The Golden Age Of 90's Cartoons/Kid's TV
So I was at my cousin's house the other day watching TV with her till dinner was ready. Couldn't tell you name of the show we were watching but the first thought in my head having seen a snippet of it and the advertisements is that kids TV today is absolutely garbage... Any other 90's born people out there who can relate to the epic shows we use to enjoy? Here is a nostalgia trip of some openings for epic 90's shows/late 90's kids would grow up with:
Spiderman (Aerosmith even made the soundtrack for this):
Digimon (Use to love this more than Pokemon back in the day):
Original Pokemon:
Raven (This is a UK show "a bit like ninja warrior for kids"):
Dick & Dom in Da Bungalow (Another UK one this was banned from air due to being too outrageous):
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers:
Beyblades (When everyone was playing with them in the playground):
Top Cat:
Looney Tunes (Technically decades older but it had a regular run on TV):
Tom & Jerry:
There are so many more I could of listed but these are some of my favourites of my time being born in the second half of the 90's. List your own if you feel like it lol.
•don’t be afraid of the dark
•dragon ball z
•yu yu Hakusho
•the buzz light year show
Great now I feel old?
And I feel sad cause I can't go back in time
I love the original Pokemon seasons, such a great show.
Actually, it was just the guitarist, Joe Perry.
Samurai Pizza Cats.
It was a thing.
He's actually an occasional lead vocalist of Aerosmith. Still an awesome soundtrack though.
I'm just going to say it: Batman: The Animated Series
It should go without saying, but I will mention it anyway.
I mean, it's widely(in North America) considered one of the best cartoon series' ever made.
A kids show that constantly tackled adult topics in a way they could understand them. It really was genius. Subjects like loss(not just his parents), mortality, the unfairness of life, mental disorders, regret. The list goes on.
Special mention to the episodes "Heart of Steel", which I didn't get to appreciate until I was older. A two part episode that tackles "what is life"...Which is centered around AI and features an actor from Blade Runner... Of course.
Edit: Another episode tackles the topic of unrequited love. This character, even after being turned down, still intends to sacrifice their life to save the one they love. As with most of the heavy topics the show deals with, the scene is moved on fairly quickly... But still... Dude, this was a Saturday morning cartoon show for kids. The scene was dead serious while it lasted too.
(sorry, I wasn't born in the 90's. I didn't read the fine print)
DBZ, Dexter's Laboratory, Power Puff Girls, Ed Edd n Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Codename: Kids Next Door, Robot Jones, Samurai Jack (Officially ended in 2017), Danny Phantom, Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
This was when Cartoons were GOOD.
90's was like the best decade for cartoons.
*All of those Superhero Cartoons
* The Pokemon show
* The Simpsons (even though its still on air today)
* The Tick (they made a new series of him on Amazon Prime)
* Johnny Bravo
* Futurama
* SpongeBob SquarePants
That's my list!
Can't believe I forgot about this show:

I haven't watched any kids TV in years but i do have some good memorises of 90s shows.
Hey Arnold was great

This was good for its time but the animation looks a bit crappy now

i loved Toxic crusaders as a kid



Kenen and Kel

There are many more but i don't want to spam too much.
They really were just a bunch of jerks.
Honestly, ANYTHING before 2010 was great. Now, not so much.
The Loud House is pretty times. The newer episodes of SpongeBob are pretty funny too with the Old Writers coming back.
I was born in 1982 so I was a pre teen/teen in the 90s and I watched all the 90s kids shows. Power Rangers, X-Men, Spider-Man, Batman: The Animated Series, Pokemon, Rugrats, Doug, Ren & Stimpy, Saturday Night Nickelodeon, etc.