How many pets do you have?
Pretty simple, how many pets do you have and what are they? I have 5 cats, had 6 but sadly my little baby squiddy ran away recently.
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Pretty simple, how many pets do you have and what are they? I have 5 cats, had 6 but sadly my little baby squiddy ran away recently.
1 cat
1 White Crowned Parrot and 3 fish
Aww, s/he is beautiful
Well, currently I have like 400-500 pets... They are fishes of course. Fishes with their offsprings. I have 2 pairs of T-bar cichlids, some swordtails, mollys and black tetras. I had angelfishes onces but i selled them yesterday. The cichlids are the big ones on the right. Currently only one pair is swimming in the tank while the other swims in the quarantine tank. I don't have any recent photos because my phone is broken, but this is photo from 2016. The tank didn't change much only a few plants are gone because one species is currently illegal to have.

A border terrier named Riley.
No pets of my own here in California... but my parents have a dog over on the East coast. She's a Boston Terrier and her name's Izzy (when we got her, she was named Inkspot for that black spot on her head).
wow that's a lot of fish XD I had about 200 hundred or so when I was 11 cos we had a pond and nicked some carp when we went fishing. I'm guessing they don't all have names
What a cutie
She looks comfy
Love the little spot on her head
Most of them don't have names . All of them have lifespan of 4-6 years and they breed in light speed so I see no point in naming them. I'm lucky that I know a guy who runs a shop with pet stuff so I sell those fishes. I calculated that in recent year I selled about 1200 or more fishes. I'm gonna sell most of those fishes and I will have only those cichlids. And those actually have names but I'm not gonna write them because they are soo stuoid.
She loves snuggling in blankets
That's a cool way to make some money, can't do that with the cats cos I'd end up keeping all the kittens lol and 5 cats is enough XD
My yannykins is the same
he loves snuggling under the blanket with me when I go to sleep.
Just one, Mantequilla. No idea what breed, friend got her when she was a few weeks old. They knew I had been trying to adopt a kitten for a while, and since he was about to deploy and him and the wife were looking to move before then they decided to let me adopt her and wait until they were settled to get their own. Turned 5 last month, still occasionally likes to practice her hunting skills on my ankles if she doesn't see me spot her lol
Thank you
Her name is Quincy, I've had her for about five years now and she is a real sweetheart. My parents are parrot lovers so I was around several different kinds of parrots growing up, which made me appreciate the ones like Quincy that don't scream or sing off the top of their lungs 
Nine cats. Manchita, Delfina, Evo, Musha, Luna, Leo, Shiva, Fidel and Frida.
My home is hell. Manchita is an asshole but he stays out of the fights. Same with Delfina. I think Delfina is my guardian angel though. Evo and Musha are her children and they're the cutest shit ever, Even at fat 4 years old adults. Luna is the true bitch. She bullies almost all the cats younger than her (her brother, Leo, that spends more ime outside tha inside. we ever see him anymore other than to eat. he's scared of his big sis), she used to bully Shiva, when she first arrived home (we found her in a junkyard in the middle of the snow at 5 months old we couldn't let her die ow she's very frikin fat), but lost interest whe we adopted Fidel. Actually, Shiva adopted him. She was outside walking ad when she came back she carried a 2 weeks old kitty with her. I'm pretty sure she never got pregnant. He was Luna's victim for a while but she forgot him when Shiva started to defend him. Now, at almost a year old, he still cuddles with his mama and sucks her tities for milk (she doesn't even have milk. he searches her tities in her neck for fuck's sake). About five or six months ago, Frida came. Frida wa about to get eate y a dog whe we found her ad my dad saved her. She was like 6 months old. She's very small though. Ad with Fidel in her hads, Shiva did't wat to adopt anyone else so Frida because Luna's target. Like, she really tries to kill Frida. And Frida is so nice and sweet with all the other cats. When Musha got hurt and could barely walk for weeks, Frida brought her food. Luna is still trying to kill her. She's been trying to kill several other cats by now. I think it's time to get rid of a cat.
A dog. His name is Buddy and is a 16 year-old Border Collie-Chow mix. When we first got him, he was an abandoned puppy who was brought in from the severe tropical storms that were in Florida at the time. Ever since then he has been afraid of thunder, but since he has lost most of his hearing in his age he no longer hears the thunder and runs under the bed. He can be a pain in the ass sometimes (Ex. stands in the middle of a doorway so you have to walk around him, drools on the floor on occasion, and often motions for us to bring him outside and then stands by the door until we give up and shut it), but he is generally a sweet dog and appreciates affection. Earlier this week we took him to the vet because he started having seizures, wasn't eating much, and was having breathing problems. We discovered that he had cancer... To not prolong his suffering, we're going to have him put down this monday.
We're going to miss you, Buddy. I'm sorry for all the times we left you outside, the storms that you went through alone as a puppy, and for not giving you more chicken when you begged for it. The hole you will leave in our family will be hard to forget.
From 2010
I have 3 pets. I got all these pics of them doing thier daily routines
I have a cat named Jerry (I named him after the mouse in Tom and Jerry just because)
I have a dog named Drake
And a guinea pig named Darwin (and I for some reason call him Da for short)
I’ve had other pets in the past like another cat and a couple of fish but they passed a long time ago.
Strangely enough, I don't have any animals, but I work at a vet haha.
I have a Dachsund-Ausralian Cattle Dog mix named, Lucy. She's a stubborn little bitch, but I love her to death.
I love the second picture! XD
"Hey Drake, stop hogging the Switch!"
Aww, that's really sad.

Buddy is a beautiful dog. I'm glad you got to know him.
I'm sorry to hear that mate
I know it can be really hard to lose a pet.
I don't have any pets at the moment... I'd like to though...
We used to have cats, but they got too old and sick...
There were two sisters; one was more laid-back and cuddly, the other was very shy and would hide if we had someone over at our house, but she was very friendly and loving towards us.
They would sleep on the end of our beds at night.
I remember being half-asleep and feeling a lump on the end of my bed and be like "What is this lump, why can't I move my leg?!" and end up accidentally pushing the cat off the bed and feeling super bad for it.
Despite that happening multiple times, they still would come back to sleep on our beds.
I miss them though... Even now when I hear something I'll think "Oh, that's just the cat-- waitaminute....".
It's nice seeing the other pets here though, this was a nice thread. ^_^
Yeah XD. I just went in my room and was was just resting with it.
One dog we named Jax who’s half-shih tzu And half havanese:
And a rabbit We named Bugs but I don’t have a picture of him lol heart broke.
5 German Shepherds called Diesel, Petrol, Turbo, Mini and Jax
1 german shepherd.
3 cats and they're all assholes
XD I'll have em lol
0, don’t have any. I had a fish that lived for a surprising 6 years, and had 3 hamsters but my parents sold them.
2 dogs and a tortoise
We have two dogs a maltese/ Jack Russell named Cotton and a shih Tzu named Nickie
I'm taking my bird to the vet in a few days for a checkup and claw trim. She's been doing well overall.
Here's some pics of her

She made a mess
How do you put pics on here? I love your bird what kind is he/she?
Right click on an image you want to post and click "copy image URL". Click the icon with the mountains and sun and paste the url in the bar. If you want to post pictures on your drive you'll have to post them on an external site first so you can copy the image address.
And thank you I love my bird as well
She's a white crowned pionus. They're relatively quiet birds and make great pets as long as their beak doesn't scare you. I've had her for about five years now. She's very affectionate and loves the outdoors. She can also be pretty feisty and stubborn when she doesn't want to do something. 
I have pics of my dogs I would love to share and they are saved on my computer
I have fish. The four most beautiful fish in the whole... House.
Gonna try and post some pictures soon...
So they're just normal cats, then?