How do you feel?

Three seasons and this one is going to be the last. I don't know about you but I feel sad just thinking about it. Thinking back on the journey and seeing how all my decisions have led to this point. It's been real guys.



  • I don't feel anything right now. Except possible future schadenfreude.

  • rn im low key hella upset about the first death in dr v3

  • I'm happy. It's been a great journey, with some bumps along the way...Season 4 is shaping up to be what season 3 should've been. And I'm looking forward to Telltale moving onto bigger and better things.


  • ...Season 4 is shaping up to be what season 3 should've been.

    And you presume that because...?

    I'm happy. It's been a great journey, with some bumps along the way...Season 4 is shaping up to be what season 3 should've been. And I'm looking forward to Telltale moving onto bigger and better things. letushopetheydon'tkillclementine

  • edited October 2017

    We get to play as Clementine. The story is focused on Clementine finding AJ, you know the story they started in season 3, but never finished. Bringing back people from earlier seasons. Whether it's writers, or characters. I'll be happy with both.

    DabigRG posted: »

    ...Season 4 is shaping up to be what season 3 should've been. And you presume that because...?

  • K.

    We get to play as Clementine. The story is focused on Clementine finding AJ, you know the story they started in season 3, but never finished. Bringing back people from earlier seasons. Whether it's writers, or characters. I'll be happy with both.

  • you and me both.

    Arisis posted: »

    rn im low key hella upset about the first death in dr v3

  • I feel happy for playing evil within 2 so.
    But for real I'm glad this series is ending because it completely lost its touch after season 2 episode 2.

  • I'm honestly finding it hard to get hyped. ANF was a black mark against this companies credibility and relationship with consumers, I would have preferred Clementine's story to have ended after s2 at this point.

  • Yeah I will probably replay season 1 and 2 before the last one is released. I think I will skip playing anf though.

  • edited October 2017

    I feel empty for now. I don't know why, that's weird, but it doesn't matter. I hope S4 will fill this emptiness.

  • How do I feel? Even if Clem lives....think about the world she lives in. As Ramsey Bolton told Theon Greyjoy..."If you think this has a happy ending, you have not been paying attention."

    She will face days and nights with an empty stomach. She is just a mistake away from death.

    I hope she lives....I know I will try like hell to keep her alive. But yeah...I guess there is a bit of apprehension...after all these writers are a bit sadistic at times ;)

  • I hope they pull out all the stops and make this the best season they possibly can.

    The first two episodes of Batman season 2 are showing that Telltale can still write great stories, so I have a little more faith that they can pull The Walking Dead back after a mediocre third season.

  • Honestly, I feel relieved that they are calling it quits instead of drawing things out.

  • Same.

    Honestly, I feel relieved that they are calling it quits instead of drawing things out.

  • A mix between upset and nostalgic.

  • Im upset that there ending clems story but all good things must come to an end. And atleast there not milking it dry

  • ~ Cue scene of someone literally milking Clementine in TFS

    "Who's READY for some MAAAR-ma-LAAAAADE?!"

    Arisis posted: »

    Im upset that there ending clems story but all good things must come to an end. And atleast there not milking it dry

  • After ANF? Not really hyped, actually. It was a mistake to kill Jane and Kenny last season (and both of them in such an insulting way) and I couldn't care less about what happens to AJ. Ending Clem's story and focusing on something else is the best they could do.


    Shit. Now I'll never get that out of my head

    DabigRG posted: »

    ~ Cue scene of someone literally milking Clementine in TFS "Who's READY for some MAAAR-ma-LAAAAADE?!"

  • enter image description here

    WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Shit. Now I'll never get that out of my head

  • I'm disappointed that S4 will be the last season. I feel like there's more story that they could do; Instead of everyone dying by the end of the season

  • Yo dabig. You should check out Game of Thrones season 1, the show. And watch that repeatedly, I think you'll be content lol

    DabigRG posted: »


  • Ok, I guess? It's great their finally going back to Clems story, apparently. Less so that Job described season 4 as Clem will be playable in every episode. She was playable in 4 episodes of ANF. And they handled it in the shittiest 4 minute sections imaginable. Maybe it'll be good, maybe not, but I wasted 10 dollars on the first two episodes as soon as the game came out because I loved the first two seasons. I'll wait a bit this time after the shitfest that was ANF.

  • I believe Telltale is stepping up. For example the games after anf were pretty good. The last season is a big deal so I feel like Telltale will try harder than ever.

  • I don't think I'll ever be over that.

    Arisis posted: »

    rn im low key hella upset about the first death in dr v3

  • Well, they're bringing back people who had decent says in the earlier episodes of the series, as well as at least one character (hopefully not Kenny/Jane), so I have hope, however small. I'm still iffy, though. This series is ending because it wasn't given as much respect as its other games, and I'm not talking about the consumers here.

  • But.... even if thats the reality, isnt being alive still better? if youre alive you have the possibility of hope, happiness, if youre dead youre just... y'know, dead

    How do I feel? Even if Clem lives....think about the world she lives in. As Ramsey Bolton told Theon Greyjoy..."If you think this has a ha

  • Man, I don't know, confused ?
    What the hell ANF barely ended and they are already releasing another season ? Not even 1 year between seasons ? I got really low expectations for this final season.

  • Considering how long it's been taking for shows to produce second seasons or even finish a single season before going on unnecessary hiatuses, I welcome that TWD is (probably) going to start ending in less than a year after its previous season(?).

    Man, I don't know, confused ? What the hell ANF barely ended and they are already releasing another season ? Not even 1 year between seasons ? I got really low expectations for this final season.

  • "how all my decisions have led to this point"

    That's the problem though, I felt that was the case until season 3, then it felt everything forced you in one direction, even though I disliked David from start to finish but I sided with him and chose every positive interaction etc and he was still a deplorable person. Eleanor makes no sense at all, she betrays you to the person who destroyed Prescott and was directly responsible for her friends deaths then gets mad at you even if you try to save Tripp. You're pushed towards Kate all the time even if you act negatively.

    So where exactly is the choice?

  • Eleanor makes no sense at all, she betrays you to the person who destroyed Prescott and was directly responsible for her friends deaths then gets mad at you even if you try to save Tripp.

    Actually, no she didn't. Tripp and Ava were captured without her knowledge and she can be seen reacting as such when Joan has them brought out.

    You're pushed towards Kate all the time even if you act negatively.

    Eh, more like everyone acts like you two were a thing even when that's not blatantly not the case. David just somehow managed to be the most egregiously stupid about it.

    demon3x posted: »

    "how all my decisions have led to this point" That's the problem though, I felt that was the case until season 3, then it felt everything

  • This from some gamefaq and explains it better than I ever could:

    "She's angry at you for trying to escape Richmond/rescue David/expose Joan?

    Kate's a moron, I'll give you that, but that's hindsight bias.

    Eleanor claims she didn't want to leave Richmond, that's fine, if she wanted to stay, she could have stayed, but what exactly does that have to do with telling Joan your plans to expose her for the murders and raids she's been ordering, wanting to rescue David and escaping Richmond?

    Those things aren't related.

    She's a doctor, The New Frontier would have let Eleanor stay regardless of what the rest of the group did (heck, they probably wouldn't let her leave even if she wanted to). Her skills are simply too valuable.

    Triaging a bad situation? What the heck is she talking about? Richmond wouldn't have collapsed because someone else other than Joan was in charge and wasn't ordering murders left and right for supplies. And their doctor wasn't "barely functioning" as she claims, Lingard was depressed and high all the time but he was healthy and his medical skills still intact.

    Even if Joan wasn't crazy and didn't want to frame and execute everyone in her way as a show of power, you would have been exiled from Richmond, so it would have been the same thing as escaping together anyway. And if you exposed Joan, that also would just mean staying in Richmond would be safer.

    The only benefit to Eleanor telling Joan your plans was to score brownie points with the leadership even after knowing Joan was a ruthless leader who lies to her followers and murders innocents for self benefit, the same leader who ordered the raid on Prescott that got everyone she knew killed in the first place."

    DabigRG posted: »

    Eleanor makes no sense at all, she betrays you to the person who destroyed Prescott and was directly responsible for her friends deaths then

  • Hey guys, I'm here from the future. Sadly I have something to tell you...

    They all died.

  • I can't wait for the ultimate blue-balling.

  • edited October 2017

    LOL! I respect your optimisim but for Telltale is just digging themselves deeper into the ground. But hey i hope they could go back to their pre 2013 ways but i doubt this

    I'm happy. It's been a great journey, with some bumps along the way...Season 4 is shaping up to be what season 3 should've been. And I'm looking forward to Telltale moving onto bigger and better things. letushopetheydon'tkillclementine

  • That’s just what i said

    I'm honestly finding it hard to get hyped. ANF was a black mark against this companies credibility and relationship with consumers, I would have preferred Clementine's story to have ended after s2 at this point.

  • It could've been an amazing series. Every season improving on faults, improving gameplay, etc. this series could've evolved like the comics did. But no, we have this. I have no interest for the final season, I don't care about AJ I barely know the kid. This was the first time I was glad I got spoiled because it meant I didn't end up playing anf. Why the f**k did this happen man.

    Tldr: every time I think of this series I feel sad and defeated in the worst way.

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