TellTale Walking Dead season 4. A game full of kids
So it was announced that many of the new characters in the game are going to be characters Clementine's age or younger. This is an extremely risky move and especially so if this is intended to be the final game with Clementine in it. They need to have a very good reason how these kids survived all on their own if the group Clementine is with is mainly filled with kids not any older than she is. They can pull this off but this could very easily turn into the worst game of the series so far if they don't develop these young characters well. Might be playing an entire game with a Goonies type of group.
I'm really hoping that there are going to be a lot of adults in the game as well but if there isn't it's going to be pretty challenging to make this a good send off game for Clementine.
It's a concept that can either work really well or be absolutely horrible.
From the looks of it they seem like a very experienced survivors who has seen as much as clem in this's only a matter of how telltale will use them is the big money question.
Yeah it can be done. However this concept definitely has the largest potential downside of any game they have done thus far. All these kids need to have good development and be given a good and believable answer for how they have stayed alive all this time. It's much more challenging to create a story that is intended to be taken seriously when you make a lot of the cast kid characters.
Thinking about it, Gabe could have fit in with this cast of characters.
Trying to figure out if this counts as an Author's Saving Throw or not...
I think its going to work out well for several reasons. It's a fresh take on groups in the apocalypse. The adults-who-lose-everything trope is way too overdone, it will be refreshing to see a group of kids who have either adapted to the apocalypse or been born into it. And like you said, they're going to need some damn good explanations for how they survived this long. This means that they will actually be given backstories and motivations, unlike freaking Tripp and Francine and all the other generic ANF characters.
Eeeeeh, not really helping(or hindering, really) my feeling about the ambitious idea, dude..
Kids can do stuff and are not all screw ups you know? And it's not like there were 1 or 2 kids, they were a group of different ages so I'll say them surviving this long is not so far-fetched. As for their role in the story we'll have to wait and see.
Yeahhhhh I don't think Gabe would fit in here at all.
That is what they want the audience to buy into. However in order for the audience to buy into that idea they need to have a damn good backstory explaining how they survived. If they aren't given that then this could easily be the worst game of the series.
Gabe will probably make an appearance at some point in this story because I don't think TellTale will just abandon the previous season. I think that Gabe will probably get into a fight with one of the newer characters and as Clem you might have a choice to break up the fight or stay out of it which will make Gabe react differently to Clementine.
I think the entire concept for S4 is bad, but that's just me.
Then I’m also going to need an option to have Clem jump in and kick Gabe’s ass.
I think there will be an option at the end to return to New Richmond, but that's about it. I might be proved wrong though, also keep in mind he is dead in 1/4 of the endings.
It is not a bad idea for Telltale to make this game feature teen characters as their group of survivors because maybe the villains are a group of adults who think that they are saving children and teenagers but instead they are making their lives more difficult because they probably killed off the parents of Marlon, Violet, and the other guy I don't remember his name.
That's true I forgot about that LOL
I don’t like it when people get angry over a certain social group or age demographic being more prominent in a certain piece of media because as long as their character(s) is well written it doesn’t matter.
It's harder to write believable kid characters in a post apocalyptic world. And these kids are all on their own as far as we know so far. Making it an even bigger challenge to make them believable.
Sounds like they're fighting the Saviors-but-not-the-comic-Saviors in that scenario. Not really hitting much of a new note there with the story that's already sounding a bit farfetched.
Nah, the concept is actually a pretty neat and even smart one. I'm just being hung up on it being "too little, too late," as the more stubborn, biased, and petty fanbases like to say.
Dude, I really doubt Gabe will get more than a determinate one minute cameo at the end of this.
While others might already be saying/thinking this(for the wrong reasons), Gabe wasn't really a character who'd be up for recurring majorly where Clementine is concerned, even with the copouts being considered.
We can be hopeful this turns out well. But at the same time be prepared for this.
I keep seeing a lot of negative comments about this season already. I think people are forgetting this is only the first episode, not the whole season. The whole season isn’t gonna just be about the kids. Also, not every kid is a “fuck-up” like Gabe. They described each kid differently like Marlon is foul mouthed but soft yet Louis is flirty and Violet is hardened like Clem. Not every single kid will be a “fuck-up”.
We’ve never seen a group of just kids in The Walking Dead...ever. Not in the comics and not in the TV show. This is something new. A lot of people complain about TFS Possibly being a retelling Of S1 yet get mad if Telltale tries a new approach. I don’t know how people are already saying it’s worse than ANF if Episode 1 hasn’t even been completed or released yet. You can’t judge how bad a game looks by just its concept art.
Imo, if anybody doesn’t like this season already, then don’t buy it. Just please don’t ruin it for the others who want to play it.
...Wait, are these actual character descriptions?
I'm hoping they FINALLY make good use of a youth villain.
I have my concerns, but this collectively serialized.
I slightly embellished what Telltale said
Looking at it all laid out like that...
Jesus, this really looks like the tropes you'd expect from a dating simulator of some sorts.
From what i saw it seems more like a teenage high school simulator set in the sim universe.
Telltale just can't catch a break here lol
It's amazing how these characters already have more depth to them than the characters from ANF, and the game isn't even out yet.
No they cannot. They could find the cure for cancer at this point, and people will still complain about it.
There's no reason to have any doubts yet. With Telltale Games reorienting their organization with a focus on delivering fewer, better games with a smaller team, I trust them to deliver. They want to become more competitive as a developer and publisher of groundbreaking story-driven gaming experiences with an emphasis on high quality in the years ahead, and this is a start.
Which is an odd thing to say, considering the only times Gabe actually "fucked-up," it served the plot and yet had little consequence. And this is _after _the direction change, mind you.
Aaaand, red flag already.
That's what I'm trying to tell everyone!! These characters are not only unique but they are kids who will no doubt have a storied past.
Compare them to ANF character bios.
Not to mention most of the ANF character backstories were given by Alyssa via the forums, instead of the actual game. I have so much more faith in these new characters already.
Okay, now I know you're bullshittin.
Though I will say the second one actually does sound inspired.
Let's just hope that Telltale will be able to carry over these personalities into the actual product. Like you said, Telltale ended up explaining certain backstories and personalities here on the forums for the ANF characters, the last thing we want is for these descriptions to be the only development or evidence of personality to them. I don't believe this will be the case though, I also have faith that these will all be incorporated.
Sure, just dismiss everyone who disagrees with you as close minded and stubborn!
Has it occurred to you this might actually not look appealing to some people? That teenagers with extremely emo and edgy designs, and incredibly trope-ish descriptions were not what people were expecting at all as Clem's closing chapter? But what do I know right, either shill, or you're just bias and your perspective doesn't matter!
I know this is none of my business but,
There in the apocalypse. How would you want those teenagers to dress with no adults or maybe no other clothing and supplies to wear? Not to mention almost 6 years deep in the apocalypse where most of the world is shit.