Season 2 of Batman just released, it just under 2 hours and 30 minutes long. Minecraft Season 2 episode 1 was around 2 hours long. So this does not make sence, Telltale wanted to break the premiere of The Walking Dead in 2 episodes, this is stupid! Episode 1 & 2 of ANF, combined are shorter than the premiere episode of Batman episode 1. “Episodes 1 & 2 are so big that they needed to be split into 2 episodes” - Telltale. F you Telltale, you made me buy 4 short ass episodes! The real question is why are Telltale making The Walking Dead really short. Anyways, I have always been a Walking Dead Telltale fan, since it started. After ANF was finished it does not feel like TWD anymore. If Telltale want more costumers, then do not make the game for newcomers, they done this and look how ANF turned out like. Now we will be playing as Clementine in The Finale Season, I will expect all the episode to be over 2 hours long, like their other titles! I just want Telltale to see this thread because myself and this community want longer episodes as it will wrap up The Final Season of Clementine’s Story. Clementine was the reason why Telltale made money and got their company well-known. But rather than putting in effort in TWD Series, they would rather focus on games like Batman, Guardians and Minecraft, which less costumers buy. Weirdly enough, accept from TWD, other new titles have been getting extremely longer episodes than TWD. I JUST CANNOT GET OVER WHEN TELLTALE SPLIT THE PREMIERE EPISODE INTO 2 EPISODES. “Because it was too big. WELL BATMAN AND MINECRAFT HAD PREMIERE EPISODE OF OVER 2 HOURS LONG. It just makes me think that Telltale really are not interested in The Walking Dead and what they are really doing behind closed doors...
I'll never understand why ANF got the worst development work. What the fuck are you doing, Telltale?
Perhaps Telltale listened to all the complaints they learned about episode length among other things from ANF and fixed that issue in their other games since they had more time to include it in them than ANF.
Their claims and excuses are always so painfully inconsistent when you compare their games to each other, and then people wonder why no one believes the things Telltale says anymore.
They made Minecraft story mode episodes longer than ANF episodes. Minecraft has far less complex plots and yet gets more length. Meanwhile ANF didn't have any of the time it needed to flesh out it's more complex plots.
You mean the complaints that have existed since the year 2014, after season 2's 90 minute episodes were already being complained about because they were too short, as well as wolf's? The length has always been an issue, it is nothing new.
Well maybe that could be because of the criticism they received from us i mean remember the threads some of the staff made asking for opinions ?
Yeah guess those suggestions payed off .
Let's just hope S4 is better than ANF, we can't do anything about ANF's quality now, all we can do is hope they finally listened after all the complaints.
This isn't new at all. We have been complaining about the Episode length since Season 2 of The Walking Dead. TFTBL, GOT, MCSM and Batman got longer episode lengths but A New Frontier is the one who gets the shortest? Ha, riddle me that, mate.
so you re telling me you want them to only improve walking dead but not do that to their other games?
I mean if they re improving their other games its rather obvious that telltale will do the same to the final season when it comes out.
I never said they shouldn't improve their other games. I just asked, why is ANF the only one to get the shortest episodes? They even said it was going to be their biggest season so far but it never was.
To be fair, it was fixed for games like Borderlands, Thrones, and Batman Season 1, although I don't know why they regressed with episode length in the case of games like ANF.
Also Minecraft Season 2 and Batman Season 2 are long episodes with premieres over 2 hour mark. Unlike ANF was 1 hour and 15 minutes. FUMING. JUST FUMING.
They even said A New Frontier was going to be their biggest season so far and that's, without a single doubt, one of the worst lies a game company could have said to their fans.
They fooled us, we only had 4, very short episodes. ANF felt like a mini-series.
Not to mention treatment of determinant characters, character development issues and lack of plot issues being prominent and complained about since S2 as well.
Well I see this as a good sign a sign that telltale is now listening a chance for a good season 4 even though I liked ANF. And with the positive reviews from critics and fans ANF was nothing more than a bumpin the road and we can look forward to the future projects.
It's a fair and just point you make. I agree, definitely. As to why ANF didn't have longer episodes, I got no idea. Nada. Might have to do with all the rewrites in the game, forcing them to cut what would have otherwise been good content. I did get the impression that length was much more of a problem with ANF (the episodes were shorter overall, I'd wager. Some episodes were definitely only like an hour and change long) than Season 2 or any of the previous games (except for a few episodes in different series, A Nest of Vipers from Game of Thrones comes to mind) and finally people were loud enough (or sales and reviews were indicative enough) for Telltale to really take the criticism to heart.
Let's just hope that length doesn't remain a problem in the future, or that it's improved markedly. I'd get very annoyed if after these long premieres episodes were less than 90 minutes long. Hopefully more hubs and puzzles will help rectify this.
Telltale's fans meeting
Batman fans: wow Telltale is great! super long episodes and great character development!
Minecraft fans: yeah ikr! and so many episodes! it's super fun!
GotG fans: and the soundtrack, humour! action and calm moments are balanced! everything is amazing!
TWDG fans: ...
everyone else (disgusted): why are you always so salty? Can't you see how good the game is? Why can't you just enjoy this great game and stop complaining? Gosh, you are soo annoying!
TWDG fans:
People will even complain when they get exactly what they asked for...
Do you even realise that this is not the problem here? The problem is that TFTBL, GOT, MCSM, Batman and GOTG got the same content as TWD Season 1 but A New Frontier didn't have the same content. What kind of team did Telltale hire for TWD?
The problem for a lot of people seems to be that they didn't get what they asked for sooner so they're complaining. It just seems unreasonable to me. You've made your criticisms don't start bitching because other games did what you wanted.
I've got every right to because A New Frontier has been in development for 2 years. What have they been doing through this entire time? Why did they begin rewriting the whole season right at the launch release?
Yes, complain that ANF wasn't done right, that's fair and I can't blame you but complaining that another game was done right isn't a fair criticism. I dare say it's outright childish.
It does suck, ANF was just such a mess, really hoping Telltale has gotten their shit together now though.
He clearly in his comment said
he said way ANF didn't had the same content as season.
He didn't say way the other TT games got the same content.
No one does wish that the other TT games shouldn't be good cus cause his favrt game wasn't good.
But every one have the right to wish that his own favrt TT game should be good as much as the other good TT games.
I don't get why people get so mad about this.
It's obvious that Telltale simply messed up in making ANF and what we have now (detail in Guardians, length in Batman and Minecraft) is a result of them learning from their mistakes and taking our feedback into consideration to make these games better. People say that it's unfair that these new games are better than ANF. That's because this is the future, and that was the past. Telltale has changed. They've improved their game-making skills already and I don't see why you people can't accept it.
Sure, you didn't get it earlier for TWD, but you're getting it now, in some form or another... so please be happy about it.
Way too true right now.
Edit: Though, I'd put the "GotG fans" as a small whisper because we're a small minority here who talk about the game and an even smaller group of us actually enjoy it.
Jesus christ, so many of you people are missing the whole point even when it is so clear.
Imagine TWDG is their only game that has super long episodes, big hubs, choices tht matter, good soundtrack, and all this good stuff, meanwhile Guardians + Batman + MCSM are all an obvious pile of badly written rushed garbage. Keep in mind all these games were made at the same time.
Sure you would be happy for TWDG being better, just as I am for batman, but would you be upset and questioning, "hey, if they had all these good things in TWDG, why couldn't they be in their other games?" You would be.
Do you understand now?
But the same happened with TWD Season 2. It didn't have the exact same content as the other Telltale games and they didn't even fix that with ANF.
Telltale thought they could get away with giving us fans a product of a smaller pedigree than what we're used to, and it backfired. That's the explanation I can come up with.
Since it didn't work (right from the get-go... since Episode One and Two) and they now see that we can power a planet with our level of hate, they've improved their products already to appease the fans.
So, I can see that there's a good chance the TWD Season 4 will be a much better product than S3.
As I said, Season 2 had the same problems and instead of fixing it, they made it worse with ANF.
(Assuming TTG doesn't make a game in 5 months tops) Batman, Guardians and MCSM were already done being written and in development before ANF probably even started, and already in the middle of development during ANF.
So, answer me this: How could they have incorporated all that feedback from ANF if the games were made practically at the same time?
Fine, then maybe they didn't incorporate feedback that fast.
Either way, it would seem that the team from Walking Dead just didn't do as good of a job in their work as the ones from Guardians? That's just what I can get from it.
I'm sure by this point Telltale has learned what not to do when doing Walking Dead [...hopefully] considering they had a step down from Season 1 with S2's product, and then S3 fell flat on its face.
I don't know, but since their recent titles must be comprised of ex-Walking Dead members now, hopefully they give us something good for TWD's "final season".
The team working on TWD just didn't do as good of a job as the other teams? That's the most logical explanation I can come up with.
It's a shame, but I really hope that they step up their game three-fold for the "final season"
I guess so but hey, it's not like they can develop the characters with 2 hours. Shame that you got banned though.
As someone who was disappointed by the episode length: meh. I mean what do you want Telltale to do? Purposely cut down the runtime of future episodes in other series just so it's fair? ANF is finished, it's in the past now. All we can do is continue to provide feedback and hope that Telltale listens, either that or just ditch TWDG entirely. No point in getting so angry about it.
Absolute state of Telltale.
We actually had three short episodes and one long episode; or five short episodes.
The premiere episodes combined run over 120 min.
Seems relevant right now.