How Season 4:The Final Season Could End?
Some of you may know me as SIF or SIFmasry on Youtube for my ttg content.
Im looking to make a video on How TWD s4 may end. There has been alot of heat talking about "clems gonna die" or "clementine's not gonna die" and many others. Discuss here how you believe Telltale may end Clementines storyline.A very significant and controversial topic
I personally dont believe she's gonna die- Perhaps Telltale may go for a Bitter Sweet ending? But what i do believe is that Telltale will defintley try and go for an emotional ending to end the season strong
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I think they may go for a multiple ending deal...where some of your choices may doom people in your party.
Ending 1...Clem Lives, AJ is dead
Ending 2...Clem and AJ Dead
Ending 3 Clem Dead..AJ alive and with someone
Ending 4...Clem and AJ of group dead
Ending 5...They all live...too bad an Asteroid hits the Earth 2 days later.
Personally...I think she will live....not so sure about Goofball.
I will only address you as LordSIFington. Clem will likely live. And somebody will fix her hair. Or I'll riot.
I don't think Clementine will die, it would be too predictable and there would be no emotional reaction from us because we would expect it.
I believe her and A.J. will find some sort of community and will settle there even if it would be a kind-of-cliffhanger.
I think she's going to be determinant. Possibly multiple endings.
One theory I had for S4 would have one ending. And it would be Clem passing away (hate the word dying) peacefully, kinda like Lee. And Telltale continuing AJ's story for future installments. Then again with ANF being Telltale's most recent WD game, and it having multiple endings, I can see them revisiting this layout for the "final season"
Personally I think that Clementine and AJ will live. I honestly don't think Telltale would kill their "Mascot" (What I mean by Mascot is that the Walking Dead brought a large amount of people to Telltale and that led to people wanting to play their other games such as Tales From The Borderlands, The Wolf Among Us and many more!) I feel that it would be too predictable and I am sure that Telltale know that killing Clementine will cause a riot among fans. I have said this on a different discussion but I feel as though zombie games have a hopeless vibe to them. With Telltale's Walking Dead I get the "There is still hope and that life can still go on even during the apocalypse" vibe. I Trust Telltale with this one. I am sure that this Final Season will be one to remember. And if any Telltale staff come across this comment I wanted to say thanks for producing such an amazing series!! ??
Some good princess enging like a disney movie, o create a cure and kill all the zombies and the apacalypse
Exactly! Like for the time being, you always expect the worst and anticipate disappointment. It's difficult to be positive when death, killing and betrayal is the on-going theme. Sure they'll be a few enlightening jokes here and there, but most are pretty dark.
It can end with Clem walking in front of the camera as a huge explosion happens from behind with heavy metal playing.
If you chose the wellington ending at season 2, i would like to see kenny back.
I just don't want any of the characters from previous seasons to appear besides Clem (except maybe Joan/ Clint so that choice would actually make sense) and AJ. Let's be real here people: Lilly killed Doug/ Carley and possibly stole the RV, Molly was content to remain forever in Savanah, Christa was most likely killed by the rapists in the woods, Mike, Arvo and (possibly) Bonnie betrayed the group and got Clem shot, Kenny and Jane were way too determinant to appear in anything other than flashbacks, and the Garcia's and all other ANF characters might make a cameo but will likely remain in their city for the entirety of the game. However, I do hope to see tons of flashbacks this season.
Well, we all knew Lee was going to die, right? We saw it coming.
Personally I hope Telltale goes the extra mile and crushes everyones hopes and dreams about Clementine being able to be a “good person” all the time, yes Clementine is a good person, but this far in, she will have to make sacrifices, she will have to do bad things, personally I dont think she will die, however I would like to see the final season end with looking back over the season, and seeing what she has sacrificed to get there.
They need to have consequences for both good and bad choices, maybe if you help someone else, youll get hurt yourself, and be unable to help someone else in future, or maybe, if you steal from someone to feed yourself, youll be stronger, but you may meet a community they are part of, and they wont look favorably upon you, but then maybe you could meet up with another group who doesnt like that community either and kick their asses, but if you chose to not steal, it would be the other way around
You didn't really state your point here.
They were Scavengers, not rapists or Bandits.
I think that Clementine's story will end with her reaching the gates of Alexandria and then Robert Kirkman adding her to the comic series. I think that may work however, I don't want to buy a comic and not have Clementine being in the issue, because Clementine has many things such as determinant scars and wounds and relationships such as kissing Gabe. How would those incorporate into the comics? Well TellTale would need Clementine to get all the wounds she doesn't have from a New Frontier in one scene or many other scenes as the series goes on. I remember people wanting Clem and Lee on the show and that is fine because the TV series is a different universe than the comic. The game and comic are in the same universe. Another possibility was one I mentioned in another thread where Clementine gets bit by a walker and has to make a choice amputate the bite or surrender AJ to Javier and The New Frontier. She may live if she amputates the bite if it's on her hand or arm so it could work to bring a happy ending along with some homage to Lee in Season 1. There are many possibilities on how this Season could end but I am truly looking for an ending that is tied up nicely with choices you made in the previous episodes and seasons. With The Walking Dead The Collection just a month away it would be nice to have the choices from all the seasons come into play, as we are playing The Final Season perhaps maybe a Lee walker could appear or maybe Lee can be alive who knows with TellTale anything is possible for them to make awesome. What I truly hope for is an ending based on our choices like Clementine could be bit or not and live or die based on our choices. I just hope TellTale pulls off this season with perfect scores! I have high hopes for TellTale! I also look forward to TellTale's The Walking Dead more than AMC's show
I'm not quite sure what you meant by "not stating my point." The point is, that in my opinion, I see the return of most unknown characters impossible. Most people are asking for the return of old characters, while I am requesting that the old characters do not return. The "I just don't" at the beginning of my paragraph indicates that, while I may not be entirely sure on the ending of the game, I do have a specific preference for the entirety of the season, and that is a lack of unknown characters. As for that scavenger faction being rapists, I would like to attempt to prove that to you. Here are the two possible of finding Christa surrounded by the scavengers in convenient video form:

In the 1st video, while we may not see what happens to Christa, we hear her yelling out in pain. I would infer one of the scavengers hurt her, but do not want to kill her yet. But why? They see the other member of the group- Clementine, wouldn't a girl be much easier to get information out of a little girl about a theoretical "bigger group"? Why do they let her live? They could just steal Christa's supplies and move on. In the 2nd video, after learning of Clementine's existence, once of the scavenger group members calls Christa a demeaning name and stabs her in the leg with a spear (most likely not a place that could permanently damage her). I believe this video proves my point better than the first, as by rendering Christa immobile she would be a much easier target for this group to rape. The fact that this group is also made up of entirely stronger men does nothing to discourage the point (although, truth be told, they could be of another sexual orientation, but we are given entirely no background knowledge, so I digress... I just think the demeanor in which the men speak to Christa indicates a feeling of sexual superiority over her).
3rd video:
Please start at 1:23 of this video. Sorry for it being a death montage, but I was having trouble finding this scene. As you can clearly see, the mannerisms of the scavenger show he is trying to rape Clementine. He drags her across the ground, trying to pull her pants off, and attempts to hold her down, even as Walkers approach. The only think in this video that kind of fights against my point is him shooting Clem when the other bandit shows up. My explanations for this were:
A- The group is going to be mad for him raping Clem without them.
B- The group has a strict policy against young children.
C- The man didn't want to "share", Clem (I admit that these last two have been grasping at straws)
D- That this group doesn't actually rape people and it's just one dude.
E- The rapist realizes that the flood of Walkers has become overwhelming and he needs to fight against them.
This whole death scene for Clem her kind of doesn't make sense though, as I already explained how the group did not seem like they wanted to kill Christa and Clem.
Anyway, I still think that, despite this death scene, that my point has a valid and probable stance, and even if I am in fact incorrect, I would encourage you next time to provide substantial evidence against my claim if you hope to disprove me.
I hope this helps and have a nice day
(I hope this didn't seem rude, I just kind of got in the zone for a second...
I am going to address again another theory I have about The Final Season which is Clementine will get bitten and possibly be killed off. Reasons are as follows.
1. The Cover Art of The Walking Dead Collection features Clementine's hat on the ground. Usually in entertainment this means either something big will happen to a character or they will be killed off.
2. The ending for the trailer of The Walking Dead Collection ends with her saying Still. Not. Bitten. Which is probably foreshadowing the events of The Final Season.
These are the only 2 reasons I can find to back up this theory but there could be more. I personally believe this maybe the ending TellTale will go for IF the ending doesn't depend on your choices.
Would Clementine saying "He went out fighting. I hope I do, too." When Tripp dies to walkers on the highway be another hint?
That totally could be some sort of foreshadowing either to the end of The Final Season or the comics if she is going to appear in the comics. Although I can see Javier in the comics more than Clementine since New Richmond was mentioned in the comics and some characters only talk about when Javier and his group appeared and caused New Richmond to get destroyed and filled with walkers. Also with Clementine responding "He went out fighting. I hope I do, too." that could be a wish she has currently with trying to rescue AJ from the people who have him, so probably she is feeling anger and is willing to risk her life to save AJ but how can she risk her life if she is going alone to save AJ? Javier is the only person she currently knows of who can help her in the fight against the McCarol Ranch if it comes down to it. Clementine probably does not want to die because she still has AJ to take care of but if it comes down to AJ or herself she is choosing AJ because she raised him since the day he was born which in a sense makes Clementine his guardian.
Yah. Having Javier appear in the comics does seem more probable than Clem, since Javier will be playing a more neutral character. He is now a the leader of a community, he won't have the capability to go out and help other people unless someone takes his place in his absence. But it would be interesting to see if they allow any the predeterminate characters who survived S3 to run Richmond while he is set free from the responsibility due to circumstances.
I can see what you're saying. She would fight till her last breath if it meant that AJ would be safe. But she wouldn't risk her life if she knew he would still depend on her for survival after her death. I agree. If she's smart, right now she's scouting out what it would take to get him back, then take the action necessary that allows both of them to survive, for his sake.
That's exactly how I feel. If she didn't give a shit whether she lived or died before finding out if AJ was still alive, why would she put her survival over his now? For her to sacrifice everything to secure his safety, she is his "True Guardian".
The reason why I say "True Guardian" was because of this song.
This inspired me to think of it as a concept and even inspired to make a fanfiction snippit to show this level of guardianship, self sacrifice in order to secure AJ's safety and for the people who could care for him.