What were your disappointments with ANF? and your reasons for hating them?

   For me they ruined the whole series with ANF, the decisions that have no serious consequences, non charismatic characters, a boring story stop;
  One of the important things he had in the first 2 seasons of twd were the sad endings and in the ANF it sucked ..
  Hopefully the season finale will be a thousand times better.



  • Ugh. Another one of these threads?

    enter image description here

    Hasn't everyone already explained everything that's wrong with it to the point where nothing new can possibly be added?

  • I guess, for me, it was that it derailed the series by branching off into a side story about some guy. It didn't help that the story itself was contrived, the protagonist and new cast were unsympathetic and unrealistic, and somebody thought a good idea would be to replace slower moments developing the characters with "super exciting" QTE action. It felt like they were simply appealing to the lowest common denominator. What's done is done, though. Hopefully the rushed ending and reaffirmation of continuing back on track with the series is a sign TT was as eager to put ANF behind them as I was.

  • I got a little time, so I guess I'll put some stuff out here for now:

    • The fact that they created such a easy/cheap character like Mariana as an investment failsafeSacrificial Lamb when they could've either kept her around as a Morality Pet to help balance out the team a little more or better yet just omitted her redundant and ultimately somewhat pointless existence altogether in favor of just telling the story with no strings attached
    • Tripp being a bland, redundant, and borderline useless character despite being in all 5 episodes, not to mention being a blatant knockoff
    • Max disappearing after exposing Joan
    • Joan's characterization dramatically shifting for the sake of easy drama and making sure David looks good(doubly so considering the finale made it pointless)
    • How wasted/neglected Kate was throughout, even getting it worse than Luke did
    • Gabe's arc being somewhat minimized in impact near the end in favor of needlessly connecting him to Clementine
    • The Civil War not happening, with the closest thing being Kate driving a buildozer with Javier(and determinately Clementine) taking turns with an AK-47 and thatPaulGuy returning as a trio of random ass knights on Horseback
    • The sudden hamfisted/lameass attempt to make David(who's already enough of a Kenny-Clone, mind you) out to be a tragic figure at the last minute
    • Gabe being outright determinant at the last minute, which was a really unnecessary and dumb double copout
    • What a mess of an episode/finale From the Gallows was in general
  • enter image description here

    Too long to list them all...

  • Maybe they are new or hope and look for different answers to the same question. I always felt if it was too much of a problem maybe it's a mods job to delete them. Or a users job to just not comment on threads that annoy them with repetitiveness each time like myself. Perhaps their truly is very little more to discuss over New Frontier besides people's disdain for the game and they have the privilege of opening threads to their wishes on a forum for threads if it follows the guidelines.

    If a restaurant only serves fries in the entire menu across the nation I don't call their C.E.O each time to say "what? fries again that's it"? I go to a restaurant that has more substance in variety. But to each their own. I would guess you all have similar privileges to complain about threads being the same as folks who make them have the privilege to open them. New Frontier's flop has kind of made the forum a wasteland of negativity I remember when season 2 was over folks were arguing over Kenny and Jane until almost 2 years later and other discussions about Wellington the family and the alone ending. So much discussion few years ago compared to now. With only the constant shitting on the third season. And in a way I can understand it.

    They did have 3 years nearly to come with something incredible but they sank their own boat last minute for unknown reasons or basically no reason. So much great cut content gone for that? Might not of made it better than season 1 but definitely would of been stronger than what was released. I don't let it annoy me because I can understand that folks just come here to vent their frustrations with the game that had possibly the most hype of all 3 only to let everyone down or most everyone. Here is a prayer that the final season will kick so much ass hopefully.

    ralo229 posted: »

    Ugh. Another one of these threads? Hasn't everyone already explained everything that's wrong with it to the point where nothing new can possibly be added?

  • edited September 2017

    The fact that it exists.

  • Amongst the 50000 problems with the game, problem number 24183 definitely bothers me a lot and is a problem that doesn't get talked about as much as it should. The increase in stupid ass, pointless comedy that relegates the game into a fucking sitcom/rom com. Stupid ass dubstep/drum sound effects when Clementine was beating those Walkers with the bat, Kate's constant rom com/sitcom flirting with Javier (someone on here called her a sitcom mom, lmfao), Kate smoking weed etc. I think they done it to try and appeal to younger players.

  • edited September 2017
    • For the newcomers.
    • Season 1 choices having no affect at all.
    • Lack of gameplay content.
    • Unlikable characters except Clem and Javi.
    • Terrible graphics.
    • Clementine having no purpose on this game.
    • Short episodes.
    • Choices mattering without letting the players know how they did that.
    • Sparing Conrad doesn't affect Clementine's relationship with Javi at all. She still sticks around for no reason.
    • Gabe doing nothing but cause trouble all the time.
    • David tries to kill me despite the fact that I've been on his side all the time and never touched Kate.
    • Conrad doing nothing in this game except Episode 3.
    • Episode 1 was split in two because it was TOO BIG.
    • Richmond accepts Javier as the leader despite the fact that he is the one who caused the chaos in Richmond.
    • Jesus having no purpose on this game.
    • Eleanor having no purpose on this game other than being a traitor bitch.
    • Marianna's death having no affect on this game other than shock value.
    • Walkers aren't acting like walkers during the saving Richmond part.
    • Clementine can kiss a boy of her age she has only known for 3-4 days and cried the way she did to Lee and Kenny (If killed in S2).
    • Full of bugs and glitches.
    • Badger kills a defenseless little girl over some fucking pudding.
    • Javi and his family survived 4 years of apocalypse in one fucking van.
    • Wellington, a community fully populated, couldn't fight a bunch of bandits.
    • Clementine somehow knows how to ride a motorbike.
    • Conrad disappears after the end of Episode 4.
    • Max and Lonnie disappear after exposing Joan.
    • Richmond people still trusting Joan despite the fact that she caused a lot of deaths of innocent people.
    • David kicks Clementine out of the group for stealing medicine but doesn't kick Lingard out for getting high.
    • David takes AJ away from Clementine when he just said they should have left him behind days ago but he changed his mind because.....
    • Kate, after being shot in the stomach and blown up in an armored truck near explosion, is in good condition.
    • Wellington wasn't attacked by The New Frontier despite the fact that one of the attackers shares the same model with one of Richmond soldiers in Episode 2. (DO YOU REALLY THINK WE'RE BLIND, TELLTALE?)
    • Kenny, one of the main characters of Season 1 and 2, dies by car accident.
    • This screenshot (Didn't feel like an authentic Walking Dead story).
      enter image description here
  • What's even funnier is that a New Frontier is over and people keep talking about it like it is their new favourite game. I know haters low-key love it

    ralo229 posted: »

    Ugh. Another one of these threads? Hasn't everyone already explained everything that's wrong with it to the point where nothing new can possibly be added?

  • Well, then it seems you also low-key love the haters since you keep talking about them in every single one of these threads that pop up. It's ok, we are lovable people ;)

    Melton23 posted: »

    What's even funnier is that a New Frontier is over and people keep talking about it like it is their new favourite game. I know haters low-key love it

  • Even in the positive threads he shows up to whine about them lol. The damage control is real.

    Well, then it seems you also low-key love the haters since you keep talking about them in every single one of these threads that pop up. It's ok, we are lovable people

  • No, A New Frontier always deserves more hate.

    ralo229 posted: »

    Ugh. Another one of these threads? Hasn't everyone already explained everything that's wrong with it to the point where nothing new can possibly be added?

  • Of course I love the haters, they give me a good laugh and a few things to thing about. And without hate, games can't improve

    Well, then it seems you also low-key love the haters since you keep talking about them in every single one of these threads that pop up. It's ok, we are lovable people

  • I'm more disappointed in this fanbase than the game itself.

  • Almost the entirety of the main cast being related to the main character, meaning I dont really get to form my own opinions of the characters

  • Not really. You can think Kate is a unhealthy love addict, David is an abusive asshole, Gabe a wannabe/tryhard junior asshole, and Mariana is a lazy airhead and still just work with them.

    Same can be said for most of the casts, honestly--Jane.

    Almost the entirety of the main cast being related to the main character, meaning I dont really get to form my own opinions of the characters

  • enter image description here

    I'm more disappointed in this fanbase than the game itself.

  • That's one way of looking at it.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Of course I love the haters, they give me a good laugh and a few things to thing about. And without hate, games can't improve

  • Had they truly studied season 2 criticisms then New Frontier would had been an improvement and not a bigger disappointment. Two years of what was going on with season 2, that was weak points with the story.. could had been learned from and I thought surely they would had learned from past mistakes but instead made same or worse mistakes with a new guy nobody cared for. That's how I kind of felt.

    I guess, for me, it was that it derailed the series by branching off into a side story about some guy. It didn't help that the story itself

  • edited September 2017

    Yeah as much as haters do have their benefits they are a bit redundant seeing as anf is in the past.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That's one way of looking at it.

  • So it's our fault for Telltale to stab us in the back and give this game to newcomers? Genius.

    I'm more disappointed in this fanbase than the game itself.

  • I think that may be a reason they didn't just dummy out Mariana, incidentally.

    AronDracula posted: »

    So it's our fault for Telltale to stab us in the back and give this game to newcomers? Genius.

  • edited September 2017

    Well that and you already developed a relationship with them even though you, as the player, have no idea who they are. The game wants you to look after those people and connect with them. That’s why it failed.

    At least with Lee, nobody knew who he was so you can treat them however you liked and they formed their own opinion about you. With Javier, his family and friends will always know him as the “funny, Good-guy Uncle” even if you act like an asshole the whole time.

    Almost the entirety of the main cast being related to the main character, meaning I dont really get to form my own opinions of the characters

  • Gotta love the weekly "Why ANF sucks" or "What are your reasons for hating ANF" circlejerk thread.

    I can imagine when S4 has ended, there will still be the weekly "ANF is the worst game of all time" thread. I'll bet my Steam :doug: emoji on it.

  • The way the s2 endings were handled was completely unacceptable and permanently left a bad mark on the rest of the season.

  • I agree. I want another dark game like S1.

    wdfan posted: »

    Amongst the 50000 problems with the game, problem number 24183 definitely bothers me a lot and is a problem that doesn't get talked about as

  • Lets see...OH!!

    Disappointments include:

    • Clem not being the main character
    • Javi is taking her spotlight so screw him
    • the graphics look WAY worse than season 1. They look like N64 graphics.
    • Christa didn't make an appearance
    • No Lily either
    • they had Clem talk about her...womanhood.
    • Gabe has a crush on her. BAD TELLTALE!
    • NO GAMEPLAY!! All there is is just dialogue, and occasionally walk around. Not like the previous seasons where the gameplay consisted of mostly...dialogue and occasionally walk around a bit.
    • They said that the premiere would be bigger...which exactly means "longer episodes" and no way that can be considered vague bro.
    • They lied to me!
    • It doesn't even feel like a walking dead story, since when did the walking dead become about survival in a dark, violent, gruesome zombie apocalypse where people are starting to lose their humanity? That ain't no walking dead.

    This is the worst thing Telltale has ever done. I'm giving this a 0.2/10!!

  • Javi is taking her spotlight so screw him

    Boo hoo.

    the graphics look WAY worse than season 1. They look like N64 graphics.

    Actually, I'd say it looks more like a shitty attempt at replicating motion capture game graphics.

    Gabe has a crush on her. BAD TELLTALE!

    With little to no screentime spent actually engaging in interaction, I might add. Or even looking at her, really.

    NO GAMEPLAY!! All there is is just dialogue, and occasionally walk around. Not like the previous seasons where the gameplay consisted of mostly...dialogue and occasionally walk around a bit.

    I can't tell if you're being sardonic here or not. :joy:

    Lets see...OH!! Disappointments include: * Clem not being the main character * Javi is taking her spotlight so screw him * the gra

  • NO GAMEPLAY!! All there is is just dialogue, and occasionally walk around. Not like the previous seasons where the gameplay consisted of mostly...dialogue and occasionally walk around a bit.

    Compare ANF gameplay with the ones from the previous seasons. They had a lot of exploring and hubs. In ANF Episode 3 we never have Javi explore an area expect the one where we have to open the garage of the factory which is pretty much QTE.

    Clem not being the main character

    This issue wouldn't have been a big deal if other issues were done right.

    Gabe has a crush on her. BAD TELLTALE!

    More like Clem kisses him if stayed with Jane, the boy she has only known for 3 days and cried the way she did to Lee and Kenny (If killed in S2), the ones she has known for more than 3 months.

    Lets see...OH!! Disappointments include: * Clem not being the main character * Javi is taking her spotlight so screw him * the gra

  • I can't tell if you're being sardonic here or not.

    Nope. Being serious.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Javi is taking her spotlight so screw him Boo hoo. the graphics look WAY worse than season 1. They look like N64 graphics.

  • More like Clem kisses him if stayed with Jane, the boy she has only known for 3 days and cried the way she did to Lee and Kenny (If killed in S2), the ones she has known for more than 3 months.

    I know right. She didn't kiss Lee or Kenny, but Gabe is so special that he gets a kiss!?

    AronDracula posted: »

    NO GAMEPLAY!! All there is is just dialogue, and occasionally walk around. Not like the previous seasons where the gameplay consisted of mos

  • And S2

    I agree. I want another dark game like S1.

  • edited September 2017

    Javier, both a disappointment and a reason to hate the Season as a whole. Have in mind that I wasn't opposed in the slightest to the idea of Javier as a character having even voted in some polls that I'd honestly rather 100% new character playability. He seemed interesting enough on that little clip at E3 - fresh blood, a blank slate - so bear in mind that my distaste for his inclusion has nothing to do with Clem being shoved away from the spotlight, but more with the character itself - which sucks completely.

    Let me start by the worst part of Javier's character - he's so, so, but so incredibly bland. A charismatic, funny, attractive, young guy, I have never seen such thing before in media! What a breath of fresh air! Javier's most distinguishable trait from your average Joe is... that he was a baseball player. That's literally it that separates this "character" from any other generic male protagonist. How unoriginal could Telltale have gotten. What is there of original with this character? How does he make the narrative more gripping/original/interesting in the slightest?

    Telltale, instead of giving the character itself, you know, character, and an interesting personality, decided to make the people surrounding him the only interesting part of the character itself. Javier's personality/backstory is irrelevant to the overall plot, adds nothing - his involvement with character's such as David, Mariana, Gabe and Kate however, are what make this guy relevant and "interesting" ( if you can call that interesting) in the slightest.

    This lack of any original traits could've been acceptable perhaps had the character been given some development throughout the Season, but that's what's perhaps most abhorrent and stupid about Javier's character: he doesn't change, like, at all. The Javier you see at the first sequence - a pre-apocalipse Javier at that - has the exact same personality as the post apocalipse Javier. You see nothing change after the "4 years later" prompt. It's beyond ridiculous how the fall of society - the goddamn apocalypse - hasn't changed this guy at all. And it gets worse, throughout the Season as he loses family member after family member, as he experiences monstrosity after monstrosity, you see absolutely no permanent change in this guy, by the final scene of ANF Javier could determinantly have lost three of the people most close to him, and guess what he is doing? Joking about, flirting (you know being his incredibly unoriginal and bland self), cutting Clem's hair and casually talking about baseball??? He wasn't hardened in the slightest by 4 years of living in what's literally hell, and he still isn't hardened or affected long term at all by the loss of literally half his remaining family. You explain this to me, because I can't rationalize it. Javier is kept bland, uninteresting and unoriginal throughout the whole Season.

    Finally, Javier as a prospect, an idea, was perfect. We had been two Seasons shaping Clementine, making her our own, Season 2 specifically hyped up that we were building "My Clementine". Javier would be the vessel necessary for us, as the player, to experience what we had built through the past Seasons. We'd see her flaws, virtues, beliefs, philosophies, traits we shaped her up to have though Javier's perspective - a potential friend/companion, or, even more interesting, a potential foe? All of it was throw out of the window when they made the girl as linear as they could. We saw, what, 5 determinant lines through the whole season? Less? It's so sad. There are so many combinations of choices for Clementine, all of which tell something different about who she is, but Telltale was just too lazy. A shame.

    Ultimately, Javier needed to be both interesting in himself and a way to add continuity to ANF by, through him, having the player experience "My Clementine" - they failed in both aspects. This character sucked and I hope to never see him again.

  • enter image description here

    More like Clem kisses him if stayed with Jane, the boy she has only known for 3 days and cried the way she did to Lee and Kenny (If killed i

  • [removed]

    Javier, both a disappointment and a reason to hate the Season as a whole. Have in mind that I wasn't opposed in the slightest to the idea of

  • I feel you pain. Clenny for life.

  • leave a like anyways pls ty xoxooxoxo

  • Added you to my Fuck-You list

    enter image description here

    I feel you pain. Clenny for life.

  • I'm honored

    AronDracula posted: »

    Added you to my Fuck-You list

  • Javier is one of the worst video game characters of all time.

    Javier, both a disappointment and a reason to hate the Season as a whole. Have in mind that I wasn't opposed in the slightest to the idea of

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