The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • My favourite Ben moment ever:

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    Mariana's gonna stab a bitch(Oh boy, the flashbacks...!) Ahsoka-style
    Kate's got a friggin katana for some reason
    Gabe secretly have ice powers or some shit
    And while we're at it, why are his and Kate's weapons so ridiculously huge compared to the other two's?

  • edited August 2017

    enter image description here

    Clem, no--she's not wearing her glasses!!! GIVE THEM BACK!!!!

    • Years later *
      enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Karma's a bitch and so are you.

  • edited August 2017

    Holy shit, Reggie! Damn, if this is the guy people thinks has stockholm, then I'd hate to see him during his heyday--with two arms!

    Man, he actually has a number of good lines to him. Also, I love how Clementine is making Kenny look polite there.

  • enter image description here
    House Party David and Emo Javi

  • Tfw u are born with one eye way lower than the other so you have surgery to fix that problem

    DabigRG posted: »

    House Party David and Emo Javi

  • The surgery didn't work.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Tfw u are born with one eye way lower than the other so you have surgery to fix that problem

  • edited August 2017

    "Clem has an Ep3 scene that literally broke me. Fact."

    {Spits in David's face and gets pulled away like a misbehaving toddler in Walmart}

    Also, dat T-pose.

  • You deserve everything you get.

    That line alone made me pissed at Ava for the rest of the season. She sounded like such a bitch to me.

    Yet she had the nerve to get angry at me for rejecting her pity. Like you just wanted me to get punished and possibly killed now you want me to forgive you?

    DabigRG posted: »

    "Clem has an Ep3 scene that literally broke me. Fact." {Spits in David's face and gets pulled away like a misbehaving toddler in Walmart} Also, dat T-pose.

  • Oh yeah, I always loved this dialogue.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    My favourite Ben moment ever:

  • That is why I always choose Ava to get shot.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    You deserve everything you get. That line alone made me pissed at Ava for the rest of the season. She sounded like such a bitch to m

  • To be fair, she was defending Clementine throughout that discussion alongside Lingard and was the reason she even got to spit in David's face.

    I think she has a right to be annoyed when her word and attempts to resolve things peacefully are rudely rejected and abused.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    You deserve everything you get. That line alone made me pissed at Ava for the rest of the season. She sounded like such a bitch to m

  • Agreed. :)
    If I were Ava, I would get annoyed, too.

    DabigRG posted: »

    To be fair, she was defending Clementine throughout that discussion alongside Lingard and was the reason she even got to spit in David's fac

  • Javi looks like a very cute girl :)

    DabigRG posted: »

    House Party David and Emo Javi

  • token care of each other and AJ.

  • Yeah, some of these have some weird spelling and grammar errors. :lol:

    token care of each other and AJ.

  • edited August 2017

    Honestly Sarah was my favourite character in Season Two, and I don't just mean as a person, I mean I enjoy how her character was played out.

    I just think it's really fascinating to see this person who has been so coddled for all her life have it all flipped upside down and fall apart in the course of a week. It's played realistically and honestly. Having her have a sudden 360 and be a hardened survivor would have been out of character and predictable. I think it's better to have a character to show Clem that not everyone can do the things she can do, and not everyone can be as much of a stone cold survivor as her. It taught Clem a lesson and I just think she was overall a pretty unique and cool addition to the season.

    Although what I do agree about is that it's a blatant spit in the face to reward players who put themselves and other in danger to help this child just so she could stick around for literally like 40 more minutes until she winds up dead.

  • 100% agreed with both points.

    Batteries posted: »

    Honestly Sarah was my favourite character in Season Two, and I don't just mean as a person, I mean I enjoy how her character was played out.

  • Am I the only one who could care less about her character? She was never meant to survive in the world of the apocalypse and playing with her in s3 would have drove me insane.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2017

    New Frontier Episode 1 - Flashback with Sarah and Clementine:

    "Clem, can you give me a hand? I dropped my glasses and I can't find them... Clem? Clem??"

    [Sarah awkwardly stumbles around trying to find her glasses, before touching a hand.]

    "Clementine? Is that your hand I'm touching?"

    [Sarah is touching the hand of a walker. The walker bites Sarah; the bite is fatal and Sarah dies]

    Am I the only one who could care less about her character? She was never meant to survive in the world of the apocalypse and playing with her in s3 would have drove me insane.

  • Still better written than Ava's death

    New Frontier Episode 1 - Flashback with Sarah and Clementine: "Clem, can you give me a hand? I dropped my glasses and I can't find them..

  • Fuck.

    Still better written than Ava's death

  • Her death made a lot of sense. She was weak, her father kept her away from the apocalyptic world for 2 year. She didnt have any ability to survive in a world like that. She didnt have a "good" development and no reason to believe that she could turned out to be a character like Clem. She had it coming. Sorry but, thats the truth.

  • Are you sure it's not the other way around?

  • aj tattoo meme right after my aj tattoo meme


  • Am I the only one who could care less about her character?

    Do you really think you're in minority?

    Am I the only one who could care less about her character? She was never meant to survive in the world of the apocalypse and playing with her in s3 would have drove me insane.

  • Sarah >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gabe

    Yes, I said it.

  • I cried when Sarah died but laughed when Gabe died.

    MrJava posted: »

    Her death made a lot of sense. She was weak, her father kept her away from the apocalyptic world for 2 year. She didnt have any ability to s

  • edited August 2017

    Foq-UUUUUUUU!!! :joy:

    Still better written than Ava's death

  • Which is why the circumstances behind her canon death have nothing to do with her and is pretty solidly on Jane one way or another.--Oops! :unamused:

    MrJava posted: »

    Her death made a lot of sense. She was weak, her father kept her away from the apocalyptic world for 2 year. She didnt have any ability to s

  • That No pic looks so wrong. :grimace:

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