Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • Imagine if those collars on their neck actually explode, i think thats what is rated brutal in this episode.

  • edited March 2018

    I hope not, i don't wanna Harley to die or have determinant status!

    P:S Was there actually any determinant status characters in Season 2? I can't remember anybody!

    Bruno113 posted: »

    Imagine if those collars on their neck actually explode, i think thats what is rated brutal in this episode.

  • If you are talking about people dying depending on our choices. Then, Agent Blake is the first one that comes up to mind, but no major characters so far.

    max_pain943 posted: »

    I hope not, i don't wanna Harley to die or have determinant status! P:S Was there actually any determinant status characters in Season 2? I can't remember anybody!

  • Oh yeah Blake and those other 2(or 3) agents, i forgot about them, but still it's only a pretty minor characters!

    19Street95 posted: »

    If you are talking about people dying depending on our choices. Then, Agent Blake is the first one that comes up to mind, but no major characters so far.

  • Ace Chemicals!

    New Joker Vigilante Screenshot:

  • I really love his outfit.

    New Joker Vigilante Screenshot:

  • Vigilante Joker actually looks more intimidating and creepy than villain joker...

  • I hate to say "no" to him, so I really hope he's not saying "I love green smoke, Bats, let's blow up Ace Chemicals building, lmao".

    New Joker Vigilante Screenshot:

  • edited March 2018


    Edit: i think Ace Chemicals is finally where we face Joker once for all in ending

    Tiefling posted: »

    I hate to say "no" to him, so I really hope he's not saying "I love green smoke, Bats, let's blow up Ace Chemicals building, lmao".

  • Can't wait for the "John will remember that" changing to "Joker will remember that". Also I hope in the Vigilante episode we can still turn him into a villain somehow.

  • Maybe.
    But it seems his "falling into chemicals" is more of a methaphor with telltale version than the literal thing. His birth as the Joker happened when he jumped from that bridge, that was the breaking point. It's an allusion to his classical fall with Batman making the final push.
    Newspapers also telling how the Agency are checking out Docks. Maybe it's a hint for future Gotham water reservoir poisoning.

    Bruno113 posted: »

    Lmao! Edit: i think Ace Chemicals is finally where we face Joker once for all in ending

  • Well we do know that there was a fire at ACE Chemicals which had lasted days all the way back in Season 1's first episode, so one could imagine John was connected to that. Of course when we met him at Arkham which was only a few days later it sounded like John had been a patient there for a long time, even if people weren't sure exactly HOW long... Hmmmmm....

  • I thought so too.

    Samuel2496 posted: »

    Vigilante Joker actually looks more intimidating and creepy than villain joker...

  • I think both are pretty cool, Villain Joker clearly has more of the classic comic Joker but the design is still nice. I'll admit Vigilante Joker's more distinctive but I'm still excited to play the Villain run first....

  • Will we be getting another villain joker screen soon?

  • edited March 2018

    I think Vigilante Joker will fight the Agency with Us and will accidentally fall through a vat of chemicals turning him into the Joker.
    I hope i'm wrong because let's be honest John deserve a good ending.

  • My faith in ending the season with John as ally is fading fast.

  • edited March 2018

    He's already the Joker. He was altered already, both mentally and chemically. He doesn't need to fall into chemicals again. TT literally said "The Joker was born", he's FULLY evolved.

    iFoRias posted: »

    I think Vigilante Joker will fight the Agency with Us and will accidentally fall through a vat of chemicals turning him into the Joker. I hope i'm wrong because let's be honest John deserve a good ending.

  • Oh yeah i forgot about that sorry.

    Tiefling posted: »

    He's already the Joker. He was altered already, both mentally and chemically. He doesn't need to fall into chemicals again. TT literally said "The Joker was born", he's FULLY evolved.

  • I have no idea what to expect from “The Same Stitch” so I’m looking up everything I can on Joker.

  • Very good point

    Well we do know that there was a fire at ACE Chemicals which had lasted days all the way back in Season 1's first episode, so one could imag

  • The newest, but Thebatman377 already posted it here.) Is this a new screen?

  • I’m surprised that we didn’t get villain screenshot.

  • Gotta say I am curious to see what sorts of tricks Vigilante Joker has with his Utility Belt...

    The big questions of course are whether we get to see Tiffany don a costume (or at least take over Alfred's role as an Oracle type), the fate of Avesta in each playthrough, if we get Waller's Suicide Squad in both runs (I personally think we will and will have to work with them in the Villain path as opposed to battle them in the Vigilante path) and how things can end up with Selina.


    Going by this screenshot I have to say it looks like the same location as in the new shot of Vigilante Joker, so it looks like we'll be going to Ace Chemical in both play-troughs.

  • if they are branching this episode as much as they are saying then im worried cause i want to get a good joker and the blue stats seem to be a good influence but to get "hopeful" for john ive got to be mean and im scared of it biting me in the ass cause he even mentions it in the carnival.

  • The one good thing that I could see in fighting vigilante Joker is that we’d have varied Joker fights.

  • Yep........ Going by this screenshot I have to say it looks like the same l

  • i really hope he can be our robin cause if he gives you the laptop he'll say "do you have a cape guy i was thinking about updating my look.

  • Wonder how Waller will play out in the finale. If we been nice and helped her throughout the season

  • I think Waller won't care because she seems to what things done her way or not at all. Also for people wondering I think that Catwoman will only join Waller if you chose to give her up to The Pact in episode 3 but who knows I could be wrong. I would love if Catwoman could join our side and fight off Bane and Harley alongside Batman and perhaps Joker.

    Shadow2122 posted: »

    Wonder how Waller will play out in the finale. If we been nice and helped her throughout the season

  • 9 days.
    shaky breath
    I'm going to use save slot 4, I'm going to create mr. Evil, I'm going to screw up my relationships with everyone, and it's going to be HORRIBLE.

    I'd encourage you to play again (or watch some playthroughs where people make different choices to yours). There are several points in Episo

  • tbh I'm not as worried about losing other allies with Vigilante Joker as I used to be because of how branching they seem to be trying to make this episode. I still think I'll/I'd screw it up, though.

  • I absolutely loved it when in season 1 both Harvey and Oswald could recieve some injury to mirror their comic book counterparts (Harvey could be burned even further and Oswald gets his leg broken, although that happens in both cases). I`d like Joker in the Villain route to get his face hit by our Batarangs giving him scars around his mouth, thus creating always smiling Joker.

  • O thats true

  • Omg this episode feels so close yet so far!

  • So true.

    Vetominer posted: »

    Omg this episode feels so close yet so far!

  • You're not worried about losing allies because you think it will be in your control during the episode? Or you're not worries about losing allies because you can play the villain route?

    tbh I'm not as worried about losing other allies with Vigilante Joker as I used to be because of how branching they seem to be trying to make this episode. I still think I'll/I'd screw it up, though.

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