The Wolf Among Us 2 Coming in 2019

Hey Mundies,
We’re here with some news: The Wolf Among Us 2, based on Bill Willingham’s award-winning Fables comic book series from DC’s Vertigo imprint, will now launch in 2019, rather than the latter half of 2018. This delay comes as the result of a few fundamental changes here at Telltale since we first announced the game last summer.
Most importantly, we're committed to exploring new ways to tell our stories. Taking this extra time will allow us not only to focus on quality but also to experiment and iterate in order to craft something truly special.
Ultimately our goal is to deliver an experience deserving of the passion you’ve consistently shown for The Wolf Among Us, and these extra months will give us the time we need to do our best work. We’re extremely enthusiastic about how the game is progressing so far, and we can’t wait to dig even deeper.
Still, we know we’ve just made a long wait even longer, which is why we sincerely appreciate your patience. We’ll have more Wolf news for you later this year, and for now, you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook to ensure you’re always up to date. Thanks...and see you around.
Also... please welcome @Alyssa_TTG to the Wolf family as the project's Executive Producer!
@Nicole_M and Alyssa will be online for the next hour, and I'll be in this thread for the rest of the day to answer your relevant Q's
Hi everyone!
Honestly, I'm all good with this. I'm glad they're taking their time and making sure their next game is good
Hi friends! Super excited to be here and to be working with @Nicole_M, @mostlypoptarts, and the rest of the delightful Wolf team!
Congrats @Alyssa_TTG!
tfw wolf s2 delayed
Worth the wait.
Quality meme, Poogs. Quality meme.
I'm actually excited by the news, if I am interpreting this part right while also keeping in mind Pete Hawley's previous interviews:
This is a bit impromptu so I don't really have any good questions, so instead I'll just wish you all good luck on the project!
Thanks for your support! We're really excited about what we've got planned.
Definitely for the best. Rather have a well-polished game that takes more time to develop than one that was rushed to meet a release date. I hope they make the best use of this extra time.
Thank god! Take all the time you need
Trust me, they are! I walk over to their area of the office every day and see cool things they are working on.
Appreciate the support -- and I can say that I'm REALLY happy with the way we're using this time. Thanks for being there for us!
YAY! I’m so excited!

Can I just say that I'm a big fan of your Tumblr?
I am sure you guys at Telltale are tired of seeing my name pop up in discussions but I am highly appreciative of the fact that you guys are taking your time to produce a high quality story for two of your best Series'
Take all of the time you need! I just know that the wait for both upcoming projects will be well worth it!!
And welcome @Alyssa_TTG and @Nicole_M I am eager to see what you both have in store for us!
And this is probably a stupid question to ask but does this confirm that Telltale will be releasing around one game per year so to ensure the product is of the highest quality?
thanks again
I'm obviously not staff but I would say probably not. I think Pete Hawley said in an interview they might do 2-3 projects a year. But, of course not this year since they are in the middle of trying to evaluate how to innovate Telltale's gameplay and seemingly make it more unique for each IP.
There's no set rule about how many products we ship, like no one is saying it has to be one or two per year, but we are definitely focusing on "fewer, better" as Pete has said in the past!
Be sure to let the designers know to add graffiti in an alleyway saying "Give Poogs Rhys Socks" hidden away in a corner so when we see it I can finally die a meme god thank u xoxo bless u fam squad
I'd say that this confirms that Telltale is doing the right thing by WAU2!
Also, I don't know if @Nicole_M has mentioned it yet... but in addition to being Wolf's Season Lead Writer, she is also the project's Creative Director!
So, I guess I have an actual question now!
Going forward, does this mean that perhaps each Telltale game will be more individualized, and most Telltale series will be tailored towards the IP in more ways than just what kinds of choices players make? Part of what I liked about the old school pre-TWD Telltale games is that each one felt more unique, even if they shared an overall template.
Thank you so much for the helpful responses Moderators and Staff. I am immensely excited for what is in store!
That's certainly the plan for Wolf. We can only speak for our project, but we intend to make this something special for Wolf fans and we can't wait to share more with you all.
TWAU is my favorite Telltale game so if the second season is worth the delay, I'm more than willing to wait as long as it's necessary
I know this isn't directly related to YEAH, but does this mean we can expect TWD S4 to be delayed as well until next year?
No -- we'll have more news for TWD around E3...
Just something I want to put out there for the current Wolf team seeing theres a few here right now.
Please remember the vast vast majority of the people who are going to be playing this game (seriously like 99%) are people who played Season 1. Just please remember that we want a game that still remembers season 1 and does season 1 justice with the continuation of the story. Its what the fans really want, a true direct sequel to Season 1, no weird reboot/hybrid/too newcomer friendly type of stuff. Thanks famo
Actually, I wouldn't mind them trying something different because Wolf doesn't have the same attachment to a chronological narrative as TWD does with seeing Clementine grow up.
Fables is a more broad and wide universe that has lots of interesting stories to tell with different time periods, characters, etc. Just because A New Frontier wasn't what some people wanted, it doesn't mean trying out new ideas doesn't work in all contexts. Tales from the Borderlands was also a game that used two protagonists, and that was a good game. Of course, there is a storied context to why Tales and New Frontier are different, but I don't wanna write a novel about that since I am discussing Wolf.
Point is, I actually think Fables as an IP would be perfectly fine for Telltale to tell stories with different characters, time periods, etc.
As long as they have a good story to tell, I'm actually open minded to whatever they do. Players are naturally more inclined to want to see how a character grows across a zombie apocalypse but Fables is so, so much more than that!
Well yes I do agree, we all know S2 is going to have its own stand alone story. I was trying to say is I dont want past events to be forgotten. I want plenty of call backs to them still. Like for example of how ripping Crooked Man's head off says "Fable Town is afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" I would like it if something like ripping his head off isnt forgotten, something characters actually remember and bring up to Bigby. Stuff like that. Not trying to say S2 needs to be 100% tied with S1 and have some story about Jersey Devil escaping or something. (although it would be cool if he returns obviously), you can think of it this way: Fables is a niche IP compared to The Walking Dead, and thus less prone to "corporate" influence. It was a niche IP revived by fan demand, so you can trust any deviations from the Season 1 status quo are more likely to be from a place of artistic passion as opposed to capitalizing on the popularity of the IP to attract even more players...
it's nice seeing that people are actually responding positively to the delay! yiz gotta do what ya gotta do, we'll all still be here and be still as excited for something that's sure to wow!
If the story takes place as a prequel (see above with what I said about Fables having interesting story lines across different time periods/locations/etc), they might not be able to but I'd be fine with that. If Telltale does a prequel, I'd much rather they focus on telling a story organically as opposed to trying to find a way to make choices from the future storyline "tailor" the prequel.
Personally I would much rather prefer a sequel than a prequel. Obviously more of a personal thing, but I feel like going forward is a better approach than going backwards.
The delay isn't really a big surprise to be honest. We haven't heard anything about Wolf since the summer update and TWD seems to be slightly delayed as well. But I'm fine with it, Wolf is worth waiting for. Take all the time you need.
Well I missed it...but just want to say to @Alyssa_TTG and @Nicole_M , This news of you working on new ways of doing your games is very good news. It never hurts to see about redesigning the wheel. I can only imagine the cool things you and your team at Telltale are doing. But thankyou for this impromptu AMA and even though the game is delayed...the info about what you are doing is making me very happy!
Oh and for the love of all that is good....let's find Pixel and send @Poogers555 some Rhys socks...because he stood here like a lone sentinel wanting a new season of TWAU...I never thought it would happen...persistence deserves rewarded.
Hey guys! There's no rush, at least not from me. The Wolf Among Us is my favorite game by you guys so please take all the time you need to give the second season that extra polish
I agree with Kennyshouldadiedins1 that poogers guy really deserves it man