. "But?" He knew that wasn't Julia's full opinion on Yorick.
"But it doesn't make him a good king, not in my opinion", she stated coldly. "Instead of trying to improve the lives of those he rules over, he is dedicating his reign to conquering and warmongering."
"He is not exactly the first king to do that", Emerson pointed out, and Julia nodded in agreement. "No, he is not", she replied with a sigh. "And sadly, he won't be the last either. He'll no doubt win more lands for his kingdom in the wars to come, and then one day one of his heirs will lose those lands again, and on and on it goes. Still, I am a Jordayne, sworn to King Yorick like the rest of my family, and I will do my part to serve him."
Emerson didn't really know what to answer to that, and before he could come up with anything to say they reached the door of Lord Terren's office. Giving first a light knock on the door, Julia opened it and led them into the room. Terren was already sitting behind his desk, currently reading a letter. As he raised his gaze and welcomed them, Julia walked to the smaller table on the side of the room. On that table were several scrolls of parchment, as well as quill and ink. "Is Vita fine?" Terren asked, and Emerson nodded quietly.
"I thought this was supposed to be a private conversation", he remarked with a meaningful glance at Julia, and Terren nodded subtly. "Yes, Julia is my scribe, she takes part in all my meetings", Terren explained softly. Emerson sat down, seeing Julia write down something on the parchment.
"So, our conversation is recorded?" Emerson asked with some confusion, and Terren nodded affirmatively. "Indeed," he answered quietly. "Just for my own use, of course. I have come to notice over the years that words are much less wind when they are written down."
"I see", Emerson replied, watching Julia press her quill against the parchment again, writing everything down. With a subtle gulp he turned his gaze towards Terren. "I believe you summoned me here to talk about the future of Godsgrace. Is that correct?"
Terren nodded, a small smile forming on his face now. "You are the future of Godsgrace, Lord Emerson", he said strongly. "That is our common goal, I believe."
"So, you will help me take over Godsgrace?" He asked, failing to subdue his smile. Terren let out a small sigh, turning his gaze down now. "You must be very eager to claim your birthright, I understand that", he begun, and Emerson's smile faded. "But what?" He asked quietly.
"I believe we should wait out for now, see the end of this conflict between King Lucifer and Princess Nymeria, before we take any action." Terren's tone was serious and authoritative, but Emerson couldn't resist the urge to protest. "But that war could last for years", he said desperately. "If we let Nymeria take over she will only strengthen her grip on the city."
"Nymeria Martell doesn't intend to stop her invasion to Godsgrace", Lord Terren said sternly. "She doesn’t intend to stop it to Hellgate Hall either. She plans to roll over every single lord and king in Dorne. Right now she is facing only the might of the Dryland's, but soon enough she will have too many enemies to fight off, and that will be her doom. That is also when you should take Godsgrace. And if it happens so that King Lucifer will be the one to defeat Nymeria, he will surely want to replace the traitors who surrendered Godsgrace to his enemy."
Emerson thought about Lord Terren's words for a moment, and they seemed to make sense. "So, if I should wait for a better time to strike, what should I do in the mean time?" He asked with a hint of frustration in his words. "Just sit and wait here in the Tor?"
"No, I believe there is something else you could do", Terren responded calmly. "In a few days, I will travel to Yronwood to meet my king. The amount of support I can offer you when the time to take Godsgrace comes is... limited. However, with the support of King Yorick you could have the whole might of Yronwood backing you, ensuring your victory. But to earn that backing, I believe you should meet His Grace yourself, to make an impression and convince him that you are worth his support."
Emerson remained silent, feeling unsure. He knew Terren was right, getting King Yorick's backing would be helpful, but he also knew Yorick wouldn't offer his help without demanding something in return. "The choice is yours, of course", Terren added calmly. "Come meet the King, or stay here in the Tor."
[Go to Yronwood] [Stay in the Tor]
When you want to start reading but it's too long and late now.
But not even a quarter of the story is written so far
Likely less than a fifth even, considering that later chapters are quite possible to be even longer than the two we had so far. Give it a chance, I wouldn't say it is too late. It never is, especially not for quality work, such as this. Though it might be a bit of a read to catch up, I don't think it you're going to regret the time invested 
Your definition of tomorrow and mine do not quite match, given that the part is already out. I do love this though
It didn't quite strike me back when I read his description in Ortheg's part, but he looks nothing like I expected him to look before we first saw him in the story. No, he looks better. Truly amazing and definitely among my favourite portraits. I do not know which one to remove from my Top 10 though to make room for this one. Nah, this is an incredibly well-done portrait. That look in his eyes is so freaking intense, it's scary
Sure I'll try.
Hey Liquid, looks you been writing a story like this and it's even longer lol.
Great! Trust me, it's a brilliant story, my favourite on here for a reason. If it's getting a new reader, then I'm surely up to help you getting into this, if you have a question or anything. Though I am not speaking for Wildling, the author, I have no doubt it's the same with him if there is anything you would like to know more about.
Well, Lord Magnum P.I. is surely a chill dude
I like him and actually really root for him, even if his alliance with Yorick Yronwood is unlikely to bring any good for his house in the long run. And he does not seem to be willing to break with these ties anytime soon. But it's small details about him I really enjoy. I bet I'm the only one who thinks his portrait resembles Tom Selleck though, but that does not stop me from loving him for it
And the more I think about it, the more I realize that Morgan actually did a decent thing by getting Vita away from Godsgrace and his own disgusting presence. What is this, is he actually capable of doing something nice? It seems she's even somewhat recovering from her years at Godsgrace, even if I doubt there is much hope for her to ever recover what she has lost.
[Stay in the Tor]
Just like how I believe that House Jordayne's alliance with Yorick cannot bring any good, I do not think Emerson can gain a lasting benefit from this either. He needs to retake Godsgrace somehow, but Yorick is not the way. It pains me to choose this though, because it would be such an interesting choice, so, once more, I am quite tempted to change my vote later on and quite a bit conflicted Maybe I am wrong an the Yronwood's are actually the way to go for Emerson, especially given that Esperence is already very far in her plans to make herself a comfortable home in Nymeria's backside. But I simply do not trust Yorick enough to choose this. Emerson must prove that he is a better ally to Nym than Esperence could ever be, which, to be fair, is not going to be easy in any way, but then again, when it comes to the current events in the story, what exactly is easy anyways?
[Stay in the Tor] Even though I like Yorick from what we've seen so far, I just don't trust him enough. I feel like the price he'll ask for his help will be too much to pay, and I feel like he could betray Emerson at any time if he saw a benefit to it.
[Stay in the Tor]
There's no doubt Yorick could offer him helping him retake Godsgrace on the condition he becomes his vassal, but as Julia mentioned, he's a warmonger who doesn't try to improve the lives of his subjects very much.
Julia is actually right about pointing out that this vicious cycle of small conquests and reconquests between petty kingdoms seems rather meaningless. We all know it will take a powerful external force to unite them, forcing them to abandon their quarrels for the sake of the continent as a whole.
With this the only major Dornish families that haven't been introduced are the Wyls of Wyl, the Gargalens of Salt Shore and the Drinkwaters, although its only a matter of time.