Soren: lol! this isn't a thing for me! (bringed another commandblock from his millions) "/op Soren" Soren: HAHAHAHAHA! (spawned millions of snowmen and irongoloms and they all started attacking the wither Storm and Admin!
Then Soren finded the server id and password, goed to the server panel and banned Admin!
Then Soren told the Mojang and Microsoft about it, and they deleted the Admin account from the minecraft!
And suddenly, milions of creepers spawned! You're trying to run, but Shia LaBeouf pulls out her sword and attack you! And then, storm came and make all of creepers to super creepers! And then, your thinking ether to fight Shia LaBeouf, or run from them, and you decided to...
You're walking in the woods,
There's no one around and your phone is dead,
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot him...
Shia LaBeouf
… more He's following you about thirty feet back,
He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint,
He's gaining on you...
well, it was unexpected, but you choosed the third option, to get off here(woods)! But suddenly, you fart badly, you think no one notice that, but you were wrong, all of people and mobs from the world(like Jesse, Xara, Lukes, all zombies and...) were watching you and they all start laughing. You embarrassed badly and, you find a way to get rid of this position, the plan was...
No, no no I'm afraid that doesn't... Happen! (Pours liquid bedrock down sorens throat) now all of you tell me what is happening or Soren dies and gets sent to the death world!.
No, no no I'm afraid that doesn't... Happen! (Pours liquid bedrock down sorens throat) now all of you tell me what is happening or Soren dies and gets sent to the death world!.
Ok I'm gonna restart from the very beginning..... Me: welcoommeee everyone you have entered the world of the mortalssss! Your houses are pretty built and ready to use, I'll be in my temple if y'all need me.
Huh...This is interesting. Where is my house?
Oh, Here it is! -walks in and see's a mysterious person blowing it up-
Oh no no no, don't worry (turns around smiling... Closes eyes... Eyes open and are red) don't worry, muhuahiahuahuu (starts flying and swings arm at hose and fireballs appear and go hurtling towards the house) hahaha, you will all suffer
Huh...This is interesting. Where is my house?
Oh, Here it is! -walks in and see's a mysterious person blowing it up-
*Admin opens server console and ''/stop''
Server just closed mwhaha
-people start being kicked-
-Grabs soren's command block, places it down and op's myself before im kicked-
/ip ban Jesse
/Unban Jesse
You ruined my beatiful world! I'll re-create it now!
And /banip Jesse , /banip Petra
/superop petra
Umm hello? I am the Admin, so I have the server panel
Jesse ( kicked the admin on his head, and he fainted, with the help of Xara, they removed his powers).
Admin opened the server panel and killed Jesse and the others
-we respawn and we kill admin-
You made that account just for this thread?
Admin summons Wither Storm
Soren: lol! this isn't a thing for me! (bringed another commandblock from his millions) "/op Soren" Soren: HAHAHAHAHA! (spawned millions of snowmen and irongoloms and they all started attacking the wither Storm and Admin!
Then Soren finded the server id and password, goed to the server panel and banned Admin!
Then Soren told the Mojang and Microsoft about it, and they deleted the Admin account from the minecraft!
Admin uses crack minecraft, and becomes a hacker. Then kaboom!!!
But then petra becomes a hacker and hacks into the admin's system and hacks his Admin account and bans him forever
I'm done, I'm outta here! New Admin is Jesse
Yay! :v
Jesse:" I am Jesse!"
The female one?
(Soren noises)
The Jesse that became the new admin,
You're walking in the woods,
There's no one around and your phone is dead,
Out of the corner of your eye, you spot him...
Shia LaBeouf
He's following you about thirty feet back,
He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint,
He's gaining on you...
And suddenly, milions of creepers spawned! You're trying to run, but Shia LaBeouf pulls out her sword and attack you! And then, storm came and make all of creepers to super creepers! And then, your thinking ether to fight Shia LaBeouf, or run from them, and you decided to...
Get off here cause I actually thought I wrecked the roleplay forum for a minute...
well, it was unexpected, but you choosed the third option, to get off here(woods)! But suddenly, you fart badly, you think no one notice that, but you were wrong, all of people and mobs from the world(like Jesse, Xara, Lukes, all zombies and...) were watching you and they all start laughing. You embarrassed badly and, you find a way to get rid of this position, the plan was...
Yeah I'm with u
Suddenly, every one farted on his face and he got killed.
No, no no I'm afraid that doesn't... Happen! (Pours liquid bedrock down sorens throat) now all of you tell me what is happening or Soren dies and gets sent to the death world!.
One of the Enderman: Please stop! Okey, i'll explain... We just wanted too feel good, so we farted!
This thread is so weird.
But it's fun too!
It's still nope...
Yes, you are so right. This thread is so weird now.
Well, actually I'm the one who created the thread so... Im kinda the one in charge....
Ok I'm gonna restart from the very beginning..... Me: welcoommeee everyone you have entered the world of the mortalssss! Your houses are pretty built and ready to use, I'll be in my temple if y'all need me.
Huh...This is interesting. Where is my house?
Oh, Here it is! -walks in and see's a mysterious person blowing it up-
And the criminal is Cassie rose.
Oh no no no, don't worry (turns around smiling... Closes eyes... Eyes open and are red) don't worry, muhuahiahuahuu (starts flying and swings arm at hose and fireballs appear and go hurtling towards the house) hahaha, you will all suffer