Am I the only one who didn't know about this season 1 scene?
Years have passed and I had know idea this scene existed in season 1.
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Years have passed and I had know idea this scene existed in season 1.
Yeah you're probably one of the few ones who didn't know about that but it's cool.
I remember the first time i saw that,didn't expect that at all.
I didn't know, either. I was thinking about going back and playing a silent Lee playthrough, not talking to anyone unless I absolutely was forced to. If I had done that playthrough I would have seen this. Kinda' disappointed now lol. But yeah it's hilarious everyone got beat by a little boy walker.
I like when they do over the top death scenes sometimes, for instance :
Episode 5 had weird death scenes, I mean theres a fake Javier game over scene that last for almost a minute and almost feels like Javi was suppose to be bitten. I feel like whoever actually got this by accident was probably really confused when it just goes "game over try again"
Haha, I did that on my first go by accident. I knew that Kenny was on-edge and I didn't want to push him any further (I hate conflicts) and so I must've been silent, I guess, I'm not really sure what I did really. I didn't realized I had messed up at first. When duck turned and had killed everybody, I thought it was legitimately part of the story. Then Lee got knocked off the train and I was thinking "Holy crap! What the hell's gonna happen now?! How's Lee gonna survive that fall off the train--" You Are Dead "Oh... whaaat?!"
Who's gonna want to kill a walker kid? The "euthanasia" scene was bad enough.
Of course nobody would want to kill a zombified child, I understand that. But how the hell did they allow a 60 pound kid to kill all four of them? They could have at least ran away or something.
That's why it's not canon.
Walker Duck had the strength of ten-thousand renegade Ducks and could easily push Lee off of the train with only his pinky finger. That sheer strength was part of the reason why he was euthanized, not only to end his suffering, but to save the world. Lee, Katjaa and Kenny intuitively knew that if they let him turn, he'd be unstoppable and would kill off all of the remaining survivors in probably a month, tops.
I dunno, some of the death scenes were weirrrd.
A walker is a walker is a walker. Doesn't matter if it's an old man, a middle aged woman, or a kid, a walker is a walker. The person is dead and gone and all that's left is a shell. They really aren't gonna be offended at you smashing in their walker body brains. Hesitating to put any of them down is a life threatening mistake.
Also, what euthanasia scene? I'm not sure I ever saw that.
Huh. Once I never would've known about otherwise.
[ANF!]Clementine getting flopped down like that was kinda humorous, but the whole thing is pretty fucked up. My heart's kinda unsettled, man.
Though I have to ask: What the heck happened with Kate there? The camera angles doesn't really make it, well, make sense.
This one's actually legitimately kinda sad. (Gabe slumping the walker with a casual boot to the ass aside.)
Fun Fact: They intended to do a LOT more of these throughout the game at one point.
EDIT: What the hell?!
Also, Tripp does NOT fit in there at all.
Oh yeah, I remember that. Pretty messed up to think he managed to off everyone in the back.
Katjaa not being visible is both a mercy and makes it even creepier.
Yeah, seriously.
I think that's what Clementine did.
Kenny/Lee putting down Duck in the woods.
Truth. Those parasitically evicting malfested corpses need to be stopped.
Yeah, I'm guessing this non-canon scene went something like this. Duck turned and got Katjaa real easy since she was holding him right by her neck. Clementine must have watched this happen and jumped off of the train in a panic leaving her hat behind. Ben was bested by zombified Duck because well... reasons.
Pretty much.
Although that 2nd visual is a little narmy/humorous
In before "Because he's Ben."
Thing is Ben has proven that he is more than capable of running away from walkers.
Again, dat 2nd visual, tho.
Wait? That's not canon? That's what I got. I assumed that was the normal thing. Kenny and Katja take a barely alive Duck into the woods, Lee stays with Clem. Hear a gunshot and Kenny screaming. Lee goes to investigate and Katja has killed herself and Kenny is freaking out. Lee helps Kenny get a grip and one of them (determined by choice) kills Duck. That's not the canon outcome?
Uh, essentially no, it is?
I didn’t know about the scene either
...I was tempted to write that before I scrolled down ain't gonna lie.
I love this death scene. Got it by accident the first time I played the game and thought it was hilarious.
I seen a video you can leave if you don't want put down dying Duck
The scene where you volunteer to shoot Duck. in my opinion, this is not euthanasia, someone has lost his sense of the word.

No. It's called "Giving Mercy"
Yeah that's what I did. So that's not the canon outcome?
Putting Duck down in the woods is canon. Sorry if I caused any confusion by vaguely mentioning that scene. The non-canon scene that this thread is actually about is one of the game-over ("You Are Dead") scenes were Duck turns into a walker and unrealistically kills everyone.
I may have incorrectly used the word "euthanasia" when talking about Duck's (canon) death, but I purposefully said it in "quotation marks" because I knew it didn't exactly describe it but I didn't know what else to call it.
Oh no you're fine. I knew you didn't mean literal euthanasia but the canon/non-canon thing did confuse me. All is well now. Thanks for clearing it up. I was thinking there was another way to deal with Duck that I somehow missed but most everyone else got it and my way was the oddball wtf way lol.