Well, Soren. I was turned to look like Male Jesse because the Admin had to make more nightmares at the prison and wanted me to take his spot. And now he wont turn me back.
(Soren respawned and bring another commandblock from his secret room) in lava "/respawn set" and then /kill @)
and all started respawning and die in lava. And then Soren did "/gamemode 1" and he escaped the lava! Soren: Lol!
Admin was deleted from minecraft by Microsoft. and Microsoft returned commandblocks to minecraft and returned Soren to gamemode 1 and gave him a lot of commandblocks!
-The admin already got rid of microsoft and it in control of the world,- NEXT TIME ON MINECRAFT STORY MODE...
Life can start with disasters. But it can also sometimes turn to even more chaos.
Our foe, Our enemy, The admin. Is controling the world.
So we need to unite the greatest heroes, The heroes who are heroes for the Right Reason...
Before it is too late.
-The admin already got rid of microsoft and it in control of the world,-
Life can start with disaster… mores. But it can also sometimes turn to even more chaos.
Our foe, Our enemy, The admin. Is controling the world.
So we need to unite the greatest heroes, The heroes who are heroes for the Right Reason...
Before it is too late.
-The admin already got rid of microsoft and it in control of the world,-
Life can start with disaster… mores. But it can also sometimes turn to even more chaos.
Our foe, Our enemy, The admin. Is controling the world.
So we need to unite the greatest heroes, The heroes who are heroes for the Right Reason...
Before it is too late.
-and now-
-Respawns in Jesse's tree house- "Is this Jesse's tree house?"
-Walks around- "Does he/she still live in this? It doesn't look dirty so i suppose so."
-Opens chest and grabs free wooden sword- "Not bad. Jesse has a Diamond sword, Jesse wont mind."
-Practices the sword on the armor stand-
-Stops practicing and looks around-
-See's Reuben Banner- Poor pig. Wish i knew him before he died.
-Looks out window- Such a nice view.
-Climbs down ladder-
"Oh, Well, I Um-Um. I come from far away to tell Jesse and the rest of the order some terrible news. You all might of noticed already, but the world is in the palm hands of the Admin."
Jesse(pulls out her enchanted sword and attack Soren from behind): "I had enough of Soren for one day, no need to thank me".
(Soren respawned and bring another command block) "/kill Jesse" Soren:LOL!
-nabs the command block, Respawns jesse, and throws it in lava-
Well, Soren. I was turned to look like Male Jesse because the Admin had to make more nightmares at the prison and wanted me to take his spot. And now he wont turn me back.
(Soren respawned and bring another commandblock from his secret room) in lava "/respawn set" and then /kill @)
and all started respawning and die in lava. And then Soren did "/gamemode 1" and he escaped the lava! Soren: Lol!
The Admin: Time to delete all the command blocks -deletes them and turns soren's gamemode to 0.-
Admin was deleted from minecraft by Microsoft. and Microsoft returned commandblocks to minecraft and returned Soren to gamemode 1 and gave him a lot of commandblocks!
-The admin already got rid of microsoft and it in control of the world,-
Life can start with disasters. But it can also sometimes turn to even more chaos.
Our foe, Our enemy, The admin. Is controling the world.
So we need to unite the greatest heroes, The heroes who are heroes for the Right Reason...
Before it is too late.
"So we need to unite the greatest heroes, The heroes who are heroes for the Right Reason..."
Like me!
And me!
Jesse:"I am the hero of the situation".
-and now-
-Respawns in Jesse's tree house- "Is this Jesse's tree house?"
-Walks around- "Does he/she still live in this? It doesn't look dirty so i suppose so."
-Opens chest and grabs free wooden sword- "Not bad. Jesse has a Diamond sword, Jesse wont mind."
-Practices the sword on the armor stand-
-Stops practicing and looks around-
-See's Reuben Banner- Poor pig. Wish i knew him before he died.
-Looks out window- Such a nice view.
-Climbs down ladder-
-Its night time- "Oh Dear."
-Grabs Torch on Jesse's tree house-
"Where is Beacon town at?"
-Walks forward with Torch in left hand, Sword in other-
-Hears bushes move- "Huh? Whoes there?"
-Readies sword just in case for a battle-
Jesse(walks out the bushes):"well well well, look who decided to show himself".
"Huh?" -Puts away sword- "Why are you out here out of all places? I thought you was the Hero in Resi-Whatever."
Jesse:"First it's my tree house I can come back whenever I want, Secondly, the question is who are YOU? and what are YOU doing here?".
"Oh, Well, I Um-Um. I come from far away to tell Jesse and the rest of the order some terrible news. You all might of noticed already, but the world is in the palm hands of the Admin."
Jesse:"Thank you for the info, but we already know, you better clear off, we have enough to deal with".
"Is there a way i could be in assistance?"
-Jesse see's the sword on my back and me holding the torch-
Because I have infinity powers mwahaha! I just killed Bill Gates!
Then Lukas comes out from behind a tree ridding a horse
“ Jesse who is this! ”
Jesse:"I dunno, he said that he came from a place far away to warn us from the admin".
-Creepers, Zombies, SKeletions, And spiders come out from the trees-
Jesse:"Okay noob, I saw you practicing with the sword, I can tell that you have a knowledge, you can stay".
“ do you think we can trust him? ”
Looks like we have a job to deal with -Pulls out sword-
Yeah that's cool, But we gotta fight or run!
-Ducks under arrow and shoves sword in skeletion- Too slow!
Jesse(pulls out her enchanted sword, and goes to action).
The Order, You mean?

-Blocks another arrow and it slams into a zombies foot-
Zombie looses 5 heart pieces
Jesse:"Yeah, nevermind".
Plus, These are just normal mobs. Easy!
-Goes into a mcsm style battle-
Sorry but I didn't read the comment where you talked about creepers...I thought that you meant the admin.
-Stabs a zombie but then it breaks-
Oh no! -Kicks a Spider away- I cant fight that well now!