I love Luke. He and Clem cared for each other and protected one another, till the end.
His reaction of Kenny saying that Clem is going to stay shows that.
Huh, it's cool seeing the difference in the textures and models between the scene in season 1 and the flashback in season 2. Everything looks more polished in season 2 and has the comic black texture around the model. Cool stuff.
Huh, it's cool seeing the difference in the textures and models between the scene in season 1 and the flashback in season 2. Everything looks more polished in season 2 and has the comic black texture around the model. Cool stuff.
I took these screenshots during my alternate playthrough where I had Clementine stay in Wellington rather than leaving with Kenny at the end of season 2. Clem escapes Wellington with AJ and Edith when it's getting attacked by raiders (some people believe the raiders to be The New Frontier). During the escape Clementine gets grazed by a bullet, which is what causes the cheek scar.
Season two is quite possibly my favourite of the entire series. One of the reasons for this, besides the overall tone that I simply adore, is because it introduced two of my absolute favourite characters from The Walking Dead - Luke and Jane - and I think they're both awesome characters for Clementine to be around. To the point that I take ... way too many screenshots of them hanging out. The flashback with Lee also damn near made me cry, so I have a couple of screenshots of that, too. These are a couple of my favourites, with some quotes from the games to accompany them.
"No matter what happens, just stay out of it. You have to trust me."
"Thought you'd be asleep by now. You okay?"
"... No."
"I guess we're getting close."
"That's what worries me."
"His name was Lee. He taught me how to survive. He's the reason I keep my hair short."
"You take care of yourself. I mean that."
Hatless Clem is adorable ; _ ;
I do also occasionally make the odd GIF or two - mostly for when I'm 'promoting' my post season two fanfic about Clementine and Jane, Secret Sisters. Here are two small GIFs that I made, but didn't use, for one reason or another, with quotes from the story:
"What are you thinking about?"
"B - Butterflies, and stuff."
"I think he wants you to hold him."
"Sure he'll live without."
I had more screenshots, before my xbox decided it hated me and deleted them all ; _ ; Posting too many'll just send it into meltdown whenever I open this thread anyway, so a couple images and two GIFS should hopefully be enough... for now. Then again, my laptop's already freaking out on this thread anyway, so what do I know? Hehe.
Anyways, hopefully these screenshots aren't too crappy. I might edit this post later with some more screenshots and some other GIFs I had made for Secret Sisters, but I don't wanna post too much or have this post get bloated, so we'll see. Hope you enjoy \o/
Season two is quite possibly my favourite of the entire series. One of the reasons for this, besides the overall tone that I simply adore, i… mores because it introduced two of my absolute favourite characters from The Walking Dead - Luke and Jane - and I think they're both awesome characters for Clementine to be around. To the point that I take ... way too many screenshots of them hanging out. The flashback with Lee also damn near made me cry, so I have a couple of screenshots of that, too. These are a couple of my favourites, with some quotes from the games to accompany them.
"No matter what happens, just stay out of it. You have to trust me."
"Thought you'd be asleep by now. You okay?"
"... No."
"I guess we're getting close."
"That's what worries me."
"His name was Lee. He taught me how to survive. He's the reason I keep my hair short."
"You take care of yourself. I mean that."
Hatless Clem is adorab… [view original content]
I hope you guys don't mind if I bump up this thread again. I recently replayed S1 and wanted to share my screen-grabs here. I don't know if I'll do the same for S2, but if you guys want me to I'll try and find the time to do it. I thought it would be easier to just post the captures from each episode separately rather than in one bulk post. Sorry for the spam.
EDIT: I didn't take enough captures that I liked from A New Day, hence it not being here and the episodes starting from Starved For Help.
s1 Episode 2/4 (Long Road Ahead)
I've always loved that lone flower in this capture, I'm obviously not the first to notice this but its a great detail.
s1 Episode 4/4 (No Time Left)
I love these two captures, I can't decide which one I like better; This one gets Clem's expressions really well and the other has The Marsh House sign more visibly.
I only just got around to playing episodes four and five tonight.
I love Luke. He and Clem cared for each other and protected one another, till the end.
His reaction of Kenny saying that Clem is going to stay shows that.
I always did find the look she gives Arvo when he looks at her kinda funny.
Lee's story time!
Huh, it's cool seeing the difference in the textures and models between the scene in season 1 and the flashback in season 2. Everything looks more polished in season 2 and has the comic black texture around the model. Cool stuff.
My original season 2 ending.
Now imagine how season 3 would've looked if they stayed with this style. Fucking beautiful I can picture it
The other endings
At the frozen lake
My last season 1 Clem gifs
Clem is Hannah Baker confirmed????!!!!!
Last season 2 Clem gifs
I don't recall the gif of her saying "Just... look for my hat". When did that ever play out?
In the alone flashback when you leave aj in the car you have an option of telling him this
When does she get the scar on her cheek?
Aaaand the last season 3 Clem gifs I have.

I saw the first one and instantly thought of that moment in season 2.
I took these screenshots during my alternate playthrough where I had Clementine stay in Wellington rather than leaving with Kenny at the end of season 2. Clem escapes Wellington with AJ and Edith when it's getting attacked by raiders (some people believe the raiders to be The New Frontier). During the escape Clementine gets grazed by a bullet, which is what causes the cheek scar.
Your dad ever teach you about baseball?

Season two is quite possibly my favourite of the entire series. One of the reasons for this, besides the overall tone that I simply adore, is because it introduced two of my absolute favourite characters from The Walking Dead - Luke and Jane - and I think they're both awesome characters for Clementine to be around. To the point that I take ... way too many screenshots of them hanging out. The flashback with Lee also damn near made me cry, so I have a couple of screenshots of that, too. These are a couple of my favourites, with some quotes from the games to accompany them.
"No matter what happens, just stay out of it. You have to trust me."
"Thought you'd be asleep by now. You okay?"
"... No."
"I guess we're getting close."
"That's what worries me."
"His name was Lee. He taught me how to survive. He's the reason I keep my hair short."
"You take care of yourself. I mean that."
Hatless Clem is adorable ; _ ;
I do also occasionally make the odd GIF or two - mostly for when I'm 'promoting' my post season two fanfic about Clementine and Jane, Secret Sisters. Here are two small GIFs that I made, but didn't use, for one reason or another, with quotes from the story:
"What are you thinking about?"
"B - Butterflies, and stuff."
"I think he wants you to hold him."
"Sure he'll live without."
I had more screenshots, before my xbox decided it hated me and deleted them all ; _ ; Posting too many'll just send it into meltdown whenever I open this thread anyway, so a couple images and two GIFS should hopefully be enough... for now. Then again, my laptop's already freaking out on this thread anyway, so what do I know? Hehe.
Anyways, hopefully these screenshots aren't too crappy. I might edit this post later with some more screenshots and some other GIFs I had made for Secret Sisters, but I don't wanna post too much or have this post get bloated, so we'll see. Hope you enjoy \o/
Not to shit on your post here, but I can't look at that first pic anymore without thinking she's doing something inappropriate.
Also, I never noticed that bandage on her leg before.
Well, I don't know where else to put these, so I'm just gonna fart my cutouts of Clementine if anyone needs'em.
Here's a mix of my all time favourite Telltale characters. Don't you dare kill one of them TTG...especially the middle fella.
Ava in Ties That Bind Part 2
Since I love Ava so much I decided to make screenshots of her yesterday.
I don't know why, but the 4th and 7th pics make me laugh when I see Ava's face.
In a way, it reminds me of Lee.
The 4th is kinda funny, yes!
I hope you guys don't mind if I bump up this thread again. I recently replayed S1 and wanted to share my screen-grabs here. I don't know if I'll do the same for S2, but if you guys want me to I'll try and find the time to do it. I thought it would be easier to just post the captures from each episode separately rather than in one bulk post. Sorry for the spam.
EDIT: I didn't take enough captures that I liked from A New Day, hence it not being here and the episodes starting from Starved For Help.
s1 Episode 1/4 (Starved For Help)

Lily thinking about some heavy shit.
Lily being 'a fuckin' scrapper'.
s1 Episode 2/4 (Long Road Ahead)

I've always loved that lone flower in this capture, I'm obviously not the first to notice this but its a great detail.
s1 Episode 3/4 (Around Every Corner)

s1 Episode 4/4 (No Time Left)

I love these two captures, I can't decide which one I like better; This one gets Clem's expressions really well and the other has The Marsh House sign more visibly.
I got some screen-grabs from S2. Spam incoming.
EDIT: As I can't make my mind up, these shots may be in two parts each episode.
All That Remians 1/2

All That Remains 2/2

A House Divided 1/2

Nick's Baby Blues.
A House Divided 2/2

In Harm's Way 1/2