First ever post and..... my thoughts on TWD series from Telltale
Hello everyone! I've been a Telltale member for almost 4 years but have never posted until now... just been too busy playing I guess! xD Anyway, I would justice to share some of my more "insightful" thoughts about TWD series here and how I feel storytelling like this is so important for our society. From a post on social media...
"This series resonates with me WAY more than the TV show. Telltale just knows how to write engaging stories. I cried like a little baby at the events of Episode 5 from the first season. The writers made me CARE for Clementine, almost like she was my child. The story is so well written, so compelling, that it puts many movie scripts to shame. When you can write something that makes people FEEL what the characters are going through AND react to it.... well, you have a very special gift, indeed. The morally challenging decisions, I believe, are beneficial to people and our society. We can all learn from games like this, to reflect on ourselves and, hopefully, pay more attention to our actions in real life and understand the consequences they have on others, maybe then we will become better people. This, my friend, is ART.... in its purest form."
Welcome to the Forums, mate!
Be wary of spoilers from future seasons/installments, though.
I love this game series. Like what you said, it puts the TV show to shame. I even think that seasons 1 and 2 are better than the comics. I often criticize ANF but I feel like that season still outshines the show. One of my main gripes with ANF is that it was too much like the TV show. The show really isn't that bad and has some awesome characters and stories but I definitely prefer these games made by Telltale.
I would still say ANF is a lot like the show. Has too much action and unrealistic or borderline unbelievable situations.
I believe that that was the intent.
I feel most folks here are gonna be biased in favor of the games over the comic and show anyhow since this is the forum for the video games. All three have had their glory of portraying a great tale. Comic being the toughest to engage with due to the pictures being on a page without sound and color to enhance the effect of the scenes. The games do have a small advantage by engaging their audience within the story while controlling the main characters to make decisions for them. With this it can be more effective on the experience because it's like your in the story than being a spectator. For me I have to say the first game was top dog with it's story then as time passed the TV series is now supreme. Comics can be mildly entertaining but not on the same level as the show and game..
Great thing about the TV show is at least the wait between their seasons and episodes is far less frustrating and agonizing with AMC than TellTale's Walking Dead. Then it still can end up being trash after waiting so long for it with so many delays and being kept in darkness regarding news, updates and hints for the next episode or season. I don't see how anyone can say that the show is worse than the game after seasons two and three. Filler is expected for a 16 episode season and there is character development within the seasons usually a tip the games could learn before slaughtering most of the new cast before the end. I'll give you season one since it was great and likely way better than the TV show's season one which nearly had the same amount of episodes and the comic as typical to fall back on.
I've actually played 400 Days, Season 2 and the Michonne spin off so no worries! Just started ANF last night and playing the second episode tonight. I think it's safe for me to say that I already don't like it as much as the first two seasons but it's interesting, in its own right. Clementine looks to be colder than I would have expected her to be, but then again after all she's been through, maybe it's not so unexpected.