Lilly Caul's fate (spoilers inside for anyone that cares)
Welp just finished the novel series. Don't think anymore are going to be commissioned so it looks like this will be her final fate.
Lilly Caul got bit on the ankle at the end of the Return to Woodbury book. They cut it off at the ankle so now it looks like she is going to be spending the rest of her days in Woodbury on crutches.
Extremely bad series of novels and a very underwhelming ending considering that was the only reason to read these books was to find out what her fate was going to be.
As much flack as people are giving TellTale now I really wish they were the ones that got to tell comic Lilly's story. They could have released some Michonne style of mini games detailing what she did after the prison attack.
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Yeah the novels are terrible. Jay Bonansinga butchers the timelines and it a mediocre writer at best. I stopped reading them after Fall of the Governor.
Yeah nothing after the Fall of the Governor books are worth reading at all unless you are a Walking Dead completionist. And Kirkman hasn't been involved with the series since then anyway so everything that has happened to her post the prison storyline has all been Jay's ideas.
That's probably a big reason they will never bring game Lilly back into another story is because people would just confuse her with being the Lilly from the comic.
I somewhat enjoyed the Governor's initial backstory (but the "twist" is retarded and convoluted as all hell), and Lilly and Josh's storyline was okay, but as a whole the novels are cringey and infuriating. Glad to hear that I didn't miss out on much.
At least Telltale Lilly isn't Lilly Caul.