How will EP4 start?
Lets start with Bruce in the freezer, he is the one in most danger depending on how cold it is inside the box, but as we can see it already starts to freeze we can bet it is quite cold in there. Who will save him? Alfred talked about a new feature in the batcave that his contacts could see his temperature? Could Tiffany save him? Does he get out himself?
Now lets ask us what happens with Selina, she is not in the same immediate threat as bruce but depending on the injury from her frozen arm she could lose it if she does not get help fast enough? Who will save her? Will she escape herself? Will she lose an arm? She has been shot before with a shotgun close range and was fine after that, so she might be okay still?
What do you think?
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I think Selina is in bigger trouble than Bruce tbh. Bruce has tons of people that could come to his aid: The Agency, Selina, John, Freeze (with the right dialogue choices)
Selina pretty much just has Bruce and might lose an arm. Although I'm wondering, if it's a Riddler box that heats up like the ones in his lair maybe it will melt enough of the ice away that she wont lose an arm.
Depending on how much Harley and crew knows about Bruce and Selinas relationship Selina might still be in trouble
but only John should know about that
Is there any chance that Gordon watched Bruce to see what he was up to after Waller demoted him and then he saw Bane knock him out and followed them to the hideout? Maybe it is Gordon who saves Bruce/Selina
I like this idea. Would keep Gordon relevant even though he's demoted.
I'm pretty sure Selina will lose the arm since it's frozen solid.. wouldn't make sense if it just melts but what do I know. Alfred can lose an eye, Bruce piece of his ear, I don't think anyone's safe.
From the looks of it she should lose it but its quite a big deal if she has her arm or not have it in the story... I doubt they can involve her so much then so I hope she does not lose it or atleast still keeps getting involved in the story.
In season 1 ep2 when she gets shot with a shotgun... in a more realistic approach she should pretty much lose her arm there or atleast have some really serious injury but she is pretty much fine after the incident at the debate.
Its hard to say when people get "hurt for real" or when its just for show and some drama. Will be exciting to see what happens in EP4, I hope it does not end in a cliffhanger like this episode
Is not as if that wasn't her own fault, she's the one always pushing away and using everyone, Bruce has a lot of people because he's the good guy, Selina may not even have Bruce if the Bruce you are playing is still mad at her for leaving in Season 1.
With TWD season 1 they had a character lose an arm and still be relevant, its just about having different animations for different things
That would be sick, give Gordon some redemption and have him be the badass he deserves to be
Alfred with his one eye busting through the doors with his assault rifles and wearing one of batmans old suits, rescuing Bruce then takes down the pact. That's how I would like to see it go down
You sure are right about that. Like Harley too gets shot if you leave her behind and then she's completely fine. I don't really like when it's just for the drama.. it's better when our actions and choices have actual consequences. And it helps keep it more realistic too. Not that I would like Selina to be hurt like that in the first place.
Even if she does lose it I'm sure they can come up with something to make it work somehow.
Yeah, I'm guessing january.. wouldn't even mind the wait since ep 3 was so good.
That is the problem, that ep3 was so good so the wait gets extra painful
If it was bad then I also would not mind waiting because I would care less about it... but since its really good and I enjoy the story ect...
well I believe it will be worth the wait
If your in the ice box then you break out and go as Batman to intercept the pact at lotus then discover something shocking about the agency.
If your free then you break into lotus with the pact and discover something that flips your perception of the agency.
lmao! Okay. It's in my head now and it needs to happen!
Haha wishful thinking.. This is the penultimate episode there is going to be a yuuuuuuge cliffhanger.
All I hope is that by the end of this season they leave it open for a third season but not with a horrible cliffhanger. I don't think I could handle the wait on that.
I am also hoping for a season 3. I'm really enjoying these batman seasons. There isjust so much potential here!
I wholeheartedly agree! Everything telltale's done with this series has been great! I loved finding out about Bruce' father and Vicki Vale. Love John Doe and how he's actually being manipulated by Harley vs the other way. Love the whole undercover scenario and really enjoyed the first episode with Riddler. I love that it seems like no character is safe. They've just done so many cool things and I can't wait to see what else they've got in mind for this series.
Agreed. I feel legitimate anxiety about whether there will be a season 3; I want Telltale to do as many Batman characters and storylines as possible!
No, I don't think so. The Pact were in their lair when all that went down. I don't think Gordon had any spies or surveillance abilities in there. We do know that the Agency had at least one spy and it's possible that he snuck something in.
It's one thing to be relevant in TWD, and another for Catwoman to lose her arm... I imagine it'd be hard to fight the way she does without some serious retraining and even then I'm not so sure she could come back all the way.
Man. The wait for season two of GOT has been awful! They announced season two at the end of season one... two full years ago. =( There were people I seriously wanted to kill and people that I hoped lived.... I was shocked and thrilled (also a smidge irritated that it wasn't GOTs2) that this got a second season so soon. Would love a third season.
Oh yeah for sure, which is why I am happy I didnt sell her out, however I was just stating that they have had a character lose an arm before and not lose relevancy, they just changed some animations, although that was the main character, so who knows.
I just hope Telltale doesnt cheap out and phase her out of the story just because she has 2 different states, since that would be a classical example of choices not mattering
That's exactly why even though I didn't sell her out I still hope, that She doesn't lose the arm in that scenario
I feel ya buddy, I've been waiting for thr GoT season 2 eagerly since it ended oh so long ago. At least jt feels like it's been ages lol. But, I'm happy with batman right now and I guess I can wait a little longer for season 2!
That would be weird not to lose an arm if it has been frozen solid.
You either go to Sanctus as Batman or Bruce depending on if you blamed Selina or yourself. As someone said above Gordon might come to your aid and then we might tell him we're batman.....I guess.
Yeah, I agree. If anyone does rescue Bruce I see it being Gordon. More because the agency is waiting at the blacksite and keeping track of when Harley and crew go in. She won't know that her mole has been caught until its to late. And Gordon's already tried getting involved and getting to the bottom of everything. I can't see him just sitting aside after he lost his job and not knowing why. I could see him, over everyone else, going out of his way to follow Bruce and seeing the whole thing between him and Bane then following Bane and waiting till they all leave to go in and investigate.
[Record Scratch]
[Freeze Frame]
"Yup, that's me. Bruce Wayne. So, you might be wondering how I got into this situation..."
"But first, let's go back to the beginning."
This doesn’t have much to do with the beginning of Episode 4 but I thought this may has some validity and could possibly occur in future episodes. In episode 3 when at the cafe with John you give him some pointers on how to act around Harley. Depending on your approach to this you may have decided your own fate, think about it and how impressionable John is and how much John adores Bruce. The information you give John could later on be his approach to harm Batman mentally or physically (as we can see from the image of the future episodes).
I am really hoping how you treated John will play into what happens with him
I would like that but to be fair I think it is a must that he will become Joker either way... even if you do "all the right things" for John.
My guess is that there will be something that happens in EP4 that will make John flip and become the Joker.
And it will be heart-breaking.
Isn't that just amazing writing? You know its going to happen, its inevitable, and yet you can't stop yourself from hoping it doesn't. And you just know your headed for major heart-ache when it happens.
Definitely great writing! Its rough to be so worried and attached to so many characters.
I like Bruce, Selina, John, Alfred, Gordon, Tiffany... and I dont want anything bad to happen to them but you cant save them all and when the day comes where for example John goes down... well it will be a sad day for Bruce and all of us that likes John
Yeah. With Riddler and Lucius both dying telltale really made you feel like no character was safe. And pretty much all their characters have been likable. It's like you can't wait for the next episode and yet your scared to play it. lol. They've really done an outstanding job with this season.