An Interesting Decision for 400 Days
So I was watching some playthroughs of 400 Days and I saw the Shel section and I just thought of something
What if instead of Bonnie, Shel is the person who always goes with Tavia? And the decision in her chapter isn't that Stephanie has stolen supplies but Roman talks with Shel claiming he saw Becca leaving and sneaking out. He then tells Shel that this is a risk and that she knows what she has to do, kill Becca.
This would not only showcase how imprisoning and crazy Roman is getting, but it would also make the choice a lot more difficult (because who honestly cares about Stephanie in comparison to Becca? Like sure Becca may come across as annoying but she is your younger sister and a lot of the choices Shel makes are based around Becca).
And you either kill Becca or don't. That way it affects Shel's treatment of Clementine (seeing her as a younger sister or caring more for Becca, not caring much for Clem), and have little choices like whether Becca will be at the end of 400 Days or even in Season 2.
I would have killed the shit out of Becca. But no more hopes for 400 Days PCs.
That would be a little too much I think. Shel is not gonna kill her own sister just because the guy asks her to and just because she snuck out a couple of times. She would probably just kill Roman and if he threatend Becca like that.
Better question, what if Nate was the one who replaced Bonnie? Imagine the back and forth between him and Kenny!
But in seriousness I don't think the change in Shel's scenario would really work narrative wise. I mean would Roman really expect Shel to kill her own daughter figure just because he tells her to? There's crazy and then there's just plain stupid.
Other than that I wouldn't mind seeing Shel and Becca again. It would've been interesting to see Becca's relationship with Sarah, since they would pretty much be foils to each other.
I thought nobody liked Becca. She's a little shit compared to Stephanie, at least Stephanie tries to be nice
Hmm, true. Maybe if there was some way Roman could link Becca sneaking out to the Spanish guy finding them? I just feel like Stephanie didn't have much development (which isn't really their fault since they only have so much time to establish and let you interact with all these characters), so the choice wasn't even that hard. And also regardless, it won't matter.
Sure if Shel and Becca leave, that's fine and dandy. But they're still gonna kill Stephanie.
Whereas in this case it's more kill Becca or save her.
Alternatively, maybe they could change the story so Becca isn't Shel's younger sister, but the two have a more sisterly relationship as Shel found/rescued Becca when the apocalypse began. It could allow for more strains to be put on their relationship
Another reason why I feel she was probably the most wasted characters from 400 Days. Which is funny considering she's also one of the few to have a somewhat meaningful appearance in Season 2.
Apparently so. Though personally, I almost get a love to hate kinda vibe from her compared to other antagonistic characters.