How would you rank the AC series?



  • Haha, I know right! I felt like I bought a pirate game instead.

    DTA30 posted: »

    * AC II * AC Brotherhood * AC III * AC Syndicate * AC Blackflag * AC Unity * AC Revelations Blackflag is overrated imo don't get w

  • Who cares? It's so much fun to play. Are there any better pirate or battle ships games? No, because Black Flag is the only good one.

    ScootyZ posted: »

    Haha, I know right! I felt like I bought a pirate game instead.

  • So what? Pirates are awesome and it's not like assassins were completely erased from the story. It got a lot of attention because it finally broke up the AC formula after it got stale.

    ScootyZ posted: »

    Haha, I know right! I felt like I bought a pirate game instead.

  • For me?

    2.Black Flag
    5.(New Orleans one)

    Love the series, but I'm not enthusiastic about Origins, coming up.

  • Yeah, Black Flag is just a great game, and it also ties heavily into AC3 and Rogue. They kind of form their own little trilogy.

    So what? Pirates are awesome and it's not like assassins were completely erased from the story. It got a lot of attention because it finally broke up the AC formula after it got stale.

  • Lol thats a really unpopular opinion. AC1 was a repetitive mess, basically teh same shit again and again. The writing was good but the story was presented in an awful bland way and none of the characters were memorable.

    AC2 is the game that made this series popular and successful. The story was great, Ezio has way more depth than the bland Altair (who only gets better in Ezio's game) etc.

    AC I has one of the best stories in the series, fantastic music and cities, the characters are complex and not-obnoxious (looking at you Ezi

  • wow

    * Garbage * More Garbage * Utter Garbage * Bullshit * Gave me aids * Great if played while huffing butane * Try hard * Dead puppy * Soundly beaten horse

  • I'm actually more interested in Origins than I have been in the series since the Ezio Trilogy. The setting is great and fits AC perfectly

    quetzicoatl posted: »

    For me? 1.AC2 2.Black Flag 3.AC3 4.Brotherhood 5.(New Orleans one) 6.AC1 7.Syndicate 8.Revelations 9.Rogue 10.Unity Love the series, but I'm not enthusiastic about Origins, coming up.

  • Mainly the story, I liked the dark theme of the Revolution and Arno's stupidity (How he fucks up most of the time, killing people he shouldn't, trusting the ones who turn out to be his enemies, reminds me that he is human too and makes mistakes). His chemistry with Elise is also worth mentioning, which is more than just a romance story that goes wrong, ultimately that romance being the source of his fuck-ups.
    The game has cool assassination missions: they give you a location, an open area you can explore, different ways to reach your target, different opportunities and ultimately you play however you want without anything holding you back.
    The side missions are cool and detailed as well, they are hidden on the map and must be discovered by exploring Paris then they are added to your quest log and you can return to them whenever you want, or just abandon them; speaking of side missions, the murder mysteries are an absolute blast and really fun to crack.
    The open world map is not really huge but large enough and detailed in every corner with tons of collectibles scattered throughout it.
    The combat can be a pain in the ass if you're inside a building but other than that feels rewarding mainly because it is very difficult, if your character is not based on health you can die in as much as 2 enemy hits; enemies use different tactics to take you down (Flash bombs. Stun attacks, striking from behind, parrying or even countering)
    Stealth is good but can be annoying when Arno doesn't follow your controls precisely; if a guard finds a dead body somewhere it will start questioning the witnesses, if they see you they will try to approach you and kill you, if they don't they'll just blame someone in the crowd, possibly kill them and go back to their business.
    Also I know the game's got a bad reputation for poor performance (Bad optimization, glitches, weird animations etc) but after they patched it it's as playable as Syndicate, finally I can run it with my potato with about 50-60 fps (40 or less in dense crowds) with the settings on medium to high (Textures Ultra High, Shadows Medium, Details High, AA-FXAA).
    But despite all I said above I think what draws me towards the game is like I said first: the story

    AronDracula posted: »

    Unity as your second favourite? That's your opinion, of course but what made you enjoy Unity more the others below?

    1. AC 2
    2. AC Syndicate
    3. AC 4: Black Flag
    4. AC Brotherhood
    5. AC Revelations
    6. AC 3
    7. AC Unity, I gave up after an hour of being stuck on tables, hanging from chandeliers and doing poses in door/windowposts.

    I haven't played Rogue or AC 1.

  • 1.AC Ezio Trilogy
    2.Black Flag
    3.AC Syndicate
    4.AC Unity
    5.AC 1
    6.AC 3

    1. AC2
    2. AC Brotherhood
    3. AC Revelations
    4. AC 3
    5. AC 4 Black Flag
    6. AC1
    7. AC Syndicate
    8. AC Unity
  • Damn you wrote a lot, I mean even someone who hated AC wouldn't write so much against it!!! OK I get it you don't like rogue but that does not mean that you start bullshitting about for a thousand words or so...
    ClusterFUCK! LOL

  • edited August 2017
    1. AC III
    2. AC IV: Black Flag
    3. AC II
    4. AC: Brotherhood
    5. AC: Revelations
    6. AC (the first one)

    I haven't played the newer ones (Unity, Syndicate, Rogue etc), but I intend on giving Origins a go, since I find the Ancient Egypt setting being very interesting.

  • The setting is fine, it's the gameplay and animation system changes I'm not happy with. The cinematics I've seen so far aren't up to AC standards, either.

    Journey95 posted: »

    I'm actually more interested in Origins than I have been in the series since the Ezio Trilogy. The setting is great and fits AC perfectly

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