[Pull Ludd away from Eamon]
It is not an easy choice for me. I like Ludd, he surprisingly is among my favourite characters from Gregor's … morestoryline at the time, which I really would have never expected to say. But he is out of line here. I would love to support him, but truth be told, he acted too aggressively and Gregory is simply a man doing his duty in comparison. I know he won't like this, but I think it is important to show that Gregor can keep a calm, level-headed outlook on tense situations. Hopefully this won't cause Ludd to be too pissed at him.
Hm, I am not really sure about him. I would say he is acting a slight bit suspicious here, but not enough to justify Ludd's angry outbreak here. Between him being suspicious and Ludd being so easily angered, I'd say the latter still is in the wrong, even if I can understand why he is so riled up by this.
[Step between Gregory and Ludd] I feel reasonably confident with this choice since I don't think Gregory would attack if Gregor if he steps in between him and Ludd or at least I hope not and I feel this is the better option for Gregor to stand up for Ludd a bit as well since Ludd has been Gregor's been his best ally up to this point.
Gregor paced around the tent as he considered his decision while at the same time glancing at their new prisoner. The council won'… moret like it if they find out Gregor hid this from them, especially Marcos but Gregor decided to go along with Ammett and only tell Ludd about this. "Fine, keep this quite but Ludd at least has to know." Ammett grinned as he clapped his hands together excellent! You won't regret this, Forrester! You'll see that I can be very useful when you let me." Gregor nodded as he hoped he wouldn't regret this decision.
Gregor glanced at the woman "So this is Simon Oakheart's daughter? How sure are you that she'll be useful? Are they close?" Ammett shrugged in response "Depends on who you ask." Gregor raised an eyebrow "What's that supposed to mean?" Bryce sighed as he proceeded to explain "What Ammett is saying is that she appears to have some sort of grudge against her father but a father would do anything for his … [view original content]
Gregor paced around the tent as he considered his decision while at the same time glancing at their new prisoner. The council won'… moret like it if they find out Gregor hid this from them, especially Marcos but Gregor decided to go along with Ammett and only tell Ludd about this. "Fine, keep this quite but Ludd at least has to know." Ammett grinned as he clapped his hands together excellent! You won't regret this, Forrester! You'll see that I can be very useful when you let me." Gregor nodded as he hoped he wouldn't regret this decision.
Gregor glanced at the woman "So this is Simon Oakheart's daughter? How sure are you that she'll be useful? Are they close?" Ammett shrugged in response "Depends on who you ask." Gregor raised an eyebrow "What's that supposed to mean?" Bryce sighed as he proceeded to explain "What Ammett is saying is that she appears to have some sort of grudge against her father but a father would do anything for his … [view original content]
This does not show any bias at all. Gregor shows to be the dominate man by stepping in the middle of 2 hostile people and a knight. Gives an impression that gregor is brave but also is smart due to possibly less of a reaction could be shown as opposed to pulling ludd from eamon.
Though i cant lie, Eamon is showing a flavour of suspicion.
It looks like we've got a tie! A little unexpected but I can deal. Lacking a system to deal with ties, I'm just going to go for a simple coin toss. Heads for Step between and tails for pull Ludd away. The coin flips and we have... Tails! That means that Gregor will Pull Ludd away from Eamon.
I know it has been a while since the last part, but I promise that I'm still writing. The next part shouldn't take much longer. No more than two days I reckon. Next is a Malcolm part where we'll see the aftermath of Malcolm punching his brother, Samuel. Just in case you need a quick recap, The Branfields captured a Trant soldier named Mayson who had tried to kill them. Since Malcolm spared, Lorgan, the man that Wolfson sent them to kill, they need a corpse to pose as Lorgan. Samuel suggested Mayson, Malcolm wasn't okay with that but Samuel refused to back down, so you lovely readers voted for Malcolm to punch him. The next part will take place exactly where we left off in Malcolm's last part.
Malcolm did it. In anger he punched Samuel in the face. He knew that he couldn't let him kill a man when there was another way. Samuel wiped his mouth as he looked at Malcolm in shock. He probably didn't expect Malcolm to actually do it. His look of shock quickly turned to anger "I hope you don't think I'm not going to hit you back, little brother." Malcolm shook his head as Samuel tried to belittle him by calling him 'little' brother. "Go ahead. I'm not going to let you kill that man."
Samuel growled as he punched Malcolm back "I'm doing this for us!" He shouted "Any morally questionable thing I do, no matter how ugly it may be, it's for our family!" Malcolm growled as he shoved Samuel against the wall "You going to tell Preston that? Or mother? You going to tell them you murdered a man for their sakes? Are you mad enough to think they'd thank you for it?"
"No!" Samuel shouted again as he punched Malcolm once again, hard enough to knock him to the ground. He then quickly got on his knees and grabbed onto Malcolm's tunic "I have no illusions. They'd hate me for it. Lucas would be disgusted, Preston would be afraid of me if he saw me like this and mother would never forgive me and father..." Samuel gulped and seemed unable to finish his sentence.
Samuel shook his head like he was trying to shake whatever thoughts he had out of his head "But it'll be worth it! Because they'd be alive. Whatever the cost is, it's worth it!" Malcolm frowned "Samuel... it's not necessary to do these things. We can protect them the right way. With honor." Samuel shook his head again "No... it's too risky. Look at all the wars in history. The ruthless are who win. Think of Aegon, of everything he had to do to conquer the seven kingdoms. He killed so many people with those dragons, people who's only crime was loyalty to their king. And he won." Malcolm angrily kicked Samuel off of him. "Don't turn this into a bullshit, history lesson!" Malcolm shouted as he picked Samuel up and shoved him back against the wall "You've never talked like this before. Why are you doing this?" "BECAUSE I'M SCARED!" Samuel screamed in Malcolm's face. "I'm scared. The odds are against us, Malcolm. All I can think about is what happens if we lose. Father would die in battle and we'd comfort ourselves by saying he fought bravely. Lucas would foolishly do the same and again we'd comfort ourselves by saying he fought bravely. Mother would kill herself after that, assuming she wouldn't have already been raped and murdered. Then we'd go mad, we'd swear vengeance and become monsters anyway!" Samuel seemed to be on the verge of falling into tears as Malcolm let him go and Malcolm frowned as he looked at his brother "You've been thinking about this a lot." He stated and Samuel nodded "I can't stop. The odds are against us, Malcolm. We both know that father will never bend the knee. All I know is that I have to do everything I can to prevent the fall of our family."
Malcolm sighed "Samuel, I... I can't let you do this." Samuel bit his lip "This is pointless. We both know that you're the better fighter. Do what you want. I won't kill Mayson." He said as he turned around and Malcolm followed "Where are you going?" Samuel groaned "I need a fucking drink." He said bluntly and marched away. Malcolm sighed as he watched him. Samuel seemed so pitiful. He had no idea that such thoughts were haunting him. It made Malcolm wonder how the rest of his family was dealing with this. Them and Lucina. She had already lost her father and she's become close with the Branfields. Who knew what thoughts plagued her mind with this war coming.
Malcolm's thoughts were interrupted by the Innkeeper's niece, Bethany. Bethany gave Malcolm a stern glare "You let that shit hit you?" Malcolm grinned as he realized Samuel must've gotten a good hit on him. "I didn't 'let' him." He defended himself and Bethany shook her head as if she didn't believe him "Right. Well just fair warning, you or your brother or even your new guard dog kill that man upstairs, I won't forgive you." Malcolm widened his eyes "Bethany, I wouldn't do that... and I've convinced Samuel to back off." Bethany smirked "Convinced? Meaning you beat the shit out of him. Wish I could've seen it." Malcolm sighed, Bethany was always so bluntly honest and never cared what others think, most people keep their nastier thoughts about people to themselves, but not Bethany. Malcolm liked it most of the time, he always knew where she stood but didn't appreciate it in this particular instant.
"So... ready to take me away from here yet?" Bethany winked and Malcolm chuckled "Uh, no not yet. Your father still likes me, don't want to ruin that." Bethany gave a playful sigh "A girl can dream." Bethany often flirted with Malcolm, it's never lead to anything but the banter is enjoyable. Bethany walked over to a nearby table and gestured for Malcolm to follow as she sat down. Malcolm nodded and sat with her. "So what are your plans? Will you be leaving soon?" Malcolm shrugged "Hopefully." Bethany raised an eyebrow at his words and Malcolm shook his head "No, that's not what I meant! There's a war, my family is in danger and I need to get back as soon as possible."
Bethany sighed "So you're here for an army? This Wolfson I keep hearing about?" Malcolm nodded "Not the most honorable man to call an ally but he's the only option we've got." Bethany glared "A dishonorable ally is no ally at all." Normally Malcolm would agree but he doesn't have the option to be choosy, however he decided against arguing about it.
Bethany gave a friendly smile "You are much more stressed out than I remember. Drink?" Malcolm was tempted by the offer but he had to refuse "Another time, I have some things to take care of." He said as he stood up from his seat "Oh and Mayson, the man upstairs, he says thanks, for helping him out." Bethany simply nodded "See you, Malcolm." Malcolm nodded back as he walked outside, he decided it best to give Samuel some time before going to see Tom Wolfson and left to find Dusty.
After a few minutes it felt like Malcolm would never find Dusty, he wondered if he'd left them, Samuel probably wouldn't mind, but despite his violent behavior, Dusty was beginning to grow on Malcolm. That was when Malcolm spotted Dusty kneeling by a beggar, he appeared to be giving him some money, not something he expected Dusty to be doing. Malcolm approached and said "Hey, Dusty what's..." Malcolm paused when he'd gotten a better look at the beggar, he had bandages wrapped around his eyes. He was an older man, no hair, but skinny and he was really dirty. Dusty sighed "Don't offer any pity, it doesn't help. Just pisses you off." Malcolm frowned as he turned to Dusty and Dusty stood up "Looks like his eyes were cut out and he doesn't speak. I think his tongue was cut out too." He said as he led Malcolm away from the man "He didn't choose this, someone did this to him." Malcolm sighed "That's... terrible." Malcolm couldn't think of anything else to say and Dusty nodded "I bet he'd have quite the story, if he could speak."
Malcolm looked at Dusty curiously "You're the people person, Dusty. What do you see when you look at him." Dusty looked grim as he shrugged "I just see shame in that man." He said as he looked back at the beggar and Malcolm sighed "What kind of person does that to someone? Takes a certain... Violent person to be capable of something like that." Malcolm thought back to the violent way that Dusty kills.
Dusty then glared at Malcolm "There's something I've been meaning to say to you." Malcolm nodded "Then say it."
"I like you, Malcolm, I really do." Dusty said "but do not start thinking that I'm one of your soldiers. Do not start thinking you can tell me what to do." He said and Malcolm felt threatened, he must've been referring to when Malcolm pulled him away from Sibas. Dusty didn't stop his menacing glare and said "Or I'll rip off your leg and beat you to death with it." However Dusty suddenly grinned and Malcolm wondered if that was supposed to be a joke. Dusty playfully punched Malcolm's arm as he marched past him "Come on! We've a job to do remember?" Malcolm reluctantly nodded in agreement and followed Dusty back to the inn, still trying to figure Dusty out, he still didn't understand him.
Malcolm and Dusty made it to the Inn and found Nesa standing outside with her arms crossed, she must've been waiting. Nesa glared at Malcolm "It's about time. Are we ready to go? Family drama over with?" Malcolm nodded "Yeah, let's head back to Wolfson. We just need to get Samuel and that man's... head." Dusty raised an eyebrow "What?" Malcolm shook his head as he walked inside "I'll explain later, come on." He said as he walked inside but he couldn't see Samuel anywhere. However he saw Sara "Where's my brother?" he asked and Sara shyly stood up "He... left shortly after you did. He seemed really angry but I assumed he was looking for you. Sorry." Nesa raised an eyebrow and Dusty seemed just as confused "Why does she always talk as if she's in trouble?" Malcolm sighed as he tried to figure out where Samuel must've gone. Malcolm feared that he might've killed Mayson so he quickly ran upstairs and barged into his room. Mayson was there and clearly still alive. Mayson looked as though he was about to say something but Malcolm exited and closed the door before he could.
Malcolm ran back downstairs to Dusty and Nesa "He's still alive but there's no sign of Samuel. Where did he go?" Dusty shrugged "Don't look at me. He's your brother. Why would he run off?" Malcolm sighed "He'll probably be back but he's really pissed at me." Nesa joined the conversation "The corpse back in that room is missing his head. My guess is your brother decided to deal with Wolfson on his own." Malcolm sighed "Then he'll be at Wolfson's camp." Dusty shook his head "Well if we know where he is then let's go!" He said as he marched outside and Nesa watched him leave "He doesn't seem to like talking very much. But I agree, we've gotta get back there anyway, and we wouldn't want Wolfson to get suspicious. Come on." She said as she tilted her head towards the door and Malcolm sighed before following her out.
It was when they got close to Wolfson's camp when Dusty turned to Malcolm and asked "You and your brother fight like this often?" Malcolm shook his head "Samuel and I usually get along fine, Lucas is the one that I usually butt heads with. That's another one of my brothers. Samuel's identical twin, actually." Dusty nodded, taking the information in before getting impatient "Get to the point, Malcolm. What changed?" Malcolm sighed "Samuel did. He wants to do a lot of things that I can't support. He seems to think doing these awful things is the only way to protect our family." Dusty nodded "I understand. I'm not saying I support your brothers decisions, or even like him, but I don't blame him. When it comes to family and the fear of losing them, morality becomes a second thought." Malcolm shook his head "Not me, I have to stay true to who I am, no matter what." Dusty raised an eyebrow "We'll see how long that lasts. I guarantee you Malcolm, if someone hurts the people you love, your first reaction won't be grief. The shock will turn into anger and all you'll be able to think about is hurting whoever took them from you." Malcolm frowned as he looked at Dusty, wandering if he was speaking from experience but before Malcolm could ask Nesa interrupted Malcolm's thoughts "Enough talk, we're here. You don't want any of Wolfson's people to overhear." Malcolm couldn't argue with that, if they overheard them say anything that would suggest Lorgan is still alive, they'd be heading home with no army.
They headed towards Wolfson's quarters to find Alise standing guard. She had a venomous glare and Malcolm quickly realized the glare was aimed towards Dusty. Clearly because of what he did to Sibas. Malcolm turned to him "It's probably best for you to wait outside, like way back there." Malcolm pointed behind Dusty with a smile, trying to lighten the situation. "It's not personal, I just think it's for the best." Dusty raised his hand "Enough, Malcolm. I get it. I'll see when you're done." And he walked away.
Alise still seemed angry but much less confrontational. Alise turned to Nesa "I assume now that you're here, the job is done?" Malcolm didn't want to put Nesa in a position where she'd have to lie, so he answered for her "I'm sure Samuel's already told you it has." Alise glared at Malcolm "I'm not entirely certain that what Samuel says and what is are the same thing."
Alise clearly didn't trust them but Malcolm still didn't let Nesa answer "Is my brother in there with Wolfson? Can I go inside?" Alise seemed reluctant to answer and Nesa rolled her eyes "Enough with the personal drama, Alise. Just let us in." Alise snapped at Nesa "Personal drama!? Do you even know what this bastard's friend did?" Nesa kept her composure and showed no change in emotion "No I don't, but honestly I really don't care, just get the fuck out of the way." Alise was visibly furious but she didn't say anything, she just barged into Nesa's shoulder as she marched past her. Malcolm wasn't expecting Nesa to be so cold but before he could say anything she gestured forward. "Go on, your army is waiting." Malcolm reluctantly let it slide as he walked inside.
Malcolm and Nesa walked inside to find Wolfson sitting on top of his desk, rather than on a seat with Samuel standing in front of him. Wolfson smirked as he saw them "Malcolm and Nesa! Welcome back." Samuel however had a neutral expression. Wolfson happily jumped from his desk "Samuel here tells me you did it. The mongrel that's been harassing my people is dead?" Malcolm nodded "I did what I had to do to" however Wolfson seemed suspicious and turned to Nesa "Can you confirm that they're telling the truth?" Malcolm angrily shook his head "I just told you that--" and Wolfson impulsively shoved him "I'm having a hard time trusting anyone with the name Branfield after what your brother did. Be thankful that you and your brothers aren't dead, let alone getting the opportunity to hire me and my people!"
Wolfson turned to Nesa "Well? Is the cunt dead or not?" Malcolm nervously looked at Nesa, unsure if she was going to come through on their agreement. Nesa nodded "Yeah, the cunt is dead" which resulted in a grin from Wolfson "Excellent! This calls for a drink in celebration!" Nesa shook her head "I'd rather just take payment." Wolfson rolled his eyes "You really are such a bore." he complained as he threw her a pouch of gold "There, now fuck off! I have business to discuss." Nesa left the tent without hesitation.
Malcolm glared at Wolfson "She did what you asked despite how she feels about you. She deserves respect." Samuel shook his head "Leave it alone, Malcolm." But Wolfson condescendingly raised a finger to silence Samuel "Shut up, let your brother speak." He said as he walked uncomfortably close to Malcolm. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, Malcolm? Defending her honor or some bullshit? Don't waste your time. That girl will sooner gut you than fuck you."
Malcolm angrily shook his head "You're a piece of shit! That's not what this is about. You need to treat your people with more respect and honor." Wolfson laughed as he stepped back "You're hilarious." He said as he turned to Samuel "You're brother here talks like a fucking hero!" He turned back to Malcolm "Malcolm the fucking perfect!" Samuel was visibly uncomfortable and Malcolm couldn't blame him. He may have just ruined their chances of getting Wolfson on their side.
Wolfson then glared at Malcolm "Of course it's all bullshit. Otherwise you wouldn't have killed a man you didn't even know. That's not something an honorable man would do, is it Malcolm the perfect?" Malcolm bit his lip as he tried to control his anger "No, I don't suppose it is."
Wolfson nodded "Then how about you stop acting so high and mighty and take a good look at the kind of man you are." He said as he pulled something from behind his desk and placed it on his desk. Malcolm gagged as he tried not to vomit and Samuel turned away. It was the head of the man Dusty had killed. Wolfson whistled as if it was a grand sight "What a mess! You squished his fucking head!" He laughed and Malcolm winced. Wolfson was not sympathetic and left the head on the table. "This'll make a nice trophy."
"What was this cunt's name again?" Wolfson asked and Malcolm gulped before answering "His name was Lorgan." Wolfson chuckled "'Lorgan' what a name. I don't suppose you found out what his problem was with me?" Malcolm shook his head "He only said that you deserved to suffer. He wouldn't say why." Wolfson looked disappointed "So I'm gonna die wondering what this fucker's problem was with me and never find out? How annoying." Malcolm wondered just how true that statement was.
Samuel coughed to get Wolfson's attention before putting on a charming smile "So how about it, Tom? We killed Lorgan here for you just like you asked and we'll still pay you for your help. Are we in business?" Wolfson gave Samuel a suspicious glare before smiling as he shook his hand while smirking at Malcolm. "Yeah, we're in business. You've got yourself an army." Malcolm had mixed feelings about this. He was glad to have an army to help his family but at the same time he found Wolfson to be so despicable.
Wolfson stood up "of course I'll need time to prepare my people before we follow you to your home."
"How long would you need?"Samuel asked and Wolfson shrugged "I can't be sure. Give me a day or two." Samuel nodded before turning to Malcolm "We can spend the night at the inn." Wolfson then sighed "Actually, maybe you could stay here in my camp?" Malcolm gave Wolfson a glare "Why would we want to do that?" Wolfson glared in return "Because everyone here hates you! With good reason. Your brother killed one of us then your friend nearly killed Sibas." Samuel raised an eyebrow "No offense but that seems like a reason not to stay here."
Wolfson sat on his desk as he sighed "Hear me out. We'll be spending a lot of time together. We'll be fighting side by side. Maybe it'd be a good idea to try to earn their trust, let them get used to you." Malcolm didn't like it but he could see the wisdom in that. Not only that but Nesa would be staying so Malcolm would need to stay if he wanted to talk to her. Though Bethany and Sara we're back at the inn, if Malcolm wanted to talk to them.
Samuel shook his head "Malcolm can do whatever he wants, but I'll be heading back to the inn." And now that Samuel's heading to the inn, maybe Malcolm should go if he wanted to talk to Samuel and try to talk about their fight. Then again, he was likely still angry. Maybe Malcolm should give him time.
Wolfson clapped to get Malcolm's attention "Well? What will it be, Malcolm the perfect?" He asked mockingly.
Malcolm did it. In anger he punched Samuel in the face. He knew that he couldn't let him kill a man when there was another way. S… moreamuel wiped his mouth as he looked at Malcolm in shock. He probably didn't expect Malcolm to actually do it. His look of shock quickly turned to anger "I hope you don't think I'm not going to hit you back, little brother." Malcolm shook his head as Samuel tried to belittle him by calling him 'little' brother. "Go ahead. I'm not going to let you kill that man."
Samuel growled as he punched Malcolm back "I'm doing this for us!" He shouted "Any morally questionable thing I do, no matter how ugly it may be, it's for our family!" Malcolm growled as he shoved Samuel against the wall "You going to tell Preston that? Or mother? You going to tell them you murdered a man for their sakes? Are you mad enough to think they'd thank you for it?"
"No!" Samuel shouted again as he punched Malcolm once again, hard enou… [view original content]
At the moment getting to know your troops a bit is important. And I would vote to go and see Samuel but I think he just needs time to cool off. If Malcolm rushes off to talk to him before Samuel is ready it will only make things worse.
Malcolm did it. In anger he punched Samuel in the face. He knew that he couldn't let him kill a man when there was another way. S… moreamuel wiped his mouth as he looked at Malcolm in shock. He probably didn't expect Malcolm to actually do it. His look of shock quickly turned to anger "I hope you don't think I'm not going to hit you back, little brother." Malcolm shook his head as Samuel tried to belittle him by calling him 'little' brother. "Go ahead. I'm not going to let you kill that man."
Samuel growled as he punched Malcolm back "I'm doing this for us!" He shouted "Any morally questionable thing I do, no matter how ugly it may be, it's for our family!" Malcolm growled as he shoved Samuel against the wall "You going to tell Preston that? Or mother? You going to tell them you murdered a man for their sakes? Are you mad enough to think they'd thank you for it?"
"No!" Samuel shouted again as he punched Malcolm once again, hard enou… [view original content]
Ooooh, Samuel's rant has been super intense, I like it I guess I understand him a bit better now. Not necessarily agree with him, but I see his point and where he comes from. That's been a nice bit of insight. Also, can I say it? I said it before, but Malcolm so quickly thinking of Lucina here has been uber cute
[Stay at Wolfson's camp]
I believe giving Samuel some time to cool off is a good thing. Being definitely a bit of a hot head, he could start further trouble if Malcolm is close to him so quickly after their fight. I believe it is a good thing to give him time and if it can be combined with the good thing that he gets to know Wolfson and his men a bit more, then all the better.
Malcolm did it. In anger he punched Samuel in the face. He knew that he couldn't let him kill a man when there was another way. S… moreamuel wiped his mouth as he looked at Malcolm in shock. He probably didn't expect Malcolm to actually do it. His look of shock quickly turned to anger "I hope you don't think I'm not going to hit you back, little brother." Malcolm shook his head as Samuel tried to belittle him by calling him 'little' brother. "Go ahead. I'm not going to let you kill that man."
Samuel growled as he punched Malcolm back "I'm doing this for us!" He shouted "Any morally questionable thing I do, no matter how ugly it may be, it's for our family!" Malcolm growled as he shoved Samuel against the wall "You going to tell Preston that? Or mother? You going to tell them you murdered a man for their sakes? Are you mad enough to think they'd thank you for it?"
"No!" Samuel shouted again as he punched Malcolm once again, hard enou… [view original content]
Malcolm thinking so quickly of Lucina here has been uber cute.
Cute wasn't the intention but I'll take it Honestly it's hard for me not to see anything regarding those two as uber cute. ^_^
definitely a bit of a hot head
He is a Branfield. Most of them do have wild tempers, even Malcolm, as you can see he had a hard time containing his anger towards Tom Wolfson. It's even a headcanon of mine that it's where Asher gets his temper from.
Ooooh, Samuel's rant has been super intense, I like it I guess I understand him a bit better now. Not necessarily agree with him, but I see… more his point and where he comes from. That's been a nice bit of insight. Also, can I say it? I said it before, but Malcolm so quickly thinking of Lucina here has been uber cute
[Stay at Wolfson's camp]
I believe giving Samuel some time to cool off is a good thing. Being definitely a bit of a hot head, he could start further trouble if Malcolm is close to him so quickly after their fight. I believe it is a good thing to give him time and if it can be combined with the good thing that he gets to know Wolfson and his men a bit more, then all the better.
Malcolm did it. In anger he punched Samuel in the face. He knew that he couldn't let him kill a man when there was another way. S… moreamuel wiped his mouth as he looked at Malcolm in shock. He probably didn't expect Malcolm to actually do it. His look of shock quickly turned to anger "I hope you don't think I'm not going to hit you back, little brother." Malcolm shook his head as Samuel tried to belittle him by calling him 'little' brother. "Go ahead. I'm not going to let you kill that man."
Samuel growled as he punched Malcolm back "I'm doing this for us!" He shouted "Any morally questionable thing I do, no matter how ugly it may be, it's for our family!" Malcolm growled as he shoved Samuel against the wall "You going to tell Preston that? Or mother? You going to tell them you murdered a man for their sakes? Are you mad enough to think they'd thank you for it?"
"No!" Samuel shouted again as he punched Malcolm once again, hard enou… [view original content]
THE VOTING IS CLOSED! Malcolm will stay at Wolfson's Camp.
I know it's been a while guys. Hopefully you haven't lost interest though. I do love doing this, I'm just a bit slow. Lucas is next but for now I have a very short Malcolm part for you. It's basically to decide what Malcolm will be doing at Wolfson's camp. As for Lucas, last we saw him he was talking with his mother who felt as though Lucas deserved better and Lucas agreed. So we'll see what happens next as he prepares for the Northeners to finally attack.
Malcolm turned to Samuel and Samuel only glared in response. Malcolm could tell he was in no mood to talk so he figured it was probably best to leave him be. "I'll stay here then." Samuel shrugged "I'm not gonna stop you. I'll be back in a couple days" he stated bluntly as he turned and left without another word.
Wolfson raised an eyebrow "I get the sense that he's pissed at you." Malcolm glared at Wolfson "I get the sense that it's none of your business." Wolfson sighed "Fantastic start to earning trust, eh Malcolm?" He said sarcastically and not without anger. Malcolm rolled his eyes. He really didn't like Wolfson but decided he should probably try to stay civil "Where exactly am I to sleep?" He asked and Wolfson shook his head "A tent, the cold hard ground. I don't care. Though I doubt many of my people are willing to share a tent with you." Malcolm sighed "I suppose I''ll just figure something out then." He said as he turned to leave the tent. "Good luck..." Wolfson said mockingly.
Malcolm looked around, wondering how he should spend his time. He saw Jacob and Dusty sitting by a camp fire, isolated from everyone else. Malcolm would certainly be more welcome there with his new friend and brother, but wouldn't do much to earn any trust from Wolfson's people. He then turned and saw Nesa sitting alone by a tree, also isolated from everyone else. She didn't seem to be happy here. It could be an opportunity to get Nesa to warm up to Malcolm a little. Finally he saw Alise and Sibas sitting by a tent. Alise was tending to Sibas's wounds, almost mothering him and Sibas didn't seem to appreciate. Dusty nearly killed Sibas and Alise was outraged, so they probably weren't fond of Malcolm but maybe he could make an offer of peace. It seemed unlikely but it may be worth trying to gain their trust.
[Approach Jacob and Dustin] [Approach Nesa] [Approach Alise and Sibas]
Ah, yes, a new part I already thought you'd be busy, seems like a couple writers don't have much time lately, but that's alright. You know I am definitely never going to become impatient, as I love your writing. Take as much time as you need, the story is worth waiting for.
So, onwards to the part, it was a short one of course, but still sweet to get things going again. I really look forward for Lucas' next part as well
[Approach Alise and Sibas]
I'm rationalizing this with the fact that Malcolm knows he can count on Jacob and Dustin and Nesa herself seems like a very reliable ally, so while spending time with them might deepen their friendships, Alise and Sibas are anything but friends to Malcolm, so this might be a very valuable chance to make them at least more forgiving towards him. I don't know, maybe I am too paranoid, but I kinda fear that they could harbour vengeful feelings towards him and given that Malcolm is my favourite of the three PoV's, I wouldn't want to risk him being harmed over an issue that could be settled right now and peacefully.
THE VOTING IS CLOSED! Malcolm will stay at Wolfson's Camp.
I know it's been a while guys. Hopefully you haven't lost interest though. I d… moreo love doing this, I'm just a bit slow. Lucas is next but for now I have a very short Malcolm part for you. It's basically to decide what Malcolm will be doing at Wolfson's camp. As for Lucas, last we saw him he was talking with his mother who felt as though Lucas deserved better and Lucas agreed. So we'll see what happens next as he prepares for the Northeners to finally attack.
Malcolm turned to Samuel and Samuel only glared in response. Malcolm could tell he was in no mood to talk so he figured it was probably best to leave him be. "I'll stay here then." Samuel shrugged "I'm not gonna stop you. I'll be back in a couple days" he stated bluntly as he turned and left without another word.
Wolfson raised an eyebrow "I get the sense that he's pissed at you." Malcolm glared at Wolfson "I get… [view original content]
It has been too long...
Umm, maybe you could do a rewind of key events from previous parts? if you plan on releasing them this far, people tend to forget what coulda happened before, so i think it'd be good to do a little recap prior to the part.
[Approach Alise and Sibas]
Id like to see why the stab happened, and we could have a genuine discussion with those two.
It has been too long...
Umm, maybe you could do a rewind of key events from previous parts? if you plan on releasing them this far, people … moretend to forget what coulda happened before, so i think it'd be good to do a little recap prior to the part.
[Approach Alise and Sibas]
Id like to see why the stab happened, and we could have a genuine discussion with those two.
The Voting is closed! Malcolm will approach Alise and Sibas!
Hey guys! I know it has been far too long, but I'm back now and a new part is about to be posted! Sorry for the delay, hopefully parts will come out more frequently now. The next part is a Lucas part, though it's a short one. But the story should get moving pretty soon and I'm excited! It has been a while though so I'll write a short recap to refresh your memories.
The Northeners approached the Branfields with a false parley. Gregor refused to hand over the captured scout which provoked the Branfields and made them very angry, it also caused Lucas' opinion of Gregor to drop drastically. Soon after Lucas had a talk with his mother who seemed rather emotional and expressed sorrow over Lucas' life. Expressing that she believes he deserves better. You lovely readers voted for Lucas to agree that he deserves better. You'll soon see some of the consequences of that line of thought.
Lucas reluctantly nodded in response to his mother's words "You're right..." He managed to say with emotion and anger in his voice, though not directed at his mother. Talia seemed confused by her son's reaction "What?" Lucas looked her in the eyes "I've never said it out loud, but I do deserve better than this, following every damn order to the letter my whole life, never following my heart, in what I believed in, only father's orders. I've always just forced myself to ignore my own feelings on the matter." Lucas said with venom and Talia gripped his soldiers tightly "Lucas, I wasn't trying to make you angry, I just..." Lucas shook his head quickly interrupting her "But I am, all the time..." He admitted "I'm so damn furious, at Samuel, Jacob, even Malcolm and especially father." Lucas thought perhaps he was even angry at the whole world.
Lucas sighed as he saw the expression on his mother's face, she obviously wasn't expecting this reaction out of him. "Thank you." He simply said "I need to go. I have to prepare for the siege" he said as he walked away from his mother.
Lucas soon made his way out to the courtyard and found something he wasn't expecting. There was a large crowd of smallfolk that appeared to be very angry and they were shouting at the soldiers in front of them. Lucas heard shouts like "Why aren't you protecting us?" And "Hurry up and do something!"
Lucas marched down in front of the soldiers and shouted with authority "What's going on here!?" An older man boldly stood face to face with Lucas. He had Long dark hair, with shades of gray in his hair and beard. He's a tall muscular man with broad shoulders. This was the blacksmith Thomas Cerrick, the father of the scout now in the Northener's hands, Owen Cerrick. "What's going on is that there's an army practically on our doorstep and your family isn't doing anything about it!" The rest of the smallfolk shouted and nodded in agreement. Thomas didn't give Lucas a chance to respond "Not to mention that my son is nowhere to be found! Where is he?" Lucas stepped forward "Your son is being held captive by the Northeners and they refuse to hand him over."
Thomas didn't take the information well as Lucas saw the anger on his face "I knew this would happen, this always happens to those with blind loyalty to the Branfields." Lucas attempted to reassure the man "We'll do all we can to get him back--" Thomas snapped "Bullshit!" He shouted "You're just sitting here waiting for the enemy to attack." Lucas sighed "I'm afraid it's all we can do for the moment." Thomas shook his head "I don't accept that, you shouldn't accept that! Inaction is unacceptable." Lucas began to get angry "What would you have me do?" Thomas' expression softened as he placed his hands on Lucas shoulders "Take the fight to them before they take it to us. Please save my son."
Everything in Lucas told him to do what Thomas suggested, he himself was furious with the Northeners dishonorable display and wanted to make them pay for it. However Damien, Lucas' father would never agree to this. A smallfolk soldier behind Lucas spoke up "M'lord, if I may... The smallfolk soldiers are with you"
Lucas turned to the man in surprise "What are you saying?" The man spoke softly "We've heard of the action you took despite your father's orders. Sending out the scouts to prepare for the coming battle. If you did choose to fight back... We'd follow you without question." Lucas was flattered but unsure what to make of this "Such a move would be risky."
The soldier nodded "Perhaps... but they'd never see such a move coming. We could go at night, bring a small force of us with you and truly take the fight to them. Both the soldiers and the smallfolk would love and respect you for it."
Lucas thought on it, the idea was very appealing to him, he was a soldier and he hated doing nothing, it was also a chance to strike a blow against the Northeners, Damien certainly wouldn't appreciate going against his orders but Lucas wasn't sure if he truly cared at this point.
Thomas spoke up again "Your words are 'In Arms to the End' are they not? Loyalty is valued above all to you Branfields. They say you never leave a man behind. Please, I beg you, prove them right."
[Take the fight to the Northeners.] [Stay put as Damien has commanded]
This was not an easy choice. I feel like a lot of choices are not easy, but this has to be one of the harder ones and one of the few where I ultimately decided against my initial thoughts. Because at first I thought it would be recklessly stupid to go out there and fight. However, the longer I thought about it, the more positives I realize. The siege is not in its truly dire stages yet and I believe an attack at this point can have more positives than negatives. It would establish Lucas as a leader, someone the Branfield forces would look up to and whose decisions they would respect when they truly need someone like this, whereas staying put, the more rational decision, could have the unwanted side effect of the people losing respect for Lucas when they should stand united.
Lucas reluctantly nodded in response to his mother's words "You're right..." He managed to say with emotion and anger in his voice,… more though not directed at his mother. Talia seemed confused by her son's reaction "What?" Lucas looked her in the eyes "I've never said it out loud, but I do deserve better than this, following every damn order to the letter my whole life, never following my heart, in what I believed in, only father's orders. I've always just forced myself to ignore my own feelings on the matter." Lucas said with venom and Talia gripped his soldiers tightly "Lucas, I wasn't trying to make you angry, I just..." Lucas shook his head quickly interrupting her "But I am, all the time..." He admitted "I'm so damn furious, at Samuel, Jacob, even Malcolm and especially father." Lucas thought perhaps he was even angry at the whole world.
Lucas sighed as he saw the expression on his mother's face, she obviously wasn't expecting th… [view original content]
Lucas reluctantly nodded in response to his mother's words "You're right..." He managed to say with emotion and anger in his voice,… more though not directed at his mother. Talia seemed confused by her son's reaction "What?" Lucas looked her in the eyes "I've never said it out loud, but I do deserve better than this, following every damn order to the letter my whole life, never following my heart, in what I believed in, only father's orders. I've always just forced myself to ignore my own feelings on the matter." Lucas said with venom and Talia gripped his soldiers tightly "Lucas, I wasn't trying to make you angry, I just..." Lucas shook his head quickly interrupting her "But I am, all the time..." He admitted "I'm so damn furious, at Samuel, Jacob, even Malcolm and especially father." Lucas thought perhaps he was even angry at the whole world.
Lucas sighed as he saw the expression on his mother's face, she obviously wasn't expecting th… [view original content]
The Voting is closed! Lucas will take the fight to the Northeners!
I'm so damn happy this choice won. There's a scene that this choice leads to that I'm really excited to write. So thank you! Obviously this will lead to an encounter between Lucas & his smallfolk soldiers and the Northener's troops. Could there be an encounter between two POVs? Wait and see...
Gregor's part will be next. Last time we saw Gregor, Ludd's brother, Walter Whitehill finally arrived with his Smallfolk soldiers, there was a altercation between him and Marcus Forrester and some Forrester soldiers, one of those soldiers being Braeden Snow. So tensions are high between the Forresters and Whitehills. Shortly after Gregor and Ludd overheard Eamon Glenmore and Gregory Fuller, talking about them but Eamon refused to say what. This provoked Ludd into grabbing and threatening Eamon until he talks. You readers decided to intervene and pull Ludd away from him.
I have a question for you guys. There's going to be quite a few major scenes that are only possible because of certain choices. I was thinking it'd be a real shame not to write some of them. So I was thinking... would you guys like to occasionally get a 'What if?' part? I'd only do them for the huge stuff though. How would you feel about that?
A meeting between PoV's you say? Oh, count me intrigued
When it comes to these What if parts, I believe you should absolutely write them if you feel like it! If only to satisfy my own curiosity, I certainly would like to know about these important parts, even if our choices might end up preventing them from happening in the story proper
The Voting is closed! Lucas will take the fight to the Northeners!
I'm so damn happy this choice won. There's a scene that this choice le… moreads to that I'm really excited to write. So thank you! Obviously this will lead to an encounter between Lucas & his smallfolk soldiers and the Northener's troops. Could there be an encounter between two POVs? Wait and see...
Gregor's part will be next. Last time we saw Gregor, Ludd's brother, Walter Whitehill finally arrived with his Smallfolk soldiers, there was a altercation between him and Marcus Forrester and some Forrester soldiers, one of those soldiers being Braeden Snow. So tensions are high between the Forresters and Whitehills. Shortly after Gregor and Ludd overheard Eamon Glenmore and Gregory Fuller, talking about them but Eamon refused to say what. This provoked Ludd into grabbing and threatening Eamon until he talks. You readers decided to intervene and pull Ludd away from him.
I h… [view original content]
The next part should be out tomorrow guys! I know I said it'd be a Gregor part, it still is but I wanted to clarify that I've decided to make it a double POV part. Meaning that the perspective will switch between Gregor and Lucas whenever it's appropriate.
Oh and while I've got the chance I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Easter!
Ludd grew angrier and angrier as Eamon continued to evade Ludd's questions. Before things could escalate further, Gregor quickly grabbed Ludd and pulled him back "Ludd! That's enough." Ludd growled "Are you serious? This brat is hiding something and he was talking about us!" Gregor stood between Ludd and Eamon "Even so. You're out of line. Eamon is an ally and doesn't deserve to be threatened."
Ludd shook his head in disapproval and bitterly muttered "This day just keeps getting better and better..." As he angrily marched away. "Ludd, wait!" But Ludd didn't listen. Gregor then turned to Eamon and Eamon smiled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head "I-- appreciate this Gregor." Gregor glared at Eamon "Do you intend to tell me what you were whispering about?" Eamon sighed and regretfully shook his head "I really do appreciate this though..."
Gregor sighed "I believe you... Eamon. Just whatever you're hidin... be more careful. If Ludd or anyone else continues to find you untrustworthy I might not be able to protect you. I might not even want to if I agree with them." He warned him and Eamon nodded in understanding "I understand, I know I haven't the best reputation right now but I swear I'm here to help. I'll prove useful before this is over." Gregor placed a hand on Eamon's shoulder "I hope that's true." Then he gestured to the main tent where they held the Small Council. "Is everyone inside?" Eamon shook his head, "No, not yet but your cousin Marcus is in there. He'd heard that you wanted to see him." Gregor sighed, it was time to deal with Marcus, he was causing too much trouble at this point. "I'll see you later. Gregor said as he moved towards the tent to speak with Marcus.
Night had fallen as Lucas and the smallfolk stealthily made their way towards the Northener's camp. They looked on and saw the army Gregor was hiding, it was quite large. Lucas sighed "If my brothers don't arrive with reinforcements this army will decimate us." A soldier beside Lucas looked forward in fear "There's no way we can take them all!"
Lucas nodded in aggrement "Luckily that's not what we're here to do. Remember we're here for Owen Cerrick. But we'll still have to fight. That's why we're going to force them to split their troops." The soldier curiously looked to Lucas "How will we do that my Lord?"
Lucas pointed to a hill "We'll have a good height advantage there. Most of you will take bows and fire down from there after I give a signal." The soldier raised his eyebrow "What will be the signal?" Lucas glared at the camp ahead "Fire and Blood." He said with purpose as he picked up a torch "I'm going to take just a few men, create a little chaos, burn some tents and set some horses loose. When most of their people diverge to stop the chaos, that's when you strike!" The soldier nodded "And then you'll save Owen?" Lucas noddedin confirmation. "And cause some serious damage. Now that we're all clear on the plan, let's do this."
Lucas took just a few men with him as they lurked dangerously close to the camp, he heard some Forrester soldiers cheering "That was bloody beautiful when you headbutted Whitehill!" Several of the men laughed and a short man chuckled "Aye! It felt good. Unfortunately Lord Gregor doesn't see it yet but inevitably the Whitehills will turn on us."
Lucas bit his lip as he grew angry at the thought of the Whitehills. At the thought of Ludd being an enemy in this fight. In all the time he's known him, he never would've imagined this turn of events. He quickly shook his head to focus. He saw some Horses nearby and made his way towards them.
There was a Forrester guard by them but Lucas sneaked up behind him, he drew his sword and stabbed him through the heart while covering the soldiers mouth with his free hand to muffle his screams. It didn't take long for the soldier to die as Lucas dropped him.
Lucas pointed to the Horses, gesturing for his men to cut them loose. They did as they were ordered then slapped their arses to send them running. It wasn't long before they heard shouting. Lucas and the men moved on before anyone realized what had happened.
They then found a few tents and they moved quickly with their torches to start burning them. The chaos would soon start. Lucas turned to his soldiers and one of them asked "Is it time M'lord?" Lucas nodded "Use the chaos to disappear, find Owen Cerrick, I'll go it alone from here." The men nodded and did as commanded, moving on to find the Scout.
Lucas heard screaming and turned to see a group of Whitehill men with their backs turned, clearly wondering what was going on. "Are we under attack?!" One screamed and Lucas growled, he was done sneaking around, he wanted a battle. Lucas stalked the Whitehill men, there were four of them and once he got close enough he stabbed one straight through the neck and before they could realize what was happening he swung his sword straight across another's neck. There were two left and they quickly drew their swords to attack. Lucas ducked as one attempted to strike him and pierced his sword up into his gut and twisted it before pulling it out. He then quickly sidestepped the final soldiers attack and thrusted the sword into his chest, forcing him to the ground and impaling him.
Lucas panted as he found himself drenched in blood. He looked around and saw the fires raging around him. As terrible as the circumstances were, Lucas couldn't help but feel good. He always felt more alive in a fight and he felt more useful and purposeful on the battlefield rather than sitting in the keep, obeying his father's every command without question. No longer, Lucas was determined to be his own man now. Not his father's good little soldier. Lucas then looked down at the soldier he impaled, he picked up his sword and glanced at the blood now covering the sword. He shook his head and growled, he was unsatisfied "No... I'm not done yet." He muttered to himself.
"Marcus..." Gregor said as he saw his cousin waiting for him. Marcus looked to him and simply said "Cousin." Gregor sighed as he sat down. "I'm beginning to think you might be more trouble than your worth." Marcus shook his head, he didn't like that "I don't understand, Gregor! You're angry with me for leaving our family to find my own glory, but I came back here to help you."
Gregor sighed "It's not just that, Marcus!" He shouted as he slammed his fist onto the table "Not only do you seem to lack any concept of family and loyalty but now you're antagonizing our allies, the Whitehills. No matter how you might feel about them, they are our allies and--" Marcus seemed distracted as he looked away with a confused expression "Do you hear that?" He asked and Gregor groaned with frustration as he leaned back against his chair "And you're not even listening!"
Marcus shook his head "Shut up and listen for a moment!" Gregor heard angry shouts "Another brawl?" Marcus shook his head "I don't think so..." He said as he cautiously stepped out of the tent. Gregor followed him and that's when he realized the shouts sounded more like screams. He quickly ran outside and the first thing he saw were Horses running wild. Then he turned and saw fire raging around the camp.
"We're under attack!" Gregor heard a soldier scream and as Gregor turned to him the soldier was shot down by an arrow to the back. Gregor looked up to see Archers on a hill shouting "In Arms to the End!"
"Gregor look!" Marcus pointed and Gregor saw much of their forces focused on where the fires were worst. "They've divided our forces." Gregor surmised. He then grabbed his shield and sword and looked to the archers "Let's get up there!" He said but Marcus quickly stopped him "Hold on, Gregor!"
Gregor looked at his cousin "What!? Our forces are in trouble and need us in there!" Marcus nodded "I know but they have a height advantage, it'll be difficult to get close enough to hit them." Gregor sighed, seeing his cousin's point. "Alright, so what do we do about it?"
Marcus gripped Gregor's shield and pushed it to his chest "Take your shield and get their focus on you while I flank them!" Gregor bit his lip before realizing there was no more time left to waste and he nodded "Alright, go! I'll draw their attention." Marcus nodded with a smile as he quickly ran off.
As Gregor ran forward he stopped to see Braedon Snow and a few other Forrester men tending to a burning tent. Gregor shouted "Snow!" Braedon quickly turned to see Gregor "M'lord!" He shouted with relief. Gregor dismissively waved his arms "Forget the fires! All of you take your shields and come with me!" Gregor commanded and ran forward. "You heard your Lord, move it!" Braedon shouted as they all followed Gregor.
As they got closer the archers took notice and prepared to fire. "Shield wall!" Gregor shouted and they all ducked down behind their shields as arrows rained down on them. Gregor groaned as Marcus was nowhere in sight. "Advance!" Gregor shouted and they slowly moved forward, still behind their shields.
The archers didn't hold back as they continued to fire down on them and now they were unable to advance any further without exposing themselves. They were stuck. Gregor then looked up and saw Marcus slowly advancing on the archers from the side, wielding his greatsword. He took a large swing and cut down one of the archers with a single hit. "Iron from Ice!" He screamed.
This was their moment. Gregor stood up and pointed his sword up the hill "Go, quickly get up there!" Braedon was the first to drop his shield and quickly climb up the hill to aid Marcus with the soldiers following behind him. Then Gregor climbed up as well.
The archers were caught off guard and had little time to draw their swords, which gave Marcus the opportunity to kill several of them. By the time the rest were ready to attack Marcus, Gregor and the others were behind them and attacked them swiftly. Attacking from both sides now the archers had little chance as they were all quickly struck down.
"Yes! We did it cousin! Marcus cheered as he pulled Gregor in for a hug. Caught in the moment, Gregor laughed and hugged him back before they looked down at the camp. The fires were getting worse, everyone, including Marcus looked to Gregor and Gregor nodded "Go help get things under control! I'll be fine, go!"
They all did as commanded and ran off to help. Gregor stopped for a moment to catch his breath and his thoughts began to haunt him as he wondered how this could've happened. So many questions came to his mind "Would this set them back? Were the rest of the Council okay? Ludd, Eamon, Royland and even Marcus? Had Gregor failed as a commander?
Gregor shook his head, this wasn't the time to think about such things. He regained his breath and ran down the hill before looking around, trying to see where he was needed.
Sweat dripped off Gregor's face as the fires raged on but felt a shiver run up his spine as he heard a terrifying and enraged shout from behind. "FORRESTER!" Gregor heard the voice shout his family name with rage and Gregor slowly turned around to see none other than Lucas Branfield with his sword drawn and covered with blood, his own body was also drenched with blood. Gregor had to assume he had killed a great number of men. Lucas looked furious. Gregor quickly readied his sword and Ironwood shield "This is a rash move, facing me like this, Lucas!"
Lucas slowly approached Gregor, each step made with purpose "Making an enemy of me and my family was a rash move." He spat as he got closer and Gregor knowing there was no talking Lucas down tried to attack first. He thrust his sword forward and Lucas easily parried before barging forward into Gregor's shield, sending him a couple steps backwards before Lucas began his assault, striking with rage and Gregor struggled as he desperately tried to block with his shield but he did manage to keep Lucas at bay.
Lucas was infuriated by this and shouted "Fight me!" As his strikes continued and eventually Gregor made a mistake as he dropped his defense and attempted to strike Lucas down. Lucas blocked the strike and locked Gregor's sword with his before successfully knocking the sword out of Gregor's hand. Gregor's eyes widened as he realized how dire his situation was now. Only a shield left to defend himself Gregor quickly hid behind it but Lucas didn't hold back as he striked relentlessly down on Gregor's shield. Thankfully Ironwood was strong and resilient, Lucas was barely making a dent.
Lucas again shouted with rage, furious by the lack of damage he was inflicting and he kicked forward, forcing Gregor to stumble back then he grabbed the shield and forced it from his grasp before throwing it aside. Gregor quickly stood up as he was left vulnerable, no weapon and no shield. Without hesitation Lucas swung his sword at Gregor. With quick thinking Gregor managed to swerve, only narrowly avoiding the blade, seeing an opportunity he grabbed Lucas' sword arm and twisted it hard until Lucas screamed and was forced to drop his blade. Gregor didn't let go and that was when Lucas delivered a hard punch to Gregor's face with his free hand, he punched him hard, several times until Gregor relented and released his arm.
Both warriors were now left unarmed and forced to fight with their fists. Gregor felt confident as he was larger and stronger than Lucas but Lucas was quick. Lucas quickly dive tackled Gregor down into the ground and delivered a very hard blow to the face before Gregor could raise his arms fast enough to block. Quickly seeing the dire position he was in with Lucas on top of him, Gregor turned around onto his stomach. Just as Gregor predicted Lucas wrapped his arms around Gregor's neck, attempting to choke him from behind. This put Gregor in the position to use his strength to throw Lucas over his shoulders.
Lucas groaned in frustration as he fell and before he could act Gregor resorted to climbing on top of Lucas, he couldn't risk running for his weapon and giving Lucas the advantage again. He wrapped his hands around Lucas' neck and began choking him. Gregor was too big for Lucas to overpower him, he was trapped. A bad way to go but Gregor had little choice.
Lucas was in a really bad position with Gregor Forrester strangling him to death. Fighting for survival he desperately clawed at his face but it did little to help him as Gregor was unrelenting. Lucas frantically struggled and began to wonder if he'd made a mistake in choosing to attack. Lucas then turned and saw Gregor's Ironwood shield, the sigil staring back at him, almost like it was taunting him. In a desperate act of survival he reached for the shield. He managed to grab it and bashed it repeatedly into Gregor's skull. Eventually he managed to knock Gregor down and Lucas quickly got to his feet.
Lucas gave chase and rather than defensively he used the shield like a battering ram, ruthlessly slamming it into Gregor. Gregor then fell onto his back. Lucas glared down at him as Gregor looked convinced this was the end for him. As Lucas then prepared to slam the shield down an arrow was fired his way. Luckily the shield protected Lucas and he quickly backed away before picking up his sword. That archer had just saved Gregor's life. Lucas looked forward and saw an archer wearing the colours of House Glenmore. The archer helped Gregor to his feet "Are you alright, Gregor?" Gregor nodded "Thanks to you!" Gregor got up and Glenmore then handed Gregor his own sword before aiming his bow back at Lucas. Then they were soon accompanied by a Glenmore knight.
It was three against one, Lucas didn't like his odds but he also despised the idea of backing down. He prepared to attack once again and as he growled a hand quickly held him back. Lucas turned in surprise to see the Scout he came to save, Owen Cerrick. "M'lord!" He smiled "The men you brought just saved me and now it's time to return the favor. You can't die here, we must return to Summerspring, the people still need you." Lucas didn't like it but he did what he came to do. He reluctantly nodded before glaring at Gregor Forrester and pointed his sword towards him "We'll meet again Forrester! I promise you that! And then we'll finish this. There will be no stalemate next time!" He growled furiously before he turned to leave with Owen, and he brought the Ironwood shield with him. Forrester was wise enough not to follow them.
Eventually the fire had been extinguished and the chaos was over. However they did take heavy losses. Thankfully their forces were still large and undoubtedly outnumbered the Branfields but it was unclear how much of a setback this would be.
Gregor turned to see Ludd standing beside him. Ludd sighed "I never expected Lucas to make such a rash move. It's not like him" Gregor didn't expect it either but it's what happened and he hit them good. "Maybe you never knew the real him."
Ludd only shrugged in response "Word's gotten around that you faced Lucas in battle. He give you that?" Ludd asked as he gestured to Gregor's black eye. Gregor reluctantly nodded, he felt like he was shamed. Ludd looked around and spoke softly "You should know, these men, when they look at you they won't see that you fought Lucas Branfield and lived. They'll see that Lucas Branfield left his mark on you and lived."
"He took my shield..." Gregor angrily muttered. Ludd narrowed his eyes "You'll get another one. You Forresters have plenty of shields and plenty of Ironwood."
Gregor growled as he shook his head "You don't understand!" Ludd was surprised by Gregor's outburst. "Explain it to me then." Gregor sighed "That shield was given to me by my great uncle, Davith Forrester! A Ranger of the Nights Watch. He crafted that shield himself, long before he took the black. He treated me with more respect than my father ever has."
Gregor chuckled bitterly "My father... He's always seen me as worthless you know? He's never trusted me. And now that he's finally trusted me, I've failed spectacularly. 'A worthless child and a worthless leader' Lucas Branfield proved him right today. And took the one thing that made me feel like I mattered!" Ludd frowned as he attempted to reassure Gregor "This fight isn't over yet." Gregor sighed "Maybe not, but how many times can I fail as a leader before it's intolerable?"
As if on Que, Marcos Trant appeared beside Gregor. The man who questions Gregor's leadership the most. "How bad is it?" Gregor asked and Marcos turned to Gregor, if he was angry he didn't show it. "This will set us back quite a bit. We have no choice but to delay the siege... again."
Gregor stepped forward running his hands through his hair in frustration. Everything in him told Gregor to maintain his composure, that if he loses it he'll lose what little respect he still has. But so many emotions were running through Gregor. Without thinking he dropped to his knees, furiously slammed his fist into the ground and screamed "DAMN IT!" His voice echoing through the whole camp.
This was a spectacular part! This whole idea with the two PoV's switching perspectives in the part itself worked out perfectly well, added a lot of thrill to it. Ah, and I was so concerned for Lucas throughout this ^^ I mean, I don't make a secret out of the fact that I highly favour the Branfield's in this story. It is not only bias, but they simply strike me as the more sympathetic side by far. I'm not saying I dislike Gregor, but it's kinda hard to sympathize with him over the Branfield's. I mean, in the end Lucas and the others, while having flaws and darker sides, fight to protect their loved ones, whereas Gregor is essentially fighting against his wife's family out of what is a very misplaced sense of loyalty. As such, count me Team Branfield all the way, even if anyone that isn't Malcolm has terrible chances of making it out of there alive.
Ludd grew angrier and angrier as Eamon continued to evade Ludd's questions. Before things could escalate further, Gregor quickly g… morerabbed Ludd and pulled him back "Ludd! That's enough." Ludd growled "Are you serious? This brat is hiding something and he was talking about us!" Gregor stood between Ludd and Eamon "Even so. You're out of line. Eamon is an ally and doesn't deserve to be threatened."
Ludd shook his head in disapproval and bitterly muttered "This day just keeps getting better and better..." As he angrily marched away. "Ludd, wait!" But Ludd didn't listen. Gregor then turned to Eamon and Eamon smiled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head "I-- appreciate this Gregor." Gregor glared at Eamon "Do you intend to tell me what you were whispering about?" Eamon sighed and regretfully shook his head "I really do appreciate this though..."
Gregor sighed "I believe you... Eamon. Just whatever you're hidin... be more carefu… [view original content]
I'm so glad you like it! In terms of writing, this was my favorite part to write so far. While writing I had so many ideas for what should happen. Though I knew that I wanted a fight between Lucas and Gregor to happen, I was debating what other characters Lucas could encounter. I was really debating the idea of Lucas running into Walter though I ultimately decided against it as I couldn't think a way to end the the fight without it feeling cheap. I don't think I could've realisticly without killing one of them off and I'm not ready to kill either of them off just yet.
It doesn't surprise that most favor the Branfields. It's pretty unavoidable as they are the side you're more likely to sympathize with. I sometimes struggle with that while writing Gregor's part the thought "Will people even care?" enters my mind while writing his more sympathetic scenes. I hope his parts are still enjoyable even if you guys won't necessarily favor him.
Lucas and the others, while having flaws and darker sides
I notice you specifically mentioned Lucas. Does that mean you found some of his thoughts this part a bit concerning...
This was a spectacular part! This whole idea with the two PoV's switching perspectives in the part itself worked out perfectly well, added a… more lot of thrill to it. Ah, and I was so concerned for Lucas throughout this ^^ I mean, I don't make a secret out of the fact that I highly favour the Branfield's in this story. It is not only bias, but they simply strike me as the more sympathetic side by far. I'm not saying I dislike Gregor, but it's kinda hard to sympathize with him over the Branfield's. I mean, in the end Lucas and the others, while having flaws and darker sides, fight to protect their loved ones, whereas Gregor is essentially fighting against his wife's family out of what is a very misplaced sense of loyalty. As such, count me Team Branfield all the way, even if anyone that isn't Malcolm has terrible chances of making it out of there alive.
It doesn't surprise that most favor the Branfields. It's pretty unavoidable as they are the side you're more likely to sympathize with. I sometimes struggle with that while writing Gregor's part the thought "Will people even care?" enters my mind while writing his more sympathetic scenes. I hope his parts are still enjoyable even if you guys won't necessarily favor him.
Ah, they are enjoyable! I don't even dislike Gregor, he is a well written character and giving him more sympathetic scenes isn't a waste of time. In fact, it is what has prevented him so far to be seen as an outright villain by me with my heavy Branfield bias and it likely will be his saving grace in the future. This is really an issue that cannot be avoided. Most of the Branfield's have an inherently relatable and sympathetic goal. They might not all be perfect people, but their actions are motivated by a desire to keep their family save, to ensure that their loved ones will survive. Gregor meanwhile often appears more focussed on obedience. That is just not something I can inherently relate to and in fact, while I know and respect that many people feel differently, I really never understood the concept of valuing loyalty over personal morals. I have a particularly serious issue with blind obedience and believe that loyalty to the king is not absolving Gregor of even the slightest responsibility for the ones that will die in this siege. In the end, I will judge him by all the things that happened and I will not hold his loyalty as a positive trait in his favour, considering that this loyalty demands of him to kill even the most innocent of the Branfields. I know it can be seen as respectable to remain loyal even when being in a situation that is clearly crushing him, but I really don't feel that way. Loyally following an order that demands something as bad as killing all the Branfields (even if we know he ends up at least sparing Malcolm) is where I draw the line. That problem is something that cannot be avoided though. Gregor's loyalty is an essential part of his character and it doesn't make him a bad character, nor an evil one, but in this particular case, I consider his loyalty to be his worst trait. He is not a bad person, but I consider his position in this conflict to be fundamentally flawed, this staunch opposal to the Branfield's, his dedication to go through with a mission he doesn't want to go through with, to kill people whom he know don't deserve it simply because some man with a crown ordered him to, even when his own wife begged him to spare them. That really makes it hard to sympathize with him when most of the sympathetic characters can be found on the Branfield's side. The only one among them who really has the same problem is Damien, whose stubborn loyalty to a king a million times worse than Gregor's king is the root of all problems here (and before you ask, yes, this makes Damien my least favourite Branfield ). But as a whole, when I see Malcolm, Lucas and the others, I can simply relate to them a lot easier.
I notice you specifically mentioned Lucas. Does that mean you found some of his thoughts this part a bit concerning...
Yeah, I cannot lie, I am a bit concerned by Lucas. I feel like he is the one that will most easily make mistakes in the events to come, he is the only PoV who has a legitimate hatred against the other side and I fear this could cloud his judgement, put him or the ones he loves at risk. He is getting carried away by this and I hope he won't take on a darker path.
I'm so glad you like it! In terms of writing, this was my favorite part to write so far. While writing I had so many ideas for what should h… moreappen. Though I knew that I wanted a fight between Lucas and Gregor to happen, I was debating what other characters Lucas could encounter. I was really debating the idea of Lucas running into Walter though I ultimately decided against it as I couldn't think a way to end the the fight without it feeling cheap. I don't think I could've realisticly without killing one of them off and I'm not ready to kill either of them off just yet.
It doesn't surprise that most favor the Branfields. It's pretty unavoidable as they are the side you're more likely to sympathize with. I sometimes struggle with that while writing Gregor's part the thought "Will people even care?" enters my mind while writing his more sympathetic scenes. I hope his parts are still enjoyable even if you guys won't necessarily favor him.
… [view original content]
I'm sure you've realized by now that Loyalty is a major theme in this story. I mean... it's the title. And that Loyalty has a cost. For Gregor it's forcing him to do something he really doesn't want to do, for Damien it's putting his family at great risk. Like this entire story was inspired by a quote from Elissa in episode 2 of the game. It was the funeral scene and she briefly mentioned her father. "My father's House was once mighty like this one. But his loyalty to the Targaryens cost us dearly."
Lucas is really fun to write for me! The way I'm writing him is that based on choices he'll either continue to be stoic and keep his emotions in check, obeying his father's every command or to follow his heart more, do what he believes to be right over what he's told is right. I'm willing to confirm that there's multiple paths that Lucas can go down based on your choices. I think the ways Lucas can turn out before the story is over might surprise you.
I'm curious, what are you more worried about? That Lucas might become reckless and make mistakes or that he'll go down a dark path and do some morally questionable things?
It doesn't surprise that most favor the Branfields. It's pretty unavoidable as they are the side you're more likely to sympathize with. I so… moremetimes struggle with that while writing Gregor's part the thought "Will people even care?" enters my mind while writing his more sympathetic scenes. I hope his parts are still enjoyable even if you guys won't necessarily favor him.
Ah, they are enjoyable! I don't even dislike Gregor, he is a well written character and giving him more sympathetic scenes isn't a waste of time. In fact, it is what has prevented him so far to be seen as an outright villain by me with my heavy Branfield bias and it likely will be his saving grace in the future. This is really an issue that cannot be avoided. Most of the Branfield's have an inherently relatable and sympathetic goal. They might not all be perfect people, but their actions are motivated by a desire to keep their family save, to ensure that their loved on… [view original content]
I'm sure you've realized by now that Loyalty is a major theme in this story. I mean... it's the title. And that Loyalty has a cost. For Gregor it's forcing him to do something he really doesn't want to do, for Damien it's putting his family at great risk. Like this entire story was inspired by a quote from Elissa in episode 2 of the game. It was the funeral scene and she briefly mentioned her father. "My father's House was once mighty like this one. But his loyalty to the Targaryens cost us dearly."
Yes, yes indeed, the title kinda gives it away You do a fine job so far, literally showing the cost of loyalty. For me, that cost is rarely worth it. Gregor probably feels differently, or at least he does right now, that is why I disagree with him here. In Damien's case, I feel like it exceeds loyalty already, that is plain stubborness. Of course, I mean, there is good loyalty as well, such as Jorah's loyalty to Dany in the show that gives him the will to beat the Greyscale, or Brienne's loyalty to the Stark children. But Damien's loyalty to the Mad King is definitely misplaced and I at least feel like Gregor's loyalty to Robert Baratheon is not worth the cost. A part of me still has the hopes he will realize this before it is too late.
I'm curious, what are you more worried about? That Lucas might become reckless and make mistakes or that he'll go down a dark path and do some morally questionable things?
Hm... probably the latter. Like, you know I don't like loyalty, but honour is quite a decent thing to have, so I wouldn't want for him to compromise this by becoming a dark character. At the same time, sometimes reckless behaviour leads down a dark path. More often than note, the morally questionable thing turns out to be the mistake. Let's say, I would prefer keeping him a heroic, sympathetic character, even if he might be one that acts hot-headed and makes mistakes, I'd like that more than him becoming a cool, collected but otherwise ruthless man.
I'm sure you've realized by now that Loyalty is a major theme in this story. I mean... it's the title. And that Loyalty has a cost. For Greg… moreor it's forcing him to do something he really doesn't want to do, for Damien it's putting his family at great risk. Like this entire story was inspired by a quote from Elissa in episode 2 of the game. It was the funeral scene and she briefly mentioned her father. "My father's House was once mighty like this one. But his loyalty to the Targaryens cost us dearly."
Lucas is really fun to write for me! The way I'm writing him is that based on choices he'll either continue to be stoic and keep his emotions in check, obeying his father's every command or to follow his heart more, do what he believes to be right over what he's told is right. I'm willing to confirm that there's multiple paths that Lucas can go down based on your choices. I think the ways Lucas can turn out before the story is over might surpri… [view original content]
To clarify, the deal with Damien isn't simply about loyalty to the mad king. It's about loyalty in general. In this story loyalty is everything to the Branfields. Their words are 'In Arms to the End' meaning that they stand by their allies to the end. Unfortunately it doesn't always go both ways. As you can see despite the Branfields unwavering devotion, no aid from the Targaryen's are coming. I don't disagree that Damien's decision is a bad move. I'm just trying to explain his actions and how his mind works. Just trying to explain that it's not a "Oh the Targaryens are so great, let's die for them!"
I'm sure you've realized by now that Loyalty is a major theme in this story. I mean... it's the title. And that Loyalty has a cost. For Greg… moreor it's forcing him to do something he really doesn't want to do, for Damien it's putting his family at great risk. Like this entire story was inspired by a quote from Elissa in episode 2 of the game. It was the funeral scene and she briefly mentioned her father. "My father's House was once mighty like this one. But his loyalty to the Targaryens cost us dearly."
Yes, yes indeed, the title kinda gives it away You do a fine job so far, literally showing the cost of loyalty. For me, that cost is rarely worth it. Gregor probably feels differently, or at least he does right now, that is why I disagree with him here. In Damien's case, I feel like it exceeds loyalty already, that is plain stubborness. Of course, I mean, there is good loyalty as well, such as Jorah's loyalty to Dany in the show that give… [view original content]
Ah, I definitely understand, don't worry It is a matter of principle for Damien, I can even somehow understand that. While I would never make a decision in the way he did, I can actually understand having a principle and being absolutely unwilling to compromise on it, in his case this being loyalty to those they consider their allies. Obviously nobody in their right mind would consider Aerys actually worthy of such loyalty, but that is not the point. Damien most likely considers Aerys to be any bit as bad as the rest of Westeros considers him to be, but his loyalty being the most important aspect of his life, actually compromising on it is simply not an option for him. Robert's Rebellion is full with such examples, where actually decent people willingly fought, killed and in most cases ultimately died for the Mad King, such as Barristan Selmy, who was grievously wounded at the Trident, or Arthur Dayne who fought even after the actual war was over. Of course, in some cases it can be seen as likely that their loyalty was to the far more capable and well-meaning Rhaegar, but there's plenty of examples where people ended up on the Mad King's side simply for the sake of loyalty being so important to them. It is the main reason why I consider Jaime to be so absolutely amazing, he ultimately realized that there are more important things than loyalty, such as the lives of innocent people and he sacrificed his honour and dignity to give them a chance. Of course, at least in the case of Gregor, he has very little choice, at least very little he can do publically. And while I believe that deep down, Damien does have a choice and he chose to be this stubborn loyalist, I also think that he himself doesn't see it and that he fully believes there is no choice in this matter. House Branfield has always been loyal and I guess in a way, Damien might feel that giving up on this loyalty would mean giving up on the very core of House Branfield. One thing I am holding against him though is this, he clearly holds his loyalty, likely tied with his honour and pride, in higher regards than the actual living members of his family.
To clarify, the deal with Damien isn't simply about loyalty to the mad king. It's about loyalty in general. In this story loyalty is everyth… moreing to the Branfields. Their words are 'In Arms to the End' meaning that they stand by their allies to the end. Unfortunately it doesn't always go both ways. As you can see despite the Branfields unwavering devotion, no aid from the Targaryen's are coming. I don't disagree that Damien's decision is a bad move. I'm just trying to explain his actions and how his mind works. Just trying to explain that it's not a "Oh the Targaryens are so great, let's die for them!"
Damien might feel that giving up on this loyalty would mean giving up on the very core of House Branfield.
That sums. up Damien's character pretty well! I hope to flesh out his character more in the future, to really show how he feels about what's happening, besides his strong sense of loyalty. However I fully understand that he's your least favorite. While writing him I never imagined that he'd be liked. That isn't what his character is. However I hope that as the story goes on, even if he isn't outright liked I want him to at least be understood. I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone feels about these characters as the story goes on.
Hey, guys. I just want to apologize for the HUGE break I've taken. I don't have a real excuse. I just didn't feel motivated to write. So I'm sorry. I am getting back to it now though and will continue as long as people are interested. That said I would appreciate you guys who are reading this to let me know that you're still interested. Only one of you replied to my last part, but I'm assuming that's because there was no choice. However it did slightly worry me that perhaps more than I thought had lost interest. No pressure, I'd just appreciate if you guys could say if you're still interested.
I’m 100% still interested! I really love what you’re doing with the story. It’s one I never knew I wanted! I sometimes can’t think of as much to say as you or Liquid when it comes to choices, I see that especially when compared to what you guys write on my story, I guess I just don’t have the skill but I want you to know I love it nonetheless and would love to see you continue it
I’m 100% still interested! I really love what you’re doing with the story. It’s one I never knew I wanted! I sometimes can’t think of as muc… moreh to say as you or Liquid when it comes to choices, I see that especially when compared to what you guys write on my story, I guess I just don’t have the skill but I want you to know I love it nonetheless and would love to see you continue it
It might be self explanatory, but I hope you know you can count on me I love this story and I can assure you that there's no way I'm ever going to lose interest in it. You are a great writer and I really enjoy seeing the story developing. So, even if you might not always feel motivated to write, that is perfectly fine, just know that no matter how long, I am always happy to see a new part.
Hey, guys. I just want to apologize for the HUGE break I've taken. I don't have a real excuse. I just didn't feel motivated to write. So I'm… more sorry. I am getting back to it now though and will continue as long as people are interested. That said I would appreciate you guys who are reading this to let me know that you're still interested. Only one of you replied to my last part, but I'm assuming that's because there was no choice. However it did slightly worry me that perhaps more than I thought had lost interest. No pressure, I'd just appreciate if you guys could say if you're still interested.
Ludd is a bit of a hot head. I'm pleased that Ludd is one of your favorites. So do you not consider Eamon at all suspicious in this part?
Hm, I am not really sure about him. I would say he is acting a slight bit suspicious here, but not enough to justify Ludd's angry outbreak here. Between him being suspicious and Ludd being so easily angered, I'd say the latter still is in the wrong, even if I can understand why he is so riled up by this.
[Step between Gregory and Ludd] I feel reasonably confident with this choice since I don't think Gregory would attack if Gregor if he steps in between him and Ludd or at least I hope not and I feel this is the better option for Gregor to stand up for Ludd a bit as well since Ludd has been Gregor's been his best ally up to this point.
[Step between Gregory and Ludd]
[Step between Gregory and Ludd]
This does not show any bias at all. Gregor shows to be the dominate man by stepping in the middle of 2 hostile people and a knight. Gives an impression that gregor is brave but also is smart due to possibly less of a reaction could be shown as opposed to pulling ludd from eamon.
Though i cant lie, Eamon is showing a flavour of suspicion.
[Pull Ludd away from Eamon]
It looks like we've got a tie! A little unexpected but I can deal. Lacking a system to deal with ties, I'm just going to go for a simple coin toss. Heads for Step between and tails for pull Ludd away. The coin flips and we have... Tails! That means that Gregor will Pull Ludd away from Eamon.
I know it has been a while since the last part, but I promise that I'm still writing. The next part shouldn't take much longer. No more than two days I reckon. Next is a Malcolm part where we'll see the aftermath of Malcolm punching his brother, Samuel. Just in case you need a quick recap, The Branfields captured a Trant soldier named Mayson who had tried to kill them. Since Malcolm spared, Lorgan, the man that Wolfson sent them to kill, they need a corpse to pose as Lorgan. Samuel suggested Mayson, Malcolm wasn't okay with that but Samuel refused to back down, so you lovely readers voted for Malcolm to punch him. The next part will take place exactly where we left off in Malcolm's last part.
Malcolm did it. In anger he punched Samuel in the face. He knew that he couldn't let him kill a man when there was another way. Samuel wiped his mouth as he looked at Malcolm in shock. He probably didn't expect Malcolm to actually do it. His look of shock quickly turned to anger "I hope you don't think I'm not going to hit you back, little brother." Malcolm shook his head as Samuel tried to belittle him by calling him 'little' brother. "Go ahead. I'm not going to let you kill that man."
Samuel growled as he punched Malcolm back "I'm doing this for us!" He shouted "Any morally questionable thing I do, no matter how ugly it may be, it's for our family!" Malcolm growled as he shoved Samuel against the wall "You going to tell Preston that? Or mother? You going to tell them you murdered a man for their sakes? Are you mad enough to think they'd thank you for it?"
"No!" Samuel shouted again as he punched Malcolm once again, hard enough to knock him to the ground. He then quickly got on his knees and grabbed onto Malcolm's tunic "I have no illusions. They'd hate me for it. Lucas would be disgusted, Preston would be afraid of me if he saw me like this and mother would never forgive me and father..." Samuel gulped and seemed unable to finish his sentence.
Samuel shook his head like he was trying to shake whatever thoughts he had out of his head "But it'll be worth it! Because they'd be alive. Whatever the cost is, it's worth it!" Malcolm frowned "Samuel... it's not necessary to do these things. We can protect them the right way. With honor." Samuel shook his head again "No... it's too risky. Look at all the wars in history. The ruthless are who win. Think of Aegon, of everything he had to do to conquer the seven kingdoms. He killed so many people with those dragons, people who's only crime was loyalty to their king. And he won." Malcolm angrily kicked Samuel off of him. "Don't turn this into a bullshit, history lesson!" Malcolm shouted as he picked Samuel up and shoved him back against the wall "You've never talked like this before. Why are you doing this?" "BECAUSE I'M SCARED!" Samuel screamed in Malcolm's face. "I'm scared. The odds are against us, Malcolm. All I can think about is what happens if we lose. Father would die in battle and we'd comfort ourselves by saying he fought bravely. Lucas would foolishly do the same and again we'd comfort ourselves by saying he fought bravely. Mother would kill herself after that, assuming she wouldn't have already been raped and murdered. Then we'd go mad, we'd swear vengeance and become monsters anyway!" Samuel seemed to be on the verge of falling into tears as Malcolm let him go and Malcolm frowned as he looked at his brother "You've been thinking about this a lot." He stated and Samuel nodded "I can't stop. The odds are against us, Malcolm. We both know that father will never bend the knee. All I know is that I have to do everything I can to prevent the fall of our family."
Malcolm sighed "Samuel, I... I can't let you do this." Samuel bit his lip "This is pointless. We both know that you're the better fighter. Do what you want. I won't kill Mayson." He said as he turned around and Malcolm followed "Where are you going?" Samuel groaned "I need a fucking drink." He said bluntly and marched away. Malcolm sighed as he watched him. Samuel seemed so pitiful. He had no idea that such thoughts were haunting him. It made Malcolm wonder how the rest of his family was dealing with this. Them and Lucina. She had already lost her father and she's become close with the Branfields. Who knew what thoughts plagued her mind with this war coming.
Malcolm's thoughts were interrupted by the Innkeeper's niece, Bethany. Bethany gave Malcolm a stern glare "You let that shit hit you?" Malcolm grinned as he realized Samuel must've gotten a good hit on him. "I didn't 'let' him." He defended himself and Bethany shook her head as if she didn't believe him "Right. Well just fair warning, you or your brother or even your new guard dog kill that man upstairs, I won't forgive you." Malcolm widened his eyes "Bethany, I wouldn't do that... and I've convinced Samuel to back off." Bethany smirked "Convinced? Meaning you beat the shit out of him. Wish I could've seen it." Malcolm sighed, Bethany was always so bluntly honest and never cared what others think, most people keep their nastier thoughts about people to themselves, but not Bethany. Malcolm liked it most of the time, he always knew where she stood but didn't appreciate it in this particular instant.
"So... ready to take me away from here yet?" Bethany winked and Malcolm chuckled "Uh, no not yet. Your father still likes me, don't want to ruin that." Bethany gave a playful sigh "A girl can dream." Bethany often flirted with Malcolm, it's never lead to anything but the banter is enjoyable. Bethany walked over to a nearby table and gestured for Malcolm to follow as she sat down. Malcolm nodded and sat with her. "So what are your plans? Will you be leaving soon?" Malcolm shrugged "Hopefully." Bethany raised an eyebrow at his words and Malcolm shook his head "No, that's not what I meant! There's a war, my family is in danger and I need to get back as soon as possible."
Bethany sighed "So you're here for an army? This Wolfson I keep hearing about?" Malcolm nodded "Not the most honorable man to call an ally but he's the only option we've got." Bethany glared "A dishonorable ally is no ally at all." Normally Malcolm would agree but he doesn't have the option to be choosy, however he decided against arguing about it.
Bethany gave a friendly smile "You are much more stressed out than I remember. Drink?" Malcolm was tempted by the offer but he had to refuse "Another time, I have some things to take care of." He said as he stood up from his seat "Oh and Mayson, the man upstairs, he says thanks, for helping him out." Bethany simply nodded "See you, Malcolm." Malcolm nodded back as he walked outside, he decided it best to give Samuel some time before going to see Tom Wolfson and left to find Dusty.
After a few minutes it felt like Malcolm would never find Dusty, he wondered if he'd left them, Samuel probably wouldn't mind, but despite his violent behavior, Dusty was beginning to grow on Malcolm. That was when Malcolm spotted Dusty kneeling by a beggar, he appeared to be giving him some money, not something he expected Dusty to be doing. Malcolm approached and said "Hey, Dusty what's..." Malcolm paused when he'd gotten a better look at the beggar, he had bandages wrapped around his eyes. He was an older man, no hair, but skinny and he was really dirty. Dusty sighed "Don't offer any pity, it doesn't help. Just pisses you off." Malcolm frowned as he turned to Dusty and Dusty stood up "Looks like his eyes were cut out and he doesn't speak. I think his tongue was cut out too." He said as he led Malcolm away from the man "He didn't choose this, someone did this to him." Malcolm sighed "That's... terrible." Malcolm couldn't think of anything else to say and Dusty nodded "I bet he'd have quite the story, if he could speak."
Malcolm looked at Dusty curiously "You're the people person, Dusty. What do you see when you look at him." Dusty looked grim as he shrugged "I just see shame in that man." He said as he looked back at the beggar and Malcolm sighed "What kind of person does that to someone? Takes a certain... Violent person to be capable of something like that." Malcolm thought back to the violent way that Dusty kills.
Dusty then glared at Malcolm "There's something I've been meaning to say to you." Malcolm nodded "Then say it."
"I like you, Malcolm, I really do." Dusty said "but do not start thinking that I'm one of your soldiers. Do not start thinking you can tell me what to do." He said and Malcolm felt threatened, he must've been referring to when Malcolm pulled him away from Sibas. Dusty didn't stop his menacing glare and said "Or I'll rip off your leg and beat you to death with it." However Dusty suddenly grinned and Malcolm wondered if that was supposed to be a joke. Dusty playfully punched Malcolm's arm as he marched past him "Come on! We've a job to do remember?" Malcolm reluctantly nodded in agreement and followed Dusty back to the inn, still trying to figure Dusty out, he still didn't understand him.
Malcolm and Dusty made it to the Inn and found Nesa standing outside with her arms crossed, she must've been waiting. Nesa glared at Malcolm "It's about time. Are we ready to go? Family drama over with?" Malcolm nodded "Yeah, let's head back to Wolfson. We just need to get Samuel and that man's... head." Dusty raised an eyebrow "What?" Malcolm shook his head as he walked inside "I'll explain later, come on." He said as he walked inside but he couldn't see Samuel anywhere. However he saw Sara "Where's my brother?" he asked and Sara shyly stood up "He... left shortly after you did. He seemed really angry but I assumed he was looking for you. Sorry." Nesa raised an eyebrow and Dusty seemed just as confused "Why does she always talk as if she's in trouble?" Malcolm sighed as he tried to figure out where Samuel must've gone. Malcolm feared that he might've killed Mayson so he quickly ran upstairs and barged into his room. Mayson was there and clearly still alive. Mayson looked as though he was about to say something but Malcolm exited and closed the door before he could.
Malcolm ran back downstairs to Dusty and Nesa "He's still alive but there's no sign of Samuel. Where did he go?" Dusty shrugged "Don't look at me. He's your brother. Why would he run off?" Malcolm sighed "He'll probably be back but he's really pissed at me." Nesa joined the conversation "The corpse back in that room is missing his head. My guess is your brother decided to deal with Wolfson on his own." Malcolm sighed "Then he'll be at Wolfson's camp." Dusty shook his head "Well if we know where he is then let's go!" He said as he marched outside and Nesa watched him leave "He doesn't seem to like talking very much. But I agree, we've gotta get back there anyway, and we wouldn't want Wolfson to get suspicious. Come on." She said as she tilted her head towards the door and Malcolm sighed before following her out.
It was when they got close to Wolfson's camp when Dusty turned to Malcolm and asked "You and your brother fight like this often?" Malcolm shook his head "Samuel and I usually get along fine, Lucas is the one that I usually butt heads with. That's another one of my brothers. Samuel's identical twin, actually." Dusty nodded, taking the information in before getting impatient "Get to the point, Malcolm. What changed?" Malcolm sighed "Samuel did. He wants to do a lot of things that I can't support. He seems to think doing these awful things is the only way to protect our family." Dusty nodded "I understand. I'm not saying I support your brothers decisions, or even like him, but I don't blame him. When it comes to family and the fear of losing them, morality becomes a second thought." Malcolm shook his head "Not me, I have to stay true to who I am, no matter what." Dusty raised an eyebrow "We'll see how long that lasts. I guarantee you Malcolm, if someone hurts the people you love, your first reaction won't be grief. The shock will turn into anger and all you'll be able to think about is hurting whoever took them from you." Malcolm frowned as he looked at Dusty, wandering if he was speaking from experience but before Malcolm could ask Nesa interrupted Malcolm's thoughts "Enough talk, we're here. You don't want any of Wolfson's people to overhear." Malcolm couldn't argue with that, if they overheard them say anything that would suggest Lorgan is still alive, they'd be heading home with no army.
They headed towards Wolfson's quarters to find Alise standing guard. She had a venomous glare and Malcolm quickly realized the glare was aimed towards Dusty. Clearly because of what he did to Sibas. Malcolm turned to him "It's probably best for you to wait outside, like way back there." Malcolm pointed behind Dusty with a smile, trying to lighten the situation. "It's not personal, I just think it's for the best." Dusty raised his hand "Enough, Malcolm. I get it. I'll see when you're done." And he walked away.
Alise still seemed angry but much less confrontational. Alise turned to Nesa "I assume now that you're here, the job is done?" Malcolm didn't want to put Nesa in a position where she'd have to lie, so he answered for her "I'm sure Samuel's already told you it has." Alise glared at Malcolm "I'm not entirely certain that what Samuel says and what is are the same thing."
Alise clearly didn't trust them but Malcolm still didn't let Nesa answer "Is my brother in there with Wolfson? Can I go inside?" Alise seemed reluctant to answer and Nesa rolled her eyes "Enough with the personal drama, Alise. Just let us in." Alise snapped at Nesa "Personal drama!? Do you even know what this bastard's friend did?" Nesa kept her composure and showed no change in emotion "No I don't, but honestly I really don't care, just get the fuck out of the way." Alise was visibly furious but she didn't say anything, she just barged into Nesa's shoulder as she marched past her. Malcolm wasn't expecting Nesa to be so cold but before he could say anything she gestured forward. "Go on, your army is waiting." Malcolm reluctantly let it slide as he walked inside.
Malcolm and Nesa walked inside to find Wolfson sitting on top of his desk, rather than on a seat with Samuel standing in front of him. Wolfson smirked as he saw them "Malcolm and Nesa! Welcome back." Samuel however had a neutral expression. Wolfson happily jumped from his desk "Samuel here tells me you did it. The mongrel that's been harassing my people is dead?" Malcolm nodded "I did what I had to do to" however Wolfson seemed suspicious and turned to Nesa "Can you confirm that they're telling the truth?" Malcolm angrily shook his head "I just told you that--" and Wolfson impulsively shoved him "I'm having a hard time trusting anyone with the name Branfield after what your brother did. Be thankful that you and your brothers aren't dead, let alone getting the opportunity to hire me and my people!"
Wolfson turned to Nesa "Well? Is the cunt dead or not?" Malcolm nervously looked at Nesa, unsure if she was going to come through on their agreement. Nesa nodded "Yeah, the cunt is dead" which resulted in a grin from Wolfson "Excellent! This calls for a drink in celebration!" Nesa shook her head "I'd rather just take payment." Wolfson rolled his eyes "You really are such a bore." he complained as he threw her a pouch of gold "There, now fuck off! I have business to discuss." Nesa left the tent without hesitation.
Malcolm glared at Wolfson "She did what you asked despite how she feels about you. She deserves respect." Samuel shook his head "Leave it alone, Malcolm." But Wolfson condescendingly raised a finger to silence Samuel "Shut up, let your brother speak." He said as he walked uncomfortably close to Malcolm. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, Malcolm? Defending her honor or some bullshit? Don't waste your time. That girl will sooner gut you than fuck you."
Malcolm angrily shook his head "You're a piece of shit! That's not what this is about. You need to treat your people with more respect and honor." Wolfson laughed as he stepped back "You're hilarious." He said as he turned to Samuel "You're brother here talks like a fucking hero!" He turned back to Malcolm "Malcolm the fucking perfect!" Samuel was visibly uncomfortable and Malcolm couldn't blame him. He may have just ruined their chances of getting Wolfson on their side.
Wolfson then glared at Malcolm "Of course it's all bullshit. Otherwise you wouldn't have killed a man you didn't even know. That's not something an honorable man would do, is it Malcolm the perfect?" Malcolm bit his lip as he tried to control his anger "No, I don't suppose it is."
Wolfson nodded "Then how about you stop acting so high and mighty and take a good look at the kind of man you are." He said as he pulled something from behind his desk and placed it on his desk. Malcolm gagged as he tried not to vomit and Samuel turned away. It was the head of the man Dusty had killed. Wolfson whistled as if it was a grand sight "What a mess! You squished his fucking head!" He laughed and Malcolm winced. Wolfson was not sympathetic and left the head on the table. "This'll make a nice trophy."
"What was this cunt's name again?" Wolfson asked and Malcolm gulped before answering "His name was Lorgan." Wolfson chuckled "'Lorgan' what a name. I don't suppose you found out what his problem was with me?" Malcolm shook his head "He only said that you deserved to suffer. He wouldn't say why." Wolfson looked disappointed "So I'm gonna die wondering what this fucker's problem was with me and never find out? How annoying." Malcolm wondered just how true that statement was.
Samuel coughed to get Wolfson's attention before putting on a charming smile "So how about it, Tom? We killed Lorgan here for you just like you asked and we'll still pay you for your help. Are we in business?" Wolfson gave Samuel a suspicious glare before smiling as he shook his hand while smirking at Malcolm. "Yeah, we're in business. You've got yourself an army." Malcolm had mixed feelings about this. He was glad to have an army to help his family but at the same time he found Wolfson to be so despicable.
Wolfson stood up "of course I'll need time to prepare my people before we follow you to your home."
"How long would you need?"Samuel asked and Wolfson shrugged "I can't be sure. Give me a day or two." Samuel nodded before turning to Malcolm "We can spend the night at the inn." Wolfson then sighed "Actually, maybe you could stay here in my camp?" Malcolm gave Wolfson a glare "Why would we want to do that?" Wolfson glared in return "Because everyone here hates you! With good reason. Your brother killed one of us then your friend nearly killed Sibas." Samuel raised an eyebrow "No offense but that seems like a reason not to stay here."
Wolfson sat on his desk as he sighed "Hear me out. We'll be spending a lot of time together. We'll be fighting side by side. Maybe it'd be a good idea to try to earn their trust, let them get used to you." Malcolm didn't like it but he could see the wisdom in that. Not only that but Nesa would be staying so Malcolm would need to stay if he wanted to talk to her. Though Bethany and Sara we're back at the inn, if Malcolm wanted to talk to them.
Samuel shook his head "Malcolm can do whatever he wants, but I'll be heading back to the inn." And now that Samuel's heading to the inn, maybe Malcolm should go if he wanted to talk to Samuel and try to talk about their fight. Then again, he was likely still angry. Maybe Malcolm should give him time.
Wolfson clapped to get Malcolm's attention "Well? What will it be, Malcolm the perfect?" He asked mockingly.
[Stay at Wolfson's camp] [Stay at the inn]
[Stay at Wolfson's camp]
[Stay at Wolfson's camp]
At the moment getting to know your troops a bit is important. And I would vote to go and see Samuel but I think he just needs time to cool off. If Malcolm rushes off to talk to him before Samuel is ready it will only make things worse.
Ooooh, Samuel's rant has been super intense, I like it
I guess I understand him a bit better now. Not necessarily agree with him, but I see his point and where he comes from. That's been a nice bit of insight. Also, can I say it? I said it before, but Malcolm so quickly thinking of Lucina here has been uber cute 
[Stay at Wolfson's camp]
I believe giving Samuel some time to cool off is a good thing. Being definitely a bit of a hot head, he could start further trouble if Malcolm is close to him so quickly after their fight. I believe it is a good thing to give him time and if it can be combined with the good thing that he gets to know Wolfson and his men a bit more, then all the better.
Cute wasn't the intention but I'll take it
Honestly it's hard for me not to see anything regarding those two as uber cute. ^_^
He is a Branfield.
Most of them do have wild tempers, even Malcolm, as you can see he had a hard time containing his anger towards Tom Wolfson. It's even a headcanon of mine that it's where Asher gets his temper from.
[Stay at Wolfson's camp]
[Stay at Wolfson's Camp]
THE VOTING IS CLOSED! Malcolm will stay at Wolfson's Camp.
I know it's been a while guys. Hopefully you haven't lost interest though. I do love doing this, I'm just a bit slow. Lucas is next but for now I have a very short Malcolm part for you. It's basically to decide what Malcolm will be doing at Wolfson's camp. As for Lucas, last we saw him he was talking with his mother who felt as though Lucas deserved better and Lucas agreed. So we'll see what happens next as he prepares for the Northeners to finally attack.
Malcolm turned to Samuel and Samuel only glared in response. Malcolm could tell he was in no mood to talk so he figured it was probably best to leave him be. "I'll stay here then." Samuel shrugged "I'm not gonna stop you. I'll be back in a couple days" he stated bluntly as he turned and left without another word.
Wolfson raised an eyebrow "I get the sense that he's pissed at you." Malcolm glared at Wolfson "I get the sense that it's none of your business." Wolfson sighed "Fantastic start to earning trust, eh Malcolm?" He said sarcastically and not without anger. Malcolm rolled his eyes. He really didn't like Wolfson but decided he should probably try to stay civil "Where exactly am I to sleep?" He asked and Wolfson shook his head "A tent, the cold hard ground. I don't care. Though I doubt many of my people are willing to share a tent with you." Malcolm sighed "I suppose I''ll just figure something out then." He said as he turned to leave the tent. "Good luck..." Wolfson said mockingly.
Malcolm looked around, wondering how he should spend his time. He saw Jacob and Dusty sitting by a camp fire, isolated from everyone else. Malcolm would certainly be more welcome there with his new friend and brother, but wouldn't do much to earn any trust from Wolfson's people. He then turned and saw Nesa sitting alone by a tree, also isolated from everyone else. She didn't seem to be happy here. It could be an opportunity to get Nesa to warm up to Malcolm a little. Finally he saw Alise and Sibas sitting by a tent. Alise was tending to Sibas's wounds, almost mothering him and Sibas didn't seem to appreciate. Dusty nearly killed Sibas and Alise was outraged, so they probably weren't fond of Malcolm but maybe he could make an offer of peace. It seemed unlikely but it may be worth trying to gain their trust.
[Approach Jacob and Dustin] [Approach Nesa] [Approach Alise and Sibas]
Ah, yes, a new part
I already thought you'd be busy, seems like a couple writers don't have much time lately, but that's alright. You know I am definitely never going to become impatient, as I love your writing. Take as much time as you need, the story is worth waiting for.
So, onwards to the part, it was a short one of course, but still sweet to get things going again. I really look forward for Lucas' next part as well
[Approach Alise and Sibas]
I'm rationalizing this with the fact that Malcolm knows he can count on Jacob and Dustin and Nesa herself seems like a very reliable ally, so while spending time with them might deepen their friendships, Alise and Sibas are anything but friends to Malcolm, so this might be a very valuable chance to make them at least more forgiving towards him. I don't know, maybe I am too paranoid, but I kinda fear that they could harbour vengeful feelings towards him and given that Malcolm is my favourite of the three PoV's, I wouldn't want to risk him being harmed over an issue that could be settled right now and peacefully.
It has been too long...
Umm, maybe you could do a rewind of key events from previous parts? if you plan on releasing them this far, people tend to forget what coulda happened before, so i think it'd be good to do a little recap prior to the part.
[Approach Alise and Sibas]
Id like to see why the stab happened, and we could have a genuine discussion with those two.
Not a bad idea. I'll think about posting a plot summary at some point.
[Approach Nesa]
I believe she’s a great ally, and keeping her on our side is the best option for me!
The Voting is closed! Malcolm will approach Alise and Sibas!
Hey guys! I know it has been far too long, but I'm back now and a new part is about to be posted! Sorry for the delay, hopefully parts will come out more frequently now. The next part is a Lucas part, though it's a short one. But the story should get moving pretty soon and I'm excited! It has been a while though so I'll write a short recap to refresh your memories.
The Northeners approached the Branfields with a false parley. Gregor refused to hand over the captured scout which provoked the Branfields and made them very angry, it also caused Lucas' opinion of Gregor to drop drastically. Soon after Lucas had a talk with his mother who seemed rather emotional and expressed sorrow over Lucas' life. Expressing that she believes he deserves better. You lovely readers voted for Lucas to agree that he deserves better. You'll soon see some of the consequences of that line of thought.
Lucas reluctantly nodded in response to his mother's words "You're right..." He managed to say with emotion and anger in his voice, though not directed at his mother. Talia seemed confused by her son's reaction "What?" Lucas looked her in the eyes "I've never said it out loud, but I do deserve better than this, following every damn order to the letter my whole life, never following my heart, in what I believed in, only father's orders. I've always just forced myself to ignore my own feelings on the matter." Lucas said with venom and Talia gripped his soldiers tightly "Lucas, I wasn't trying to make you angry, I just..." Lucas shook his head quickly interrupting her "But I am, all the time..." He admitted "I'm so damn furious, at Samuel, Jacob, even Malcolm and especially father." Lucas thought perhaps he was even angry at the whole world.
Lucas sighed as he saw the expression on his mother's face, she obviously wasn't expecting this reaction out of him. "Thank you." He simply said "I need to go. I have to prepare for the siege" he said as he walked away from his mother.
Lucas soon made his way out to the courtyard and found something he wasn't expecting. There was a large crowd of smallfolk that appeared to be very angry and they were shouting at the soldiers in front of them. Lucas heard shouts like "Why aren't you protecting us?" And "Hurry up and do something!"
Lucas marched down in front of the soldiers and shouted with authority "What's going on here!?" An older man boldly stood face to face with Lucas. He had Long dark hair, with shades of gray in his hair and beard. He's a tall muscular man with broad shoulders. This was the blacksmith Thomas Cerrick, the father of the scout now in the Northener's hands, Owen Cerrick. "What's going on is that there's an army practically on our doorstep and your family isn't doing anything about it!" The rest of the smallfolk shouted and nodded in agreement. Thomas didn't give Lucas a chance to respond "Not to mention that my son is nowhere to be found! Where is he?" Lucas stepped forward "Your son is being held captive by the Northeners and they refuse to hand him over."
Thomas didn't take the information well as Lucas saw the anger on his face "I knew this would happen, this always happens to those with blind loyalty to the Branfields." Lucas attempted to reassure the man "We'll do all we can to get him back--" Thomas snapped "Bullshit!" He shouted "You're just sitting here waiting for the enemy to attack." Lucas sighed "I'm afraid it's all we can do for the moment." Thomas shook his head "I don't accept that, you shouldn't accept that! Inaction is unacceptable." Lucas began to get angry "What would you have me do?" Thomas' expression softened as he placed his hands on Lucas shoulders "Take the fight to them before they take it to us. Please save my son."
Everything in Lucas told him to do what Thomas suggested, he himself was furious with the Northeners dishonorable display and wanted to make them pay for it. However Damien, Lucas' father would never agree to this. A smallfolk soldier behind Lucas spoke up "M'lord, if I may... The smallfolk soldiers are with you"
Lucas turned to the man in surprise "What are you saying?" The man spoke softly "We've heard of the action you took despite your father's orders. Sending out the scouts to prepare for the coming battle. If you did choose to fight back... We'd follow you without question." Lucas was flattered but unsure what to make of this "Such a move would be risky."
The soldier nodded "Perhaps... but they'd never see such a move coming. We could go at night, bring a small force of us with you and truly take the fight to them. Both the soldiers and the smallfolk would love and respect you for it."
Lucas thought on it, the idea was very appealing to him, he was a soldier and he hated doing nothing, it was also a chance to strike a blow against the Northeners, Damien certainly wouldn't appreciate going against his orders but Lucas wasn't sure if he truly cared at this point.
Thomas spoke up again "Your words are 'In Arms to the End' are they not? Loyalty is valued above all to you Branfields. They say you never leave a man behind. Please, I beg you, prove them right."
[Take the fight to the Northeners.] [Stay put as Damien has commanded]
[Take the fight to the Northeners.]
This was not an easy choice. I feel like a lot of choices are not easy, but this has to be one of the harder ones and one of the few where I ultimately decided against my initial thoughts. Because at first I thought it would be recklessly stupid to go out there and fight. However, the longer I thought about it, the more positives I realize. The siege is not in its truly dire stages yet and I believe an attack at this point can have more positives than negatives. It would establish Lucas as a leader, someone the Branfield forces would look up to and whose decisions they would respect when they truly need someone like this, whereas staying put, the more rational decision, could have the unwanted side effect of the people losing respect for Lucas when they should stand united.
[Take the fight to the Northeners.]
[Take the fight to the northerners]
I think Liquid has pretty much summed up my thoughts on this. I see way more pros than cons. Really enjoying reading more of this Agent, keep it up!
The Voting is closed! Lucas will take the fight to the Northeners!
I'm so damn happy this choice won. There's a scene that this choice leads to that I'm really excited to write. So thank you! Obviously this will lead to an encounter between Lucas & his smallfolk soldiers and the Northener's troops. Could there be an encounter between two POVs? Wait and see...
Gregor's part will be next. Last time we saw Gregor, Ludd's brother, Walter Whitehill finally arrived with his Smallfolk soldiers, there was a altercation between him and Marcus Forrester and some Forrester soldiers, one of those soldiers being Braeden Snow. So tensions are high between the Forresters and Whitehills. Shortly after Gregor and Ludd overheard Eamon Glenmore and Gregory Fuller, talking about them but Eamon refused to say what. This provoked Ludd into grabbing and threatening Eamon until he talks. You readers decided to intervene and pull Ludd away from him.
I have a question for you guys. There's going to be quite a few major scenes that are only possible because of certain choices. I was thinking it'd be a real shame not to write some of them. So I was thinking... would you guys like to occasionally get a 'What if?' part? I'd only do them for the huge stuff though. How would you feel about that?
A meeting between PoV's you say? Oh, count me intrigued
When it comes to these What if parts, I believe you should absolutely write them if you feel like it! If only to satisfy my own curiosity, I certainly would like to know about these important parts, even if our choices might end up preventing them from happening in the story proper
The next part should be out tomorrow guys! I know I said it'd be a Gregor part, it still is but I wanted to clarify that I've decided to make it a double POV part. Meaning that the perspective will switch between Gregor and Lucas whenever it's appropriate.
Oh and while I've got the chance I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Easter!
Ludd grew angrier and angrier as Eamon continued to evade Ludd's questions. Before things could escalate further, Gregor quickly grabbed Ludd and pulled him back "Ludd! That's enough." Ludd growled "Are you serious? This brat is hiding something and he was talking about us!" Gregor stood between Ludd and Eamon "Even so. You're out of line. Eamon is an ally and doesn't deserve to be threatened."
Ludd shook his head in disapproval and bitterly muttered "This day just keeps getting better and better..." As he angrily marched away. "Ludd, wait!" But Ludd didn't listen. Gregor then turned to Eamon and Eamon smiled awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head "I-- appreciate this Gregor." Gregor glared at Eamon "Do you intend to tell me what you were whispering about?" Eamon sighed and regretfully shook his head "I really do appreciate this though..."
Gregor sighed "I believe you... Eamon. Just whatever you're hidin... be more careful. If Ludd or anyone else continues to find you untrustworthy I might not be able to protect you. I might not even want to if I agree with them." He warned him and Eamon nodded in understanding "I understand, I know I haven't the best reputation right now but I swear I'm here to help. I'll prove useful before this is over." Gregor placed a hand on Eamon's shoulder "I hope that's true." Then he gestured to the main tent where they held the Small Council. "Is everyone inside?" Eamon shook his head, "No, not yet but your cousin Marcus is in there. He'd heard that you wanted to see him." Gregor sighed, it was time to deal with Marcus, he was causing too much trouble at this point. "I'll see you later. Gregor said as he moved towards the tent to speak with Marcus.
Night had fallen as Lucas and the smallfolk stealthily made their way towards the Northener's camp. They looked on and saw the army Gregor was hiding, it was quite large. Lucas sighed "If my brothers don't arrive with reinforcements this army will decimate us." A soldier beside Lucas looked forward in fear "There's no way we can take them all!"
Lucas nodded in aggrement "Luckily that's not what we're here to do. Remember we're here for Owen Cerrick. But we'll still have to fight. That's why we're going to force them to split their troops." The soldier curiously looked to Lucas "How will we do that my Lord?"
Lucas pointed to a hill "We'll have a good height advantage there. Most of you will take bows and fire down from there after I give a signal." The soldier raised his eyebrow "What will be the signal?" Lucas glared at the camp ahead "Fire and Blood." He said with purpose as he picked up a torch "I'm going to take just a few men, create a little chaos, burn some tents and set some horses loose. When most of their people diverge to stop the chaos, that's when you strike!" The soldier nodded "And then you'll save Owen?" Lucas noddedin confirmation. "And cause some serious damage. Now that we're all clear on the plan, let's do this."
Lucas took just a few men with him as they lurked dangerously close to the camp, he heard some Forrester soldiers cheering "That was bloody beautiful when you headbutted Whitehill!" Several of the men laughed and a short man chuckled "Aye! It felt good. Unfortunately Lord Gregor doesn't see it yet but inevitably the Whitehills will turn on us."
Lucas bit his lip as he grew angry at the thought of the Whitehills. At the thought of Ludd being an enemy in this fight. In all the time he's known him, he never would've imagined this turn of events. He quickly shook his head to focus. He saw some Horses nearby and made his way towards them.
There was a Forrester guard by them but Lucas sneaked up behind him, he drew his sword and stabbed him through the heart while covering the soldiers mouth with his free hand to muffle his screams. It didn't take long for the soldier to die as Lucas dropped him.
Lucas pointed to the Horses, gesturing for his men to cut them loose. They did as they were ordered then slapped their arses to send them running. It wasn't long before they heard shouting. Lucas and the men moved on before anyone realized what had happened.
They then found a few tents and they moved quickly with their torches to start burning them. The chaos would soon start. Lucas turned to his soldiers and one of them asked "Is it time M'lord?" Lucas nodded "Use the chaos to disappear, find Owen Cerrick, I'll go it alone from here." The men nodded and did as commanded, moving on to find the Scout.
Lucas heard screaming and turned to see a group of Whitehill men with their backs turned, clearly wondering what was going on. "Are we under attack?!" One screamed and Lucas growled, he was done sneaking around, he wanted a battle. Lucas stalked the Whitehill men, there were four of them and once he got close enough he stabbed one straight through the neck and before they could realize what was happening he swung his sword straight across another's neck. There were two left and they quickly drew their swords to attack. Lucas ducked as one attempted to strike him and pierced his sword up into his gut and twisted it before pulling it out. He then quickly sidestepped the final soldiers attack and thrusted the sword into his chest, forcing him to the ground and impaling him.
Lucas panted as he found himself drenched in blood. He looked around and saw the fires raging around him. As terrible as the circumstances were, Lucas couldn't help but feel good. He always felt more alive in a fight and he felt more useful and purposeful on the battlefield rather than sitting in the keep, obeying his father's every command without question. No longer, Lucas was determined to be his own man now. Not his father's good little soldier. Lucas then looked down at the soldier he impaled, he picked up his sword and glanced at the blood now covering the sword. He shook his head and growled, he was unsatisfied "No... I'm not done yet." He muttered to himself.
"Marcus..." Gregor said as he saw his cousin waiting for him. Marcus looked to him and simply said "Cousin." Gregor sighed as he sat down. "I'm beginning to think you might be more trouble than your worth." Marcus shook his head, he didn't like that "I don't understand, Gregor! You're angry with me for leaving our family to find my own glory, but I came back here to help you."
Gregor sighed "It's not just that, Marcus!" He shouted as he slammed his fist onto the table "Not only do you seem to lack any concept of family and loyalty but now you're antagonizing our allies, the Whitehills. No matter how you might feel about them, they are our allies and--" Marcus seemed distracted as he looked away with a confused expression "Do you hear that?" He asked and Gregor groaned with frustration as he leaned back against his chair "And you're not even listening!"
Marcus shook his head "Shut up and listen for a moment!" Gregor heard angry shouts "Another brawl?" Marcus shook his head "I don't think so..." He said as he cautiously stepped out of the tent. Gregor followed him and that's when he realized the shouts sounded more like screams. He quickly ran outside and the first thing he saw were Horses running wild. Then he turned and saw fire raging around the camp.
"We're under attack!" Gregor heard a soldier scream and as Gregor turned to him the soldier was shot down by an arrow to the back. Gregor looked up to see Archers on a hill shouting "In Arms to the End!"
"Gregor look!" Marcus pointed and Gregor saw much of their forces focused on where the fires were worst. "They've divided our forces." Gregor surmised. He then grabbed his shield and sword and looked to the archers "Let's get up there!" He said but Marcus quickly stopped him "Hold on, Gregor!"
Gregor looked at his cousin "What!? Our forces are in trouble and need us in there!" Marcus nodded "I know but they have a height advantage, it'll be difficult to get close enough to hit them." Gregor sighed, seeing his cousin's point. "Alright, so what do we do about it?"
Marcus gripped Gregor's shield and pushed it to his chest "Take your shield and get their focus on you while I flank them!" Gregor bit his lip before realizing there was no more time left to waste and he nodded "Alright, go! I'll draw their attention." Marcus nodded with a smile as he quickly ran off.
As Gregor ran forward he stopped to see Braedon Snow and a few other Forrester men tending to a burning tent. Gregor shouted "Snow!" Braedon quickly turned to see Gregor "M'lord!" He shouted with relief. Gregor dismissively waved his arms "Forget the fires! All of you take your shields and come with me!" Gregor commanded and ran forward. "You heard your Lord, move it!" Braedon shouted as they all followed Gregor.
As they got closer the archers took notice and prepared to fire. "Shield wall!" Gregor shouted and they all ducked down behind their shields as arrows rained down on them. Gregor groaned as Marcus was nowhere in sight. "Advance!" Gregor shouted and they slowly moved forward, still behind their shields.
The archers didn't hold back as they continued to fire down on them and now they were unable to advance any further without exposing themselves. They were stuck. Gregor then looked up and saw Marcus slowly advancing on the archers from the side, wielding his greatsword. He took a large swing and cut down one of the archers with a single hit. "Iron from Ice!" He screamed.
This was their moment. Gregor stood up and pointed his sword up the hill "Go, quickly get up there!" Braedon was the first to drop his shield and quickly climb up the hill to aid Marcus with the soldiers following behind him. Then Gregor climbed up as well.
The archers were caught off guard and had little time to draw their swords, which gave Marcus the opportunity to kill several of them. By the time the rest were ready to attack Marcus, Gregor and the others were behind them and attacked them swiftly. Attacking from both sides now the archers had little chance as they were all quickly struck down.
"Yes! We did it cousin! Marcus cheered as he pulled Gregor in for a hug. Caught in the moment, Gregor laughed and hugged him back before they looked down at the camp. The fires were getting worse, everyone, including Marcus looked to Gregor and Gregor nodded "Go help get things under control! I'll be fine, go!"
They all did as commanded and ran off to help. Gregor stopped for a moment to catch his breath and his thoughts began to haunt him as he wondered how this could've happened. So many questions came to his mind "Would this set them back? Were the rest of the Council okay? Ludd, Eamon, Royland and even Marcus? Had Gregor failed as a commander?
Gregor shook his head, this wasn't the time to think about such things. He regained his breath and ran down the hill before looking around, trying to see where he was needed.
Sweat dripped off Gregor's face as the fires raged on but felt a shiver run up his spine as he heard a terrifying and enraged shout from behind. "FORRESTER!" Gregor heard the voice shout his family name with rage and Gregor slowly turned around to see none other than Lucas Branfield with his sword drawn and covered with blood, his own body was also drenched with blood. Gregor had to assume he had killed a great number of men. Lucas looked furious. Gregor quickly readied his sword and Ironwood shield "This is a rash move, facing me like this, Lucas!"
Lucas slowly approached Gregor, each step made with purpose "Making an enemy of me and my family was a rash move." He spat as he got closer and Gregor knowing there was no talking Lucas down tried to attack first. He thrust his sword forward and Lucas easily parried before barging forward into Gregor's shield, sending him a couple steps backwards before Lucas began his assault, striking with rage and Gregor struggled as he desperately tried to block with his shield but he did manage to keep Lucas at bay.
Lucas was infuriated by this and shouted "Fight me!" As his strikes continued and eventually Gregor made a mistake as he dropped his defense and attempted to strike Lucas down. Lucas blocked the strike and locked Gregor's sword with his before successfully knocking the sword out of Gregor's hand. Gregor's eyes widened as he realized how dire his situation was now. Only a shield left to defend himself Gregor quickly hid behind it but Lucas didn't hold back as he striked relentlessly down on Gregor's shield. Thankfully Ironwood was strong and resilient, Lucas was barely making a dent.
Lucas again shouted with rage, furious by the lack of damage he was inflicting and he kicked forward, forcing Gregor to stumble back then he grabbed the shield and forced it from his grasp before throwing it aside. Gregor quickly stood up as he was left vulnerable, no weapon and no shield. Without hesitation Lucas swung his sword at Gregor. With quick thinking Gregor managed to swerve, only narrowly avoiding the blade, seeing an opportunity he grabbed Lucas' sword arm and twisted it hard until Lucas screamed and was forced to drop his blade. Gregor didn't let go and that was when Lucas delivered a hard punch to Gregor's face with his free hand, he punched him hard, several times until Gregor relented and released his arm.
Both warriors were now left unarmed and forced to fight with their fists. Gregor felt confident as he was larger and stronger than Lucas but Lucas was quick. Lucas quickly dive tackled Gregor down into the ground and delivered a very hard blow to the face before Gregor could raise his arms fast enough to block. Quickly seeing the dire position he was in with Lucas on top of him, Gregor turned around onto his stomach. Just as Gregor predicted Lucas wrapped his arms around Gregor's neck, attempting to choke him from behind. This put Gregor in the position to use his strength to throw Lucas over his shoulders.
Lucas groaned in frustration as he fell and before he could act Gregor resorted to climbing on top of Lucas, he couldn't risk running for his weapon and giving Lucas the advantage again. He wrapped his hands around Lucas' neck and began choking him. Gregor was too big for Lucas to overpower him, he was trapped. A bad way to go but Gregor had little choice.
Lucas was in a really bad position with Gregor Forrester strangling him to death. Fighting for survival he desperately clawed at his face but it did little to help him as Gregor was unrelenting. Lucas frantically struggled and began to wonder if he'd made a mistake in choosing to attack. Lucas then turned and saw Gregor's Ironwood shield, the sigil staring back at him, almost like it was taunting him. In a desperate act of survival he reached for the shield. He managed to grab it and bashed it repeatedly into Gregor's skull. Eventually he managed to knock Gregor down and Lucas quickly got to his feet.
Lucas gave chase and rather than defensively he used the shield like a battering ram, ruthlessly slamming it into Gregor. Gregor then fell onto his back. Lucas glared down at him as Gregor looked convinced this was the end for him. As Lucas then prepared to slam the shield down an arrow was fired his way. Luckily the shield protected Lucas and he quickly backed away before picking up his sword. That archer had just saved Gregor's life. Lucas looked forward and saw an archer wearing the colours of House Glenmore. The archer helped Gregor to his feet "Are you alright, Gregor?" Gregor nodded "Thanks to you!" Gregor got up and Glenmore then handed Gregor his own sword before aiming his bow back at Lucas. Then they were soon accompanied by a Glenmore knight.
It was three against one, Lucas didn't like his odds but he also despised the idea of backing down. He prepared to attack once again and as he growled a hand quickly held him back. Lucas turned in surprise to see the Scout he came to save, Owen Cerrick. "M'lord!" He smiled "The men you brought just saved me and now it's time to return the favor. You can't die here, we must return to Summerspring, the people still need you." Lucas didn't like it but he did what he came to do. He reluctantly nodded before glaring at Gregor Forrester and pointed his sword towards him "We'll meet again Forrester! I promise you that! And then we'll finish this. There will be no stalemate next time!" He growled furiously before he turned to leave with Owen, and he brought the Ironwood shield with him. Forrester was wise enough not to follow them.
Eventually the fire had been extinguished and the chaos was over. However they did take heavy losses. Thankfully their forces were still large and undoubtedly outnumbered the Branfields but it was unclear how much of a setback this would be.
Gregor turned to see Ludd standing beside him. Ludd sighed "I never expected Lucas to make such a rash move. It's not like him" Gregor didn't expect it either but it's what happened and he hit them good. "Maybe you never knew the real him."
Ludd only shrugged in response "Word's gotten around that you faced Lucas in battle. He give you that?" Ludd asked as he gestured to Gregor's black eye. Gregor reluctantly nodded, he felt like he was shamed. Ludd looked around and spoke softly "You should know, these men, when they look at you they won't see that you fought Lucas Branfield and lived. They'll see that Lucas Branfield left his mark on you and lived."
"He took my shield..." Gregor angrily muttered. Ludd narrowed his eyes "You'll get another one. You Forresters have plenty of shields and plenty of Ironwood."
Gregor growled as he shook his head "You don't understand!" Ludd was surprised by Gregor's outburst. "Explain it to me then." Gregor sighed "That shield was given to me by my great uncle, Davith Forrester! A Ranger of the Nights Watch. He crafted that shield himself, long before he took the black. He treated me with more respect than my father ever has."
Gregor chuckled bitterly "My father... He's always seen me as worthless you know? He's never trusted me. And now that he's finally trusted me, I've failed spectacularly. 'A worthless child and a worthless leader' Lucas Branfield proved him right today. And took the one thing that made me feel like I mattered!" Ludd frowned as he attempted to reassure Gregor "This fight isn't over yet." Gregor sighed "Maybe not, but how many times can I fail as a leader before it's intolerable?"
As if on Que, Marcos Trant appeared beside Gregor. The man who questions Gregor's leadership the most. "How bad is it?" Gregor asked and Marcos turned to Gregor, if he was angry he didn't show it. "This will set us back quite a bit. We have no choice but to delay the siege... again."
Gregor stepped forward running his hands through his hair in frustration. Everything in him told Gregor to maintain his composure, that if he loses it he'll lose what little respect he still has. But so many emotions were running through Gregor. Without thinking he dropped to his knees, furiously slammed his fist into the ground and screamed "DAMN IT!" His voice echoing through the whole camp.
No Choices for this Part
This was a spectacular part! This whole idea with the two PoV's switching perspectives in the part itself worked out perfectly well, added a lot of thrill to it. Ah, and I was so concerned for Lucas throughout this ^^ I mean, I don't make a secret out of the fact that I highly favour the Branfield's in this story. It is not only bias, but they simply strike me as the more sympathetic side by far. I'm not saying I dislike Gregor, but it's kinda hard to sympathize with him over the Branfield's. I mean, in the end Lucas and the others, while having flaws and darker sides, fight to protect their loved ones, whereas Gregor is essentially fighting against his wife's family out of what is a very misplaced sense of loyalty. As such, count me Team Branfield all the way, even if anyone that isn't Malcolm has terrible chances of making it out of there alive.
I'm so glad you like it! In terms of writing, this was my favorite part to write so far. While writing I had so many ideas for what should happen. Though I knew that I wanted a fight between Lucas and Gregor to happen, I was debating what other characters Lucas could encounter. I was really debating the idea of Lucas running into Walter though I ultimately decided against it as I couldn't think a way to end the the fight without it feeling cheap. I don't think I could've realisticly without killing one of them off and I'm not ready to kill either of them off just yet.
It doesn't surprise that most favor the Branfields. It's pretty unavoidable as they are the side you're more likely to sympathize with. I sometimes struggle with that while writing Gregor's part the thought "Will people even care?" enters my mind while writing his more sympathetic scenes. I hope his parts are still enjoyable even if you guys won't necessarily favor him.
I notice you specifically mentioned Lucas. Does that mean you found some of his thoughts this part a bit concerning...
Ah, they are enjoyable! I don't even dislike Gregor, he is a well written character and giving him more sympathetic scenes isn't a waste of time. In fact, it is what has prevented him so far to be seen as an outright villain by me with my heavy Branfield bias and it likely will be his saving grace in the future. This is really an issue that cannot be avoided. Most of the Branfield's have an inherently relatable and sympathetic goal. They might not all be perfect people, but their actions are motivated by a desire to keep their family save, to ensure that their loved ones will survive. Gregor meanwhile often appears more focussed on obedience. That is just not something I can inherently relate to and in fact, while I know and respect that many people feel differently, I really never understood the concept of valuing loyalty over personal morals. I have a particularly serious issue with blind obedience and believe that loyalty to the king is not absolving Gregor of even the slightest responsibility for the ones that will die in this siege. In the end, I will judge him by all the things that happened and I will not hold his loyalty as a positive trait in his favour, considering that this loyalty demands of him to kill even the most innocent of the Branfields. I know it can be seen as respectable to remain loyal even when being in a situation that is clearly crushing him, but I really don't feel that way. Loyally following an order that demands something as bad as killing all the Branfields (even if we know he ends up at least sparing Malcolm) is where I draw the line. That problem is something that cannot be avoided though. Gregor's loyalty is an essential part of his character and it doesn't make him a bad character, nor an evil one, but in this particular case, I consider his loyalty to be his worst trait. He is not a bad person, but I consider his position in this conflict to be fundamentally flawed, this staunch opposal to the Branfield's, his dedication to go through with a mission he doesn't want to go through with, to kill people whom he know don't deserve it simply because some man with a crown ordered him to, even when his own wife begged him to spare them. That really makes it hard to sympathize with him when most of the sympathetic characters can be found on the Branfield's side. The only one among them who really has the same problem is Damien, whose stubborn loyalty to a king a million times worse than Gregor's king is the root of all problems here (and before you ask, yes, this makes Damien my least favourite Branfield
). But as a whole, when I see Malcolm, Lucas and the others, I can simply relate to them a lot easier.
Yeah, I cannot lie, I am a bit concerned by Lucas. I feel like he is the one that will most easily make mistakes in the events to come, he is the only PoV who has a legitimate hatred against the other side and I fear this could cloud his judgement, put him or the ones he loves at risk. He is getting carried away by this and I hope he won't take on a darker path.
I'm sure you've realized by now that Loyalty is a major theme in this story. I mean... it's the title. And that Loyalty has a cost. For Gregor it's forcing him to do something he really doesn't want to do, for Damien it's putting his family at great risk. Like this entire story was inspired by a quote from Elissa in episode 2 of the game. It was the funeral scene and she briefly mentioned her father. "My father's House was once mighty like this one. But his loyalty to the Targaryens cost us dearly."
Lucas is really fun to write for me! The way I'm writing him is that based on choices he'll either continue to be stoic and keep his emotions in check, obeying his father's every command or to follow his heart more, do what he believes to be right over what he's told is right. I'm willing to confirm that there's multiple paths that Lucas can go down based on your choices. I think the ways Lucas can turn out before the story is over might surprise you.
I'm curious, what are you more worried about? That Lucas might become reckless and make mistakes or that he'll go down a dark path and do some morally questionable things?
Yes, yes indeed, the title kinda gives it away
You do a fine job so far, literally showing the cost of loyalty. For me, that cost is rarely worth it. Gregor probably feels differently, or at least he does right now, that is why I disagree with him here. In Damien's case, I feel like it exceeds loyalty already, that is plain stubborness. Of course, I mean, there is good loyalty as well, such as Jorah's loyalty to Dany in the show that gives him the will to beat the Greyscale, or Brienne's loyalty to the Stark children. But Damien's loyalty to the Mad King is definitely misplaced and I at least feel like Gregor's loyalty to Robert Baratheon is not worth the cost. A part of me still has the hopes he will realize this before it is too late.
Hm... probably the latter. Like, you know I don't like loyalty, but honour is quite a decent thing to have, so I wouldn't want for him to compromise this by becoming a dark character. At the same time, sometimes reckless behaviour leads down a dark path. More often than note, the morally questionable thing turns out to be the mistake. Let's say, I would prefer keeping him a heroic, sympathetic character, even if he might be one that acts hot-headed and makes mistakes, I'd like that more than him becoming a cool, collected but otherwise ruthless man.
To clarify, the deal with Damien isn't simply about loyalty to the mad king. It's about loyalty in general. In this story loyalty is everything to the Branfields. Their words are 'In Arms to the End' meaning that they stand by their allies to the end. Unfortunately it doesn't always go both ways. As you can see despite the Branfields unwavering devotion, no aid from the Targaryen's are coming. I don't disagree that Damien's decision is a bad move. I'm just trying to explain his actions and how his mind works. Just trying to explain that it's not a "Oh the Targaryens are so great, let's die for them!"
Ah, I definitely understand, don't worry
It is a matter of principle for Damien, I can even somehow understand that. While I would never make a decision in the way he did, I can actually understand having a principle and being absolutely unwilling to compromise on it, in his case this being loyalty to those they consider their allies. Obviously nobody in their right mind would consider Aerys actually worthy of such loyalty, but that is not the point. Damien most likely considers Aerys to be any bit as bad as the rest of Westeros considers him to be, but his loyalty being the most important aspect of his life, actually compromising on it is simply not an option for him. Robert's Rebellion is full with such examples, where actually decent people willingly fought, killed and in most cases ultimately died for the Mad King, such as Barristan Selmy, who was grievously wounded at the Trident, or Arthur Dayne who fought even after the actual war was over. Of course, in some cases it can be seen as likely that their loyalty was to the far more capable and well-meaning Rhaegar, but there's plenty of examples where people ended up on the Mad King's side simply for the sake of loyalty being so important to them. It is the main reason why I consider Jaime to be so absolutely amazing, he ultimately realized that there are more important things than loyalty, such as the lives of innocent people and he sacrificed his honour and dignity to give them a chance. Of course, at least in the case of Gregor, he has very little choice, at least very little he can do publically. And while I believe that deep down, Damien does have a choice and he chose to be this stubborn loyalist, I also think that he himself doesn't see it and that he fully believes there is no choice in this matter. House Branfield has always been loyal and I guess in a way, Damien might feel that giving up on this loyalty would mean giving up on the very core of House Branfield. One thing I am holding against him though is this, he clearly holds his loyalty, likely tied with his honour and pride, in higher regards than the actual living members of his family.
That sums. up Damien's character pretty well! I hope to flesh out his character more in the future, to really show how he feels about what's happening, besides his strong sense of loyalty. However I fully understand that he's your least favorite. While writing him I never imagined that he'd be liked. That isn't what his character is. However I hope that as the story goes on, even if he isn't outright liked I want him to at least be understood. I'm looking forward to seeing how everyone feels about these characters as the story goes on.
Hey, guys. I just want to apologize for the HUGE break I've taken. I don't have a real excuse. I just didn't feel motivated to write. So I'm sorry. I am getting back to it now though and will continue as long as people are interested. That said I would appreciate you guys who are reading this to let me know that you're still interested. Only one of you replied to my last part, but I'm assuming that's because there was no choice. However it did slightly worry me that perhaps more than I thought had lost interest. No pressure, I'd just appreciate if you guys could say if you're still interested.
I’m 100% still interested! I really love what you’re doing with the story. It’s one I never knew I wanted! I sometimes can’t think of as much to say as you or Liquid when it comes to choices, I see that especially when compared to what you guys write on my story, I guess I just don’t have the skill
but I want you to know I love it nonetheless and would love to see you continue it 
I really appreciate that. It's so nice to read. Don't feel pressured to comment paragraphs or anything. It takes no skill btw.
just sharing thoughts.
It might be self explanatory, but I hope you know you can count on me
I love this story and I can assure you that there's no way I'm ever going to lose interest in it. You are a great writer and I really enjoy seeing the story developing. So, even if you might not always feel motivated to write, that is perfectly fine, just know that no matter how long, I am always happy to see a new part.