Will Iman Avesta and Bruce Wayne have some potential romance? (Plot discussion thread)



  • I actually really like her now. I still think she'll do a back-stab but she's currently pretty cool.

    How is she bland? She has been fantastic everytime she has been on screen.

  • edited January 2018

    All this depends on @telltale, they write the story and they can give it an unexpected twist, at the moment there is no evidence that Avesta is a villain or seems bad person, his character was created for some reason and @telltale has said that his character will be relevant in history

    strwar3 posted: »

    They are! ? I hope that Telltale puts a romance option between them. I don't think she will be bad and she hasn't shown it in this season 2

  • let's hope that @telltale does not do that with his character, it would be repetitive and there's no need for that, the story they tell is pretty good

    GamerLady posted: »

    I actually really like her now. I still think she'll do a back-stab but she's currently pretty cool.

  • I really enjoyed the interactions between Avesta and Bruce in this episode, especially in the car.

    I can't help but really hope that Telltale retains her as a reoccurring character in the series, and why not develop her into Batgirl and have Tiffany be Robin instead? It'd actually make more sense to have a trained field operative for assistance and Tiffany in training as she's a newly graduated college student from Tech school.

  • Underdevelopped perhaps but bland ? I can only disagree.
    I would love for Telltale to have big plans for her but.....Yeah.

  • edited January 2018

    tfw when you were wanting a Bruce/Avesta romance all season but Telltale didn't care so you had to go with Selina, then Telltale pushes more flirting options in episode 4 with Bruce/Avesta.

    Why, Telltale, why?

  • Well a) There was never really time for Avesta and Bruce to talk until now, b) You could very clearly reject Selina if you wanted, and c) There were not any flirting options with Avesta in Episode 4. What are you talking about?

    tfw when you were wanting a Bruce/Avesta romance all season but Telltale didn't care so you had to go with Selina, then Telltale pushes more flirting options in episode 4 with Bruce/Avesta. Why, Telltale, why?

  • Guess he’s talking about the two timing comment from John and the possibility for Bruce to hint to a next time in the batmobile. Not much in terms of flirting, but if squint really hard you should see it there.

    HexIgon posted: »

    Well a) There was never really time for Avesta and Bruce to talk until now, b) You could very clearly reject Selina if you wanted, and c) There were not any flirting options with Avesta in Episode 4. What are you talking about?

  • edited January 2018

    A) Telltale could've easily had more scenes between Bruce/Avesta in earlier episodes if they wanted to. People have already commented on this.

    b) Because of the lack of scenes between Bruce/Avesta in episode 3, I thought they just didn't really care much about the character, so I chose Selina.

    C) There's the option where Bruce can say maybe next time to taken her for a ride in the Batmobile. Which I think we can all guess what he was alluding to. And there's also the part where John says that Bruce is two-timing catlady. Although this was clearly a joke, Bruce's face said it all.

    HexIgon posted: »

    Well a) There was never really time for Avesta and Bruce to talk until now, b) You could very clearly reject Selina if you wanted, and c) There were not any flirting options with Avesta in Episode 4. What are you talking about?

  • So cheat on Selina. What's the problem?

    A) Telltale could've easily had more scenes between Bruce/Avesta in earlier episodes if they wanted to. People have already commented on thi

  • I don't cheat.

    HexIgon posted: »

    So cheat on Selina. What's the problem?

  • HexIgonHexIgon Banned
    edited January 2018

    But Selina does. Why not let her try her own medicine?

    I don't cheat.

  • edited January 2018

    Because, "two wrongs don't make a right." But I get what you're saying.

    It's not really a big deal anyway, I doubt Telltale will do much between Bruce & Avesta in the final episode. They've left it too late imo.

    HexIgon posted: »

    But Selina does. Why not let her try her own medicine?

  • edited January 2018

    Well, except for Episode 3. She just kind of shows up and then leaves.

    How is she bland? She has been fantastic everytime she has been on screen.

  • I didn't see her cheating on Harvey and us as bad, in fact, it was pretty cool because she kisses Harvey and then she kisses us, it was like Bruce kissing Harvey through Selina, so romantic ♥

    HexIgon posted: »

    But Selina does. Why not let her try her own medicine?

  • I've never thought about this side of Harvey but I'm starting to like it...

    Kaelthas posted: »

    I didn't see her cheating on Harvey and us as bad, in fact, it was pretty cool because she kisses Harvey and then she kisses us, it was like Bruce kissing Harvey through Selina, so romantic ♥

  • I don't think it is too late at all. But I do think Telltale just puts a potential romance option at the end of this season 2. I mean they did put Rhysha and Rhyiona choice option on episode 5 of Tales From The Borderlands.

    They can do it again on this one. I see potential romance between Avesta and Bruce and it's not like they won't do it again on here . it is never too late to put a other romance option at the end of The Enemy Within.

    Because, "two wrongs don't make a right." But I get what you're saying. It's not really a big deal anyway, I doubt Telltale will do much between Bruce & Avesta in the final episode. They've left it too late imo.

  • I hated that. She just shows up and leaves. Like come on! That was very bad for character. It's good that Telltale gave her screen time in this episode 4.

    Putinovich posted: »

    Well, except for Episode 3. She just kind of shows up and then leaves.

  • She's a fan girl, kind of awkward and really nice, someone like that is perfect for Bruce tbh

  • And if you cheat on her, when you tell her the truth you just have to make sure her hearing thing doesn't work, Avesta best gal 2018.

    She's a fan girl, kind of awkward and really nice, someone like that is perfect for Bruce tbh

  • She's the generic good guy character. There's nothing interesting about her. In the first episode, she was intriguing but now I don't care. She's a random supporting character at best.

    How is she bland? She has been fantastic everytime she has been on screen.

  • The forums won't forget that.

    HexIgon posted: »

    Several people are typing...

  • Perfect picture to describe the situation.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    You right now

  • I have some black belt jit-jitsu kung-fu martial arts up in these sleeves.

    (I'm incredibly thin and at 35 kg even though I'm in 9th grade)

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    Somebody's gon' get their ass kicked.

  • "random supporting character at best"

    Dan10 posted: »

    She's the generic good guy character. There's nothing interesting about her. In the first episode, she was intriguing but now I don't care. She's a random supporting character at best.

  • She's been very interesting, Selina has just gotten old with all the will they won't they.

  • Don't break my heart episode 5

  • Your meme skills are... impressive. Is it possible to learn this power?

    Kaelthas posted: »

    Don't break my heart episode 5

  • "Is it possible to learn this power?"

    HexIgon posted: »

    Your meme skills are... impressive. Is it possible to learn this power?

  • I don’t trust Avesta. I have a feeling she kept the virus and did not destroyed it like she said. She seemed too eager to keep bad mouthing about Waller and question Wallers motives (to be honest I don’t trust Waller either)

  • I had the similar feeling. Like she was fishing for information and making Waller look bad in our eyes. She did fish for information before.
    Still, I did like her in this episode. And I think making her another Lady Arkham would be too much, lol, so I don't expect a betrayal from her, I think.

    Tulipstue posted: »

    I don’t trust Avesta. I have a feeling she kept the virus and did not destroyed it like she said. She seemed too eager to keep bad mouthing about Waller and question Wallers motives (to be honest I don’t trust Waller either)

  • I’m starting to not trust anybody right now.

    Tiefling posted: »

    I had the similar feeling. Like she was fishing for information and making Waller look bad in our eyes. She did fish for information before.

  • Yup, and it seems like everyone has suddenly forgotten, that there is a mole in the Agency

    Tiefling posted: »

    I had the similar feeling. Like she was fishing for information and making Waller look bad in our eyes. She did fish for information before.

  • Everyone could be Bill Cipher.

    Tulipstue posted: »

    I’m starting to not trust anybody right now.

  • I'm not forgeting, but Avesta seems so obvious. =/ Also she IS a mole. For us.
    but.... WHAT IS SHE IS LADY ARKHAM?!!?1

    JmoooX posted: »

    Yup, and it seems like everyone has suddenly forgotten, that there is a mole in the Agency

  • Don't you dare talk shit about my girl bro.

    JmoooX posted: »

    Yup, and it seems like everyone has suddenly forgotten, that there is a mole in the Agency

  • Oh, I didn't say anything about Avesta, did I? You see, it turns out, that You are the one implying, that this mole thing has something to do with Her!

    Kaelthas posted: »

    Don't you dare talk shit about my girl bro.

  • Hahaha!!! Love it.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    Don't break my heart episode 5

  • Telltale don't break out hearts !

  • KaelthasKaelthas Banned
    edited January 2018

    I already have this prepared just in case, I'll probably turn it into a gif when the moment happens, IF the moment happens.

    Telltale don't break out hearts !

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