Minecraft Story Mode Season 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Minecraft Story Mode has been a great series, so it won't end easily......................
I was just hoping for MINECRAFT STORYMODE SEASON 3 to arrive as "Jesse and Petra's Adventure" or it could also be "The Shadow of the Herobrine".
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This scene was kind of emotional.....
.....Leaving everyone...........................
Or you could stay if you want...
For the 1k views it's because the title of your thread, "MINECRAFT STORYMODE SEASON 3" it's what we are all waiting, so that's for sure it's the first thread to take a look at, as for Herobrine we have already started this subject in "Possible new villains theories" thread.
If MCSM S2 sells well we get another season or season pass, It's that simple. And Its way to soon to say.
However, It's worth to mention that I do think that they never intended this season to be the last. On the contrary, this is kinda what it would look like and feel like if they have another season in mind.
Nothing is set in stone but I'm not a madman when I say it's more likely that we get another season then nothing at all.
I really really loved the series and still i do even that i don't like minecraft anymore . Telltale just are really good devs i mean their games are really great love u telltale
yeah but leaving Petra was not a good choice though
I didn't knew that
there have a lot reasons to stay or to go
No herobrine please!!!
and idk why but i wanted to stay in the town
I went with Petra, the only reason I almost wanted to stay was because of Lukas.
Just FYI, it's not good posting etiquette to reply to your own thread six times before people post, so I cleaned up some of the redundant posts. Sometimes, it just takes a while for people to respond, and that is okay/normal.
Please do not "bump" your own thread up with filler posts and let other people naturally come to the discussion instead.
yea me too kinda bcs he's so cool and badass
# SEASON 3 would launch soon
I wish Telltale would just flat out say whether there will be more MCSM or not.
This practice of "let's leave all the games on a cliffhanger so that we can maybe return to them later" is offensive to players who get invested in the stories.
Makes me feel like Telltale cares way more about the bottom line than actually crafting an immersive storytelling universe.
Still waiting for GoT s2...
So true
The endings to season 2 are not examples of cliffhangers. A cliffhanger is, to put it simply, something that ends in the middle of a tense situation with no predicted outcome. Neither one of the endings to Above and Beyond do.
Eric Stirpe, the lead writer, has also addressed the topic of a third season. They don't know whether there'll be one. It's not up to them: it's up to the higher ups. That's why they wanted to add some sense of closure to the season finale. It was exactly to avoid leaving things hanging for the fans.
Not true staying with beacon town and all your other friends is way better
Yeah same with me it’s way better
That would make me a lot more happy
ANY NEWS..................................
Unfortunately, no. Eric stirp has not said one thing about story mode.???
either way I REALLY want a season 3, this series really brings out my love for MC! It brings so much character development and the choices are becoming tough in some parts throughout each chapter. I love this series !
I don't think that they will be making one any time soon but when they eventually do get around to making the next chapter in the adventure (if the do) I think they will go in a completely new direction. As we all know, the biggest Telltale game so far is TWD with 2 Seasons (the next one is coming soon) along with 2 extra Seasons (the Michonne Series and A New Frontier) MCSM has probably come the closest with 4 extra episodes in Season 1 and a Season 2 (correct me if I'm wrong on that.)
There is 3 season of TWD with the 4th comming this year. The Michonne series is DLC while A New Frontier is an actual season.
Just to add MCSM had only 4 episodes in its first seasons but also 4 extra episodes in its DLC. So one can argue that its actually a secound season.
Really?! I have always considered A New Frontier as a kinda side story.
Oh oops! sorry, I haven't really played any of the TWD series but I have always just considered A New Frontier as a kinda side story to the main TWD Series (Season 1 and 2)
Jetra (Petra and (male) Jesse), Lukesse (Lukas and (female) Jesse) and Olaxel (Olivia and Axel)
Axivia is better
Olaxel, lol I just can't imagine them together. I think Olivia likes Radar anyways.
I sincerely hope there will be a season pass or a season 3 that closes Soren's plot cause I feel like they've been building this since S1E5 AND WE STILL DON'T KNOW.
I. Want. To. Know. Telltale.
^I too would like that, alongside a chance to get with Axel.
If there is a season 3, more player customization options at the start would be nice. It's got a nice selection of skin colors for male and female Jesse already, but the hair and other physical features weren't adjustable, there was only one voice for each gender, and with it being 2018, it'd be nice to see some nonbinary customization.