Exactly! And who else would be so clever as to invent a Batbeard that retracts into a goatee, further throwing us commoners off the trail!
Yet the answers were there all along. He is the hero Gotham deserves
They ask you how you are, and you just have to say you’re fine when you’re not really fine, but you just can’t get into it, because they would never understand.
Better call this game "how do you like your Harvey cooked?".
Let me prove this:
First you can have your Harvey cooked medium rare:
Then you can have a medium cooked Harvey:
Alternatively you can eat him raw:
You can even have him overcooked:
So, better think twice before telling choices in Telltale Game doesn't matter.
And when we think about it, seeing your choices in the end of the season, you will either have Double Face, One Face, Three Face or Double corpse as arch ennemy.
I ended with Double Corpse to my greatest joy.
I may not be the world's greatest, but my detective skills aren't too shabby
I knew it I said in that thread in of the guys from the bar fight was batman!
Ep 5 spoilers
They ask you how you are, and you just have to say you’re fine when you’re not really fine, but you just can’t get into it, because they would never understand.
Telltale Assassin's Creed game confirmed
"...she's a big stinkyface and we're mortal enemies now. She will lament the day she heard the name Bruce Wayne. And furthermore..."
(I never claimed to be mature)
I died laughing.
Apparently Oz agrees.
Gentleman ghost cameo.
Better call this game "how do you like your Harvey cooked?".
Let me prove this:
First you can have your Harvey cooked medium rare:

Then you can have a medium cooked Harvey:

Alternatively you can eat him raw:

You can even have him overcooked:

So, better think twice before telling choices in Telltale Game doesn't matter.
And when we think about it, seeing your choices in the end of the season, you will either have Double Face, One Face, Three Face or Double corpse as arch ennemy.
I ended with Double Corpse to my greatest joy.
On a plus ça en stock malheureusement
Que du Harvey "made in France"!
Offtopic on :
La traduction Française est d'ailleurs de bonne facture ce qui n'est malheureusement pas la norme
Offtopic off.
Credit to @LeeTheProfessional for the idea
I can't be the only one who thought he looked like Joker.
I think it's Bane's mask from The Dark Knight Rises
Fatman: The Enemy Without.
ok but where is clem......
Who's that? do you mean the
When Riddler is taken care of, no one died, and everything is going great, and then Waller comes and calls you Bruce Wayne
Would you look at that ? Bruce got caught in action !
When youre trying to be Batman and some thot tries to talk to you
I'm not entirely sure why I made this, but I did
That guy doesn't even blink for the whole 5 minutes, that's some dedication.
Fatman down. Fatman down.
Meh, he was never my favourite, anyways.
I only now realized how much I missed the memes.