Top 5 Worst Characters: The Walking Dead: All Seasons (Telltale)
Top 5 Worst Characters: The Walking Dead: All Seasons (Telltale)
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5 - Season 3 Clementine This may be controversial but I hated seeing Clementine get ruined like that. She was a much better character in season 1 and especially 2. Hopefully season 4 will bring back her proper personality.
4 - Michonne Being a cool looking badass is one thing, but You need to have a certain spark to your character if you are gonna be a playable character; a certain charisma/personality about you so to speak... Michone does not have this and was a terrible choice for playable character.
3 - Kate I mean what exactly did this chick do, besides flirting with Javier and forcing a lame love triangle into the story? Not enough for me.
2 - Randall Now I don't remember much about the Michonne game but man I remember how bad this clown ass cartoonish villain was. The death scene where you negotiate his release and then he charges at Michonne anyway and gets himself killed. A hilarious and fitting end for this dreadful character.
1 Joan The worst, most forgettable, underdeveloped villain in the series. She was supposed to be one of the main villains of the game and had so little screen time to make an impact.
I actually agree with you on Clementine. She was better in season 1, they should not have went with her as a main character, it was to early. Michonne series was just awful..... waste... Kate as you see number 5 with me. I actually liked Randall, he would be interesting if you got more time with him. Joan, yeah, how many minutes in total did with have with her??... xD
I think Kate was an ok character. I’m not disappointed in the role she played. Eleanor though....I hate that bitch. Why we couldn’t kill her when we went back into the building after kate blew a hole in richmond is beyond me.
Not bad at all.
Honorable Mention: Alvin and Rebecca: Poor Stand ins for Omid it and Christa
5.Samantha Fairbanks: God what a terrible person. Steals from a community multiple times, gets you involved in attempt to save her own ass, then demands you kill for her
4. Javier: Just a bland, generic protagonist with hardly anything unique or interesting about him
3. Jane: Ugh. A toxic character who caused nothing but problems until her death
2.Joan and The New Frontier: Some of the worst villains in anything ever. I thought Telltale were going in the right direction with Norma, Randall and Monroe up until the game forced us to kill them. Joan is a poorly written villain she and The New Frontier are an undeveloped, over the top failure to make an interesting group
1.Gabe: What an unlikable little douche. The game forced us to try to care about this whiny little pussy but with no reason to. Instead of being competent or likable he comes off as annoying, weak and bitchy this made his death so satisfying
I don't agree with you about Randall,i really liked him,i'll admit that death scene could've happened differently but his character was great,he's so much better than Joan and Badger.
You know, I disagree with you on a majority(if not all of them), but I could at least sorta see the arguments with the first two and was following your POV fine enough.
With that said, how the fuck did Sarah end up being #1?!
Oh wait, IS this a thread where we post our own contenders?
You missed Mike, Luke, and Jane.
Well, personally I would attribute that to Clem losing AJ and thinking he was dead, (Not to mention Telltale's desire to balance against fan-bias) but I understand how u feel about it.
I like you ^^
Yep, Randall had potential.
Yep, how many minutes did we really spend with Joan?
And yes Gabe is a little crybaby.
Post yours !
And this is just my opinion. Sarah was the worst / most useless character in my opinion 

And thank you !
I actually liked Luke
They should have made less characters and focus more on him 
5th. Luke: Was initially set up as the 'older brother' archetype for Clementine at the beginning, only to consistently lose relevance in the story as Season 2 goes on until he is killed off mid-way in the finale. Such a waste of character who could have been so much more.
4th. Gabe: This is someone who I'm supposed to feel sorry for? Someone who criticizes and sells out his own uncle after he saves his life, and receives no repercussions for it? Sorry, Gabe, but you've ruined your chance to redeem yourself just when I was starting to like you.
3rd. Sam: The majority, if not all of the conflicts in the Michonne Mini-Series were caused by Sam and her thieving activities, who is also indirectly responsible for the destruction of a community she had stolen from, and no-one calls her out on getting many people killed, including Michonne and her own people? Well, Sam, I think you've earned a 3rd place here.
2nd. Jane: For someone who is built as a hardened pragmatic survivor, her illogical actions suggests otherwise. It doesn't help her case that her decision to commit suicide in ANF leaves a child and a baby to fend for themselves either.
1st. Kenny: Hoo boy...Kenny was tolerable in Season 1, but his inclusion in Season 2 is without a doubt the worst in my eyes. Overrated, over-glorified, overexposed, and most of all, BORING. Seriously Kenny, you've long overstayed your welcome.
Ava should’ve had waaay more screen time?? Too bad she still dies after you pick to save tripp??
Didn't like Ava ^^
You DIDNT like Ava???How much weed did you smoke while you were playing??
She looked weird, and you only saw her in small parts everytime, didn't really get time to bond with her at all. I will say though her death was prob. the worst writing EVER.
Season 2 was full of uninteresting, undeveloped and wasted characters; Rebecca, Alvin, Sarah, Carver, Arvo, Mike.
I think she looked great and true we didn't get enough time with her. Wish she was a romance option between her and Javi instead of Kate.
I'm not english so I'm always confused with the term worst characters. Does that mean most underdeveloped characters like Joan or most hated characters like Ben? Some people here have Joan on their list cause shes underdeveloped. But some people also have Kenny here cause they don't like his character.
It can be both.
Season 1
for me were Larry and Ben. Larry didn't make any situation any better, and ben only made each situation worse
Season 2
Bonnie. She indirectly cause so many deaths, it's crazy. If it wasn't for her, Carver never would've found the lodge. She got Walter, Carlos, Alvin, Kenny, Jane, Nick, and Luke never would've died. They all would've just killed the zombies at the lodge, turn off the wind turbines. Then she had the nerve to try to leave with everything.
Gabe and Eleanor. Gabe was being a little bitch the entire game, and he told on us when wrecked Conrad in the train tunnel. We did that to save his stupid ass life from being taken away and he goes and tells on us. I'm glad he died.
Eleanor is basically another Bonnie.
Luke's a dumbass. And it wouldn't have made a difference if there were less characters, as every secondary character, after episode 2 is basically a meat puppet, other than Kenny & Jane, all thanks to Telltale deciding to change Season 2's story midway into it. But I'm getting off track. Kenny & Jane never should have been in Season 2; maybe then other characters would've gotten some development, maybe.
Arvo: Even if you choose not to steal the remedies, the guy turns out to be a stick.
Sarah: It could be the supporting of Clementine in Season 2, but it was poorly written and bad used even in its gratuitous death.
Nick: It looked like it would come out after an interesting introduction but was soon discarded by the writers.
Chuck: It could have been an ace up his sleeve when introduced but soon was cheeky to make things easier.
David: It seemed to be an interesting character, but it was only used as a cheap plot device in an unlikely love triangle.
Luke: He is the tritagonist of Season 2 and yet I don’t connect with him at all and he was boring thoughout the entire Season. When he died I was like meh, move on.
David García: If he didn’t return in Episode 2, then he wouldn’t of been of this list. What annoyed me the most about him, was the fact that he was always angry, also he was annoying and I wanted him dead as soon as I saw his true colours throughout Episodes 3-5. I was so pleased, when he died.
Kenny: I wish Kenny replaced Sarita’s death as he stole the spotlight from most characters and had too much screen time and overstayed his welcome. I don’t know why people like him so much, I like Sarita more and she had no character development. Kenny was boring since day 1. His Season 2 death was so satisfying.
Gabe: He should of replaced Mariana’s death. Gabe was so annoying, I was hoping there was an option to abandon him. He is a whiny brat who is selfish and has no skills. You have 0% character development.
Jesus: This character has to be a joke. Jesus is only there to save the day and in a comical way, which was unnecessary and cringy. Heck, I like Joan more than him as he was annoying and boring. Jesus made A New Frontier even more Sh*T!
Jane,AJ,Jane,Jane and Jane xD
Seeing that the okay has seemingly been givenm plus @Thebatman377 's astute gauging, I've taken some time to properly consider my choices for this. And of the (10+?), I think these may suffice as "winning" candidates:
5 Mariana Garcia:
4 Justin the Prisoner:
3 Tripp:
2 Jane:
1 ANF!Clementeen:
Dishonorable Mentions: Violet * , William Carver, Lieutenant Badger, Head of Security David Garcia, Wyatt, Captain Kenny Sr, Rebecca, James Fairbanks, Siddiq, Scout Lonnie
I am gonna slap you.
This thread made me remember that Eleanor and Joan were TWD characters.
This is my top 5 of worst characters in terms of story:
1. Eleanor
2. Joan
3. Alvin
4. Reggie
5. Jesus
I usually compare Bonnie to Jane. They both did really fucked up stuff in the end, but at least Bonnie tried to make things right. Kenny just pushed her to the edge. Jane is worse than anybody we ever met imo. She got Kenny killed, had us go with her so we could fill the emptiness she had felt upon losing her sister, only to end up committing suicide, leaving a 12 year old and a newborn to fend for themselves. And for what? Because she got pregnant? It's ironic too because It was her words that she'd "never bring a child into this world" and look what ended up happening. In the end, she was nothing more than a sad, conniving weasel who always gave up before even trying. I hope Kenny's in Hell, so that when Jane gets there, he'll kick her ass for eternity

5- Season 3 Clem
God they ruined her character... sad to say but her character in season 3 was stale, unrelatable, and just awkward? Idk hopefully they fix it in 4
4- Gabe
This is obvious butttttttt I couldn’t help myself he was edgy™️
3- Bonnie
2- Joan
Even worse underdeveloped trash
1- Arvo
Do I need to explain?
I love how SHE's the big wut.
She's a pre-pending candidate.
5 Mark - The guy wasn't even willing to give of himself for the good of the group.
4 Sarita - Who screams like that in the middle of a herd, so what if Clem just chopped your arm off you needed to stay quite.
3 Jolene - Honestly who keeps wearing their Save Lots smock 3 months into the apocalypse?
2 Walter - Combining Peaches and Beans is awful and wastes two perfectly good food products, just eat them separately.
1 Bonnie - I hope she dies of a slow moving venereal rash that settles in her lying throat.
Is the first "she" refering to me?
... Candidate because you assume she will be like Jane? Genius.
We had this conversation already. You never listen.
What? Of course not.
Not really, but sure, why not. It's tangible, I suppose.
Oh, I listen. Whether I put what I hear into consistently enough practice is another thing.
And considering who we're talking about here, there has been inherently little room or opportunity for application, so there's not really much of any precedent to be judged here.