[SPOILERS] Ending of Ep.2 of A New Frontier. Before going to...

edited August 2017 in The Walking Dead

I couldn't find a discussion about this. If there's already one, I apologize.

So... I just finished the second episode of A New Frontier and after seeing the stats I had a big surprise. I'm on the very large minority on deciding to keep the guns. Only 4%. I've never been in such a low number on the statistics before and I'm curious to know why so few people did that. I've come to know that if you decide to lower the guns, there comes an option to hold on to Kate afterwards which apparently counts as giving up too. If I knew that I could've maybe gone with it since I thought they were going to literally drop their weapons and they just low them instead.

The reason I chose to not lower my guard was because I saw it as the better risk. Both options are risky and I would likely drop my gun in any other case, but since I've seen these guys doing some stuff (like shooting a kid in cold blood) I didn't think it would be best to sureender and risking everybody to die (I know this is not going to happen but I personally play the game getting myself in the moment and choosing what I think I would really do in that situation). Of course, Kate is almost dead and they're still looking for Eleanor, but I just couldn't bring myself to take this kind of risk especially with the "bad guys" in the game so far.

Maybe I didn't think this through. This was the hardest choice of the game so far in my opinion, and I had to pause to think before choosing but I was honestly surprised with the percentage on that one that I wanted to know other people thoughts on this. Just to be clear, I'm just curious. I don't mind being in the minority nor am I upset about it. I just want to know what other players think.


  • I did the guns thing cos I traded clem to Conrad I didn't want to seem like a bigger asshole to her so I also lowered the guns so she won't be thinking "you'd trade me but you won't lower guns?"

  • I lowered the guns but didn't agree to get on my knees. The way i saw it no reasonable people would let us in if we are brandishing guns, so lower them but don't give them up just in case things go South. Max didn't seem like the worst guy at that point, if Badger were issuing the commands i bet more people would hold onto the guns.

  • I went along with it and dropped my weapons because I knew we needed help. Max never seemed like too much of a bad guy to me; I felt like he had some heart. Given the position we were in, they could take us out whether we had weapons or not. So I rather take my chance by listening to orders instead of being paranoid and still losing.

  • Yeah. Like I said, I didn't know the option "Drop your guns" was going to just lower them. Should've been more clear. And between those two options I thought I had, I would rather turn away then to just give myself completely unarmed to those guys. I'll maybe go and change that but I'd have to replay the whole episode again...

    I lowered the guns but didn't agree to get on my knees. The way i saw it no reasonable people would let us in if we are brandishing guns, so

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