Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • where did you get that this trailer will be shown to us this Thursday? The announcement usually should be on Tuesday or in advance, but there was no announcement, hence ...

  • We're really hoping...?

    kostya2151 posted: »

    where did you get that this trailer will be shown to us this Thursday? The announcement usually should be on Tuesday or in advance, but there was no announcement, hence ...

  • edited March 2018

    Ok I just want you to know what I read from the article Telltale put up about Batman The Enemy Within Episode 5 it is insane when I read it I jumped for joy and felt like a huge thank you from TellTale to all of us Batman fans! Besides it having 2 different plots I read that "the overall script for the episode is larger than Christopher Nolan's entire Dark Knight trilogy." I think that is insane and that this will be a long episode think about it the entire trilogy is roughly eight or nine hours long. So this episode might have four hours for both playthroughs!?! I also think that this episode will show us that TellTale knows how to incorporate a lot of choices into their games and maybe give us a Season 3 something that I am truly wishing for! :smiley: :blush: Also TellTale refers to this episode as their "branchiest" episode yet meaning that we can all have some sort of different story elements that could drastically change something in the game perhaps a character death, a villain returning, or something like that. I am truly excited for this episode and also I am enjoying the comic series!

  • Hold on now, hold on. Sloooow down....
    The total length of the episodes is about 3 and a half hours long. Meaning, the episode will most likely be 1h45 mins for each playthrough.

    In total, Same Stitch contains three and a half hours of content spread across two completely distinct storylines that share, at most, only three overlapping scenes.

    The thing about the Nolan trilogy is: If you put every line of EP5 dialogue in a linear position -- including all the dialogue prompts and responses -- the word count should be longer than the movie series.

    Still, this sounds like a thrilling episode that should satisfy many.

    Ok I just want you to know what I read from the article Telltale put up about Batman The Enemy Within Episode 5 it is insane when I read it

  • Yeah, I think (but don't remember 100%) a moderator commented somewhere that the length is, like you said, about an hour and forty-five minutes.

    But that's still a very decent time in my opinion, especially considering there's so much replay ability.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hold on now, hold on. Sloooow down.... The total length of the episodes is about 3 and a half hours long. Meaning, the episode will most li

  • Telltale stayed silent so safe to say there won't be a trailer today.

  • agreed

    Telltale stayed silent so safe to say there won't be a trailer today.

  • Too much time to wait :(

  • Well I mean the time length is unknown because moderators are not part of the TellTale staff so unless TellTale spoke to them I wouldn't take it as fact but I agree that four hours might be to long especially since they only spent two months developing episode 5. The thing about the episode's script being bigger than the Dark Knight Trilogy means that it has to either have a lot of choices along with dialogue options which means you can replay a bunch of times to get some kind of different story element or it could be the longest episode in TellTale history!

    Yeah, I think (but don't remember 100%) a moderator commented somewhere that the length is, like you said, about an hour and forty-five minu

  • We are almost at the release date!

    Dan10 posted: »

    Too much time to wait

  • Ik it sounds crazy but maybe we’ll get lucky and get a surprise release of the trailer today.

  • I think the same

    Vetominer posted: »

    Ik it sounds crazy but maybe we’ll get lucky and get a surprise release of the trailer today.

  • I think we might get the trailer next week because TellTale always releases the trailers a few days before the episode releases.

    I think the same

  • yeah but theres at least 3 trailers and weve got got less than 2 weeks

  • Yes

    yeah but theres at least 3 trailers and weve got got less than 2 weeks

  • It is a fact. The moderator that gave the fact watched the episode, and the post doesn't really give room for interpretations. The total time will be 3.5 hours, including both storylines, so obviously the script is that long because it includes every possible choice and scenario in two different episodes.

    Well I mean the time length is unknown because moderators are not part of the TellTale staff so unless TellTale spoke to them I wouldn't tak

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited March 2018
  • I experienced an orgasm ... an excerpt from the 5 episode with ..... Selina .... and the collar on it !!!!

  • Well, I am more hyped now... the tease from Telltale. This is gonna be interesting!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Telltale tweeted this teaser trailer

  • John looks slick in that villian outfit.

  • Moments 5 episodes 0:37 and 1:30:)

  • edited March 2018

    Vigilante joker has a cheeky bat-belt.

  • edited March 2018

    Hand over Joker?
    You outta your mind(unless we're forced to do that which better NOT happen)

  • Trailer has me kinda worried that if you have vigilante Joker we are forced to be his ally. Hopefully this isnt the case and the giant script Telltale is talking about and the determinate scenes are all true.

    Dan10 posted: »

    0:57 Hand over Joker? You outta your mind(unless we're forced to do that which better NOT happen)


  • To be honest I'm worried about the opposite.
    Hopefully eveyrone gets what they want(at least mostly) nad everyone is left satisfied amirite?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Trailer has me kinda worried that if you have vigilante Joker we are forced to be his ally. Hopefully this isnt the case and the giant script Telltale is talking about and the determinate scenes are all true.

  • There is a line in the trailer said by Bruce: "I am sorry John. I have to bring you in"

    Pretty sure that's from episode 5, not the previous one. So, it seems we will have a choice to betray him. Maybe it will be like the ending from episode 4? Where you can get the vigilante scene and still have John become a villain if you don't trust him to solve the bridge scene.

    Dan10 posted: »

    To be honest I'm worried about the opposite. Hopefully eveyrone gets what they want(at least mostly) nad everyone is left satisfied amirite?

  • Is going to be more trailers?

  • Sí, uno para la versión villana de John y otra para la justiciera.

    Is going to be more trailers?

  • Wait what already ?

  • Gracias amigo

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    Sí, uno para la versión villana de John y otra para la justiciera.

  • Not sure about what to do with John right now. Is he really worth damaging my reputation as a vigilante ? I guess I shall see.

    I naively assume Catwoman is working against her will if you stood by her, and will willingly take you down if you sacrificed her.
    I don't want to have to hurt her.

  • I hope turning in Vigilante Joker is optional. I won't betray him.

  • Looks like we'll betray him
    Me is not happy
    Me is triggering

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    There is a line in the trailer said by Bruce: "I am sorry John. I have to bring you in" Pretty sure that's from episode 5, not the previo

  • So what the hell is wrong with John's eyebrows if he is the villain? I mean I may be seeing things because of the lighting, but does he only have one eyebrow? How did that happened?

  • For anyone who is interested. The song from the trailer is Nation Rises by Ryan Amon.

  • Selina is not as excited to fight against Batman/Bruce as Harley and Bane look... I hope we can save her.

    This teaser is great and really well done but we don't receive a lot of new content to discuss, but we should get a real trailer soon enough.

    John/Joker looks really nicely done both in the villain outfit and the vigilante outfit.

    kostya2151 posted: »

    Moments 5 episodes 0:37 and 1:30:)

  • Yeah i really hope we don't have to betray him..But i'm still happy we're going to fight the Agency with him.

  • I don't think we'll be forced to betray him, like DOBLEDEDO said, more likely it will be a lot like the bridge secene there you can believe him for the second time or not.

    Dan10 posted: »

    Looks like we'll betray him Me is not happy Me is triggering

  • Wait can't the "I'm sorry John. I have to bring you in." Part be from the villain side of the story?

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