Episode 5 "Who You Sided With"
This discussion is dedicated to determining which decisions and how those decisions affect your final "Who You Sided With" percentages with each Guardian. If you want to contribute some helpful data, post your decisions for each episode along with the final "Who you Sided With" graphic. Any suggestions on what point system you think Guardians uses or how it works is welcomed.
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I would love to help or have someone finally figure this out. Rocket and I were practically inseparable with me siding with him on every major decision and some of the small ones too. But I only scored 50% with him. Gamora on the other hand, I rarely sided with her or agreed with her on much and still scored 75% with her at the end of the game.
Also I think you cannot go to 0% with any guardian. Never have seen any playthrought with that and also Groot got always 7%. But we need to check it out.
Also I am more interested for outcomes like Victorious or Inspired Drax since that outcomes should have bigger impacts if there will be S2. Purple isn't good, you want all blue or green. But I am yet to see this without empowering eternity forge.
How can you tell that the outcome colours define bad and good like which one means very good and very bad?
I will show you.

Rocket main issue was fear that he will lose people he is attached to (like Lylla).
As Fearless (Purple) Rocket trusts Peter and as long as Guardians stick together he will be fine. But that fears could come back when there will be problems in team, another deaths etc.
As Committed (Blue) Rocket overcame his fears and is committed to the point when he could be last men standing. Imo its pretty big deal.

Gamora main issue was guilt concerning her sister Nebula.
As Resilient (Purple) Gamora overcame her past, but it wasn't full resolution of things.
As Determined (Blue) Gamora fully forgiven herself and doubts, guilt and other things about Nebula are resolved.

Drax main issues were moving forward with death of Kamaria and finding new purpose in his life.
As Inspired (Purple) Drax he moved forward but not fully.
As Determined (Blue) Drax has dealth with past and found new purpose and is ready to face new challenges.
So as you see Purple means that guardian haven't fully resoleved his/her main issue.
With Peter is a bit different, because it seems like his main issue is choice between prioritizing guardians or galaxy. So its not quite Purple is strictly worse that Blue in his case.
Groot got always Green, and if you revive someone's loved one, that guardian will get green status AFAIK (except Peter). So overall, who you sided with doesn't matter mostly, but rather if you helped overcame their issues.
Ah i see thank you for the information
I've still seen players who've done some of those exact same decisions for each of the characters and then they end up with the opposite color, assuming they didn't use the forge on that character.
Even I linked that in other post. Yeah. Thats what I want to figure out. In case of that colors its either bugged or much more choices have impact on that. Remember that on your profile there are listed some other choices i.e. who you sided with collector vs nova corp talk (before actual choice) or did you borrow Mantis a gun etc.
I have started doing table comparison in google doc for that with main choices but want to do with all "x will remember that".
-Groot's relationship with you is dependent on 3 decisions; the outcomes he favors: let him keep his tree, destroy the forge, and shake his hand. Your % will be how many of these you do divided by 3, times 100%. If you do not agree with him on any of these, the game will give you a default of 7%
-Rocket's relationship is dependent on 6 decisions.
-Drax's relationship is dependent on 5 decisions.
-Gamora's relationship is dependent on 8 decisions.
Detailed Explanation:
Alright, well, here is what I think we know for sure about your relationship with each of the characters:
Groot's relationship only depends on 3 decisions that are all listed in his status page:
Did you destroy the Eternity Forge(+1) or did you power it up(+0)?
Did you allow Groot to keep his plant friend (+1) or did you tell him to toss it(+0)?
Did you shake his hand (+1) or did you refuse to (+0) when Groot left?
%Groot= (Total/3) *100% *1.
If you did not side with Groot on any of those decisions, the game defaults his % to 7%.
If you find any evidence to suggest Groot's relationship depends on something else, please list an example, or an example that contradicts what I have.
%s I have seen for Rocket:
Based on the %s for Rocket, they can all be represented as a number out of 6, chopping off the decimal:
1/6 = 16.666...% ~16%
2/6 = 33.333...% ~ 33%
3/6 = 50.000...% = 50%
4/6 = 66.666...% = 66%
5/6 = 83.333...% = 83%
6/6 = 100.000...% = 100%
%s I have seen for Drax:
Based on the %s for Drax, they can all be represented as a number out of 5, chopping off the decimal:
1/5 = 20.000...% = 20%
2/5 = 40.000...% = 40%
3/5 = 60.000...% = 60%
4/5 = 80.000...% = 80%
5/5 = 100.000..% = 100%
%s I have seen for Gamora:
Based on the %s for Gamora, they can all be represented as a number out of 8, chopping off the decimal:
1/8 = 12.500...% = 12%
2/8 = 25.000...% = 25%
3/8 = 37.500...% = 37%
4/8 = 50.000...% = 50%
5/8 = 62.500..% = 62%
6/8 = 75.000...% = 75%
7/8 = 87.500...% = 87%
8/8 = 100.000...% = 100%
If you wouldn't mind, could you link me to that table in Google Docs?
Can you define the 6 choices for rocket in from ep1 to ep5?
I had one point system that I thought was the case for Rocket:
-Sell Thanos to the Collector
-Go to Halfworld
-Let Rocket keep the wrist watch
-Power the Eternity Forge
-Travel with Rocket in the cave
-Go out the front of the monster.
The percentage for Rocket should be the number of the above you did divided by 6, times 100. If you didn't do any of the decisions, you'll be still given a default value (I'm guessing 16). I didn't originally put that in my above post because I am not 100% sure that this is the exact system. I had another poster tell me they did 3 out of the 6 decisions and still got only 33%, when it should have been 50%. That being said, the above list seems like the most logical one that I can come up with.
The math seems right, but there just has to be choices other then the ones you've listed that are factoring into these results.(Or it's bugged) I've said it before, but If the choices you presented are correct and the only ones, I should have gotten 66% & 37% for Rocket and Gamora respectively. Instead i ended up with 50% and 75% If this is a correct, I got a % for Gamora that wasn't even close to the one I should have.
Yep. I find that discrepancy mysterious. I'm giving Telltale the benefit of the doubt and assuming it's not horribly bugged. Can you think of any other choices in the game that I haven't considered yet that might factor into the results? I didn't list any episode 5 choices since none of them seem to involve scenarios where you are pitted against 2 guardians asking you to pick them, or a Guardian demanding that you let them do what they want. Choosing which Guardian you go after in Episode 5 would not be a factor as you aren't really siding with a Guardian (there's also the fact that the Guardian you go after is determinant, which would seem to screw up it as a siding factor anyway). If you wouldn't mind, could you list your choices for Rocket and Gamora? I got 83 for Rocket and 50 for Gamora, so I would like to compare them and see where the differences lie. I am trying to develop a program that can determine what your outcomes are based on your choices as
Here are the Rocket and Gamora choices I have for reference:
-Sell Thanos to the Collector
-Go to Halfworld
-Tell Rocket to keep the wrist computer
-Power the forge
-Travel with Rocket
-Exit out the front of the worm
-Tell Gamora to reconnect with Nebula
-Sell Thanos to the Nova Corps
-Take Gamora with you to Hala's ship
-Go after Nebula
-Put Gamora in charge of Nebula
-Tell Gamora Nebula stays
-Destroy the Forge
-Travel with Gamora/Groot in the cave
After looking over another very helpful poster who posted his decisions from all episodes, running a program I made in Python that computes outcomes based on my model for decisions, and looking at my own decisions, I think I might have found a bugged decision:
Trust Gamora or Drax with the responsibility of watching Nebula:
If you trust Drax, it will think you sided with Drax as well as Gamora.
If you trust Gamora, it will think you sided with Gamora as well as Drax.
I'm not sure if this is just bad programming (or a bug) or if Telltale included this to make sure no one got 0% with any of the Guardians. I am definitely sure about the bug happening if you trust Drax, not 100% sure if you trust Gamora.
Ok because I finished all episodes where I did 5/6 choices for rocket and I ended up with 66% which is confusing because im suppose to get 83%.
I did these for Rocket:
-Sell Thanos to the Collector
-Go to Halfworld
-Tell Rocket to keep the wrist computer
-Power the forge
I did these for Gamora:
-Take Gamora with you to Hala's ship
-Tell Gamora Nebula stays
-Travel with Gamora/Groot in the cave
I'm trying to think of other times where I may have sided with someone over someone else and the only two I can think of is when I stood up for Gamora in her arguments with Rocket. The first one being in the ship in episode 1 (Where Rocket talks about how many people she's killed for Thanos) and the second time in episode 4 in the cave when Rocket calls Nebula dead weight. Maybe those? Can't think of anything else right now.
Yes, the point system is clearly bugged somewhere. Which decision didn't you side with rocket on?
It was the fate of the forge where I chose to destroy it.
Huh. Are you sure? That was the only decision I disagreed with Rocket on and I did get 83%.
Any way telltale staff can check if there are bugs?
Also I am more into one less key . 4 for Drax, 7 Gamora, 5 Rocket because I think you cannot get 0%.
And about google doc is too early wip. Didnt have much time for it.
It's possible there might be one less key. Still trying to see if there are simply bugs in some of the player decisions.
Here's where I think your 3 additional artificial Gamora points might come from:
I read another player's decisions, compared them to mine, and ran a program I made, and I believe that putting Drax in charge of Nebula still makes Gamora agree with you. It's a bugged decision if you choose Drax. It's ok the other way around though, lol.
I also think whether or not you decide that Gamora should reconnect with Nebula or avoid her still results in Gamora siding with you.
Finally, I believed the Forge decision is actually really bugged, and powering the Forge actually gives you a point for Gamora, while destroying the Forge also adds a point for Rocket but not for Gamora. That is really bugged.
So, that seems to be where your 3 Gamora points are coming from.
For Rocket, I think telling him to toss the computer actually gives you a point, so that's why you and I lost those points.
I think I can attest that Rocket has to ditch the watch to 100%. I did all of the following manually lol
-Sell Thanos to the Collector
-Go to Halfworld
-Let Rocket keep the wrist watch this ended up missing a point.
-Power the Eternity Forge
-Travel with Rocket in the cave
-Go out the front of the monster.
Huh. Interesting. Your case seems to prove that losing the wrist watch is what causes you to lose a point. I played with the same decisions except that I destroyed the forge. So destroying the forge or powering it seem to both give you a point for Rocket. Gamora is the really confusing one with the points.
Alright, after looking over and comparing several player choices, I think I've determined that 4 decisions in this game are seriously bugged:
-If you put Drax in charge of Nebula, Drax and Gamora will both get a point. If you put Gamora in charge of Nebula, only Gamora gets a point.
-Powering the Forge gives you a point for Gamora, Rocket, and Drax, while destroying the Forge just gets you a point for Rocket
-Going to Halfworld gets you a point for Rocket and Gamora, while going after Nebula gets you a point for neither one.
-Destroying the Wrist computer gets you a point with Rocket. Keeping the wrist Computer does not.
All the other factors I have mentioned seem to hold up though.
Once I factored these in, the model seems to be consistent. Wow. Telltale really messed up.
Here's the Final Point System Model:
G = Gamora
R = Rocket
D = Drax
Gr = Groot
Episode 1:
-Tell Gamora to Reconnect with Nebula (+G) or Tell Gamora to avoid Nebula (+None)
-Sell Thanos to the Collector (+R) or Sell Thanos to the Nova Corps(+G)
-Take Gamora with you to Hala's Ship (+G) or Take Drax with you to Hala's Ship (+D)
Episode 2:
-Go to Halfworld (+R +G) or after Nebula (+None)
-Put Gamora in Charge of Nebula (+G) or Drax in charge of Nebula(+D +G)
-Tell Rocket to keep wrist computer (+None) or to toss the wrist computer (+R)
Episode 3:
-Tell Gamora Nebula stays (+G) or Nebula leaves (+G)
-Power the Eternity Forge (+G +R +D) or Destroy it (+R +Gr)
Episode 4:
-Travel with Gamora/Groot (+G) or Rocket (+R) in the cave
-Go out the front of the Monster (+R) or out the back of the Monster (+D)
-Allow Drax to sacrifice himself (+D) or refuse his sacrifice (+None)
Groot-Specific Decisions:
-Allow Groot to keep his plant friend (+Gr) (Episode 4)
-Shake Groot's hand when he leaves the Guardians(+Gr)(Episode 4)
You Sided With Percentages:
-%Drax = Floor( ((Total +D)/5) * 100% )
-%Rocket = Floor( ((Total +R)/6) * 100% )
-%Gamora = Floor( ((Total +G)/8) * 100%)
-%Groot = Floor ( ((Total +Gr)/3) * 100%)
*Floor means to round down at the one's place; for example if I had the value 1.8, the floor of that would be 1, or for 123.676777 , the floor would be 123.
Additional Details:
-If you do not do any of the decisions for Groot, he will have a default % of 7%
-Rocket is guaranteed at least one point, meaning the lowest his % will be is 16%(Rocket will get a point whether you destroy the forge or not).
-Gamora is guaranteed at least one point, meaning the lowest her % will be is 12%(Gamora will get a point whether you put her in charge of Nebula or if you put Drax in charge of Nebula).
-If you do not do any of the decisions for Drax, he will have a default% of 20%. That or one of his decisions gives him a point even if you disagree with him. More testing would have to be done to determine that.
Great job. I will need to test this but make sense. I hope it will be ed if this is really a bug.
Based on my model:
Best Average %You Sided With with all the Guardians:
Episode 1:
Reconnect with Nebula (+G)
Sell to the Nova Corps (+G)
Take Drax to Hala's Ship (+D)
Episode 2:
Go to Halfworld (+G +R)
Put Drax in charge of Nebula(+G +D)
Tell Rocket to throw away watch(+R)
Episode 3:
Tell Gamora Nebula stays(+G)
Destroy the Eternity Forge(+R +Gr)
Episode 4:
Travel with Gamora/Groot(+G)
Travel out the back of the Monster(+D)
Allow Drax's Sacrifice(+D)
Groot-Specific Decisions:
Allow Groot to Keep plant friend(+Gr)
Shake Groot's hand(+Gr)
%Rocket = Floor(((3/6) * 100%) = 50%
%Drax = Floor((4/5)100%) = 80%
%Gamora = Floor((6/8)100%) = 75%
%Groot = Floor((3/3)*100%) = 100%
Average% = 76.25%
Based on my model:
Most Fair %You Sided With with all the Guardians:
Episode 1:
Reconnect with Nebula(+G)
Sell to the Collector(+R)
Take Drax to Hala's Ship(+D)
Episode 2:
Go to Halfworld(+R +G)
Put Drax in charge of Nebula (+G +D)
Tell Rocket to keep watch (+None)
Episode 3:
Tell Gamora Nebula leaves (+None)
Power the Eternity Forge (+R +D +G)
Episode 4:
Travel with Gamora/Groot(+G)
Travel out the front of the Monster(+R)
Refuse Drax's Sacrifice(+None)
Groot-Specific Decisions:
Let Groot keep the plant(+Gr)
Shake Groot's hand when he leaves the Guardians(+Gr)
%Drax = Floor((3/5)100%) = 60%
%Rocket = Floor((4/6)100%) = 66%
%Gamora = Floor((5/8)100%) = 62%
%Groot = Floor((2/3)100%) = 66%
I am going to do my own playthrough with the 'best' outcome (most of those decisions differ from mine) and compare the expected to what the actual result is to see if the model actually holds.
Great I will try best run also, but would go for +1 more point with Rocket instead of Gamora, want something in the middle between best and most fair.
Also can you crack up colors at the end? Blue/Purple etc.? I want to do run with everyone on blue.
Are you positive on where Peter tells rocket to toss the watch gives a point or is it the other way around because I still got 66% which I I'm suppose to have 83% lol?
If the model does not need further corrections (which is unlikely but possible), then I will begin to work on the colors. The only color designation I am 100% sure about is whoever you revive (if you kept the forge) is 'Hopeful.'
Kind of bummed that telling Rocket to keep the wrist device gets you no points. I sided with him the whole series and were like best buddies with him. The description for 50% "Diffused Conflict" sounds like we barely got along.
Yes, I agree. Reviving loved one, make guardian hopeful and green. I am wondering if Peter can get Green also. And I am thinking if more choices aka "Guardian remembers that" matter for colors. Like what do you say to them if you go after them in EP5? Or something like that. With Mantis 1 dialogue choice only resulted in her joining the guardians and it wasn't even mentioned in main choices.
And is there any possibility the TT staff will check after bugs in choices?
I have finally found it!

This guy has everyone on blue ending:
Did anyone manage to get 100% for Rocket on "Sided with"?.
I didn't but I am almost sure I saw somewhere 100% Rocker run.