Will Iman Avesta and Bruce Wayne have some potential romance? (Plot discussion thread)



  • Oh I HOPE they don't break our hearts. I mean I'm scared about losing Alfred still!! But I'm scared if Telltale breaks my heart on Avesta. I don't think she will bad and yet she hasn't shown anything like betrayal or bad towards us. More like fangirling over Batman and that scene about the Batmobile. I feel more interested into her character more and I hope for potential romance between Avesta and Bruce.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    I already have this prepared just in case, I'll probably turn it into a gif when the moment happens, IF the moment happens.

  • Maybe if she is Talia it'll be an altered canon. Maybe she's actually on the run from her father or just not part of his agenda.
    Either way I don't care much for the fan-girl aspect of it. I think a romance should be equal amounts of admiration from both parties. However they have given Bruce reasons to admire her and it seems like telltale is only building on that so I feel like its bound to be more even eventually. I also like the pacing of their relationship, its not too fast and doesn't feel forced. Maybe something will come of it in episode 5 but I get the feeling its just gonna establish the beginning of something and it'll possibly continue on for a third season.

    strwar3 posted: »

    Oh I HOPE they don't break our hearts. I mean I'm scared about losing Alfred still!! But I'm scared if Telltale breaks my heart on Avesta. I

  • "Maybe she's actually on the run from her father."

    That makes a lot of sense since Avesta tells John "I've run from my problems before" or something like that.

    GamerLady posted: »

    Maybe if she is Talia it'll be an altered canon. Maybe she's actually on the run from her father or just not part of his agenda. Either way

  • Nice catch! I forgot about that.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    "Maybe she's actually on the run from her father." That makes a lot of sense since Avesta tells John "I've run from my problems before" or something like that.

  • The romance between Bruce / Avesta could not be bad, suppose that Avesta / Bruce have an affair and it turns out that Iman Avesta ends up being a future villain, how would our bruce react after having some love affair with avesta and realizing the betrayal her?

  • edited January 2018

    It would be something new in the stories of @telltale, we will have to see that episode 5 and see how the character of Avesta ends, and, I hope more moments like the episode 4 between Avesta / Bruce and @telltale do not do anything wrong with his character.

    The romance between Bruce / Avesta could not be bad, suppose that Avesta / Bruce have an affair and it turns out that Iman Avesta ends up be

  • edited January 2018

    I really support and I hope this '' Romance '' between Avesta / Bruce since from episode 1, although there is no denying the chemistry between Selina / Bruce.

  • I agree with you, if there is potential romance between them, I do not want something forced and done lightly, I want something slowly and with good structure. I hope we can see something more between them in this episode

    GamerLady posted: »

    Maybe if she is Talia it'll be an altered canon. Maybe she's actually on the run from her father or just not part of his agenda. Either way

  • Wonder what she was referring to when Avesta said she's "run before."

  • QUESTION: After playing episode four and looking through the stats, it showed that I was in the minority of people who left Avesta feeling DETERMINED.

    It says she was "determined after talking to you about destroying Riddler's body."
    I was just wondering if this is what you would consider a negative outcome? Also what are the other options other than determined?

  • I wouldn't say negative the second was gratified I think? And that's if you tell her to be careful in which case she'll appreciate Bruce's concern.

    QUESTION: After playing episode four and looking through the stats, it showed that I was in the minority of people who left Avesta feeling D

  • Gotcha. Thank you! :)

    GamerLady posted: »

    I wouldn't say negative the second was gratified I think? And that's if you tell her to be careful in which case she'll appreciate Bruce's concern.

  • I think Avesta opens the door for Bruce to have a normal/happy love life.

  • edited January 2018

    I support that, amigo

    I think Avesta opens the door for Bruce to have a normal/happy love life.


    I think Avesta opens the door for Bruce to have a normal/happy love life.

  • I have a feeling that, due to popular demand, Telltale might pull a Gamora on us and plant some seeds of a possible Avesta romance for the next season. But with all the theories that she is actually evil, I am not 100% sure about that. At this point, it WOULD BE a twist if Avesta doesn't turn out to be evil.

  • When they're in the car, you're given the option to say to Avesta that she could possibly ride in the Bat-Mobile next time and Avesta says, "Oh, so there's going to be a next time?" and they both smile. If you suggest that she quit the agency, Bruce will give her the option to work with him. If you tell John that Avesta is a friend, John will respond, "Are you two-timing Cat Lady, Bruce?"

  • hahaha, funny. Does he say that even if you blamed catwoman as the mole?

    cometgamer posted: »

    When they're in the car, you're given the option to say to Avesta that she could possibly ride in the Bat-Mobile next time and Avesta says,

  • Yes. He says that regardless. Romance, no romance, blaming Selina as a mole or not.

    GamerLady posted: »

    hahaha, funny. Does he say that even if you blamed catwoman as the mole?

  • really? Hmmm... still funny. And also awkward for Avesta.

    Yes. He says that regardless. Romance, no romance, blaming Selina as a mole or not.

  • edited January 2018

    i really liked her and i feel like their relationship would be a lot healthier and stabler than bruce x selina (though i love batcat <3). As selina really seems like she only wants bruce to be happy i could imagine that in the end of ep5 she says some nice things about avesta like that she‘s the better one for bruce or sth like that and then you can decide whether you stick with selina or avesta (i think you won‘t have romance options before that you can only „flirt“ with avesta like ep4). tbh i don‘t see selina as the jealously type so in my opinion something like that could actually be possible

  • Yeah, her face said it all when John said that. Haha.

    GamerLady posted: »

    really? Hmmm... still funny. And also awkward for Avesta.

  • Avesta is ridiculously attractive, I'll give you guys that much. But I have to agree that she has been rather bland and i still expect her to betray us. John (who was likely an experiment and has no memory) somehow thinks she looks familiar. Waller has been saying there is a mole for quite some time. Avesta has been fully supportive of Waller and her methods up until the moment she had the virus secured, at which point she "destroyed" it aka stole it. Plus she always has this evil calculated look on her face when the focus isn't on her. Her line "I've run before too, John" implies there is more to her than being some simple Gotham girl whose father owned a gift shop. At this point she is a dignified fangirl but I believe she is Talia who is deep undercover trying to get the virus for League of Assassins in some sort of Lazarus Pit type twist. She could also be the female version of Scarecrow, given her psychologist type background.

  • I thought more along the lines that she's running from someone

  • If there isn’t a romance option for Avesta or Harley Quinn I’m gonna sue Telltale

  • She is...

    Zjaa6 posted: »

    I thought more along the lines that she's running from someone

  • Those eyes, those eyebrows, that forehead

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    She is...

  • ...

    If there isn’t a romance option for Avesta or Harley Quinn I’m gonna sue Telltale

  • There isn't going to be a Harley Quinn romance between Bruce and her. But there will(I hope that it does)be a Avesta and Bruce romance. I hope Telltale gives us that option at the end of the episode 5.

    If there isn’t a romance option for Avesta or Harley Quinn I’m gonna sue Telltale

  • I support that.

    strwar3 posted: »

    There isn't going to be a Harley Quinn romance between Bruce and her. But there will(I hope that it does)be a Avesta and Bruce romance. I hope Telltale gives us that option at the end of the episode 5.

  • edited January 2018

    I am going to get wet about Avesta, I can guarantee right now, that I do not see the character of avesta as a villain, what he did in episode 1 is not someone whose character is evil, he sacrificed his hearing and his life for save your friend Blake, when you do not save him and you let him die, she feels guilty for his death and that's not about being a villain, we could see a little more about her in this episode 4

  • I want her to be the leader of the agency and in a future season we can have Iman as an ally and who knows if potential romance, that I would like to happen to her.

  • That scene in the car where Bruce says the Batmobile's anti-surveillance system gave feedback to Avesta's hearing aids, is suspicious.. someone else also mentioned this. At least I became suspicious, I want to trust her and I want her to be good but her pointing fingers at Waller.. well, I don't trust Waller either, at all anymore. So I don't know what to believe anymore.

    Has it been discussed before where John says Avesta seems familiar? There are so many threads I don't know anymore.

  • I agree. I want to trust her but I don't. Her and Waller are equally untrustworthy to me. But I'm super paranoid about the agency in general so that could be it. ...She just has these expressions on her face when Bruce isn't looking that give me Vicki Vale flashbacks.

    lilsnek posted: »

    That scene in the car where Bruce says the Batmobile's anti-surveillance system gave feedback to Avesta's hearing aids, is suspicious.. some

  • What did John say about her again?

  • edited January 2018

    Yeah, exactly.. I've paid attention to her expressions from the start, and I don't trust the Agency one bit, it's funny that in the beginning I kinda did, even though I loved to dislike Waller. And the whole mole thing? I can't make sense of it. Who would gain what.. any ideas? Avesta destroyed or "destroyed" the blood samples. Right? @Zjaa6 you mean Avesta? I think it was just that she seems kinda familiar..

    GamerLady posted: »

    I agree. I want to trust her but I don't. Her and Waller are equally untrustworthy to me. But I'm super paranoid about the agency in general

  • The line she said about running away before made me wonder more about her past. I just can't trust Avesta honestly maybe it's because of Vicki's betrayal.

  • Yep, how she talked to John in Harley's office.. I don't think that was for nothing.

    The line she said about running away before made me wonder more about her past. I just can't trust Avesta honestly maybe it's because of Vicki's betrayal.

  • That she looks familiar

    Zjaa6 posted: »

    What did John say about her again?

  • I don't think the agency mole exists. Or if it does its why Waller decided to ignore Avesta's input because she suspects her. I think Waller just said it as a way to excuse her incompetence so Bruce wouldn't think it was intentional. He says to her 'I don't buy it.' Basically saying 'I don't buy it was a mistake.' So she was fast on her feet thinking up a mole story.

    lilsnek posted: »

    Yeah, exactly.. I've paid attention to her expressions from the start, and I don't trust the Agency one bit, it's funny that in the beginnin

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