And Verro will go with Nesila and Zaltha. So begins a new adventure towards Stormlands, in search for Nesila's brother. I would've been fine with either choice here, but I am kinda glad this one won, it should make for quite an interesting storyline. And as for the conclusion to the Lemonwood plotline of Book 1, we will be seeing that from another perspective
Next up will be Valor PoV. However, there is a uni assignment I need to do this weekend that I have to prioritize over the story. That said, it's not that much work, so I'm pretty sure I'll get the Valor part done as well before the weekend is over. In his latest part, Valor led the Fallen Dragons' assault on Salt Shore. They took over the weakly defended city in the night, and before sunrise the castle yielded to them. Even then Gabby Gargalen showed a very stubborn attitude towards Valor, and Olyvar suggested they'd throw her to the dungeons and instead negotiate with the younger sisters. However, Valor decided to give Gabby one more chance to be cooperative.
Voting is closed!
And Verro will go with Nesila and Zaltha. So begins a new adventure towards Stormlands, in search for Nesila's brother.… more I would've been fine with either choice here, but I am kinda glad this one won, it should make for quite an interesting storyline. And as for the conclusion to the Lemonwood plotline of Book 1, we will be seeing that from another perspective
Next up will be Valor PoV. However, there is a uni assignment I need to do this weekend that I have to prioritize over the story. That said, it's not that much work, so I'm pretty sure I'll get the Valor part done as well before the weekend is over. In his latest part, Valor led the Fallen Dragons' assault on Salt Shore. They took over the weakly defended city in the night, and before sunrise the castle yielded to them. Even then Gabby Gargalen showed a very stubborn attitude towards Valor, and Olyvar suggested they'd throw her to the dungeons and instead negotia… [view original content]
The council chamber of Salt Shore was comfortable and finely decorated, with white marble pillars against the sandstone walls, large windows with intricately detailed iron grills, around them tall curtains made of red silk. At the head of the long wooden table sat Valor Veltaris, commander of the Fallen Dragons, around him Olyvar Forrester, Firanisa, Maran and Haronos. On the other end of the table were the three daughters of Lord Jorvian Gargalen – Gabby Gargalen, Bridget Gargalen and Eli Sand.
"So, your father marched to war with the Dryland king, right?" Valor asked calmly, which made Gabby frown. "Yes," the obese lady hissed angrily. "But he will come back, and reclaim this city."
"We have a saying in Valyria, 'what you cannot protect, you do not deserve'," Valor replied emotionlessly, seeing Gabby's expression turn even more infuriated. "Now, I don't always agree with that saying, but what kind of a lord leaves his city without proper defenses?" He asked sharply.
"No one expected Nymeria to attack from the sea," Eli Sand protested, and Valor gave her a small nod. "Aye, and yet she did," he said with a subtle smirk. "Looks like your father and the Dryland king underestimated her."
"Get to the point, silver hair," Gabby barked in frustration. "Or did you bring us here just to sneer at us?"
"Apologies, I did not mean to insult," Valor said calmly. "And yes, there is an actual reason why I wanted to discuss with you. I have questions, several of them. Let's start with something easy. As I understand, your father marched towards the city of Vaith with King Dryland. Is that correct?"
"Yes," Gabby answered sternly, and Valor nodded. "City of Vaith is ruled by House Vaith... are they aligned with King Dryland?" He asked.
"They are," Gabby answered shortly, but then her younger sister Bridget spoke up. "The history between Drylands and Vaiths is one full of conflicts, and the Lords of Vaith have never been truly loyal to the Kingdom of Brimstone," she explained softly. "Just like Gargalens and Allyrions."
"I was going to ask about House Allyrion next," Valor said, his gaze turned to Bridget now. She was a beautiful young woman, with innocent blue eyes and delicate facial features. Her bright red dress complimented her svelte body, and her tanned skin was soft and pure. "Does Godsgrace bow to King Dryland as well?"
"No," Bridget answered quickly. "Throughout their history the Allyrions have been under the rule of half a dozen kingdoms, but for the last couple of centuries they have been independent. What comes to the current lord, Morgan Allyrion, he is a selfish and cowardly man who stole the lordship of Godsgrace from his nephew."
"Thank you for the information, mylady," Valor said with a genuinely grateful tone, flashing a charming smile to Bridget, who nodded shyly. "So, Vaith is likely to fall in the hands of the Drylands, while the loyalties of Godsgrace remain uncertain," he pondered, turning to the Rhoynar captain now. "Captain Firanisa, what should we expect from your princess?"
"Godsgrace is close to Sandship, Nymeria will want to secure it first," Firanisa answered with a formal tone. "In fact, I would be surprised if she hasn't made her move by now."
"So, we could perhaps meet her at Godsgrace," Valor said quietly. "First we should send a raven to Sandship though, and inform the princess of our success here. Olyvar, could you find me the maester of this castle?"
"Aye, shouldn't be too hard," the Northerner answered with a relaxed tone, saluting Valor before he left the room. Now Valor turned his eyes to Gabby again. "I have a few more questions for you," he said, and each of the sisters shifted their attention to him again. "Your father, would you say he is loyal to the Drylands?"
"He is loyal to Dornish," Gabby spat immediately. "Lucifer may not be the perfect king, but at least he is one of us, and not some foreign invader." Valor nodded quietly, and turned his eyes to Bridget, giving her an inquiring look. After a moment of hesitation, the younger sister spoke up. "Jorvian recognizes Lucifer's power, and does not wish to make him an enemy," she said, which made Gabby frown. "Lucifer Dryland has ties with the Daynes of Torrentine, the Ullers are loyal to him, and he has a strong sellsword company called the Wild Suns working for him," Bridget continued, ignoring her sister's glare. Valor had heard of the Wild Suns before, even if he had never faced them in battle nor marched beside them. However, being a company of the similar size as the Fallen Dragons, the Wild Suns often worked for similar employers.
"I understand, your father feels it's necessary to side with King Lucifer," Valor observed quietly. "However, as I said before, he may be underestimating the power of Princess Nymeria. Tell me, do you think he would be willing to kneel before Nymeria if Lucifer was defeated?"
"That foreign bitch will never defeat King Lucifer," Gabby protested with a mocking tone. "And even if she does, father will never kneel to her."
"Do you agree with her, Bridget?" Valor calmly asked the younger sister, who glanced nervously at Gabby before answering. "I... I cannot tell what exactly would he do if Lucifer was defeated. However, I do know that he cares for us, his children, and Lady Delena, his wife. I believe he would do whatever was best for his family."
"So, he might be willing to kneel after all," Valor deduced dryly, giving Gabby Gargalen a sharp glare. "Thank you, ladies, I believe this is enough for now. Firanisa and Haronos will escort you to your quarters. Guards will be placed at your doors, but do not worry, you will be taken good care of."
Gabby and Eli quickly got up, and walked out of the room, Haronos going with them, while Bridget lingered on a bit longer. "I am sorry for Gabby," she said to Valor, a sincere tone on her voice. "She just wants to be a good daughter to Jorvian, I'm sure you can understand."
"I understand," Valor replied with a gentle tone. "And I'm grateful for your cooperation. Hopefully this will turn out well for all of us in the end." Bridget nodded to Valor's words, and followed after her sisters, Firanisa tailing her.
As the door closed, Valor turned his eyes to Maran, who had been sitting quietly next to him throughout the conversation. "So, what do you think of Dorne so far, boy?" He asked with a friendly smirk, which the young Rhoynar boy shyly reciprocated. "It seems like an interesting land," he said calmly, and then his smile faded. "And one filled with conflict," he added with a less joyful tone.
"Indeed, and that is the reason why we are here," Valor said, taking in a deep breath. "However, perhaps we can help the princess build something stable here," he added with a hopeful tone, and Maran nodded. For a moment they were both quiet, until Valor spoke up again. "If you wish to stay here with your people once the war is over, know that I fully understand."
Maran nodded, but kept his gaze down, clearly uncomfortable. Valor stood up from his seat and patted the boy gently on the shoulder. "But let us not worry about that now," he said with a more cheerful tone, and Maran turned to look at him again. "There is still much work to do to ensure Nymeria's victory." Right after Valor said that, the door of the council chamber was opened again, and in walked Olyvar, and with him a bald man with bushy greying beard and simple black robes. Around the old man's neck was the collar of links made of different metals, indicating he was the maester. In his hands were an empty piece of parchment, ink and quill.
"Commander Valor Veltaris, I welcome you to Salt Shore," the man said with a bow, and sat down, laying the parchment on the table. "I am Tristifer, the maester of this castle," he introduced himself, and Valor sat down opposed to him.
"Good, I need to send a message to Sandship," he said, and the maester nodded. "Yes, so your friend told me," he said with some impatience in his words. "I will write and send your message, just tell me what you want me to write."
Valor stayed quiet for a moment, considering his words. "To Princess Nymeria," he begun calmly, and the maester started writing. "The Fallen Dragons have taken over the city of Salt Shore. Lord Jorvian has marched away with most of his troops, accompanying King Lucifer Dryland to Vaith, but his family is here. The Fallen Dragons are positioned in Salt Shore, and in your command. We will wait for further instructions from you. Best regards, Valor Veltaris."
"That all?" The maester asked dryly, and Valor nodded. "Aye," he said sternly. "Olyvar, escort the maester back to his quarters and make sure he sends the raven." Maester Tristifer gave Valor an irritated glare, appartently offended by his distrust, but Valor ignored it. As Olyvar and Tristifer left the room, Valor stood up once again. "Come on, Maran, let's go," he said to his squire with a relived sigh.
Together they made their way to the inner courtyard of the castle, which was a lavish garden with large fountain and several marble statues. "Myrish work," Valor commented as he eyed one of the statues, this one depicting a warrior armed with a spear. "Clearly being one of the few trade ports on the southern coast has brought wealth to Salt Shore."
"Yet the eldest daughter seems to look down upon anything foreign," Maran said, and Valor smirked at the boy's words. "Better not take anything that woman says too seriously," he replied with an amused tone. "There are people like her everywhere in the world, people who are afraid of anything that is not familiar."
Before Maran could reply, one of the soldiers rushed into the garden. "Commander!" He yelled with an alarmed tone, and Valor gave the soldier a stern nod. "What is it?" He asked strictly, seeing the man gulp. "There's a fight on the courtyard," the soldier explained nervously, which made Valor frown.
"But we disarmed the Gargalen troops," he pointed out, and the soldier nodded. "Yes, there were no weapons involved," he said, which made Valor at least slightly relieved. "Let's go then," he muttered, already starting to walk away from the garden. They quickly made their way to the courtyard, where a crowd of people, mostly Fallen Dragons, had circled around two men. Valor made his way through the crowd, seeing a Gargalen soldier laying on the ground, his face bruised and bleeding. Kneeling on top of him was Tregor Vhassin, the Qohorik warrior whom Valor knew very well to be a violent and temperamental individual. Tregor's left hand was around the Gargalen soldier's throat, while his right fist was raised up, ready to throw another punch on the beaten man's face.
"Enough!" Valor roared, and Tregor shifted his attention to him, quickly letting go of the soldier and standing up, the excitement of the brawl still in his eyes. "What is this?" Valor asked with frustration, pointing at the man who was laying on the ground, half unconscious.
"Commander, this man insulted us," Tregor said, still catching his breath. Valor shook his head subtly, and walked to the beaten man. He kneeled down next to him, and raised him to a sitting position. "How are you?" He asked calmly, and the man mumbled something unintelligible as an answer. Valor gestured at two of his troops at random. "Take this man somewhere to rest and be taken care of," he commanded sternly, and with salutes the two obeyed.
Then, Valor turned to Tregor again, narrowing his eyes as he looked at him. Even if the Fallen Dragons outnumbered the surrendered Gargalen troops, it would be better for everyone if they could both reside here peacefully, and what Tregor had done could've at worst lead to an outright bloodshed. He needed to be disciplined, that much was clear, but Valor was unsure whether he should do it in front of the troops or not.
[Discipline Tregor privately] I guess is better if they discuss this privately, because while punishing publicly will probably appease the Gargalen troops, it will make the Qohorik resentful of his commander, and while they can deal with a possible insurrection, an untrustworthy co-worker can be equally dangerous.
You know, Bridget gives me the impression she's fond of her cousin Emerson and supports his claim, and will certainly be pissed when she learns Esperence has basically usurped her father and cousin.
The council chamber of Salt Shore was comfortable and finely decorated, with white marble pillars against the sandstone walls, larg… moree windows with intricately detailed iron grills, around them tall curtains made of red silk. At the head of the long wooden table sat Valor Veltaris, commander of the Fallen Dragons, around him Olyvar Forrester, Firanisa, Maran and Haronos. On the other end of the table were the three daughters of Lord Jorvian Gargalen – Gabby Gargalen, Bridget Gargalen and Eli Sand.
"So, your father marched to war with the Dryland king, right?" Valor asked calmly, which made Gabby frown. "Yes," the obese lady hissed angrily. "But he will come back, and reclaim this city."
"We have a saying in Valyria, 'what you cannot protect, you do not deserve'," Valor replied emotionlessly, seeing Gabby's expression turn even more infuriated. "Now, I don't always agree with that saying, but what kind of a lord leaves his city wi… [view original content]
The council chamber of Salt Shore was comfortable and finely decorated, with white marble pillars against the sandstone walls, larg… moree windows with intricately detailed iron grills, around them tall curtains made of red silk. At the head of the long wooden table sat Valor Veltaris, commander of the Fallen Dragons, around him Olyvar Forrester, Firanisa, Maran and Haronos. On the other end of the table were the three daughters of Lord Jorvian Gargalen – Gabby Gargalen, Bridget Gargalen and Eli Sand.
"So, your father marched to war with the Dryland king, right?" Valor asked calmly, which made Gabby frown. "Yes," the obese lady hissed angrily. "But he will come back, and reclaim this city."
"We have a saying in Valyria, 'what you cannot protect, you do not deserve'," Valor replied emotionlessly, seeing Gabby's expression turn even more infuriated. "Now, I don't always agree with that saying, but what kind of a lord leaves his city wi… [view original content]
I was really torn between the options here. My primary goal with this choice is to prevent worsening the relations between the Fallen Dragons and the defeated Gargalen's. Because I believe, while they are indeed defeated and disarmed, they are far from harmless if provoked enough, especially if someone more capable than Gabby takes charge. So, I was not sure what could help with the relations more, publically disciplining anyone that harms the captives, or trying to cover things up and dealing with them in private. In the end though, I believe the straightforward way is the slightly better one here, so I pick this option. I have the feeling things are far from over here though. Or maybe that's where I am wrong, but fact is, they need to find a way to bring the Gargalen's to their side before moving on, maybe besieging Vaith together with Nymeria's troops. If they leave right now, they will have an enemy in their backs. My best hope is that such straightforward and honest dealing with anyone that steps out of line will win Bridget over, who seems notably more reasonable than Gabby. Installing her as the ruler of Salt Shore until the future of House Gargalen is decided upon could be a wise idea to keep them from attacking the Fallen Dragons from behind, but for that, she must be convinced that Nymeria is not only the future of Dorne, but also a honourable ruler with honourable followers.
The council chamber of Salt Shore was comfortable and finely decorated, with white marble pillars against the sandstone walls, larg… moree windows with intricately detailed iron grills, around them tall curtains made of red silk. At the head of the long wooden table sat Valor Veltaris, commander of the Fallen Dragons, around him Olyvar Forrester, Firanisa, Maran and Haronos. On the other end of the table were the three daughters of Lord Jorvian Gargalen – Gabby Gargalen, Bridget Gargalen and Eli Sand.
"So, your father marched to war with the Dryland king, right?" Valor asked calmly, which made Gabby frown. "Yes," the obese lady hissed angrily. "But he will come back, and reclaim this city."
"We have a saying in Valyria, 'what you cannot protect, you do not deserve'," Valor replied emotionlessly, seeing Gabby's expression turn even more infuriated. "Now, I don't always agree with that saying, but what kind of a lord leaves his city wi… [view original content]
This is a tough choice and I can see the reasoning behind the other choice but I still am going to go with the private option here. While discipling Tregor publicly may acheive some goodwill with the Gargalen's and their troops, I don't feel it'd be the best choice for the morale of the Fallen Dragons which is more important in my opinion. If Valor berates him in front of everyone just to make a show for the Gargalen's, it could cause Tregor and some of the other Fallen Dragons to lose a bit of respect for him. From Tregor's PoV, he was only standing up for their company even if beating this man senseless probably wasn't the best way to go about it Valor seems to know Tregor reasonably well and they have probably fought beside each other on multiple occasions so I think taking Tregor aside privately and telling him that he did wrong one on one will do so much more for Tregor's opinion of Valor and the way the other Fallen Dragon's look at him even though they do already seem to have plenty of respect for him. As far as the potential conflict with the Gargalen's go, I feel that will most likely settle in time if Valor gets the point across to his men about it which I have no doubt that he will.
The council chamber of Salt Shore was comfortable and finely decorated, with white marble pillars against the sandstone walls, larg… moree windows with intricately detailed iron grills, around them tall curtains made of red silk. At the head of the long wooden table sat Valor Veltaris, commander of the Fallen Dragons, around him Olyvar Forrester, Firanisa, Maran and Haronos. On the other end of the table were the three daughters of Lord Jorvian Gargalen – Gabby Gargalen, Bridget Gargalen and Eli Sand.
"So, your father marched to war with the Dryland king, right?" Valor asked calmly, which made Gabby frown. "Yes," the obese lady hissed angrily. "But he will come back, and reclaim this city."
"We have a saying in Valyria, 'what you cannot protect, you do not deserve'," Valor replied emotionlessly, seeing Gabby's expression turn even more infuriated. "Now, I don't always agree with that saying, but what kind of a lord leaves his city wi… [view original content]
And Valor will discipline Tregor publicly. As many of you figured out, this is the better option in regards of keeping the Gargalen troops happy, but Tregor on the other hand would've certainly preferred to be disciplined privately. That said, Valor is probably smart enough not to make this too humiliating for Tregor.
And next up will be a Kris PoV. It's been a while since we had a part from Kris, it was during the ceremony held for him at the town square. However, we have had a couple more parts in Vaith after that. First of all, we had a Jamison part where he had a brief chat with Kris, during which they came to an understanding about the earlier fight between them that scarred Jamison, and both left the conversation with no hard feelings towards the other. Later on Lucifer arrived to Vaith with Gargalen forces, and legitimized Dalia. Nonetheless, Dalia later decided she would follow her daughter after Valerie instead of leading the Wild Suns against Nymeria. We continue from Vaith, but at the beginning of this part Lucifer and Jamison have both already left the city, and the Wild Suns and Lord Gargalen are getting ready to leave as well. The part should be ready either today or tomorrow
"Afternoon, Princess Dalia Dryland," Kris politely greeted the tall red-haired lady, as he approached her on the courtyard. Dalia was observing the Wild Suns and Gargalen troops preparing for their long march, and hardly even paid attention to Kris, just giving him a small nod. King Lucifer had left yesterday, as well as the small Dayne entourage. Lord Jorvian and the Wild Suns on the other hand planned to begin their march towards east today. However, Kris had heard Dalia was not planning to go with them. "Does your hunt for Valerie begin today?" He asked calmly, and Dalia shook her head. "I'll wait until the Wild Suns have left," she answered with a monotone voice. "Tomorrow," she added with a sigh, and Kris nodded.
"My mother will do whatever she can to aid you," He said quietly, and Dalia shifted her eyes to him. "And what about you?" She asked, her tone calm but the look on her eyes sharp. Kris shrugged hesitantly, turning his eyes down. He was the Lord of Vaith, it was his duty to protect this city. And more importantly, my son.
"Trust me, I want justice to be delivered to Valerie, and her black magic burned away from this world," he said sternly. "However, there are more important things for me to worry about right now."
"Are there really?" Dalia asked strictly. "I am abandoning my duty as commander of the Wild Suns and as the heir of Brimstone to see this mission through. If you ask me, nothing is as important as ridding the world from the servants of darkness such as Valerie."
"That is easy for you to say," Kris shot back with a slightly irritated tone, which made Dalia frown. "How so?" She asked, and Kris let out a joyless chuckle. "Because your choice to go after Valerie keeps you close to your family," he answered sharply. "In fact, I assume it is your will to protect your daughter that makes you so eager to abandon your other duties." Dalia gulped and turned her eyes away hastily, indicating that Kris was indeed correct with his assumption.
"I understand, you don't want to leave your son behind again," she said with a sigh, turning her eyes to Kris again, this time a more vulnerable gaze in them. "To be honest, I would probably feel the same in your position. And I won't blame you if you choose to stay, but... I pray that you at least consider helping us. You of all people know how dangerous Valerie is, and Desi..."
"Desi what?" Kris asked calmly, and after a moment of hesitation Dalia finally continued. "She saw something in the flames, something that convinced her that Valerie is not alone. And even more troubling is that she saw a flame fizzle out in the storm brought by these servants of darkness. I fear this mission will be the death of either me or my daughter."
For a moment Kris had trouble finding words, and he just looked Dalia into his dark eyes, which were usually filled with determination and strength, but now showed only weakness and fear. Kris pulled Dalia into a comforting hug, and as they separated again he grabbed her from the shoulders. "I know visions in the flames are not to be taken lightly," he begun with a calm and encouraging tone. "However, they have been misinterpreted before. Don't give up on your life, nor on your daughter's. Prove R'hllor that you have the strength to protect both yourself and her."
Dalia smiled cautiously and shook her head. "I am truly grateful for you encouraging words, Lord Kris," she said as Kris removed his hands from her shoulders. "However, I have to doubt if I could truly change the fate that the gods have chosen for me."
"Of course you can," Kris insisted confidently, seeing a slight hint of hope returning to Dalia's eyes. "R'hllor may guide us in this life, but in the end you are the master of your own fate, not the gods."
"I want to believe that," Dalia replied weakly, and Kris grabbed her hand with a firm grip. "Then do," he said with a quiet but strong voice, to which Dalia nodded. For a moment they both just stood there silently, until Mizro the Sharp suddenly approached them. The Myrish sellsword cleared his throat to gain their attention, and Kris immediately let go of Dalia's hand.
"I don't mean to interrupt anything," Mizro said dryly, to which Dalia shook her head. "You are not," she assured, the familiar confidence and determination in her voice and expression again.
"Mm, good then, I just came to say goodbye," Mizro said calmly, quickly glancing at Kris as he spoke. "We will begin our march towards Godsgrace now. If everything goes as planned, we will win your father's war for him... And if I survive, I hope to see you and our little Desi again."
"I hope so as well," Dalia responded with a small sigh. Without further conversation, the two engaged in a short hug. "It has been an honor fighting by your side all these years, Dalia," Mizro said quietly as they separated. "Hopefully I'll be able to lead our troops half as well as you did."
"I trust in you, Mizro," Dalia said, a subtle smirk on her face. "Good luck, and may we meet again soon."
"Goodbye," Mizro replied. "May R'hllor guide your way." With these words Mizro turned away, mounted his horse and rode out of the castle of Vaith. Dalia turned to Kris again, an uncertain look in her eyes. "I need to see Desi," she said quietly, looking Kris to the eyes once more before she walked away.
After a lengthy conversation about improving the defenses of Vaith with Henry, Ser Martin, and Hangman – who had been made the new captain of the city guard, Kris finally made his way towards his quarters. The sun was already setting to the west, and while Kris was tired, many thoughts still troubled his mind. Most importantly he was still wondering if he should leave with Dalia and Desirea or stay in Vaith. I probably won't get much sleep tonight, he thought grimly as he arrived to the door of his chambers.
Opening the door and walking in, Kris saw something he hadn't expected as he turned his gaze towards the bed. Lady Myra was there, dressed in a revealing dark red dressing gown, and laying in a provocative pose. She was beautiful as always, and seeing her like this again made Kris' blood pump.
"What are you doing here?" He managed to ask as he walked closer, his eyes scanning Myra's shapely body, and she let out a sweet little chuckle. "Not so long ago we shared this bed every night. Or don't you remember?"
"Of course I remember," Kris replied quietly, still keeping his distance. "Where is Nickon?"
"Don't worry about him now," Myra answered soothingly. "He is sleeping, it's just you and me here." With these words the Summer Islander lady stood up from the bed, and approached Kris with catlike steps. She came right next to him, her left hand softly touching Kris' right thigh. "I have missed your touch, mylord," Myra whispered into his ear, and he could feel his heart beating faster. And I have missed yours, Kris thought, but didn't say it out loud. Instead, he stared his wife intensely to the eyes, seeing the passion and excitement in them.
Unable to hold back any longer, Kris put his right arm around Myra, and proceeded to kiss her. It was a long kiss, and Kris felt like it was what he had needed for so long. After they separated, Myra grabbed Kris hand and led him to the bed, a seductive gaze in her eyes. They fell into the bed and stripped each other from their clothes. That night Kris made love, and forgot about everything else.
Waking up to the morning sun shining in from the windows, Kris noticed he was alone in the bed. However, before he could even get up, he heard the chatting and laughing close by. Raising to a sitting position, Kris saw Myra and Nickon sitting by the table on the other side of the room, having a breakfast. Quietly he stood up, and approached them.
"Well, good morning sleepy," Myra purred as she noticed him, and Kris responded with a warm smile, taking the seat between her and Nickon. "Nickon, do you remember who this is?" Myra asked the boy, and he nodded shyly. "Father," Nickon said, looking at him with a cautious but happy expression.
"Aye, father is here," Kris said gently, grabbing a piece of the bread from the table and pouring some juice to his mug. Then he turned his eyes to Myra, feeling uncertain. He was happier than in a long time, but part of him felt like staying here would be the wrong thing to do. "Kris, what is it?" Myra asked softly, clearly spotting the doubt in his eyes. I have to make this decision now.
[Stay in Vaith] Like he mentioned, Dalia leaving makes sense because she is protecting her daughter, even though I voted against Dalia leaving with Desi, it still makes sense and I'm not against that choice. However, here it just doesn't make sense, he should stay with his family and I want him to be on good terms with Myra again. Also he has a duty towards the people of Vaith. Yes she loves Dalia as well but he only knows her for a what, a week? Yeah, I just don't see enough reasons to go with Dalia here.
Indeed, Kris has many good reasons to stay in Vaith. That said, the main reason for him to go wouldn't be his feelings for Dalia (though that definitely is a factor) but rather the fact that he knows how dangerous Valerie is.
[Stay in Vaith] Like he mentioned, Dalia leaving makes sense because she is protecting her daughter, even though I voted against Dalia leavi… moreng with Desi, it still makes sense and I'm not against that choice. However, here it just doesn't make sense, he should stay with his family and I want him to be on good terms with Myra again. Also he has a duty towards the people of Vaith. Yes she loves Dalia as well but he only knows her for a what, a week? Yeah, I just don't see enough reasons to go with Dalia here.
We all know where I stand here, but allow me to explain my reasons. My main goal for this chapter is to get Gwen out of the mess we put her in, this much you all know. For that, it is mandatory to take down Wesley. While Dalia might be able to do this, emphasis on might, Kris is absolutely certain to defeat him. After all, this is the guy that already defeated Jamison, who is in a wholly different league than Wesley. More than that though, is the fact that I remain on the fence about Dalia. Who knows what she is going to do if she gets under the impression that Gwen is a threat to Desi? I know, she won't be unless we make her, but how could Dalia know? I trust her with fighting her utmost against Wesley, but for Gwen not to be caught in the fray, it might require more than just her and I want to have someone there whom I can trust to remain level-headed and not cut down everyone nearby when angered. He showed a cool head before and I hope it is this very trait that will tip the scales in the final confrontation with Aisha and Wesley. Even more importantly, if Valerie shows up there (though her absence so far gives me hope she keeps her ugly mug hidden until Book 2), he is the one who knows how to fight her. Dalia can counter the martial skill of Wesley, but Valerie is more than that, more dangerous, more cunning and it takes one who already suffered under her to know how to deal with her. There is also the argument of Mother Minesa likely leaving with Desi and I think when she has one of her fanatism hissy fits, he might be the only one stopping her from burning Gwendis and maybe even Trentan. So, Dalia, Valerie, Wesley, Minesa, those are four big dangers for Gwendis that have to be dealt with and four very good reasons for Kris to leave Vaith. Believe me, I would like for Kris to be happy with Myra and Nickon, but the last thing I want is to take even the tiniest chance when it comes to Wesley, because this could have catastophic consequences for Gwendis. As such, this choice is, for me, not about Kris. There will definitely be a time where I can make choices for him with a certain peace of mind, but not now, not when his inclusion in the coming fight against Wesley could be so crucial to bring things to a happy ending in that storyline. Don't get me wrong, I might be way too paranoid there, after all I might still be too reluctant to give Dalia enough credit (mostly because I still have a deep-seated dislike towards her), but I am not willing to risk it. The possible consequences of leaving Vaith just don't seem to be all that bad when compared to the possible consequences of staying in Vaith. If he leaves Vaith, what is the worst that can happen? He can always return once Wesley and Valerie are taken care of. But if he stays, this puts even more risk into a storyline I already consider to be way too risky, as it means we have to trust Dalia with not only defeating Wesley, but also saving Gwendis' life in the process and when it comes to that, Kris has earned my trust notably more than anyone else. I like Kris and I want to continue liking him and as much as it pains me to lead him away from his family for the time being, I refuse to risk anything when it comes to that storyline. The stakes are too high and too personal. And a risk it is at the very least. At best it remains nothing more than a risk if Kris stays, if I am truly not giving Dalia enough credit, but at worst it leads to the worst possible outcome. No matter how I look at it, I can't see even the tiniest reason to take this risk.
"Afternoon, Princess Dalia Dryland," Kris politely greeted the tall red-haired lady, as he approached her on the courtyard. Dalia wa… mores observing the Wild Suns and Gargalen troops preparing for their long march, and hardly even paid attention to Kris, just giving him a small nod. King Lucifer had left yesterday, as well as the small Dayne entourage. Lord Jorvian and the Wild Suns on the other hand planned to begin their march towards east today. However, Kris had heard Dalia was not planning to go with them. "Does your hunt for Valerie begin today?" He asked calmly, and Dalia shook her head. "I'll wait until the Wild Suns have left," she answered with a monotone voice. "Tomorrow," she added with a sigh, and Kris nodded.
"My mother will do whatever she can to aid you," He said quietly, and Dalia shifted her eyes to him. "And what about you?" She asked, her tone calm but the look on her eyes sharp. Kris shrugged hesitantly, turning his… [view original content]
[Stay in Vaith] While I think he could defeat Crusher, House Vaith needs its leader (there's the fact that we will need a POV for the confrontation between Martell and Dryland) and we don't know enough about the military capabilities of Gargalen or Uller.
How many troops does the combined force of Dryland, Uller, Gargalen and Vaith-Wild Suns have, at least 3000 right?
On the other hand the Martell, Bloodspill, and Allyrion only have like 2500 (would be 4000 but she had to send troops to help the Dalts).
"Afternoon, Princess Dalia Dryland," Kris politely greeted the tall red-haired lady, as he approached her on the courtyard. Dalia wa… mores observing the Wild Suns and Gargalen troops preparing for their long march, and hardly even paid attention to Kris, just giving him a small nod. King Lucifer had left yesterday, as well as the small Dayne entourage. Lord Jorvian and the Wild Suns on the other hand planned to begin their march towards east today. However, Kris had heard Dalia was not planning to go with them. "Does your hunt for Valerie begin today?" He asked calmly, and Dalia shook her head. "I'll wait until the Wild Suns have left," she answered with a monotone voice. "Tomorrow," she added with a sigh, and Kris nodded.
"My mother will do whatever she can to aid you," He said quietly, and Dalia shifted her eyes to him. "And what about you?" She asked, her tone calm but the look on her eyes sharp. Kris shrugged hesitantly, turning his… [view original content]
I think his involvement will definitely help in defeating Mordekhai and Aisha and rescuing Gwendis and Trentan. He can definitely help keep his mother from doing anything too drastic. His involvement might also help prevent the death Dalia is worried about of either herself or her daughter. I'm sure Myra can run Vaith in his absence; she's done it before.
"Afternoon, Princess Dalia Dryland," Kris politely greeted the tall red-haired lady, as he approached her on the courtyard. Dalia wa… mores observing the Wild Suns and Gargalen troops preparing for their long march, and hardly even paid attention to Kris, just giving him a small nod. King Lucifer had left yesterday, as well as the small Dayne entourage. Lord Jorvian and the Wild Suns on the other hand planned to begin their march towards east today. However, Kris had heard Dalia was not planning to go with them. "Does your hunt for Valerie begin today?" He asked calmly, and Dalia shook her head. "I'll wait until the Wild Suns have left," she answered with a monotone voice. "Tomorrow," she added with a sigh, and Kris nodded.
"My mother will do whatever she can to aid you," He said quietly, and Dalia shifted her eyes to him. "And what about you?" She asked, her tone calm but the look on her eyes sharp. Kris shrugged hesitantly, turning his… [view original content]
The combined forces of Drylands, Wild Suns, Gargalens and Vaiths would probably be close to 5000 troops strong. However, some of the Drylands returned to Hellgate Hall with Lucifer, and most of the Vaiths will remain positioned in their city. The Gargalen/Uller/Wild Suns army that began its march towards Godsgrace in this part is indeed somewhere close to 3000. That said, Nymeria's army (even without the Ladybrights and Santagars) isn't significantly smaller now that they have the Allyrions. And if they manage to unite with the Fallen Dragons, then they'll have the numbers.
[Stay in Vaith] While I think he could defeat Crusher, House Vaith needs its leader (there's the fact that we will need a POV for the confro… morentation between Martell and Dryland) and we don't know enough about the military capabilities of Gargalen or Uller.
How many troops does the combined force of Dryland, Uller, Gargalen and Vaith-Wild Suns have, at least 3000 right?
On the other hand the Martell, Bloodspill, and Allyrion only have like 2500 (would be 4000 but she had to send troops to help the Dalts).
We all know where I stand here, but allow me to explain my reasons. My main goal for this chapter is to get Gwen out of the mess we put her in, this much you all know. For that, it is mandatory to take down Wesley. While Dalia might be able to do this, emphasis on might, Kris is absolutely certain to defeat him. After all, this is the guy that already defeated Jamison, who is in a wholly different league than Wesley. More than that though, is the fact that I remain on the fence about Dalia. Who knows what she is going to do if she gets under the impression that Gwen is a threat to Desi? I know, she won't be unless we make her, but how could Dalia know? I trust her with fighting her utmost against Wesley, but for Gwen not to be caught in the fray, it might require more than just her and I want to have someone there whom I can trust to remain level-headed and not cut down everyone nearby when angered.
Yeah, I could guess what your choice here would be, and the reasoning for it as well And I don't blame you, from the perspective of wanting to protect Gwen this is definitely the safer choice, for the very reasons you brought up here. In this part I did my best to bring up the reasons why Kris might want to stay, but those are reasons that are important for him, and less so for the big picture of this R'hllor vs GO storyline.
The possible consequences of leaving Vaith just don't seem to be all that bad when compared to the possible consequences of staying in Vaith. If he leaves Vaith, what is the worst that can happen? He can always return once Wesley and Valerie are taken care of. But if he stays, this puts even more risk into a storyline I already consider to be way too risky, as it means we have to trust Dalia with not only defeating Wesley, but also saving Gwendis' life in the process and when it comes to that, Kris has earned my trust notably more than anyone else.
Well, I'd say the very worst possible consequence would be Kris dying on this mission and never seeing his family again. However, if he does survive, then you are right, he should be able to return to his family, even if the situation in the city would've probably changed during his absence. And of course, Myra would not be pleased with this, but she has been patient with Kris before, so we can assume she'd do so again. The people of Vaith though might question if this lord who keeps disappearing for long periods of time is truly a capable leader for the city.
[Go with Dalia]
We all know where I stand here, but allow me to explain my reasons. My main goal for this chapter is to get Gwen out of t… morehe mess we put her in, this much you all know. For that, it is mandatory to take down Wesley. While Dalia might be able to do this, emphasis on might, Kris is absolutely certain to defeat him. After all, this is the guy that already defeated Jamison, who is in a wholly different league than Wesley. More than that though, is the fact that I remain on the fence about Dalia. Who knows what she is going to do if she gets under the impression that Gwen is a threat to Desi? I know, she won't be unless we make her, but how could Dalia know? I trust her with fighting her utmost against Wesley, but for Gwen not to be caught in the fray, it might require more than just her and I want to have someone there whom I can trust to remain level-headed and not cut down everyone nearby when angered. He showed a cool head be… [view original content]
Yeah, I could guess what your choice here would be, and the reasoning for it as well And I don't blame you, from the perspective of wanting to protect Gwen this is definitely the safer choice, for the very reasons you brought up here. In this part I did my best to bring up the reasons why Kris might want to stay, but those are reasons that are important for him, and less so for the big picture of this R'hllor vs GO storyline.
Exactly, it is the safer choice. I am naturally very heavily opposed to taking any risk when it comes to Gwen, because there is already way too much risk involved without our actions, come to think the kind of people she has around her and might meet in the future. So, I can understand the reason for staying, but I wholeheartedly disagree with it. Kris has been Valerie's thrall for many years, this is his chance to not only break free, but to do something that really matters in stopping her. He can do good here, even if Dalia herself might be enough to save Gwen. I just really don't trust her, like, at all. She's not totally worthless in the things to come, I doubt it, but Kris' presence will make things easier and that's what is important, as even with Dalia's inclusion, the storyline remains a huge risk, which I cannot fully calculate. For the sake of my poor, weak heart, I hope Kris chooses to go with Dalia
Well, I'd say the very worst possible consequence would be Kris dying on this mission and never seeing his family again. However, if he does survive, then you are right, he should be able to return to his family, even if the situation in the city would've probably changed during his absence. And of course, Myra would not be pleased with this, but she has been patient with Kris before, so we can assume she'd do so again. The people of Vaith though might question if this lord who keeps disappearing for long periods of time is truly a capable leader for the city.
See, this is the thing, I don't think he's in much danger. The more people Desi has by her side, the less likely anyone is to die. On her own, Dalia would have died against Jamison and on his own, Kris might have been in serious danger as well, but together they took him down without anyone dying, not even Jamison himself. I think the same should apply for Wesley. All alone, Desi will die, no doubts about it. With Dalia by her side, it could be that Dalia and Wesley will mutually kill each other, or, way worse, Dalia survives and kills Gwen. However, with Kris by her side, it will be easier. Wesley has to fight two super skilled opponents, minimalizing his chances of survival, while giving Dalia the help she might need to survive as well. On top of that, Kris is definitely a level-headed guy who knows how it is to be dragged into a Great Other cultists schemes, so he is by far the most likely to show mercy to Gwendis and Trentan, aside from maybe Desirea herself. So, it might be that Dalia achieves the very same, I don't want to put it past her, that she kills Wesley, forces Aisha to flee (because like a cockroach, I bet that bitch is hard to kill and won't meet her end in Book 1) and then spares Gwendis' life, but hoping for this remains a gamble, one I am not willing to take.
My god, I just realized that if we wouldn't have chosen for Dalia to leave, there would be absolutely no motivation for Kris to accompany her, meaning Desi would be completely without valuable allies in the fight to come. I have the feeling that this would have led to the bad outcome for sure, whereas with Dalia by her side, there is at least a chance. Still, I can only hope the remaining voters will listen to my plea. Kris can always return and patch things up with Myra later. If anyone can understand him in his desire to stop Valerie, it is Myra herself, who has suffered precisely the same, after all. I doubt she'd hold it against him. So, yeah, I have the feeling we need Kris, or else this is all going to be more risky than I am ever comfortable with.
We all know where I stand here, but allow me to explain my reasons. My main goal for this chapter is to get Gwen out of the mess we put her … morein, this much you all know. For that, it is mandatory to take down Wesley. While Dalia might be able to do this, emphasis on might, Kris is absolutely certain to defeat him. After all, this is the guy that already defeated Jamison, who is in a wholly different league than Wesley. More than that though, is the fact that I remain on the fence about Dalia. Who knows what she is going to do if she gets under the impression that Gwen is a threat to Desi? I know, she won't be unless we make her, but how could Dalia know? I trust her with fighting her utmost against Wesley, but for Gwen not to be caught in the fray, it might require more than just her and I want to have someone there whom I can trust to remain level-headed and not cut down everyone nearby when angered.
Yeah, I could guess what your choic… [view original content]
[Go with Dalia] The more people going after Aisha and Mordekhai, the better. Even though Dalia will be there already, Aisha proved that her magic is pretty strong (especially now with the blood sacrifice and all) and I really think that they'll need Kris' help... Better safe than sorry. Besides, I highly doubt Vaith would fall to pieces if Kris were to go again for some time.
"Afternoon, Princess Dalia Dryland," Kris politely greeted the tall red-haired lady, as he approached her on the courtyard. Dalia wa… mores observing the Wild Suns and Gargalen troops preparing for their long march, and hardly even paid attention to Kris, just giving him a small nod. King Lucifer had left yesterday, as well as the small Dayne entourage. Lord Jorvian and the Wild Suns on the other hand planned to begin their march towards east today. However, Kris had heard Dalia was not planning to go with them. "Does your hunt for Valerie begin today?" He asked calmly, and Dalia shook her head. "I'll wait until the Wild Suns have left," she answered with a monotone voice. "Tomorrow," she added with a sigh, and Kris nodded.
"My mother will do whatever she can to aid you," He said quietly, and Dalia shifted her eyes to him. "And what about you?" She asked, her tone calm but the look on her eyes sharp. Kris shrugged hesitantly, turning his… [view original content]
[Go with Dalia] This is a huge decision no doubt and while I do feel like the people of Vaith need Kris, I feel like Valerie along with Aisha and Mordekhai need to be stopped. This is a huge decision for his storyline and while Kris does seem really happy right now, eventually Nymeria will conquer Vaith and I feel like him staying there would just lead to him going to the Wall at best. While this path gives him a very important purpose and should hopefully make the goal of taking care of the Great Other followers along with saving their hostages even easier. I can't say how much difference it will make with him there but it'll only help I'd imagine.
"Afternoon, Princess Dalia Dryland," Kris politely greeted the tall red-haired lady, as he approached her on the courtyard. Dalia wa… mores observing the Wild Suns and Gargalen troops preparing for their long march, and hardly even paid attention to Kris, just giving him a small nod. King Lucifer had left yesterday, as well as the small Dayne entourage. Lord Jorvian and the Wild Suns on the other hand planned to begin their march towards east today. However, Kris had heard Dalia was not planning to go with them. "Does your hunt for Valerie begin today?" He asked calmly, and Dalia shook her head. "I'll wait until the Wild Suns have left," she answered with a monotone voice. "Tomorrow," she added with a sigh, and Kris nodded.
"My mother will do whatever she can to aid you," He said quietly, and Dalia shifted her eyes to him. "And what about you?" She asked, her tone calm but the look on her eyes sharp. Kris shrugged hesitantly, turning his… [view original content]
And Kris will go with Dalia. I could definitely see this winning, even if I tried to bring up some legit reasons for Kris to stay. We have one less PoV now for the Martell-Dryland war, but it's not a big deal because we already have Nymeria, Valor and Nealia to show us that. It's also nice to have two PoVs for this journey of Team R'hllor, to give us different perspectives.
Anyway, next up we'll have a Nymeria PoV. Last time in Godsgrace Nymeria denied Esperence's proposal to marry Jaran Martell, saying the young lady hadn't yet won her trust. She also had a brief meeting with the spymaster Edd Prally, who revealed her that in truth Emerson had the rightful claim to the lordship of Godsgrace, but he decided to side with Jordaynes (and thus King Yorick Yronwood). Later, as the Santagars and Ladybrights were leaving to help Ser Dallin Dalt take back Lemonwood, the princess had a little chat with her youngest royal guard, Nesea. At the end of their conversation, Nesea asked if Nymeria was fighting this war for the Rhoynar or for the Dornish, and you voted for her to answer that she is fighting it for both.
I haven't made much progress today, since I spent the whole day fishing with my father and uncle (caught 3 pikes, biggest of them 4 kg ). However, hopefully I'll get the part done tomorrow
"I fight this war for all the people of Dorne," Princess Nymeria said calmly, looking the young Nesea to the eyes as she spoke. "For the Rhoynar, yes, but also for the Dornish. What I seek is unity for the people of this land, and in that unity there is no room for me to favor one group over the other."
"I hear you, Your Grace," Nesea said quietly, a touch of uncertainty in her words. "However, the reason you led us here was to ensure that Rhoyne and its people would not be forgotten, that our culture would live on."
"And I am still committed to that," Nymeria assumed firmly. "However, this land will not turn into Rhoyne no matter what we do or how long we wait, so we have to adapt. We create a new home here, together with the Dornish, or we perish."
Nesea nodded, the look on her eyes still a bit uncertain. Nymeria put her hand gently on the girl's shoulder and smiled, looking her to the eyes. "Don't worry, Nesea," she said with an encouraging tone. "We may have lost much, but there is more to win. If we stay strong now, a glorious tomorrow awaits all the children of Mother Rhoyne."
Nesea nodded again, the look in her eyes a bit more satisfied now. "I understand, Your Grace," she said firmly, and with a soft smile Nymeria turned her eyes back towards the courtyard. Seeing the last of the Santagars and Ladybrights marching out of the gates, her smile quickly faded. Aiding the Dalts was necessary, but splitting up her army in such a crucial moment certainly concerned Nymeria. They would have to face the Drylands in battle soon, whether they were ready or not. Godsgrace had been easy, but if Nymeria wanted extend her power any further west, she would have to go through King Lucifer.
From what Nymeria knew, the Kingdom of Brimstone was relatively strong, though it also had its weaknesses. The river of Brimstone was firmly in the grasp of the Drylands, but any vassals they had away from it were unreliable at best. Then there was the fact that King Lucifer would soon be on his fifties, and he had no heir. No heir meant no future for his dynasty, which could potentially make his vassals more willing to turn on him. Nymeria just had to convince them that she in turn did have a future to offer. But first I must prove my strength.
"Your Grace," Nymeria heard the stern and humorless voice of General Varyn saying on her left, and she turned towards him. "General," she greeted him calmly, and Varyn bowed, and then continued. "My princess, now that the Ladybrights and Santagars have left, I think we should discuss our next move."
"I agree," Nymeria replied firmly, taking in a deep breath. "Gather the council, general," she commanded, and Varyn bowed again. "I will," he said, before walking away. Once more Nymeria turned her gaze to Nesea, determination in her eyes. "Brace yourself, sweet girl," she said quietly, almost whispering. "This war is only about to begin."
Princess Nymeria sat at the head of the table, Prince Mors right next to her. Then there were Varyn, Jadisha of Ny Sar, Maester Fabian, Edd Prally, and at the other end of the table, Lady Esperence. Maester Fabian had two scrolls in his hands, and the whole council had shifted their attention to him, as he opened first of them.
"A message from Vaith, Your Grace," the old man started calmly. "It is a threat, signed by King Lucifer, as well as Lord Jorvian Gargalen and Lord Kris Vaith. 'Godsgrace must open their gates to the forces of House Dryland and swear their allegiance to the Kingdom of Brimstone, or the city will be taken by force', it says."
"I didn't know Lord Kris had returned," Esperence said with curious tone, and the maester nodded. "It seems he has aligned with King Lucifer."
"Pity," Esperence said with a sigh. "I had connections to Lady Myra, which could've helped us gain control of Vaith. However, Lord Kris is a stranger to me."
"No matter," Nymeria said decisively. "I'm sure this Lord Kris is just as capable of bending the knee, once he has been defeated. Maester, what does the second message concern?"
"Your Grace, it has been sent from Sandship," the maester answered, and Nymeria narrowed her eyes. "Any problems there?" She asked, praying in her mind that there wasn't. Thankfully, the maester shook his head. "No, actually these are news from Salt Shore. The Fallen Dragons have arrived, and taken over the city. Valor Veltaris says he is waiting for your instructions, and that he has the family of Lord Jorvian Gargalen in his grasp."
Hardly being able to subdue her excitement, Nymeria turned to look at Mors, and she could see from his eyes that he shared her feeling. This was a pleasant surprise, and could make the next phase of this war remarkably easier. I suppose Forovos knew what he was doing after all.
"This is good news," Esperence spoke up. "If these sellswords indeed have Lord Jorvian's family as a hostage, we can use it to turn him against King Lucifer."
"So, blackmail," Varyn stated dryly, and Esperence shot him a glare. "Do you have better ideas?" She asked sharply, and the general took in a deep breath. "Don't get me wrong, mylady, I know in war every advantage should be utilized. However, Valor Veltaris having the Gargalens as hostage won't mean anything if the Dryland forces defeat us here."
"So, you are saying we should instead command the Fallen Dragons to leave Salt Shore and join us here?" Nymeria asked calmly, and Varyn nodded. "Perhaps they could also take one or two of the hostages with them," he suggested calmly.
"Yes, that could work," Prince Mors said with a pondering tone on his voice. "However, another option would be to send the Fallen Dragons straight to Vaith. Think about it, if the Drylands plan to march towards Godsgrace, Vaith will be left with minimal defenses. Then, whatever forces King Lucifer has in the central Dorne will be left stuck between two armies."
"That could work, but once again, it is risky to keep our forces split," Varyn said sternly. "And frankly, we shouldn't put too much trust in Valor Veltaris. After all, he is a sellsword."
"He has done his part so far," Mors stated, turning to Nymeria again. "What do you say, my love?"
[Command the Fallen Dragons to Godsgrace][Command the Fallen Dragons to Vaith]
"I fight this war for all the people of Dorne," Princess Nymeria said calmly, looking the young Nesea to the eyes as she spoke. "… moreFor the Rhoynar, yes, but also for the Dornish. What I seek is unity for the people of this land, and in that unity there is no room for me to favor one group over the other."
"I hear you, Your Grace," Nesea said quietly, a touch of uncertainty in her words. "However, the reason you led us here was to ensure that Rhoyne and its people would not be forgotten, that our culture would live on."
"And I am still committed to that," Nymeria assumed firmly. "However, this land will not turn into Rhoyne no matter what we do or how long we wait, so we have to adapt. We create a new home here, together with the Dornish, or we perish."
Nesea nodded, the look on her eyes still a bit uncertain. Nymeria put her hand gently on the girl's shoulder and smiled, looking her to the eyes. "Don't worry, Nesea," she sai… [view original content]
"Pity," Esperence said with a sigh. "I had connections to Lady Myra, which could've helped us gain control of Vaith. However, Lord Kris is a stranger to me."
Haha, the first good side effect of this choice is already to be seen. While I haven't thought about that (and if I am not mistaken, this is the first time we learned about Myra's connection to Esperence) and it hasn't been a reason for me to pick the latest Kris choice (which I, by the way, am beyond relieved we have chosen), I must say, there already is one good thing coming out oft his. So far, I thought Vaith to be loyal, but with Myra back on top, things might not be that clear. And the Gargalen's, who seem loyal, have lost their city to Nymeria, making things more complicated for them as well. Oh man, Lucifer is so fucked
But anyways, when it comes to the choice, that was one I found to be notably harder than the last one. Ultimately, I pick [Command the Fallen Dragons to Godsgrace], because of the revelation of this part, that Myra and Vaith might be way less loyal to Lucifer than I have thought before. With this, Lucifer pretty much only has one chance at winning this, if I estimate the situation correctly, and it is winning in one climactic battle, or at least selling himself so costly that the next opponent will fare better. As such, I think it will be for the best to ignore Vaith for the time being, maybe allow Esperence to do what she does the best and convince Myra to switch sides, achieving the same without force, while leaving the Fallen Dragons free to assist Nymeria in the battle against Lucifer.
"I fight this war for all the people of Dorne," Princess Nymeria said calmly, looking the young Nesea to the eyes as she spoke. "… moreFor the Rhoynar, yes, but also for the Dornish. What I seek is unity for the people of this land, and in that unity there is no room for me to favor one group over the other."
"I hear you, Your Grace," Nesea said quietly, a touch of uncertainty in her words. "However, the reason you led us here was to ensure that Rhoyne and its people would not be forgotten, that our culture would live on."
"And I am still committed to that," Nymeria assumed firmly. "However, this land will not turn into Rhoyne no matter what we do or how long we wait, so we have to adapt. We create a new home here, together with the Dornish, or we perish."
Nesea nodded, the look on her eyes still a bit uncertain. Nymeria put her hand gently on the girl's shoulder and smiled, looking her to the eyes. "Don't worry, Nesea," she sai… [view original content]
Haha, the first good side effect of this choice is already to be seen. While I haven't thought about that (and if I am not mistaken, this is the first time we learned about Myra's connection to Esperence) and it hasn't been a reason for me to pick the latest Kris choice (which I, by the way, am beyond relieved we have chosen), I must say, there already is one good thing coming out oft his. So far, I thought Vaith to be loyal, but with Myra back on top, things might not be that clear. And the Gargalen's, who seem loyal, have lost their city to Nymeria, making things more complicated for them as well. Oh man, Lucifer is so fucked
Indeed, Kris going away should make things easier for the Martells when it comes to Vaith. As for Esperence's connections to Myra, it has been hinted at/briefly mentioined before in one of Emerson's parts in Chapter 2. There isn't like a full-blown conspiracy between the two ladies or anything, they just know each other well and have a lot of respect for each other. Yep, Lucifer's campaign in central Dorne for sure is going badly, even if he isn't really aware of it yet himself. In fact, right now he is quite confident his daughter and vassals will take care of the war for him while he is back in Hellgate Hall marrying Gwyneth Tiddle.
"Pity," Esperence said with a sigh. "I had connections to Lady Myra, which could've helped us gain control of Vaith. However, Lord Kris is a… more stranger to me."
Haha, the first good side effect of this choice is already to be seen. While I haven't thought about that (and if I am not mistaken, this is the first time we learned about Myra's connection to Esperence) and it hasn't been a reason for me to pick the latest Kris choice (which I, by the way, am beyond relieved we have chosen), I must say, there already is one good thing coming out oft his. So far, I thought Vaith to be loyal, but with Myra back on top, things might not be that clear. And the Gargalen's, who seem loyal, have lost their city to Nymeria, making things more complicated for them as well. Oh man, Lucifer is so fucked
But anyways, when it comes to the choice, that was one I found to be notably harder than the last one. Ultimately, I pick [Command the Fallen Dragons … [view original content]
[Command the Fallen Dragons to Godsgrace] The increase in numbers could be crucial in defeating Dryland, and besides, with Kris going away, it will all depend on Gargalen and Uller to lead the army, and if the hostages can sway Jorvian, that leaves Uller and whoever Dryland left in charge on a huge bind.
You're right, Lucifer is getting screwed, and he doesn't even know that yet.
"I fight this war for all the people of Dorne," Princess Nymeria said calmly, looking the young Nesea to the eyes as she spoke. "… moreFor the Rhoynar, yes, but also for the Dornish. What I seek is unity for the people of this land, and in that unity there is no room for me to favor one group over the other."
"I hear you, Your Grace," Nesea said quietly, a touch of uncertainty in her words. "However, the reason you led us here was to ensure that Rhoyne and its people would not be forgotten, that our culture would live on."
"And I am still committed to that," Nymeria assumed firmly. "However, this land will not turn into Rhoyne no matter what we do or how long we wait, so we have to adapt. We create a new home here, together with the Dornish, or we perish."
Nesea nodded, the look on her eyes still a bit uncertain. Nymeria put her hand gently on the girl's shoulder and smiled, looking her to the eyes. "Don't worry, Nesea," she sai… [view original content]
"I fight this war for all the people of Dorne," Princess Nymeria said calmly, looking the young Nesea to the eyes as she spoke. "… moreFor the Rhoynar, yes, but also for the Dornish. What I seek is unity for the people of this land, and in that unity there is no room for me to favor one group over the other."
"I hear you, Your Grace," Nesea said quietly, a touch of uncertainty in her words. "However, the reason you led us here was to ensure that Rhoyne and its people would not be forgotten, that our culture would live on."
"And I am still committed to that," Nymeria assumed firmly. "However, this land will not turn into Rhoyne no matter what we do or how long we wait, so we have to adapt. We create a new home here, together with the Dornish, or we perish."
Nesea nodded, the look on her eyes still a bit uncertain. Nymeria put her hand gently on the girl's shoulder and smiled, looking her to the eyes. "Don't worry, Nesea," she sai… [view original content]
I agree with the others here amd while I do like Mors' idea, they desperately need more troops for the big battle with the Dryland Troops since this will most likely be the defining battle of Nymeria's war with them. Also on a side note, I want to see Valor and Nymeria meet since I am really curious to how it'd go.
"I fight this war for all the people of Dorne," Princess Nymeria said calmly, looking the young Nesea to the eyes as she spoke. "… moreFor the Rhoynar, yes, but also for the Dornish. What I seek is unity for the people of this land, and in that unity there is no room for me to favor one group over the other."
"I hear you, Your Grace," Nesea said quietly, a touch of uncertainty in her words. "However, the reason you led us here was to ensure that Rhoyne and its people would not be forgotten, that our culture would live on."
"And I am still committed to that," Nymeria assumed firmly. "However, this land will not turn into Rhoyne no matter what we do or how long we wait, so we have to adapt. We create a new home here, together with the Dornish, or we perish."
Nesea nodded, the look on her eyes still a bit uncertain. Nymeria put her hand gently on the girl's shoulder and smiled, looking her to the eyes. "Don't worry, Nesea," she sai… [view original content]
And so, Nymeria shall command the Fallen Dragons to Godsgrace. The thing I like the most about this choice is that it brings Valor and Nymeria to the same location, and I am very much looking forward to writing that meeting
Anyway, next up we are going back to Yronwood, and continue Ortheg's storyline. By now the bastard of King Yorick's deceased brother has found his place in the court and started his training to become a knight in service of the King. However, in the latest part we saw an interesting group of septons and septas arriving to Yronwood, known as the Seven Messengers and the Oracle. Ortheg met the leader of them, Septon Harmen, in the sept of Yronwood, and he suggested for him to come and see the Oracle if he was looking for answers. And so, this next part will begin from Ortheg meeting Oracle Cyrenna. I've made some good progress on the part the past few days, and you can expect it to be ready tomorrow!
The room that Septon Harmen had lead Ortheg into was filled with thin smoke, coming from the burning incenses. The Seven Messengers stood by the walls of the shady room, while Oracle Cyrenna sat in the middle, surrounded by seven candles. With hesitation Ortheg stepped closer, and the Oracle turned her blue eyes to him, a hollow and lifeless look in them.
"Sit down, Ortheg Sand," she said with a voice that gave Ortheg the chills. What have I gotten myself into? Without saying a word, he sat down opposed to the Oracle, who offered him her hand. With a gulp Ortheg grabbed it, and the Oracle closed her eyes.
"What troubles your mind, Ortheg?" She asked with a zealous tone. "Speak, and perhaps the gods shall answer."
"I... I want to know if I will become a knight," Ortheg said nervously, glancing around himself. For a moment Cyrenna stayed silent, her eyes still closed. Then, suddenly she gasped for air, and opened her eyes. "I have seen you, standing on a road paved with bones and blood, a sword in your hand," she said frantically, tightening her grip on Ortheg's hand. Then one of the septons stepped closer to them. It was the muscular one, Septon Bors.
"The Warrior speaks to you," he said with his calm and deep voice. "You will be a knight, Ortheg Sand, but your path will take you through war and sorrow. Many men will die by your blade, and many times you will ask the forgiveness of the gods."
"Forgiveness?" Ortheg muttered quietly, but Septon Bors had already stepped back. "Do you have any more questions?" The Oracle asked, and Ortheg shifted his attention back to her. After a moment of hesitation, he nodded. "My father... I want to know if he can see me, from... wherever he is. I want to know what he thinks of me."
Once again Cyrenna closed her eyes, and silence lingered in the smoky room. Then, again she gasped for air, opened her eyes, and spoke up. "I see you serving with honor, being a hero, and finding glory. Yet the clouds will always hide the heavens from you."
This time it was the old and frail septon who stepped forward, the one they called Septon Mallor. "The Stranger speaks to you," the old man said with his weak and thin voice. "In this life, you will achieve many great things, yet you will never hear your father's praise. He may be watching you, but your eyes will never meet. I suggest, instead of trying to impress the father you've lost, you will dedicate yourself fully to the gods, and King Yorick." With these words the old septon stepped back, and Ortheg turned his eyes to Oracle Cyrenna again. "Any more questions, Ortheg Sand?" She asked calmly, and Ortheg shook his head. "No, not for now," he said, turning to look at Septon Harmen, who approached him and helped him back to his feet again.
"Follow me," he said softly, and Ortheg obeyed. The septon led him out of the room, back to the corridor, and closed the door behind them. "How are you feeling?" He asked calmly, and Ortheg took a moment to answer, collecting his thoughts. "I'm fine," he finally managed to mutter, and Harmen smiled to him.
"I know it can be an overwhelming experience to hear the advice of the gods," he said calmly, and Ortheg shook his head. "It's just... I wanted guidance, but now I feel only more confused," he said with a gulp, to which the septon let out a warm chuckle.
"It will all become clear in time, young man," he said quietly, putting his hand on Ortheg's shoulder. "Pray to the Seven, and know that if you stay on the path of righteousness, the gods will always protect you."
"I... I see," Ortheg said with some uncertainty, and Harmen nodded with the warm smile still on his face. "Now go and rest, Ortheg Sand, so you can continue to serve your king tomorrow well-rested," he said with a friendly tone.
"Will do," Ortheg said with a small sigh. "And... thank you," he added quietly.
"Do not thank me, thank the gods," Septon Harmen replied as he turned away, and walked back into the smoky room.
Maester Symon snapped his wooden staff on the middle of the map of Westeros, where a large river split into three. "Riverlands," Ortheg said tiredly. They had been going through the map for over an hour now, and some things had actually stuck to Ortheg's mind by now. "Yes, Kingdom of Trident, commonly known as the Riverlands," Symon confirmed dryly. "And who rules it?" He asked strictly. Ortheg took in a deep breath, trying to remember. Lannisters ruled the Kingdom of Rock, Gardeners the Reach and Durrandons the Stormlands. "House Tully?" Ortheg guessed the one name he could remember from the Riverlands, even though part of him knew it wasn't correct, and Symon immediately shook his head.
"House Teague," he corrected calmly. "More specifically, King Humfrey Teague," he added raising his staff up from the map again, only to this time lay it down on the lands right next to the Riverlands. Lots of mountains were drawn into the map there, and the coastline was formed of several thin peninsulas. "The Vale," Ortheg said confidently, and Symon nodded. "Aye, the Vale of Arryn, or the Kingdom of the Mountain and Vale as they call it," he said calmly. "And as you can guess, it is ruled by House Arryn. However, do you remember who the current king is?"
Once again Ortheg took a moment to try and remember. "King... Oswin?" He asked, and Symon shook his head. "King Oswin the Talon ruled over fifty years ago," he corrected. "He was the King who led a war campaign to the North, and burned down the Wolf's Den. The current Arryn King is his grandson, Hubert the Third, who made peace with the Starks as he inherited the crown."
"Oh, now I remember," Ortheg muttered, and Maester Symon flashed him a subtle smile. "It's alright, there is a lot to learn and memorize," he stated calmly, before moving the wooden staff to yet another spot on the map. This time he put it on the lands right above the Sea of Dorne.
"Stormlands," Ortheg said immediately. "And they are ruled by King Arlan the Fourth, of House Durrandon," he added before Symon could even speak up. "Arlan the Third," the maester corrected quickly, but still gave Ortheg an approving nod. "I think that is enough for now, we'll continue with your reading lessons tomorrow. However, I believe you have some combat training to take part in now."
"Aye, Tanya is probably already waiting for me," Ortheg replied, while Symon wrapped up the map from the table and put it back on one of his shelves, next to the many other scrolls. "Better go then," Symon quipped with a smirk, and so Ortheg made his way out of the maester's quarters, and walked down from the tower.
Arriving to the courtyard Ortheg noticed that Tanya was indeed waiting for him, though she wasn't alone. There was also his other half-sibling, Artos Sand. Artos and Tanya had wooden training swords in their hands, and it looked like Tanya was teaching Artos how to parry.
"Afternoon," Ortheg said calmly as he approached the two. Artos shifted his attention to him just for a brief moment, and Tanya immediately punished him for it by smacking him on the ribs. "Ouch," Artos muttered, and Tanya let out a little chuckle. "You have to stay focused in a fight, little brother," she said with a smirk, which made the boy frown.
"It was his fault," he muttered bitterly, glaring at Ortheg. However, Tanya shook her head. "No, you chose to shift your attention from the fight all by yourself, no need to blame Ortheg for it," she said sternly, before turning towards Ortheg herself. "Well, looks like Symon finally let you out," she quipped lightheartedly, to which Ortheg nodded with a little chuckle.
"I'm ready to continue the training," he said eagerly, and immediately Tanya tossed him her wooden sword. Ortheg caught it, if a bit clumsily, and shot Tanya a confused look. "You will spar with your brother today," she explained nonchalantly, nodding towards Artos.
"But... he's much smaller than me," Ortheg managed to say after a moment of confusion, and Tanya nodded. "Aye, he is smaller, but he has more training than you do. Seems like a fair match to me," she said.
With a gulp Ortheg stepped closer to Artos, who had already took his fighting stance. You will be a knight, Ortheg remembered the words of the septon, which gave him a little more confidence. As he took his stance, Artos already charged to attack. The boys first strike hit him on his left thigh, but he quickly backed away, and the second strike he already managed to deflect.
Taking in a deep breath, Ortheg decided to go for an attack himself. He swung, but Artos dodged it with ease, and slammed him on his right shoulder before he could gain back his defense. Backing away once again, Ortheg clenched his teeth angrily. His ten-year-old half-brother's hits didn't really hurt, but it was still really frustrating.
"Concentrate more on your defense, Ortheg," Tanya commented calmly from the side. "The only time to go for a hard swing like that is when the opponent's defense is down."
Artos struck again with fast thrust, and this time Ortheg managed to parry it. He tried to go for a counter strike, but Artos was quick to deflect his blow. And so they continued for several minutes, Artos managing to hit him every now and then, while Ortheg didn't break his half-brother's defense even once.
"Alright, let's take a break," Tanya finally said, and Artos dropped his wooden sword down with a satisfied smile on his face. "You're too slow to hit me," he said to Ortheg, who frowned at him. "Just wait until I've got more training," he replied sternly.
"You both still have a lot to learn," Tanya said with a sigh. "Anyway, you can go now Artos, I'll continue a while with Ortheg." Artos nodded to their sister, and walked away. Tanya picked up the training sword that Artos had dropped, and looked at Ortheg with a curious gaze.
"Well, that was quite embarrassing," Ortheg said with a sigh, a weak smile on his face. "No, I wouldn't say so," Tanya replied calmly. "Considering how little training you've had so far, you actually did pretty well. And trust me, in a couple months you'll be able to beat Artos."
"I hope so," Ortheg replied quietly. "It's quite humiliating to lose to a little kid."
"Better keep training then," Tanya quipped, raising up her sword. "Get your defense up," she said, and Ortheg followed the advice. Tanya moved in, starting with a light swing that Ortheg managed to deflect. However, Tanya quickly followed with another strike, hitting Ortheg on his wrist, which made him drop the training sword.
"Oh... I didn't expect to disarm you that easily," Tanya said with a raised eyebrow, a genuinely surprised tone. "Is something bothering you? Or are you just tired?"
[Tell her about your meeting with the Oracle] [Say that you are tired]
Now, that was a very interesting part! The meeting with Cyrenna and the rest of her group was not big in terms of revelation, but holds kinda nice implications in terms of speculation. Pretty sure this will be something I can work with in future parts So, for now I noticed what might be a mention of the Boneway in Cyrenna's first prophecy. A road of bones and blood sounds kinda like it, meaning Ortheg might hold a major role in that particular battle. In her second prophecy, the word "heavens" kinda gained my curiosity. Of course, when it comes to that, it is not hard for me to overanalyze stuff, but that particular choice of words struck me as a bit unusual, so maybe it is a Blackmont connection, given the word is heavily featured in their house words? Hinting at some sort of a connection, but of what kind, I cannot say. As said, it might be nothing, but at least with the Boneway, I am pretty confident in my interpretation.
[Tell her about your meeting with the Oracle]
I mean, if he can't be honest with his sister, with whom could he be? She's family and hasn't given me any reason to assume she wouldn't support Ortheg with this. On top of that, as said above, I am very intrigued by the Oracle's cryptic prophecy and maybe Tanya knows more or knows how to find out more. She could very well help, or at least not be a hindrance to Ortheg on his quest to find out just what exactly this means.
The room that Septon Harmen had lead Ortheg into was filled with thin smoke, coming from the burning incenses. The Seven Messenger… mores stood by the walls of the shady room, while Oracle Cyrenna sat in the middle, surrounded by seven candles. With hesitation Ortheg stepped closer, and the Oracle turned her blue eyes to him, a hollow and lifeless look in them.
"Sit down, Ortheg Sand," she said with a voice that gave Ortheg the chills. What have I gotten myself into? Without saying a word, he sat down opposed to the Oracle, who offered him her hand. With a gulp Ortheg grabbed it, and the Oracle closed her eyes.
"What troubles your mind, Ortheg?" She asked with a zealous tone. "Speak, and perhaps the gods shall answer."
"I... I want to know if I will become a knight," Ortheg said nervously, glancing around himself. For a moment Cyrenna stayed silent, her eyes still closed. Then, suddenly she gasped for air, and opened her eyes. "I… [view original content]
Now, that was a very interesting part! The meeting with Cyrenna and the rest of her group was not big in terms of revelation, but holds kinda nice implications in terms of speculation. Pretty sure this will be something I can work with in future parts So, for now I noticed what might be a mention of the Boneway in Cyrenna's first prophecy. A road of bones and blood sounds kinda like it, meaning Ortheg might hold a major role in that particular battle. In her second prophecy, the word "heavens" kinda gained my curiosity. Of course, when it comes to that, it is not hard for me to overanalyze stuff, but that particular choice of words struck me as a bit unusual, so maybe it is a Blackmont connection, given the word is heavily featured in their house words? Hinting at some sort of a connection, but of what kind, I cannot say. As said, it might be nothing, but at least with the Boneway, I am pretty confident in my interpretation.
Glad to hear you enjoyed the part! What comes to the Oracle and these septons, their "advice" is certainly a bit unclear and vague, which might well be on purpose so that the people who seek their guidance will have many ways to interpret their words. That said, Cyrenna definitely is seeing something, and there could be some actual hints in there about where Ortheg's story is heading. Septon Bors interpreted the road paved with bones and blood as Ortheg going to see a lot of war and death in his life, but it could very well also have a more literal meaning. As for the second prophecy, it was basically just their way to say "your father is dead, concentrate on other things"
Now, that was a very interesting part! The meeting with Cyrenna and the rest of her group was not big in terms of revelation, but holds kind… morea nice implications in terms of speculation. Pretty sure this will be something I can work with in future parts So, for now I noticed what might be a mention of the Boneway in Cyrenna's first prophecy. A road of bones and blood sounds kinda like it, meaning Ortheg might hold a major role in that particular battle. In her second prophecy, the word "heavens" kinda gained my curiosity. Of course, when it comes to that, it is not hard for me to overanalyze stuff, but that particular choice of words struck me as a bit unusual, so maybe it is a Blackmont connection, given the word is heavily featured in their house words? Hinting at some sort of a connection, but of what kind, I cannot say. As said, it might be nothing, but at least with the Boneway, I am pretty confident in my interpretation.
[Tell her abo… [view original content]
[Tell her about your meeting with the Oracle] I don't see any harm in telling her, and Tanya doesn't strike me as a very religious person, so she will probably only give her opinion.
So the rebellion against House Teague hasn't happened yet, but it will be interesting if we hear that the Stormlands has expanded northwards. That also means the Storm Kings held the Riverlands for at least 500 years before being driven out by the Ironborn.
The room that Septon Harmen had lead Ortheg into was filled with thin smoke, coming from the burning incenses. The Seven Messenger… mores stood by the walls of the shady room, while Oracle Cyrenna sat in the middle, surrounded by seven candles. With hesitation Ortheg stepped closer, and the Oracle turned her blue eyes to him, a hollow and lifeless look in them.
"Sit down, Ortheg Sand," she said with a voice that gave Ortheg the chills. What have I gotten myself into? Without saying a word, he sat down opposed to the Oracle, who offered him her hand. With a gulp Ortheg grabbed it, and the Oracle closed her eyes.
"What troubles your mind, Ortheg?" She asked with a zealous tone. "Speak, and perhaps the gods shall answer."
"I... I want to know if I will become a knight," Ortheg said nervously, glancing around himself. For a moment Cyrenna stayed silent, her eyes still closed. Then, suddenly she gasped for air, and opened her eyes. "I… [view original content]
The room that Septon Harmen had lead Ortheg into was filled with thin smoke, coming from the burning incenses. The Seven Messenger… mores stood by the walls of the shady room, while Oracle Cyrenna sat in the middle, surrounded by seven candles. With hesitation Ortheg stepped closer, and the Oracle turned her blue eyes to him, a hollow and lifeless look in them.
"Sit down, Ortheg Sand," she said with a voice that gave Ortheg the chills. What have I gotten myself into? Without saying a word, he sat down opposed to the Oracle, who offered him her hand. With a gulp Ortheg grabbed it, and the Oracle closed her eyes.
"What troubles your mind, Ortheg?" She asked with a zealous tone. "Speak, and perhaps the gods shall answer."
"I... I want to know if I will become a knight," Ortheg said nervously, glancing around himself. For a moment Cyrenna stayed silent, her eyes still closed. Then, suddenly she gasped for air, and opened her eyes. "I… [view original content]
The room that Septon Harmen had lead Ortheg into was filled with thin smoke, coming from the burning incenses. The Seven Messenger… mores stood by the walls of the shady room, while Oracle Cyrenna sat in the middle, surrounded by seven candles. With hesitation Ortheg stepped closer, and the Oracle turned her blue eyes to him, a hollow and lifeless look in them.
"Sit down, Ortheg Sand," she said with a voice that gave Ortheg the chills. What have I gotten myself into? Without saying a word, he sat down opposed to the Oracle, who offered him her hand. With a gulp Ortheg grabbed it, and the Oracle closed her eyes.
"What troubles your mind, Ortheg?" She asked with a zealous tone. "Speak, and perhaps the gods shall answer."
"I... I want to know if I will become a knight," Ortheg said nervously, glancing around himself. For a moment Cyrenna stayed silent, her eyes still closed. Then, suddenly she gasped for air, and opened her eyes. "I… [view original content]
Tanya has always treated Ortheg well and I think she is an excellent person for him to confide in and I definitely believe that Ortheg needs to confide in someone about this. I have also just realized that Ortheg will be really interesting because his personality has the most potential to change especially as he learns more academically and martially. If the Oracle's visions for Ortheg come true, he will no doubt be completely different by then and seeing how he changese should be really cool to say the least. On a side note though, it was pretty cool to see Marleina's dad mentioned in the story!
The room that Septon Harmen had lead Ortheg into was filled with thin smoke, coming from the burning incenses. The Seven Messenger… mores stood by the walls of the shady room, while Oracle Cyrenna sat in the middle, surrounded by seven candles. With hesitation Ortheg stepped closer, and the Oracle turned her blue eyes to him, a hollow and lifeless look in them.
"Sit down, Ortheg Sand," she said with a voice that gave Ortheg the chills. What have I gotten myself into? Without saying a word, he sat down opposed to the Oracle, who offered him her hand. With a gulp Ortheg grabbed it, and the Oracle closed her eyes.
"What troubles your mind, Ortheg?" She asked with a zealous tone. "Speak, and perhaps the gods shall answer."
"I... I want to know if I will become a knight," Ortheg said nervously, glancing around himself. For a moment Cyrenna stayed silent, her eyes still closed. Then, suddenly she gasped for air, and opened her eyes. "I… [view original content]
Oh yes, I agree, Ortheg has a lot of potential for growing as a character. That's the reason I'm glad I decided to introduce him at this point of the story, even if he won't be that important for the plot of Book 1. However, this sets him up for some massive character development in the coming books. And yeah, Marleina's father happens to be one of the most famous Durrandon's in history, who will be remembered as the Storm King who ended the line of House Teague and added Riverlands to the Kingdom of Storm.... until a few centuries later Arrec Durrandon lost it to Harwyn 'Hardhand' Hoare.
[Tell her about your meeting with the Oracle]
Tanya has always treated Ortheg well and I think she is an excellent person for him to conf… moreide in and I definitely believe that Ortheg needs to confide in someone about this. I have also just realized that Ortheg will be really interesting because his personality has the most potential to change especially as he learns more academically and martially. If the Oracle's visions for Ortheg come true, he will no doubt be completely different by then and seeing how he changese should be really cool to say the least. On a side note though, it was pretty cool to see Marleina's dad mentioned in the story!
And Ortheg will tell Tanya about his meeting with the Oracle. I'm glad you chose this, because it gives me the opportunity to further develop the relationship of Ortheg and Tanya
Next up, we'll finally return to Kingsgrave, in form of a Myke part. So far in this chapter, Myke has infiltrated the besieged castle of the Manwoody's (during Queen Sofina's failed coup), Joran and Raina coming with him. He has made his presence known to Kortney, and promised to take her out of there. However, as we know from one of Gwendis' parts, army of House Wyl is approaching Kingsgrave, to take it under control of King Yorick. In other words, a battle between Wyl's and Blackmont's is coming.
The battlements of Kingsgrave were crowded with soldiers of House Manwoody, all of them looking out to the field where the Blackmont army was forming a line of defense in front of their encampment, fortified by wooden spikes. From the east approached a large army carrying mainly the banners of House Wyl. The Wyl's had a bad reputation on the Stormlands, notorious for their constant raids to the lands of the Marcher lords. However, Myke hadn't expected them to get involved here, not now.
The supplies in the castle had been starting to run low recently, and it would've been just a few more weeks before the Manwoody's would've been forced to yield, but this changed everything. Of course, the Wyl's were here by the command of King Yorick Yronwood, who no doubt sought to benefit from this conflict of his neighboring kingdoms. Perhaps we should've seen this coming, Myke thought grimly.
The Wyl's seemed to have a slight advantage in numbers over the Blackmont's, but it wouldn't by any means be an easy battle for them. However, no matter who would win, this meant the end of the siege. There was no way the Blackmont's would have enough men after the battle to continue besieging Kingsgrave even if they won. I just hope Prestan had the sense to retreat before the battle. Albin being saved from certain defeat annoyed Myke, but in the end his mission here was to save Kortney, not to take part in the wars of the Dornishmen. Hopefully the boy understands that as well.
"Bloody Wyl's," Myke heard Joran muttering next to him, and he gave his friend a cautious glare. They didn't want to blow their cover, least of all now that it seemed like the tables were turning. As much as Myke hated this turn of events, he had to admit that the chaos could give them an opportunity to escape. As the Wyl troops begun their charge towards the Blackmont's, accompanied by cheers from the Manwoody troops on the walls, Myke turned his eyes to Raina. The girl had a nervous expression on her face, a mix of fear and anger. Of course, she came from the Kingdom of Yronwood, where her whole family had been murdered by a rival lord. Knowing that same lord could very well be in this army they saw right now had to be a troubling prospect for her.
"Rai, could you go check that Kortney is alright?" Myke whispered, and Raina responded with a tense nod. "I will," she said with her muffled tone, and walked away. Myke turned to Joran again, giving him a sharp and knowing look. "This could be our opportunity," he said calmly, and Joran nodded.
Down on the fields the battle had begun, the screams of pain and clashing of steel resounding clearly all the way to the top of Kingsgrave's walls. "Kill the fuckin' vultures!" Myke heard one of the soldiers close to him shouting, which caused many of the other soldiers breaking into laughter. Myke forced a small smile on his face to not stand out too much, but Joran kept on a grim and stern expression. Throughout the history the Blackmont's had been just as much enemies of the Stormlands as the Manwoody's and Wyl's, but right now it was hard not to root for them. After all, they were enemies of Albin Manwoody, the worst man Myke had ever known.
The Blackmont's weren't going down easily, their defensive line throwing back the offensive waves of the Wyl's several times. Looks like Ser Kegan Drinkwater truly is a fine commander, Myke thought with some admiration. However, the cavalry of the Wyl's had took the time to flank the Blackmont camp from south, forcing them to reposition and stretch their lines. As the cavalry charged towards the camp, they were welcomed by a volley of arrows from the Blackmont archers that stood behind the spearmen. Then the cavalry crushed into the line of spearmen, and chaos ensued. The defenders were getting trampled, horses were impaled by the spears and stumbled to the ground, riders fell of their mounts. Quickly the weakened cavalry fell back to regroup, archers taking down a few more of them as they had their backs turned. Nonetheless, they had made a noticable dent to the defense with their charge.
Meanwhile on the eastern flank the infantry of the Wyl's was starting to overwhelm the defensive line. Dozens of bodies had piled up there, and it wasn't about to stop anytime soon. Myke shifted his gaze back to the southern flank, where the cavalry was going in for a second charge, this time against a much more scattered line of spearmen. Once again several riders were taken down by the archers, but the rest pushed forward, once again crushing against the spearmen. However, this time the defenders didn't manage to completely stop the charge. Sure, many of the riders were once again slain by the spears, but many also broke through the lines. This was when Myke first noticed some of the Blackmont reinforcements breaking formation and escaping.
Having broken through the line of defense, the Wyl cavalry charged to help their infantry break through from the eastern flank. This was when the battle truly turned into chaos, the lines of defense and attack blending into one deadly mayhem. Myke spotted more and more of the Blackmont's deserting their post – or at least attempting to, as many were ridden down by the Wyl knights.
The fighting went on for over ten more minutes, before finally the remaining Blackmont's yielded. There were a few hundred of them left, rest having either escaped or lying dead on the ground. The Wyl's had taken a lot of casualties as well, but there was still over two thousand of them left.
While the Wyl troops proceeded to disarm and capture the Blackmont soldiers, the leaders of the army began to approach Kingsgrave, escorted by a dozen guards and bringing with them one of the captured Blackmont's. As they got closer, Myke recognized him as Ser Kegan, as bruised up as the knight was. The one leading the group was a young man, approximately on his mid-twenties. Tall and muscular, he was fairly lightly armored and armed with a spear, clad in a tabard of House Wyl and a black cape. On his narrow and masculine face was a satisfied smirk, and his dark dreadlock hair dangled freely over his shoulders. Right beside him rode a middle-aged man, whose facial features were quite similar to the younger man. He had his long black hair tied to a ponytail, and on his face he sported a goatee. Right behind them came a young knight on his early twenties, a bald fellow with bright blue eyes, and a yellow skull painted on his chest plate. This young knight was the one dragging Ser Kegan with him.
"That young knight... I recognize him," Ser Joran suddenly said, and Myke gave him a surprised glance. "He is Jared Lonmouth, the second son of Lord Raynard Lonmouth," he continued grimly. "I last met him five years ago when I was visiting the Lonmouth Keep. He was always a trouble-maker, yes, but I quite liked the kid. Seeing him with these Wyl's... it's just sad."
"Well, we must make sure he doesn't notice you," Myke said with a quiet sigh, while Prince Arvin Manwoody made his way atop the gatehouse to confront the Wyl's that had just arrived to the gates.
"Prince Arvin, is that you?" The man leading them asked with a grin on his face, and Myke noticed Arvin reciprocating it, if a bit less enthusiastically. "Wallace Wyl... I haven't seen you in years," the prince replied calmly, to which Wallace chuckled.
"Aye, as you can see we came to help you with your... problem," he said, gesturing towards the ravaged siege camp. "With me are my uncle Wynton Wyl, and Jared Lonmouth, a good friend of mine. Oh, and we also happen to have the leader of the Blackmont army here. Kegan Drinkwater, was it?" He asked with a half-hearted tone as he gestured towards the shackled and beaten Ser Kegan, which brought a smirk to Arvin's face.
"I've always liked you, Wally, you know that," Arvin said, taking in a deep breath. "However, I'm not stupid, and neither is my father. You are here by the command of King Yorick, am I correct?"
"Correct," Wallace Wyl confirmed without a moment of hesitation. "The Bloodroyal seeks an alliance with your father, one that would benefit them both."
"An alliance, huh? Now, that is interesting," Arvin said with a cynical tone, a sharp look on his eyes as he glared at Wallace. "Not so long ago my father claimed dominion over all of the Red Mountains, which as you know, includes over half of the Kingdom of Yronwood. I didn't imagine Yorick to take that so... softly."
This time Wallace took a bit longer with his answer, though the expression on his face remained as confident as ever. "Soft certainly wouldn't be the word I'd use to describe Yorick Yronwood," he finally replied. His tone was humorous, but there was a slight hint of threat in his eyes. "He wasn't pleased, I admit that, but he figured Albin would concentrate on the Fowler's and Blackmont's rather than his kingdom. And it seems he was correct."
"So, shouldn't he have been pleased about the Fowler's and Blackmont's defeating us?" Arvin asked sharply, to which Wallace gave him a shrug. "Yorick is the kind of man to concentrate on the future," he replied with a carefree tone. "Yesterday your father claimed to conquer lands of House Yronwood, today he is surrounded by his enemies, tomorrow he could be a useful ally. Let us in, and we can discuss this further."
"And what if we won't let you in?" Arvin asked, keeping his tone calm and polite. "You lost a lot of men against the Blackmont's, while we've been resting here."
Wallace let out an audible sigh, turning his gaze down for a moment, before raising it up again with a small chuckle. "If you refuse to open the gates, we will turn away and march back to Yronwood," he answered nonchalantly. "However, you can rest assured that we will come back, and this time with the full force of Yronwood. Now we are seeking for alliance, but if you turn us away, we will come back to conquer."
A tense moment of silence followed, with Arvin exchanging a few words with the captain who stood next to him. "Fine then," the prince finally said, letting out a sigh. "Open the gates!" He commanded, and slowly the gates opened and the drawbridge was lowered. And so, Wallace Wyl and his small convoy strolled in, while the rest of the Wyl army remained outside of the walls.
While they arrived to the courtyard and dismounted their horses, Joran suddenly spoke up again. "I need to go talk to Jared," he said decisively, and Myke immediately grabbed him from the shoulder to stop him. "Are you crazy?" He whispered intensely. "You're going to blow our cover if you do this, this isn't the time for this kind of..."
"I think he could help us," Joran cut Myke off, which only made Myke more confused. "I know him, Myke, and he knows and respects me. If I tell him why we are here, he will help us, I know it."
"It's too big of a risk," Myke insisted. "You last met him five years ago, he obviously isn't the great kid you remember him as. I mean, he is a Stormlander serving House Wyl, which should tell us all we need to know about him – he cannot be trusted."
Joran shook his head with a frustrated sigh. "Trust me, Myke. I know Jared Lonmouth, I know he is a good person. Besides, what else exactly is our plan? How can we ever get Kortney out of here without any help?"
For a moment Myke couldn't come up with an answer, so Joran grabbed him from the shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Just let me go talk to him," he said with an earnest tone. "I won't reveal our mission right away, and I won't tell him about you or Raina, so I'll be the only one at risk. If it turns out we can trust him, well, that could be our way to get Kortney safely out of here."
[Let Joran go to Jared Lonmouth][Don't let Joran go to Jared Lonmouth]
Voting is closed!
And Verro will go with Nesila and Zaltha. So begins a new adventure towards Stormlands, in search for Nesila's brother. I would've been fine with either choice here, but I am kinda glad this one won, it should make for quite an interesting storyline. And as for the conclusion to the Lemonwood plotline of Book 1, we will be seeing that from another perspective
Next up will be Valor PoV. However, there is a uni assignment I need to do this weekend that I have to prioritize over the story. That said, it's not that much work, so I'm pretty sure I'll get the Valor part done as well before the weekend is over. In his latest part, Valor led the Fallen Dragons' assault on Salt Shore. They took over the weakly defended city in the night, and before sunrise the castle yielded to them. Even then Gabby Gargalen showed a very stubborn attitude towards Valor, and Olyvar suggested they'd throw her to the dungeons and instead negotiate with the younger sisters. However, Valor decided to give Gabby one more chance to be cooperative.
And this time I have a portrait of Nesila:
I like the portrait of Nesila. She looks pretty much how I imagined.
The council chamber of Salt Shore was comfortable and finely decorated, with white marble pillars against the sandstone walls, large windows with intricately detailed iron grills, around them tall curtains made of red silk. At the head of the long wooden table sat Valor Veltaris, commander of the Fallen Dragons, around him Olyvar Forrester, Firanisa, Maran and Haronos. On the other end of the table were the three daughters of Lord Jorvian Gargalen – Gabby Gargalen, Bridget Gargalen and Eli Sand.
"So, your father marched to war with the Dryland king, right?" Valor asked calmly, which made Gabby frown. "Yes," the obese lady hissed angrily. "But he will come back, and reclaim this city."
"We have a saying in Valyria, 'what you cannot protect, you do not deserve'," Valor replied emotionlessly, seeing Gabby's expression turn even more infuriated. "Now, I don't always agree with that saying, but what kind of a lord leaves his city without proper defenses?" He asked sharply.
"No one expected Nymeria to attack from the sea," Eli Sand protested, and Valor gave her a small nod. "Aye, and yet she did," he said with a subtle smirk. "Looks like your father and the Dryland king underestimated her."
"Get to the point, silver hair," Gabby barked in frustration. "Or did you bring us here just to sneer at us?"
"Apologies, I did not mean to insult," Valor said calmly. "And yes, there is an actual reason why I wanted to discuss with you. I have questions, several of them. Let's start with something easy. As I understand, your father marched towards the city of Vaith with King Dryland. Is that correct?"
"Yes," Gabby answered sternly, and Valor nodded. "City of Vaith is ruled by House Vaith... are they aligned with King Dryland?" He asked.
"They are," Gabby answered shortly, but then her younger sister Bridget spoke up. "The history between Drylands and Vaiths is one full of conflicts, and the Lords of Vaith have never been truly loyal to the Kingdom of Brimstone," she explained softly. "Just like Gargalens and Allyrions."
"I was going to ask about House Allyrion next," Valor said, his gaze turned to Bridget now. She was a beautiful young woman, with innocent blue eyes and delicate facial features. Her bright red dress complimented her svelte body, and her tanned skin was soft and pure. "Does Godsgrace bow to King Dryland as well?"
"No," Bridget answered quickly. "Throughout their history the Allyrions have been under the rule of half a dozen kingdoms, but for the last couple of centuries they have been independent. What comes to the current lord, Morgan Allyrion, he is a selfish and cowardly man who stole the lordship of Godsgrace from his nephew."
"Thank you for the information, mylady," Valor said with a genuinely grateful tone, flashing a charming smile to Bridget, who nodded shyly. "So, Vaith is likely to fall in the hands of the Drylands, while the loyalties of Godsgrace remain uncertain," he pondered, turning to the Rhoynar captain now. "Captain Firanisa, what should we expect from your princess?"
"Godsgrace is close to Sandship, Nymeria will want to secure it first," Firanisa answered with a formal tone. "In fact, I would be surprised if she hasn't made her move by now."
"So, we could perhaps meet her at Godsgrace," Valor said quietly. "First we should send a raven to Sandship though, and inform the princess of our success here. Olyvar, could you find me the maester of this castle?"
"Aye, shouldn't be too hard," the Northerner answered with a relaxed tone, saluting Valor before he left the room. Now Valor turned his eyes to Gabby again. "I have a few more questions for you," he said, and each of the sisters shifted their attention to him again. "Your father, would you say he is loyal to the Drylands?"
"He is loyal to Dornish," Gabby spat immediately. "Lucifer may not be the perfect king, but at least he is one of us, and not some foreign invader." Valor nodded quietly, and turned his eyes to Bridget, giving her an inquiring look. After a moment of hesitation, the younger sister spoke up. "Jorvian recognizes Lucifer's power, and does not wish to make him an enemy," she said, which made Gabby frown. "Lucifer Dryland has ties with the Daynes of Torrentine, the Ullers are loyal to him, and he has a strong sellsword company called the Wild Suns working for him," Bridget continued, ignoring her sister's glare. Valor had heard of the Wild Suns before, even if he had never faced them in battle nor marched beside them. However, being a company of the similar size as the Fallen Dragons, the Wild Suns often worked for similar employers.
"I understand, your father feels it's necessary to side with King Lucifer," Valor observed quietly. "However, as I said before, he may be underestimating the power of Princess Nymeria. Tell me, do you think he would be willing to kneel before Nymeria if Lucifer was defeated?"
"That foreign bitch will never defeat King Lucifer," Gabby protested with a mocking tone. "And even if she does, father will never kneel to her."
"Do you agree with her, Bridget?" Valor calmly asked the younger sister, who glanced nervously at Gabby before answering. "I... I cannot tell what exactly would he do if Lucifer was defeated. However, I do know that he cares for us, his children, and Lady Delena, his wife. I believe he would do whatever was best for his family."
"So, he might be willing to kneel after all," Valor deduced dryly, giving Gabby Gargalen a sharp glare. "Thank you, ladies, I believe this is enough for now. Firanisa and Haronos will escort you to your quarters. Guards will be placed at your doors, but do not worry, you will be taken good care of."
Gabby and Eli quickly got up, and walked out of the room, Haronos going with them, while Bridget lingered on a bit longer. "I am sorry for Gabby," she said to Valor, a sincere tone on her voice. "She just wants to be a good daughter to Jorvian, I'm sure you can understand."
"I understand," Valor replied with a gentle tone. "And I'm grateful for your cooperation. Hopefully this will turn out well for all of us in the end." Bridget nodded to Valor's words, and followed after her sisters, Firanisa tailing her.
As the door closed, Valor turned his eyes to Maran, who had been sitting quietly next to him throughout the conversation. "So, what do you think of Dorne so far, boy?" He asked with a friendly smirk, which the young Rhoynar boy shyly reciprocated. "It seems like an interesting land," he said calmly, and then his smile faded. "And one filled with conflict," he added with a less joyful tone.
"Indeed, and that is the reason why we are here," Valor said, taking in a deep breath. "However, perhaps we can help the princess build something stable here," he added with a hopeful tone, and Maran nodded. For a moment they were both quiet, until Valor spoke up again. "If you wish to stay here with your people once the war is over, know that I fully understand."
Maran nodded, but kept his gaze down, clearly uncomfortable. Valor stood up from his seat and patted the boy gently on the shoulder. "But let us not worry about that now," he said with a more cheerful tone, and Maran turned to look at him again. "There is still much work to do to ensure Nymeria's victory." Right after Valor said that, the door of the council chamber was opened again, and in walked Olyvar, and with him a bald man with bushy greying beard and simple black robes. Around the old man's neck was the collar of links made of different metals, indicating he was the maester. In his hands were an empty piece of parchment, ink and quill.
"Commander Valor Veltaris, I welcome you to Salt Shore," the man said with a bow, and sat down, laying the parchment on the table. "I am Tristifer, the maester of this castle," he introduced himself, and Valor sat down opposed to him.
"Good, I need to send a message to Sandship," he said, and the maester nodded. "Yes, so your friend told me," he said with some impatience in his words. "I will write and send your message, just tell me what you want me to write."
Valor stayed quiet for a moment, considering his words. "To Princess Nymeria," he begun calmly, and the maester started writing. "The Fallen Dragons have taken over the city of Salt Shore. Lord Jorvian has marched away with most of his troops, accompanying King Lucifer Dryland to Vaith, but his family is here. The Fallen Dragons are positioned in Salt Shore, and in your command. We will wait for further instructions from you. Best regards, Valor Veltaris."
"That all?" The maester asked dryly, and Valor nodded. "Aye," he said sternly. "Olyvar, escort the maester back to his quarters and make sure he sends the raven." Maester Tristifer gave Valor an irritated glare, appartently offended by his distrust, but Valor ignored it. As Olyvar and Tristifer left the room, Valor stood up once again. "Come on, Maran, let's go," he said to his squire with a relived sigh.
Together they made their way to the inner courtyard of the castle, which was a lavish garden with large fountain and several marble statues. "Myrish work," Valor commented as he eyed one of the statues, this one depicting a warrior armed with a spear. "Clearly being one of the few trade ports on the southern coast has brought wealth to Salt Shore."
"Yet the eldest daughter seems to look down upon anything foreign," Maran said, and Valor smirked at the boy's words. "Better not take anything that woman says too seriously," he replied with an amused tone. "There are people like her everywhere in the world, people who are afraid of anything that is not familiar."
Before Maran could reply, one of the soldiers rushed into the garden. "Commander!" He yelled with an alarmed tone, and Valor gave the soldier a stern nod. "What is it?" He asked strictly, seeing the man gulp. "There's a fight on the courtyard," the soldier explained nervously, which made Valor frown.
"But we disarmed the Gargalen troops," he pointed out, and the soldier nodded. "Yes, there were no weapons involved," he said, which made Valor at least slightly relieved. "Let's go then," he muttered, already starting to walk away from the garden. They quickly made their way to the courtyard, where a crowd of people, mostly Fallen Dragons, had circled around two men. Valor made his way through the crowd, seeing a Gargalen soldier laying on the ground, his face bruised and bleeding. Kneeling on top of him was Tregor Vhassin, the Qohorik warrior whom Valor knew very well to be a violent and temperamental individual. Tregor's left hand was around the Gargalen soldier's throat, while his right fist was raised up, ready to throw another punch on the beaten man's face.
"Enough!" Valor roared, and Tregor shifted his attention to him, quickly letting go of the soldier and standing up, the excitement of the brawl still in his eyes. "What is this?" Valor asked with frustration, pointing at the man who was laying on the ground, half unconscious.
"Commander, this man insulted us," Tregor said, still catching his breath. Valor shook his head subtly, and walked to the beaten man. He kneeled down next to him, and raised him to a sitting position. "How are you?" He asked calmly, and the man mumbled something unintelligible as an answer. Valor gestured at two of his troops at random. "Take this man somewhere to rest and be taken care of," he commanded sternly, and with salutes the two obeyed.
Then, Valor turned to Tregor again, narrowing his eyes as he looked at him. Even if the Fallen Dragons outnumbered the surrendered Gargalen troops, it would be better for everyone if they could both reside here peacefully, and what Tregor had done could've at worst lead to an outright bloodshed. He needed to be disciplined, that much was clear, but Valor was unsure whether he should do it in front of the troops or not.
[Discipline Tregor publicly] [Discipline Tregor privately]
[Discipline Tregor privately] I guess is better if they discuss this privately, because while punishing publicly will probably appease the Gargalen troops, it will make the Qohorik resentful of his commander, and while they can deal with a possible insurrection, an untrustworthy co-worker can be equally dangerous.
You know, Bridget gives me the impression she's fond of her cousin Emerson and supports his claim, and will certainly be pissed when she learns Esperence has basically usurped her father and cousin.
[Discipline Tregor publicly]
[Discipline Tregor publicly]
[Discipline Tregor publicly]
I guess this will make an example for the other troops.
[Discipline Tregor publicly]
I was really torn between the options here. My primary goal with this choice is to prevent worsening the relations between the Fallen Dragons and the defeated Gargalen's. Because I believe, while they are indeed defeated and disarmed, they are far from harmless if provoked enough, especially if someone more capable than Gabby takes charge. So, I was not sure what could help with the relations more, publically disciplining anyone that harms the captives, or trying to cover things up and dealing with them in private. In the end though, I believe the straightforward way is the slightly better one here, so I pick this option. I have the feeling things are far from over here though. Or maybe that's where I am wrong, but fact is, they need to find a way to bring the Gargalen's to their side before moving on, maybe besieging Vaith together with Nymeria's troops. If they leave right now, they will have an enemy in their backs. My best hope is that such straightforward and honest dealing with anyone that steps out of line will win Bridget over, who seems notably more reasonable than Gabby. Installing her as the ruler of Salt Shore until the future of House Gargalen is decided upon could be a wise idea to keep them from attacking the Fallen Dragons from behind, but for that, she must be convinced that Nymeria is not only the future of Dorne, but also a honourable ruler with honourable followers.
[Discipline Tregor privately]
This is a tough choice and I can see the reasoning behind the other choice but I still am going to go with the private option here. While discipling Tregor publicly may acheive some goodwill with the Gargalen's and their troops, I don't feel it'd be the best choice for the morale of the Fallen Dragons which is more important in my opinion. If Valor berates him in front of everyone just to make a show for the Gargalen's, it could cause Tregor and some of the other Fallen Dragons to lose a bit of respect for him. From Tregor's PoV, he was only standing up for their company even if beating this man senseless probably wasn't the best way to go about it
Valor seems to know Tregor reasonably well and they have probably fought beside each other on multiple occasions so I think taking Tregor aside privately and telling him that he did wrong one on one will do so much more for Tregor's opinion of Valor and the way the other Fallen Dragon's look at him even though they do already seem to have plenty of respect for him. As far as the potential conflict with the Gargalen's go, I feel that will most likely settle in time if Valor gets the point across to his men about it which I have no doubt that he will.
Voting is closed!
And Valor will discipline Tregor publicly. As many of you figured out, this is the better option in regards of keeping the Gargalen troops happy, but Tregor on the other hand would've certainly preferred to be disciplined privately. That said, Valor is probably smart enough not to make this too humiliating for Tregor.
And next up will be a Kris PoV. It's been a while since we had a part from Kris, it was during the ceremony held for him at the town square. However, we have had a couple more parts in Vaith after that. First of all, we had a Jamison part where he had a brief chat with Kris, during which they came to an understanding about the earlier fight between them that scarred Jamison, and both left the conversation with no hard feelings towards the other. Later on Lucifer arrived to Vaith with Gargalen forces, and legitimized Dalia. Nonetheless, Dalia later decided she would follow her daughter after Valerie instead of leading the Wild Suns against Nymeria. We continue from Vaith, but at the beginning of this part Lucifer and Jamison have both already left the city, and the Wild Suns and Lord Gargalen are getting ready to leave as well. The part should be ready either today or tomorrow
"Afternoon, Princess Dalia Dryland," Kris politely greeted the tall red-haired lady, as he approached her on the courtyard. Dalia was observing the Wild Suns and Gargalen troops preparing for their long march, and hardly even paid attention to Kris, just giving him a small nod. King Lucifer had left yesterday, as well as the small Dayne entourage. Lord Jorvian and the Wild Suns on the other hand planned to begin their march towards east today. However, Kris had heard Dalia was not planning to go with them. "Does your hunt for Valerie begin today?" He asked calmly, and Dalia shook her head. "I'll wait until the Wild Suns have left," she answered with a monotone voice. "Tomorrow," she added with a sigh, and Kris nodded.
"My mother will do whatever she can to aid you," He said quietly, and Dalia shifted her eyes to him. "And what about you?" She asked, her tone calm but the look on her eyes sharp. Kris shrugged hesitantly, turning his eyes down. He was the Lord of Vaith, it was his duty to protect this city. And more importantly, my son.
"Trust me, I want justice to be delivered to Valerie, and her black magic burned away from this world," he said sternly. "However, there are more important things for me to worry about right now."
"Are there really?" Dalia asked strictly. "I am abandoning my duty as commander of the Wild Suns and as the heir of Brimstone to see this mission through. If you ask me, nothing is as important as ridding the world from the servants of darkness such as Valerie."
"That is easy for you to say," Kris shot back with a slightly irritated tone, which made Dalia frown. "How so?" She asked, and Kris let out a joyless chuckle. "Because your choice to go after Valerie keeps you close to your family," he answered sharply. "In fact, I assume it is your will to protect your daughter that makes you so eager to abandon your other duties." Dalia gulped and turned her eyes away hastily, indicating that Kris was indeed correct with his assumption.
"I understand, you don't want to leave your son behind again," she said with a sigh, turning her eyes to Kris again, this time a more vulnerable gaze in them. "To be honest, I would probably feel the same in your position. And I won't blame you if you choose to stay, but... I pray that you at least consider helping us. You of all people know how dangerous Valerie is, and Desi..."
"Desi what?" Kris asked calmly, and after a moment of hesitation Dalia finally continued. "She saw something in the flames, something that convinced her that Valerie is not alone. And even more troubling is that she saw a flame fizzle out in the storm brought by these servants of darkness. I fear this mission will be the death of either me or my daughter."
For a moment Kris had trouble finding words, and he just looked Dalia into his dark eyes, which were usually filled with determination and strength, but now showed only weakness and fear. Kris pulled Dalia into a comforting hug, and as they separated again he grabbed her from the shoulders. "I know visions in the flames are not to be taken lightly," he begun with a calm and encouraging tone. "However, they have been misinterpreted before. Don't give up on your life, nor on your daughter's. Prove R'hllor that you have the strength to protect both yourself and her."
Dalia smiled cautiously and shook her head. "I am truly grateful for you encouraging words, Lord Kris," she said as Kris removed his hands from her shoulders. "However, I have to doubt if I could truly change the fate that the gods have chosen for me."
"Of course you can," Kris insisted confidently, seeing a slight hint of hope returning to Dalia's eyes. "R'hllor may guide us in this life, but in the end you are the master of your own fate, not the gods."
"I want to believe that," Dalia replied weakly, and Kris grabbed her hand with a firm grip. "Then do," he said with a quiet but strong voice, to which Dalia nodded. For a moment they both just stood there silently, until Mizro the Sharp suddenly approached them. The Myrish sellsword cleared his throat to gain their attention, and Kris immediately let go of Dalia's hand.
"I don't mean to interrupt anything," Mizro said dryly, to which Dalia shook her head. "You are not," she assured, the familiar confidence and determination in her voice and expression again.
"Mm, good then, I just came to say goodbye," Mizro said calmly, quickly glancing at Kris as he spoke. "We will begin our march towards Godsgrace now. If everything goes as planned, we will win your father's war for him... And if I survive, I hope to see you and our little Desi again."
"I hope so as well," Dalia responded with a small sigh. Without further conversation, the two engaged in a short hug. "It has been an honor fighting by your side all these years, Dalia," Mizro said quietly as they separated. "Hopefully I'll be able to lead our troops half as well as you did."
"I trust in you, Mizro," Dalia said, a subtle smirk on her face. "Good luck, and may we meet again soon."
"Goodbye," Mizro replied. "May R'hllor guide your way." With these words Mizro turned away, mounted his horse and rode out of the castle of Vaith. Dalia turned to Kris again, an uncertain look in her eyes. "I need to see Desi," she said quietly, looking Kris to the eyes once more before she walked away.
After a lengthy conversation about improving the defenses of Vaith with Henry, Ser Martin, and Hangman – who had been made the new captain of the city guard, Kris finally made his way towards his quarters. The sun was already setting to the west, and while Kris was tired, many thoughts still troubled his mind. Most importantly he was still wondering if he should leave with Dalia and Desirea or stay in Vaith. I probably won't get much sleep tonight, he thought grimly as he arrived to the door of his chambers.
Opening the door and walking in, Kris saw something he hadn't expected as he turned his gaze towards the bed. Lady Myra was there, dressed in a revealing dark red dressing gown, and laying in a provocative pose. She was beautiful as always, and seeing her like this again made Kris' blood pump.
"What are you doing here?" He managed to ask as he walked closer, his eyes scanning Myra's shapely body, and she let out a sweet little chuckle. "Not so long ago we shared this bed every night. Or don't you remember?"
"Of course I remember," Kris replied quietly, still keeping his distance. "Where is Nickon?"
"Don't worry about him now," Myra answered soothingly. "He is sleeping, it's just you and me here." With these words the Summer Islander lady stood up from the bed, and approached Kris with catlike steps. She came right next to him, her left hand softly touching Kris' right thigh. "I have missed your touch, mylord," Myra whispered into his ear, and he could feel his heart beating faster. And I have missed yours, Kris thought, but didn't say it out loud. Instead, he stared his wife intensely to the eyes, seeing the passion and excitement in them.
Unable to hold back any longer, Kris put his right arm around Myra, and proceeded to kiss her. It was a long kiss, and Kris felt like it was what he had needed for so long. After they separated, Myra grabbed Kris hand and led him to the bed, a seductive gaze in her eyes. They fell into the bed and stripped each other from their clothes. That night Kris made love, and forgot about everything else.
Waking up to the morning sun shining in from the windows, Kris noticed he was alone in the bed. However, before he could even get up, he heard the chatting and laughing close by. Raising to a sitting position, Kris saw Myra and Nickon sitting by the table on the other side of the room, having a breakfast. Quietly he stood up, and approached them.
"Well, good morning sleepy," Myra purred as she noticed him, and Kris responded with a warm smile, taking the seat between her and Nickon. "Nickon, do you remember who this is?" Myra asked the boy, and he nodded shyly. "Father," Nickon said, looking at him with a cautious but happy expression.
"Aye, father is here," Kris said gently, grabbing a piece of the bread from the table and pouring some juice to his mug. Then he turned his eyes to Myra, feeling uncertain. He was happier than in a long time, but part of him felt like staying here would be the wrong thing to do. "Kris, what is it?" Myra asked softly, clearly spotting the doubt in his eyes. I have to make this decision now.
[Stay in Vaith] [Go with Dalia]
[Stay in Vaith] Like he mentioned, Dalia leaving makes sense because she is protecting her daughter, even though I voted against Dalia leaving with Desi, it still makes sense and I'm not against that choice. However, here it just doesn't make sense, he should stay with his family and I want him to be on good terms with Myra again. Also he has a duty towards the people of Vaith. Yes she loves Dalia as well but he only knows her for a what, a week? Yeah, I just don't see enough reasons to go with Dalia here.
Indeed, Kris has many good reasons to stay in Vaith. That said, the main reason for him to go wouldn't be his feelings for Dalia (though that definitely is a factor) but rather the fact that he knows how dangerous Valerie is.
[Go with Dalia]
We all know where I stand here, but allow me to explain my reasons. My main goal for this chapter is to get Gwen out of the mess we put her in, this much you all know. For that, it is mandatory to take down Wesley. While Dalia might be able to do this, emphasis on might, Kris is absolutely certain to defeat him. After all, this is the guy that already defeated Jamison, who is in a wholly different league than Wesley. More than that though, is the fact that I remain on the fence about Dalia. Who knows what she is going to do if she gets under the impression that Gwen is a threat to Desi? I know, she won't be unless we make her, but how could Dalia know? I trust her with fighting her utmost against Wesley, but for Gwen not to be caught in the fray, it might require more than just her and I want to have someone there whom I can trust to remain level-headed and not cut down everyone nearby when angered. He showed a cool head before and I hope it is this very trait that will tip the scales in the final confrontation with Aisha and Wesley. Even more importantly, if Valerie shows up there (though her absence so far gives me hope she keeps her ugly mug hidden until Book 2), he is the one who knows how to fight her. Dalia can counter the martial skill of Wesley, but Valerie is more than that, more dangerous, more cunning and it takes one who already suffered under her to know how to deal with her. There is also the argument of Mother Minesa likely leaving with Desi and I think when she has one of her fanatism hissy fits, he might be the only one stopping her from burning Gwendis and maybe even Trentan. So, Dalia, Valerie, Wesley, Minesa, those are four big dangers for Gwendis that have to be dealt with and four very good reasons for Kris to leave Vaith. Believe me, I would like for Kris to be happy with Myra and Nickon, but the last thing I want is to take even the tiniest chance when it comes to Wesley, because this could have catastophic consequences for Gwendis. As such, this choice is, for me, not about Kris. There will definitely be a time where I can make choices for him with a certain peace of mind, but not now, not when his inclusion in the coming fight against Wesley could be so crucial to bring things to a happy ending in that storyline. Don't get me wrong, I might be way too paranoid there, after all I might still be too reluctant to give Dalia enough credit (mostly because I still have a deep-seated dislike towards her), but I am not willing to risk it. The possible consequences of leaving Vaith just don't seem to be all that bad when compared to the possible consequences of staying in Vaith. If he leaves Vaith, what is the worst that can happen? He can always return once Wesley and Valerie are taken care of. But if he stays, this puts even more risk into a storyline I already consider to be way too risky, as it means we have to trust Dalia with not only defeating Wesley, but also saving Gwendis' life in the process and when it comes to that, Kris has earned my trust notably more than anyone else. I like Kris and I want to continue liking him and as much as it pains me to lead him away from his family for the time being, I refuse to risk anything when it comes to that storyline. The stakes are too high and too personal. And a risk it is at the very least. At best it remains nothing more than a risk if Kris stays, if I am truly not giving Dalia enough credit, but at worst it leads to the worst possible outcome. No matter how I look at it, I can't see even the tiniest reason to take this risk.
[Stay in Vaith] While I think he could defeat Crusher, House Vaith needs its leader (there's the fact that we will need a POV for the confrontation between Martell and Dryland) and we don't know enough about the military capabilities of Gargalen or Uller.
How many troops does the combined force of Dryland, Uller, Gargalen and Vaith-Wild Suns have, at least 3000 right?
On the other hand the Martell, Bloodspill, and Allyrion only have like 2500 (would be 4000 but she had to send troops to help the Dalts).
[Go with Dalia]
I think his involvement will definitely help in defeating Mordekhai and Aisha and rescuing Gwendis and Trentan. He can definitely help keep his mother from doing anything too drastic. His involvement might also help prevent the death Dalia is worried about of either herself or her daughter. I'm sure Myra can run Vaith in his absence; she's done it before.
The combined forces of Drylands, Wild Suns, Gargalens and Vaiths would probably be close to 5000 troops strong. However, some of the Drylands returned to Hellgate Hall with Lucifer, and most of the Vaiths will remain positioned in their city. The Gargalen/Uller/Wild Suns army that began its march towards Godsgrace in this part is indeed somewhere close to 3000. That said, Nymeria's army (even without the Ladybrights and Santagars) isn't significantly smaller now that they have the Allyrions. And if they manage to unite with the Fallen Dragons, then they'll have the numbers.
Yeah, I could guess what your choice here would be, and the reasoning for it as well
And I don't blame you, from the perspective of wanting to protect Gwen this is definitely the safer choice, for the very reasons you brought up here. In this part I did my best to bring up the reasons why Kris might want to stay, but those are reasons that are important for him, and less so for the big picture of this R'hllor vs GO storyline.
Well, I'd say the very worst possible consequence would be Kris dying on this mission and never seeing his family again. However, if he does survive, then you are right, he should be able to return to his family, even if the situation in the city would've probably changed during his absence. And of course, Myra would not be pleased with this, but she has been patient with Kris before, so we can assume she'd do so again. The people of Vaith though might question if this lord who keeps disappearing for long periods of time is truly a capable leader for the city.
Exactly, it is the safer choice. I am naturally very heavily opposed to taking any risk when it comes to Gwen, because there is already way too much risk involved without our actions, come to think the kind of people she has around her and might meet in the future. So, I can understand the reason for staying, but I wholeheartedly disagree with it. Kris has been Valerie's thrall for many years, this is his chance to not only break free, but to do something that really matters in stopping her. He can do good here, even if Dalia herself might be enough to save Gwen. I just really don't trust her, like, at all. She's not totally worthless in the things to come, I doubt it, but Kris' presence will make things easier and that's what is important, as even with Dalia's inclusion, the storyline remains a huge risk, which I cannot fully calculate. For the sake of my poor, weak heart, I hope Kris chooses to go with Dalia
See, this is the thing, I don't think he's in much danger. The more people Desi has by her side, the less likely anyone is to die. On her own, Dalia would have died against Jamison and on his own, Kris might have been in serious danger as well, but together they took him down without anyone dying, not even Jamison himself. I think the same should apply for Wesley. All alone, Desi will die, no doubts about it. With Dalia by her side, it could be that Dalia and Wesley will mutually kill each other, or, way worse, Dalia survives and kills Gwen. However, with Kris by her side, it will be easier. Wesley has to fight two super skilled opponents, minimalizing his chances of survival, while giving Dalia the help she might need to survive as well. On top of that, Kris is definitely a level-headed guy who knows how it is to be dragged into a Great Other cultists schemes, so he is by far the most likely to show mercy to Gwendis and Trentan, aside from maybe Desirea herself. So, it might be that Dalia achieves the very same, I don't want to put it past her, that she kills Wesley, forces Aisha to flee (because like a cockroach, I bet that bitch is hard to kill and won't meet her end in Book 1) and then spares Gwendis' life, but hoping for this remains a gamble, one I am not willing to take.
My god, I just realized that if we wouldn't have chosen for Dalia to leave, there would be absolutely no motivation for Kris to accompany her, meaning Desi would be completely without valuable allies in the fight to come. I have the feeling that this would have led to the bad outcome for sure, whereas with Dalia by her side, there is at least a chance. Still, I can only hope the remaining voters will listen to my plea. Kris can always return and patch things up with Myra later. If anyone can understand him in his desire to stop Valerie, it is Myra herself, who has suffered precisely the same, after all. I doubt she'd hold it against him. So, yeah, I have the feeling we need Kris, or else this is all going to be more risky than I am ever comfortable with.
[Go with Dalia] The more people going after Aisha and Mordekhai, the better. Even though Dalia will be there already, Aisha proved that her magic is pretty strong (especially now with the blood sacrifice and all) and I really think that they'll need Kris' help... Better safe than sorry. Besides, I highly doubt Vaith would fall to pieces if Kris were to go again for some time.
[Go with Dalia] This is a huge decision no doubt and while I do feel like the people of Vaith need Kris, I feel like Valerie along with Aisha and Mordekhai need to be stopped. This is a huge decision for his storyline and while Kris does seem really happy right now, eventually Nymeria will conquer Vaith and I feel like him staying there would just lead to him going to the Wall at best. While this path gives him a very important purpose and should hopefully make the goal of taking care of the Great Other followers along with saving their hostages even easier. I can't say how much difference it will make with him there but it'll only help I'd imagine.
Voting is closed!
And Kris will go with Dalia. I could definitely see this winning, even if I tried to bring up some legit reasons for Kris to stay. We have one less PoV now for the Martell-Dryland war, but it's not a big deal because we already have Nymeria, Valor and Nealia to show us that. It's also nice to have two PoVs for this journey of Team R'hllor, to give us different perspectives.
Anyway, next up we'll have a Nymeria PoV. Last time in Godsgrace Nymeria denied Esperence's proposal to marry Jaran Martell, saying the young lady hadn't yet won her trust. She also had a brief meeting with the spymaster Edd Prally, who revealed her that in truth Emerson had the rightful claim to the lordship of Godsgrace, but he decided to side with Jordaynes (and thus King Yorick Yronwood). Later, as the Santagars and Ladybrights were leaving to help Ser Dallin Dalt take back Lemonwood, the princess had a little chat with her youngest royal guard, Nesea. At the end of their conversation, Nesea asked if Nymeria was fighting this war for the Rhoynar or for the Dornish, and you voted for her to answer that she is fighting it for both.
I haven't made much progress today, since I spent the whole day fishing with my father and uncle (caught 3 pikes, biggest of them 4 kg
). However, hopefully I'll get the part done tomorrow 
"I fight this war for all the people of Dorne," Princess Nymeria said calmly, looking the young Nesea to the eyes as she spoke. "For the Rhoynar, yes, but also for the Dornish. What I seek is unity for the people of this land, and in that unity there is no room for me to favor one group over the other."
"I hear you, Your Grace," Nesea said quietly, a touch of uncertainty in her words. "However, the reason you led us here was to ensure that Rhoyne and its people would not be forgotten, that our culture would live on."
"And I am still committed to that," Nymeria assumed firmly. "However, this land will not turn into Rhoyne no matter what we do or how long we wait, so we have to adapt. We create a new home here, together with the Dornish, or we perish."
Nesea nodded, the look on her eyes still a bit uncertain. Nymeria put her hand gently on the girl's shoulder and smiled, looking her to the eyes. "Don't worry, Nesea," she said with an encouraging tone. "We may have lost much, but there is more to win. If we stay strong now, a glorious tomorrow awaits all the children of Mother Rhoyne."
Nesea nodded again, the look in her eyes a bit more satisfied now. "I understand, Your Grace," she said firmly, and with a soft smile Nymeria turned her eyes back towards the courtyard. Seeing the last of the Santagars and Ladybrights marching out of the gates, her smile quickly faded. Aiding the Dalts was necessary, but splitting up her army in such a crucial moment certainly concerned Nymeria. They would have to face the Drylands in battle soon, whether they were ready or not. Godsgrace had been easy, but if Nymeria wanted extend her power any further west, she would have to go through King Lucifer.
From what Nymeria knew, the Kingdom of Brimstone was relatively strong, though it also had its weaknesses. The river of Brimstone was firmly in the grasp of the Drylands, but any vassals they had away from it were unreliable at best. Then there was the fact that King Lucifer would soon be on his fifties, and he had no heir. No heir meant no future for his dynasty, which could potentially make his vassals more willing to turn on him. Nymeria just had to convince them that she in turn did have a future to offer. But first I must prove my strength.
"Your Grace," Nymeria heard the stern and humorless voice of General Varyn saying on her left, and she turned towards him. "General," she greeted him calmly, and Varyn bowed, and then continued. "My princess, now that the Ladybrights and Santagars have left, I think we should discuss our next move."
"I agree," Nymeria replied firmly, taking in a deep breath. "Gather the council, general," she commanded, and Varyn bowed again. "I will," he said, before walking away. Once more Nymeria turned her gaze to Nesea, determination in her eyes. "Brace yourself, sweet girl," she said quietly, almost whispering. "This war is only about to begin."
Princess Nymeria sat at the head of the table, Prince Mors right next to her. Then there were Varyn, Jadisha of Ny Sar, Maester Fabian, Edd Prally, and at the other end of the table, Lady Esperence. Maester Fabian had two scrolls in his hands, and the whole council had shifted their attention to him, as he opened first of them.
"A message from Vaith, Your Grace," the old man started calmly. "It is a threat, signed by King Lucifer, as well as Lord Jorvian Gargalen and Lord Kris Vaith. 'Godsgrace must open their gates to the forces of House Dryland and swear their allegiance to the Kingdom of Brimstone, or the city will be taken by force', it says."
"I didn't know Lord Kris had returned," Esperence said with curious tone, and the maester nodded. "It seems he has aligned with King Lucifer."
"Pity," Esperence said with a sigh. "I had connections to Lady Myra, which could've helped us gain control of Vaith. However, Lord Kris is a stranger to me."
"No matter," Nymeria said decisively. "I'm sure this Lord Kris is just as capable of bending the knee, once he has been defeated. Maester, what does the second message concern?"
"Your Grace, it has been sent from Sandship," the maester answered, and Nymeria narrowed her eyes. "Any problems there?" She asked, praying in her mind that there wasn't. Thankfully, the maester shook his head. "No, actually these are news from Salt Shore. The Fallen Dragons have arrived, and taken over the city. Valor Veltaris says he is waiting for your instructions, and that he has the family of Lord Jorvian Gargalen in his grasp."
Hardly being able to subdue her excitement, Nymeria turned to look at Mors, and she could see from his eyes that he shared her feeling. This was a pleasant surprise, and could make the next phase of this war remarkably easier. I suppose Forovos knew what he was doing after all.
"This is good news," Esperence spoke up. "If these sellswords indeed have Lord Jorvian's family as a hostage, we can use it to turn him against King Lucifer."
"So, blackmail," Varyn stated dryly, and Esperence shot him a glare. "Do you have better ideas?" She asked sharply, and the general took in a deep breath. "Don't get me wrong, mylady, I know in war every advantage should be utilized. However, Valor Veltaris having the Gargalens as hostage won't mean anything if the Dryland forces defeat us here."
"So, you are saying we should instead command the Fallen Dragons to leave Salt Shore and join us here?" Nymeria asked calmly, and Varyn nodded. "Perhaps they could also take one or two of the hostages with them," he suggested calmly.
"Yes, that could work," Prince Mors said with a pondering tone on his voice. "However, another option would be to send the Fallen Dragons straight to Vaith. Think about it, if the Drylands plan to march towards Godsgrace, Vaith will be left with minimal defenses. Then, whatever forces King Lucifer has in the central Dorne will be left stuck between two armies."
"That could work, but once again, it is risky to keep our forces split," Varyn said sternly. "And frankly, we shouldn't put too much trust in Valor Veltaris. After all, he is a sellsword."
"He has done his part so far," Mors stated, turning to Nymeria again. "What do you say, my love?"
[Command the Fallen Dragons to Godsgrace] [Command the Fallen Dragons to Vaith]
[Command the Fallen Dragons to Godsgrace]
Haha, the first good side effect of this choice is already to be seen. While I haven't thought about that (and if I am not mistaken, this is the first time we learned about Myra's connection to Esperence) and it hasn't been a reason for me to pick the latest Kris choice (which I, by the way, am beyond relieved we have chosen), I must say, there already is one good thing coming out oft his. So far, I thought Vaith to be loyal, but with Myra back on top, things might not be that clear. And the Gargalen's, who seem loyal, have lost their city to Nymeria, making things more complicated for them as well. Oh man, Lucifer is so fucked
But anyways, when it comes to the choice, that was one I found to be notably harder than the last one. Ultimately, I pick [Command the Fallen Dragons to Godsgrace], because of the revelation of this part, that Myra and Vaith might be way less loyal to Lucifer than I have thought before. With this, Lucifer pretty much only has one chance at winning this, if I estimate the situation correctly, and it is winning in one climactic battle, or at least selling himself so costly that the next opponent will fare better. As such, I think it will be for the best to ignore Vaith for the time being, maybe allow Esperence to do what she does the best and convince Myra to switch sides, achieving the same without force, while leaving the Fallen Dragons free to assist Nymeria in the battle against Lucifer.
Indeed, Kris going away should make things easier for the Martells when it comes to Vaith. As for Esperence's connections to Myra, it has been hinted at/briefly mentioined before in one of Emerson's parts in Chapter 2. There isn't like a full-blown conspiracy between the two ladies or anything, they just know each other well and have a lot of respect for each other. Yep, Lucifer's campaign in central Dorne for sure is going badly, even if he isn't really aware of it yet himself. In fact, right now he is quite confident his daughter and vassals will take care of the war for him while he is back in Hellgate Hall marrying Gwyneth Tiddle.
[Command the Fallen Dragons to Godsgrace] The increase in numbers could be crucial in defeating Dryland, and besides, with Kris going away, it will all depend on Gargalen and Uller to lead the army, and if the hostages can sway Jorvian, that leaves Uller and whoever Dryland left in charge on a huge bind.
You're right, Lucifer is getting screwed, and he doesn't even know that yet.
[Command the Fallen Dragons to Godsgrace]
[Command the Fallen Dragons to Godsgrace]
I agree with the others here amd while I do like Mors' idea, they desperately need more troops for the big battle with the Dryland Troops since this will most likely be the defining battle of Nymeria's war with them. Also on a side note, I want to see Valor and Nymeria meet since I am really curious to how it'd go.
Voting is closed!
And so, Nymeria shall command the Fallen Dragons to Godsgrace. The thing I like the most about this choice is that it brings Valor and Nymeria to the same location, and I am very much looking forward to writing that meeting
Anyway, next up we are going back to Yronwood, and continue Ortheg's storyline. By now the bastard of King Yorick's deceased brother has found his place in the court and started his training to become a knight in service of the King. However, in the latest part we saw an interesting group of septons and septas arriving to Yronwood, known as the Seven Messengers and the Oracle. Ortheg met the leader of them, Septon Harmen, in the sept of Yronwood, and he suggested for him to come and see the Oracle if he was looking for answers. And so, this next part will begin from Ortheg meeting Oracle Cyrenna. I've made some good progress on the part the past few days, and you can expect it to be ready tomorrow!
The room that Septon Harmen had lead Ortheg into was filled with thin smoke, coming from the burning incenses. The Seven Messengers stood by the walls of the shady room, while Oracle Cyrenna sat in the middle, surrounded by seven candles. With hesitation Ortheg stepped closer, and the Oracle turned her blue eyes to him, a hollow and lifeless look in them.
"Sit down, Ortheg Sand," she said with a voice that gave Ortheg the chills. What have I gotten myself into? Without saying a word, he sat down opposed to the Oracle, who offered him her hand. With a gulp Ortheg grabbed it, and the Oracle closed her eyes.
"What troubles your mind, Ortheg?" She asked with a zealous tone. "Speak, and perhaps the gods shall answer."
"I... I want to know if I will become a knight," Ortheg said nervously, glancing around himself. For a moment Cyrenna stayed silent, her eyes still closed. Then, suddenly she gasped for air, and opened her eyes. "I have seen you, standing on a road paved with bones and blood, a sword in your hand," she said frantically, tightening her grip on Ortheg's hand. Then one of the septons stepped closer to them. It was the muscular one, Septon Bors.
"The Warrior speaks to you," he said with his calm and deep voice. "You will be a knight, Ortheg Sand, but your path will take you through war and sorrow. Many men will die by your blade, and many times you will ask the forgiveness of the gods."
"Forgiveness?" Ortheg muttered quietly, but Septon Bors had already stepped back. "Do you have any more questions?" The Oracle asked, and Ortheg shifted his attention back to her. After a moment of hesitation, he nodded. "My father... I want to know if he can see me, from... wherever he is. I want to know what he thinks of me."
Once again Cyrenna closed her eyes, and silence lingered in the smoky room. Then, again she gasped for air, opened her eyes, and spoke up. "I see you serving with honor, being a hero, and finding glory. Yet the clouds will always hide the heavens from you."
This time it was the old and frail septon who stepped forward, the one they called Septon Mallor. "The Stranger speaks to you," the old man said with his weak and thin voice. "In this life, you will achieve many great things, yet you will never hear your father's praise. He may be watching you, but your eyes will never meet. I suggest, instead of trying to impress the father you've lost, you will dedicate yourself fully to the gods, and King Yorick." With these words the old septon stepped back, and Ortheg turned his eyes to Oracle Cyrenna again. "Any more questions, Ortheg Sand?" She asked calmly, and Ortheg shook his head. "No, not for now," he said, turning to look at Septon Harmen, who approached him and helped him back to his feet again.
"Follow me," he said softly, and Ortheg obeyed. The septon led him out of the room, back to the corridor, and closed the door behind them. "How are you feeling?" He asked calmly, and Ortheg took a moment to answer, collecting his thoughts. "I'm fine," he finally managed to mutter, and Harmen smiled to him.
"I know it can be an overwhelming experience to hear the advice of the gods," he said calmly, and Ortheg shook his head. "It's just... I wanted guidance, but now I feel only more confused," he said with a gulp, to which the septon let out a warm chuckle.
"It will all become clear in time, young man," he said quietly, putting his hand on Ortheg's shoulder. "Pray to the Seven, and know that if you stay on the path of righteousness, the gods will always protect you."
"I... I see," Ortheg said with some uncertainty, and Harmen nodded with the warm smile still on his face. "Now go and rest, Ortheg Sand, so you can continue to serve your king tomorrow well-rested," he said with a friendly tone.
"Will do," Ortheg said with a small sigh. "And... thank you," he added quietly.
"Do not thank me, thank the gods," Septon Harmen replied as he turned away, and walked back into the smoky room.
Maester Symon snapped his wooden staff on the middle of the map of Westeros, where a large river split into three. "Riverlands," Ortheg said tiredly. They had been going through the map for over an hour now, and some things had actually stuck to Ortheg's mind by now. "Yes, Kingdom of Trident, commonly known as the Riverlands," Symon confirmed dryly. "And who rules it?" He asked strictly. Ortheg took in a deep breath, trying to remember. Lannisters ruled the Kingdom of Rock, Gardeners the Reach and Durrandons the Stormlands. "House Tully?" Ortheg guessed the one name he could remember from the Riverlands, even though part of him knew it wasn't correct, and Symon immediately shook his head.
"House Teague," he corrected calmly. "More specifically, King Humfrey Teague," he added raising his staff up from the map again, only to this time lay it down on the lands right next to the Riverlands. Lots of mountains were drawn into the map there, and the coastline was formed of several thin peninsulas. "The Vale," Ortheg said confidently, and Symon nodded. "Aye, the Vale of Arryn, or the Kingdom of the Mountain and Vale as they call it," he said calmly. "And as you can guess, it is ruled by House Arryn. However, do you remember who the current king is?"
Once again Ortheg took a moment to try and remember. "King... Oswin?" He asked, and Symon shook his head. "King Oswin the Talon ruled over fifty years ago," he corrected. "He was the King who led a war campaign to the North, and burned down the Wolf's Den. The current Arryn King is his grandson, Hubert the Third, who made peace with the Starks as he inherited the crown."
"Oh, now I remember," Ortheg muttered, and Maester Symon flashed him a subtle smile. "It's alright, there is a lot to learn and memorize," he stated calmly, before moving the wooden staff to yet another spot on the map. This time he put it on the lands right above the Sea of Dorne.
"Stormlands," Ortheg said immediately. "And they are ruled by King Arlan the Fourth, of House Durrandon," he added before Symon could even speak up. "Arlan the Third," the maester corrected quickly, but still gave Ortheg an approving nod. "I think that is enough for now, we'll continue with your reading lessons tomorrow. However, I believe you have some combat training to take part in now."
"Aye, Tanya is probably already waiting for me," Ortheg replied, while Symon wrapped up the map from the table and put it back on one of his shelves, next to the many other scrolls. "Better go then," Symon quipped with a smirk, and so Ortheg made his way out of the maester's quarters, and walked down from the tower.
Arriving to the courtyard Ortheg noticed that Tanya was indeed waiting for him, though she wasn't alone. There was also his other half-sibling, Artos Sand. Artos and Tanya had wooden training swords in their hands, and it looked like Tanya was teaching Artos how to parry.
"Afternoon," Ortheg said calmly as he approached the two. Artos shifted his attention to him just for a brief moment, and Tanya immediately punished him for it by smacking him on the ribs. "Ouch," Artos muttered, and Tanya let out a little chuckle. "You have to stay focused in a fight, little brother," she said with a smirk, which made the boy frown.
"It was his fault," he muttered bitterly, glaring at Ortheg. However, Tanya shook her head. "No, you chose to shift your attention from the fight all by yourself, no need to blame Ortheg for it," she said sternly, before turning towards Ortheg herself. "Well, looks like Symon finally let you out," she quipped lightheartedly, to which Ortheg nodded with a little chuckle.
"I'm ready to continue the training," he said eagerly, and immediately Tanya tossed him her wooden sword. Ortheg caught it, if a bit clumsily, and shot Tanya a confused look. "You will spar with your brother today," she explained nonchalantly, nodding towards Artos.
"But... he's much smaller than me," Ortheg managed to say after a moment of confusion, and Tanya nodded. "Aye, he is smaller, but he has more training than you do. Seems like a fair match to me," she said.
With a gulp Ortheg stepped closer to Artos, who had already took his fighting stance. You will be a knight, Ortheg remembered the words of the septon, which gave him a little more confidence. As he took his stance, Artos already charged to attack. The boys first strike hit him on his left thigh, but he quickly backed away, and the second strike he already managed to deflect.
Taking in a deep breath, Ortheg decided to go for an attack himself. He swung, but Artos dodged it with ease, and slammed him on his right shoulder before he could gain back his defense. Backing away once again, Ortheg clenched his teeth angrily. His ten-year-old half-brother's hits didn't really hurt, but it was still really frustrating.
"Concentrate more on your defense, Ortheg," Tanya commented calmly from the side. "The only time to go for a hard swing like that is when the opponent's defense is down."
Artos struck again with fast thrust, and this time Ortheg managed to parry it. He tried to go for a counter strike, but Artos was quick to deflect his blow. And so they continued for several minutes, Artos managing to hit him every now and then, while Ortheg didn't break his half-brother's defense even once.
"Alright, let's take a break," Tanya finally said, and Artos dropped his wooden sword down with a satisfied smile on his face. "You're too slow to hit me," he said to Ortheg, who frowned at him. "Just wait until I've got more training," he replied sternly.
"You both still have a lot to learn," Tanya said with a sigh. "Anyway, you can go now Artos, I'll continue a while with Ortheg." Artos nodded to their sister, and walked away. Tanya picked up the training sword that Artos had dropped, and looked at Ortheg with a curious gaze.
"Well, that was quite embarrassing," Ortheg said with a sigh, a weak smile on his face. "No, I wouldn't say so," Tanya replied calmly. "Considering how little training you've had so far, you actually did pretty well. And trust me, in a couple months you'll be able to beat Artos."
"I hope so," Ortheg replied quietly. "It's quite humiliating to lose to a little kid."
"Better keep training then," Tanya quipped, raising up her sword. "Get your defense up," she said, and Ortheg followed the advice. Tanya moved in, starting with a light swing that Ortheg managed to deflect. However, Tanya quickly followed with another strike, hitting Ortheg on his wrist, which made him drop the training sword.
"Oh... I didn't expect to disarm you that easily," Tanya said with a raised eyebrow, a genuinely surprised tone. "Is something bothering you? Or are you just tired?"
[Tell her about your meeting with the Oracle] [Say that you are tired]
Now, that was a very interesting part! The meeting with Cyrenna and the rest of her group was not big in terms of revelation, but holds kinda nice implications in terms of speculation. Pretty sure this will be something I can work with in future parts
So, for now I noticed what might be a mention of the Boneway in Cyrenna's first prophecy. A road of bones and blood sounds kinda like it, meaning Ortheg might hold a major role in that particular battle. In her second prophecy, the word "heavens" kinda gained my curiosity. Of course, when it comes to that, it is not hard for me to overanalyze stuff, but that particular choice of words struck me as a bit unusual, so maybe it is a Blackmont connection, given the word is heavily featured in their house words? Hinting at some sort of a connection, but of what kind, I cannot say. As said, it might be nothing, but at least with the Boneway, I am pretty confident in my interpretation.
[Tell her about your meeting with the Oracle]
I mean, if he can't be honest with his sister, with whom could he be? She's family and hasn't given me any reason to assume she wouldn't support Ortheg with this. On top of that, as said above, I am very intrigued by the Oracle's cryptic prophecy and maybe Tanya knows more or knows how to find out more. She could very well help, or at least not be a hindrance to Ortheg on his quest to find out just what exactly this means.
Glad to hear you enjoyed the part! What comes to the Oracle and these septons, their "advice" is certainly a bit unclear and vague, which might well be on purpose so that the people who seek their guidance will have many ways to interpret their words. That said, Cyrenna definitely is seeing something, and there could be some actual hints in there about where Ortheg's story is heading. Septon Bors interpreted the road paved with bones and blood as Ortheg going to see a lot of war and death in his life, but it could very well also have a more literal meaning. As for the second prophecy, it was basically just their way to say "your father is dead, concentrate on other things"
[Tell her about your meeting with the Oracle] I don't see any harm in telling her, and Tanya doesn't strike me as a very religious person, so she will probably only give her opinion.
So the rebellion against House Teague hasn't happened yet, but it will be interesting if we hear that the Stormlands has expanded northwards. That also means the Storm Kings held the Riverlands for at least 500 years before being driven out by the Ironborn.
[Tell her about your meeting with the Oracle]
I'm curious to see what she will say.
[Tell her about your meeting with the Oracle]
[Tell her about your meeting with the Oracle]
Tanya has always treated Ortheg well and I think she is an excellent person for him to confide in and I definitely believe that Ortheg needs to confide in someone about this. I have also just realized that Ortheg will be really interesting because his personality has the most potential to change especially as he learns more academically and martially. If the Oracle's visions for Ortheg come true, he will no doubt be completely different by then and seeing how he changese should be really cool to say the least. On a side note though, it was pretty cool to see Marleina's dad mentioned in the story!
Oh yes, I agree, Ortheg has a lot of potential for growing as a character. That's the reason I'm glad I decided to introduce him at this point of the story, even if he won't be that important for the plot of Book 1. However, this sets him up for some massive character development in the coming books. And yeah, Marleina's father happens to be one of the most famous Durrandon's in history, who will be remembered as the Storm King who ended the line of House Teague and added Riverlands to the Kingdom of Storm.... until a few centuries later Arrec Durrandon lost it to Harwyn 'Hardhand' Hoare.
Voting is closed!
And Ortheg will tell Tanya about his meeting with the Oracle. I'm glad you chose this, because it gives me the opportunity to further develop the relationship of Ortheg and Tanya
Next up, we'll finally return to Kingsgrave, in form of a Myke part. So far in this chapter, Myke has infiltrated the besieged castle of the Manwoody's (during Queen Sofina's failed coup), Joran and Raina coming with him. He has made his presence known to Kortney, and promised to take her out of there. However, as we know from one of Gwendis' parts, army of House Wyl is approaching Kingsgrave, to take it under control of King Yorick. In other words, a battle between Wyl's and Blackmont's is coming.
Oh, and I hope to get the part done today!
The battlements of Kingsgrave were crowded with soldiers of House Manwoody, all of them looking out to the field where the Blackmont army was forming a line of defense in front of their encampment, fortified by wooden spikes. From the east approached a large army carrying mainly the banners of House Wyl. The Wyl's had a bad reputation on the Stormlands, notorious for their constant raids to the lands of the Marcher lords. However, Myke hadn't expected them to get involved here, not now.
The supplies in the castle had been starting to run low recently, and it would've been just a few more weeks before the Manwoody's would've been forced to yield, but this changed everything. Of course, the Wyl's were here by the command of King Yorick Yronwood, who no doubt sought to benefit from this conflict of his neighboring kingdoms. Perhaps we should've seen this coming, Myke thought grimly.
The Wyl's seemed to have a slight advantage in numbers over the Blackmont's, but it wouldn't by any means be an easy battle for them. However, no matter who would win, this meant the end of the siege. There was no way the Blackmont's would have enough men after the battle to continue besieging Kingsgrave even if they won. I just hope Prestan had the sense to retreat before the battle. Albin being saved from certain defeat annoyed Myke, but in the end his mission here was to save Kortney, not to take part in the wars of the Dornishmen. Hopefully the boy understands that as well.
"Bloody Wyl's," Myke heard Joran muttering next to him, and he gave his friend a cautious glare. They didn't want to blow their cover, least of all now that it seemed like the tables were turning. As much as Myke hated this turn of events, he had to admit that the chaos could give them an opportunity to escape. As the Wyl troops begun their charge towards the Blackmont's, accompanied by cheers from the Manwoody troops on the walls, Myke turned his eyes to Raina. The girl had a nervous expression on her face, a mix of fear and anger. Of course, she came from the Kingdom of Yronwood, where her whole family had been murdered by a rival lord. Knowing that same lord could very well be in this army they saw right now had to be a troubling prospect for her.
"Rai, could you go check that Kortney is alright?" Myke whispered, and Raina responded with a tense nod. "I will," she said with her muffled tone, and walked away. Myke turned to Joran again, giving him a sharp and knowing look. "This could be our opportunity," he said calmly, and Joran nodded.
Down on the fields the battle had begun, the screams of pain and clashing of steel resounding clearly all the way to the top of Kingsgrave's walls. "Kill the fuckin' vultures!" Myke heard one of the soldiers close to him shouting, which caused many of the other soldiers breaking into laughter. Myke forced a small smile on his face to not stand out too much, but Joran kept on a grim and stern expression. Throughout the history the Blackmont's had been just as much enemies of the Stormlands as the Manwoody's and Wyl's, but right now it was hard not to root for them. After all, they were enemies of Albin Manwoody, the worst man Myke had ever known.
The Blackmont's weren't going down easily, their defensive line throwing back the offensive waves of the Wyl's several times. Looks like Ser Kegan Drinkwater truly is a fine commander, Myke thought with some admiration. However, the cavalry of the Wyl's had took the time to flank the Blackmont camp from south, forcing them to reposition and stretch their lines. As the cavalry charged towards the camp, they were welcomed by a volley of arrows from the Blackmont archers that stood behind the spearmen. Then the cavalry crushed into the line of spearmen, and chaos ensued. The defenders were getting trampled, horses were impaled by the spears and stumbled to the ground, riders fell of their mounts. Quickly the weakened cavalry fell back to regroup, archers taking down a few more of them as they had their backs turned. Nonetheless, they had made a noticable dent to the defense with their charge.
Meanwhile on the eastern flank the infantry of the Wyl's was starting to overwhelm the defensive line. Dozens of bodies had piled up there, and it wasn't about to stop anytime soon. Myke shifted his gaze back to the southern flank, where the cavalry was going in for a second charge, this time against a much more scattered line of spearmen. Once again several riders were taken down by the archers, but the rest pushed forward, once again crushing against the spearmen. However, this time the defenders didn't manage to completely stop the charge. Sure, many of the riders were once again slain by the spears, but many also broke through the lines. This was when Myke first noticed some of the Blackmont reinforcements breaking formation and escaping.
Having broken through the line of defense, the Wyl cavalry charged to help their infantry break through from the eastern flank. This was when the battle truly turned into chaos, the lines of defense and attack blending into one deadly mayhem. Myke spotted more and more of the Blackmont's deserting their post – or at least attempting to, as many were ridden down by the Wyl knights.
The fighting went on for over ten more minutes, before finally the remaining Blackmont's yielded. There were a few hundred of them left, rest having either escaped or lying dead on the ground. The Wyl's had taken a lot of casualties as well, but there was still over two thousand of them left.
While the Wyl troops proceeded to disarm and capture the Blackmont soldiers, the leaders of the army began to approach Kingsgrave, escorted by a dozen guards and bringing with them one of the captured Blackmont's. As they got closer, Myke recognized him as Ser Kegan, as bruised up as the knight was. The one leading the group was a young man, approximately on his mid-twenties. Tall and muscular, he was fairly lightly armored and armed with a spear, clad in a tabard of House Wyl and a black cape. On his narrow and masculine face was a satisfied smirk, and his dark dreadlock hair dangled freely over his shoulders. Right beside him rode a middle-aged man, whose facial features were quite similar to the younger man. He had his long black hair tied to a ponytail, and on his face he sported a goatee. Right behind them came a young knight on his early twenties, a bald fellow with bright blue eyes, and a yellow skull painted on his chest plate. This young knight was the one dragging Ser Kegan with him.
"That young knight... I recognize him," Ser Joran suddenly said, and Myke gave him a surprised glance. "He is Jared Lonmouth, the second son of Lord Raynard Lonmouth," he continued grimly. "I last met him five years ago when I was visiting the Lonmouth Keep. He was always a trouble-maker, yes, but I quite liked the kid. Seeing him with these Wyl's... it's just sad."
"Well, we must make sure he doesn't notice you," Myke said with a quiet sigh, while Prince Arvin Manwoody made his way atop the gatehouse to confront the Wyl's that had just arrived to the gates.
"Prince Arvin, is that you?" The man leading them asked with a grin on his face, and Myke noticed Arvin reciprocating it, if a bit less enthusiastically. "Wallace Wyl... I haven't seen you in years," the prince replied calmly, to which Wallace chuckled.
"Aye, as you can see we came to help you with your... problem," he said, gesturing towards the ravaged siege camp. "With me are my uncle Wynton Wyl, and Jared Lonmouth, a good friend of mine. Oh, and we also happen to have the leader of the Blackmont army here. Kegan Drinkwater, was it?" He asked with a half-hearted tone as he gestured towards the shackled and beaten Ser Kegan, which brought a smirk to Arvin's face.
"I've always liked you, Wally, you know that," Arvin said, taking in a deep breath. "However, I'm not stupid, and neither is my father. You are here by the command of King Yorick, am I correct?"
"Correct," Wallace Wyl confirmed without a moment of hesitation. "The Bloodroyal seeks an alliance with your father, one that would benefit them both."
"An alliance, huh? Now, that is interesting," Arvin said with a cynical tone, a sharp look on his eyes as he glared at Wallace. "Not so long ago my father claimed dominion over all of the Red Mountains, which as you know, includes over half of the Kingdom of Yronwood. I didn't imagine Yorick to take that so... softly."
This time Wallace took a bit longer with his answer, though the expression on his face remained as confident as ever. "Soft certainly wouldn't be the word I'd use to describe Yorick Yronwood," he finally replied. His tone was humorous, but there was a slight hint of threat in his eyes. "He wasn't pleased, I admit that, but he figured Albin would concentrate on the Fowler's and Blackmont's rather than his kingdom. And it seems he was correct."
"So, shouldn't he have been pleased about the Fowler's and Blackmont's defeating us?" Arvin asked sharply, to which Wallace gave him a shrug. "Yorick is the kind of man to concentrate on the future," he replied with a carefree tone. "Yesterday your father claimed to conquer lands of House Yronwood, today he is surrounded by his enemies, tomorrow he could be a useful ally. Let us in, and we can discuss this further."
"And what if we won't let you in?" Arvin asked, keeping his tone calm and polite. "You lost a lot of men against the Blackmont's, while we've been resting here."
Wallace let out an audible sigh, turning his gaze down for a moment, before raising it up again with a small chuckle. "If you refuse to open the gates, we will turn away and march back to Yronwood," he answered nonchalantly. "However, you can rest assured that we will come back, and this time with the full force of Yronwood. Now we are seeking for alliance, but if you turn us away, we will come back to conquer."
A tense moment of silence followed, with Arvin exchanging a few words with the captain who stood next to him. "Fine then," the prince finally said, letting out a sigh. "Open the gates!" He commanded, and slowly the gates opened and the drawbridge was lowered. And so, Wallace Wyl and his small convoy strolled in, while the rest of the Wyl army remained outside of the walls.
While they arrived to the courtyard and dismounted their horses, Joran suddenly spoke up again. "I need to go talk to Jared," he said decisively, and Myke immediately grabbed him from the shoulder to stop him. "Are you crazy?" He whispered intensely. "You're going to blow our cover if you do this, this isn't the time for this kind of..."
"I think he could help us," Joran cut Myke off, which only made Myke more confused. "I know him, Myke, and he knows and respects me. If I tell him why we are here, he will help us, I know it."
"It's too big of a risk," Myke insisted. "You last met him five years ago, he obviously isn't the great kid you remember him as. I mean, he is a Stormlander serving House Wyl, which should tell us all we need to know about him – he cannot be trusted."
Joran shook his head with a frustrated sigh. "Trust me, Myke. I know Jared Lonmouth, I know he is a good person. Besides, what else exactly is our plan? How can we ever get Kortney out of here without any help?"
For a moment Myke couldn't come up with an answer, so Joran grabbed him from the shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Just let me go talk to him," he said with an earnest tone. "I won't reveal our mission right away, and I won't tell him about you or Raina, so I'll be the only one at risk. If it turns out we can trust him, well, that could be our way to get Kortney safely out of here."
[Let Joran go to Jared Lonmouth] [Don't let Joran go to Jared Lonmouth]