(Spoilers(Kind Of(I Suppose))) Can we talk about this?
Now, I don't mean to diss this anonymous wiki contributor or any of the emotional crises they were going through at the time of August 30th, (hashtag)2K14, but
They do make a solid point about SOME Kenny supporters, though. I experience mutual feelings towards the character, and I know that SOME of the Kenny lovers out there can be rather- well, uh- thorough in telling the world how awesome the lord and savior Kenny Christ is.
The same could be said for some Jane supporters, though.
Did any of you freak out this much for Luke? If so, why? Have you formed connections like this with other fictional characters?
I know I ran to Walmart and peed on the entire women's section when my main man Lee died back in (hashtag)2K12.
I think everyone jumped on the Kenny is our lord and saviour bandwagon because it became a meme within the community, so everyone had to get involved and nothing could really replace Kenny, even if some people did Like Luke or any character more, we can’t remove them from their throne of memes.
I wasn’t around the community for the whole time, like way back in 2012, I was only a telltale fan back then, didn’t mess with the site or anything but at believe the meme started when he reappears in season 2 episode 2, and that stemmed to all “Kenny has been resurrected, he is the new Jesus” thus resulting in Kenny is our lord and saviour. At least that’s what would make the most sense.
Anyway if you would like to support me in making Javier our rightful ruler, while maintaining Kenny as our lord and saviour, please sign the petition at www.Iwillnothackyourbankaccountandstealyourhouse.com. Pls tho can Javier be our king?
Obsession By Telltale: The new fragrance
I don't think this is exclusive to any character. You know what has changed between the time I left(2013) and came back(2016)? A very large amount of game fans on this site have(what most would call) an unhealthy obsession with a fictional character. I, now, see it everywhere here. Whether it's a single character, whether it's shipping, whatever, people seem to care a whole lot more than they used to about fiction.
I'm too far removed from what's hip and cool to judge. I don't look down on anyone for it. I do want them to be civil though. It becomes an issue when people take it personally. When a character makes a choice/performs an action that some people don't feel falls in line with how they see the character, they can get a bit too emotional about it. We've had these problems. There's nothing wrong with voicing displeasure, but we're supposed to be mature adults as well. Please, love the characters Telltale has created. Love the worlds and stories Telltale has created, but remember, it's just a game and it's their story. It doesn't have to be yours. You can have your own where you can pretend things happen differently. No one's telling you you can't. It's just entertainment.
As Telltale drifted(okay, it was more of a sudden jerk) from gameplay being the focus, to story, so did the fans' passion. When Back To The Future and Jurassic Park came out, a large amount of the forum was critical of the gameplay and puzzles. When The Walking Dead Season 2 came out, a large amount of the forum was critical of the story and characters. All these attributes were the focus of the game that came before it. There was a culture shift. I do understand your passion.
This is really not just limited to Kenny. Every game now seems to have that one character that people seem to really latch onto and fantasize(I mean this cleanly) about. Go for it, just be polite about it.
Eh, crazy fanbases for characters isn't limited to this game, or even games in general. See any television show/movie/comic as an example. If I don't like the way a character is being handled, I'll say something, I'm not about to incite a riot or torch buildings over it though lol. That's just me though, some people will go absolutely crazy over characters and they'll do it for the same reason people do most things: It's the internet. Trying to find a rhyme or reason to why people do what they do here will eventually drive you as crazy as they are. Everything bothers you less once you realize that.
As far as Javier being king, screw that noise. He should work on being a decent character first.
Luke could have survived and developed but there are good reasons why Kenny and Jane were more popular and that is not their fault. I would have done things a lot differently with Luke. If he had survived, I wouldn't have had him be the nice guy all the time, which from what I have seen is why most of his fanbase like him.
Luke was an alright character. He really wasn't anything special. I mean I liked him, sure, most of the time anyway, but he wasn't particularly interesting or unique, and largely just served as being the good ol' hearted nice guy without much substance besides that.
Kenny and Jane, while not perfect characters by any means, had more depth and worked better to create some morally grey conflict.
EDIT: Seriously though, that poster had to have been a troll.
Well damn. I get that Luke's Death wasn't fair, but COME ON. That person needs to take it easy. It's just a game.
Uh...what? Do I need to click the link or something to really understand?
I clicked this thread by completely accident, so I'm extra confused.
No one said anything about him...?
Yeah. I'm talking about the wiki discussion on the link.
Personally, I really liked Luke despite him not being anything rather new or special. He was the kind of nice guy character that Clementine needed since, you know, everyone she cared about was either dead or missing? Though, since Telltale never really did anything interesting with him or actually developed his character, it is easy to why he wasn't as popular as others like Kenny or Jane.
In response to the thread thing, there is a fine line between appreciating a fictional character and having, as someone said earlier, an unhealthy obsession. People have a right to complain about how their favourite character is being used, but if you get that offended, especially over a Telltale character that is bound to eventually die, don't even bother playing. I see this all the time between Kenny and Jane fans on here.
My homie Melton did. I'm just messing with him on that one.
Oh, okay. I only skimmed this thread before I posted, so I obviously overlooked that cluster of text.
That’s what I thought ??