If they hadn't died when they did...
...how long do you think they might have lasted?
Specifically, I'm talking about some, mostly minor, characters who died early in the game's timeline, ones who we know died for sure, but you're free to bring up main and supporting characters. This is just a bit of fun on my part. I'll give you some examples:
The police officer driving Lee to prison: Died presumably Day 1 or 2 of the outbreak, either mauled or bitten by walkers (although we never see any bite or scratch marks on him, as far as I can remember).
Shawn Greene: Died Day 3 or 4 of the outbreak when walkers broke through the fence he was building with Duck. He seemed more willing to accept the walkers as dead than Hershel, but would that help him last until Rick and co. arrived at the farm?
Irene/The bitten woman at the motel: Comitted suicide with or without Lee's help. Personally, I wouldn't be optimistic about her. She didn't seem willing to live in the undead world, especially after seeing her boyfriend die the way he did, as it clashes with her Christian beliefs. But maybe her desire to not become one of the undead could be honed into something useful and/or dangerous.
Travis and Mr Parker: Died three months into the outbreak, either eaten by walkers, blood loss from a botched amputation (Mr Parker) or an accidental rifle wound in the gut from Mark (Travis). I'm not sure if they would do much better or worse than Ben, though Mr Parker, as a teacher, may have had a bit more experience (though it led him into the bear trap (though how was he to expect that?), he had the sense to stay off the streets), while Travis seemed like the type who knew more than he did, especially when he said that his dad was Special Forces.
Jolene: If left alone by Lee and Danny St John, what might have been her next move? To me, given her mental state and her fixation on Clementine, it seemed like she'd try and kidnap her either at the motel or the dairy.
Beatrice/The screaming woman from Episode 3: I reckon Lee and Kenny could have saved her before she was bitten if they had spent less time talking and more time moving and shooting. Some other members have mentioned that Beatrice might have had a group earlier and that she might not have been so hysterical otherwise. I could still see her dying as early as the bandit attack on the motel.
Oberson, Dr Logan, Anna Correa & the other Crawford residents: Wiped out about 83+ days into the outbreak (so a bit before/around the time of Episode 2). Some people, myself included, were a bit disappointed that Crawford turned out to have fallen. Though their situation doesn't look good. They had basically stripped Savannah clean of food and supplies. The only way I see them surviving under Oberson's rules is to either try and expand/send out search parties possibly beyond Savannah, and either keep tossing people out or, like the St Johns and Terminus, resorting to cannibalism.
Jerry and Crabtree: The other two prisoners from Vince's Story in the 400 Days DLC. Crabtree was shot in the head by Clyde while he was strangling Jerry, and Jerry died from said strangulation because Clyde acted too late. He then reanimated and killed Clyde before being put down by Vince. To me, Jerry seemed like too much of a complainer, though that could have been situational, and Crabtree doesn't seem like the kind to get along with anyone for long. Though, again, that could have been situational.
Clyde and Bennett: The prison bus guard and driver from Vince's Story in the 400 Days DLC. Clyde had his throat torn out by a reanimated Jerry, while Bennett escaped and survived until 41 days in when Wyatt and Eddie accidentally hit him with their car. Clyde doesn't fill me with much confidence, while I think Bennett seems a bit more level-headed and pragmatic. Plus Bennett's death was a freak accident.
Dee: I could see her possibly surviving if she hadn't stolen from Roman's group and/or there was no incident in the cornfield. When watching one of Bonnie's determinant deaths (the one where she hits Bonnie in the head with a flashlight), part of me thinks that she knew Bonnie was hiding behind the tractor and wanted to get Bonnie out of her and Leland's life.
Any thoughts? Have I left anything out?
Police officer seemed like a pretty alright guy and could have been a good addition to the original group.
Irene would have been depressed even if she survived and would have either been a liability or killed herself eventually anyways.
Crabtree seemed like he would be an asset. Honestly he was only aggressive because Jerry was such a loudmouth asshole who disrespected him. Jerry is someone I wouldn't have wanted near me, he would have probably stolen from the group or fucked them over somehow.
What is it with you and siding with violent assholes who go overboard?
(Note: I really don't mean to sound like I'm criticizing/insulting you, just looking for an explanation of your personal mindset)
Crabtree wasn't immediately aggressive. It took a lot of badmouthing and disrespect from Jerry before Crabtree resorted to violence. I doubt you have ever been to jail or know anyone else who has but Crabtree acted like a pretty straightforward prisoner who would do their time and mind their business as long as you didnt fuck with them, while Jerry was the typical asshole who tries acting like all that and being the big mouth when he goes to prison. And Crabtree was huge so of course he could be an asset.
If anyone was a violent asshole who went overboard in this situation it was Clyde, who I am not defending.
If by a lot, you mean one exchange, then sure.
Granted, it's been a great while since I truly touched 400 Days for more than selective research, but I definitely don't remember them talking much outside of that moment.
Eh, throw in a "stupid" and/or "overly jumpy" in there somewhere and I agree.
How did a simple discussion like this one become so dramatic? People are way too dramatic on the internet, but that's just life I suppose. Anyways back to the actual topic of this discussion. It's sad that Clementine's parents Ed and Diana died so early on, they would have been useful survivors to have in a group. Ed was an engineer and could have repaired broken machines and what not. Diana was a doctor and that's always useful in an apocalyptic setting.
I can't believe I forgot Clementine's parents, and Sandra.
I guess it would have been an interesting plot point for Clementine to reunite with her parents in Crawford, her having been practically raised by Lee for four months since the outbreak began, and Ed and Diana possibly having to have abided by Crawford's draconian rules in order to stay.
We should stick to the topic at hand.
I'd like to imagine that the police officer was the real Rick and the entire comic and TV run is a fever dream while dying. I figured his death was a result of the accident, actually. I've only played the game once, so I'm sure everyone else knows better than me. He still probably would have died early on. He didn't seem like the most hearty of folk.
Let's avoid personal attacks on other members, please.
I suppose this thread could also apply to characters from the comics as well. Part of the inspiration for this thread was reading the wiki page on Merle and, at the bottom, reading how the producers think he (Merle) would have reacted to Negan.
So, for comic characters. I'll start with the Atlanta group, and if disucssion starts up, I'll bring up more characters:
Amy: If Andrea's sister had survived, would they both become badass snipers, or would Andrea even have the drive to become one in the first place?
Jim: I'm not sure living would do Jim much good. It seemed like he wanted to die so he could be with his family again.
Donna, Allen, Billy & Ben: Donna's death being avoided may spare Allen and their sons many of the psychological issues which affected them. If Allen is still bitten but successfully amputed, I couldn't see him surviving against the Governor's forces unless he is shipped out before the final attack. As for the boys, they didn't really seem to understand what was going on, nor did they fully understand the implications of their actions, especially when Ben killed Billy to let him reanimate.
Dale: Even if he hadn't been bitten when the Hunters cut off his other leg, I'm not sure if he could last long as a complete cripple, even if the group found him a wheelchair. He was despondant about his relationship with Andrea when he lost one leg, so losing the other one might make it even harder.
Some of these are kinda big ifs, but I suppose that shouldn't deter or even hinder the fun.
I loved the idea that Jolene was skulk-y enough to not only keep tabs on all three of the other groups, but was able to allegedly kill some of Bandits despite likely being outnumbered and even sneak into the motel yard to take Clementine's hat without anyone noticing--and the girl friggin cherished that thing!
So barring Jake rounding up the boys after deciding she's become a real problem, the fact that she started saying too much when she found Lee and Danny through her things, and the possibility that she'd become obsessed enough to try to outright introduce herself to Clementine, I'd say she'd have lasted a pretty fair bit longer.