The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • LMAO, it does.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    This looks like a generic Wattpad story cover.

  • No offense intended here, but why the heck are there two novels starring what I've been told is a slightly notable minor character in a story arc that's been over for quite some time?

    enzeruanimefan said: It gets worse. Have you seen the cover to the Return to Woodbury novel? (Nobody can convince me that the retcon hasn

  • edited October 2017

    Actually, iirc there are at least/about 8 novels starring her, with the only ones not revolving around her being the first and third. Besides the newest one and the first 3, they don't cover/retread the governor/Woodbury arc in any way afaik.

    DabigRG posted: »

    No offense intended here, but why the heck are there two novels starring what I've been told is a slightly notable minor character in a story arc that's been over for quite some time?

  • Don't ask, but at first glance I thought Kenny was holding a camera... 0,_,0

    DabigRG posted: »

    It's called a Companion Cube. Don't lick it. Credit to @Havocbeast

  • Literal template use is best use.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Mild spoiler from the latest episode of the TV show.

  • Rark Grames

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Mild spoiler from the latest episode of the TV show. (Spoiler)

  • When you're TWDG af but the fandom is dead af.

  • We're just imitating the characters.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    When you're TWDG af but the fandom is dead af.

  • Rebecca and Ben were spot on.
    Lol Kenny and Alvin

  • edited October 2017

    Honestly, from what I've seen, the novel stuff sounds pointless and stupid and just to cash in without having to draw any more pictures. (Who does novels based on comics? It's just silly. Do a Lilly Mini-series or something) But I digress.

    Aside from shitting all over the video game for no discernible reason (could have easily worked in her backstory) and then mocking it by having Lilly look like the game character on the cover and mentioning Lee Everett's name in the book, what was the point of stupid stuff like "The Governor was using his brother's name all along, and it was his zombie niece in the comic, not his daughter!" Wow, what a shocking swerve, Kirkman. Took all you all night to think up that one, huh? Too bad you never actually bothered to explain why the Governor actually turned into such a crazy pedophiliac fuck. Which you know, would be the whole POINT of a book like this. And did it really matter if Lilly survived or not? She must have had like 3 lines of dialogue in the comic.

    Okay, rant over. I feel better now.

  • Honestly, from what I've seen, the novel stuff sounds pointless and stupid and just to cash in without having to draw any more pictures. (Who does novels based on comics? It's just silly. Do a Lilly Mini-series or something) And did it really matter if Lilly survived or not? She must have had like 3 lines of dialogue in the comic.

    That's my thought as well. And I don't even read the comics.

    mentioning Lee Everett's name in the book,

    Wasn't he Lilly's dad in the book or something like that?

    "The Governor was using his brother's name all along, and it was his zombie niece in the comic, not his daughter!"

    Oh, so THAT's where that particular shit came from!

    Louche posted: »

    Honestly, from what I've seen, the novel stuff sounds pointless and stupid and just to cash in without having to draw any more pictures. (Wh

  • Wasn't he Lilly's dad in the book or something like that?

    Nope. Comic!Lilly's father's first name is Everett. Also, Lee being her father makes ZERO sense.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Honestly, from what I've seen, the novel stuff sounds pointless and stupid and just to cash in without having to draw any more pictures. (Wh

  • That's what I thought. Thanks!

    What the hell was up with that writer's thought process there?

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Wasn't he Lilly's dad in the book or something like that? Nope. Comic!Lilly's father's first name is Everett. Also, Lee being her father makes ZERO sense.

  • Steamed that the game is way better than the comic, that's what I think. Jealous and salty as fuck. "Nooo your Lilly backstory isn't good enough even though I signed off on the game!"

    Oh, so THAT's where that particular shit came from!

    What shit is that? I don't think it applies to the TV show version of the Governor, though they could have retconned that too. I like the name Phillip better, too.

    DabigRG posted: »

    That's what I thought. Thanks! What the hell was up with that writer's thought process there?

  • Someone told me about the whole "he's actually using his envied brother's name" thing. This was quite some time after reading that he kept his toothless niece's walker around to fuck around with, mind you.

    Louche posted: »

    Steamed that the game is way better than the comic, that's what I think. Jealous and salty as fuck. "Nooo your Lilly backstory isn't good en

  • edited October 2017

    Kenny x Larry confirmed.
    Credit to @elricily

  • enter image description here

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Kenny x Larry confirmed. Credit to @elricily

  • edited October 2017

    Yeah. And as far as I know, it was never even explained why he become a necrophiliac pedophile.
    Just "the world is crazy now." 10/10 writing, Kirkman.
    The governor is one of the things the show did better. He was not a 1-dimensional mustache twirling villain that eats babies and kicks dogs.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Someone told me about the whole "he's actually using his envied brother's name" thing. This was quite some time after reading that he kept his toothless niece's walker around to fuck around with, mind you.

  • I thought the implication with the book would've been that it was partially to get back at his brother?

    But yes, the comic sounds incredibly shitty the more people told or showed me about it.

    Louche posted: »

    Yeah. And as far as I know, it was never even explained why he become a necrophiliac pedophile. Just "the world is crazy now." 10/10 writin

  • Could be, but I haven't dared to read it. I probably wouldn't read a free PDF of it. Maybe I'd skim it.
    But yeah, "Get back at him by vomiting when I try to kiss his zombie daughter. That'll show him"

    DabigRG posted: »

    I thought the implication with the book would've been that it was partially to get back at his brother? But yes, the comic sounds incredibly shitty the more people told or showed me about it.

  • edited January 2018

    :joy: . . .

  • edited October 2017

    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    Credit to @Two_Faces and @Poogers555

  • Is she? I can't see past that blurry foggy filter the stupid game has.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Credit to @Two_Faces and @Poogers555

  • edited October 2017

    Sort of, but not really. Those two came up with separate jokes(with the latter referring to Fern(?)) and I just combined them.

    Louche posted: »

    Is she? I can't see past that blurry foggy filter the stupid game has.

  • Tag yourself! I am Javi, except I am a girl... :smiley:

  • I don’t get the Javier one

  • I think I’m Luke and a bit of Javi too.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Tag yourself! I am Javi, except I am a girl...

  • Lil gay
    pls don't touch me


    gets drunk easily


    looks terrified all the time

    Does he?

    Dad friend


    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Tag yourself! I am Javi, except I am a girl...

  • Dirt girl
    - antisocial
    - pls dont touch me
    - hates kids
    - loves her sister
    - gets drunk easily
    - "i ate glass

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Tag yourself! I am Javi, except I am a girl...

  • You seem very mesmerized. :joy:

    DabigRG posted: »

    . . . .

  • If by mesmerized, you mean squicked the fuck out, then yes.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    You seem very mesmerized.

  • 'Tis the sp00kiest day of all!

  • edited October 2017
    • "i ate glass

    Oh dear lord, I completely forgot about that. That's it: I'm making Jane eating glass a meme.

    Dirt girl - antisocial - pls dont touch me - hates kids - loves her sister - gets drunk easily - "i ate glass

  • Baby Got Back! ;) :joy:

    DabigRG posted: »

    How the hell did I forget about this? Credit to @Fangirl101

  • Fire up 7 Days To Die
    Use Molly skin so I can be an edgy loner girl with a dead younger sister
    Find some grain alcohol
    Drink it and get an empty bottle
    Scrap the bottle to get broken glass
    Eat the broken glass
    Bleed to death

    The authentic Jane experience

  • Buff ; Internal Bleeding

    Two terms that go hand in hand. :lol:

    Joe_Momma posted: »

    Fire up 7 Days To Die Use Molly skin so I can be an edgy loner girl with a dead younger sister Find some grain alcohol Drink it and get a

  • First time posting on here. Love Sarah. Loathe Jane.

  • edited November 2017

    Also, as arguably OOC as two of those may be, they are oddly cathartic despite how late they are.

    First time posting on here. Love Sarah. Loathe Jane.

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