The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • enter image description here

    Walk past big group of new classmates alone on first day of college and I said a joke

    "Silence none of them laugh"

    As I walking past I tried save the moment with another joke

    They all just said "what did he say?"

  • enter image description here

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Walk past big group of new classmates alone on first day of college and I said a joke "Silence none of them laugh" As I walking past I tried save the moment with another joke They all just said "what did he say?"

  • Ill have you know the crooked mods sabotaged my race by adding an excess amount of votes or the votes were real and the CROOKED mods closed it due to FEAR!

    ███████ ran for mod, yada yada yada, and now that's over.

  • we rigged the race... in the favor of our opponent?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Ill have you know the crooked mods sabotaged my race by adding an excess amount of votes or the votes were real and the CROOKED mods closed it due to FEAR!

  • edited September 2017

    Censor what?

    blind what the fuck do you even have a job, where do you find the time to go through and censor all that

  • A thread in the Telltale Talk section.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Censor what?

  • I can relate.

    Man I keep forgetting how much I hate my username lol

  • Yes, by rigging the polls by giving me a huge lead, it gave you an excuse to shut me down without real proof of it being rigged! we rigged the race... in the favor of our opponent?

  • This is a question.

    Does anyone else know a good 'choices matter' game besides Life is Strange, Telltale games and Heavy Rain?

  • Dreamfall Chapters is another game you might like. I haven't played it myself but it does have the choice system. King's Quest (the episodic series) also uses choices, but I have not played that one either - I'm just pointing out other choice based games that are out there.

    KaiMaestro posted: »

    This is a question. Does anyone else know a good 'choices matter' game besides Life is Strange, Telltale games and Heavy Rain?

  • Politics that make sense, everyone!

    Although, the one with more votes tends to lose. Uh.

    u know what i mean
    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yes, by rigging the polls by giving me a huge lead, it gave you an excuse to shut me down without real proof of it being rigged!

  • Bioshock 2 has some good choices. I mean, it's the same three choices being made over different subjects and the same choice (kill the kid and eat her guts or take her to the nazi doctor i think she was still alive by then) being made like, 50 times. But dependig on your combinations you get like 8 different endings. Plus the game is cool. It's not great but it's fun to play.

    KaiMaestro posted: »

    This is a question. Does anyone else know a good 'choices matter' game besides Life is Strange, Telltale games and Heavy Rain?

  • Got a PS4? If so, I suggest Until Dawn. Great story, characters, and choices matter A LOT. And it's worth it if you just want a good horror game.

    KaiMaestro posted: »

    This is a question. Does anyone else know a good 'choices matter' game besides Life is Strange, Telltale games and Heavy Rain?

  • I'm going to assume you don't mean interactive movies and moreso games that have a lot of choice based gameplay

    Here are the ones I recommend:
    Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, Deus Ex series, Alpha Protocol, The Deed series, Until Dawn, Knights of the Old Republic series, Mass Effect, Witcher Series, The Cat Lady, Downfall, Papers Please

    Games I'm a bit iffy about recommending but do have a huge emphasis on choices (doesn't necessarily mean they are bad though):

    1979 Revolution: Black Friday, The Detail, Soul Gambler, Emily is Away series, Beyond: Two Souls & Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy (both made by the creator behind Heavy Rain)

    KaiMaestro posted: »

    This is a question. Does anyone else know a good 'choices matter' game besides Life is Strange, Telltale games and Heavy Rain?


    I'm real glad I got a picture with the Southernmost Point before Irma did this. Jeez. Easy fix though.

  • So, I hear that the house featured in the "Full House" intro is being torn down. I watched the show's reruns here and there on Nick at Nite, but even though I wasn't like, a big fan or anything, it's still a bit depressing to hear this.

  • Until Dawn is very good.

    KaiMaestro posted: »

    This is a question. Does anyone else know a good 'choices matter' game besides Life is Strange, Telltale games and Heavy Rain?

  • Or because the previous 4 episodes reduced her to a minor supporting character. In a very literal sense at that, as her presence only seemed to be used to blindly support Javier regardless of his decisions, so players who liked her would more inclined to warm to Javier, maybe? I dunno. I'm just glad his damned story is over, maybe we can get back to not pretending the first two games were pointless. Javis dumbass escapades were little more than a side story to begin with, shame it was presented as an actual addition to the series instead of the way Michonne was.

    The only reason Clem not being the PC can become a valid complaint is because Episode 5's ending just basically made Clem the protagonist again and fucked Javi over, so the whole story was rendered pointless.

  • edited September 2017


  • It's on a very minor level, but in Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory and Double Agent, choices you make throughout the game have an effect on the story and later levels. Besides that, I think Spider-Man: Web of Shadows has a pretty good choice morality system that affects future events and your ending.

    KaiMaestro posted: »

    This is a question. Does anyone else know a good 'choices matter' game besides Life is Strange, Telltale games and Heavy Rain?

  • Damn! I forgot to mention that one in my comment. Good thinking, my dude.

    Got a PS4? If so, I suggest Until Dawn. Great story, characters, and choices matter A LOT. And it's worth it if you just want a good horror game.

  • Just the first thing that popped in my head.

    Damn! I forgot to mention that one in my comment. Good thinking, my dude.

  • Even as someone who ended up thinking ANF was pretty okay, I agree that by the end there was absolutely no point to the game.

    And THANK YOU for that ANF criticism thing you did up there. You truly are one of the heroes of this forum.

    The only reason Clem not being the PC can become a valid complaint is because Episode 5's ending just basically made Clem the protagonist again and fucked Javi over, so the whole story was rendered pointless.

  • edited September 2017

    Unsubscribed from Geek Remix after 1/2 complained about LiS committing "cultural appropriation" for not having a native American character *while using Native American culture.

  • Err... what does it even mean, if you don't mind my asking?

    Man I keep forgetting how much I hate my username lol

  • but that's like not at all close to what cultural appropriation means

    Unsubscribed from Geek Remix after 1/2 complained about LiS committing "cultural appropriation" for not having a native American character *while using Native American culture.

  • What thread was it?

    A thread in the Telltale Talk section.

  • Da fuq?

    Unsubscribed from Geek Remix after 1/2 complained about LiS committing "cultural appropriation" for not having a native American character *while using Native American culture.

  • Bought takeaway from a hot wings place in the city. I got me 10 boneless buffalo "wings". One of the wings had a bone. What is this false advertising?

  • I second that.

    Who would've thought choosing lunch for your boyfriend would have consequences?

    Dreamfall Chapters is another game you might like. I haven't played it myself but it does have the choice system. King's Quest (the episodic

  • What????

    Seriously? They have made some pretty cool theories in the past. In what video do they say that shit?

    Unsubscribed from Geek Remix after 1/2 complained about LiS committing "cultural appropriation" for not having a native American character *while using Native American culture.

  • our lord and savior poogers ran for modship in a thread and blind closed it and censored it for a hardy joke

    Melton23 posted: »

    What thread was it?

  • it's a reference to Clementine and the plot devic-- i mean AJ.

    Err... what does it even mean, if you don't mind my asking?

  • And THANK YOU for that ANF criticism thing you did up there.

    no need to thank me for writing my thoughts about a game

    You truly are one of the heroes of this forum.

    this is wrong and i'm calling the post police for spreading such lies

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Even as someone who ended up thinking ANF was pretty okay, I agree that by the end there was absolutely no point to the game. And THANK YOU for that ANF criticism thing you did up there. You truly are one of the heroes of this forum.

  • So the trailer for Netflix's new adult animated series Big Mouth shows an underage girls genitalia. Welp.

  • edited September 2017

    The authors behind the show are related to Family Guy, that explains a lot.

    Anyway, is Youtube giving Netflix preferential treatment by not enforcing their own rules?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So the trailer for Netflix's new adult animated series Big Mouth shows an underage girls genitalia. Welp.

  • ... Wtf did I just saw 0_0

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So the trailer for Netflix's new adult animated series Big Mouth shows an underage girls genitalia. Welp.

  • From the latest Pokemon episode:

    enter image description here

    Looks like Puffy's quest is renewed. I hope with all my heart she finally finds ones who will appreciate her song without falling asleep.

    Feels like old times. But I feel this time, things will be different. May the one(s) be in Alola.

  • edited September 2017

    Ugh OMG!! What the fuck is this shit?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So the trailer for Netflix's new adult animated series Big Mouth shows an underage girls genitalia. Welp.


    lupinb0y posted: »

    So the trailer for Netflix's new adult animated series Big Mouth shows an underage girls genitalia. Welp.

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