Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • I will totally buy it. OoOOooOOoOOoh, how I will save Gotham as Johnman. Not a single citizen will escape their saviour.

    max_pain943 posted: »

    Now that would be a real twist, then we need a whole Season 3 as John-Batman! xD

  • Jokerangs/Johnerangs
    "Jokes instead of Bats"
    Joker enterprises.

    Tiefling posted: »

    I will totally buy it. OoOOooOOoOOoh, how I will save Gotham as Johnman. Not a single citizen will escape their saviour.

  • edited March 2018

    Everyone will benefit from Joker enterprises, but who'll take Batman's place? Evil Tiffany?

    Dan10 posted: »

    Jokerangs/Johnerangs Joke-cave "Jokes instead of Bats" Joke-brain Joke-mobile Joke-signal Joke-device Joker enterprises.


    Tiefling posted: »

    Everyone will benefit from Joker enterprises, but who'll take Batman's place? Evil Tiffany?

  • "I'm taking your place, Brucie..."

    Dan10 posted: »


  • Gonna need some screenshot evidence like my Alfred pic lol.

    Tiefling posted: »

    You're wrong. Tiffany will become villain in vigilante's route, once she'll learn how Bruce gave her costume to his Batgirl Jim Gordon and Robin John Doe and took them into the field instead of her.

  • Pulls out owl mask
    It's time you know who's really in charge of Joker Enteprises.

    "I'm taking your place, Brucie..."

  • edited March 2018


    Gonna need some screenshot evidence like my Alfred pic lol.

  • Perfect. I was saying from the start, she's Evil Incarnated.

    Dan10 posted: »


  • I think Frank will be Nightwing in this series.

  • Has every thread turned into a joke? Seriously.

  • Damn, Renoir must be fuming right now.

    Tiefling posted: »


  • Gordon without his moustache is an image
    that cannot be unseen.

    Tiefling posted: »


  • Yep.
    Don't know hoe else to respond.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    Has every thread turned into a joke? Seriously.

  • Trailer tomorrow?

  • Nah probably thursday 22

  • Maybe this thursday

    MareCZV posted: »

    Trailer tomorrow?

  • One trailer probs this Thursday and another next Thursday!

    Maybe this thursday

  • And so we will know who they prefer the most, and if they are # TeamJacob or # TeamEdward # TeamVigilante or # TeamVillain

    max_pain943 posted: »

    One trailer probs this Thursday and another next Thursday!

  • Guys, they are the date of release of trailers on Tuesdays are usually usually announced on Twitter?

  • I hope that

    max_pain943 posted: »

    One trailer probs this Thursday and another next Thursday!

  • I think they'll release both of the episode trailers at the same time sometime next week and we'll get the season overview trailer this week.

    Kaelthas posted: »

    And so we will know who they prefer the most, and if they are # TeamJacob or # TeamEdward # TeamVigilante or # TeamVillain

  • I guess by episode 4, John's become accustomed to his freedom. If you get the option to say "We need to get you help" at the funhouse, John responds with "Help?! You mean the doctors and the drugs... The talking cure. I'm not going back to Arkham, Bruce."

  • edited March 2018

    Team Villain

  • God, there's actually another one

    Shadow2122 posted: »

    Team Villain

  • edited March 2018

    Dragovich... Frank... Joker.. These.. men MUST DIE.

    Shadow2122 posted: »

    Team Villain

  • You're threatening FRANK?

    Dragovich... Frank... Joker.. These.. men MUST DIE.

  • edited March 2018

    John: "Gordon, I'm the joker, and you're a smoker".

    Reference to the song -

  • Gordon's sewing a nicotine patch in my play through JOKES ON YOU

    speedkicks posted: »

    John: "Gordon, I'm the joker, and you're a smoker". Reference to the song -

  • Two weeks left from now, man the hype is real! I hope it doesn't get delayed in Europe...

  • The date (announcement) of the trailer's exit today, right? They on Tuesdays announce the date of their trailers or not?

  • It's possible. I don't know for sure. The first trailer is likely to drop on Thursday.

    kostya2151 posted: »

    The date (announcement) of the trailer's exit today, right? They on Tuesdays announce the date of their trailers or not?

  • If I remember correctly (feel free to correct me if I am wrong) episode 4 got released around 18:00 GMT.
    So I would expect it to come in the evening for us in Europe around 18-19 GMT 27 March.

    @kostya2151 I would not be surprised if we get some news when the trailer is about to hit tonight on twitter. I do believe we will receive a trailer this week considering there will be more than one, and as @The_Scribbler_ said Thursday is quite logical :)

    Samuel2496 posted: »

    Two weeks left from now, man the hype is real! I hope it doesn't get delayed in Europe...

  • I played Episode 4 in 11 am in Europe

    19Street95 posted: »

    If I remember correctly (feel free to correct me if I am wrong) episode 4 got released around 18:00 GMT. So I would expect it to come in t

  • edited March 2018

    What do you play on? I don't know if it matters if you play on Xbox/Steam/Playstation I guess it should not matter but somebody here might now?

    I play it personally on Steam and I am pretty sure I could not play it when I got home from work around 15 GMT... as far as I remember I tried it at least ;)

    MareCZV posted: »

    I played Episode 4 in 11 am in Europe

  • I can download the episodes right at midnight, and I am from Europe too.

    19Street95 posted: »

    If I remember correctly (feel free to correct me if I am wrong) episode 4 got released around 18:00 GMT. So I would expect it to come in t


    "expect an action-packed, epic conclusion, crammed full of surprises, heartbreak, and juicy Joker scenes."

    Heartbreak ? Bruce and Selina breaking up confirmed.

  • I hope they are not talking about that... damn, I just want them to be happy together in the end.

  • I made peace with the fact that there wouldn't be an happy ending on that front. As I've written a while back either she dies or she leaves. Can't let a hero be happy can they ?
    But if Tom King did it maybe there is hope, maybe.

    I'm going to be pretty sad if Selina walks away but I'm going to be downright crushed if Telltale kill off her character.

    19Street95 posted: »

    I hope they are not talking about that... damn, I just want them to be happy together in the end.

  • Heartbreak ? Bruce and Selina breaking up confirmed.

    Can't help but everytime someone say something about Bruce and Selina breaking up i think about this video

    You're a genius @Poogers555.

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