Things about Season 1 that don't make any sense.
In this thread, you can pretty much discuss whatever you want to about the first season, story-wise or whatever, that may not make a lot of sense to you.
Just to avoid any possible chances of this happening, I just want to state that I have not yet played season 3, but I intend to very soon, so with that being said please do not include anything in your comments about season 3, I want to be able to play with a fresh perspective, no knowledge of what will take place, or what could take place. Thank you!
Something that does not make sense to me about season 1, are the following:
1 - After Lee was seen in the second episode with a leather coat, given that it is fall, and it is getting cold, why then in the next episode do we see him wearing the outfit that he started out with?
Why did the writers and game designers not have him keep the second outfit for the remainder of the game?
2 - When the group fled the Motor Inn in Episode 3, they had in their possession at least two rifles, each with a scope attached. Yet in episode 4, when they arrive in Savannah via the train, they do not have them in their possession.
Why didn't the writers, or game designers, have the group keep the rifles?
3 - Whenever we played as Lee, and whenever we came into possession of something, you never see him actually carrying it, but rather he seems to stuff everything into his back pocket.
I just have to wonder why the game designers didn't ever show him actually carrying things around in his hand, or giving him possibly a backpack that you used to put things in which would make more sense?
Most of these are just minor details that the writers forgot. Don’t forget it took them 2-3 months to release an episode so they most likely forgot these things.
It’s just game physics. This is actually the first time I’ve seen someone complain about it. Anyway, I think they did that so you can use those items later on in the game so you don’t have to carry one single item everywhere you go.
That is mine opinion so yeah... I kinda hated that leather coat, it don't fitted Lee's personality, i think it was going to be more cool if he was with Jeans and black T-Shirt
Well I'm pretty sure Lee had a magical pair of genes considering how he shoved that big old blow torch in his pocket in episode 3 then climbed the ladder and pulled it out again out of thin air once he was at the top. It's pretty funny how people are so quick to excuse the unrealism in season 1 but every time there is unrealism in the other two seasons it is like a major crime.
So in Episode 4 when Lee was walking up the stairs towards the top of the bell tower while shooting the zombies with a shotgun I had the idea of standing still and shooting every walker as they came across the screen since there was unlimited ammo. It was working well until suddenly a couple of zombies seemingly towered on top of each other and pulled Lee off the rails and I got a game over. I must be remembering that wrong but that's what it looked like and it was so absurd it cracked me up lol
The weird thing is that the episode 3 preview showed Lee with his cool jacket on the whole time, but that was obviously changed.

In-story, we could assume he left it at the motel.
But why did Telltale make that decision? Who knows. I speculated that they got rid of it so lee could be bit on the wrist, but that seems silly. It's all I got though.
Wish he kept that jacket.
At the end Clementine can drag a man at least triple her weight without a peep to safety undetected by the undead. Then open the door to the jewelry store without being noticed and close it without being noticed yet you'll notice in the sequel Carlos will have gotten attacked for presumably allot less. Clementine's face wasn't as covered in gunk to avoid being noticed either like the sequel too.
Also why would the stranger leave his vehicle unattended and unlocked with the DRIVERS door left wide open with keys in ignition then expect it not to be touched during catastrophe times? In addition to this why did not anyone of the group suggest taking the vehicle altogether with the supplies and keys left in it? If they had took the station wagon it could of served as another get away vehicle to run from the bandit attack.
Also were the St. Johns planning on turning on the group after dinner, had Lee never investigated what happened to Mark? Someone was bound to ask about him soon and they also knew two more members were left behind at motor inn to cause them problems..They were kind cannibals? If they were planning on eating the rest of the group why did they keep them all alive in the same room. Wouldn't they have killed them first like any other animal? Kept Mark half alive to tell Lee just felt weird to me and I know it's for dramatic effects.
Why would Kenny leave Lilly inside of the RV alone with the keys left in it when he knew he could not trust her at that point?
Why would Chuck sneak up on Lee when he is old looking and can easily be mistaken for a walker and risk being maimed or killed by Lee in a reflexive defense strike?
Why would Lilly out right kill Carly instead of just beating the shit out of her for disrespecting insults. Just seems more likely that she'd prefer to fuck her face up than get killed or stranded by the remaining survivors out of retaliation.
If Molly rang bells in one side of town to scavenge the whole city would not the constant bell ringing simply bring more walkers from all directions to the city and thus she'd still risk getting caught by a herd eventually.
Vernon criticizes Lee and Kenny's boat idea then commences to steal their boat afterward.
Couldn't Kenny had waited just a few seconds to see if Larry would transform into some A-hole zombie then crush his skull to be sure instead of assuming he would turn for sure? Not like Larry would move twice as fast as a walker over becoming slower as a walker.
Why couldn't Kenny mercy shoot Ben and escape the alley herd? Then in some strange twisted way he'd be sort of claiming vengeance for his family due to Ben's carelessness resulting in his wife and son getting killed
Why does Molly risk her life and go through the trouble of finding the boat battery only to leave the group at the end in spite of the little room? She basically helped out for nothing to be rewarded with sounds opposite of her character . So to be continued....
This explanation may come across as nonsensical but it what I came up with:
During moments of distress humans get a huge adrenaline boost/ fight or flight. This can dramatically increase strength. So I think Clementine experienced that and managed to bring Lee into the small shop that was near them.
I think the Stranger, the man who owned the car in which the group looted at the end of Episode 2 was probably out looking for his son as he says that he and his wife went looking for him. So I presume that he was that in such a rush to find his son that he forgot to close the car door.
I hope that answered your questions 
This next explaination is a bit disturbing so I am sorry. But I think that they kept Mark alive so to preserve the meat. Like Danny said, if you kill someone the meat gets "tainted" so you can't consume it. So I believe that they were going to keep him alive by giving him morphine and bandaging his joints that were removed. I hope I explained it in a clear manner. I am sure that someone may clarify what I meant if they feel that they need to
This answer may not be satisfactory to you or fully answer your question but I think with the technology that Telltale had at that time it may have been complicated to have Lee carry many items.
I read somewhere they wanted everything in the ending to be full circle so they gave him his old clothes to even further that. I didn't think that was necessary and at the least he can drop the jacket if it got warmer and just wear the red shirt.
That would be fine for the last episode when he's bitten, but he should have worn the jacket in 3 and 4. And the red shirt was pretty cool.
Okay but how does she drag Lee into the store without being devoured by the herd they're in the middle of? That was just as unbelievable as Kenny making it through that alley of walker swarms closing in from both sides then dies from a simple car wreck and only a few walkers attacking him a few years later.
They thought the meat went bad if the person died. Danny says that when he's in the bear trap: "If you kill me, the meat gets tainted! You can't eat it!"
So they kept their victims alive.
Oh boy, it's actually way more grim than that. There's two easy to miss details in the room you find Mark in: a bloody clothing iron, and a blowtorch. Mark's legs are a bit darkened and burnt. I think you can piece the rest together.
On the actual topic of the thread, here's one of my personal favorites:
If you decide to kill Andy, Lee kicks him into the fence, and he gets electrocuted to death.
But if you don't punch him, Lee ends up pushing him into the same fence, but it just stuns him instead.
Eh, I honestly didn't like his second outfit that much.
Could well have just been an oversight, using the original model instead of the jacket model, though I'd think more likely they decided they didn't like the jacket model. Could also be that since the group was traveling south, it was warmer and he didn't need it.
If Lily runs off with your camper, the easy explanation is that the rifles were in it when she stole it. If you left her on the road, then idk. Been a while but I seem to recall still having rifles in Savannah (I left Lily on the side of the road after she killed X).
That's true of almost all games. If the dev's have to choose between making extra models to show the player character carrying the things they have in inventory or putting that time and effort and resources into making the rest of the game better and more polished, I'll take the latter every time, and that seems to be the way most devs see it, too.
All of these are way more "game design" type of things instead of things dont make sense in the story.
The jacket, could easily just be that Telltale liked the Purple Shirt design better so they decide to go with that. The rifles again are not that big a deal overall to the game, and could easily be explained by something like maybe they didnt have anymore rifle ammo left, so might as well leave them instead of lugging them around. And the pocket thing, again, its a game.
My take on it was that he and Tess got into an argument that led to her getting out and storming off, with Campman hastily leaving his door open when he and Lizzie rushed to go after her.
By the time they came back, all of the supplies were gone and that was the last straw as far as she was concerned.
That's a fair point. I guess it could've had to do with the fact that there were too many of them to fit, not to mention they were pretty deep in the woods.
Also, the sound of the car potentially drawing walkers back to the Motel.
Honestly, I think their plan was ultimately poorly thought out.
They likely would've just handwaved keeping Mark with them until he's fit to go back to the Motel, then claim he must have been attacked by walkers/bandits on the way once the group has to question his continued absence.
Mark was kept alive because he'd turn otherwise and they wouldn't be able to use him for meat. When Lee decided to search upstairs and learned what happened to Mark, Brenda had to confess and ultimately had to imprison them until they decided what they needed to do with them, which was take all but one out back Old Yeller style since they'd no doubt be trouble.
Because he's not much for thinkin. Also, he likely assumed her bonds would hold her and/or simply forgot he left the keys.
He says he thought about scaring him for fun, but couldn't bring himself to do so.
So he instead spoke up, thus reducing that possibility.
Lilly was losing it due to paranoia from various sources, but primarily grief over Larry's death and hatred towards Kenny ever since the St. Johns incident. Having supplies go missing before Lee found the latest batch and losing the Motel just pushed her right to the edge and Carley getting too brazenly personal at the wrong time just had her snap.
Clearly, she didn't think/care about that. Her concern was just scrapping the town for all she could before eventually moving on.
I believe that was motivated out of the increasingly desperate situation they were in. He had gotten the medicine necessary to help take care of his group and he learned that Crawford had fallen within itself, but he also lost Brie, learned that Crawford is even less inhabitable, and was implied to have considered using the railroad before apparently seeing more herds coming into town due to following it.
He might not have believed in it before, but as of that mission, stealing Fivel's Boat was his group's best chance at surviving after escaping the city. Add in that Brie's death was Kenny and Ben's fault and you got personal incentive to set outside any scruples he might've had about it.
He was scared that they wouldn't be able to successfully fend him off if he turned and thus didn't want to take that chance.
He locked the gate to keep Lee for interfering and thus prevented him from possibly dying in the alleyway with them when Clementine needed him. What Kenny did there was just as much for Lee as it was for Ben and himself..
Also, Ben calling him out on being a selfish asshole back out the house involved starting to consider Ben's perspective regarding everything that happened because of the outbreak and thus, while he likely wouldn't be able to forgive him for the losses he caused, he also ultimately couldn't bring himself to just leave him for dead. Assuming he would've been capable of actually doing so beforehand, at least.
Someone had an interesting theory that the reason the Boat Plan ended up not working out for the Cancer Group was because Molly had coincidentally swapped out the battery for a dud when she split off from Lee. So in a way, Vernon essentially did the group a favor.
Yeah, I noticed that. The handwave I came up with is that Andy simply remained in contact with the fence long enough in the second instance that it fried his brain and/or stopped his heart.
This one I think also has an explanation: Kenny wanted to legitimately save Ben, and only mercy killed him when he realized it was impossible. He stayed behind and locked the gate to keep Lee from interfering. First he tries to fight some of the walkers off ("Back, you sons of bitches!"), and quickly realizes that there's no time to save Ben, so he does the second best thing he can for the kid: he spares him from a worse death. Now you might ask why Kenny deciding locking himself into the alley is a good idea. Well, you just answered the question; Kenny's impulsive, stubborn, and doesn't think things through. Ergo, he got so caught up in the moment trying to save Ben that he didn't realize that it was impossible to do so. Honestly, there was practically no way they could get Ben out of that alley alive, even if they managed to get him off the spike. But Kenny, being Kenny, refused to accept that until the walkers boxed him in. Also, one of Lee's dialogue options is "He's screwed" when you find out Ben was impaled. When you choose that, Kenny goes "He's NOT screwed! He can't die down here!" which would suggest that Kenny just couldn't bring himself to leave him.
I mean, just think about it: why would he lock the gate, and then try to fight off the walkers approaching them if he just wanted to kill Ben? Trying to make sure the sacrificial altar is clean or something?
Why would she do that? Is it because she wanted to screw the group over one last time or perhaps she knew the boat plan wouldn't work out no matter what anyhow and just took the good battery for her own future use. I definitely wouldn't put it past Molly in any case.
I get that but why couldn't Kenny had just shot Ben in the head or chest to finish him off peacefully than wait half a minute later to allow himself to get boxed in on both sides by the undead? You hear a shot go off anyway as the droves of walkers block Lee's view of Kenny and Ben so he had to of shot Ben still. IF he had of shot Ben soon as they discovered they had little to no bullets Kenny could of used the final bullet to put in Ben's head and quickly escape behind the gate with Lee to increase the chances of taking down the Stranger and reclaiming Clementine back to Lee and the group.
By the time they came back, all of the supplies were gone and that was the last straw as far as she was concerned.
Another thing about that scene was how was the Stranger able to deduce that it was Lilly's group that burglarized his stash of supplies? Did he see them from afar then quietly stalk them all for a couple weeks?
He started talking to Clementine on his radio, and eventually figured out from talking to her that it was the same group that stole his stuff: "After I heard Clementine on the radio and realized who you folks were..."
I believe you could've mistaken me for another user that mentioned this about Kenny. As I do not recall saying this in a comment but I also do not disagree with the notion.
Yes I think he might of felt so bad for Ben that he wanted to probably join him by going down fighting and this was touched on in a Telltale interview I think. That originally Kenny was supposed to die along side Ben going down fighting at least so as not to look like he gave up but would pretty much still be suicide which is ironic given that he just preached to the group about not giving up and ending your life when times get tough like the bedroom couple and his late wife Katjaa.
Death-wish perhaps? This could of just been a hiccup on the developers because I believe Kenny was suppose to not make it out of there originally so him staying behind in the alley with Ben was basically his death scene without it being modified out of the game to happen in a different way so as to make a bit more sense and thus he stays behind too long to make it out easily. To this day I think you can hear faint groaning from Kenny after those walkers pile on them and you see Lee's said face behind the gate.
they build up larry and lee's tension like something big will happen, but theres actually little to no pay off when larry dies
Sorry, that part was just a figure of speech and not directed towards you. I probably could have worded that better.
Being someone that has looked through the game files, I can tell you that those particular groans aren't from Kenny. It's the result of some of the zombie sounds overlapping with each other in juuuust the right way. I used to think the same thing, though.
Yep. There was/is indeed a voice clip or two where Kenny is getting killed by walkers.
Then at some point, Mr. Vanaman decided to bring him back as the villain of Season 2 and the editors/directors didn't use it.
Really now? Guess that's confirmed now.
Oh that's interesting. Always thought that was a mistake they made by leaving that in there when they were suppose to leave Kenny's fate a mystery for the inevitable sequel that followed.
I've wondered about that too, what you nentioned in particular.
Here is one I don't see mentioned: the first scene in the game. I'm still a bit confused on:
Outside of my last point (which wasn't really a serious one), it just seems like the span of time in that first act is weird. Has it really been 24 hours since the apocalypse started? Is the chaos in Atlanta actually a day or so into the apocalypse? It just seemed a little weird, but when has timeline continuity not been a little wonky in TWD franchise.
I think ZA did not occur uniformly, but it slowly spread, so Lee was still in the police car when the initial accident occurred.