Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • edited October 2017

    Heavy use of motion capture once again really shined, especially when it came with the car interactions. I still think this is one area Telltale should invest. It really looked like some actor was put into a real car to do those motions. It also makes stuff like climbing to trash pile to look really good.

  • Re: Rachel's potentially-fake feelings for Chloe

    I think she honestly wants Chloe to be the one to come with her. Yes, she's probably manipulating her, but a lot of people manipulate whoever they like. One reason why I think she's being genuine is because, back in episode 1, she revealed her biggest weakness/insecurity: her father's underhandedness. That doesn't seem like something she would willingly share with just anyone. Secondly, she did say on the train (which is also in E1) that someday she would leave Arcadia Bay, with or without Chloe. With the money she said in Episode 2 that she gets for her birthday and the fact that she's Rachel Amber, she could probably make it out of the Bay on her own already, but she's trying hard to bring Chloe with her. She could skip town with anyone she wanted to with little effort, even if it's to use them (and she certainly could find people who are willing to even let her do that), so her trying to keep Chloe around even though Chloe is now apprehensive is probably a sign that she's still trying to hold onto at least someone that she admires.

  • The question of Rachel and potential LiS1....Chloe tells Max that Rachel had told her that she had met someone that had changed her life. This to me, seems to imply that She and Chloe had cooled off in their relationship if Rachel would not tell Chloe. It sucks but it does happen, but when Rachel goes missing...Chloe is crushed that another friend has left her. I am not sure Rachel is clearly screwing over Chloe or has simply grown apart...or playing a con game trying to screw over Frank and get money for Chloe and herself.

  • Adam's right tbh.

    So this is what everyone is so awed about? An "interactive experience" in which, much like the first awful game, the "gameplay" consists of

  • Sorry, I'm still not seeing what everyone else here seems to be seeing, the second episode is still really bad. Granted, it's an improvement over the first episode, but polish a turd it's still a turd. I won't say it's completely devoid of positive aspects, there were some good things to it. The dialogue, while still awful, was improved slightly compared to previous episodes in the series, and I'm not going to lie, I really liked the scene with Drew and Mikey. This game actually got me to feel sympathy for some of the characters (other than Kate from the first game), which was something I really wasn't expecting. I know that sounds like a back handed compliment, but I'm being genuinely serious, the stuff with Drew was very well executed and I'll give props to the team for that. Wouldn't it have been better if the game was focused on him rather than Chloe and Rachel, I certainly think it would have been.

    But other than that, I still can't find what's so appealing about this game. The characters are still bad, Chloe and Rachel are just insufferable, the story feels like a complete hodge podge of events that don't really flow together and are just there to add padding to the game (what does Damon really contribute, he was kind of set up in the first episode as this big bad guy, and while it plays a role with Drew, it has no connection to the main story), the voice acting is sub-par (did you guys see what they did to Samuel, what the hell was that?), Rachel's weird scream power thing at the end of the first episode goes completely ignored, the relationship between Chloe and Rachel, whether it's just as friends or as a couple, is poorly written, and once again, Rachel proves to be a complete Mary Sue. And that twist at the end, while certainly unexpected, did not elicit the same reaction out of me as it did for others. It feels like it adds a lot of unnecessary drama for what is leading up to be a packed and potentially rushed Episode 3 that will end up having similar problems to the final episode of the original game, where all of these storyline and plot threads are crammed in and hastily and shoddily resolved. It feels like there's a lot more story to tell, but with one episode left, I just don't see how it can be done.

  • Life Is Strange as a Romcom

  • Loved it!

    ClemRanger posted: »

    Life Is Strange as a Romcom

  • You do the same for A New Frontier.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Gee, I hate this game so much as you but I don't come here every day to just bitch about it like you do. It's embarassing.

  • Because ANF doesn't have a cancer fanbased like LIS.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    You do the same for A New Frontier.

  • That's true... :D

    AronDracula posted: »

    Because ANF doesn't have a cancer fanbased like LIS.

  • Because ANF doesn't have a cancer fanbased like LIS

    Maybe because it doesn't have a fanbase? lmao I'm just kidding don't get mad ANF fanbase

  • That chin though

  • I wonder if BTS is just a simple backstory or an important prequel that's going to complete the story and reveal sth crucial to the plot of LIS. I mean are we going to see a major plot point that will literally change everything? I suppose you've heard the saying "Sometimes the past is the key to the future", perhaps in the final episode we'll learn a very important detail that will change the whole story of LIS.

  • edited November 2017

    So, yeah I've been late on this series, but I finally decided to finish episode 1.
    It was a good opening episode, but not great. Not too much happened, and the ending was really just the initial conflict finally kicking off, but I still enjoyed it. The weird supernatural stuff (strange lucid dream, Rachel having wind powers?) is not what I expected, but is welcome. I guess a "life is normal" Game wouldn't be interesting enough.
    I will say that some things did not go over well with me. After the park scene and the binoculars game, it was obvious the last couple Chloe was roasting was Rachel's dad or mom. It was obvious given that she stopped talking out of nowhere and instantly was mad for some reason. Took too long for her to admit it, and it wasn't a shocker. I also want to say: yes, you can be mad Rachel... but don't start a whole forest fire over it! That's not smart!

    I have not yet played Episode 2, but I will soon. I've heard that it's quite good and there's a killer twist or something. Things seem to be getting more intense with the ending showing some evil smiling lady looking over the fire and the skeevy guys coming back later.
    Good episode. 7.5/10

    (also, I do like me some dynamic menus.. Menus that change based on your progression or location of when you last saved. I know Season 1 did it, but it was mostly minor until Episode 5. This Episode 2 menu was surprising. Calm menu now becomes fire-ravaged wasteland. There's even different music! Cool!)

  • She doesn't have wind powers...I think that was artistic license to show her anger and sorrow.

    AChicken posted: »

    So, yeah I've been late on this series, but I finally decided to finish episode 1. It was a good opening episode, but not great. Not too mu

  • edited November 2017

    Well that's misleading.

    While that may be "artistic licence", it certainly didn't feel that way. It was pretty specific to her screams so that threw me off.
    Now what do I have to look forward to in episode 2?

    She doesn't have wind powers...I think that was artistic license to show her anger and sorrow.

  • Drama! Tragedy! Scary Real Life Issues!

    AChicken posted: »

    Well that's misleading. While that may be "artistic licence", it certainly didn't feel that way. It was pretty specific to her screams so that threw me off. Now what do I have to look forward to in episode 2?

  • Plenty more drama and tough decisions to make, including how your relationship with Rachel goes and more backtalk challenges. There'll also be something you wouldn't expect Chloe Price to be doing. And there's a plot twist that'll make your jaw drop.

    AChicken posted: »

    Well that's misleading. While that may be "artistic licence", it certainly didn't feel that way. It was pretty specific to her screams so that threw me off. Now what do I have to look forward to in episode 2?

  • Original voice actors will be returning for the bonus episode. Sweet.

  • Extra! Extra! Behind the Scenes video all about it!

    lilsnek posted: »

    Original voice actors will be returning for the bonus episode. Sweet.

  • I will say this, the entire fiasco as to why we did not get Ashley doing the voice work for Chloe in the 3 story episodes of BtS does point out that for all of Telltale's failings...they do seem to treat the voice actors pretty well.

    AChicken posted: »

    Extra! Extra! Behind the Scenes video all about it!

  • I don't even know what exactly was going on, just that there was a strike.. happy that's resolved.

    I think Rhianna DeVries has been doing a good job as Chloe, the change hasn't bothered me after the first 5 minutes. And it's so weird I only recently found out that none of the VA's have been the same.. and I hadn't even noticed (except Samuel wtf was that). Not even when I've been playing LiS and BtS both while waiting new episodes.

    But it's so nice to have both Hannah and Ashley back, at least once.

  • The conclusion of the mini-series is almost here. (And then there is one more bonus episode with young Max and Chloe for one last time.)

  • When they posted about episode 2 "coming soon" it was in October 10, then the teaser trailer came out October 11. That means... are they going to release a teaser trailer tomorrow? I hope so.

  • Huh so they tease us and then announce a release date. I’m expecting the release to be announced at the game awards.

    The conclusion of the mini-series is almost here. (And then there is one more bonus episode with young Max and Chloe for one last time.)

  • Teaser is out, full trailer tomorrow

  • Well...that looks intense :)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Teaser is out, full trailer tomorrow

  • Oh no, not that guy again. And Frank is there too. I hope they'll work together to stop him once and for all.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Teaser is out, full trailer tomorrow

  • the blue hair is back!

  • Episode 3 trailer is here, releases December 20th

  • Wow, EP3 is going to be amazing. Only two long weeks away...

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Episode 3 trailer is here, releases December 20th

  • edited December 2017

    Chloe: Rachel, I'm not losing you.

    You already did, Chloe.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Episode 3 trailer is here, releases December 20th

  • That trailer was actually pretty emotional. Really hyped for this.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Episode 3 trailer is here, releases December 20th

  • Based on the trailer, I'm guessing Rachel either gets stabbed by Damon Merrick or takes some drug that leads to her ending up in the hospital. Probably the former.

  • I'm guessing Rachel either gets stabbed by Damon Merrick or takes some drug that leads to her ending up in the hospital. Probably the former.

    I don't think she will be stabbed by Damon, in the trailer you can see Frank saving Rachel. Maybe there's an option where we an choose to try to save Rachel or let her get stabbed, then Frank saves her.
    I think that's where Frank starts having feelings for Rachel

  • Chloe: Rachel, I'm not losing you.
    You already did, Chloe.

    I hope a plot twist at the end will change the whole story and Rachel doesn't dies

  • All platforms releasing at the same time. This is a good development

  • Well shoot..I have to work that day...I guess I will be using the world's slowest Wi-Fi at work...but I am prepared.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    All platforms releasing at the same time. This is a good development

  • A little side note, Life is Strange is available on Mobile, which will include iMessage stickers.

  • Wow, that's awesome. Wish it would've been released on mobile sooner since I already have it for the PC. Might be worth buying again, though...

    A little side note, Life is Strange is available on Mobile, which will include iMessage stickers.

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