What Are You Currently Watching?
Let's talk here about all the new/old, interesting/boring TV shows you've been watching lately.
I've noticed a lot of people using other threads for discussing TV series, so I thought I'd make one dedicated to the subject. Enjoy! Or don't. Can't say I really care.
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I'll start. One I've been watching lately is the one and only...

It's earned my title of the most f#$@ed up show on Earth. It's amazing.
I liked watching the first season, but many of people's opinions on here about the second season have discouraged me from watching it. Is it worth a go?
This is the weirdest, most aesthetically offensive show I've seen in a while.

And trust me, I know weird.
Not recommended for anyone faint of heart or sensitive to adult humor.
Nichijou. Yeah, mentioned it in a different thread, but only because I was vaguely interested in clips from Youtube. It was on sale on amazon a few fays ago, so I picked it up for real. It's not what I entirely expected, but it's good.
The anime is a series of comedy sketches in the "ordinary" lives of this group of friends (or occasionally the nearby 8-yr old inventor and her robot, or other random people of their high school).
Out of the first 5 episodes I've seen, it's a real good anime. Morally speaking, as well. No sexual fanservice whatsoever. Just a nice, cutesy anime about relatable life experiences... sort of (ever stubbed your toe so hard it had to come off?). There's not much over-arching plot either, apart from the few times a few skits/"moments" occur in the same time frame. You want comedy? You like anime? Check this one out.
(Boy, is this show ripe with gif-able moments. The internet damn well better have noticed.)
Well, I know I've said this on some other threads before, and my profile picture is probably a dead give away but I'll say it anyways,
Stranger Things!
To be honest, I didn't enjoy the second season as much.
Episode One: Be Right Back is pretty good. Not amazing, but good. Episode Two: White Bear was very good, one of my favorite episodes so far. But Episode Three: The Waldo Moment is crap. I didn't like it at all. Although I was talking to someone about it before who liked it, so just my opinion.
So yeah, not amazing, but worth watching if you liked the first season.
Ah ma god. I can't believe I didn't notice that your avatar is from Stranger Things!
I suddenly like your avatar.
Aww, thanks.?
Alright, I'll give it a shot. Probably just play a game while I'm watching and pause the game at the good moments. But a game that doesn't require much brain power.... Hmm... (As it's literally staring me in the face)

I still haven't watched the Brotherhood version, But I think I'll watch this first and then watch the animated version and look at how it differs.
Just started the second season of...

Holy shit (no pun intended). The first season was a little freaky, but it didn't really scare me. This season though...
...Is really getting to me.
What channel is this show on? I've wanted to watch it since some of my friends said its good. I enjoy a good horror movie but never seen a show that can scare me.
I've been watching it on DVD. I don't know if it plays on normal TV, but it's on Netflix.
I've finished Netflix's "The OA" not long ago, has anyone here watched it? It's not that well-known apparently and I'm dying to discuss it.
It got to me as well........creepy as hell

watching series 13 of supernatural
(fixed link) https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/HeftyWavyElephant
Do they still do any monster-of-the-week, one off, episodes anymore or is it just all angel and demons? That's when I stopped watching.
Yes they still do monster episodes, with angel and demon episodes as well. however the human element is much more cheesy then before.
I've just seen the part where it's revealed who Bloody Face is...
Holy fucking hell. I love it. I did not have even the slightest suspicion it was them. But now that I know, it seemed so obvious, I don't know how I missed it. (Just remaining vague to prevent potentially spoiling it for someone else)
I have been Watching Star Wars The Clone Wars on Netflix and I am up to Season 5
Just finished Asylum.
Damn. I know he was a monster, but did she have to do that? It gave me chills, man. CHILLS.
Very good ending. I just wish there was more explanation on the whole Alien plot line. (I was kinda disappointed that that bloody freaky thing that crawls up the stair-case in the opening title sequence wasn't in it)
But shit, that season was so emotionally exhausting; When you think things can't get any worse, they get worse. When you think things are finally getting better, they get worse. When you think things are gonna get worse, they get worse. And the characters that seem genuinely good, turn out to be the most evil of them all... Geez. This show is the definition of evil.
I think I'mma take a bit of a break before I start Coven.
Just finished Nichijou.. ...Man, was this show awesome.

Surprisingly, there was a lot more continuity links in the back half of the show (as some scenes referenced ones from previous episodes, or some gags still popped up for a run after a long time without it), but it's mostly minimal, and usually just a nod to those who have seen it.
(Though, I did get worried, as there is this odd string of events that starts in the second half -- that being the introduction of the school's science teacher and her endeavors to capture and study Nano, the robot. I was worried this would take the show from slice of life in the first half, to sudden plot-driven-continuity-heavy-extravaganza in the last half, (much like another show I've seen "Little Witch Academia" which was really hard to get used to when it occured), but thankfully no. It retained its charm and what made it best: sketches. No need for progression or previous knowledge. )
The final scene was really great. It doesn't have a sense of finality, but it does offer some final few moments of development for some characters, and a very heartwarming note to end it on. Nearly made me teary-eyed... nearly.
But, it's all over now. (except for the pilot- episode 0 I have yet to watch hehehe). Great show overall, really funny, while some bits may have been lost in translation, or some events weren't relatable or identifiable enough due to cultural differences, +98% of what I got was a really nice package. There's tons of clips of this show on YouTube. Look it up, there's plenty of good ones, and you don't really need context for a great many of them. Yup. That's All Folks!
One more thing.. just check these videos out. The music fits so well.
This one's The Safety Dance. Yes.
This one's the big song Hard Knock Life from Annie. Too appropriate for this show's slapstick humour.
Okay, okay. I'm done. You won't have to endure my awkward obsession of this show anymore. Well, at least not until I have a reason to bring it up again. Which I will.
(This show is ripe with moments, reactions, and hopefully gifs for any situation. It'll be useful to get my emotion-filled points across.) Ehehehehehe.

I dunno why I'm doing this but I'm watching some episodes of Courage The Cowardly Dog. That is one of the best cartoons of my childhood, it does an amazing job at making it horrific and funny at the same time. I can still watch it cause it's for kids and adults to enjoy. None of the modern cartoons can take away my nostalgic memories, I never liked any of them except Gravity Falls.
I don't blame you for that. It's fun sometimes to relive things from the past. Me and My sister still make references to the older seasons of Spongebob, and listen to some of those songs every now and then, and we're both Adults now. And I agree, not many of Today's cartoons are easy to make a connection with. They're all so blown out of proportion and in it for the shock value that we aren't able to get a mental grasp at what is going on, or relate to it in any way.
You fly too high you forget where the ground is.
I just got done watching Inuyashiki: Last Hero
It's a pretty interesting show. It follows a lot of the plotlines of Death Note. Both of these characters have the powers to both give and take life. But one chooses to use his abilities to wipe out anyone he deems unworthy of living (which is almost everyone) and the other tries his best to stop crimes, rescue people, and to do what it takes to find and stop him from committing mass genocide. And then after a while it all starts to feel like One Punch Man, because of how powerful these beings are compared to everything else, and it's fighting cinematics. Not to mention one of it's ending plot points... In this season, I don't think they have explored all of their powers. Hopefully, there will be a next season and these powers will be further explored.
Available on Amazon Prime
Currently I'm trying to juggle many different shows, and at least finish the shorter ones so I can move on to other ones.
The list is:
I'm not much of a binger so that's why I'm doing so many at once.
Once I finish a season of one of these, I'm going to find and watch Mr. Robot S3. It's been too long since I finished 2 (probably about 8 months) and I want to get caught up on that fantastic show).
Yess! That comes out on DVD tomorrow where I live.
can't wait!
Monster-of-the-week was where the show(Supernatural) shined. I felt the quality dipped around season 3 and then nosedived after season 5(where it was originally supposed to end). It still hung around as "okay" for a bit(going back and forth from really good/really bad), but I couldn't take anymore around season 9.
I'm currently binging Doctor Who.
Intense music intensifies
I'll try to cherish this then, but for me it's just not too fun. It's enjoyable, but the plots are quite lame and repetitive. Most of the episodes I've come across are "Evil ghost haunting/killing townspeople.. Sam and Dean investigate, runs into and gets help from a local girl.. While they start looking for info, someone else dies, usually related to the girl.. S&D figure out the reason for the haunting, and save the girl from being taken/killed herself.. The culprit who angered the evil spirit is the girl's mom/dad/close relative. The end, drive off into the night."
Not just that, but what irritates me is the lack of a clear over-arching plot they set up. At the end of the first episode, it's revealed that Sam's girlfriend gets killed by the same being that killed their mother. Now, they have to track it down and their missing father. So far, (on episode 14) there's been barely any development in regards to that. Each "Previously On" segment only shows clips from the first episode, nothing else so far. It just all feels inconsequential.
I don't know. Like I said, it's a fun/cool show, but the cliches and story tropes are quite repetitive and easily predicted (though that could be expected since the show is of a horror genre).
We'll see how it goes.
Okay, yeah. The plot picks up from there. The problem the show has is when it starts adding more and more to the plot while dropping former important plot points along the way. If you get to season 6, you'll know what I mean. Season 5 was clearly supposed to wrap up the series... then it got renewed. Then every season beyond is fairly self-contained. So instead of an overall story, you get new plot devices popping out of nowhere every season(Hey, this thing that was never mentioned over the past 5-10 years... well, that's actually been going on in the background the whole time... I don't know why I didn't bring it up before).
I'll keep that in mind then. We'll see how long I can hold out.
I've heard that most of Seasons 1-5 are the good ones. After that, well, there's those who love it and those who fall out of it.
Awesome! (This is the 2005 reboot, correct?)
I drifted off of it after season 7, but I'd like to return to it one day.
Wasn't much of a fan of Matt Smith (or the writing of his episodes), but I feel like I'd enjoy Peter Capaldi's more old, rugged Doctor.
Finished season three of Black Mirror, which was amazing.
Finished The End of the F**king World, which was great.
Started Season Four of The Walking Dead, which has been pretty crap so far.
And just started Season Three of Rick and Morty, which is sooo good.
Yup, I'm watching the 2005 reboot. Specifically the ones with David Tennant, the tenth Doctor (and my personal favorite).
I've seen a few episodes of the series with the Eleventh Doctor in it
I quite liked it. Some neat concepts and twists in the plotlines. This is probably a series I'd love if I really got into it.
Currently watching Toledo Mud Hens baseball.
Naked and Afraid... Don't judge me.
I recently watched the show Constantine City of Demons on the CW Seed app and it was really good!
The Crown. Love it, though I just started.