I also posted this on TWD forums but I figured this post is relevant for both forums. It seems that in Batman: The Enemy Within there was or… moreiginally meant to be a third alternate finale where Clementine becomes The Joker instead of John Doe.
I made this thing in like five minutes and yes, I am aware of how crappy it looks.
TFW you go to sleep and you forget to remove your make up and then you don't have time to look at yourself in the mirror before leaving the house because you have to kill Batman.
What's funny is that the agent he throws into the acid afterwards actually has an anguished facial expression as he's falling... despite the fact you only see his face for a split second.
Poogs. You want a really thicc boi? This one's Bruce confirmed.
(sry dont have pics)
When at the East End water tower crime scene in the Vigilante Path, if you look at one of the broken Jokerangs on the floor, after seeing it's cracked, Bruce says "Bane's a Big Boy." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Lol, I was actually looking for a good picture of bloodied Vigilante Joker laughing in Ace Chemicals when he goes full mad man for this, but sadly no dice.
This is the most awesome thing I have seen here yet. I love it!
Wtf man

"new episode who dis"
some say he is still in that chamber ;(
TFW you go to sleep and you forget to remove your make up and then you don't have time to look at yourself in the mirror before leaving the house because you have to kill Batman.

Y'all see this shit?
When you dont really care about dying ;(
What's funny is that the agent he throws into the acid afterwards actually has an anguished facial expression as he's falling... despite the fact you only see his face for a split second.
Kind of surprised given the Fedora Alfred moments that we don't have a Walter White gag or two yet.
Poogs. You want a really thicc boi? This one's Bruce confirmed.
(sry dont have pics)
When at the East End water tower crime scene in the Vigilante Path, if you look at one of the broken Jokerangs on the floor, after seeing it's cracked, Bruce says "Bane's a Big Boy." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
NO!, CATWOMAN! Ladies are not supposed to pick their nose!

I didn't make it but...true story
Well he was enamoured by his mustache after all. Foreshadowing.
RIP homie ;(
This new friendship is knee high to a grasshopper.




Someone needs to follow that up with a Ben Kenobi vs Darth Vader meme now. I would do it, but I'm too lazy to do it right now.
Lol, I was actually looking for a good picture of bloodied Vigilante Joker laughing in Ace Chemicals when he goes full mad man for this, but sadly no dice.

... x2

Can anyone do me a gif of John Doe when he becomes joker in vigilante please
Just take the map and save an egg for me.
You gave me an idea for a meme nice job!
"When Harley tells you she's on her period but you just DGAF"

So here you have since I'm a generous god.

Glad I could help
and thank you!! You're frickin' awesome 
Rainbow kiss for the Joker then haha
Huh, you've just turned an emotionally traumatizing moment into another emotionally traumatizing moment.
What I won't do for love season three...
Lmao This got me so good
You are back! Does it mean that I can finally repost my postmortem tribute to You? I guess it does.
I saw it when you posted it a while ago, and I saw how you defended me against that guy who created 3 accounts to shitpost about John x Bruce.
You're the real hero in all this deal ♥
Some new additions of mine.
Episode 5 in a nutshell:
For any BatJokers:

My first meme! @Kaelthas

They grow up so fast. One minute they are getting banned in a rant thread, and the next they are my @The_Bat_Among_Us replacement.
You keep the good work, soldier.