"Worth" Episode Discussion
In the middle of watching the episode I missed last week, (key phrase: "What the shit?"), so uh, we'll deal with it.
Hopefully this new episode tonight will be great. As always comment before, while, and after you watch.
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There will probably be something goin on between Simon and Negan now that he is no longer in danger and he is back on track to regain his throne. And I hope we learn a bit more about what Ex Trashqueen was planning to do with the evac.
That Gregory outburst has to be one of my favorite scenes in this whole season.
Once again, Eugene showing me why I like the Comic version of him better
Eugene, I didn't know you had it in you!
Okay okay, I’m not sure if that was the worst thing this show has ever done or the best. But it is one of the two.
Why do I have a feeling that Simon is going to die soon...
Yes! Give us a show!
Ohhhh.. R.I.P Simon
Press f to pay respects.
I will never forget you Simon. You were always my guy. If it was truly your last day on Earth, treasure your loved ones.
Woah... Well shit. Morgan's leaving the show next week
Man, I'm going to miss Simon, but more importantly, I'm going to miss Steven Ogg. No offense to JDM, but I honestly think Steven would have been a better Negan.
I completely forgot all about that girl that was able to get away from Dwight, so I was certainly not expecting that to happen at the end. As soon as I did, it all came together. Negan knew, he came up with a fake plan, and he knew that Dwight would try to give it to Rick. The stage has been set for the finale, let's see if they can deliver.
They focken killed Trevor Simon ? also Eugene throwing up was an accurate representation of me watching that scene.
Whoever is in charge of the show has run out of ideas. The dialogue of an episode consists of either a game of thrones type thing where some guy is giving a speech to a crowd about what the next move is, or cheesy, melodramatic over emotional type speeches usually about how they are all one big happy family and usually done by Rick's crew.
This is a result of the show being static. The creators of the show don't seem to want things to get worse, or better. Zombie situation never really seems to improve and there are always crazy communities.
My thoughts exactly. I don't know if it's JDM, the writers or directors but there's something very cheesy about Negan in the show
After, Carl's death and this episode, I'm seriously considering not watching the show after Season 8. My problem with the episode is the forced death of Simon and how it was completely preventable. Negan forgave him and was willing to move on, why not play along and wait until arriving at the Hilltop (where Negan will be surrounded by hundreds of people wanting to kill him) to finish the job. You would have to be totally brainless to stage an attack in broad day light. It just seemed to me the writers were just desperate to kill saviors ASAP regardless of the ridiculousness of it.
The show is probably gonna be better in season 9,i'm hoping we see the whisperers to have some real villains if not then something cool with that helicopter who knows.
Move on from this All Out War arc, and the stupid decisions the show made lately like bringing back Morales just to kill him lmao.
killing Carl was fucking stupid too.
I really think Season 9 will be better,but that new showrunner have a lot of work to do.
Gimple isn't gone, he's just gonna be the new boss' boss. He's being promoted to oversee TWD, Fear, and anything else they may or may not be doing in the walking dead universe, TV or otherwise, which means he'll probably still be fairly hands on with season 9 if he wants to be.