Aaaand after almost a month reading, I've finally caught up to the story Gotta say its been a great ride, every minute I spent reading was totally worth it.
As Naelia's choice is pretty much decided and I would choose the same option as the one already chosen, I feel like there's no need for me to actually vote. hehe
Now, for this choice... I think I'll go with [Imprison Myra], I don't fully trust her but I don't think we have enough evidence to say that she's guilty, so better play it safe.
Kris walked silently through the alleys of Vaith. Bodies were everywhere, and every now and then Kris could hear a small splash as h… moree stepped into a puddle of blood. My city is bleeding, he thought grimly, now looking at his sword and seeing the blood of the dark warrior still on it. Quickly he wiped it away, still a bit shocked of everything that had happened just minutes ago. The warrior with empty purple eyes had completely overwhelmed him, and Kris had to admit to himself that in the end it had been luck that had saved him. If his sword had not broken...
Kris shook these thoughts away as he arrived to the town square, seeing that most of the Wild Suns had now regrouped there. He also saw the Mother's Favored, led by their captain Hangman, as well as Henry. However, he could see that their numbers had dwindled in the battle.
"Prowler!" Hangman greeted Kris as he approached them. It was a nickname the slaves had given him. "Go… [view original content]
Who is your favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Why? (You can give several)
Now that's a tricky question... I've liked all the PoV's so its pretty hard to point out a favorite. Jamison's PoV is a great one, he is a cocky little shit but he is a very entertaining cocky little shit xD. To me his highlight has to be the scene when he just barged in the room where the Allyrions were having dinner, to show them the severed head of the stupid thug who tried to kill him, as a warning. Naelia's PoV is also great, I'd say is one of the best ones in character development. There are so many characters that grew on me as I read her parts (Illor, Lien, Tryden, Manda... well, I could go on and on). Naemon's PoV is also one of my favorites, and is bound to become even better now that Naemon is aware of Gwendis disappearance. I'm really looking forward to see how much this will change him.
Who is your least favorite PoV after Chapter 2?
Kris' PoV is probably my least favorite one, but I think that in time his PoV'll win me over.
Who is your favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2?
I'd say Illor was my favorite non-PoV character (RIP), he was such a likeable character and seeing him get trapped in the Friendzone reminded me so much of Jorah that I couldn't help but cheer him on. xD
Who is your least favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2?
This is a no brainer, it has to be Trentan. He's such a hypocrite little shit xD. I simply can't stand the guy.
What was your favorite moment/part/scene in Chapter 2? (You can also tell your least favorite if you wish)
The Kortney revelation was definitely one of my favorite parts, since I didn't have much time to speculate between parts the scene really struck me like a thunder. Now, another one of my favorite parts was Illor's death. Even though he was my favorite non-PoV his death was so emotional that I just couldn't get mad at it.
What has been your favorite storyline so far?
Now that's another difficult question... But I'd say its probably Naelia's for the reason that I said in the first question: Character development. Tryden is probably the one that grew on me the most, when I was still very early on the story I though he was simply a cunt but as Naelia's story progressed I could see that there was a lot more to him.
Do you have any advises/ideas/suggestions regarding the story that you'd like to share?
The only advice I could give you is just to keep doing what you're doing, you have done an amazing job with NW!
The votings are still open, but now it's time for questions!
You can give as short or lenghty answers as you wish, I'd just like to hear … moreyour thoughts and opinions
* Who is your favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Why? (You can give several)
* Who is your least favorite PoV after Chapter 2?
* Who is your favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2?
* Who is your least favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2?
* What was your favorite moment/part/scene in Chapter 2? (You can also tell your least favorite if you wish)
* What has been your favorite storyline so far?
* Do you have any advises/ideas/suggestions regarding the story that you'd like to share? Go ahead
Also, if you have any questions for me, feel free to ask!
Actually, there is another question you might already be able to answer, come to think of Aisha. How would she have reacted if Gwendis wouldn't have begged Lyla to spare Trentan? What would the consequences coming out of that be?
Simple answer: she would've been angry Well, mostly towards Lyla for killing him, but to a lesser degree towards Gwendis as well, for letting it happen. The thing is, Aisha hasn't quite caught up on Trentan starting to feel uncomfortable about her, so she still thinks Trentan loves her, and she certainly also feels something towards him. Mostly this would've just shown in Aisha being a bit harsher towards Gwen in the next chapter. And well, Gwendis herself would've felt pretty bad for letting it happen as well.
Well, I could guess you'd choose Gwendis and Jamison And I'm glad you're still enjoying the way I write Gwen, even if her circumstances hav… moree made some real changes to her behavior and demeanor. Still, I have tried to keep her the same character at core, while taking her through this dangerous path with Aisha. And with Jamison, I'm so glad I managed to give him more exciting parts in this chapter! He'll remain an interesting character in Chapter 3, I can promise that much I could also see you naming Nealia as one of your favorites, but I'm pleasantly surprised about Verro! He doesn't have as clear and strong motives as some other characters, but he does have values and attitudes that set him apart from most of the secondary characters in his storyline. Chapter 3 will also delve more into his realtionships with both Nesila and Efran. It hope it'll be interesting! And same goes for Nealia's relationships with Tryden and the Yu sisters
… [view original content]
Well I'll get the obvious ones of the way first. Of course my main favorites are Jamison and Isabella! With Isabella, I have enjoyed her storyline immensely and it is cool that we have learned some neat things through her PoV such as the false flag operation against the Blackmont's and also we have learned about Garrison Fowler who is arguably one of if not the most intriguing king in the story. While she has had a more laid back storyline, it suits her character and I enjoy it greatly! With the betrothal proposal being sent, she could be heading to Starfall as soon as Chapter 3 which I am excited for and with a theory I have I also think that she needs to get out of Skyreach asap Anyway, great job with her and I look forward to seeing where her storyline goes! Now for Jamison! You have his character down perfectly. I know I say it alot but it really is true. He has that confidence and arrogance that I imagined along with that chip on his shoulder and he backs up everything he says. I can say nothing but great things about how you write him. I also have really enjoyed his storyline throughout and seeing him fight has been absolutely awesome every time! I am also insanely relieved that Kris went with Dalia because now Jamison will just have a cool looking scar rather than be facially disfigured I voted the opposite so I would have been pretty mad at myself when that happened! Anyway with you saying there will be a two year time skip between book one and two, I am intrigued to see where Jamison ends up going and I look forward to it! Now so I don't sound completely biased, I will mention other favorites of mine I would say they are Gwendis , Naemon and Tomas! Gwendis clearly has an interesting storyline that keeps me wondering about the best choice everytime while Naemon has had alot of character development taking on more responsibility in every part and I am excited to see how he does in stopping Karsan Taller's rebellion! As for Tomas, he really embodies what I like about GoT as a whole and that good and bad comes down to perspective. He went from being the pure antagonist PoV to now me rooting for him to succeed!
Yep, Jamison and Isabella are the obvious ones for sure, but I enjoy writing them both so it's good to hear you're liking them. Isabella's storyline hasn't been exactly a thrilling one, but she brings a nice balance with being such an innocent and pure character And Jamison might just be my favorite character to write, one of them at the very least, so it's always awesome to hear you are equally enjoying to read him Heh, getting his face disfigured by burns would've impacted Jamison's characters severely. His good looks are one of the many things he is proud of. With those burns that of course wouldn't have been the case any longer, and Jamison would've had hard time coping with it, initially at least. He won't exactly be glad about the scar either, but it'll be a much easier thing for him to get over. The Blackmont siblings are among my favorites as well, and I'm not very surprised to see them among your favorites as well. Seeing Tomas there is a surprise though, but I'm very happy about this! He is a character I'm very eager to discover furhter, so it's awesome to hear you've been liking it so far!
Honestly at this point, I don't really have one. I think last time I said Nymeria but her storyline has really been pretty exciting and even though we know she wins, it is awesome getting to define her legacy in a way! But yeah I have enjoyed all the PoV's so I can't say I have a least favorite at this point.
Indeed, Nymeria was named by few of you last time And even if she didn't have the most exciting storyline of Chapter 2, I was pretty sure she wouldn't be chosen by many of you anymore. Anyway, it's nice to hear of course that you've been enjoying all of the PoVs
There are so many so I am going to choose some random favorites of mine! King Vorian not only because he is Jamison and Malcolm's dad and the closest thing to a true knight but also because I am really hyped to see what he is like when he declares war on Nymeria. He has been very honorable when shown so far and I am curious to see if his ways change when he calls his banners! I don't think she appeared in Chapter 2 but I also really like Obara Fowler! When she appeared she was interesting and character to watch out for as well. I would say she will return soon and I am intrigued to see her role! Other favorites of mine are also Malcolm, Alester of course along with Kings Garrison and Benedict! Idk if I should consider him a favorite but I am curious to see Roryn Drumm's role moving forward too!
Ah, King Vorian is always nice character to write, but I'd say Book 2 will truly be his time to shine And I can reveal we will see Obara Fowler in Chapter 3, but to avoid spoilers I won't really say more about that. Malcolm and Alester will both have more development next chapter in Naemon's storyline, which will be great. And Roryn Drumm is a quite interesting choice, as he has just had basically two scenes so far, but I am very hyped to write more of him and his brother in the next chapter! The Ironborn in general will have a pretty interesting storyline, which I can't wait to get to show you
I would say I will go with Mordekhai largely because he killed Lyla and now he is a clear threat to Gwendis as well. I am definitely excited for someone to defeat him!
Hehe, Mordekhai definitely deserves all the hate he gets He is one of the few characters in this story you could call pure evil. That kinda makes him fun to write though
It has been talked about already but I do have to mention everytime Jamison fights as well! You have built Jamison up so well that when he fights I really feel like it is going down and we will witness something cool which is always true! I also enjoyed Naemon confronting Benedict and telling how he feels because it was such a powerful moment! There are many more but I would be all day typing them all There id no way I can't not include this one, when Jamison showed Horidos' severed head to the Allyrion's to show what happens when someone crosses him I have no clue how I forgot to include that one!
We'll have to see if Jamison gets into any fights in the next chapter, but I really enjoyed writing his fight scenes in this chapter. It'll be interesting to see if he'll ever face someone who is at his level - that would be truly exciting The scene with Naemon and Benedict is among my personal favorites as well, and it really helped develop both of those characters. I'd say there will be more interesting interaction coming between these two in the future. And Jamison bringing Horidos' head to the dinner of the Allyrion's was at the same time badass and hilarious scene, it's moments like that that make Jamison such an awesome character to write
At this point, it has to be Gwendis and Kortney largely because of the circumstances they are in and how unpredictable it is!
Well, I'll just say these storylines will remain thrilling and exciting in the next chapter
Honestly Wildling, the only thing I would reccommend is to keep writing the story! It is excellent and I look forward to every part!
I absolutely will! I really love writing this story, so I'm very grateful to have you guys following it and giving your thoughts on it frequently. Thanks!
I can't remember if I asked or not but what would have happened if we would have chosen to seek refuge in Yronwood? Also, what would have happened if we would have chosen for Isabella to wait on semding the proposal? I am sure I will think of more but I will just post these two for now. I Have typed alot on my phone and I need a break Great job on Chapter 2 and I look forward to Chapter 3!
Well, Albin would've left Kingsgrave before the siege happened with his family and Kortney, leaving the castle to be held by his brother Alaric. As they would've arrived to Yronwood, Yorick would've welcomed them, but also basically made Albin bend the knee for him. Albin would've been allowed to keep his crown and title of king, but in truth he would've been a vassal to Yorick. Also, Yorick would've taken interest in Kortney, even inviting her for a private audience. There he would've asked her some questions, and there would've been a chance to reveal who she really is and how she was treated in Kingsgrave.
What comes to Isabella waiting on sending the proposal, well, that would've mostly had some minor consequences in the next chapter. I can't really go much into it, because that would spoil some things. That said, it wouldn't have had any massive consequences compared to sending the proposal right away.
Well I still only have my phone but I won't not do the questions so here we go!
* Well I'll get the obvious ones of the way first. Of c… moreourse my main favorites are Jamison and Isabella! With Isabella, I have enjoyed her storyline immensely and it is cool that we have learned some neat things through her PoV such as the false flag operation against the Blackmont's and also we have learned about Garrison Fowler who is arguably one of if not the most intriguing king in the story. While she has had a more laid back storyline, it suits her character and I enjoy it greatly! With the betrothal proposal being sent, she could be heading to Starfall as soon as Chapter 3 which I am excited for and with a theory I have I also think that she needs to get out of Skyreach asap Anyway, great job with her and I look forward to seeing where her storyline goes! Now for Jamison! You have his character down perfectly. I know I say it alot but it really is t… [view original content]
Who is your favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Why? (You can give several)
Well, I'm partial to Verro. Considering, he is my character. I really can't wait for his future interactions with Nesila and Efran. I hope he will learn more about Nesila in the next chapter. I also really liked Dalia and Gwendis's story lines this chapter.
Who is your least favorite PoV after Chapter 2?
Honestly, Myke just hasn't really caught my interest till his most recent parts. I'm curious to see if he will be able to rescue Kortney, in the siege. Also, Tomas has not been my favorite pov, but Forovos Norvoshi being with him makes things more intriguing. Also, Dianna's pov became a lot more interesting to me once she was captured by the Ironborn.
Who is your favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2?
I have a lot of non-pov's that I like. Those would obviously include my characters. Examples including Eraehra and her entourage, Trentan, Nesila, Elise, Vyran the Lion, Belan the Brave, and Obara. I'm really curious to see how these characters develop, in the next chapter. I'm curious to see how Vyran's death will effect Belan going forward. I'm also curious to see how Trentan's relationship will continue to develop with Gwendis, since he no longer loves Aisha and is not on her side anymore. He and Gwendis being secret allies working to undermine or get away from Aisha, may be interesting. I'm curious to see how the characters of Nesila and Elise will grow after the Battle of Lemonwood. I'm curious to know what Obara's been up to, since she didn't really make an appearance this chapter. I'm also wondering what Eraehra will be doing in Sandship, until her ship is fixed. I also like many other non-pov characters as well. I really liked Illor and am saddened, by his death. I also think Desirea is a very interesting character. I also have others, but this answer is getting too long.
Who is your least favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2?
Right now, it might be Morsekhai and Aisha because of the danger they are for both Trentan and Gwendis at the moment. However, I think they are still intriguing bad guys. Valerie also poses a danger. I also didn't really like Argrim Tellar or Corren. I'm also not to fond of the Freaks, from Kortney's story.
What was your favorite moment/part/scene in Chapter 2? (You can also tell your least favorite if you wish)
My favorite scene might be the duel between Efran and Lord Dalt. It really looked like Efran might lose when suddenly, Efran's follower killed him from behind.
What has been your favorite storyline so far?
I really liked Verro and Dalia's stories. Especially, with their endings culminating into the first two major battles/sieges of the story.
Do you have any advises/ideas/suggestions regarding the story that you'd like to share? Go ahead
I don't really have any advice for you, just keep doing what your doing.
I do have one question for you, since there is a two year timeskip between Book 1 & 2. If certain characters haven't been introduced within the first book. When they are introduced, in the next book, will there ages be the same for when they are submitted or two years older?
The votings are still open, but now it's time for questions!
You can give as short or lenghty answers as you wish, I'd just like to hear … moreyour thoughts and opinions
* Who is your favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Why? (You can give several)
* Who is your least favorite PoV after Chapter 2?
* Who is your favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2?
* Who is your least favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2?
* What was your favorite moment/part/scene in Chapter 2? (You can also tell your least favorite if you wish)
* What has been your favorite storyline so far?
* Do you have any advises/ideas/suggestions regarding the story that you'd like to share? Go ahead
Also, if you have any questions for me, feel free to ask!
Now that's a tricky question... I've liked all the PoV's so its pretty hard to point out a favorite. Jamison's PoV is a great one, he is a cocky little shit but he is a very entertaining cocky little shit xD. To me his highlight has to be the scene when he just barged in the room where the Allyrions were having dinner, to show them the severed head of the stupid thug who tried to kill him, as a warning. Naelia's PoV is also great, I'd say is one of the best ones in character development. There are so many characters that grew on me as I read her parts (Illor, Lien, Tryden, Manda... well, I could go on and on). Naemon's PoV is also one of my favorites, and is bound to become even better now that Naemon is aware of Gwendis disappearance. I'm really looking forward to see how much this will change him.
It's especially interesting to hear your answers to these questions since I have no idea what have you liked the most so far in the story Anyway, it's great to hear you've enjoyed Jamison! It's always a bit tricky to write characters who are jerks but are still supposed to be the protagonist of the story. It seems I've succeeded in that with Jamison though, since most people seem to enjoy him rather than hate him And Nealia has a really strong supporting cast, I have to agree there. They are all characters I love to write, and I think that probably reflects to their development. Naemon's storyline in Book 1 is really all about growing up to manhood and starting to take responsibility. It's mostly negative stuff like Gwendis disappearing that steers him to this direction, and I think that makes it all the more compelling. Anyway, can't wait to continue his storyline in Chapter 3!
Kris' PoV is probably my least favorite one, but I think that in time his PoV'll win me over.
Yeah, I can see why, he's had just two parts so far, and there hasn't been that much depth to his character so far. However, this should indeed change in Chapter 3.
I'd say Illor was my favorite non-PoV character (RIP), he was such a likeable character and seeing him get trapped in the Friendzone reminded me so much of Jorah that I couldn't help but cheer him on. xD
Man, sorry for killing him off And I never really realized the similarity to Jorah, but it's definitely there. More show Jorah than book Jorah though. And well, he never got quite as obsessed with Nealia as Jorah did with Dany.
This is a no brainer, it has to be Trentan. He's such a hypocrite little shit xD. I simply can't stand the guy.
Haha, yeah, he was pretty annoying towards Gwen earlier That said, he'll probably be a lot less annoying in Chapter 3, due to finally warming up to Gwendis, and starting to have doubts about Aisha.
The Kortney revelation was definitely one of my favorite parts, since I didn't have much time to speculate between parts the scene really struck me like a thunder. Now, another one of my favorite parts was Illor's death. Even though he was my favorite non-PoV his death was so emotional that I just couldn't get mad at it.
Yeah, as nice as it is to follow the story from part to part and speculate about things, I imagine twists like that are so much more impactful without all that And I'm glad I managed to make Illor's death at least an enjoyable read, as sad as it is to lose him.
Now that's another difficult question... But I'd say its probably Naelia's for the reason that I said in the first question: Character development. Tryden is probably the one that grew on me the most, when I was still very early on the story I though he was simply a cunt but as Naelia's story progressed I could see that there was a lot more to him.
Yeah, Nealia's storyline has a very dynamic set of characters. On that aspect it's probably the storyline I'm most proud of, and we'll see much more of that in the next chapter
The only advice I could give you is just to keep doing what you're doing, you have done an amazing job with NW!
I definitely will! Not that I would've stopped anyway, but getting a new reader has also really increased my motivation, so thanks for that!
Who is your favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Why? (You can give several)
Now that's a tricky question... I've liked all the PoV's so it… mores pretty hard to point out a favorite. Jamison's PoV is a great one, he is a cocky little shit but he is a very entertaining cocky little shit xD. To me his highlight has to be the scene when he just barged in the room where the Allyrions were having dinner, to show them the severed head of the stupid thug who tried to kill him, as a warning. Naelia's PoV is also great, I'd say is one of the best ones in character development. There are so many characters that grew on me as I read her parts (Illor, Lien, Tryden, Manda... well, I could go on and on). Naemon's PoV is also one of my favorites, and is bound to become even better now that Naemon is aware of Gwendis disappearance. I'm really looking forward to see how much this will change him.
Who is your least favorite PoV after Chapter 2?
Kris'… [view original content]
Well, I'm partial to Verro. Considering, he is my character. I really can't wait for his future interactions with Nesila and Efran. I hope he will learn more about Nesila in the next chapter. I also really liked Dalia and Gwendis's story lines this chapter.
Ah, I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed Verro's storyline There will definitely be a lot interactions with both Nesila and Efran for him in the next chapter, which is something I'm looking forward to. And we will learn a lot more about Nesila in the next chapter, now that they aren't constantly on the move and have some more time for character development.
Honestly, Myke just hasn't really caught my interest till his most recent parts. I'm curious to see if he will be able to rescue Kortney, in the siege. Also, Tomas has not been my favorite pov, but Forovos Norvoshi being with him makes things more intriguing. Also, Dianna's pov became a lot more interesting to me once she was captured by the Ironborn.
Yeah, I had a hard time finding anything worthwile for Myke to do in the last chapter, so I sort of just skipped his journey from Blackmont to Kingsgrave. Anyway, the Kingsgrave will most certainly be an exciting location in the next chapter, and Myke will obviously be a part of that. And I whole-heartedly agree when it comes to Dianna. After her choice to look for Efran in the lands of House Granit I was just itching to finally get to the part where she'll face the Ironborn, as I knew her storyline would get so much more interesting with that. And well, safe to say, the Ironborn will remain an interesting part of the story in Chapter 3
I have a lot of non-pov's that I like. Those would obviously include my characters. Examples including Eraehra and her entourage, Trentan, Nesila, Elise, Vyran the Lion, Belan the Brave, and Obara. I'm really curious to see how these characters develop, in the next chapter. I'm curious to see how Vyran's death will effect Belan going forward. I'm also curious to see how Trentan's relationship will continue to develop with Gwendis, since he no longer loves Aisha and is not on her side anymore. He and Gwendis being secret allies working to undermine or get away from Aisha, may be interesting. I'm curious to see how the characters of Nesila and Elise will grow after the Battle of Lemonwood. I'm curious to know what Obara's been up to, since she didn't really make an appearance this chapter. I'm also wondering what Eraehra will be doing in Sandship, until her ship is fixed. I also like many other non-pov characters as well. I really liked Illor and am saddened, by his death. I also think Desirea is a very interesting character. I also have others, but this answer is getting too long.
I'm glad I've managed to write your characters in an enjoyable way! I'd also say that all of those characters (even Vyran, in a way) will get a lot more development in the next chapter Belan especially is someone whose developement I'm especially hyped to show, and we should get a taste of that pretty early into the chapter. Trentan on the other hand already got some development in this chapter, but that'll continue in the next one. And what comes to Obara, yeah, she didn't really have much of a role in this chapter, but that doesn't mean she has been idle
Right now, it might be Morsekhai and Aisha because of the danger they are for both Trentan and Gwendis at the moment. However, I think they are still intriguing bad guys. Valerie also poses a danger. I also didn't really like Argrim Tellar or Corren. I'm also not to fond of the Freaks, from Kortney's story.
Yeah, all of the characters you mentioned are definitely among the most dislikable characters in the story. Well, Corren won't be much of a problem any longer, but the other ones will still torment us all in the next chapter
I do have one question for you, since there is a two year timeskip between Book 1 & 2. If certain characters haven't been introduced within the first book. When they are introduced, in the next book, will there ages be the same for when they are submitted or two years older?
This depends on the character. If it's a character from one of the Dornish noble houses, or has some sort of direct connection to some of the already introduced characters, then yes, the character will be 2 years older than in the submission. However, if it is a character who has no prior connections to any of the pre-existing characters, then most likely I'll introduce them with the age they have in the submission.
Oh, and I'll try to find time to answer you PM tomorrow!
Who is your favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Why? (You can give several)
Well, I'm partial to Verro. Considering, he is my character. I real… morely can't wait for his future interactions with Nesila and Efran. I hope he will learn more about Nesila in the next chapter. I also really liked Dalia and Gwendis's story lines this chapter.
Who is your least favorite PoV after Chapter 2?
Honestly, Myke just hasn't really caught my interest till his most recent parts. I'm curious to see if he will be able to rescue Kortney, in the siege. Also, Tomas has not been my favorite pov, but Forovos Norvoshi being with him makes things more intriguing. Also, Dianna's pov became a lot more interesting to me once she was captured by the Ironborn.
Who is your favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2?
I have a lot of non-pov's that I like. Those would obviously include my characters. Examples including Eraehra and her entourage, Trentan, Nesila, Elise, Vyran the L… [view original content]
Nealia will tell Tryden to kill Corren. Yeah, I could see you choosing this. It's probably the better choice in many ways. This isn't the most major choice ever, but it will have its effects on the relationship of Nealia and Tryden.
And the other voting is a tie, but determined by the vote of both Kris' and Myra's creator, Kris won't imprison Myra. The next chapter will show if this was a good choice or not, but I can reveal that it's at least better than killing her. Kris would've seriously regret that choice afterwards, and it would've been an extremely grim development for him as a character.
Now, I've been pondering on whose part shall I begin Chapter 3 with, and I've come to the decision that it will be... a completely new PoV! And this new PoV will introduce us finally to Yronwood. Anyway, the part is basically ready, so I'll be posting it in just a few minutes!
I'd like to officially congratulate the fact that Nym's War has now reached 37 pages! This was the point that the Winds Beyond the Wall reached, a fantastic story, just like NW. I hope for many more pages and content for this amazing story!
Voting is closed!
Nealia will tell Tryden to kill Corren. Yeah, I could see you choosing this. It's probably the better choice in many wa… moreys. This isn't the most major choice ever, but it will have its effects on the relationship of Nealia and Tryden.
And the other voting is a tie, but determined by the vote of both Kris' and Myra's creator, Kris won't imprison Myra. The next chapter will show if this was a good choice or not, but I can reveal that it's at least better than killing her. Kris would've seriously regret that choice afterwards, and it would've been an extremely grim development for him as a character.
Now, I've been pondering on whose part shall I begin Chapter 3 with, and I've come to the decision that it will be... a completely new PoV! And this new PoV will introduce us finally to Yronwood. Anyway, the part is basically ready, so I'll be posting it in just a few minutes!
Ortheg Sand downed the rest of his ale, sitting alone at the corner table of the tavern. He was almost out of coin, just a couple coppers left in his purse. However, if everything would go as planned today, he would never be poor again. Surely my father will welcome me, he promised mother as much...
Decisively Ortheg thumped the empty mug to the table and stood up, pulling out of his pocket the old piece of parchment that his mother had kept safe throughout his childhood, over fifteen years. It had started to perish from the corners, but the letters written with ink were still clear enough, including the signature at the end. Ortheg himself had never learnt how to read, but his mother had told him that this letter had been written by his father, Prince Andrey Yronwood, and it was a promise that when he would come of age Ortheg would be trained to become a knight in Yronwood. Ortheg thought he would make a great knight. Sure, he had little experience on things like riding or swordplay, but his years in the silver mines of the Yronwood's had made him strong and sturdy. And the royal blood runs through my veins.
With these thoughts Ortheg walked out of the tavern, which was located at the small town right next to the magnificent castle of Yronwood. It was truly great, a large castle with five towers, sitting in the valley between two large hills, guarding the end of the Boneway. We Guard the Way, were the words of the Yronwood's, everyone in this kingdom knew that, but soon they would be Ortheg's words as well.
Ortheg had hoped a few ales would make him relaxed, but he was still nervous when he approached the gates of Yronwood. Two guards stood outside the gates, clad in chainmails and pointy helmets, and wearing the tabards of House Yronwood – a black portcullis on a field of sand. The two guards looked at Ortheg with disdain as he arrived to the gate. No wonder, he was dressed in old and dirty clothes, ones fitting for a commoner. Soon enough these two will address me as Ser, Ortheg thought confidently, keeping a calm look on his face.
"What's your business here, peasant?" One of the guards asked harshly, the younger one. He was slightly taller than Ortheg, but less muscular, and probably few years older. "If you have a plea to make, the King will have a court session tomorrow", the older guard informed, his tone a bit more polite.
"I am here to join my family", Ortheg said with a smirk, which only resulted in the guards giving him confused glares. Ortheg took out the old piece of parchment and handed it to the older guard. "I am Ortheg Sand, bastard son of Prince Andrey Yronwood", he explained calmly. The older guard read through the message and turned his eyes to Ortheg.
"Prince Andrey died two years ago, in a hunting accident", the man said with a mildly apologetic tone. For a moment Ortheg didn't really know what to say. The last time he had seen his father was so long ago that he couldn't even remember what the man had looked like, aside from his bright blue eyes and wavy blonde hair. He didn't exactly feel sad, but it was still a bit shocking to hear that his father was dead.
"However, this document does seem legitimate", the older guard said as he handed the parchment back to Ortheg. "Follow me", he said, leading Ortheg through the gatehouse and into the courtyard. Ortheg saw a lot of people walking on the large courtyard – soldiers, servants, stableboys and even few knights. "By the way, my name is Mallon, I've served this house for twenty years", the guard spoke with a friendly tone, and Ortheg nodded. "You have the eyes of the Yronwood's, so I believe that you are indeed Andrey's son, and I'm sure King Yorick will as well."
"When will I meet the King?" Ortheg asked curiously, and Mallon shrugged. "As soon as he will have time for it", the guardsman answered casually. "But first we should go inform Maester Symon about your arrival." Ortheg nodded once again, following Mallon towards the eastern tower. He didn't know much about maesters, but from what he had heard they were old men in dark robes, serving the kings and lords all around Westeros, sending their messages with ravens. Apparently the quarters of the Yronwood's maester were at the eastern tower, which also happened to be smallest of the towers.
Ortheg and Mallon climbed up the tower, almost to its highest floor. Judging by the croaking, the ravenry was just above them. However, Mallon led them to the door of the maester's chamber. It looked like a very old wooden door, with washed out pale shade to it, and cracks all over it. Mallon knocked the door, and after a moment someone came to open the door. The black robes and the collar around his neck revealed this man was indeed the Maester of Yronwood, but otherwise he didn't match at all with the image Ortheg previously had of the maesters. This man was most likely on his mid-forties, he was tall and sturdy, completely bald, and he had a stern expression on his masculine face. Ortheg didn't know what exactly was their purpose, but he could spot in the collar at least links of black iron, regular iron, gold, copper, steel and pewter.
"Afternoon, Mallon", Maester Symon greeted the guardsman with his deep voice, then turning his eyes to Ortheg. "Who's the boy?" He asked calmly.
"Hand the parchment to him, boy", Mallon advised softly, and Ortheg did just that. For a moment Symon eyed the message, then he looked at Ortheg again. "Come inside", he finally said, walking back inside his office. Ortheg and Mallon followed after him, closing the door behind him. The relatively small chamber of the maester was full of books, maps, parchments and all kinds of weird tools that Ortheg had never even seen before. Maester Symon sat behind his desk, and gestured for Ortheg to take the seat opposed to him. "Sit down, Ortheg Sand", he said smoothly. Ortheg nodded with a gulp and sat down, while Mallon stayed guarding the door.
"We were aware of Prince Andrey having a few more of his bastards around the kingdom, and I do believe he did mention you as well at some point", the maester spoke with a dry and bored tone on his voice. "Your mother Lora, how is she?" Symon asked, though his voice made clear he wasn't actually interested.
"She's doing fine, has a new husband, a farmer from the upper reaches of Greenbelt", Ortheg answered, and Symon nodded to him. "How nice", he said dryly, writing something down as he spoke. "This... message, from your father, says that he wanted you to be trained as a knight in service of King Yorick. Is this something you want yourself?" The tone on the maester's voice was doubting, as if he didn't believe that Ortheg could be made a knight.
"Yes", Ortheg answered decidedly. Symon glared at him for a moment, pressing his fingers together. "Have you ever held a sword?" He asked calmly, and Ortheg shook his head. "I've fought a plenty with my fists though", he said with a small smile on his face. Maester Symon sighed, and stayed silent for a moment, staring at the surface of his desk. "Can you read?" He now asked, and once again Ortheg shook his head.
"I see, it seems you have a lot to learn... did your mother ever tell you why Andrey didn't just take you here when you were born?" Symon looked Ortheg to the eyes as he asked this. "My mother wanted to keep me for my childhood, and apparently Andrey just had no problem with it", Ortheg answered with a shrug.
"I see", the maester said emotionlessly. "Well, I'm sure King Yorick will welcome you here, since it is clear you are his flesh and blood. However, before you dream of becoming a knight, you have to be taught many things. For now you are a peasant who just happens to have royal blood running through his veins. What you must become is a nobleman who just happens to have peasant blood."
"I... think I understand", Ortheg said, and Symon flashed him a thin and clearly forced smile. "Good then, I'll arrange you a meeting with the King", he said, putting Andrey's message to his sleeve. "For now, Mallon can find you proper clothing, and new chambers. I believe the ones next to Lady Tanya's chambers should be free."
"Lady Tanya?" Ortheg blurted out with curiosity, and the maester gave him a small smirk. "Indeed, your half-sister, the trueborn daughter of Prince Andrey", Symon explained, and for a moment Ortheg's eyes widened – he hadn't even thought about the possibility of having siblings. "Oh, and if you wish to visit your father's grave, I'm sure Lady Tanya can show you to the crypts."
As the maester didn't continue, Ortheg stood up. "Thank you, Maester Symon", he said with some uncertainty, but the maester just nodded without even raising his gaze from the parchment he was writing on right now. "Yes, yes, now go", Symon said with a touch of frustration in his voice, and so Ortheg and Mallon walked out of his office and down from the tower.
As they arrived to the courtyard again, Mallon spoke up. "You have a lot of new family members to get to know, Ortheg", he said with a subtle smile. "King Yorick and Queen Wenda are both very busy, but their eldest son Trevyr is about your age... how old were you again?"
"Fifteen", Ortheg answered, and Mallon nodded. "Aha, so Trevyr is a year younger than you. And as you heard, Tanya is your sister, though she is already twenty-three. She might actually be the right person to begin your training", the guardsman spoke with a thoughtful tone, as they walked in from the massive doorway of the main keep. In the hallway many turned their eyes to Ortheg, no doubt wondering what this dirty peasant did here.
"My training? You mean reading?" Ortheg asked with some confusion, and Mallon chuckled. "No, I mean swordplay. I know what you're thinking, but you shouldn't underestimate Tanya just because she is a woman. Sure, you are probably stronger than her, but she's had a sword or a bow in her hands since she was just a little girl." Ortheg was still a bit skeptical about a girl being a good teacher for him with sword, but he decided to keep this to himself. "Anyway, you also have a half-brother here, Artos Sand, Andrey's bastard just like you. Though he is just ten years old, and he's been here since he was three."
A brother too? Ortheg liked the idea of a brother, though this Artos might've been a bit too young for them to have much in common. "And what comes to your cousins," Mallon continued as they took a turn to a corridor on the western wing of the main keep, "aside from Trevyr there are his older sister Jaena, she's seventeen, and his younger brothers Olyvar and Addam, who are at the ages of eleven and eight."
"Huh, might take a while before I remember all the names", Ortheg said truthfully, and Mallon let out a small chuckle, before suddenly stopping before one of the doors. "Here will be your new chambers", he said, pointing at the door. "Granted, they have been largely unused for a few years, so some tidying will be needed. Anyway, let's get you in", with these words Mallon opened the door, and with wonderment in his eyes Ortheg stepped in. The chambers were large, with lavish decorations, just like Ortheg had expected from the royal house. "So, look around while I fetch a servant to bring you some new clothes." With these words Mallon left Ortheg alone to his new chambers.
Just like everywhere in this castle, the floor was smooth stone, and along the sandstone walls were black marble pillars. The bed was massive compared to what Ortheg was used to, and the soft featherbed felt heavenly as he lied down to it for a moment. He got up quickly though, fearing he'd just make it dirty with his clothes. Then he walked to the desk next to the window of the room, and sat down to the comfortable armchair behind it. He slid his hand on the smooth surface of the perfectly refined timber. Fine craftsmanship, he observed quietly, and stood up to continue looking around. Even the chamber pot was a work of art. Almost too beautiful for its purpose.
After some time the door was knocked, and a servant girl came in to leave some new clothes for him. They weren't quite as flamboyant as some of the clothes he saw on the other noblemen, but rather something a bit more casual. Still, they were made of quality leather and velvet. As he put them on Ortheg noticed these clothes were a bit tight for him, but they would have to do for now. After he was dressed in his new clothes the servant girl took her leave, telling Ortheg to wait for an invitation to meet the King.
However, a few minutes after the servant girl left, the door was knocked again. Ortheg went to open the door, seeing a woman standing at the doorframe. She was a bit shorter than Ortheg, but she did have some muscle on her. That said, she was also quite beautiful, with wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes that resembled those of Ortheg's. She wasn't dressed in a dress though, but rather thick leather pants and a casual cotton tunic.
"So, you're my brother", the young woman said, her eyes scanning Ortheg from toes to head. "Well, you clearly have father's eyes", she added, and Ortheg gave her a nod. "As do you", he replied politely. "You're Lady Tanya, right?" He asked, and now Tanya nodded.
"Ah, so you've heard of me already", she said with a mildly surprised tone. "I guess Maester Symon told you." As she spoke, Tanya walked past Ortheg and into his chambers, looking around the room. After a moment Tanya turned towards him again, now a stern expression on her face. "I heard you came from the silver mines... so you were a miner?" She asked sharply.
"Oh... well, mostly I just transported the silver out of the mines, and brought food and water back in for the miners", he explained, slightly embarrassed of his past as a commoner. Tanya didn't really seem to care though, just nodding calmly to his answer. "And why did you come to Yronwood?" She asked casually.
"Um... well, my – I mean our father, Prince Andrey, he wanted me to come here when I'd come of age, so I could be trained as a knight", Ortheg answered hesitantly. Tanya raised her eyebrow, eyeing Ortheg for a moment, before speaking up again. "Well, you do have the build of a warrior", she said quietly, a pondering look on her eyes. "Though I suppose you have no experience on any weaponry, not to mention the moral codes of knighthood." Ortheg gulped and gave his half-sister an awkward nod.
"That's right", he said tensely. "But... Mallon told me you could perhaps teach me, the basics at least", Ortheg put on a nervous grin as he said this. Tanya stayed quiet for a moment, but then she nodded. "Well, Mallon is right – I could teach you", she said with a thin smile. "Would you like to get the first lesson right away?" Tanya now asked. "We could spar on the courtyard, see how you can handle a sword. Or would you rather visit the crypts first, see the grave of our father?"
Thank you! And wow, I was honestly under the impression I had surpassed the amount of pages WBW had a while ago already Well, I can promise NW will certainly have many more pages to come!
I'd like to officially congratulate the fact that Nym's War has now reached 37 pages! This was the point that the Winds Beyond the Wall reached, a fantastic story, just like NW. I hope for many more pages and content for this amazing story!
Ah, I expected that I mean, I was already pretty sure we made the right choice, but now I am even more convinced. Trentan might not be the most powerful ally, but he's the closest thing to a friend Gwendis has at this point and killing him would have only made her current situation more dire, without having anyone to support her. And well, I guess Aisha is already going to show her true colours to Gwendis in the next chapter, probably making it clear how little concern she has for her physical or mental well-being. If sparing Trentan means that Gwendis won't be subjected to the worst Aisha can come up with, it has already been worth it. And who knows, maybe he will even repay her by saving her life as well, convincing Aisha or maybe even Dalia that Gwendis shouldn't be killed. Though barely useful in any situation that requires a fight, I could totally see him playing a small, but ultimately essential role if we want to have any chance at keeping Gwen alive. And, of course, he actually grew on me in the more recent parts, even if I am still a bit on the fence about him.
Actually, there is another question you might already be able to answer, come to think of Aisha. How would she have reacted if Gwendis would… moren't have begged Lyla to spare Trentan? What would the consequences coming out of that be?
Simple answer: she would've been angry Well, mostly towards Lyla for killing him, but to a lesser degree towards Gwendis as well, for letting it happen. The thing is, Aisha hasn't quite caught up on Trentan starting to feel uncomfortable about her, so she still thinks Trentan loves her, and she certainly also feels something towards him. Mostly this would've just shown in Aisha being a bit harsher towards Gwen in the next chapter. And well, Gwendis herself would've felt pretty bad for letting it happen as well.
Ah, at last, an Yronwood PoV! Or, sort of Yronwood Ortheg is a pretty interesting character so far and I would surely like to learn more about him. All in all, this was a great way to start the new chapter, showing us the one kingdom we haven't seen so far. Maybe this means that we even get to see the elusive King Yorick in the near future. Well, it probably does, but maybe this means we get to see him in Ortheg's next part already. Ah, I don't yet know where this storyline is heading of course, but I already know that I am curious about it and looking forward as well. Another thing I look forward for is that court session that got mentioned. So far, Yorick Yronwood is the only king I know almost nothing about. He might actually be an okay guy and I guess this court session, if we get to see it through Ortheg's eyes, could serve as a way to show just what to expect from Yorick, as I am sure that many characters will have to interact and deal with him later on.
[Train with Tanya]
Now, I am just super thrilled to learn more about the Yronwood's. Not only Tanya, who seems to be quite interesting herself, but the other Yronwood's as well. There's not only this practical reason for my choice, but also the thought that it might be a good thing for Ortheg to spend time and bond with his family as quick as possible. The dead can wait. It's the living that truly count here and as such, I consider it to be a good idea to spend more time with Tanya, before visiting the crypt later on.
Chapter 3: Children of the Sun
Ortheg Sand downed the rest of his ale, sitting alone at the corner table of the tavern. He was … morealmost out of coin, just a couple coppers left in his purse. However, if everything would go as planned today, he would never be poor again. Surely my father will welcome me, he promised mother as much...
Decisively Ortheg thumped the empty mug to the table and stood up, pulling out of his pocket the old piece of parchment that his mother had kept safe throughout his childhood, over fifteen years. It had started to perish from the corners, but the letters written with ink were still clear enough, including the signature at the end. Ortheg himself had never learnt how to read, but his mother had told him that this letter had been written by his father, Prince Andrey Yronwood, and it was a promise that when he would come of age Ortheg would be trained to become a knight in Yronwood. Ortheg thought he wou… [view original content]
[Train with Tanya] He hardly knew his father so he's in no hurry to see his tomb.
Ortheg is a cool character, can't wait to see how he develops, and we will finally meet his grandfather, Yorick Yronwood.
Wendel is an odd name for a woman, even if she comes from the Wyl family.
Chapter 3: Children of the Sun
Ortheg Sand downed the rest of his ale, sitting alone at the corner table of the tavern. He was … morealmost out of coin, just a couple coppers left in his purse. However, if everything would go as planned today, he would never be poor again. Surely my father will welcome me, he promised mother as much...
Decisively Ortheg thumped the empty mug to the table and stood up, pulling out of his pocket the old piece of parchment that his mother had kept safe throughout his childhood, over fifteen years. It had started to perish from the corners, but the letters written with ink were still clear enough, including the signature at the end. Ortheg himself had never learnt how to read, but his mother had told him that this letter had been written by his father, Prince Andrey Yronwood, and it was a promise that when he would come of age Ortheg would be trained to become a knight in Yronwood. Ortheg thought he wou… [view original content]
Chapter 3: Children of the Sun
Ortheg Sand downed the rest of his ale, sitting alone at the corner table of the tavern. He was … morealmost out of coin, just a couple coppers left in his purse. However, if everything would go as planned today, he would never be poor again. Surely my father will welcome me, he promised mother as much...
Decisively Ortheg thumped the empty mug to the table and stood up, pulling out of his pocket the old piece of parchment that his mother had kept safe throughout his childhood, over fifteen years. It had started to perish from the corners, but the letters written with ink were still clear enough, including the signature at the end. Ortheg himself had never learnt how to read, but his mother had told him that this letter had been written by his father, Prince Andrey Yronwood, and it was a promise that when he would come of age Ortheg would be trained to become a knight in Yronwood. Ortheg thought he wou… [view original content]
Chapter 3: Children of the Sun
Ortheg Sand downed the rest of his ale, sitting alone at the corner table of the tavern. He was … morealmost out of coin, just a couple coppers left in his purse. However, if everything would go as planned today, he would never be poor again. Surely my father will welcome me, he promised mother as much...
Decisively Ortheg thumped the empty mug to the table and stood up, pulling out of his pocket the old piece of parchment that his mother had kept safe throughout his childhood, over fifteen years. It had started to perish from the corners, but the letters written with ink were still clear enough, including the signature at the end. Ortheg himself had never learnt how to read, but his mother had told him that this letter had been written by his father, Prince Andrey Yronwood, and it was a promise that when he would come of age Ortheg would be trained to become a knight in Yronwood. Ortheg thought he wou… [view original content]
Yeah, she does come from the Wyl family. You're right though, I kinda messed up there I somehow remembered Wendel would be a female name, it kinda has a feminine sound to it. But of course, checking out now, I can see it's actually a male name. Well, since we haven't even seen her yet, I don't think it's too late to change her name - she'll be Wenda from now on
Oh, and I should probably point out that Yorick is actually the uncle of Ortheg - Prince Andrey was Yorick's brother.
[Train with Tanya] He hardly knew his father so he's in no hurry to see his tomb.
Ortheg is a cool character, can't wait to see how he de… morevelops, and we will finally meet his grandfather, Yorick Yronwood.
Wendel is an odd name for a woman, even if she comes from the Wyl family.
Who is your favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Why? Gwendis, Nealia, Missy aka Kortney. Their storylines took my interest the most.
Who is your least favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Still Nymeria I guess. I don't know, her parts don't reach into me same as the others.
Who is your favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2? Guess... I believe noone agrees with me, since everyone hates her, but it's Aisha. Not only because of her being my own creation but because she is that complex that she is awakening such emotions in other readers.
Who is your least favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2? I don't have any, everyone is somehow interesting in their own way.
What was your favorite moment/part/scene in Chapter 2? I think the Lion scene with Aisha counts here, as it was somehow magical and powerful in same. The recent fight of Jamison was cool too, such badass.
What has been your favorite storyline so far? Gwendis, Naemon - whole Blackmont storyline is quite intense. Also Nealia's, since it was lots of fighting in it recently.
Do you have any advises/ideas/suggestions regarding the story that you'd like to share? Go ahead Not really, keep doing good job and love Aisha, so I won't be alone :-))))
The votings are still open, but now it's time for questions!
You can give as short or lenghty answers as you wish, I'd just like to hear … moreyour thoughts and opinions
* Who is your favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Why? (You can give several)
* Who is your least favorite PoV after Chapter 2?
* Who is your favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2?
* Who is your least favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2?
* What was your favorite moment/part/scene in Chapter 2? (You can also tell your least favorite if you wish)
* What has been your favorite storyline so far?
* Do you have any advises/ideas/suggestions regarding the story that you'd like to share? Go ahead
Also, if you have any questions for me, feel free to ask!
Ah, at last, an Yronwood PoV! Or, sort of Yronwood Ortheg is a pretty interesting character so far and I would surely like to learn more about him. All in all, this was a great way to start the new chapter, showing us the one kingdom we haven't seen so far. Maybe this means that we even get to see the elusive King Yorick in the near future. Well, it probably does, but maybe this means we get to see him in Ortheg's next part already. Ah, I don't yet know where this storyline is heading of course, but I already know that I am curious about it and looking forward as well. Another thing I look forward for is that court session that got mentioned. So far, Yorick Yronwood is the only king I know almost nothing about. He might actually be an okay guy and I guess this court session, if we get to see it through Ortheg's eyes, could serve as a way to show just what to expect from Yorick, as I am sure that many characters will have to interact and deal with him later on.
Originally I was supposed to introduce Ortheg near the end of Chapter 2, but I feel like this part just wouldn't have fit in well amongst the climax of the chapter. Oh yes, we will see King Yorick in the near future, and I am very hyped to finally introduce him to the story And well, Ortheg might not have the most exciting storyline in Book 1, due to it being just one chapter long, but it should be interesting nonetheless, if only for showing us what kind of family the Yronwood's are.
Now, I am just super thrilled to learn more about the Yronwood's. Not only Tanya, who seems to be quite interesting herself, but the other Yronwood's as well. There's not only this practical reason for my choice, but also the thought that it might be a good thing for Ortheg to spend time and bond with his family as quick as possible. The dead can wait. It's the living that truly count here and as such, I consider it to be a good idea to spend more time with Tanya, before visiting the crypt later on.
We will learn more about all of them in time. Tanya will obviously be the first one we'll get to know, but I'm just as hyped for showing Yorick, Trevyr, and all the rest And yeah, I can see your reasoning. Well, perhaps it was a bit unclear in the part itself, but Tanya would actually come to the crypts with Ortheg, so there would still be some bonding there. That said, she is probably more eager to start training Ortheg, rather than showing him their father's grave
Ah, at last, an Yronwood PoV! Or, sort of Yronwood Ortheg is a pretty interesting character so far and I would surely like to learn more ab… moreout him. All in all, this was a great way to start the new chapter, showing us the one kingdom we haven't seen so far. Maybe this means that we even get to see the elusive King Yorick in the near future. Well, it probably does, but maybe this means we get to see him in Ortheg's next part already. Ah, I don't yet know where this storyline is heading of course, but I already know that I am curious about it and looking forward as well. Another thing I look forward for is that court session that got mentioned. So far, Yorick Yronwood is the only king I know almost nothing about. He might actually be an okay guy and I guess this court session, if we get to see it through Ortheg's eyes, could serve as a way to show just what to expect from Yorick, as I am sure that many characters will have to interact and deal… [view original content]
Yeah, she does come from the Wyl family. You're right though, I kinda messed up there I somehow remembered Wendel would be a female name, i… moret kinda has a feminine sound to it. But of course, checking out now, I can see it's actually a male name. Well, since we haven't even seen her yet, I don't think it's too late to change her name - she'll be Wenda from now on
Oh, and I should probably point out that Yorick is actually the uncle of Ortheg - Prince Andrey was Yorick's brother.
Who is your favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Why? (You can give several) Ah, this is really hard question. I really like all of them, but Nealia ,Jamison and Dianna must be the three that stand out just a little bit. I love all of their storylines so far. In Dianna's case there is surely some bias involved, but It's really hard for me as her creator to make decisions that effectively go against both of mine and her will just to stay alive and wait for the right opportunity. I also love Bjorn as a good villain. In case of Nealia and Jamison, I like them for their badassery as well as their storylines. Rose company is really interesting environment for character such as Nealia to be in, and Jamison is just super bad ass and I'm really excited to see the aftermath of the battle of Vaith and what happened with him. Btw, would like to see their reunion once.
Who is your least favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Like I said I love all of them, however I still haven't grown fully with Verro, I don't know, I'm just not quite clear with his goals yet.
Who is your favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2? Well, some bias again, it must be Tryden for me. Except him I also like Bjorn, king Garrison and King Vorian.
Who is your least favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2? Corren, Albin Manwoody and Aisha, at least one of them is dead, and other two don't need to much explaining I guess.
What was your favorite moment/part/scene in Chapter 2? (You can also tell your least favorite if you wish) My favourite moment must be Nealia being with Illor in last moments of his life, But the Jamison fight scene and Verro's part where he breaches the gates are also awesome.
What has been your favorite storyline so far? Well, I pretty much answered that in first question. Nealia, Dianna and Jamison stand out for me
Do you have any advises/ideas/suggestions regarding the story that you'd like to share? Go ahead No, not really
Chapter 3: Children of the Sun
Ortheg Sand downed the rest of his ale, sitting alone at the corner table of the tavern. He was … morealmost out of coin, just a couple coppers left in his purse. However, if everything would go as planned today, he would never be poor again. Surely my father will welcome me, he promised mother as much...
Decisively Ortheg thumped the empty mug to the table and stood up, pulling out of his pocket the old piece of parchment that his mother had kept safe throughout his childhood, over fifteen years. It had started to perish from the corners, but the letters written with ink were still clear enough, including the signature at the end. Ortheg himself had never learnt how to read, but his mother had told him that this letter had been written by his father, Prince Andrey Yronwood, and it was a promise that when he would come of age Ortheg would be trained to become a knight in Yronwood. Ortheg thought he wou… [view original content]
Ortheg most likely has a long way to become a knight so he should start training as soon as possible! I really liked this part since Ortheg will be a very unique PoV and not really one I expected to come from the Yronwood side. We know that King Yorick will be the big enemy to Nymeria eventually so it will be interesting to potentially see him in a different light. Also, I am especially intrigued by Trevyr since he has to be the Yronwood boy that Obara mentioned to Isabella back in the first chapter so I am very curious to see what he is like. Overall I am very excited to see more of Yorick, Ortheg and the rest of the Yronwood cast!
Chapter 3: Children of the Sun
Ortheg Sand downed the rest of his ale, sitting alone at the corner table of the tavern. He was … morealmost out of coin, just a couple coppers left in his purse. However, if everything would go as planned today, he would never be poor again. Surely my father will welcome me, he promised mother as much...
Decisively Ortheg thumped the empty mug to the table and stood up, pulling out of his pocket the old piece of parchment that his mother had kept safe throughout his childhood, over fifteen years. It had started to perish from the corners, but the letters written with ink were still clear enough, including the signature at the end. Ortheg himself had never learnt how to read, but his mother had told him that this letter had been written by his father, Prince Andrey Yronwood, and it was a promise that when he would come of age Ortheg would be trained to become a knight in Yronwood. Ortheg thought he wou… [view original content]
[Train with Tanya] If Ortheg really wants to become a knight, then its better that he trains every chance he gets. And I think Tanya would slightly prefer bonding while training rather than having a sad conversation in a crypt.
Chapter 3: Children of the Sun
Ortheg Sand downed the rest of his ale, sitting alone at the corner table of the tavern. He was … morealmost out of coin, just a couple coppers left in his purse. However, if everything would go as planned today, he would never be poor again. Surely my father will welcome me, he promised mother as much...
Decisively Ortheg thumped the empty mug to the table and stood up, pulling out of his pocket the old piece of parchment that his mother had kept safe throughout his childhood, over fifteen years. It had started to perish from the corners, but the letters written with ink were still clear enough, including the signature at the end. Ortheg himself had never learnt how to read, but his mother had told him that this letter had been written by his father, Prince Andrey Yronwood, and it was a promise that when he would come of age Ortheg would be trained to become a knight in Yronwood. Ortheg thought he wou… [view original content]
And Ortheg will train with Tanya in his next part! As some of you pointed out, it's probably a more comfortable way for Ortheg to start bonding with his new sister, rather than having a potentially sad moment in the crypt.
Ah, man! I was gone for a few days, having only my phone with me to follow the forums, but I've been reunited with my laptop now, meaning I can get back to writing! Luckily I already made a lot of progress on the next part before leaving, so it should be ready today And it will continue the storyline that we ended Chapter 2 with, meaning it's a Kris PoV. Obviously the battle is over now, so this won't be an action packed part, but it should be pretty interesting nonetheless. You all probably remember, but at the end of his last part Kris decided to keep his former wife free, despite still having suspicions towards her. Now, a couple days have passed, and Kris is going to confront his wife again.
Kris stood silently on the balcony of the lord's chamber, looking at the river Vaith flowing slowly past the city. It had been a couple days after the battle and most of the bodies had been buried by now. Today there would be a ceremony for the return of Kris, and the tips of his hair had been dyed orange for the occasion. His mother stood slightly behind him, talking about how important it would be to find and destroy Valerie, but Kris paid little attention to her words. His mind was dwelling on Myra. He hadn't killed her, he hadn't even put her in the dungeons, because something about her behavior had made him think that she was innocent.
But what if she is guilty? What if she is using her magic to alter my thoughts again? No, that couldn't be the case. This was a different feeling, one that couldn't be a result of any magic. Kris felt bad, but not because of anything that Myra had done, but rather what he had done to her and Nickon. He had left them, and blamed Myra for everything without actually knowing the full truth. He turned towards Minesa now, looking her to the eyes, eyes that were full of confidence and determination. She was a woman with no doubts about her own convictions, for the better or worse.
"Have you considered what you'll do with the boy and his mother?" Minesa asked calmly, and Kris sighed. "What do you expect me to do?" He asked sternly, and she stepped closer and grabbed his hand.
"I'll leave the judgement to you, my son, but you have to remember that these people have been under the influence of the Great Other all this time." Minesa spoke with a quiet and soft voice. Kris pulled his hand away from his mother's grasp, giving her a cold glare.
"I was under that influence as well, mother. Or have you forgotten?" He asked strictly. Minesa sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. "You were purified when you took the light of R'hllor to your heart, these people are still in the dark."
"Then let them take the light of R'hllor to their hearts as well", Kris replied, looking his mother to the eyes. "I guess that's possible", Minesa said nonchalantly, turning away from the balcony and walking back inside. Kris followed after her, taking a seat behind the desk. On the desk were opened letters that Myra clearly had been reading before the battle – and Kris had also read them by now. Most of them were messages from Godsgrace, few sent by Esperence Allyrion, telling that Nymeria would soon take over Godsgrace and asking Myra to join in the alliance with the Rhoynar Princess. Then there was a message from Lord Morgan Allyrion, asking aid to fight against Nymeria. Then there was one letter from King Lucifer Dryland, demanding Myra to surrender Vaith for him or be conquered by the Wild Suns. Lastly, there was a message that had arrived yesterday from Salt Shore – King Lucifer had arrived there a few days ago, and was now marching towards Vaith with Lord Jorvian Gargalen and his forces.
"The ceremony will be at the town square before the sundown", Minesa said as she walked to the door of the chambers, shifting Kris' attention away from the letters. "I'll be there", he said calmly. His mother nodded to him, and walked out of the room. As the door was closed, Kris leaned back and let out a sigh. He had imagined his return to Vaith would be something to celebrate, but this whole situation was just a mess. Valerie had escaped, soon Kris would have to bend his knee to King Lucifer, he didn't know what to do with Myra, and Nickon didn't even remember him. It's alright, I still have plenty of time to be a father to him, Kris convinced himself, standing up from his seat. He knew Myra and Nickon were at the garden right now, but for some reason he was hesitant to confront them. He hadn't talked with Myra after his arrival, and he had just briefly met with Nickon yesterday, and the boy had clearly been uncomfortable in his presence. Don't be a coward, Kris told himself, and finally walked out of his chambers.
On his way down Kris was approached by Hangman. The iron collars had been removed from the necks of the Mother's Favored, and they were now officially free men. Most of them had stayed in Vaith for now, including Captain Hangman.
"Prowler, good to see you", he said with a thin smirk, and Kris nodded to him. "Captain Hangman", he greeted the man, but the former slave just let out a small chuckle. "I don't think I'm a captain anymore", he said with a small sigh. "There's no Mother's Favored anymore."
"Well, you're a free man then", Kris said, tapping the man on the shoulder. "If you want, you can stay here in Vaith, pledge your sword to me. Or if you want, you can go, no one will stop you."
"I'll need some time to think", Hangman replied calmly. "I know some of my brothers in arms already joined the Wild Suns. I'm not sure about that though... I've had a rough couple of years, I'm not sure if I want to keep fighting."
"I understand", Kris replied softly. "Excuse me, I should go meet my wife and son", he continued, and Hangman gave him an understanding nod. Kris continued making his way down. He walked through the main keep, finally making it to the garden.
As he stepped outside, Kris instantly spotted Myra and Nickon sitting next to the orange tree, Henry standing right next to them. Taking in a deep breath, Kris decided to approach them. Nickon had a slightly lighter tone on his skin than his mother, and his curly hair was dark brown. The toddler had got his bright green eyes from Kris though. Myra had a calm expression as she watched Kris walking towards them, while Nickon on the other hand had an almost fearful look on his eyes.
"Lord Kris", Myra said tensely, and Kris nodded to her. "Afternoon", he replied awkwardly, now standing in front of them.
"Who are you?" Nickon asked quietly, and Kris turned his eyes on the little boy, gulping as he tried to find words. "He is your papa", Myra spoke up, ruffling Nickon's hair gently. "Don't you remember papa?"
Kris crouched down to the level of Nickon, looking the boy to the eyes. "I'm sorry I've been away", he said, forcing a smile on his face. "You've grown a lot while I was gone, haven't you?" Nickon nodded shyly to his father's question, and now the soft smile on Kris's face was completely genuine. However, it faded quickly as he stood up and turned to Myra again.
"I think we should talk", he said quietly, and she nodded in agreement. "Henry, look out for Nickon for a moment", she said calmly, and led the way to the other end of the garden. Kris followed after her, and as they stopped both of them remained silent for a moment that felt awkwardly long.
"I... think I owe you an apology", Kris said with a stiff voice. "I'm sorry for leaving you and Nickon, back then I thought it was the only solution. And when I left, it felt like my mind was cleared from a dark mist that had clouded my thoughts for too long."
"I understand what you mean", Myra replied to Kris' surprise. "Yes, I had the same feeling after you came back... and Valerie left."
"So, you didn't know about her... tendencies?" Kris asked carefully, and Myra shook her head. "I can still hardly even believe it", she said with a sad sigh. "Valerie was a troubled child, but I thought she had gotten over her past. Then again, perhaps this was her way to cope with it."
"What she has done is evil, Myra", Kris said strictly, and Myra nodded. "I know", she admitted with a gulp. "But she is still my daughter... and I can't help but blame myself. Perhaps if I had given more time and attention for her, maybe she wouldn't have gone down such a dark path."
"It's not your fault", Kris said sternly, and now Myra turned to look at him with vulnerable and loving eyes. Kris didn't know how to feel, looking at Myra felt at the same time satisfying and uncomfortable. He had loved her long ago, perhaps part of him still did, but even after learning that she was innocent it felt wrong to be close to her. He had felt nothing but hate towards this woman for the last two years, it would take time before he could look at her as a friend again. Or as a lover.
"What happens next?" Myra asked with a tender tone on her voice. For a moment Kris stayed silent, collecting his thoughts. "They will go after her", he finally said quietly. "My mother, Desirea, perhaps Dalia." Kris could see Myra frowning for a small moment at the last name. "If that's what needs to be done... I accept it", Myra said with a heavy heart. "However, I don't want to lose you again, Kris. You don't have to follow your mother, that is not your duty. Your duty is here, with your people, with your family. Can you promise to me that you won't leave us again?"
Kris took in a deep breath, unsure what to answer. Myra was right, he did have a duty here in Vaith, and he didn't want to be away from his son's life any longer. However, on the other hand he was a warrior of R'hllor, which meant that defeating the servants of the Great Other was also his duty.
Ah, this was a great part! I still don't know if I can trust Myra, but am willing to risk it. She seems to be honest. Considering I have a bias against Kris/Dalia, I do support him getting back together with Myra, if she is truly innocent. But well, there is far more speaking in favour of her innocence than against it. Valerie is the witch of Vaith and also possibly even worse than Aisha. That probably means she's as horrible as pineapple pizza. And well, she must be stopped. As much as I'd like to keep Kris in Vaith, stopping Valerie, maybe even before she comes close to become a danger to Gwen is the most important thing to do in this chapter. Speaking of, there's something I haven't thought of so far. If even Minesa sees a chance for Myra, maybe there is one for Gwendis as well if she converts to the faith of R'hllor. I am not sure what this would mean to her future though. I mean, Kris is Lord of Vaith, so that is not an argument against Lady Blackmont. At this point, I fear her possible death is a far stronger argument against it And this is why I have to choose this option here.
[Don't promise]
Now, I do feel legitimately sad for Myra and Nickon. However, if Gwen is supposed to survive this chapter, Wesley has to be taken down, maybe Valerie as well. Though I fear the bitch of Vaith is going to live at least until Book 2. But well, I hope for a confrontation with Wesley in this chapter. Dalia herself might have a chance. However, Kris took down Jamison! He's a beast and his sword is overpowered. If anything, this will give Team Rollmop a better chance against Worstley. It also means that a calm, level-headed guy is going to join the team. He already once decided to show mercy against a presumed servant of the Great Other. I have reason to believe that he might be more inclined to give Gwen a chance if he encounters her. His possible presence at Desi's side will also mean it'll be easier for Dalia to go with her daughter and I believe that more than any other, her presence will be essential for Gwendis' survival.
Aaaargh, I can already see that this chapter is going to give me so many moments to fear. I am already anxious as hell and the things to come likely won't make it any better, no matter how many preparations like this I'm going to make that should technically rise the chances for a happy ending to this conflict. I... am not sure how to feel about this, but I am already more than scared
Kris stood silently on the balcony of the lord's chamber, looking at the river Vaith flowing slowly past the city. It had been a cou… moreple days after the battle and most of the bodies had been buried by now. Today there would be a ceremony for the return of Kris, and the tips of his hair had been dyed orange for the occasion. His mother stood slightly behind him, talking about how important it would be to find and destroy Valerie, but Kris paid little attention to her words. His mind was dwelling on Myra. He hadn't killed her, he hadn't even put her in the dungeons, because something about her behavior had made him think that she was innocent.
But what if she is guilty? What if she is using her magic to alter my thoughts again? No, that couldn't be the case. This was a different feeling, one that couldn't be a result of any magic. Kris felt bad, but not because of anything that Myra had done, but rather what he had done to her and Nic… [view original content]
[Don't promise] Although I would like he stayed with his family, we can't let Valerie loose, and someone needs to supervise Minesa.
So Lucifer's forces alongside House Gargalen's are advancing to Vaith, and then Godsgrace. Seems like Kris will also be forced to choose between House Dryland and Martell in the coming war.
Kris stood silently on the balcony of the lord's chamber, looking at the river Vaith flowing slowly past the city. It had been a cou… moreple days after the battle and most of the bodies had been buried by now. Today there would be a ceremony for the return of Kris, and the tips of his hair had been dyed orange for the occasion. His mother stood slightly behind him, talking about how important it would be to find and destroy Valerie, but Kris paid little attention to her words. His mind was dwelling on Myra. He hadn't killed her, he hadn't even put her in the dungeons, because something about her behavior had made him think that she was innocent.
But what if she is guilty? What if she is using her magic to alter my thoughts again? No, that couldn't be the case. This was a different feeling, one that couldn't be a result of any magic. Kris felt bad, but not because of anything that Myra had done, but rather what he had done to her and Nic… [view original content]
[Don't promise] I'm still not sure about Myra, maybe she's innocent but it could all be just an act. Kris should at least make sure Valerie won't ever use her black magic on him again.
Kris stood silently on the balcony of the lord's chamber, looking at the river Vaith flowing slowly past the city. It had been a cou… moreple days after the battle and most of the bodies had been buried by now. Today there would be a ceremony for the return of Kris, and the tips of his hair had been dyed orange for the occasion. His mother stood slightly behind him, talking about how important it would be to find and destroy Valerie, but Kris paid little attention to her words. His mind was dwelling on Myra. He hadn't killed her, he hadn't even put her in the dungeons, because something about her behavior had made him think that she was innocent.
But what if she is guilty? What if she is using her magic to alter my thoughts again? No, that couldn't be the case. This was a different feeling, one that couldn't be a result of any magic. Kris felt bad, but not because of anything that Myra had done, but rather what he had done to her and Nic… [view original content]
Kris stood silently on the balcony of the lord's chamber, looking at the river Vaith flowing slowly past the city. It had been a cou… moreple days after the battle and most of the bodies had been buried by now. Today there would be a ceremony for the return of Kris, and the tips of his hair had been dyed orange for the occasion. His mother stood slightly behind him, talking about how important it would be to find and destroy Valerie, but Kris paid little attention to her words. His mind was dwelling on Myra. He hadn't killed her, he hadn't even put her in the dungeons, because something about her behavior had made him think that she was innocent.
But what if she is guilty? What if she is using her magic to alter my thoughts again? No, that couldn't be the case. This was a different feeling, one that couldn't be a result of any magic. Kris felt bad, but not because of anything that Myra had done, but rather what he had done to her and Nic… [view original content]
Ah, this was a great part! I still don't know if I can trust Myra, but am willing to risk it. She seems to be honest. Considering I have a bias against Kris/Dalia, I do support him getting back together with Myra, if she is truly innocent. But well, there is far more speaking in favour of her innocence than against it.
Glad to hear you liked it! But wait, wasn't your reason for being against Kris/Dalia initially that you didn't want Dalia to stay in Vaith with Kris? However, now that Kris decided to spare Myra and even keep her free, that seems like a very unlikely scenario. Right now the scenario that would most likely result in Kris and Dalia getting closer to each other is if they both decide to go with Desirea, which seems to be what you are going for at the moment
As much as I'd like to keep Kris in Vaith, stopping Valerie, maybe even before she comes close to become a danger to Gwen is the most important thing to do in this chapter. Speaking of, there's something I haven't thought of so far. If even Minesa sees a chance for Myra, maybe there is one for Gwendis as well if she converts to the faith of R'hllor. I am not sure what this would mean to her future though. I mean, Kris is Lord of Vaith, so that is not an argument against Lady Blackmont. At this point, I fear her possible death is a far stronger argument against it And this is why I have to choose this option here.
Well, Valerie has a bit of a head start to Team Rollmop by now, but whoever in the end decides to join in on the mission, they will leave fairly soon. What comes to Minesa, well, she still thinks that Myra and Nickon are potentially tainted by the influence of GO, but she doesn't really see them as a threat so she is willing to let her son have his way with them. That said, had Kris decided to kill Myra at the end of the last chapter, we would've seen a much more enthusiastic and proud Mother Minesa in this part. Now, even if she doesn't outright say it, she is slightly disappointed in her son. But you're right, converting to R'hllor isn't a reason to not hold titles in Westeros, even if there are going to be some people who'll question it.
Aaaargh, I can already see that this chapter is going to give me so many moments to fear. I am already anxious as hell and the things to come likely won't make it any better, no matter how many preparations like this I'm going to make that should technically rise the chances for a happy ending to this conflict. I... am not sure how to feel about this, but I am already more than scared
Haha, well I didn't expect this part particularly to make anyone anxious, but you're right, this chapter will have many thrilling storylines Anyway, this whole R'hllor vs. GO conflict should at least be really entertaining
Ah, this was a great part! I still don't know if I can trust Myra, but am willing to risk it. She seems to be honest. Considering I have a b… moreias against Kris/Dalia, I do support him getting back together with Myra, if she is truly innocent. But well, there is far more speaking in favour of her innocence than against it. Valerie is the witch of Vaith and also possibly even worse than Aisha. That probably means she's as horrible as pineapple pizza. And well, she must be stopped. As much as I'd like to keep Kris in Vaith, stopping Valerie, maybe even before she comes close to become a danger to Gwen is the most important thing to do in this chapter. Speaking of, there's something I haven't thought of so far. If even Minesa sees a chance for Myra, maybe there is one for Gwendis as well if she converts to the faith of R'hllor. I am not sure what this would mean to her future though. I mean, Kris is Lord of Vaith, so that is not an argument against … [view original content]
Glad to hear you liked it! But wait, wasn't your reason for being against Kris/Dalia initially that you didn't want Dalia to stay in Vaith with Kris? However, now that Kris decided to spare Myra and even keep her free, that seems like a very unlikely scenario. Right now the scenario that would most likely result in Kris and Dalia getting closer to each other is if they both decide to go with Desirea, which seems to be what you are going for at the moment
Well, if they both decide to go ith Desi and therefore after Valerie as well as Aisha/Wesley, then I am probably more supportive of them. In general, I do think that if Myra is truly innocent, then she is to be pitied in this situation and I'd love for her and Kris to get back together. However, priorities. Having Kris at Desi's side, to calm down Dalia if anything unexpected happens and to counter the utter fanatism of Mother Minesa, this is way more important. Perhaps they can work this out later, if he returns. I do prefer him with Myra, but if he and Dalia get serious about their relationship by going after the Great Other worshippers together, then so be it I can live with that
Well, Valerie has a bit of a head start to Team Rollmop by now, but whoever in the end decides to join in on the mission, they will leave fairly soon. What comes to Minesa, well, she still thinks that Myra and Nickon are potentially tainted by the influence of GO, but she doesn't really see them as a threat so she is willing to let her son have his way with them. That said, had Kris decided to kill Myra at the end of the last chapter, we would've seen a much more enthusiastic and proud Mother Minesa in this part. Now, even if she doesn't outright say it, she is slightly disappointed in her son. But you're right, converting to R'hllor isn't a reason to not hold titles in Westeros, even if there are going to be some people who'll question it.
Now I am curious if there might be any unexpected allies for Desi here. I mean, she, Minesa and now likely Kris are probably for certain. With him potentially leaving, there might be little reason for Dalia not to leave as well and of course, Belan is going to be at Desi's side as well. Maybe Jamison too? He probably has a very personal grudge against Valerie, after she put him under her spell and left him defeated and scarred. And with his mission for Vorian somewhat done, I guess he could join as well. But ah, I am happy that we might get Kris to join them, he is surely going to be incredibly valuable to achieve the outcome I am hoping for. Minesa though... yeah, she's an utter bitch and for all I care, she could stay in Vaith. Although I don't really trust her with Myra and Nickon around. Might be better to take her with them, but to keep an eye on her. I fear she might see Gwen as a threat though, considering she's got a very direct connection to the Great Other, something even Aisha doesn't seem to achieve in such a way. And well, if everything truly works out as I hope, which I am far from convinced about at this point, I guess people would question her regardless. That ain't much of a problem, at least not more than she'd already have.
Haha, well I didn't expect this part particularly to make anyone anxious, but you're right, this chapter will have many thrilling storylines Anyway, this whole R'hllor vs. GO conflict should at least be really entertaining
Ah, it is not this part in particular, but the entire situation This choice and seeing how good it looks for the option I favour has made me slightly less anxiou actually. But well, the entire situation is far from certan of course and I just know that I'll second guess every single choice I make. I even momentarily second guessed this one, even if it really seems like one that can help me with achieving a somewhat happy end. Though I indeed have no doubt that no matter how scary, it will be entertaining, that much is for sure. Scary as hell, but in a good way, if that makes any sense
Ah, this was a great part! I still don't know if I can trust Myra, but am willing to risk it. She seems to be honest. Considering I have a b… moreias against Kris/Dalia, I do support him getting back together with Myra, if she is truly innocent. But well, there is far more speaking in favour of her innocence than against it.
Glad to hear you liked it! But wait, wasn't your reason for being against Kris/Dalia initially that you didn't want Dalia to stay in Vaith with Kris? However, now that Kris decided to spare Myra and even keep her free, that seems like a very unlikely scenario. Right now the scenario that would most likely result in Kris and Dalia getting closer to each other is if they both decide to go with Desirea, which seems to be what you are going for at the moment
As much as I'd like to keep Kris in Vaith, stopping Valerie, maybe even before she comes close to become a danger to Gwen is the most important thing to do in t… [view original content]
Kris stood silently on the balcony of the lord's chamber, looking at the river Vaith flowing slowly past the city. It had been a cou… moreple days after the battle and most of the bodies had been buried by now. Today there would be a ceremony for the return of Kris, and the tips of his hair had been dyed orange for the occasion. His mother stood slightly behind him, talking about how important it would be to find and destroy Valerie, but Kris paid little attention to her words. His mind was dwelling on Myra. He hadn't killed her, he hadn't even put her in the dungeons, because something about her behavior had made him think that she was innocent.
But what if she is guilty? What if she is using her magic to alter my thoughts again? No, that couldn't be the case. This was a different feeling, one that couldn't be a result of any magic. Kris felt bad, but not because of anything that Myra had done, but rather what he had done to her and Nic… [view original content]
While I can safely say that I trust Myra for now, I don't think it a good idea for Kris to promise anything at this point. While admittedly I would like to keep Kris in Vaith to rule over Vaith, reunite with his family and so we can have a PoV there for when Lucifer arrives but at the same time, the possibility of Kris going with Desi, Dalia and company to go after Valerie is a very real one and Kris doesn't seem like one to make a promise he can't keep. I'm guessing we will make the choice for what Kris chooses to do here soon and I don't want to get Myra's hopes up. Also it seems the popular theory now is that Dalia and Desi will end up coming across Gwendis and Aisha which will be interesting to see how that even comes into play especially with Gwendis and Aisha basically halfway across Dorne.
On a side note though, with Lucifer seemingly taking Salt Shore along with taking their forces with him to Vaith, that leaves Salt Shore defenseless for whenever the Fallen Dragons invade it so I can only guess that might be one of many factors in Lucifer's downfall. If not that then maybe somehow Nymeria finds out about this and a big battle between the Dryland and Martell forces happen in Vaith or Godsgrace instead? Either way, I really excited to see what happens there! Also I don't think I have asked, how bad is the scar on Jamison's face anyway? I know you said it will mess with him intially so I'm just curious if it changes his face in a major way.
Kris stood silently on the balcony of the lord's chamber, looking at the river Vaith flowing slowly past the city. It had been a cou… moreple days after the battle and most of the bodies had been buried by now. Today there would be a ceremony for the return of Kris, and the tips of his hair had been dyed orange for the occasion. His mother stood slightly behind him, talking about how important it would be to find and destroy Valerie, but Kris paid little attention to her words. His mind was dwelling on Myra. He hadn't killed her, he hadn't even put her in the dungeons, because something about her behavior had made him think that she was innocent.
But what if she is guilty? What if she is using her magic to alter my thoughts again? No, that couldn't be the case. This was a different feeling, one that couldn't be a result of any magic. Kris felt bad, but not because of anything that Myra had done, but rather what he had done to her and Nic… [view original content]
While I can safely say that I trust Myra for now, I don't think it a good idea for Kris to promise anything at this point. While admittedly I would like to keep Kris in Vaith to rule over Vaith, reunite with his family and so we can have a PoV there for when Lucifer arrives but at the same time, the possibility of Kris going with Desi, Dalia and company to go after Valerie is a very real one and Kris doesn't seem like one to make a promise he can't keep. I'm guessing we will make the choice for what Kris chooses to do here soon and I don't want to get Myra's hopes up. Also it seems the popular theory now is that Dalia and Desi will end up coming across Gwendis and Aisha which will be interesting to see how that even comes into play especially with Gwendis and Aisha basically halfway across Dorne.
Understandable. Oh, and Lucifer will actually arrive to Vaith very soon, so the PoVs will still be there when he arrives, no matter where they will decide to head next And well, the confrontation between Aisha and Desi (with their respective "teams") has been teased quite heavily on both sides, so it does look like they will come across each other somehow, sooner or later. For now though, the R'hllor team's objective is to find and take down Valerie. However, Desirea is aware that Valerie isn't the only servant of the Great Other in Dorne.
On a side note though, with Lucifer seemingly taking Salt Shore along with taking their forces with him to Vaith, that leaves Salt Shore defenseless for whenever the Fallen Dragons invade it so I can only guess that might be one of many factors in Lucifer's downfall. If not that then maybe somehow Nymeria finds out about this and a big battle between the Dryland and Martell forces happen in Vaith or Godsgrace instead?
Indeed, this part informed us that Lucifer has teamed up with the forces of the Gargalen's, and they are now marching towards Vaith, leaving Salt Shore with very light defenses. They don't really see it as a problem, since it is well known that Nymeria has no fleet. However, as we know, the Fallen Dragons are on their way towards Salt Shore. That said, Nymeria's main army is sure to engage in a battle with the Dryland's sooner or later as well.
Also I don't think I have asked, how bad is the scar on Jamison's face anyway? I know you said it will mess with him intially so I'm just curious if it changes his face in a major way.
Well, I'd say it's comparable to Tyrion's scar in the show, perhaps a bit more severe. It won't make nearly as big of an impact in Jamison's character as the burns would've, but at first he might be a bit conscious about it. The scar will be described in the next Jamison part, but I think I'll also make a new portrait with the scar soon
[Don't promise]
While I can safely say that I trust Myra for now, I don't think it a good idea for Kris to promise anything at this point… more. While admittedly I would like to keep Kris in Vaith to rule over Vaith, reunite with his family and so we can have a PoV there for when Lucifer arrives but at the same time, the possibility of Kris going with Desi, Dalia and company to go after Valerie is a very real one and Kris doesn't seem like one to make a promise he can't keep. I'm guessing we will make the choice for what Kris chooses to do here soon and I don't want to get Myra's hopes up. Also it seems the popular theory now is that Dalia and Desi will end up coming across Gwendis and Aisha which will be interesting to see how that even comes into play especially with Gwendis and Aisha basically halfway across Dorne.
On a side note though, with Lucifer seemingly taking Salt Shore along with taking their forces with him to Vaith, that leaves … [view original content]
Well, I'd say it's comparable to Tyrion's scar in the show, perhaps a bit more severe. It won't make nearly as big of an impact in Jamison's character as the burns would've, but at first he might be a bit conscious about it. The scar will be described in the next Jamison part, but I think I'll also make a new portrait with the scar soon
Oh okay I see, that shouldn't be too bad for him then I don't think. I'm sure it'll be tough on him at first but I would say he will be himself again in no time:D I am very excited to see Jamison's next part for sure! I am pretty excited to see the reaction of Laroy and the rest of Jamison's men when they see what happened and I am very hyped to eventually see Vorian's along with Isabella's and Arenna's and other people like that if Jamison ends up seeing them in this book! As for the portrait, I look forward to it!
While I can safely say that I trust Myra for now, I don't think it a good idea for Kris to promise anything at this point. While admittedly … moreI would like to keep Kris in Vaith to rule over Vaith, reunite with his family and so we can have a PoV there for when Lucifer arrives but at the same time, the possibility of Kris going with Desi, Dalia and company to go after Valerie is a very real one and Kris doesn't seem like one to make a promise he can't keep. I'm guessing we will make the choice for what Kris chooses to do here soon and I don't want to get Myra's hopes up. Also it seems the popular theory now is that Dalia and Desi will end up coming across Gwendis and Aisha which will be interesting to see how that even comes into play especially with Gwendis and Aisha basically halfway across Dorne.
Understandable. Oh, and Lucifer will actually arrive to Vaith very soon, so the PoVs will still be there when he arrives, no matter where th… [view original content]
Kris stood silently on the balcony of the lord's chamber, looking at the river Vaith flowing slowly past the city. It had been a cou… moreple days after the battle and most of the bodies had been buried by now. Today there would be a ceremony for the return of Kris, and the tips of his hair had been dyed orange for the occasion. His mother stood slightly behind him, talking about how important it would be to find and destroy Valerie, but Kris paid little attention to her words. His mind was dwelling on Myra. He hadn't killed her, he hadn't even put her in the dungeons, because something about her behavior had made him think that she was innocent.
But what if she is guilty? What if she is using her magic to alter my thoughts again? No, that couldn't be the case. This was a different feeling, one that couldn't be a result of any magic. Kris felt bad, but not because of anything that Myra had done, but rather what he had done to her and Nic… [view original content]
And Kris won't promise to Myra that he'll stay with his family. While this isn't a choice to leave them, it will certainly upset Myra. That said, it's not that big of a deal, considering with other choices she could be dead by now, or laying on the dungeons of Vaith. She has been ruling Vaith and raising Nickon alone the two years that Kris has been away, she can handle it, but she is really hoping that Kris won't leave this time.
Next up, we'll stay in Vaith, but have a Dalia PoV. Now, there are actually some interesting parallels in Dalia's and Kris' storylines, mainly about the choices and themes around family and duty. Anyway, as expected, Dalia's Chapter 3 storyline won't start with crazy action packed part, but rather something that will set up the stage. That said, I think it'll be interesting nonetheless. It should be ready later today.
Aaaand after almost a month reading, I've finally caught up to the story
Gotta say its been a great ride, every minute I spent reading was totally worth it.
As Naelia's choice is pretty much decided and I would choose the same option as the one already chosen, I feel like there's no need for me to actually vote. hehe
Now, for this choice... I think I'll go with [Imprison Myra], I don't fully trust her but I don't think we have enough evidence to say that she's guilty, so better play it safe.
Now that's a tricky question... I've liked all the PoV's so its pretty hard to point out a favorite. Jamison's PoV is a great one, he is a cocky little shit but he is a very entertaining cocky little shit xD. To me his highlight has to be the scene when he just barged in the room where the Allyrions were having dinner, to show them the severed head of the stupid thug who tried to kill him, as a warning. Naelia's PoV is also great, I'd say is one of the best ones in character development. There are so many characters that grew on me as I read her parts (Illor, Lien, Tryden, Manda... well, I could go on and on). Naemon's PoV is also one of my favorites, and is bound to become even better now that Naemon is aware of Gwendis disappearance. I'm really looking forward to see how much this will change him.
Kris' PoV is probably my least favorite one, but I think that in time his PoV'll win me over.
I'd say Illor was my favorite non-PoV character (RIP), he was such a likeable character and seeing him get trapped in the Friendzone reminded me so much of Jorah that I couldn't help but cheer him on. xD
This is a no brainer, it has to be Trentan. He's such a hypocrite little shit xD. I simply can't stand the guy.
The Kortney revelation was definitely one of my favorite parts, since I didn't have much time to speculate between parts the scene really struck me like a thunder. Now, another one of my favorite parts was Illor's death. Even though he was my favorite non-PoV his death was so emotional that I just couldn't get mad at it.
Now that's another difficult question... But I'd say its probably Naelia's for the reason that I said in the first question: Character development. Tryden is probably the one that grew on me the most, when I was still very early on the story I though he was simply a cunt but as Naelia's story progressed I could see that there was a lot more to him.
The only advice I could give you is just to keep doing what you're doing, you have done an amazing job with NW!
Simple answer: she would've been angry
Well, mostly towards Lyla for killing him, but to a lesser degree towards Gwendis as well, for letting it happen. The thing is, Aisha hasn't quite caught up on Trentan starting to feel uncomfortable about her, so she still thinks Trentan loves her, and she certainly also feels something towards him. Mostly this would've just shown in Aisha being a bit harsher towards Gwen in the next chapter. And well, Gwendis herself would've felt pretty bad for letting it happen as well.
Yep, Jamison and Isabella are the obvious ones for sure, but I enjoy writing them both so it's good to hear you're liking them. Isabella's storyline hasn't been exactly a thrilling one, but she brings a nice balance with being such an innocent and pure character
And Jamison might just be my favorite character to write, one of them at the very least, so it's always awesome to hear you are equally enjoying to read him
Heh, getting his face disfigured by burns would've impacted Jamison's characters severely. His good looks are one of the many things he is proud of. With those burns that of course wouldn't have been the case any longer, and Jamison would've had hard time coping with it, initially at least. He won't exactly be glad about the scar either, but it'll be a much easier thing for him to get over. The Blackmont siblings are among my favorites as well, and I'm not very surprised to see them among your favorites as well. Seeing Tomas there is a surprise though, but I'm very happy about this!
He is a character I'm very eager to discover furhter, so it's awesome to hear you've been liking it so far!
Indeed, Nymeria was named by few of you last time
And even if she didn't have the most exciting storyline of Chapter 2, I was pretty sure she wouldn't be chosen by many of you anymore. Anyway, it's nice to hear of course that you've been enjoying all of the PoVs 
Ah, King Vorian is always nice character to write, but I'd say Book 2 will truly be his time to shine
And I can reveal we will see Obara Fowler in Chapter 3, but to avoid spoilers I won't really say more about that. Malcolm and Alester will both have more development next chapter in Naemon's storyline, which will be great. And Roryn Drumm is a quite interesting choice, as he has just had basically two scenes so far, but I am very hyped to write more of him and his brother in the next chapter! The Ironborn in general will have a pretty interesting storyline, which I can't wait to get to show you 
Hehe, Mordekhai definitely deserves all the hate he gets
He is one of the few characters in this story you could call pure evil. That kinda makes him fun to write though 
We'll have to see if Jamison gets into any fights in the next chapter, but I really enjoyed writing his fight scenes in this chapter. It'll be interesting to see if he'll ever face someone who is at his level - that would be truly exciting
The scene with Naemon and Benedict is among my personal favorites as well, and it really helped develop both of those characters. I'd say there will be more interesting interaction coming between these two in the future. And Jamison bringing Horidos' head to the dinner of the Allyrion's was at the same time badass and hilarious scene, it's moments like that that make Jamison such an awesome character to write 
Well, I'll just say these storylines will remain thrilling and exciting in the next chapter
I absolutely will!
I really love writing this story, so I'm very grateful to have you guys following it and giving your thoughts on it frequently. Thanks!
Well, Albin would've left Kingsgrave before the siege happened with his family and Kortney, leaving the castle to be held by his brother Alaric. As they would've arrived to Yronwood, Yorick would've welcomed them, but also basically made Albin bend the knee for him. Albin would've been allowed to keep his crown and title of king, but in truth he would've been a vassal to Yorick. Also, Yorick would've taken interest in Kortney, even inviting her for a private audience. There he would've asked her some questions, and there would've been a chance to reveal who she really is and how she was treated in Kingsgrave.
What comes to Isabella waiting on sending the proposal, well, that would've mostly had some minor consequences in the next chapter. I can't really go much into it, because that would spoil some things. That said, it wouldn't have had any massive consequences compared to sending the proposal right away.
Who is your favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Why? (You can give several)
Well, I'm partial to Verro. Considering, he is my character. I really can't wait for his future interactions with Nesila and Efran. I hope he will learn more about Nesila in the next chapter. I also really liked Dalia and Gwendis's story lines this chapter.
Who is your least favorite PoV after Chapter 2?
Honestly, Myke just hasn't really caught my interest till his most recent parts. I'm curious to see if he will be able to rescue Kortney, in the siege. Also, Tomas has not been my favorite pov, but Forovos Norvoshi being with him makes things more intriguing. Also, Dianna's pov became a lot more interesting to me once she was captured by the Ironborn.
Who is your favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2?
I have a lot of non-pov's that I like. Those would obviously include my characters. Examples including Eraehra and her entourage, Trentan, Nesila, Elise, Vyran the Lion, Belan the Brave, and Obara. I'm really curious to see how these characters develop, in the next chapter. I'm curious to see how Vyran's death will effect Belan going forward. I'm also curious to see how Trentan's relationship will continue to develop with Gwendis, since he no longer loves Aisha and is not on her side anymore. He and Gwendis being secret allies working to undermine or get away from Aisha, may be interesting. I'm curious to see how the characters of Nesila and Elise will grow after the Battle of Lemonwood. I'm curious to know what Obara's been up to, since she didn't really make an appearance this chapter. I'm also wondering what Eraehra will be doing in Sandship, until her ship is fixed. I also like many other non-pov characters as well. I really liked Illor and am saddened, by his death. I also think Desirea is a very interesting character. I also have others, but this answer is getting too long.
Who is your least favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2?
Right now, it might be Morsekhai and Aisha because of the danger they are for both Trentan and Gwendis at the moment. However, I think they are still intriguing bad guys. Valerie also poses a danger. I also didn't really like Argrim Tellar or Corren. I'm also not to fond of the Freaks, from Kortney's story.
What was your favorite moment/part/scene in Chapter 2? (You can also tell your least favorite if you wish)
My favorite scene might be the duel between Efran and Lord Dalt. It really looked like Efran might lose when suddenly, Efran's follower killed him from behind.
What has been your favorite storyline so far?
I really liked Verro and Dalia's stories. Especially, with their endings culminating into the first two major battles/sieges of the story.
Do you have any advises/ideas/suggestions regarding the story that you'd like to share? Go ahead
I don't really have any advice for you, just keep doing what your doing.
I do have one question for you, since there is a two year timeskip between Book 1 & 2. If certain characters haven't been introduced within the first book. When they are introduced, in the next book, will there ages be the same for when they are submitted or two years older?
By the way, I sent you a pm.
It's especially interesting to hear your answers to these questions since I have no idea what have you liked the most so far in the story
Anyway, it's great to hear you've enjoyed Jamison! It's always a bit tricky to write characters who are jerks but are still supposed to be the protagonist of the story. It seems I've succeeded in that with Jamison though, since most people seem to enjoy him rather than hate him
And Nealia has a really strong supporting cast, I have to agree there. They are all characters I love to write, and I think that probably reflects to their development. Naemon's storyline in Book 1 is really all about growing up to manhood and starting to take responsibility. It's mostly negative stuff like Gwendis disappearing that steers him to this direction, and I think that makes it all the more compelling. Anyway, can't wait to continue his storyline in Chapter 3!
Yeah, I can see why, he's had just two parts so far, and there hasn't been that much depth to his character so far. However, this should indeed change in Chapter 3.
Man, sorry for killing him off
And I never really realized the similarity to Jorah, but it's definitely there. More show Jorah than book Jorah though. And well, he never got quite as obsessed with Nealia as Jorah did with Dany.
Haha, yeah, he was pretty annoying towards Gwen earlier
That said, he'll probably be a lot less annoying in Chapter 3, due to finally warming up to Gwendis, and starting to have doubts about Aisha.
Yeah, as nice as it is to follow the story from part to part and speculate about things, I imagine twists like that are so much more impactful without all that
And I'm glad I managed to make Illor's death at least an enjoyable read, as sad as it is to lose him.
Yeah, Nealia's storyline has a very dynamic set of characters. On that aspect it's probably the storyline I'm most proud of, and we'll see much more of that in the next chapter
I definitely will! Not that I would've stopped anyway, but getting a new reader has also really increased my motivation, so thanks for that!
Ah, I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed Verro's storyline
There will definitely be a lot interactions with both Nesila and Efran for him in the next chapter, which is something I'm looking forward to. And we will learn a lot more about Nesila in the next chapter, now that they aren't constantly on the move and have some more time for character development.
Yeah, I had a hard time finding anything worthwile for Myke to do in the last chapter, so I sort of just skipped his journey from Blackmont to Kingsgrave. Anyway, the Kingsgrave will most certainly be an exciting location in the next chapter, and Myke will obviously be a part of that. And I whole-heartedly agree when it comes to Dianna. After her choice to look for Efran in the lands of House Granit I was just itching to finally get to the part where she'll face the Ironborn, as I knew her storyline would get so much more interesting with that. And well, safe to say, the Ironborn will remain an interesting part of the story in Chapter 3
I'm glad I've managed to write your characters in an enjoyable way! I'd also say that all of those characters (even Vyran, in a way) will get a lot more development in the next chapter
Belan especially is someone whose developement I'm especially hyped to show, and we should get a taste of that pretty early into the chapter. Trentan on the other hand already got some development in this chapter, but that'll continue in the next one. And what comes to Obara, yeah, she didn't really have much of a role in this chapter, but that doesn't mean she has been idle 
Yeah, all of the characters you mentioned are definitely among the most dislikable characters in the story. Well, Corren won't be much of a problem any longer, but the other ones will still torment us all in the next chapter
This depends on the character. If it's a character from one of the Dornish noble houses, or has some sort of direct connection to some of the already introduced characters, then yes, the character will be 2 years older than in the submission. However, if it is a character who has no prior connections to any of the pre-existing characters, then most likely I'll introduce them with the age they have in the submission.
Oh, and I'll try to find time to answer you PM tomorrow!
Voting is closed!
Nealia will tell Tryden to kill Corren. Yeah, I could see you choosing this. It's probably the better choice in many ways. This isn't the most major choice ever, but it will have its effects on the relationship of Nealia and Tryden.
And the other voting is a tie, but determined by the vote of both Kris' and Myra's creator, Kris won't imprison Myra. The next chapter will show if this was a good choice or not, but I can reveal that it's at least better than killing her. Kris would've seriously regret that choice afterwards, and it would've been an extremely grim development for him as a character.
Now, I've been pondering on whose part shall I begin Chapter 3 with, and I've come to the decision that it will be... a completely new PoV! And this new PoV will introduce us finally to Yronwood. Anyway, the part is basically ready, so I'll be posting it in just a few minutes!
I'd like to officially congratulate the fact that Nym's War has now reached 37 pages! This was the point that the Winds Beyond the Wall reached, a fantastic story, just like NW. I hope for many more pages and content for this amazing story!
Chapter 3: Children of the Sun
Ortheg Sand downed the rest of his ale, sitting alone at the corner table of the tavern. He was almost out of coin, just a couple coppers left in his purse. However, if everything would go as planned today, he would never be poor again. Surely my father will welcome me, he promised mother as much...
Decisively Ortheg thumped the empty mug to the table and stood up, pulling out of his pocket the old piece of parchment that his mother had kept safe throughout his childhood, over fifteen years. It had started to perish from the corners, but the letters written with ink were still clear enough, including the signature at the end. Ortheg himself had never learnt how to read, but his mother had told him that this letter had been written by his father, Prince Andrey Yronwood, and it was a promise that when he would come of age Ortheg would be trained to become a knight in Yronwood. Ortheg thought he would make a great knight. Sure, he had little experience on things like riding or swordplay, but his years in the silver mines of the Yronwood's had made him strong and sturdy. And the royal blood runs through my veins.
With these thoughts Ortheg walked out of the tavern, which was located at the small town right next to the magnificent castle of Yronwood. It was truly great, a large castle with five towers, sitting in the valley between two large hills, guarding the end of the Boneway. We Guard the Way, were the words of the Yronwood's, everyone in this kingdom knew that, but soon they would be Ortheg's words as well.
Ortheg had hoped a few ales would make him relaxed, but he was still nervous when he approached the gates of Yronwood. Two guards stood outside the gates, clad in chainmails and pointy helmets, and wearing the tabards of House Yronwood – a black portcullis on a field of sand. The two guards looked at Ortheg with disdain as he arrived to the gate. No wonder, he was dressed in old and dirty clothes, ones fitting for a commoner. Soon enough these two will address me as Ser, Ortheg thought confidently, keeping a calm look on his face.
"What's your business here, peasant?" One of the guards asked harshly, the younger one. He was slightly taller than Ortheg, but less muscular, and probably few years older. "If you have a plea to make, the King will have a court session tomorrow", the older guard informed, his tone a bit more polite.
"I am here to join my family", Ortheg said with a smirk, which only resulted in the guards giving him confused glares. Ortheg took out the old piece of parchment and handed it to the older guard. "I am Ortheg Sand, bastard son of Prince Andrey Yronwood", he explained calmly. The older guard read through the message and turned his eyes to Ortheg.
"Prince Andrey died two years ago, in a hunting accident", the man said with a mildly apologetic tone. For a moment Ortheg didn't really know what to say. The last time he had seen his father was so long ago that he couldn't even remember what the man had looked like, aside from his bright blue eyes and wavy blonde hair. He didn't exactly feel sad, but it was still a bit shocking to hear that his father was dead.
"However, this document does seem legitimate", the older guard said as he handed the parchment back to Ortheg. "Follow me", he said, leading Ortheg through the gatehouse and into the courtyard. Ortheg saw a lot of people walking on the large courtyard – soldiers, servants, stableboys and even few knights. "By the way, my name is Mallon, I've served this house for twenty years", the guard spoke with a friendly tone, and Ortheg nodded. "You have the eyes of the Yronwood's, so I believe that you are indeed Andrey's son, and I'm sure King Yorick will as well."
"When will I meet the King?" Ortheg asked curiously, and Mallon shrugged. "As soon as he will have time for it", the guardsman answered casually. "But first we should go inform Maester Symon about your arrival." Ortheg nodded once again, following Mallon towards the eastern tower. He didn't know much about maesters, but from what he had heard they were old men in dark robes, serving the kings and lords all around Westeros, sending their messages with ravens. Apparently the quarters of the Yronwood's maester were at the eastern tower, which also happened to be smallest of the towers.
Ortheg and Mallon climbed up the tower, almost to its highest floor. Judging by the croaking, the ravenry was just above them. However, Mallon led them to the door of the maester's chamber. It looked like a very old wooden door, with washed out pale shade to it, and cracks all over it. Mallon knocked the door, and after a moment someone came to open the door. The black robes and the collar around his neck revealed this man was indeed the Maester of Yronwood, but otherwise he didn't match at all with the image Ortheg previously had of the maesters. This man was most likely on his mid-forties, he was tall and sturdy, completely bald, and he had a stern expression on his masculine face. Ortheg didn't know what exactly was their purpose, but he could spot in the collar at least links of black iron, regular iron, gold, copper, steel and pewter.
"Afternoon, Mallon", Maester Symon greeted the guardsman with his deep voice, then turning his eyes to Ortheg. "Who's the boy?" He asked calmly.
"Hand the parchment to him, boy", Mallon advised softly, and Ortheg did just that. For a moment Symon eyed the message, then he looked at Ortheg again. "Come inside", he finally said, walking back inside his office. Ortheg and Mallon followed after him, closing the door behind him. The relatively small chamber of the maester was full of books, maps, parchments and all kinds of weird tools that Ortheg had never even seen before. Maester Symon sat behind his desk, and gestured for Ortheg to take the seat opposed to him. "Sit down, Ortheg Sand", he said smoothly. Ortheg nodded with a gulp and sat down, while Mallon stayed guarding the door.
"We were aware of Prince Andrey having a few more of his bastards around the kingdom, and I do believe he did mention you as well at some point", the maester spoke with a dry and bored tone on his voice. "Your mother Lora, how is she?" Symon asked, though his voice made clear he wasn't actually interested.
"She's doing fine, has a new husband, a farmer from the upper reaches of Greenbelt", Ortheg answered, and Symon nodded to him. "How nice", he said dryly, writing something down as he spoke. "This... message, from your father, says that he wanted you to be trained as a knight in service of King Yorick. Is this something you want yourself?" The tone on the maester's voice was doubting, as if he didn't believe that Ortheg could be made a knight.
"Yes", Ortheg answered decidedly. Symon glared at him for a moment, pressing his fingers together. "Have you ever held a sword?" He asked calmly, and Ortheg shook his head. "I've fought a plenty with my fists though", he said with a small smile on his face. Maester Symon sighed, and stayed silent for a moment, staring at the surface of his desk. "Can you read?" He now asked, and once again Ortheg shook his head.
"I see, it seems you have a lot to learn... did your mother ever tell you why Andrey didn't just take you here when you were born?" Symon looked Ortheg to the eyes as he asked this. "My mother wanted to keep me for my childhood, and apparently Andrey just had no problem with it", Ortheg answered with a shrug.
"I see", the maester said emotionlessly. "Well, I'm sure King Yorick will welcome you here, since it is clear you are his flesh and blood. However, before you dream of becoming a knight, you have to be taught many things. For now you are a peasant who just happens to have royal blood running through his veins. What you must become is a nobleman who just happens to have peasant blood."
"I... think I understand", Ortheg said, and Symon flashed him a thin and clearly forced smile. "Good then, I'll arrange you a meeting with the King", he said, putting Andrey's message to his sleeve. "For now, Mallon can find you proper clothing, and new chambers. I believe the ones next to Lady Tanya's chambers should be free."
"Lady Tanya?" Ortheg blurted out with curiosity, and the maester gave him a small smirk. "Indeed, your half-sister, the trueborn daughter of Prince Andrey", Symon explained, and for a moment Ortheg's eyes widened – he hadn't even thought about the possibility of having siblings. "Oh, and if you wish to visit your father's grave, I'm sure Lady Tanya can show you to the crypts."
As the maester didn't continue, Ortheg stood up. "Thank you, Maester Symon", he said with some uncertainty, but the maester just nodded without even raising his gaze from the parchment he was writing on right now. "Yes, yes, now go", Symon said with a touch of frustration in his voice, and so Ortheg and Mallon walked out of his office and down from the tower.
As they arrived to the courtyard again, Mallon spoke up. "You have a lot of new family members to get to know, Ortheg", he said with a subtle smile. "King Yorick and Queen Wenda are both very busy, but their eldest son Trevyr is about your age... how old were you again?"
"Fifteen", Ortheg answered, and Mallon nodded. "Aha, so Trevyr is a year younger than you. And as you heard, Tanya is your sister, though she is already twenty-three. She might actually be the right person to begin your training", the guardsman spoke with a thoughtful tone, as they walked in from the massive doorway of the main keep. In the hallway many turned their eyes to Ortheg, no doubt wondering what this dirty peasant did here.
"My training? You mean reading?" Ortheg asked with some confusion, and Mallon chuckled. "No, I mean swordplay. I know what you're thinking, but you shouldn't underestimate Tanya just because she is a woman. Sure, you are probably stronger than her, but she's had a sword or a bow in her hands since she was just a little girl." Ortheg was still a bit skeptical about a girl being a good teacher for him with sword, but he decided to keep this to himself. "Anyway, you also have a half-brother here, Artos Sand, Andrey's bastard just like you. Though he is just ten years old, and he's been here since he was three."
A brother too? Ortheg liked the idea of a brother, though this Artos might've been a bit too young for them to have much in common. "And what comes to your cousins," Mallon continued as they took a turn to a corridor on the western wing of the main keep, "aside from Trevyr there are his older sister Jaena, she's seventeen, and his younger brothers Olyvar and Addam, who are at the ages of eleven and eight."
"Huh, might take a while before I remember all the names", Ortheg said truthfully, and Mallon let out a small chuckle, before suddenly stopping before one of the doors. "Here will be your new chambers", he said, pointing at the door. "Granted, they have been largely unused for a few years, so some tidying will be needed. Anyway, let's get you in", with these words Mallon opened the door, and with wonderment in his eyes Ortheg stepped in. The chambers were large, with lavish decorations, just like Ortheg had expected from the royal house. "So, look around while I fetch a servant to bring you some new clothes." With these words Mallon left Ortheg alone to his new chambers.
Just like everywhere in this castle, the floor was smooth stone, and along the sandstone walls were black marble pillars. The bed was massive compared to what Ortheg was used to, and the soft featherbed felt heavenly as he lied down to it for a moment. He got up quickly though, fearing he'd just make it dirty with his clothes. Then he walked to the desk next to the window of the room, and sat down to the comfortable armchair behind it. He slid his hand on the smooth surface of the perfectly refined timber. Fine craftsmanship, he observed quietly, and stood up to continue looking around. Even the chamber pot was a work of art. Almost too beautiful for its purpose.
After some time the door was knocked, and a servant girl came in to leave some new clothes for him. They weren't quite as flamboyant as some of the clothes he saw on the other noblemen, but rather something a bit more casual. Still, they were made of quality leather and velvet. As he put them on Ortheg noticed these clothes were a bit tight for him, but they would have to do for now. After he was dressed in his new clothes the servant girl took her leave, telling Ortheg to wait for an invitation to meet the King.
However, a few minutes after the servant girl left, the door was knocked again. Ortheg went to open the door, seeing a woman standing at the doorframe. She was a bit shorter than Ortheg, but she did have some muscle on her. That said, she was also quite beautiful, with wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes that resembled those of Ortheg's. She wasn't dressed in a dress though, but rather thick leather pants and a casual cotton tunic.
"So, you're my brother", the young woman said, her eyes scanning Ortheg from toes to head. "Well, you clearly have father's eyes", she added, and Ortheg gave her a nod. "As do you", he replied politely. "You're Lady Tanya, right?" He asked, and now Tanya nodded.
"Ah, so you've heard of me already", she said with a mildly surprised tone. "I guess Maester Symon told you." As she spoke, Tanya walked past Ortheg and into his chambers, looking around the room. After a moment Tanya turned towards him again, now a stern expression on her face. "I heard you came from the silver mines... so you were a miner?" She asked sharply.
"Oh... well, mostly I just transported the silver out of the mines, and brought food and water back in for the miners", he explained, slightly embarrassed of his past as a commoner. Tanya didn't really seem to care though, just nodding calmly to his answer. "And why did you come to Yronwood?" She asked casually.
"Um... well, my – I mean our father, Prince Andrey, he wanted me to come here when I'd come of age, so I could be trained as a knight", Ortheg answered hesitantly. Tanya raised her eyebrow, eyeing Ortheg for a moment, before speaking up again. "Well, you do have the build of a warrior", she said quietly, a pondering look on her eyes. "Though I suppose you have no experience on any weaponry, not to mention the moral codes of knighthood." Ortheg gulped and gave his half-sister an awkward nod.
"That's right", he said tensely. "But... Mallon told me you could perhaps teach me, the basics at least", Ortheg put on a nervous grin as he said this. Tanya stayed quiet for a moment, but then she nodded. "Well, Mallon is right – I could teach you", she said with a thin smile. "Would you like to get the first lesson right away?" Tanya now asked. "We could spar on the courtyard, see how you can handle a sword. Or would you rather visit the crypts first, see the grave of our father?"
[Train with Tanya] [Visit the crypts]
Thank you!
And wow, I was honestly under the impression I had surpassed the amount of pages WBW had a while ago already
Well, I can promise NW will certainly have many more pages to come!
Ah, I expected that
I mean, I was already pretty sure we made the right choice, but now I am even more convinced. Trentan might not be the most powerful ally, but he's the closest thing to a friend Gwendis has at this point and killing him would have only made her current situation more dire, without having anyone to support her. And well, I guess Aisha is already going to show her true colours to Gwendis in the next chapter, probably making it clear how little concern she has for her physical or mental well-being. If sparing Trentan means that Gwendis won't be subjected to the worst Aisha can come up with, it has already been worth it. And who knows, maybe he will even repay her by saving her life as well, convincing Aisha or maybe even Dalia that Gwendis shouldn't be killed. Though barely useful in any situation that requires a fight, I could totally see him playing a small, but ultimately essential role if we want to have any chance at keeping Gwen alive. And, of course, he actually grew on me in the more recent parts, even if I am still a bit on the fence about him.
Ah, at last, an Yronwood PoV! Or, sort of Yronwood
Ortheg is a pretty interesting character so far and I would surely like to learn more about him. All in all, this was a great way to start the new chapter, showing us the one kingdom we haven't seen so far. Maybe this means that we even get to see the elusive King Yorick in the near future. Well, it probably does, but maybe this means we get to see him in Ortheg's next part already. Ah, I don't yet know where this storyline is heading of course, but I already know that I am curious about it and looking forward as well. Another thing I look forward for is that court session that got mentioned. So far, Yorick Yronwood is the only king I know almost nothing about. He might actually be an okay guy and I guess this court session, if we get to see it through Ortheg's eyes, could serve as a way to show just what to expect from Yorick, as I am sure that many characters will have to interact and deal with him later on.
[Train with Tanya]
Now, I am just super thrilled to learn more about the Yronwood's. Not only Tanya, who seems to be quite interesting herself, but the other Yronwood's as well. There's not only this practical reason for my choice, but also the thought that it might be a good thing for Ortheg to spend time and bond with his family as quick as possible. The dead can wait. It's the living that truly count here and as such, I consider it to be a good idea to spend more time with Tanya, before visiting the crypt later on.
[Train with Tanya] He hardly knew his father so he's in no hurry to see his tomb.
Ortheg is a cool character, can't wait to see how he develops, and we will finally meet his grandfather, Yorick Yronwood.
Wendel is an odd name for a woman, even if she comes from the Wyl family.
[Train with Tanya]
[Train with Tanya]
He might as well begin his training. He can visit the grave with her after their training session.
Yeah, she does come from the Wyl family. You're right though, I kinda messed up there
I somehow remembered Wendel would be a female name, it kinda has a feminine sound to it. But of course, checking out now, I can see it's actually a male name. Well, since we haven't even seen her yet, I don't think it's too late to change her name - she'll be Wenda from now on 
Oh, and I should probably point out that Yorick is actually the uncle of Ortheg - Prince Andrey was Yorick's brother.
Who is your favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Why? Gwendis, Nealia, Missy aka Kortney. Their storylines took my interest the most.
Who is your least favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Still Nymeria I guess. I don't know, her parts don't reach into me same as the others.
Who is your favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2? Guess... I believe noone agrees with me, since everyone hates her, but it's Aisha. Not only because of her being my own creation but because she is that complex that she is awakening such emotions in other readers.
Who is your least favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2? I don't have any, everyone is somehow interesting in their own way.
What was your favorite moment/part/scene in Chapter 2? I think the Lion scene with Aisha counts here, as it was somehow magical and powerful in same. The recent fight of Jamison was cool too, such badass.
What has been your favorite storyline so far? Gwendis, Naemon - whole Blackmont storyline is quite intense. Also Nealia's, since it was lots of fighting in it recently.
Do you have any advises/ideas/suggestions regarding the story that you'd like to share? Go ahead
Not really, keep doing good job and love Aisha, so I won't be alone :-))))
Originally I was supposed to introduce Ortheg near the end of Chapter 2, but I feel like this part just wouldn't have fit in well amongst the climax of the chapter. Oh yes, we will see King Yorick in the near future, and I am very hyped to finally introduce him to the story
And well, Ortheg might not have the most exciting storyline in Book 1, due to it being just one chapter long, but it should be interesting nonetheless, if only for showing us what kind of family the Yronwood's are.
We will learn more about all of them in time. Tanya will obviously be the first one we'll get to know, but I'm just as hyped for showing Yorick, Trevyr, and all the rest
And yeah, I can see your reasoning. Well, perhaps it was a bit unclear in the part itself, but Tanya would actually come to the crypts with Ortheg, so there would still be some bonding there. That said, she is probably more eager to start training Ortheg, rather than showing him their father's grave 
Good to know, since you didn't explicitly called Andrey the brother of Yorick, I got a bit confused.
I'm just checking but did you see the pm yet?
I answered the pm now. Mind you, I only have my phone right now, so it's fairly short.
Who is your favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Why? (You can give several) Ah, this is really hard question. I really like all of them, but Nealia ,Jamison and Dianna must be the three that stand out just a little bit. I love all of their storylines so far. In Dianna's case there is surely some bias involved, but It's really hard for me as her creator to make decisions that effectively go against both of mine and her will just to stay alive and wait for the right opportunity. I also love Bjorn as a good villain. In case of Nealia and Jamison, I like them for their badassery as well as their storylines. Rose company is really interesting environment for character such as Nealia to be in, and Jamison is just super bad ass and I'm really excited to see the aftermath of the battle of Vaith and what happened with him. Btw, would like to see their reunion once.
Who is your least favorite PoV after Chapter 2? Like I said I love all of them, however I still haven't grown fully with Verro, I don't know, I'm just not quite clear with his goals yet.
Who is your favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2? Well, some bias again, it must be Tryden for me. Except him I also like Bjorn, king Garrison and King Vorian.
Who is your least favorite non-PoV after Chapter 2? Corren, Albin Manwoody and Aisha, at least one of them is dead, and other two don't need to much explaining I guess.
What was your favorite moment/part/scene in Chapter 2? (You can also tell your least favorite if you wish) My favourite moment must be Nealia being with Illor in last moments of his life, But the Jamison fight scene and Verro's part where he breaches the gates are also awesome.
What has been your favorite storyline so far? Well, I pretty much answered that in first question. Nealia, Dianna and Jamison stand out for me
Do you have any advises/ideas/suggestions regarding the story that you'd like to share? Go ahead
No, not really 
[Train with Tanya]
[Train with Tanya]
Ortheg most likely has a long way to become a knight so he should start training as soon as possible! I really liked this part since Ortheg will be a very unique PoV and not really one I expected to come from the Yronwood side. We know that King Yorick will be the big enemy to Nymeria eventually so it will be interesting to potentially see him in a different light. Also, I am especially intrigued by Trevyr since he has to be the Yronwood boy that Obara mentioned to Isabella back in the first chapter so I am very curious to see what he is like. Overall I am very excited to see more of Yorick, Ortheg and the rest of the Yronwood cast!
[Train with Tanya] If Ortheg really wants to become a knight, then its better that he trains every chance he gets. And I think Tanya would slightly prefer bonding while training rather than having a sad conversation in a crypt.
Voting is closed!
And Ortheg will train with Tanya in his next part! As some of you pointed out, it's probably a more comfortable way for Ortheg to start bonding with his new sister, rather than having a potentially sad moment in the crypt.
Ah, man! I was gone for a few days, having only my phone with me to follow the forums, but I've been reunited with my laptop now, meaning I can get back to writing! Luckily I already made a lot of progress on the next part before leaving, so it should be ready today
And it will continue the storyline that we ended Chapter 2 with, meaning it's a Kris PoV. Obviously the battle is over now, so this won't be an action packed part, but it should be pretty interesting nonetheless. You all probably remember, but at the end of his last part Kris decided to keep his former wife free, despite still having suspicions towards her. Now, a couple days have passed, and Kris is going to confront his wife again.
Also, here is a portrait of Tanya Yronwood:
Kris stood silently on the balcony of the lord's chamber, looking at the river Vaith flowing slowly past the city. It had been a couple days after the battle and most of the bodies had been buried by now. Today there would be a ceremony for the return of Kris, and the tips of his hair had been dyed orange for the occasion. His mother stood slightly behind him, talking about how important it would be to find and destroy Valerie, but Kris paid little attention to her words. His mind was dwelling on Myra. He hadn't killed her, he hadn't even put her in the dungeons, because something about her behavior had made him think that she was innocent.
But what if she is guilty? What if she is using her magic to alter my thoughts again? No, that couldn't be the case. This was a different feeling, one that couldn't be a result of any magic. Kris felt bad, but not because of anything that Myra had done, but rather what he had done to her and Nickon. He had left them, and blamed Myra for everything without actually knowing the full truth. He turned towards Minesa now, looking her to the eyes, eyes that were full of confidence and determination. She was a woman with no doubts about her own convictions, for the better or worse.
"Have you considered what you'll do with the boy and his mother?" Minesa asked calmly, and Kris sighed. "What do you expect me to do?" He asked sternly, and she stepped closer and grabbed his hand.
"I'll leave the judgement to you, my son, but you have to remember that these people have been under the influence of the Great Other all this time." Minesa spoke with a quiet and soft voice. Kris pulled his hand away from his mother's grasp, giving her a cold glare.
"I was under that influence as well, mother. Or have you forgotten?" He asked strictly. Minesa sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. "You were purified when you took the light of R'hllor to your heart, these people are still in the dark."
"Then let them take the light of R'hllor to their hearts as well", Kris replied, looking his mother to the eyes. "I guess that's possible", Minesa said nonchalantly, turning away from the balcony and walking back inside. Kris followed after her, taking a seat behind the desk. On the desk were opened letters that Myra clearly had been reading before the battle – and Kris had also read them by now. Most of them were messages from Godsgrace, few sent by Esperence Allyrion, telling that Nymeria would soon take over Godsgrace and asking Myra to join in the alliance with the Rhoynar Princess. Then there was a message from Lord Morgan Allyrion, asking aid to fight against Nymeria. Then there was one letter from King Lucifer Dryland, demanding Myra to surrender Vaith for him or be conquered by the Wild Suns. Lastly, there was a message that had arrived yesterday from Salt Shore – King Lucifer had arrived there a few days ago, and was now marching towards Vaith with Lord Jorvian Gargalen and his forces.
"The ceremony will be at the town square before the sundown", Minesa said as she walked to the door of the chambers, shifting Kris' attention away from the letters. "I'll be there", he said calmly. His mother nodded to him, and walked out of the room. As the door was closed, Kris leaned back and let out a sigh. He had imagined his return to Vaith would be something to celebrate, but this whole situation was just a mess. Valerie had escaped, soon Kris would have to bend his knee to King Lucifer, he didn't know what to do with Myra, and Nickon didn't even remember him. It's alright, I still have plenty of time to be a father to him, Kris convinced himself, standing up from his seat. He knew Myra and Nickon were at the garden right now, but for some reason he was hesitant to confront them. He hadn't talked with Myra after his arrival, and he had just briefly met with Nickon yesterday, and the boy had clearly been uncomfortable in his presence. Don't be a coward, Kris told himself, and finally walked out of his chambers.
On his way down Kris was approached by Hangman. The iron collars had been removed from the necks of the Mother's Favored, and they were now officially free men. Most of them had stayed in Vaith for now, including Captain Hangman.
"Prowler, good to see you", he said with a thin smirk, and Kris nodded to him. "Captain Hangman", he greeted the man, but the former slave just let out a small chuckle. "I don't think I'm a captain anymore", he said with a small sigh. "There's no Mother's Favored anymore."
"Well, you're a free man then", Kris said, tapping the man on the shoulder. "If you want, you can stay here in Vaith, pledge your sword to me. Or if you want, you can go, no one will stop you."
"I'll need some time to think", Hangman replied calmly. "I know some of my brothers in arms already joined the Wild Suns. I'm not sure about that though... I've had a rough couple of years, I'm not sure if I want to keep fighting."
"I understand", Kris replied softly. "Excuse me, I should go meet my wife and son", he continued, and Hangman gave him an understanding nod. Kris continued making his way down. He walked through the main keep, finally making it to the garden.
As he stepped outside, Kris instantly spotted Myra and Nickon sitting next to the orange tree, Henry standing right next to them. Taking in a deep breath, Kris decided to approach them. Nickon had a slightly lighter tone on his skin than his mother, and his curly hair was dark brown. The toddler had got his bright green eyes from Kris though. Myra had a calm expression as she watched Kris walking towards them, while Nickon on the other hand had an almost fearful look on his eyes.
"Lord Kris", Myra said tensely, and Kris nodded to her. "Afternoon", he replied awkwardly, now standing in front of them.
"Who are you?" Nickon asked quietly, and Kris turned his eyes on the little boy, gulping as he tried to find words. "He is your papa", Myra spoke up, ruffling Nickon's hair gently. "Don't you remember papa?"
Kris crouched down to the level of Nickon, looking the boy to the eyes. "I'm sorry I've been away", he said, forcing a smile on his face. "You've grown a lot while I was gone, haven't you?" Nickon nodded shyly to his father's question, and now the soft smile on Kris's face was completely genuine. However, it faded quickly as he stood up and turned to Myra again.
"I think we should talk", he said quietly, and she nodded in agreement. "Henry, look out for Nickon for a moment", she said calmly, and led the way to the other end of the garden. Kris followed after her, and as they stopped both of them remained silent for a moment that felt awkwardly long.
"I... think I owe you an apology", Kris said with a stiff voice. "I'm sorry for leaving you and Nickon, back then I thought it was the only solution. And when I left, it felt like my mind was cleared from a dark mist that had clouded my thoughts for too long."
"I understand what you mean", Myra replied to Kris' surprise. "Yes, I had the same feeling after you came back... and Valerie left."
"So, you didn't know about her... tendencies?" Kris asked carefully, and Myra shook her head. "I can still hardly even believe it", she said with a sad sigh. "Valerie was a troubled child, but I thought she had gotten over her past. Then again, perhaps this was her way to cope with it."
"What she has done is evil, Myra", Kris said strictly, and Myra nodded. "I know", she admitted with a gulp. "But she is still my daughter... and I can't help but blame myself. Perhaps if I had given more time and attention for her, maybe she wouldn't have gone down such a dark path."
"It's not your fault", Kris said sternly, and now Myra turned to look at him with vulnerable and loving eyes. Kris didn't know how to feel, looking at Myra felt at the same time satisfying and uncomfortable. He had loved her long ago, perhaps part of him still did, but even after learning that she was innocent it felt wrong to be close to her. He had felt nothing but hate towards this woman for the last two years, it would take time before he could look at her as a friend again. Or as a lover.
"What happens next?" Myra asked with a tender tone on her voice. For a moment Kris stayed silent, collecting his thoughts. "They will go after her", he finally said quietly. "My mother, Desirea, perhaps Dalia." Kris could see Myra frowning for a small moment at the last name. "If that's what needs to be done... I accept it", Myra said with a heavy heart. "However, I don't want to lose you again, Kris. You don't have to follow your mother, that is not your duty. Your duty is here, with your people, with your family. Can you promise to me that you won't leave us again?"
Kris took in a deep breath, unsure what to answer. Myra was right, he did have a duty here in Vaith, and he didn't want to be away from his son's life any longer. However, on the other hand he was a warrior of R'hllor, which meant that defeating the servants of the Great Other was also his duty.
[Promise to stay] [Don't promise]
Ah, this was a great part! I still don't know if I can trust Myra, but am willing to risk it. She seems to be honest. Considering I have a bias against Kris/Dalia, I do support him getting back together with Myra, if she is truly innocent. But well, there is far more speaking in favour of her innocence than against it. Valerie is the witch of Vaith and also possibly even worse than Aisha. That probably means she's as horrible as pineapple pizza. And well, she must be stopped. As much as I'd like to keep Kris in Vaith, stopping Valerie, maybe even before she comes close to become a danger to Gwen is the most important thing to do in this chapter. Speaking of, there's something I haven't thought of so far. If even Minesa sees a chance for Myra, maybe there is one for Gwendis as well if she converts to the faith of R'hllor. I am not sure what this would mean to her future though. I mean, Kris is Lord of Vaith, so that is not an argument against Lady Blackmont. At this point, I fear her possible death is a far stronger argument against it
And this is why I have to choose this option here.
[Don't promise]
Now, I do feel legitimately sad for Myra and Nickon. However, if Gwen is supposed to survive this chapter, Wesley has to be taken down, maybe Valerie as well. Though I fear the bitch of Vaith is going to live at least until Book 2. But well, I hope for a confrontation with Wesley in this chapter. Dalia herself might have a chance. However, Kris took down Jamison! He's a beast and his sword is overpowered. If anything, this will give Team Rollmop a better chance against Worstley. It also means that a calm, level-headed guy is going to join the team. He already once decided to show mercy against a presumed servant of the Great Other. I have reason to believe that he might be more inclined to give Gwen a chance if he encounters her. His possible presence at Desi's side will also mean it'll be easier for Dalia to go with her daughter and I believe that more than any other, her presence will be essential for Gwendis' survival.
Aaaargh, I can already see that this chapter is going to give me so many moments to fear. I am already anxious as hell and the things to come likely won't make it any better, no matter how many preparations like this I'm going to make that should technically rise the chances for a happy ending to this conflict. I... am not sure how to feel about this, but I am already more than scared
[Don't promise] Although I would like he stayed with his family, we can't let Valerie loose, and someone needs to supervise Minesa.
So Lucifer's forces alongside House Gargalen's are advancing to Vaith, and then Godsgrace. Seems like Kris will also be forced to choose between House Dryland and Martell in the coming war.
[Don't promise] I'm still not sure about Myra, maybe she's innocent but it could all be just an act. Kris should at least make sure Valerie won't ever use her black magic on him again.
[Don't promise]
Glad to hear you liked it!
But wait, wasn't your reason for being against Kris/Dalia initially that you didn't want Dalia to stay in Vaith with Kris? However, now that Kris decided to spare Myra and even keep her free, that seems like a very unlikely scenario. Right now the scenario that would most likely result in Kris and Dalia getting closer to each other is if they both decide to go with Desirea, which seems to be what you are going for at the moment 
Well, Valerie has a bit of a head start to Team Rollmop by now, but whoever in the end decides to join in on the mission, they will leave fairly soon. What comes to Minesa, well, she still thinks that Myra and Nickon are potentially tainted by the influence of GO, but she doesn't really see them as a threat so she is willing to let her son have his way with them. That said, had Kris decided to kill Myra at the end of the last chapter, we would've seen a much more enthusiastic and proud Mother Minesa in this part. Now, even if she doesn't outright say it, she is slightly disappointed in her son. But you're right, converting to R'hllor isn't a reason to not hold titles in Westeros, even if there are going to be some people who'll question it.
Haha, well I didn't expect this part particularly to make anyone anxious, but you're right, this chapter will have many thrilling storylines
Anyway, this whole R'hllor vs. GO conflict should at least be really entertaining 
Well, if they both decide to go ith Desi and therefore after Valerie as well as Aisha/Wesley, then I am probably more supportive of them. In general, I do think that if Myra is truly innocent, then she is to be pitied in this situation and I'd love for her and Kris to get back together. However, priorities. Having Kris at Desi's side, to calm down Dalia if anything unexpected happens and to counter the utter fanatism of Mother Minesa, this is way more important. Perhaps they can work this out later, if he returns. I do prefer him with Myra, but if he and Dalia get serious about their relationship by going after the Great Other worshippers together, then so be it I can live with that
Now I am curious if there might be any unexpected allies for Desi here. I mean, she, Minesa and now likely Kris are probably for certain. With him potentially leaving, there might be little reason for Dalia not to leave as well and of course, Belan is going to be at Desi's side as well. Maybe Jamison too? He probably has a very personal grudge against Valerie, after she put him under her spell and left him defeated and scarred. And with his mission for Vorian somewhat done, I guess he could join as well. But ah, I am happy that we might get Kris to join them, he is surely going to be incredibly valuable to achieve the outcome I am hoping for. Minesa though... yeah, she's an utter bitch and for all I care, she could stay in Vaith. Although I don't really trust her with Myra and Nickon around. Might be better to take her with them, but to keep an eye on her. I fear she might see Gwen as a threat though, considering she's got a very direct connection to the Great Other, something even Aisha doesn't seem to achieve in such a way. And well, if everything truly works out as I hope, which I am far from convinced about at this point, I guess people would question her regardless. That ain't much of a problem, at least not more than she'd already have.
Ah, it is not this part in particular, but the entire situation
This choice and seeing how good it looks for the option I favour has made me slightly less anxiou actually. But well, the entire situation is far from certan of course and I just know that I'll second guess every single choice I make. I even momentarily second guessed this one, even if it really seems like one that can help me with achieving a somewhat happy end. Though I indeed have no doubt that no matter how scary, it will be entertaining, that much is for sure. Scary as hell, but in a good way, if that makes any sense 
[Don't promise]
I wouldn't promise anything to her right now.
[Don't promise]
While I can safely say that I trust Myra for now, I don't think it a good idea for Kris to promise anything at this point. While admittedly I would like to keep Kris in Vaith to rule over Vaith, reunite with his family and so we can have a PoV there for when Lucifer arrives but at the same time, the possibility of Kris going with Desi, Dalia and company to go after Valerie is a very real one and Kris doesn't seem like one to make a promise he can't keep. I'm guessing we will make the choice for what Kris chooses to do here soon and I don't want to get Myra's hopes up. Also it seems the popular theory now is that Dalia and Desi will end up coming across Gwendis and Aisha which will be interesting to see how that even comes into play especially with Gwendis and Aisha basically halfway across Dorne.
On a side note though, with Lucifer seemingly taking Salt Shore along with taking their forces with him to Vaith, that leaves Salt Shore defenseless for whenever the Fallen Dragons invade it so I can only guess that might be one of many factors in Lucifer's downfall. If not that then maybe somehow Nymeria finds out about this and a big battle between the Dryland and Martell forces happen in Vaith or Godsgrace instead? Either way, I really excited to see what happens there! Also I don't think I have asked, how bad is the scar on Jamison's face anyway?
I know you said it will mess with him intially so I'm just curious if it changes his face in a major way.
Understandable. Oh, and Lucifer will actually arrive to Vaith very soon, so the PoVs will still be there when he arrives, no matter where they will decide to head next
And well, the confrontation between Aisha and Desi (with their respective "teams") has been teased quite heavily on both sides, so it does look like they will come across each other somehow, sooner or later. For now though, the R'hllor team's objective is to find and take down Valerie. However, Desirea is aware that Valerie isn't the only servant of the Great Other in Dorne.
Indeed, this part informed us that Lucifer has teamed up with the forces of the Gargalen's, and they are now marching towards Vaith, leaving Salt Shore with very light defenses. They don't really see it as a problem, since it is well known that Nymeria has no fleet. However, as we know, the Fallen Dragons are on their way towards Salt Shore. That said, Nymeria's main army is sure to engage in a battle with the Dryland's sooner or later as well.
Well, I'd say it's comparable to Tyrion's scar in the show, perhaps a bit more severe. It won't make nearly as big of an impact in Jamison's character as the burns would've, but at first he might be a bit conscious about it. The scar will be described in the next Jamison part, but I think I'll also make a new portrait with the scar soon
Oh okay I see, that shouldn't be too bad for him then I don't think. I'm sure it'll be tough on him at first but I would say he will be himself again in no time:D I am very excited to see Jamison's next part for sure! I am pretty excited to see the reaction of Laroy and the rest of Jamison's men when they see what happened and I am very hyped to eventually see Vorian's along with Isabella's and Arenna's and other people like that if Jamison ends up seeing them in this book! As for the portrait, I look forward to it!
[Promise to stay]
Voting is closed!
And Kris won't promise to Myra that he'll stay with his family. While this isn't a choice to leave them, it will certainly upset Myra. That said, it's not that big of a deal, considering with other choices she could be dead by now, or laying on the dungeons of Vaith. She has been ruling Vaith and raising Nickon alone the two years that Kris has been away, she can handle it, but she is really hoping that Kris won't leave this time.
Next up, we'll stay in Vaith, but have a Dalia PoV. Now, there are actually some interesting parallels in Dalia's and Kris' storylines, mainly about the choices and themes around family and duty. Anyway, as expected, Dalia's Chapter 3 storyline won't start with crazy action packed part, but rather something that will set up the stage. That said, I think it'll be interesting nonetheless. It should be ready later today.
And here is a portrait of Lady Myra Xho Vaith: