Who knows? I've still yet to know the full workings of this mysterious blade. Could it really have such power? The possibilities astound me, yet I'm hesitant to act, this power maybe too strong for us mortals to wield.
Am I holding the ring of Sauron's incarnate? Maybe I should banish this to a place where no one can be harmed by the power we have yet to truly master. But yet, it's beauty draws me in... My precious
Haha, I honestly don't see the resemblance but I've had a lot of people tell me I look like rami. I'm a big fan of him and he's pretty hot so I'll take it as a compliment
Y’know what? Yooolooo. Place’ll probably close in a few months so I might as well sneak one selfie in before D-day. Yeah I used a filter, but in all honesty my face looks the exact same, just with virtual glasses on ?
Y’know what? Yooolooo. Place’ll probably close in a few months so I might as well sneak one selfie in before D-day. Yeah I used a filter, but in all honesty my face looks the exact same, just with virtual glasses on ?
I shall stab you with this shiny blade.
Am I scaring you, yet?
2 spooky 4 me
Amazing beard!
I like It!
Thank you. But really, it's the "shiny blade" that's the star of the show. The post would've been a black rectangle without it.
it looks like you're going to jump off my screen and set my house on fire
Who knows? I've still yet to know the full workings of this mysterious blade. Could it really have such power? The possibilities astound me, yet I'm hesitant to act, this power maybe too strong for us mortals to wield.
Am I holding the ring of Sauron's incarnate? Maybe I should banish this to a place where no one can be harmed by the power we have yet to truly master. But yet, it's beauty draws me in... My precious
Haha, I honestly don't see the resemblance but I've had a lot of people tell me I look like rami. I'm a big fan of him and he's pretty hot so I'll take it as a compliment
dude ur hot
heheh, maybe some other time
I was recently with my dad near the Statue of Jesus Christ in Lisbon. It was near the bridge on April 25th. And it's not really selfie :Р

No Jesus.
Time to face the truth.

Noo. Don't you know this gif/song?
If I had a dollar for every time someone told me I look like Arya Stark I’d be rich by now.
You look like Arya Stark.
Y’know what? Yooolooo. Place’ll probably close in a few months so I might as well sneak one selfie in before D-day. Yeah I used a filter, but in all honesty my face looks the exact same, just with virtual glasses on ?

Dude you're fabulous
Edit: forgot #nohomo
Edit: or did i?
Like always? ?♂️✨
I know Im going to regret this...

Where’d ur eye go, bro? ??
Go fuck your selfie - Victoria Chase
Sorry, too much of Life is Strange for me.
You did good bruno........you did good....

This is one of me back when I did my 2B cosplay

u hawt
She kinda looks like you!
Hey its been a long long long longlonglonglong while since I posted here and I wanted to just share so here's my....3rd(?) selfie.

Gotta REPRESENT those Bandits!
B [Head-butt psycho]