Expectations for The Final Season?



  • A few hallucinations with other characters would also be nice. Just to bring up some other things about them that we didn't get to see in previous seasons. Like having a moment at the Motor Inn and seeing the situation through Clem's younger self or on the train would be pretty cool.

    Arrow-Rand posted: »

    What I would like for the final season is where Clementine starts hallucinating about Lee. It would be a cool way of bring him back as a way to tie in the season 1 and he can give Clem advice based upon the choices that have been made.

  • You are welcome! And welcome back!

    Good to hear, thanks for keeping me updated! Been gone from the forum for a while so I'm a little out of the loop leading into this season :)x

  • but when the reasoning is "because the comics do it", it is unnerving because it makes me think that they want it just-because. This may not be the case, so I didn't quote anyone. I just want Telltale to take a high road when handling dark subject matter.

    I think it is because the game is suppose to be set in the same world as the comic so therefore along with the mature rating a game that is on par with the comic book in terms of gloom and doom is expected. No one is likely asking for like a porno game but something that is identical with it's source material which is normal. Wolf Among Us had the right idea and right balance as well as season one of Walking Dead game.. it got close to the darkness level of the comics but not quite on par with it but it was closest out of all the games then Michonne might of came second place.

    Johro posted: »

    Oh it is definitely a minority. If it was any more than that, I don't think I'd be sticking around, honestly. They obviously weren't so gu

  • Clem is a child, so she really shouldn't be explicitly exposed in that or any way.

    I guess that depends on how real of an apocalyptic setting your trying to depict. In reality Clem and other little kids would possibly be fair game for four legged and two legged predators. Look at how Carl almost got dealt with and if you read the comics Lydia.

  • Yeah,it's understandable that people wants to see Clem be exposed to that,the game is set in the comics universe and i've seen a lot of nasty things in the comics,what they did with Lydia was amazing.Seriously the people who don't read the comics are missing a lot of things.

    Ladariel posted: »

    Clem is a child, so she really shouldn't be explicitly exposed in that or any way. I guess that depends on how real of an apocalypti

  • I disagree. The Walking Dead is the equivalent of the joke "spoiler alert: everyone dies". From what I get from all the different mediums of the franchise, there seems to be this who-is-gonna-die-this-week feeling. After so many years with that same theme, it gets old and loses it's punch. Granted, TWD:S1 had an impact because it was an all new cast and you had no idea what was going to happen next. Now with where we are at in the game, it just doesn't make any kind of sense to the overall arc of Clementine. This is due to where we are at, however.

    If AJ had died in S2 (or TTG had kept the take-or-leave-AJ choice) and Clem had gone into the third season alone, I can 100% definitely see Clem dying as a solid and satisfying way to end the season. In this scenario, everyone she has been around died. That would wear down a young soul in an apocalyptic world. Kenny's speech of death's doorsteps being peacful and Clem blaming herself for Lee's death can come full circle. She would need peace; a peace the current would couldn't give her. Her finally passing away would make total sense.

    Another scenario I can think of would be if AJ was older (somewhere close to Clem's age in S1). Clem could then have her arc come full circle with her doing to AJ what Lee did to her; sacrifice their life to have another'c continue. Then you can develop the connections and the legacies of the characters. Hope and redemption being passed like a baton from Lee to Clem to AJ. Now the sacrifices made to Clem won't go in vain because they were sacrificing to protect hope and redemption, not necessarily Clementine. They sacrificed for what she represented, not who she was. She would then pass that "responsibility" on to AJ.

    I can piggy back off the above idea with another. If Sarah had not have died in S2 and was a companion with Clem in the third season, you could do a similar scenario. At that point, AJ would be an optional component a.k.a he could die in S2 or not, and it wouldn't add nor subtract anything from the story. Clem raises Sarah up to be a capable survivor. She paid Lee's sacrifice forward. She did her job. She could very well die, and there would be some sort of meaning behind it.

    I can take it even further. If ANF ended in a way where Clem stay at Richmond with the Garcias, built a friend/family relationship with them over the course of the forth season (maybe filling in the hole left by Mariana), and we were to get a 5th season to conclude the ANF arc, then I can also see Clem dying as a satisfactory death. There's a connection to pass that legacy of hope onto. She inspired and helped someone she could actually call family. Now she's not dying as some nobody, she has a family it will impact. It will mean something in the game to a character. Since the 4th season is the last and that Clem left Richmond for AJ, this idea obviously won't work.

    With what ANF set Clem up to be, especially after her conversation with Ava, Clem dying in the last season just wouldn't have as much as an impact. It would also feel out of place with what the previous season have set up for Clem. I don't think she is invincible, but her life will continue at least past The Final Season regardless if that future is explored or not. It doesn't even have to be a nice Disney-esque ending. TFS can end brutally. She's been shot, bitten by an animal, and lost an extremity. She could very well me maimed and/or lose an eye, but she can't die. The previous seasons set her up as a symbol of hope and a light. Without someone with whom she built a relationship with to pass that on too (sorry Garcias and AJ, you don't quite cut it yet), her dying would just feel off.

    But hey, that's just me. I'm just a fan with crazy ideas.

    TL;DR: Based upon where the past 3 seasons' stories have brought the game, Clem dying doesn't make sense and/or fit with the arc.

    Ladariel posted: »

    I don't want Clem to die, and I've expressed before that I feel like her dying would negate all the sacrifices made before to keep her live.

  • It's good that I have a TTS reader to read this stuff to me. Who needs a TL;DR when the computer reads it for you?
    Depending on how this season goes, I wouldn't mind if she is still alive by the end of TFS. It is possible to make a good ending for her either way.

    eRock92 posted: »

    I disagree. The Walking Dead is the equivalent of the joke "spoiler alert: everyone dies". From what I get from all the different mediums

  • Yeah. As long as TTG sticks to an established theme and story throughout the whole season (no major rewrites like in the beginning of S2), then we should have a good story. TTG has a habit of throwing out really good story ideas for its TWD series.

    It's good that I have a TTS reader to read this stuff to me. Who needs a TL;DR when the computer reads it for you? Depending on how this se

  • Yep :D

    eRock92 posted: »

    Yeah. As long as TTG sticks to an established theme and story throughout the whole season (no major rewrites like in the beginning of S2), then we should have a good story. TTG has a habit of throwing out really good story ideas for its TWD series.

  • Clem dying doesn't make sense and/or fit with the arc.

    Death doesn't always wait patiently for the sensible moments unless it's akin to Disney level story telling and some probably felt that same way before Lee died. If they were going for any sort of realism like with the first season then something like this shouldn't be out of the question.

    On another note if season four ends up with another ending similar to the first three games in the slightest then in my book it will have had a awful series finale to Clementine's legacy.
    A never before seen ending is needed for the series finale doesn't have to end with death but at least that will be something different than in the past.

    eRock92 posted: »

    I disagree. The Walking Dead is the equivalent of the joke "spoiler alert: everyone dies". From what I get from all the different mediums

  • But that's the thing. TTG has taken the game down a different route that the first season was headed. Then again, TTG didn't really have an idea where they were headed with the series when they first started. If we were to keep with the "realism" of S1, Clem should have died in S2. Better yet, she shouldn't have made it out of Savannah at the end of S1. The first season didn't have as much realism as people think. It touched on and implied ideas on real themes like starvation and mental degradation, but never really dove deep into them.

    I also disagree that the 3 seasons ended the same outside of the fact that Clem was alive. S1 ended with Clem heading out alone into the unknown with her innocence gone. S2 ended with Clem (the symbol of hope and leadership) taking up baby AJ (the symbol of survival and longevity) and venturing out either with Jane to begin a new community, Kenny to begin a family, Wellington to finally find safety, or alone due to her lack of trust in others. ANF ends with Clem going out alone to find AJ with her hope and light reinvigorated (yeah, I'm reaching for plot strings, but it was kind of implied to me at least).

    Now I'm not saying that her character can't die to end her arc, but it needs to fit the fictional story. It has to mean something in her character development. This is a story. You can go for realism all you want, but it is all pointless if there is no story anchoring it. I site TTG's Game of Thrones as an example where they went for the realism but at cost to the story. By episode 4, the deaths were just there and lacked impact. This is not good for a story-based, choice-driven game (yeah I know abut the "choices", just play along). Something like this isn't weak Disney-like storytelling (I'd argue you're only thinking about the modern post-2010/Marvel era Disney). Story flow and organic development comes before realism. If it flows organically, the "realism" will be there naturally. But like I said, my standpoint is looking at the whole entire arc including every mistake and plot hole. It all has to come to a point somehow to give the story some finality.

    But I think we just see the franchise differently, thus we probably won't persuade the other. lol All we can do it wait and see where this story is headed. Like I mentioned before, as long as TTG doesn't do 8 million rewrites and sticks with their initial goal, I'm fine with what ever ending we get; dead, alive, or unknown.

    Ladariel posted: »

    Clem dying doesn't make sense and/or fit with the arc. Death doesn't always wait patiently for the sensible moments unless it's akin

  • If we were to keep with the "realism" of S1, Clem should have died in S2. Better yet, she shouldn't have made it out of Savannah at the end of S1.

    Yes for S2 she when Arvo shot her should of highly likely been a wrap for Clem for realism and with no doctors around. With S1 I could accept that as it's possible.. she could of made it out of the city being small, quick and covered in walker gunk. She drug a grown man while surrounded by the dead in the Jewelry store so escaping the walker infested town ought to of been a cake walk in comparison.

    I also disagree that the 3 seasons ended the same outside of the fact that Clem was alive.

    Season one Clementine is alone in the pasture
    Season two Clementine can end up alone with one or two other survivors one of which can be with a baby walking along the open pasture again.
    Season three Clementine is alone again dispatching walkers heading off somewhere possibly into another open pasture to get to AJ.

    In each ending Clementine is either by herself or with another survivor somewhere or heading somewhere. Season 4's finale which also happens to be the series finale needs to be something big to leave a lasting effect. If it is just Clem waving off the audience with Javier and AJ while playing catch with ex baseball pro Javi then that will be weak. What could possibly stir up emotions high enough and leave a deep impression for the end of season 4 other than Clem joining the comics (meeting comic Rick Grimes perhaps) or the Grim Reaper? Nothing else sounds like it can really hold that much weight after its all said and done. If an original ending can be made without copying something from the past then I think I'd be up for it. Otherwise keeping her alive in the game and not sending her to the comic just leaves everything open ended and gives rise to generic fan fictions and endless debate about the fate of Clementine when no one could ever know because it would be a forever mystery which sucks from my perspective as I dislike non closure. Fans might not want their character dead and I'm a fan of Clem look at my avatars but I cannot get behind another open ended conclusion for this story. They'll probably keep her alive anyhow and end it with her in the grassland to keep fans from crying and hollering in their ears but oh well that sort of finale will not stand the test of time.

    I site TTG's Game of Thrones as an example where they went for the realism but at cost to the story. By episode 4, the deaths were just there and lacked impact.

    Yes I like to cite Game Of Thrones as a great example of realistic story where heroes might not always win in the end. If anything I would think something like this should have more impact due to how much realism is within it. So must be individual taste and how your looking at the deaths because I was impacted by how suddenly Ethan, and Mira's deaths were since they felt like they could of really went down that way and sometimes I felt bad because maybe if I had made different choices the characters might of lived. If your main character is invincible due to plot armor then what is the point in caring about what trials they have to suffer with? They'll always make it through anyhow which can get old and dull kind of fast. If Clem is guaranteed to make it each season because folks can't stand it any other way and threaten Telltale over it then it takes the suspense and fun out of rooting for the character's well being it just becomes meh whatever, doesn't matter if she's captured or surrounded by danger because somehow she'll always make it out of a predicament or saved from the trap.

    But I think we just see the franchise differently, thus we probably won't persuade the other.

    Probably so, must be another of those agree to disagree scenarios here. Also depends on the franchise. Maybe I'd agree with an ending you would think would be great for something like Tales from the Borderlands. But when it comes to horror, fantasy, and science fiction there are only particular endings I approve of. Basically horror fictions should usually never end with a happy ending and Walking Dead is pretty much horror. So whatever fate Clem must goes through (unless she joins the comic) it should likely be horrible, creepily disturbing or awfully upsetting at the least most of the times. New Frontier and Michonne kind of went out on mellow notes.

    I'm fine with what ever ending we get; dead, alive, or unknown.

    Bit of a contradiction when saying your fine with a dead end (no pun intended) After saying you basically wouldn't agree with it being an acceptable ending.

    eRock92 posted: »

    But that's the thing. TTG has taken the game down a different route that the first season was headed. Then again, TTG didn't really have a

  • I'm hoping that we get to play as Clem, and the episodes are 2 hours again. I also hope we see Christa again, or even Kenny but that's unlikely because if he can die in some cases he'll probably never come back. Maybe Lilly as well somehow.

  • To be honest Wolf Among Us is darker than the comics

    Ladariel posted: »

    but when the reasoning is "because the comics do it", it is unnerving because it makes me think that they want it just-because. This may not

  • edited February 2018

    I was more so saying it had a decent balance of darkness comedy, violence, sexuality and profanity . Profanity was a bit excessive but overall the game was fair and not comparing it to it's source material because I never checked that out so I wouldn't be able to know and compare them anyhow.

    If you thought I was comparing any game to it's comic book source material then it had to of been the walking dead game season one because it is closest to the comics out of all the games on terms of darkness.

    Wolf Among Us was just a well balanced game in general without knowing a thing about it's comic.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    To be honest Wolf Among Us is darker than the comics

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